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How the fuck did boomers code without AI
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suck their mom's tit, logical thinking is a childhood skill
that's just patently false
logical thinking comes from development of the prefrontal cortex, which is severely underdeveloped in children without autism
that is EXACTLY how i code. never used ai once for code, i will eventually though.
dumb frogposter
Really good printed manuals

There will be AGI sex robot slaves but only available to rich people.
How does that make you feel?
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Do you really think women will allow their only value to be replaced? they are already saying that robots objectify women, treating them as slaves. At least in europe they will guaranteed be banned. It may seem absurd, but they already do the same for loli sex dolls even when they dont hurt anybody. In europe it doesn't matter if it actually hurts somebody, it only matters if the image of the act is similar to abusing a real person.
And then they’ll get cheaper
Have you learned nothing about capitalism
I don't live in EU.
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Capitalists are above women in the hierarchy.
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The second half of the 21st century is setting up to be a rollercoaster where women rapidly lose all rights in a hilarious downward plunge.
I can't wait.

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Expensive gimmicks edition

prev: >>103386967

>Keyboard recommendation template:
(Helps also to mention if you're open to soldering or not)

>Find vendors

>This keyboard stuff is so expensive!
https://aliexpress.com (or Taobao if you are China-savvy)

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>not actually split
Here's a split topre board. Unobtanium though.
>>not actually split
Yeah, but it's a wasteland out there if you really like Topre switches but also want to try out an ergonomic layout. I'm desperate for anything even slightly different from the traditional rectangular keyboard.
How much?
There was that one project years ago for an adjustable, curved column split topre board. Unfortunately dead though.
Like $500 or so.
Yikes and no curve. Mlice66 looking like a good option for the price.

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non-SIDS edition
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Reverb in office is driving me fucking nuts. Working from home instead today. Will order 20 acoustic panels soon to solve that (shit will set me back about 2K).
Get noise cancelling headphones instead of autistic panels
Noise cancelling headsets like this high end one that I am using, are not effective at cancelling off the charts levels of reverb.
Two chepest mattresses leaning on the two walls would solve this, but no this anon buys 2000 worth of foam instead.
I agree that it's a waste of money, DIY solutions could be done for 200 bucks and have a fun afternoon building them. Would still look good, be customizable and work great.

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>/g/ makes a 14th album
Theme: 90s Trance
Deadline: December 31st
Please post titles and/or cover art

Upload the file somewhere and post the link here. If you want to update your track, make a new post.
If possible use a lossless format and upload to a file-sharing service, not to a music site like Vocaroo or SoundCloud.
Include the title of the song in the post. Don't rely on us reading it from the filename or tags.

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it never was this is a norm for DnB. it's a fun jump around and dance kinda genre. People who try and make DnB
always compromise the spirit of the DnB.
This just dropped.
>FabFilter Total Bundle v2024.12.11 Incl Patched and Keygen-R2R
who asked?
who asked you to be a giant fucking faggot?
shit i didn't even know pro-q 4 came out lol

it's tempting... i'm scared to mess anything up tho

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is there any computer you can buy in the current year that would let you install windows 3.11 (without emulation)?
All of them?
Your only option is a second-hand shitbox.
yes its on aliexpress and no i wont spoonfeed you
Yes, just install FreeDOS in UEFI legacy mode and boot 3.11.
you can't even install windows xp on a current computer without a sata driver

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>Lag does not exist on Linux
>what lag? Linux has no lag!
>there is no such thing as Linux lag
>Apple shills are making up shit!
>Linux is more responsive than macOS
>Linux is the fastest OS and it just werks

Explain this, /g/tards.


>libdispatch on Darwin is a combination of logic in the xnu kernel alongside the user-space Library. The kernel has the most information available to balance workload across the entire system. As a first step, however, we believe it is useful to bring up the basic functionality of the library using user-space pthread primitives on Linux. Eventually, a Linux kernel module could be developed to support more informed thread scheduling.

Linux needs this shit in order to minimize the lag on a typical user facing application.

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>frog board
2024 election tourists, or what
meds, NOW
dumb reddit frogposter

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Post your non flatshit themes and icons edition
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Source for the icons? i have been trying to find it for a while, but all i find is gnustep
Not really, while everything looks aight on the surface, I'm miserable most of the time. I was supposed to propose this year but instead I broke up with my ex of 5 years, moved back to home town and I'm trying to do something with my life. I got a substantial rise, which is rare in this economy, I'm building my dream retro car, next year I'm going to recruit for a PhD program and start renovating old house I inherited from my grandparents. But I feel bitter and sad, I trusted that woman and everything I do feels meaningless...
I’m rooting for it like I root for Haiku but I have zero desire to run it myself
>arguing with random anon on basket-weaving forum
I was setting up pam.d for use with fprintd and on X200 it sometimes locks up for some reason, so I was rebooting every few minutes. Also I have other things to do, rather than sitting at my computers 18h a day desu. You grow up from that.
I forget the name and I’m in bed already
But it’s one of these

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who was in the right here?
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Stallman had more dressing sense than all of us
chud moment
jobs obviously
why not both?
Neither statement is correct. The absolute state of bait.

How to request advice:
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
>Frequency response preference and music examples
>Past gear and your thoughts on them

>Where do I buy IEMs?
Amazon, Aliexpress, Linsoul, Hifigo, Shenzhenaudio

>Shopping Guide (IEMs, Cables, Ear Tips, etc.):

>EQ Guide (Measurements, Targets, Equalizer, etc.):

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What is the next step up from SM4 I don't want to support poorfag IEMs like that
Might as well get a Nova for the superior waifu techs
fucking brat
needs correction
That's a shame. I did enjoy my Hana 2021, but one of the 2-pin sockets is loose and I've never really gotten it to stay in my ears all that long anyway. I adore how it looks and feels though, and I like its sound enough that I might've wanted another tanchjim pair as an eventual upgrade. Everyone said the Kara sucked so I skipped it.
I still wanna try the origin. I don't know where I'd get the chance, but I do.

Previous /sdg/ thread : >>103464526

>Beginner UI local install
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Metastable: https://metastable.studio
SwarmUI: https://github.com/mcmonkeyprojects/SwarmUI

>Local install
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
InvokeAI: https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

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well well well, what do we have here?
Fran? Debo? Koffing? some guy posting eggs or whatever? kino
needs bigger boobs. and possibly bunny ears
apropos nothing i beat my machine
it's a part of me---

i beat my machinei beat my machinei beat my machinei beat my machinei beat my machine
recommended programs for preparing a LoRa dataset? surely there's something to do cropping/masking/captioning quicker than doing it manually with regular photo editors and text editors

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>99% of linux users used to be windows users
>but 0% of linux users used to be macOS users
why is this?
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>t. Mac user until 13 years ago when I decided to go full troon
many such cases
Not true, first time I tried linux was with MkLinux.
and thats a good thing
Because you'd have to be completely braindead to get a mac to begin with.
>cant into coding
>cant into games
>cant into most software
>cant into anything
>4x the price for 1 5th the hardware
>retarded ui design worse than even w11
t. poorfag

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can i run that on my phone
makes sense though. no one wants to be openly racist around strangers, and girls aren't going to play nice on total strangers being aggressive with them. the ai brings up good points.
the ai is my slave and should call me a nigger while sucking my cock
you're gonna see dolphin (uncensored) combat llama3's (censored) opinions and absolutely decimate him
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you can't make this shit up. dolphin in green, llama3 in red.

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>We still don't know what audio system we should use
>We still don't know what display server we should use
>We still don't know what widget toolkit we should use
>We still don't know what DE we should use
>We still don't know how to fix most DE bugs
>We still don't know what init system we should use
And the funniest one
>We still haven't figured out what's the best way to install software
Isn't it time to upgrade?
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ill post this when there's a general about linux file managers but i found out about GtkHash, there's a plugin for thunar and it is quite useful! on windows i used OpenHashTab.
autism speaks
i just use the default
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I've been using Linux for 15 years now and my Retina Macbook Pro has basically become unusable for anything except shitposting. Truly installing Linux is a great way to cripple your computer. Let's observe:

- Can't watch any video (YouTube, streaming services, even VLC) without CPU shooting up to 100%. Despite having the latest drivers for it (2022), for whatever reason Linux refuses to use my Nvidia GPU with 1G VRAM for the most basic graphics tasks that even a netbook with integrated graphics can handle no problem. Fail.
- Can't do any AV work or video editing because there is no good software for that on Linux. Avidemux is shit. Bye bye making videos for YouTube, something even a child can do on macOS with iMovie.
- Can't make music in your spare time. LMMS isn't as good as the pro tools (that of course are not available on Linux). Linux doesn't even have a sane way to sequence MIDI, something even OSX 10.0 could do out of the box.
- Most FOSS alternatives to professional software just suck.

So Linux is basically useful if you want to play around with a little black terminal cuckbox and LARP like it's the 1970s, or LARP that you're a 1337 h4x0r. I feel like a long joke has been played on me. The novelty should have worn off long ago, I've hobbled myself for too long with this shit. I want to be able to use my MBP again!

Yes, Linux can be used for programming. But think about what that means for a second: entering ASCII text into a text file. What you're basically admitting is that all that Linux is good for is entering text into a text file, the most basic input activity. You can do that on any platform. You can also use SSH and compile and run your programs on any platform. So you definitely don't need Linux to program.
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no cap fr fr
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Stopped reading here
t. poorfag

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