so, 8k - where is it in the West? Japan and South Korea went mainstream 8k back in 2020, here in America we've barely adopted 4k. why are we 10 years behind the first world tech countries?as an avid consoomer of the latest tech, I demand answers. 4k just doesn't cut it for me anymore.
>>103246519SamePerfect upscaling
>>103251962>what would you do with one?I have pic related. I don't watch much tv anymore but I use it as my main pc screen. I sit about 1m away it's an insane experience>no 8k moviesthat's true but I have seen some early 8k content on it and it's really nice>no gpu powerful enough to handle 8k gamesI have a 4090 and I can play some games in 8k but the screen can only do 60hz at that resolution. Often I play 4k at 144hz and you can tile other windows around it for multiscreen while still having a huge 4k screen in the centre. I agree that for most people it's probably not worth the extra money but I have a decent job now and no kids I can just buy whatever I like at this point. kids cost you like 30k per year each to maintain or something idk
>>103255328>pic relatedforgot pic lol
>>103245082>Nobody will ever need more than 640k of RAM
>>103246519you joke but 16k per eye is the holy grail of VR
The GNU people have released Artemis, the new Guile Scheme web framework! No need to use giant bloated retarded frameworks any more!
Why not AGPL?
Very nice.Hope this IB engine updoot now:
C++ is finished / Why C++ is a shitshow language threadTD;DR:>C++ is an old-boys club protecting each other, even if they are pedos>C++ people in power just making things up, while demanding proof from others>C++ standardization groups and committees are dysfunctional and put out sub-standard work while blocking good proposals>C++ leadership inept, out of touch with reality and cannot lose>A short intro to the Dark Souls loreI'll take the rust tranny any time of the day.
>>103255222> address themThe first thing they should have done is do away with that AX, BX nonsense and use R00, R01, etc.And, obviously, make them hex, so we’d have 256 registers, R00–RFFDon’s MMIX already has 256 registers, does he really have to think of and do everything himself? ffs.
>>103255167__chkstk is for when you blow your stack frame beyond a page. It is to help you catch stack overflow reliably.
>>103247479>"The Undefined Behavior Question"(in the context of computer science)>anti-semitic dog whistleat this point it's gotta be some kind of schizophrenia right?
>>103255288>The first thing they should have done is do away with that AX, BX nonsense and use R00, R01, etc.You're forgetting specialized instructions like STOSx, MOVSx, or LOOP, which use dedicated registers. CX is the counter register for a reason.>inb4 get rid of them tooAlright, what about MUL and DIV? They use AX and DX implicitly.>MMIX already has 256 registersMMX has 8, SSE also 8, AVX 16, and AVX-512 32.
>>103255301> what about REP STOxxx, etc.Obviously, we’ll keep the aliases to the old RSI, RDI, RCX, etc. for people with weak memories and need their IDE-like mnemonic “meanings”Or you could just know that things will put things in R0.I didn’t even get into the need for register windows, like what SPARC has, and you have i0–i7 times 4. (that’s 32… a meager proposals)
>Not sure what private trackers are all about?A private tracker is a torrent website that provides the same functionality as a public tracker but is invite-only. Each member share common goals: collecting, preserving and discussing media.>Have a question?- FAQ WIKI NEWFAG PYRAMID (Updating) or STUDY SPREADSHEET TEN CURRY COMMANDMENTS TEN NEON COMMANDMENTS >>>/g/ptg as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.>Remember the following:Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>103253266i remember tehconnection had sysop's endorsement but the tracker failed nonetheless
avistaz shilling crypto now lmao
>>103255008With a referral link, of course. If you don't already have some Bitcoin, why would you buy now during a historic upswing? Wait and buy during the next dip. Every jackass who buys now at $90k-$100k is going to look retarded when it dips back down to $60k in a few months.
>>103252253>@FBI @CIA @KGB @JoeBiden I'm getting triggered by words here can you do something??? AIEEEEEEEkwab
>>103253063What happened anon? Did you go to prison?
Why hasn't the torch been passed? Feels like there used to be a lot more waves of new users/content but there's barely been any fresh OC in 6 years. 4chan by and large is still living off the fumes of 2014 and no one seems happy about the current batch of posters
>>103255223>exposing yourself in your own post
>>103255270not even close. are you high?
>>103255270you fucking moronplease go back
People move on. The only people left are mentally ill. Seriously, a lot of boards are dominated by eternally online autists who samefag in all threads and start the same threads all the time.
>>103255294I wish I could but nobody can go back. We are doomed to live in this transmigrified hellscape that strays further from its origins all the time.
I've gone back to school as a mature aged student to do a master's program. I have a LOT of PDF t3xtbook reading to do, and want something bigger than my phone and more portable than my PC I can take on walks and read in bed.Thoughts on cheapish tablets? I'm Australian, literally going to use it to read exciting textbooks such as "first step in mathematics: number book 1 revised edition" and "Classroom management: Engaging students in learning (3rd ed.)"No iPad, my university only allows Android and windows devices to be used.
Which of these would you recommend? Is the cheaper one enough? Most demanding thing this would ever do it youtube
>No iPad, my university only allows Android and windows devices to be used. I understand not allowing graphing calculators during exams but tablets? Why would they even care?
How long until this twitter copy dies?
>>103255160once its users off themselves
>>103255239Good thing new ones are being cultivated on Discord then.
Hopefully never. I'm looking forward to the tumblr style insanity that cultivates in there
>>103255186>easier to scrape by AI bots>permanent archivesArtists fell for a massive grift and it's hilarious.
>>103255186>deleting posts is impossible thereNo it's not
could you do work on your computer without waking him up?
with a hammer
>>103254159No. These cursors are cute, but they're a bit distracting.
Tech News & Industry InsightsArs Technica - News - - Register - Verge - Development & ProgrammingGitHub Trending - -, CSS, HTML sandbox - Web Docs - Overflow Blog - Operations & InfrastructureComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
git flow is retarded, why are we doing this
>>103254773it doesn't matter.
RTO started as once a pay period.Then two months ago it turned into 3x/week.Now there is a rumor from the contracting office that it is going to 5x/week soon because of federal mandates...Its so over.
>>103254794i'm ~1000 miles from the closest office and permanently remote. they can lay me off if they want or whatever, i guess.
Just about ready to kys myself from working with the most monstrous legacy shit imaginable.
Just run this command and lost all my picturesfind . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.jpg" -exec mv {} $(date +%s).jpg \;
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.jpg" -exec mv {} $(date +%s).jpg \;
>>103252798>shutdown your computer ASAP, grab a livecd/liveusb, install the testdisk package and run photorec to try to recover those filesthisI once recovered 80% of my film archive like this
>>103251095Here's a woomy for you anon, keep her safe and warm and she'll bring you good luck.
you have automatic btrfs snapshots, right?
What hepa air purifier units do you guys use in your homes, apartments, or offices? It seems like every $100 below air purifier is chinese junk that doesn't actually filter and just blows air around. What do you guys entrust for your breathing pleasure?
>>103253664if its caked in debris its just gonna start blowing mold into the air, you should replace it
>>103253539>they're all just marketing bs>muh hepamax dunning-kruger post
>>103253539>>103251145>chinese junkEvery consumer 'air purifier' is Chinese junk that gets BTFO by DIY units because their air exchange rate is fucking atrocious. This is because they all use HEPA filters which are far too dense for a good air exchange rate + carbon filters which add even more resistance for no gain. You're better off just opening your windows for an hour to deal with VOCs (carbon filter target) unless you live in a Chinese or Indian city. Here is what you need fundamentally: Basic (but noisy) Corsi-Rosenthal box >any box fan of reasonable quality >a shroud to channel the airflow over the fan>MERV 13 20"x20"x1" >see: any of the dozens of corsi-rosenthal tutorials Improved design (quieter but harder to build)Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>103251145>>103251309>>103254791>corsi rosenthal with PC fansHuh, well there you go. Everyone has been busy making an even better, possibly more expensive, design. It could also be DIY'd with even cheaper shit lying around.
>>103254791Not especially concerned about dust myself. I use a purifier to reduce VOC’sI’m sure I could rig a box fan to a carbon filter but I can afford a quiet good-looking one. But what’s the deal with dust? Is a bit of dust that bad?
My CompSci professor admitted to watching porn before coming to lecture. That's it. That's the thread. Technological implications? Umm, I think he needs less technology :\
>>103255170built for bbc.
>>103255170>>103255059>>103254737>>103253834Ongezellig of course represents the paradoxical phenomenon of miserable self-isolation, wherein the current state of affairs has to be rationalized away with alleged conspiracies of extraversion. This however precludes intimacy, of which the desire peaks as puberty epitomizes. This can be symbolized as a hedgehog whose needs for warmth in the cold outdoors can be met by the physical contact of its peers, but is hindered by its own defense mechanism in the form of spines used against predators. As humans don't face natural predators, their defense mechanisms are instead social, hence the name "Unsociable"
>>103253834That's pretty weird...
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.Many free software projects have active mailing lists.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>103254607Nope, and it has never been the case, the sticks can only run at the highest speed supported by all of them, so the faster set would just get nerfed. There is also no guarantee what memory address range goes to which stick.The dual MCs on Intel handle one pair of RAM sockets each, and they're both dual-channel. The primary MC is always enabled, the secondary MC is off until there's 3/4 DIMMs installed. At least that's how I understand it from the Intel docs.
>>103254607Took a while to find this one.
>>103241578I am running Linux Mint and Brave and want to run Jupyter Notebook for univeristy. Why am I unable to get Jupyter launching in Brave by default? I generated and changed the file to have: c.NotebookApp.browser = '/usr/bin/brave-browser-stable'To no success. The only thing i've had luck with is manually going to my localhost in brave after already opening it in firefox.
c.NotebookApp.browser = '/usr/bin/brave-browser-stable'
>>103251746>So you want absolutely no interface of any kind? Just launch to background? mpg123. idk what Ranger is or does but if it's something scriptable I'd use mpg123 in the script.No, something like pic.>>103251884Yeah, but mpv doesn't show CLI based progress bar AFAIK>>103252127Because no one bother to make pip package manager.My advice is to use docker.>>103254108For what?I've tested several DE on touch based device.Gnome and KDE are the best.BilssOs/AndroidX86 are second best.
>>103255283>Because no one bother to make pip package manager.Pip is a package manager. The issue is it conflicts with your systems package manager. You should not both manage Python packages with your distros package manager and then go behind its back separately and manage packages with Pip.It works alright if you're only installing pure-python packages and don't expect your systems package manager to take precedence (i.e it's okay for ~/.local/lib/python3.X to take precedence) but even then those packages that you install with Pip will break once your distro upgrades Python to a major version.Pip essentially only works in isolation where you never update the systems version of Python to a new major version or if you do then you have an understanding that things will break and are prepared to re-install all of your pip packages.
>>103251826youll be lucky to run windows 11 with that
>>103252229why is explorer so unresponsive in 11? sometimes I wait two fucking seconds after clicking the taskbar for an already-open window to actually appear. 32GB of RAM. where the fuck is it storing this stuff? I don't even have any HDDs.
>>103252711What's your Internet speed like, bucko?
>>103251826>depth 31.2 inchesGive up, you'll never satisfy it.
>>103251826>8x 4tb>raid 0this is not a good idea
i found out a conspiracy that no one notices or youtube homepage is littered with booba thumbnail bait.its fucking unusable at this pointthe only thing that could have done that is me watching a couple of "churdleys" videos which are booba bait humor.but get this...i regularly search for "grout repair" "bathroom repair" "grout sealer" all kinds of videos. i listen to cumtown, opie and anthony. why am i not getting these types of videos reccomended? or other comedians?my homepage contains 0% of what i regularly watch and search for. but contains 100% brainrot random tiktok and popcorn content, titty streamers and BOOBS on every scroll.i realized since i downloaded my favorite podcasts as OPUS i havent been using youtube for background youtube MUST KNOW that ive found a way to listen to something else offline, so now they are saying one final fuck you and littering my homepage with brainrot porn.
>>103254183this is literally not truea lot of creators i used to watch get taken out of my algorithm if i stop watching them, even if I'm subbed to them
>>103254190The point of algorithms isn't to recommend the same people/groups but similar in "content". So of course those you block gets removed.
>>103254240apparently it's a dude
>>103237261>>103237309>>103237348>>103237612>r*ddit types>denies having brain rotmost self aware retarded newfag