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ITT: we post irrelevant deprecated artifacts of the ancient world

I'll start

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Everything is already from China, but in here we discuss the cheap chink shit you see on various sites.

Useful links
>New guide (WIP): https://csg-guide.neocities.org/
>installgentoo wiki: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Chink_shit_general
>Mergeboss links (click 3, post yours): https://pad.disroot.org/p/%2Fcsg%2F_ali_game

>What headphones/earbuds should I buy?
>I want a cheap smartphone what should I buy?
>I want to buy some sort of emulation device


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These were mine, I still have the one right one somewhere.
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Well done
Females and males start from the same generic codebase and some interfaces are delicate, so it's better to leave them be alone that trying to get rid of them. Also, sometimes they also are useful for more recreational purposes of the product.
I use mine to listen to music while washing up or showering.
Is there any good bt speaker for showers?

I'm don't really know much about the cybersecurity and hacking scene, so this seems like an enigma to me.

A lot of black hat or threat actor websites operate on the clearnet
Sites like breachforums and raidforums were on the clearnet, and both of them got seized by the government.

Why dont they only operate from TOR? It's a good thing that this makes them easier to catch, but why would they operate in the open like that? I don't understand why they would do that.
Do they think they wont get caught, do they not care?
SOme of them do have onion addresses in addition to clearnet addresses, but i wonder why they have a clearnet at all.

Does it just take the FBI a long time to catch them?
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I'm a fed lawyer, and I can say that everyone in my agency is freaking out over Loper Bright (the case the overturned Chevron). Not saying that necessarily means that things will get better, but it's certainly got my fellow bureaucrats rattled, at least until we can figure out what to do going forward.
>My theory is that anyone who would be smart enough to have enough OPSEC to not get caught, is also smart enough to find easier and more legal ways of earning a lot of money.
in the US, yes, for sure. in russia, given there are no legal repercussions for hacking/stealing from westerners you can make way more in cybercrime than a software dev job
its probably bad that they overruled that.
it's odd that /t/ is still around though
>I'm don't really know much about the cybersecurity and hacking scene
It shows

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Saars... It was supposed to be our turn...
Why didn't they do any research first before making such a huge commitment?
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Madoka the C
Homura the Common Lisp
Kyouko the Ruby
Sayaka the Bash
>Madoka the C
>Homura the Common Lisp
>Kyouko the Ruby
>Sayaka the Bash
op the tranimeposting retard
anime website
no excuse for being retarded on /g/
here you are expected to have at least 90 iq, thank you very much

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this is from Feb 5, 2024 you dirty stinky gorilla nigger
but 2 minute papers just released a video how am i supposed to find these papers without someone feeding them to me like im a little baby who can't do anything alone
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i hate that channel because it is always reporting old shit as new
Pretty cool. What are the other advancements to usher in total paint pig death? Controllability, better fine details, hands etc.... what else?

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fine, this is spyware, but what do you use to chat and share screen with friends
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>'cord is... le spyware!
>nuh-uh, 2 more weeks
kill yourself
What even is the point of using discord? Servers are all dead, hard to get into due to there being established cliches, censorship, and thus, with servers at least, you can't establish any social bonds any more so than you could on a traditional forum, thus making it only slightly better than here. Trying to add specific people on places dedicated to that purpose itself comes with issues, namely that's there's very few places to just drop tags in the first place, they're slow, and things end up falling apart anyway. Element has these problems too, some exacerbated, such as finding specific people to talk to instead of fucking around in a server and hoping someone DMs or you fit in, and some somewhat better like you not being as easily censored, for better and for worse. Honestly, discord seems pretty shitty all things considered, and so do most of its competitors. Some new form of connecting with others online should be made, but it won't, because it's impossible not to make it shit, and that's assuming it will even get made somehow. Fuck this
What are you, some kind of faggot?
GTF-Outta here normalcunt
lol freechode btfo EFNet4lyfe die for irc

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Uh ... Deepfake sisters?
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Forgot image and I didn't mean to reply to a post.
wait so I just have to get a tattoo and they cant draft me?
>Defiance act
Oh my... what a time we live in
kek just don't be in muttland and you'll be fine
my gpu is from 2009 lol

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There should be a friendly macOS thread on /g/

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Bryan Lunduke confirmed NOT JEWISH
he is a thief and a liar
Here is proof of him admitting of being 100% white an 0% jewish
He looked like a freshly turned 30 year old twink in 2016, he aged so poorly

you just realized that your dad left you $250M worth of stock from his days at microsoft.

how do you rectify your dads evil deeds of working for microsoft and instead make linux great again
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this is the best idea ever made by /g/
Sell my shares, invest in real estate, buy a nice house for myself and retire. I'm not giving a single cent to Linux or any FOSS project because they'll just spend it on empowering transwomxn and their neovaginas.
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$250 million you say? I never have to work another day in my life!
What's the use case for giving my fortune to a bunch of ungrateful freetards? Don't they already get enough in corporate donos?
id buy ebussy's bussy pix
This. I'd rather use it for lobbying and political ambitions or start my own foundation for the sole purpose of shitposting against society.

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>ITT: software that nobody hates, except for that one anon
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In other words, no leeching
Is there any existing record of list on last known, newest patch for programs to work on W7. Something like:
>latest driver version that support W7
>latest patches of Firefox, qBittorrent, etc.
>latest MS Office is 2016, etc.
retro build is complete anons, got a triple boot
>xp pro
>7 ultimate
>kubuntu 24.04

next is pirate some old games with EAX enabled for the weekend
>I could try to
>fetch the Rapidgator link.
That'd be nice anon. I gave their 30 day trial a go, but the software was kind of unstable. i wouldn't pay for it.
>Terminal mental illness.
Talking about yourself?
The (completely artificial, mind you) lack of support doesn't change that it's the greatest Windows release ever.

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What are you working on, /g/?
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You can tell what the output is without running the code, right?
int main()
int a = -1;
int dx = 0;
int dy = 1;
if (dy == 0)
if (dx < 0)
a = 0;
else if (dx > 0)
a = 1;
else if (dx == 0)
if (dy < 0)
a = 2;
else if (dy > 0)

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It does nothing, the screen shows nothing.
You could just give the code to an AI and ask it

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Post the (intentionally) worst and most cursed or funny looking AIslop you've generated
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Is there really no way to toggle the volume by increments less than 6% at a time? There's no apps that actually work to fix this. I heard Samsung phones let you do it but mine's not a Samsung.
This is so fucking stupid. Why not just allow more granularity?
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>solved by recessed volume wheels since the 80's
>be me
>have players with recessed volume wheels
>issue still happens
This is why you still had belt clips/holsters for these things.
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I miss meth, and drugs in general desu
t. guy playing a ppsspp game on a 4080 super/7800x3d
This is retarded, and you would not be complaining if the volume functioned exactly the way it does now, with the exact same granularity, but they just divided every number by 6 when they showed it to you, so that it starts at 1 and goes by single increments.

Think about it, you're not actually complaining that it goes up by 6% what you're complaining about is they chose to use a scale from 0 to 100 instead of 0 to 16

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