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>Not sure what private trackers are all about?
A private tracker is a torrent website that provides the same functionality as a public tracker but is invite-only. Each member share common goals: collecting, preserving and discussing media.

>Have a question?
- FAQ https://archive.is/UVQkn
- WIKI https://igwiki.lyci.de/wiki/Private_trackers
- NEWFAG PYRAMID (Updating) https://inviteroute.github.io/graph or https://inviteroute.github.io/sheet/
- STUDY https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/2F379FE0CB50DF502F0075119FD3E060
- SPREADSHEET https://hdvinnie.github.io/Private-Trackers-Spreadsheet/
- TEN CURRY COMMANDMENTS https://pastebin.com/raw/dBbdE73M
- TEN NEON COMMANDMENTS https://pastebin.com/raw/Ud2pGYaE

Use >>>/g/ptg as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

>Remember the following:
>It doesn't matter if you use the same username in different trackers, the staff still share your IP with each other.
>Staff is reading, being /marked/ is NOT a meme, and even if it is, it isn't.
>Don't ask for invites, it's private for a reason.
>If starting out you should interview for RED, rank to elite, wait on account age and get invites from there. THAT'S IT THAT IS ALL YOU HAVE TO DO
>Bonus points are for hoarding, not for spending.
>When the website dies, you will be able to migrate your bp and buffer to animeZ

>>103231982; Tracker drama regarding HDVinnie and BLU.
>>103234457; Anon has swallowed the Usenet pill.
>>103235297; PTP has whitelisted qbit 5.0.2.
>>103236394; Zed doesn't like being being quoted on /ptg/.

Previous thread: >>103230865
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I am still running 4.4.3
Sell me on qbit 5.0.2
RED bros....please hold on tight our lord and saviour Zed has almost finished his udemy course and his wife has just been bred by bbc
>Just because you are not aware doesn't mean they aren't run by assholes, you don't know how they run stuff and you never will unless someone leaks info from the higher positions
That's true. I concede on the staff point, PTP recently has proven that and it's been proven many times before like you said with the EMP example.
I never said HDB or BTN are my favorite trackers. My favorite is probably KG. Still, $10 is not $200 and you don't have to use the Z network's shitty payment processor.
The content is too valuable to ditch, the rules annoy me but I would never dream of ditching my account. The IP rules, known staff instability/no warning changes (like the 90 day one) and inactivity immunity requirements are my chief complaints.
Based Thread baker strikes again
zed, you are a nigger-loving nigger.
if anyone else does the op we should mass report
don't leave, we are the last stronghold of anti-porn posters in this general
miku op has been the best op in a long time. thanks anon. very comfy
>zed the rapist
i just joined karagarga but they dont have my favorite capeshit
what a useless tracker full of movies no one heard of
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Thank you anons. I find great enjoyment from doing this as well.
Couldn't do it without all of you guys though, so keep posting news, images, and gossip.

Please don't do this. Everyone should be allowed to make threads.
is /ptg/ officially revived
so who's the best RED staff and who's the worst?
Yes. Even staff have condemned us again after the period where we were so irrelevant staff like Grohl were posting here.
Yes, we have a non-shitter op again and I started posting more often (I'm top 3 /ptg/ posters historically)
>Please don't do this. Everyone should be allowed to make threads.
holy fucking based op
Oh shit I forgot about that, probably part of why he dislikes /ptg/
/ptg/ is always more active when a big tracker is down. RED is down, and while many anons decry BLU as a curry tracker, they have accounts there (and the drama with Vinnie is funny).
yup. it was also super active when there was no real recruitment to PTP, BTN, and HDB. now most everyone who was active in those threads has moved on since they are in the cabal
you've gone and jinxed it.
it's so over for us, /ptg/ sisters.
try to stop me
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op is a faggot for not including free usenet cheatcodes
op is based for baking tho
where is the HDVinnie rant in the OP image sourced from? who said that?
It's said by MusicalMind on HDB in the thread regarding BLU.
There was some discussion about it in the previous thread. It's actually quite sad, I feel for MM.
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BLU and RED torrents...
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Daily Miku to keep the spirits of REDbros high
>staff hate some faggot 4chan thread so much they stop posting updates because of it
Anon, you have to understand that private tracker staff are principled, professional people. As such, they look down on vile fiends like 4chan posters.
FUCK REDbros this is what winning feels like!
It's a serious job, you see... so it makes sense they don't like people that use this site
all that said. it is kinda strange that private trackers get talked about in 3rd party places like this. you would think that conversation abt pts would be exclusive to pts.
Most conversation does but it's easy to disseminate information about them off site, tracker jannies can't delete posts here.
better dead than RED
ptp is down again xdddd
major happening
someone used the word faggot in AB irc
I know the PTP forum is the better place to ask but, if I want to trump a sole hd web release, can I use a bluray remux or would it need to be an encode?
I don't understand the slots, there's a single 1080p release, it's marked trumpable, can I trump it with a remux?
Anon, you gotta post screenshots when coming with such statements...
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if it's web it may coexist with a remix anyway bakayaro
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Next time you should just join AB's IRC yourself faggot.

<Dragoxbeam> Rap lyric where you rhyme pneumonia with symphonia, a word for bagpipe
<lain6141> niggers
<Dragoxbeam> creating a doubt or triple entendre in which the rap is ill, and the nature of its illness is defined by the artists vocal machinations
<Dragoxbeam> so far from necessary. please seek professional help
<lain6141> those faggot lyrics need therapy
<Dragoxbeam> I wonder if I'll end up remembering to unmute you tomorrow, lol
<lain6141> good luck
<Coasty> alloy Coco Iroha Ivory Medjed proton Rokuro Are the above messages approved by you guys?
<europium> lol
<Dragoxbeam> heh
<ponbiki> oooo
<@proton> ???
<Coasty> You dont mine lain6141 saying the n-word and f-word?
<Coasty> mind*
anime viewers were a bunch of basedboys
also, based lain keeping the niggers in check
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lain6141 has baller status
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but i want to buy monero
><Coasty> You dont mine lain6141 saying the n-word and f-word?
><Coasty> mind*
What a fucking faggot this guy is
mm, nelso and the rest of blu staff will be so cucked if vinnie won't give back all the sheckels he gobbeled up with his lifetime vip scheme...

of course, nobody will be as cucked as the "lifetime cucks" who made a direct donations to vinnies wallet
>grep -aP 'niggers?' '#animebytes.log' | wc -l
sounds like a faggot that discovered the internet for the first time
more like a roasty faggot
So what did staff say and/or do then? Or just nothing?
i got a warning for saying nigger on AB, you fags told me the mods are cool there
>only 861
we can do better than this
>Medjed: <Coasty> alloy Coco Iroha Ivory Medjed proton Rokuro Are the above messages approved by you guys? < IRC has an /ignore function, please use it when someone hurts your feelings instead of highlighting staff.
Join the IRC yourself, faggot!!!
Coasty was kicked from IRC for pinging staff, lain6141 was promoted to staff.
so its ok on irc but not in the forums?
stay there. I want you to get rekt.
Damn this is some quality threadbaking.
Cheers to the OP for doing it so well.
GGn has 48, PTP has 3 (of course this depends on when I joined them)
AB is in the lead
who gives a fuck about forums? although they have separate rules, AB irc has historically been a chaotic place
Big if true!
if i join the IRC could i find a friend? im kinda lonely
can you copy and paste each time it happened on ptp?
It should be an encode. Webdls are much smaller than remuxes.
GGn has 62 for me but im tracking only since like 2022 and only when my PC is on
Of course ab irc is filled with lady bois
We can be your friend, anon. Go ahead and chat there.
Why would you think tran-ime lovers would be cool with that?
oh no musicbros what happened?
can someone rank all the cabal IRCs by fun?

i want to chat in only one but idk who has the best chatters
>tracker jannies can't delete posts here
This is the real reason they hate /ptg/.
You guys have no idea how much I hate the english speaking weeb community
>if i join the IRC could i find a friend?
What IRC? /ptg/ doesn't have any chat
I thought abusers were kind and comfy
>can someone rank all the cabal IRCs by fun?
none of them are fun. the only good chat would be a /ptg/ chat so nobody can ban the fun.
speaking of IRC would using a 3rd party service to be on irc for 24/7 to farm point be bannable?
What, like a bouncer? Half of irc users already use that kind of thing normally
oh cool, didnt know it was allowed.
So guys how do I join the weebs tracker?
How do you fags remember what commands to use when joining it. Everything about irc reads like fucking Chinese to me
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>AB vs PTP irc
I think AB is pretty fun because you can't really tell which part is the troll/banter. Plus, in terms of knowledge, AB IRC is actually really good. Autistic people ramble on about anything.
How much OT?
i met my girlfriend on AB irc
Every irc is either dead or has the same clique of people talking about inane shit all the time
Yes. Join us at #darwin at irc.darwin.network:6697
name some important topics, anon
sir, it's 6969
stellar blade's jiggle physics
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>>103252493 this but also I don't want you fuckers knowing who I am (until I release my amazing encode and then you shall all bow down)
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I'm waiting anon, for your encode to arrive
is redacted down, or did they change url?
i'm connected to the tracker, but can't access the site
>>Yes. Join us at #darwin at irc.darwin.network:6697
has nothing to do with ptg
hopefully it isn't for too long
do you know if waffles is still around? i don't remember the last time i checked it, it went to a ch domain from an fm and that's the last i remember
No, what's strange is when people from private trackers mention and give a fuck about Reddit/4chan... like, fuck off, stay in your private shit, why are they even checking those public sites?
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4/52 done, probably be years unless I get a remote job or disability.
>do you know if waffles is still around?
long dead and gone.
Unironic question, where does one start if they want to learn encoding black magic?
dang, i've been offline too long.
And save/archive those pages, never know when they'll die, I think I saved at least one of those pages.
TehConnection was comfy and I'm tired of pretending that it wasn't
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Can a movie be pysically any more /comfy/?
Nobody ever said otherwise.
sex with anime girls
I'm top 1, just checked the records
>free usenet cheatcodes
hey guys uhh...redacted torrents seem to be working again. Site (old domain anyhow) still down though.
He sounds like he belongs on PTP
2d is not real, schizo
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Daily reminder that I will NOT use OT until they allow junior idol
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OPS bros...!
see this post
Is there any trackers that open registration to public? I'm never going to get invites but i'll seed if i get on one
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Start on these get a user invite to a lowtier tracker, then go /pure/ to HDB
>has nothing to do with ptg
anon asked about making friends on IRC. most networks are dead. >>103252877 is not.
Retarded meme, the government doesn't deny having something to hide.
>RED site still dead
>pinging every single mod on irc
can't tell if this is a false flag of this guy is this fucking retarded
When I used to troll on IRC that was one of my favorite tactics. It gets you banned really fast, of course, but it really really annoys them.
I miss when lowtier trackers knew their place and tried to have a nice community.
The retard is probably just trying to be a "good user"
Kinda lame I was on when that happened, wanna read the reactions lol
Replace "good user" with "underage user."
nigger and faggot status: patrolled
i remember tehconnection had what.cd sysop's endorsement but the tracker failed nonetheless
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avistaz shilling crypto now lmao
With a referral link, of course. If you don't already have some Bitcoin, why would you buy now during a historic upswing? Wait and buy during the next dip. Every jackass who buys now at $90k-$100k is going to look retarded when it dips back down to $60k in a few months.
>@FBI @CIA @KGB @JoeBiden I'm getting triggered by words here can you do something??? AIEEEEEEE
What happened anon? Did you go to prison?
what's the new red url?
Yeah the power of tight pussy was too strong.

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