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GitHub Trending - https://github.com/trending
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Previous Thread: >>103236736
i want to kms.
Why not miles?
I am a new grad.
I do not have internships.
I do not have experience.
I refuse to kill myself.
I refuse to give up.
I refuse to become a fast food worker.
I will keep applying.
I will keep networking.
I will keep interviewing.
And I will get a job.
it's almost friday
git flow is retarded, why are we doing this
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it doesn't matter.
RTO started as once a pay period.
Then two months ago it turned into 3x/week.
Now there is a rumor from the contracting office that it is going to 5x/week soon because of federal mandates...
Its so over.
i'm ~1000 miles from the closest office and permanently remote. they can lay me off if they want or whatever, i guess.
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Just about ready to kys myself from working with the most monstrous legacy shit imaginable.
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Gonna repost here as well just in case. A friend of mine might be able to help me get a job at a company that relies heavily on lowcode and nocode apps. From what I can tell most of their stuff is web related in this way even if it isn't strictly webdev in the classical sense. I was thinking of studying something while I wait for more info. What should I go for? My first thought was Javascript, but maybe there's some other stuff about APIs (REST and whatever the other ones are) that could be useful. Also, are any of you familiar with companies like that?
If it's lowcode/nocode, then what's really important is that you understand the basics of programming no matter the language, because some of the platforms they're building their apps on may use proprietary languages.
git is retarded, period. Sometimes less is more, KISS is lyf. The most sane way to use git is basically do what SVN does lol.

guess what, they will lay you off and replace you with a pajeet 10k miles away lol
Should I file complaint with HR that I get 5 mins of break per hour worked, but they require me to have my break at the end of day? They won't even allow me to leave early as the break must happen on company ground to be insured. I tell them that the way from and to work is insured as well, but they say it only takes me 20 mins to be home and I cannot be insured the other 40 mins of my break when I am at home.

I feel the break should be ideally in the mid of my 9 to 5 shift, but they won't listen. We have no union.
>takes me 20 mins to be home

says who?
also, why is the companies business if you are insured or not?
Anyway, never complain to HR, they have the upper hand. If you want balls on the table, complain to whatever government body supervises your goyfactory
>says who?
Obviously they know where I live via my employee records, so I am not sure I can trust HR anymore either. Only they should have access to that information.

>also, why is the companies business if you are insured or not?
because the way it works here is i get better hospitals and all is covered by company if it is a workplace accident, that includes commuting
>Anyway, never complain to HR, they have the upper hand. If you want balls on the table, complain to whatever government body supervises your goyfactory
Thanks, I will lawyer up externally I guess. There are some that cover these subjects and I already have an insurance that covers legal costs which I can inquire with.

It's just so over, this job is draining me.
I'm tired of everyone making more money than me and bragging about it online.
wew this week sure flew by huh?
you can also brag online lol, but you need to be subtle
if it makes you feel better, I barely make 60k in yurop and my job is to fix the shit the 200-300k total comp bros in the US/UK churn out while being subjected to all kinds of humiliation rituals. It is what it is
Don't let it get to you. Realize that it doesn't matter.
At best more money given for a wagecuck job allows you to consoom more useless bullshit, not allow you to afford the things that matter.
The only thing to be envious of is fully remote work or, even better, a fully remote independent source of income. At least then you can move somewhere where you have more purchasing power and live like a king.
>more money more problems
That's only true for total idiots, which is why that saying originated in the black community.
For those with human level IQs, money makes problems go away.
That wasn't my point, dumb shit.
In the west, your purchasing power will never be enough to afford land/a home (i.e. the things that matter) out of pocket, without signing a 30 year blood pact with a bank.
We aren't anywhere near American wages in the UK, £60k/yr is a senior developer here and often you'll be required to have a working knowledge of Business Administration/Management and Law.
How is Terraform stupid?

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