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so, 8k - where is it in the West? Japan and South Korea went mainstream 8k back in 2020, here in America we've barely adopted 4k. why are we 10 years behind the first world tech countries?

as an avid consoomer of the latest tech, I demand answers. 4k just doesn't cut it for me anymore.
There's no point in 8K and everyone knows it.
USA TV visual standards have been poor for so long that the public accepted it. this is why its very slow to evolve
Same in Australia.
Lack of content
like so many things in the current tech world we are hitting diminishing returns
>mainstream in Japan
You even have to pay a high premium for upscaled 4K broadcasting.
Also, there are still very few 8K TVs available on the market. I think only the Tokyo Olympics were natively broadcasted in 8K.
Here in Germany I would be glad if there was actually an FHD broadcast. Most channels only offer native 720p (upscaled).
Only football events are broadcasted in 4K, but only if I use my IPTV supplier's dedicated receiver instead of set-top box like the apple TV.
I'm waiting for 32K
4k movies already require dozens of gigabytes. 8k requires sevetal hundred. I already cant see pixels with my face pressed up against the screen. What's the fucking point of 8k? To waste more power and money?
I never found 1080p bad to stare at, eventually I got a 2k monitor which I think is the perfect ratio of pixel density. I picked up a 4k monitor recently primarily for media consumption, and if I'm being honest I don't notice much of a difference between 2k and 4k. phk2a
8K has a 3D effect. it's so crisp it feels like you're looking at 3D objects from a window.
Where are the 4320p 24, 27, and 32 inch desktop screens?
8k is completely pointless. Most sources barely have enough bitrate to even max out 1080p let alone 8k
prove it.
8K is most useful for watching multiple sources
and what would you do with one?
no 8k movies
no gpu powerful enough to handle 8k games
Even 1080p to 4k was meh unless you have a 50+ inch tv, what the fuck is the point of 8k?
>4k just doesn't cut it for me anymore.
go outside
>Here in Germany I would be glad if there was actually an FHD broadcast. Most channels only offer native 720p (upscaled).
Fellow Kraut here. If you seriously watch German TV, why are you angry at the pixel count instead of the Dreck that you watch?
There is literally not a single decent German program.
i need to see every blemish and pimple on a pornstars gash

They teach r*ddit typing in German schools now?
is it real 8k?
we don't even have real 4k monitors, it's all uhd
I want real 120 hz DCI 4k, 4096×2160, monitors
This is why innovation is dead, nobody was arguing in 82 that cus a 5MB HDD costs $5000 a 700MB CD shouldnt be made for $10, they just did it anyways and not only is it still in use today but offers superior quality over the 99% of newer ways people listen to music.
4K is still not cheap, a new cheap 1080p TV looks 10x worse than an old plasma, lower product tiers are stuck way behind because smartasses like you decided innovation should just stop just because, if people weren't like this 8K would be available and 4K would be the base minimum affordable for everyone.
With phones, at the high end theyre so crazy overkill they could easily last the next 15years, so they prevent that by locking in the battery and locking down the software they arbitrarily slow down and break.
Meanwhile sub $500 phones, you know what the 99% actually buys have been stuck on the same specs for the past 7 years while their prices also slowly rise and remove features like aux, changeable battery, etc.
Everything stagnant or going backwards because too many people accept and even defend paying more for less, the root cause of this issue tho goes way beyond technology.
Perfect upscaling
>what would you do with one?
I have pic related. I don't watch much tv anymore but I use it as my main pc screen. I sit about 1m away it's an insane experience

>no 8k movies
that's true but I have seen some early 8k content on it and it's really nice

>no gpu powerful enough to handle 8k games
I have a 4090 and I can play some games in 8k but the screen can only do 60hz at that resolution. Often I play 4k at 144hz and you can tile other windows around it for multiscreen while still having a huge 4k screen in the centre. I agree that for most people it's probably not worth the extra money but I have a decent job now and no kids I can just buy whatever I like at this point. kids cost you like 30k per year each to maintain or something idk
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>pic related
forgot pic lol
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>Nobody will ever need more than 640k of RAM
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you joke but 16k per eye is the holy grail of VR
go see it for yourself
Too many words wasted on a post so retarded, do you work in marketing?

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