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>be me, mostly tech illiterate
>internet shuts down in the morning
>turn the router on and off, reset it, starts working again
>suddenly there are age restrictions
>youtube won't let me watch most of my videos
>can't even watch reviews
>try to turn it off
>can't because my "network administrator" has apparently turned them on
>can't do it through my google account, through youtube, nothing
>incognito won't even show me porn websites
What do I do now? I know it's a stupid question, but I am not a tech guy and I need help. Should I call my ISP? I've never enabled safe search/parental controls/whatever other BS. I can't stand this now.
Log in into your router.
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H-how did you get my router's address??
Didn't even know youtube had dns/header based restricted mode. I learned something new.

Yeah, call your ISP.
Thanks for the tip anon. Unfortunately it didn't do anything. Parental Control isn't turned on. I tried to turn it on and off again, but nothing changed.
He's a L33tH4ck3r.
Glad my thread helped someone at least.

I did call my ISP. Turns out it's a problem in the entire region. Some ISP/phone company messed something up, and now the server responsible for YT/Google or something is filtering every address from my cunt as under parental controls. Apparently Tor's slow as a snail because of it since everyone jumped there to watch YT vids. Oh well, it'll be solved when it's solved. At least I didn't mess up something myself.

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>installs arch with Nvidia proprietary drivers
>hardware acceleration not working in firefox
>firefox does not support decoding with nvenc

>compile and run nvidia-vaapi-driver
>still doesn't work

mfw when I wasted a whole morning coz I fell for the /g/ memes
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I don't know, but Microsoft certainly isn't free of bullshit. The thing is, software doesn't need to implement support for 4 hw decoding APIs. Good luck with Firefox on Linux.
I use quicksync for encoding and decoding live streams on a ubuntu server at work. Intel has made a fragmented mess of everything but if you have an iq above 80 and can read it's pretty easy to figure out which shit to use. I also had to recompile ffmpeg. Even all of that was preferable to what I went through to get VP9 working in FF. I didn't even figure it out myself, a friend that knows the internal workings of Windows much better told me what to do.
Almost forgot about this. You don't really need it though, unless you want to encode video.
We have a couple streams transcoding 24/7. It's nice that it comes out to 0 cpu usage.
amd doesn't have these problems

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/lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local language models.

Previous threads: >>100051241 & >>100045788

>(04/17) Mixtral-8x22B-Instruct-v0.1 released: https://mistral.ai/news/mixtral-8x22b/
>(04/15) Microsoft AI unreleases WizardLM 2: https://web.archive.org/web/20240415221214/https://wizardlm.github.io/WizardLM2/
>(04/09) Mistral releases Mixtral-8x22B: https://twitter.com/MistralAI/status/1777869263778291896
>(04/09) Llama 3 coming in the next month: https://techcrunch.com/2024/04/09/meta-confirms-that-its-llama-3-open-source-llm-is-coming-in-the-next-month/
>(04/08) StableLM 2 12B released https://huggingface.co/stabilityai/stablelm-2-12b

►FAQ: https://wikia.schneedc.com
►Glossary: https://archive.today/E013q | https://rentry.org/local_llm_glossary
►Links: https://rentry.org/LocalModelsLinks
►Official /lmg/ card: https://files.catbox.moe/cbclyf.png

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i just jumped off the rx 580 recently, get a new GPU
its completely useless for AI purposes, AMD completely abandoned it.
Fuck you.
And fuck you, Mikufag, for enabling ugly face anon.
Sure, it wouldn't be feasible for one person to really run but might spur some efforts on distributed inference :)

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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the automated discussion of AI chatbots and thread spam.
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any java cooders that can help me with this? im trying to make my own simple frontend in java for proxies. i got the url and user_token right but it still gives me error:{unauthorized}. my token works in SillyTavern. im a codelet pls help me
try sending the request to a localhost mock server to see what its actually sending
Buy an ad
owari da status?
hi :D

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Anon, why did you do CS instead of EE?

You are struggling to find work when you could have just gotten an EE degree instead and never spent more than a month looking for a job. You could get an accredited degree from the shittiest school for in-state tuition or gone into computer engineering instead and could still have unlimited well-paying jobs and more of a programming angle to your work, but you didn't. Massive L as they say, but you wanted to not give a fuck about math and do menial coding all day.
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Just be rich bro, what's your problem?
i'm a retard and i got filtered by 3 phase mumbo jumbo
Honestly, here in France, they are both dead end degrees. People with a CS degree get treated like retards by real engineer and get paid in consequence, and many EEs can't ind a job so they end up being Javashitters for a boomer SS2I/ESN.
I graduated from EEE five years ago and then moved on to software. I couldn't tell you how a capacitor works now

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Any tech to filter cancerous newfag frogposting reddit nigger teens?
You could probably set up some sort of filter for that specific shade of green with some effort.
I unironically think even the live install would be too much to handle for them
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>before installing gentoo

Do you ever think something like this will work or will people just continue to not care because nobody really sees video games as anything more than entertainment (making them inherently forgettable and not archive worthy)? Is it a good thing for software as a whole if more light is brought to the issue of licensing/agreements or again, will nobody give a shit?
Still not viewing your slop, failed youtuber-kun
>nobody really sees video games as anything more than entertainment
most people don't see anything as more than entertainment and the preservation problem is real across all fields including music and cinema. Most of the stuff we have created through human history is lost to the torrent of time.

Games are actually the luckiest form of media in this respect. A significant portion of video games created have been archived in one form or the other, except often the serverside binaries for games that connect to the internet.

Non-gaming software is even worse off, because while people will still assign worth to preserving Chrono Trigger even after so many other RPGs have come out, there is no emotional value in preserving barebones spreadsheet software for the Amiga now that we have far more useful software on modern machines.

People in general, will never ever give a shit. Even if they remember something out of nostalgia, they will just accept it doesn't exist anymore and move on. Only a few will ever care, and being part of them, it's our duty to archive as much as we can. Even after buying a game, you should always archive a cracked or DRM free copy of it somewhere (ideally with atleast one more backup). Even if the serverside binaries are not available, maybe someday somebody will be able to model another that does the same thing and allows it to live on. Ofcourse, most of the things you archive will never be touched again by anybody again in human history, but the option has to be available.
1. not watching your shitty video
2. not comparing video games with real software
3. just admit you're talking about pirating free games. archival has never been a problem; pirates come up with ways to play games unlinked to their intended validation systems within hours of release

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r8/h8/post yours
please dont put the besthus next to your mentally ill political sportsball flag
for trannies
Die and leave the cute autist alone you disgusting freak

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>microsoft dickware doesn't work
oh no! anyway
use vanilla Mac or non """"debloated"" Windows instead of literal Gentoo
I just want to look at the funny cat pictures my grandma sends me
$0.02 have been deposited to your Microsoft™ Store account
>using certified pajeetware outlook
humiliation ritual


1152 Loihi CPU units, with 140 000 neuromorphic connections and over 2000 x86 cores

1.15 bllion neurons, 128 billion synapses, 240 billion neuron operations per sec.

16 petabyte RAM capability.

It only uses 2600 watts of power. A regular house could run it. In fact if you put on several coffee brewing machines and a water electric kettle, you get soon 2600 watts

With a normal house computer you wont since you dont even find bigger than 1000 watt single power supply for a PC computer

>First Halal Point that gets to be used is shipped into USA under the command of energy minister

It is not yet known who gets the second or third
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Just add tits and a blue wig
>could make anything he wants
>chooses bland as fuck anime doll
What do synapses mean in the case of artificial neural networks?
Are those the weight matrices which connect each perceptron to others (in other words the parameters)?
One synapse is one weight, yes. But including the storage needed for training and routing, it will need a couple times more than just the weights.

A paper on the first version of the architecture :
>he doesn't know

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So are they seriously getting ready to tell even the "senior" software engineers to go learn to weld? Specifically the White male ones. What are the consequences of that?
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nukes are not an instant kill button yk? your plane needs to be right above israel's territory for a WHILE
>was an absurd anomaly
How is it absurd to pay a developer $250k per year when his work product generates $2.5MM - $5MM in revenue per year. There's nothing absurd about an asset that consistently delivers a 10 - 20x return on investment. In fact you would be retarded not to make that investment.
It's $5m in funny money that goes away when the Jews stop dancing. Which ritual you have to perform to attract their attention keeps changing, with very little rationale behind it. Just fashion really. I doubt programmers, at least normal ones with a sub-140 IQ and not even one PhD, will ever be fashionable again.
>no L taken
Are you fucking 12 years old?

I've always been interested in computer science probably by every way I can code somehow well.
Is https://teachyourselfcs.com/ good website or the materials listed there good or am I completely stupid if I try to learn those?
always remember: "if its free, its shit"
get some professional tier books on the subject
Many of those books aren't free.
Anna has your back on these
Learn to read
"Study all nine subjects below, in roughly the presented order, using either the suggested textbook or video lecture series, but ideally both. Aim for 100-200 hours of study of each topic, then revisit favorites throughout your career"

They do want you to read books lol
Yes all the good books listed on the website are good.

>or am I completely stupid if I try to learn those?
If you're interested in computer science why would it be stupid to learn more about it?

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I can't stop thinking about how a functioning fuel disk is possible thanks to AI. I'm not a /g/eek, so I'm super ignorant about technology, but we just need an AI that can see the cards artwork (or even read it's code) and project the card anyway you want. Problem is, how do we figure what card is what why it's used face up? Could we have a reader above the duel disk that works like a mini overhead projector? We could, but that would be too bulky
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Of course, if a monster is summoned, their stats will appear on the screen. Reading the effects will be a pain since they can't be removed from the duel disk, so for now they'll just have to press the model of the monster or spell/trap and read the provided text box on the stationary duel table ™
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Having to do extra shit to tell it whether you're playing it face up or face down is one step forward, two steps back. New technology should be usable as naturally as possible and accomodate what humans do already, not require some change to a power user's workflow specifically to accomodate the device. Just have an angled camera that looks at the cards from slightly off a 180 degree angle. Then you can play them face up as normal, and the camera can still see what they are.
I don't think the problem is reading the cards, but generating a holographic projection of them. You don't need AI to read the fucking text on the things.
That is brilliant. I had thought of another idea where we could have a small camera/reader just above where the card will be placed so it's not obnoxious, exactly where the card's code will be
You misunderstand. I'm not trying to project holograms yet, or use ai to read the card's text; I want ai to read the card's code (which is unique to every card, bottom left) so it can project a model or animation of the monster or spell/trap onto the duel table ™
We've been able to do that for decades. You don't need modern AI to read text, especially when it's typeset so regularly.

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you don't belong on /g/ if you have any other results
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>huh, you are not getting my IP (the most valuable asset I have)
>*posted on 4chan (confirmed CIA honeypot)*
You disabled it, stop trying to shill your horseshit, idiot.
Better a CIA honeypot than and FSB honeypot, homo.
Why are you so mentally ill? Genuinely curious
>firefox font list (which is useless for 99% of all real websites) still makes me extremely identifiable
I just hate the web.

/aibg/ - A general dedicated to banter about AI chatbots

c(irno)ftf(eet) edition

Opus comes to AWS: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/anthropics-claude-3-opus-model-on-amazon-bedrock/
gpt-4-turbo finally out of preview, not as fucked as the last preview snapshot
gemini-1.5-pro is available to everyone, via API (turn off streaming if you're having filter errors) https://developers.googleblog.com/2024/04/gemini-15-pro-in-public-preview-with-new-features.html

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles


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Bump with an engagement trap, behold.

What do you use chatbots for.
>Plapping, silly adventures, creative writing or coding?

I have found a character card V3 spec on Risu's github.
>Nickname field is added to the specification to use alternative name in {{char}}, instead of the name field.

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