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>Linux is ugly
Oh yeah?

# Function to set the background
set_background() {
feh --bg-fill "$1"

# Get current hour
hour=$(date +%H)

# Image directories

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As a Zoomer, I think pic related was a great cartoon.
use systemd
Where'd my post go?
not him, but with cron i can easily run scripts at boot:
$ sudo crontab -e
@reboot /path/to/script
with systemd it's just
systemctl enable name-of.service

>Windows 7
>actually Windows 6.1
>Windows 8
>actually Windows 6.2
>Windows 8.1
>actually Windows 6.3
>Windows 11
>actually Windows 10
what the fuck is wrong with these people?
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>Xbox 360
>Xbox One
>Xbox One X
>Xbox One Series X
>Windows Mobile 6 (CE)
>Windows Mobile 6.1 (CE)
>Windows Mobile 6.5 (CE)
>Windows Mobile 7 (CE)
>Windows Mobile 8 (NT 6.1)
>Windows Mobile 10 (NT 10)
why is microsoft unable to name their products coherently?
Because many developers are regarded.
There was a ton of code out there which checked whether the OS name starts with 9x (to avoid Win 95, 98, etc.), and as a consequence would not support Windows 9 or anything with a version 9.

Microsoft just said fuck it and skipped a bunch of numbers.
anticheats are made by large corporations. They will get exceptions of course. Only you, the user, will lose access/control. That is the purpose of trusted computing- it's not _your_ trust being protected.
lazy faggots coded OS support checks to look for "windows 9*" back on windows 95 and 98

/lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local language models.

Previous threads: >>101578323 & >>101571366

>(07/24) Mistral Large 2 123B released: https://hf.co/mistralai/Mistral-Large-Instruct-2407
>(07/23) Llama 3.1 officially released: https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1/
>(07/22) llamanon leaks 405B base model: https://files.catbox.moe/d88djr.torrent >>101516633
>(07/18) Improved DeepSeek-V2-Chat 236B: https://hf.co/deepseek-ai/DeepSeek-V2-Chat-0628
>(07/18) Mistral NeMo 12B base & instruct with 128k context: https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-nemo/

►News Archive: https://rentry.org/lmg-news-archive
►FAQ: https://wikia.schneedc.com
►Glossary: https://rentry.org/lmg-glossary
►Links: https://rentry.org/LocalModelsLinks

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I played around with it a little bit on openrouter. (it's kinda expensive) It has this odd way of reading in between the lines and turning up with weird angles that are yet completely reasonable and make perfect sense.
A specific example I can give is when I just suddenly interjected the "What do you get when you cross a mentally ill loner..." line of the Joker movie randomly into RPs. Characters would react confused, or say something about themselves etc.. mostly unremarkable. 405b replied with "OOC: Obviously - the Joker." - it does things like that, it's hard to explain. It just feels very "there".
But yeah, it's not a great writer. It's kinda sloppy and also really bad at non-english for a model it's size. Same with coding. A really odd one.
Shit. Alright.
Giving it a quick google there's a lot of different things people did to solve that specific error.
Reinstall CUDA, the nvidia drivers, specific modules, etc.
Try doing
See if that works I guess.
But run the test anon described before that. There's instructions to do that in the link too.
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Okay, so I tried Alpaca and Command R's templates and it outputted legible output with Mistral Large for some reason? This shit doesn't make sense, what sampler settings/instruct templates are you guys using to make Dry Sampling and Snoot work?
Templates are a meme, this has been known for a long time, just pick the one that works best and roll with it
Normally, software runs on your CPU with data in your system RAM. Offloading means moving some computation onto a GPU, which requires copying data from system RAM to VRAM. Many anons think offloading means moving compute from GPU to CPU, which is backwards and wrong.

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Code all the time, realize you've wasted your youth 10 years down the line.
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Just Git Gud. Simple as.
Have an IQ over 70 or just not be a retard in general. Then you are an infinityX programmer since the average one gets nothing done
I do work related to auditing the use of cryptography and cryptographic implementations and I've tried to use LLMs before. What you end up getting from LLMs is the equivalent of a random commenter who knows a little about everything but not enough to have any real depth about it. The LLM will spout common-sense wisdom in the way a politician might to seem informed. But it can't go into any detail because it lacks the skills and knowledge necessary to do so. It's basically just incredibly well written bullshit. That would pass by non-experts but for expert work can't be used for anything. Other people have noticed the same thing, too. Like a nuclear engineer asked the LLM to try design a power plant and its design was complete non-sense.

LLMs probably only work well for problems that are generic enough to have lots of data for training. That excludes most specialties because they might rely on only a handful of texts. Humans are much more capable of learning from a source than LLMs. Since we don't need TBs of data just for its brainlet algorithms to extract anything.
Get paid less for more work output.

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any anons used ultracode to crack meta or apple interviews?
bUy An aD
not an ad lol
>crack interview
Good morning saar

you just realized that your dad left you $250M worth of stock from his days at microsoft.

how do you rectify your dads evil deeds of working for microsoft and instead make linux great again
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Sell my shares, invest in real estate, buy a nice house for myself and retire. I'm not giving a single cent to Linux or any FOSS project because they'll just spend it on empowering transwomxn and their neovaginas.
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$250 million you say? I never have to work another day in my life!
What's the use case for giving my fortune to a bunch of ungrateful freetards? Don't they already get enough in corporate donos?
id buy ebussy's bussy pix
This. I'd rather use it for lobbying and political ambitions or start my own foundation for the sole purpose of shitposting against society.
>how do you rectify your dads evil deeds
hahahah who gives a shit
i'll be drinking cocktails and getting my dick sucked clean on some obscure tropical island

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oh uh shtinky
what am I looking at
average droid luser installing viruses on his phone
thank god app store exists
anon that's chocolatey

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What if i make fake datasets and post on kaggle? How long until someone notices?

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fine, this is spyware, but what do you use to chat and share screen with friends
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What are you, some kind of faggot?
GTF-Outta here normalcunt
lol freechode btfo EFNet4lyfe die for irc
You mean for the opt-in feature of broadcasting what game you're playing? Come on, get real here.
I don't share my screen, but you can do it in a browser.
>they all
not if it's open sores
gnome forums also have an auto-ban on lunduke links

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Work at a thrift store.

Think it's worth buying up controllers as they come in? Also which controllers do you think would be worthwhile and sought after in the long run?
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Jesus. I'm increasingly glad I didn't buy a PS5.
>buy new one on Amazon
>return old one in it's place
free new in box controller. fuck bezos and Sony.
why are you so hateful? were you not loved as a child? are you not loved today? it is fairly obvious
I forgot the much touted force feedback triggers also use plastic gears, and once they start to wear and slip that makes it more likely the spring will become unseated, at which point you have to break your controller to fix it unless you are some sort of neurosurgeon level spudger god with four hands
I say that and I look like that

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Previous thread: >>101528991

>What is DALL-E 3?
It's a text-to-image generator made by OpenAI.


AI Slop

>How does it work on Bing?
In Bing's Image Creator, "boosts" are used to speed up the image creation process, each user starts with 15 boosts. When you use a boost, the AI creates your image quickly. If you run out of boosts, the image waiting time can increase, usually if you refresh the page you can get the picture earlier.

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Good night bump.
(Opps, wrong pic.)
Orcish Aegon wasn't bad, though.
I actually thought about that only after I posted... Yeah, it'd be nice.
Nice, I posted the last picture without noticing it as usual. I've already baked this one, if anyone else wants to bake, please do.
Baked again, no canid nor hawk this time, have a cat for caturday.

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Looking for a cheap option to stream movies to upstairs, on my LAN - Roku, fire, Chromecast, which is the best? I have an arr cluster on winserver... Have used jellyfin, prefer not to setup Plex if I can help it
General goystick / box thread
I never understood why the Windows copy dialog didn't use an average speed of transfer for time estimation instead of immediate speed.
Plex isn't half bad, works on all my Roku devices just fine. Only downside is I have to convert my x264 videos at 2Mbps or they're shit. (DVD rips, upscaling to 1080p and 4k televisions).

I imagine a jail broken fire stick would be good, but I haven't used one personally.
get a n100 mini pc

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Every single major system crash comes down to this shitty language developed literally 60 years ago. It's time to kill every C and C++ developer and ban this shit from enterprise codebases.

>b-but muh performance
See pic related
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I vill NUT pipe the output of curl into bash.
I vill NUT be cucked by the borrow checker.
I vill NUT use the language-specific package manager.
I vill NUT download sixty dependencies for a "standard library" crate.
I vill NUT statically compile the libraries.
I VILL use my distro's package manager for libraries.
I VILL dynamically link to them.
I VILL use the pointers.
I VILL include the headers.
I VILL abuse the preprocessor.
And I VILL be very very very happy.
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And the biggest cause of death is life

There will never be a thing that's perfect by design, that's OCD
Or you use mature software that have been tested under the operational conditions, or you use some """perfect""" solution that doesn't work

A dumb Rust rewrite has many more logic bugs and mistakes than any mature C. Plus, considering safety above all is short-sighted, you can't implement cryptography if your compiler can cause timing leaks as he can do everything and you can't do nothing
>A dumb Rust rewrite has many more logic bugs and mistakes than any mature C.
Care to elaborate?
You have a mature C software, besides being written in C, it has been tested extensively and used in many cases in architectures, a lot of known bugs and issues were solved over time

Making a Rust rewrite of it won't make it better, even if the borrow checker can supposedly find more stuff than cppcheck and valgrind. It has unknown bugs and mistakes, it wasn't tested in real cases and things can go wrong in ways the developer didn't expect

Something being perfect in theory doesn't make it perfect, you won't make a HTTP server better than nginx just because it's written in Rust, it will have it's own exploits and issues that will only be solved over a long time

Well-used software has not just maturity but they also use the same kind of tests that Rust can do through external tools and debugging. Even if they make mistakes, a novice program would end much worse
Hiring only white men

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>I am forgotten
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Not yet
Even our guy dropped a new video

And nothing of value was lost. It turns out that monkeypatching the world in clever ways doesn't make for sane large scale long term application development.
>slow bloated CRUD app nobody uses
>slow bloated CRUD app nobody uses

ok is there any interesting tech made with ruby or is it just "python, Japan :OO"

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Don't buy anything OTHER THAN IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad T, X, and W/P Series if you want the Real Business Experience™
>Other business laptops are welcome in /tpg/ (Dell Latitude/Precision, HP EliteBook/ZBook)

Why ThinkPad?
>Used machines are plentiful and cheap
>Excellent keyboards, tactile feel and quiet
>Great durability: magnesium roll cage for structural integrity, with high quality plastic body panels
>Utilitarian design: e.g. indicator LEDs, 7 row keyboard layout on older models
>Docking stations that easily turns your laptop into a desktop
>Easy to repair (most models), upgrade & maintain thanks to readily available service manuals for every model, spare parts easy & cheap to obtain
>Excellent Linux & *BSD support

ThinkWiki - General info about ThinkPads/specs

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new bread baking
They've been good since like 2018ish.
Nah, you should upgrade to something that uses ECC ram if the machine hosts anything important. Bitflip is real yo!
Doesn't really host anything aside from sillytavern, everything is on the attached enclosure

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