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>Compile Fast
>Run Fast
>No Memory Management (Unless you want it)
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I hate women and I approve this message
Just use Java.
worst date handling of any language I've ever seen
>if err!= nil
>try { } catch (Exception e) {}
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Respond to the previous thread Gotrannies
>AI slop
It's visually less messy despite repetitiveness. You could of course reduce each entry to two lines rather than 4, since these things aren't shadowed anyway.

if cs.internalV, err = interlalV.NewForConfig(&betaMale, httpClient); err != nil {
return nil, err
3 but yes compact. Anyway, a lot of this is very uncommon to find in the codebase, except a top level function that just calls others, and the language is designed for legibility... NESTING is the worst thing for legibility in code, this has been studied actually and shown via research.
Exactly their is nothing special about either one
There is in that I don't have to have a try-catch statement in every single routine in the call tree.
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I couldn't compile with vscode so I drew on mspaint
Thanks but I'll stick with .NET
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Just like C, Go still doesn't set all the compiler hardening options to default on, hence all the Go binaries missing PIE, Full RELRO, NX, Full ASLR, Stack Canaries, Fortify options, etc...
for me it's lisp, the compile faster run faster no memory management at all language
I love go.
Don't forget to wrap your errors!
Get shit done language
>_ = routine()
ok nerd
Great. Now your entire program panics whenever routine() errors.
literal baby tier complaint
Odin solves this with couple of nice keywords but it's not that important really. that code is very clear in what it's doing and avoids the hell that is exceptions.
>spy on you fast
I'm sticking with rust.
it's wild to me that Golang, a modern language with disgustingly simple syntax, chose not to have macro-based metaprogramming. I can't imagine the amount of Go code I've written that could've just been hidden behind a macro.
They didn't code this very well. Each of those functions they're running conforms to a fairly tight interface. They should make a struct that takes a series of functions matching the pattern and pointers to where they want the output to go, create a slice of everything they want to do, and loop over the array. Only have to write the logic once in that case.
amazing anon
Do you think perhaps they benched it and found less desirable memory allocations? I believe slices go to heap when passed into functions is that right?
How do Rustaceans have this little shame to actually publicly admit to using something that solely exists as a compromised pozzed piece of propaganda, that gains popularity entirely via capturing virtue signaller wannabes and society's undesirables?

You aren't going to make software with Rust, so what are you doing? Registry dumping like King Asperger from the /g/ DPT threads?

Security/privacy is def not a reason to pick Rust, its benefit is just performance. In terms of goals it is divergent from Go entirely and the two cannot be compared. Because Go's focus is to be as far opposite from Rust as possible, as in, clear and readable, maintainable, and productive... Whereas Rust makes infinite sacrifices in that arena for other rationales... Though of course, we all know the memory safety thing is a scam, because when was the last time your program didn't do what you expected due to a null pointer or some shit, vs when you simply had some kind of accidental logical issue like an accidental inversion in logic checking < instead of >? And the convolution of syntax increases the likelihood of these much more common code issues.
I hate Rust shills, same as I hate Go shills. But honestly, as someone who has maintained large codebases in Python, Rust, and Go, I'd definitely prefer Rust if I was asked to build a non-trivial and sizeable software. Mainly cuz the most stable software I've maintined has been in Rust (and not due to memory safety).
Nigga I was just trolling, kek. But you're right. The post was to picture the average response of a rust tranny, and I think I succeeded.
Remember when Google wanted to shove telemetry down every Gotard's throat?
Nice to know that all the programs you write are full of unhandled errors.
Lurk until you've passed CS 102.
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>the wagie doesn't mind sitting around for 10 minutes on company time while rust compiles
I wonder why
>never heard of incremental compilation
school spergler spotted
Im a webdevlet and only use the following (HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, frameworks relevant to those). what kind of projects do you use GO for? I see a lot of potential for it but dont really know the context of what its used for.
same with C++. maybe stop working on trivial slop for babbies.
the irony is it's the same problem. Go expects you to do runtime casting just to recover the types of errors you can potentially handle, and it still manages to be more verbose and shitty about it.

Honestly exception machinery > gotoddler's shit. Rust proved what anyone who knows ML or Haskell already knew though, that monadic sumtypes won, by a lot.
>monadic sumtypes
dunning kruger tier trash
there's a reason why this academic masturbation is not popular in the industry
>um I'm not the midwit, you're the midwit
kek, retards lost, rust won.
enjoy your reinvented visitor patterns to even copy a fraction of what Rust is doing though, gocuck / c++ weenie.
To be honest I find programming in Go enjoyable. The base system is alright.
>Rust proved what anyone who knows ML or Haskell already knew though, that monadic sumtypes won, by a lot.
I know it makes you feel good to call them "monadic sumtypes" but Javascript promises have been around longer than Rust, it's a standard webshit feature.
Actual monads are a pain to work with because you almost always want to compose Maybe and IO and end up writing PhD thesis to do something trivial
no it doesn't you tard
you can replace php with it for starters
yes it does lard
I use Go for webshitting (backend), a bit of 2d game dev (raylib) and parsers. It's mid for GUI's but the couple of libraries it has do the job just fine.
Doesn't rust has like 1k jobs worldwide? That suggests it's barely used.
rust careers are basically limited to Heebflare, Furryfox, and some experimental stuff in Microjeet. My company has an ideal use case but we’re so far down the webshit rabbit hole that we’re not considering other languages for a very very long time, and I suspect most of the industry is like that
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go is a meme unless you're an 80 IQ retard.
Everything that isn't video gay-mes. Go threads are always full of completed projects, while certain "other" threads are filled with literal short bus autists like the guys on that Louis Theroux autism documentary posting pathetic registry key dumpers.

Note that the former is for productivity, making things, an idea for software comes to mind and you make it a reality.

The latter is for mentally masturbating in the dark alone and incel in stripy socks because looking like a woman is the closest you will ever get to being with a woman.
I will have to take a look sometime this week. Maybe look up a tutorial project or something
>rustchads: write code for 5 minutes, get a 10 minute break while code compiles to do pushups or sip some comfy coffee
>gonormies: type if err != nil {return err} for 15 minutes and get RSI from it
yeah i know which lang i'd rather use

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