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Local AI trained on man pages, info, and bin --help.
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All that effort because normies cant apropos and grep?
apropos sounds like something joe biden would say in a brainfart and not a real word
Most ai models are familiar with the arguments of various cl programs. What exactly do you want the local model to do?
every llm is already trained on that brainlet
amerishart education on display

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I know this has sort of been tried before (cloud desktops), but I have a feeling that with Microsoft making the hardware too, it's going to stick this time
if they can build low-latency regional data centers for example, why wouldn't all gamers just rent their GPUs in the cloud per month?
not to mention the mass surveillance and data aggregation capabilities are a corporate/spook wet dream
then they'll give you a discount for using a special monitor with eye tracking built in, for even better ad metrics
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Cant wait for the first tear down to see what it looks like inside.
the cattled masses will use whatever microsoft and apple tell them. microsoft has a particular advantage in doing this because they also own azure, whereas if apple tries to copy they will have a difficult time.
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the price makes it seem its just a full x86 computer, but with a locked down bios. I mean I just got a $50 android tv box, which is decently snappy running Android locally, why is this PoS so fucking expensive

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It's the only way to be sure.
Compiling is for the weak
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honestly, its not worth it for regular desktop usage. Its a fun ride though.
i recently build the development multilib version (m64, m32, x32) in a VM
i saved the scripts i used to build each package, create config files, etc., and repeated the build on a cheap laptop, but at the end i couldn't get the root partition to mount
it's a cheap Walmart laptop with one of those 64GB internal SD cards (/dev/mmcblk0) instead of a real SSD, and i thought i built the right drivers in the kernel, but i must have missed something, as i couldn't get the kernel to recognize the block device
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What I realized by using Arch for months is how many unnecessary dependencies are installed. Only by carefully controlling compiler flags can you truly debloat your system.

Unfortunately, LFS doesn't really help you with this. You're expected to follow the procedures provided
>Unfortunately, LFS doesn't really help you with this. You're expected to follow the procedures provided
true, but i'd point out two things
one is that if you're not a novice (which you shouldn't be anyway if you're trying LFS) you can try to minimize the base system, with the understanding that it's probably going to require modifying ./configure flags and probably patching certain packages
the other is that the base LFS system is relatively minimal (compared to even the "server" flavor of mainstream distros), and BLFS divides dependencies into Required, Recommended, and Optional, and you can totally ignore the Optional dependencies
ultimately, what constitutes a(n) (un)necessary dependency depends on what you want to do with the system; you can consider GNU coreutils and glibc unnecessary and build a barebones kernel + musl + busybox, but if you want a desktop system or even a webserver with a modern framework, you're gonna have a bad time

>Antitrust officials have decided to ask a judge to force Google to sell chrome

Will this be good or bad for Chrome? How does this affect the adblocker situation?
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Alright, /g/, can we start speculating? Who are the realistic potential buyers?
There is no such thing as a "Biden".
Judges don't just enforce law, they interpret the law. Which gives them the power to effectively change existing laws. Not make new ones, but change existing ones by interpreting based on their intention.

Even words that are as obvious and clear as SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED can be wiped away by judges. They just have to provide a reasoning for a sudden reinterpretation.

Modern democracy is a shit system. One of the worst ones to ever exist. A monarchy has a clearer seperation of power.
But it is funny that simping for a corporation is what made some bootlickers here question it.
hello underage anon, that mark was the moment they removed the "dont be evil" motto
Who can afford to buy it?

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not my problem

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Without using the generic "webp bad!" is there really a significant reason we shouldn't be adopting this after 4chan adopted MP4? I've heard some retards claim that this thing isn't better than JPG but I don't really see this desu senpai. Webp appears to be, on average, about half the file size of standard JPGs for similar quality.

I mean sure it's not as good as jew xl or tel-avif but it's not like fucking useless...
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I've never come across a lossles webp file on the web now that you mention it, virtually all of them have been under 200KB so I never really suspected that lossless was being used.

You know what I HAVE come across? Shit-for-brains saving JPGs as PNGs.
Google hates JXL and wants everyone to use WebP and Tel Avif, you fucking retard
Even though they're working on it? odd
>Given how there's more webp images than there were say 10 years ago
What percentage of those are lossily re-encoded from JPEG or PNG?
No clue but it's been getting worse for me every year that goes by. If this really is someone kind of devious ploy to get google to turn us into slaves or something it might actually be working because I've already complained several time to different websites that they enable uploads of webp files and not just 4chen.

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>gaming phone

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This is actually reasonable since it had a built in gamepad. Everything else can fuck off though.
against all odds still somehow less gay than gaming laptops
but close
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It's over.
The retroid Pocket 5 looks really promising. SD865 and 8gb 2133 MHz ram. Android 13 or Linux. Fully open source because snapdragon decided to be awesome and gave us the source code. I can't wait for more sd865 devices to hit the market.
you're a little slow, aren't you?

Why is his agenda shilled everywhere on the internet right now?
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Maybe because he's god? Idk
What’s his agenda OP
Recognize you can’t answer this without giving the appearance of shilling
It's official then, God is gay. Can't argue about the constant surveillance part though.
>Why is his agenda shilled everywhere on the internet right now?
He's putting out feelers for 14 year old boys that he can fuck up the ass.
Transhumanism, feudalism/authoritarianism, and mass surveillance

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But it's easily fixed.
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Use Isotop.sh to autosetup dwm
No, I like fvwm.
how is yours any better than the one he posted lmao
133 packages and 5GB ram
839 packages and 8GB ram
consider trading macOS for mathOS
An acquired taste
bloat isn't really a problem. No other OS has progams share packages. Hell, most of the time programs on other OSes are webapps. It's bloated as hell and any linux setup will be lightweight by comparison

link -> ( youtu.be/atsMD_C0N9s?si=pMTV8uxjnfrfWuBv ) neat concept but looks very unwieldy until we can make computer parts smaller or transmit a visual signal directly on the card and i dont think thats happening...
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Girl power of course!
perfect for tributing your favorite cunny archive
Really cool idea, but I don't know how you could power two oleds like that and have the required soc to wirelessly receive video and drive the display while remaining paper thin and flexible. In the video you see a ribbon cable coming out the bottom, so not fake CGI, but not practical unless maybe one non flexible edge with a tiny battery, light weight soc just to drive the display and perhaps a solar cell to extend battery life while also having a wireless charging coil when the solar cell inevitably can't keep up. As it stands this tech right now I think could only practically be used by a theme park or something to try and simulate a fictional item while hiding the ribbon cable. This guy's channel also shows making the Harry Potter moving newspaper, so maybe Universal Studios could put one in a Harry Potter attraction, but that's it. Imagine though, waifu trading cards with this tech. Even though it would be crazy expensive I could see gooners just buying pack after pack to get best girl.
When does he coom on it
Right now it's just a flat monitor

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Need help picking a laptop bros. What is the best deal under $1500 rn?

I will use it primarily for working from home, gaming, and occasional music production (nothing fancy, live instruments into a DAW. No midi)
M3 Air. Fuck MacOS but that laptop has the best battery life by huge fuckin mile. The FW13 only got me 4 hours max with the Ryzen + Ubuntu 24.10

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What motivates you to keep on with programming?

I do it so I can develop my own stuff and when something goes wrong or I want to complain about the thing not working right, it will be something like: “Who was the idiot who designed this?! Oh, right...”
>What motivates you to keep on with programming?
cash teleports into my bank account every other week
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Anyone else reach a dead end? The brick wall at the end of the back alley that is the end of all tech? After 30 years of computing, programming and 15 years working as a software developer, I now realize it's all pointless. A wasted life. All tech is garbage. All code is technical debt. You're just automating some pointless tasks from someone's make-work job that also serves someone's pointless life. At the end of the day, we're all just shuffling around like zombies and shoveling garbage into each other's faces.

I'm tempted to just go cold turkey on devices, computers, phones, Internet, everything. It's all garbage.
Unironically skill issue. All my projects make the world a fun place.

I hate git
yes, it's a skill issue but it shouldn't be
why would using a fucking VCS be more difficult than actually programming and working on my project?

many retards will spout
>skill issue
>learn the fundamentals
>git is perfect
>git is well-designed
>"you just don't git it bro!!!!"

but the same retards will argue about git commands for hours like picrel
it's pure stockholm syndrome and delusion
just fucking read this thread and think FOR 5 SECONDS about whether software should be this way https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25123014
holy fuck how can you read that and not just laugh at how insane it all is

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Just use 3 things: commit, push, and pull.
Just ask chatgpt to figure it out for you
there is a nice guide called git for writers or something like that, it's super basic but really it covers the essential use cases and it's 80% of what you need to know. Not sure if someone knows what i'm talking about, but the site even had nice animations
just use jj if you can't understand git

Discussion of free and open source text-to-image models

Last time on /ldg/ : >>103234009

Mutable Feelings Edition

>Beginner UI
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Advanced UI
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
reForge: https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI

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