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File: output.png (1.95 MB, 1920x2160)
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Without using the generic "webp bad!" is there really a significant reason we shouldn't be adopting this after 4chan adopted MP4? I've heard some retards claim that this thing isn't better than JPG but I don't really see this desu senpai. Webp appears to be, on average, about half the file size of standard JPGs for similar quality.

I mean sure it's not as good as jew xl or tel-avif but it's not like fucking useless...
webp is literally better than gif
everything else, jpeg-xl
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No I get that jew xl would be better but 4chen adopted MP4 that can contain H264 and not say AV1. In otherwords it's just adopting old things in a seemingly fair attempt to increase compatibility.

Given how there's more webp images than there were say 10 years ago there's always anons crying about having to convert webp to png/jpg.

So while I personally also like jew xl and tel-avif, I don't see it being adopted here anytime soon unfortunately.
Buy an ad, Jewgle.

>Verification not required.
Why would google shill webp when they're literally working on jxl and avif right now? I'm just genuinely getting annoyed that I have to convert every webp I download to a png before I upload it here.
It's truly kikeshit that you have to use a command line to check whether a file is lossless or not with codec container extensions. At least JXL has the best security patches compared to the rest.
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I've never come across a lossles webp file on the web now that you mention it, virtually all of them have been under 200KB so I never really suspected that lossless was being used.

You know what I HAVE come across? Shit-for-brains saving JPGs as PNGs.
Google hates JXL and wants everyone to use WebP and Tel Avif, you fucking retard
Even though they're working on it? odd
>Given how there's more webp images than there were say 10 years ago
What percentage of those are lossily re-encoded from JPEG or PNG?
No clue but it's been getting worse for me every year that goes by. If this really is someone kind of devious ploy to get google to turn us into slaves or something it might actually be working because I've already complained several time to different websites that they enable uploads of webp files and not just 4chen.
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On a related note is anyone having trouble maintaining transparency from GIFs when converting them to webms? I'm using the following but the piece of shit uses yuv420p instead of the correct yuva420p and it's driving me nuts.

ffmpeg -i test.gif -c:v libvpx -auto-alt-ref 0 -crf 10 -pix_fmt yuva420p -y test.webm

Even more confusing, this DOES work:

ffmpeg -i test.gif out.webp
why do you care about webm transparency when this niggerlicious website explicitly bans them
where were you when jpeg was lossily re-encoded from TIFF and PNG?
jpg/png = soul
webp = sovlless
Simple as. Not downloading webp goyslop.

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