Anyone else reach a dead end? The brick wall at the end of the back alley that is the end of all tech? After 30 years of computing, programming and 15 years working as a software developer, I now realize it's all pointless. A wasted life. All tech is garbage. All code is technical debt. You're just automating some pointless tasks from someone's make-work job that also serves someone's pointless life. At the end of the day, we're all just shuffling around like zombies and shoveling garbage into each other's faces.I'm tempted to just go cold turkey on devices, computers, phones, Internet, everything. It's all garbage.
>>103254816Unironically skill issue. All my projects make the world a fun place.
>>103254816>touhou troon shit>tech nihilismjust use the men's bathroom, richard.
yes, dont glorify your joba wage slave is doomed because he trades his health and time for a little amount of money which gets devalued at +2%/yearthis why you either learn to be poor and go on the spiritual path like by being an hermit, or you start ''entrepreneurship'' if you're a normie, or start day trading to quit the rat race ASAP