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>Antitrust officials have decided to ask a judge to force Google to sell chrome

Will this be good or bad for Chrome? How does this affect the adblocker situation?
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>Will this be good or bad for Chrome?
I hate the federal government so fucking much.
good luck maintaining anything without google
>source: twitter post
who the fuck gonna buy an open source repository?
>noooooo you can't break up my heckerino corporooney, noooooo who will be my friends now nooooooo who will tell me what to beeeeeee
Just fire off the trannies and CoCfags at Mozilla while you're at it.
>microsoft bundles IE with windows
>google bundles and forces chrome with everything imaginable
there are multiple other sources, quit making people spoon feed your lazy ass
inb4 they sell it to a sub-division of Alphabet that was spun off into a "separate" company so they comply but its still Google.
>muh spooonfeeding
Did reddit tell you not to provide real sources for things being discussed?
>there are multiple sources
So post them instead of your twitter account.
>decided to ASK
yep, it's nothing
call me when the judge rules
redditors are the ones who spam
>you got a source for your claim

instead of just googling it, fuck off back to where you belong
>r*ddit types
>accuses others of being reddit

least projecting retarded newfag
How does that make sense?
Chromium is entirely open source so they could just make Google Chrome 2.
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based if true
total google death
>nooo you're the redditor for having actual quality standards instead of being okay with twitter screencaps
>t. projecting election tourists
>r*ddit typing

pick one, retarded newfag
sacrificial lamb to prevent a trump doj from actually shattering it into a million pieces and separating it from the parent company.


wake me up when they start splintering off datacenters
This is a good move.
And other magical creatures that live in your head rent free.
>lose chrome
>chromium is already open source
>create chromesome, a copy of chrome
>chrome falls into disrepair, everybody just migrates to chromesome
What would they actually sell though?
Draft yourself female protagfag.
which sector of society would suffer if all of mozilla simply vanished?
u mad sundar? good. cope and seethe, bloody bastard
t. Brendan Eich
Chrome is the least important piece in the monopoly. And won't accomplish nothing.
Youtube and android hold way more power, they should be force to sell those.
would be funny if they pulled a M$ and counter-sued the US government and won.
imagine the mass suicides
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Who fucking cares?
They don't make any money from browsers.
Google has a board seat in every single web/tech consortium that dictates how the internet should run, also actively develops the tech that actually runs the internet . Making them sell a open source browser, which the only feature that differentiate them from the many clones is the connectivity with the google service (which obviously won't be part of the sale package), wont make a dent in their monopolistic power. In practice, the only thing they will be force to sell is the name and the logo.

If this deal is legit, the only thing I can't think of is that the retarded parasitic boomers at the DOJ are tech illiterates that don't know what they are doing. Or worst, this this is a compromise presented by Google, so the DOJ can save face pretending to do something, while not threatening Google's bottom dollar.

If they wanted to actual dismantle Google's monopoly powers they should go after their ad network, Youtube or PlayStore.
Or even better, cancel their billion dollar deals with the DoD.
How about that?
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>They don't make any money from browsers.
Oh you sweet sweet summer child.
is reddit down or something
So it's the exact same thing they did to tinyflacid.
Isn't Chrome open source already?
Andreas, you buying?
Probably, doesn't change the fact that manifestv3 is the kind of disgusting filth that has marked the shift of google from a functionality company to a monetization company.
And it's all tied to the browser itself.
Google never fixes anything anyway.
The constant updating of chrome is done to cement googles dominance to prevent any possible competing browsers. Without google constantly reinventing the web things slow down and become maintainable again.
Samsung will buy it
Then Dell, Asus, Acer, ... all dem boys gone be pissed
Shit, I just noticed they only make ONE chromebook now. They used to make the best ones, WTF happened over there? BTW, HP sells chromebooks for more than $2K now too
seems more kids today use chromebooks instead of windows laptops in skool
Anyway, this is gonna suck. Chromebooks are the best linux laptops. Just flash them with coreboot and install a real distro.
This would suck, I give all my data to google just so I can sync chrome between my computer and my phone
IE was good too. I fucking miss it.
twitterniggers should be permabanned and shot on sight.
fucking fake articles are better than this shit
Well, ultimately the central problem they see is Google forcing its search engine through Chrome.

What they don't see, is the power it gives Google over web standards. That is the actual crux with Chrome.
Chrom(e/ium) is basically the standard-defining implementation of web standards on the user side of things at this point.
Because Firefox was about everything except the motherfucking browser for the last decade. Thanks, Mozilla!
That's because you are trans, try not to be mentally ill, it will help.
Is there enough donation money and volunteer effort for 2 open source engines? An Open Chrome will certainly cause the die off of Mozilla. Both Opera and Microsoft gave up their engines and they had billion dollar companies behind them.
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Please go back.
but chromium is open sores
Google will probably make some deal like Microsoft did for Internet Explorer
No it's based on the open source Chromium
Why? I would understand if Google was privately owned and managed with pride by a group of entrepreneurs. But modern Google is an amorphous organization. They hire and fire people at the drop of a hat, chase trends, exploit consumers. Besides, the quality of chrome is suffering because it's so ubiquitous that they just maintain it so they can push more product. It doesn't seem to me like the government is harming anyone.
Other than hurting Google's ability to collect data, which is based, does this actually accomplish anything? Presumably whoever buys it will still collect user data and still promote ads by going after adblockers. It'll have 0 impact for us regular people, no?
>Other than hurting Google's ability to collect data, which is based, does this actually accomplish anything?
Google will be able to create new browser and like first time will spam google search engine users with "install browser". Everyone will just uninstall Chrome and install new google browser.
Presumably they won't be allowed to do that.
Do you seriously think, they'd allow them to fork Chromium and simply start making the same fucking browser under a different name?
Whatever. I don't use Chrome, I use Brave.
It's not Chrome, it's Chroma, totally different browser.
>I don't use Chrome. I use Chrome (but with a different icon)
The conditions the DOJ would impose on Google would be more like "can not make any browsers at all for X number of years" and also restrict their ability to partner with other companies on browser development.
I can cum to this.

you are beyond salvation. You point and laugh at the chinks, at the russians, while being twice as brainwashed yourself. I don't even know why I am speaking to a drone. Actually commit suicide.
The american neolib, LITERALLY - and I can't stress this enough - LITERALLY BRAINWASHED by five centuries of puritanism and individualism, two centuries of exploitation, a century of literal psyops, to the point that his economic views are LITERALLY ABSOLUTE RELIGIOUS BELIEFS, will lay down his life in order to defend enormous, aberrant corporations with powers to rival and surpass those of nations but with none of the moral, civil obligations, and that have evolved so convoluted and with so many degrees and levels of separation from their original constituents - the fucking people - to make them able to red-tape and google-form their way into genocide without breaking one law or feeling the meaning of it, because of "muh free market".
There is NO salvation for such cattle.
Great, so the buyer gets paid by google to let chrome be the default on Android to use Google as the default search engine and nothing whatsoever gets done about the enshittification.
Makes me wonder who would be the buyer. And what sort of price would they have to pay for it. Also note that it would be possible for the DoJ to require that Google not pay/partner with whoever buys Chrome to prevent that sort of situation.
Even if google is forced to give up chrome we have a major problem with chromium having a monopoly on web browsers that Microsoft only dreamed of
I would presume a startup that doesn't exist yet, some holdings company you've never heard of, or Microsoft depending on the particulars.
It may not even matter if Google doesn't have to sell chromium. Theoretically they can't just replace chrome with another closed source chromium, or adding all their botnet into chromiums code, because they'd be right back where they started, but the government is dumb and corrupt enough to pull something like that.
IE was only good after they got humbled by FF and Chrome
Trident and Active X are cancer and so are you
Well, the situation is slightly better, because (opposed to IE) Chromium simply fucking works and gets regular security updates.
>Active X
I break out in a rash simply by thinking about that disgusting piece of shit.
>force Google to sell Chrome
>market speculators are going on about how Chrome on its own is worth $20B
>but Chrome is tied to Google's entire ecosystem and servers, and a sale would almost necessitate the lobotomization of the entire browser
>and Chromium is open-sourced
>Chrome is just a version of Chromium with Google's first party shit stapled onto it
Everyone involved in this is woefully illiterate when it comes to what they're trying to litigate or speculate on.
And just to hammer it home for any /biz/ people, Chrome on its own is worth nothing. It's the most installed browser, but the only thing that makes Chrome valuable is its integration with Google's other services. It's a skin atop a free software entity. The only thing that gives it value is Google's name attached to it.
post yfw Microsoft buys Chrome, discontinues Chrome, and auto-updates all Linux installs of Chrome to Edge
Trident is an incredible browser engine. Incredibly lean and fast. IE5/6 completely demolished FF2 opening the same html documents, IE was like ten times faster.
Chrome doesn't directly make any money though.
Kek, maybe it will become a real browser then
you're an idiot and i genuinely feel sorry for you
Not an argument.
This isn't encouraging competition it's punishing success
>no the ad company should have direct access to your web browser so they can steal every bit of data you collect at the source
The internet existed before Google, it will exist after Google.

And for the record, modern Google sucks. I don't use Google search for anything anymore.
You're right, Adwords/Adsense should be forced to become its own company.
something about this feels wrong even though i hate that google is attempting to leverage its market domination to get rid of adblock
How does this work? Chunks of Chrome are open source, so will Jewgol just be banned from contributing to them? Will Chrome have to become an OSS project?
Will this mean Steam won't force the latest Windows anymore?
We've been living under the Reagan consumer welfare policy on antitrust for 40 years so Americans have been conditioned to accept these massive tech monopolies because they think it's good for the consumer for whatever reason. Biden made attempts to revive old fashioned antitrust by appointing Lina Khan and Jonathan Kanter but it's going to revert back with Trump and we're gonna be stuck with these tech monopolies for our lifetime.
Obama had 12 years. (Biden was Obama's third term) Kill yourself.
I am not sure what you are trying to convey. Clinton and Obama enforced the Reagan approach on anti-trust. Biden was the first to abandon the Reagan approach.
Biden didn't do shit because he's a senile old man, everything you said is make believe, Obama was the one calling shots while Biden drooled in a corner. This red and blue bullshit is make believe, all of them are uniparty candidates.
You are the one who has adopted this fantasy that Biden is Obama's third term. Get help.
lol okay buddy
Trump won
Make Israel Great Again
This is retarded.
I hate Google, but I hate Microsoft, Apple and Mozilla just as much.
Forcing Google to divest chrome will just result in those other three companies benefitting enormously.
>virtual monopoly on browser tech
>google dictating new web standards to increase the profitability of the largest advertising network on the internet also coincidentally owned by them
huh, it's almost like this is exactly what these kinds of laws were supposed to be used for
i only know that chrome is a spywokeware and google served bad political actors with its search

google headquarters is at Ireland. that speaks which side this woke corporation is.
This, the update post from 2023, and a few other articles they've posted were pretty well written. I like this site
They should do a concerted anti-trust action to force Apple to divest Safari too.
Edge is probably losing Microsoft money but they can get spun off too.
Google will then have to pay the new Safari Corporation and Chrome LLC to be the default search engine instead of Apple.
Edge will simply die because Microsoft would stop paying to be the default search engine.
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judge in question
google's fate is in the hands of a street shitter, ironic
be google
>sell off chrome
>fork chromium
>add all the proprietary google shit back
>continue as usual
the judge is retarded if he does this
>Microsoft pays Chromium $4 billion to make ChatGPT Bingle Search the default
The chrome business unit. Chrome enterprise is a support product. They sell licenses for this shit and it's bundled with workplace (with some caveats).
Imagine how pissed Google will be when they have to pay to be the default search engine in the browser they made
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>own product
>gov forces you to sell it
so this is America, the land of freedom
nothing ever happens
Google should not have been allowed to buy:
1. DoubleClick
2. YouTube
3. Android

At this point it would be hard to spin off DoubleClick. Android wouldn't be viable. YouTube probably could be made viable and independent of Google.

Chrome isn't as big of a deal. It was mainly Google made so they should be able to keep it. Put it under strict Microsoft-like limits. No ads or nags for Chrome. No bundling Chrome with ChromeOS or Android without having a user browser selection screen.
Obviously they will need to make it illegal for anyone employed by or funded by google to touch any version of the chromium codebase.
I will fucking skin you alive and kill you in your own house

Based insight post

I will fucking skin you alive you unconsequential retarded brainwashed piece of shit chud
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>Sells Chrome
>Buys Mozilla
>Turns Firefox into Chromium
>hurrdurr m$ ebil monopoly break it up
>also /g/:
creating an unstoppably large monopoly hostile to its userbase is the American Dream, commie
With the government, regulation and lobbying Google would have never become a monopoly in the first place. Google has been frankly acting illegally ever since they removed the Don't Be Evil slogan. From the Youtube censorship and bullshit to the search engine censorship and bullshit to what is likely illegal schemes with how Adwords works, Google would've been investigated for criminals acts by now if not for the government.
i hope chief streetshitter pichai is lynched or at least deported
Good, google should be totally broken up.

Youtube should be broken up into two companies, one backend that hosts all the videos that has to give equal access and pricing to everyone, and a front end and ad business which then has to compete with other "youtube frontends" equally.
This isn't how the separation of the three powers works. Judges don't exist to decide what's good for the public but to enforce the law.

They had a case about Google Chrome, it turns out that their interpretation of antitrust laws implies that Google should let it go, but the same DOJ members on the same case would interpret different laws into e.g. forcing the Google execs to listen to a Nickelback album every day for 3 months or until they apologized for every bad thing they'd done.
Yeah, that's what I was talking about. Cool story but that's not the law.

(We won't get rid of borders until we stop outsourcing labor to remote countries with lower wages and lax workers protection, because there are literally billions of people who could fly en masse to Northern capitals and disrupt them to end imperialism. This being said, ending imperialism and overproduction, thus ending racism is a prerequisite to both surviving as a species and ending borders. Climate denial is necessary to fully ignore the effects that racism will have on us as white people. End of the infodump but I absolutely do not condone or endorse these views.)
something that annoys me about the people arguing that companies shouldn't be able to get so big is that they ignore the benefits of scale.

maybe we need megacorporations in the US so that they can compete with a rising power like china. you can still regulate the corporations, but maybe kneecapping them by stopping them from buying the world's best video site isn't a good idea.
>thus ending racism is a prerequisite to both surviving as a species and ending borders
races differ in intelligence mostly due to differences in genes, and allowing the low intelligence people to flood the high intelligence countries will worsen the high intelligence institutions and slow down innovation.
> pay the new Safari Corporation and Chrome LLC to be the default search engine
Paying to be the default search engine is one of the main anti-turst complaints against google right now.
Just because chrome is spun off doesnt mean they'll still be allowed to keep doing that.
>no more google fucking with adblocker for personal gains
For some reason I doubt it will go through...
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>This isn't how the separation of the three powers works. Judges don't exist to decide what's good for the public
Why I'm being robbed (paying taxes) every year then?
>Judges don't exist to decide what's good for the public but to enforce the law.
who decides what judges exist for? judges clearly do not just enforce law. they judge based on what they want. hence shit like roe v wade (to be clear i'm pro abortion but roe v wade was an activist ruling)
Couldn't Google just make another browser with a new name? Will Google be banned from making browsers?
They will be banned from bundling browsers with Android or other operating systems. They will be forbidden from advertising browsers on their properties.
If the judge rules that Google used its market domination in browsers to unfair enrich itself though creating an unequal marketplace, it's 100% certain that Google would be prohibited from offering a browser again for a set amount of time, perhaps a decade.
dolan tromp will fix this
Even with all that Google is barely able to keep competing, Apple's anti-advertising measures are slowly killing Google.

Once Apple's mobile phone monopoly is complete, Google will just be a shell kept on life support to try to avoid anti-trust. Few more years, then a few more years till windows laptop/desktop is dead ... and with it all the companies dependent on the open markets of Android and x86.

They are never going to break up Apple in time. The reality distortion field will hold until the entire consumer electronics market is nearly completely destroyed.
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>MS buys Chrome
>discontinues Edge
>discontinues Chrome
>few weeks pass
>"Introducing... Microsoft Internet Explorer! Now Built on Chrome NT Technology!"
Youtube breaking from adsense(Google) would fix internet culture so much.
So, Microsoft will buy it, and Mozilla will explode without Google funding it to keep the antitrust ruling away?
>Adwords/Adsense should be forced to become its own company.
Google literally is Adwords/Adsense.
The remainder without it would be a corpse without revenue.
Google doesn't maintain anything anymore, they just make things worse, like banning ad blockers.
On one hand, this will make google's constant forcing of evermore extreme measures to stop adblockers or fucking with firefox with youtube.
On the other, firefox will definitely lose their moneymaker and it'll probably spell doom to modern browsers that aren't chromium.
Fucking sucks. I think separating youtube would've been better but also way, way harder.
>Only difference between IE6 era and now is that Microsoft packages Edge for GNU/Linux
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Will this effect my out-of-date, whatever was the last version available for windows 7, chrome?
The remainder would have to use Adsense / advertising without special favors just like literally everybody else trying to make competing products. THAT IS WHY IT IS ANTI TRUST FAGGOT. Because Google is abusing the market with a status afforded to them by government regulation. They should've never been allowed to buy their own ad platform and today, 2024, we have witnessed what happens when you allow a company to expand like a cancer.
Whatever you gotta tell yourself, man
about damn time they got off their lazy asses. still not enough but it's a start. should force them to return to only being a search engine.
Will this mean Chromium can finally get JPEG XL support back?
Who's gonna buy it?
Remember Bell Labs?
Somewhere in Redmond, an executive's ears are perking up.
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Elon and he's gonna change the name to Xplorer or some shit.
Google was asking for it. They forced everyone to use their browser and made every move they could think of to make Firefox slow. What they think it would happen?
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Apple, Meta, Microsoft, Amazon, Oracle, IBM, Tencent, etc
>Will this be good or bad for Chrome?
Who gives a damn about Chrome? Let the piece of shit die.
Official break up now moving forward.
Cope and seethe, Sundar.
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>He bought into Chrome's popularity? Dump it!
Alright, /g/, can we start speculating? Who are the realistic potential buyers?
There is no such thing as a "Biden".
Judges don't just enforce law, they interpret the law. Which gives them the power to effectively change existing laws. Not make new ones, but change existing ones by interpreting based on their intention.

Even words that are as obvious and clear as SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED can be wiped away by judges. They just have to provide a reasoning for a sudden reinterpretation.

Modern democracy is a shit system. One of the worst ones to ever exist. A monarchy has a clearer seperation of power.
But it is funny that simping for a corporation is what made some bootlickers here question it.
hello underage anon, that mark was the moment they removed the "dont be evil" motto
Who can afford to buy it?
Chrome is a critical part of googles web monopoly
Yeah, they are just making stuff up. It's the same as when priests would read holy books, and only they could tell us what it means, even though the words are there clear as day. Judges have to work their way up the priesthood, then maybe they are picked by a politician to be on the supreme court, then they can change the meaning of the law.
>They should've never been allowed to buy their own ad platform
I see little problem with the original Adsense platform, but the purchase of Doubleclick (in 2008) should have never gone through.

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