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I know this has sort of been tried before (cloud desktops), but I have a feeling that with Microsoft making the hardware too, it's going to stick this time
if they can build low-latency regional data centers for example, why wouldn't all gamers just rent their GPUs in the cloud per month?
not to mention the mass surveillance and data aggregation capabilities are a corporate/spook wet dream
then they'll give you a discount for using a special monitor with eye tracking built in, for even better ad metrics
Sun Microsystems did the same thing with "Java desktops".
didn't that just run Java applets? those were basically full local apps, downloaded on demand
You're actually just streaming bloat- and spyware. Windows alone is like 1gb
Or like Citrix desktops on thin clients. Corpos want everyone to get back to the mainframe model where it was easier to bilk money ... for ... each ... and ... every ... little ... detail. Want more CPU quota? Monies! Want a little more disk space? Monies!! Want higher priority? Monies!!!!!1
it was a remote session to solaris essentially
It is impossible to be worse than Citrix
but Microsoft will find a way
The only way these computers would take off is if they actually gave you a supercomputer from the cloud. Stadia might have had traction if they let everyone play on a 4090 or better GPU and every game was optimized for BEST POSSIBLE performance and quality. Stadia should've been literally the best way to graphically play a game.

The actual truth is there's nothing cloud computing can offer than you wouldn't just want with a micro PC running Windows 10.
4k240hz gaming beast woth a fiber connection in nyc, chicago, and la
RIP OnLive
Honestly this feels like it's designed for jewish corporations to keep their computer hardware in their offices instead of giving them laptops or desktops.
Just look at current AWS pricing to see where this shit is going.
will not be renting my operating system, hope everyone involved in this gets strangled with barbed wire
Gaymers already using GeForce Now. It's gonna be joever soon.
can i run linux on it.
>why wouldn't all gamers just rent their GPUs in the cloud per month?
Oh so is that why Xbox is now on PC and Windows 11 is the beta testing for AI? You know they want Windows to be subscription based too. Taking even a casual look at what Blackwell is capable of, all they would need is 2-4 data centers to control every user while connected to their network constantly.
>GeForce Now.

it sucks for online gaming which are always the most played games on steam ranking. there is a reason if google dropped cloud gaming fast.
I don't see this working even for corporate uses. Imagine the bandwidth requirements for even a small office. At my work we can barely handle video streaming weekly meetings (everyone video calls in from their desk).
>Imagine the bandwidth requirements for even a small office
RDP is already pretty efficient
I don't know if it has special handling for video already, but no doubt that can be added
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Gamers that build their PCs or even buy pre builds are a small enthusiast market, you just have an inherent bias to thinking there are more people like you than you think.
I agree the intent here is to move towards more surveillance but the way they'll do that is the same as always, through software.
Maintaining distribution dominance, asserting more control over their users, and pushing for their system to be the standard.
Pushing this to gamers wouldn't achieve those goals on any grand scale any more than having most of them already running windows on their system does, and allocating servers to it wouldn't be worth the payout.
These, these are very true.
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for once I'm glad I live in a third world country where these big corpos dont consider us as humans so we can still run shit locally
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Think about what it costs to rent cloud PCs from microsoft. This is what they're currently selling (not GPU included, you have to contact sales for that one). Even going with the basic pricing for 4 cores, 16gb ram, 512gb storage (which sucks) you wasted $1200 when you could have had a very nice PC. 2 years and you can afford your maxed out pc with the most overkill graphics card on the market instead, which you own and control, can upgrade (more than half a tb storage lol), can keep as long as you want, doesn't need internet to function at all, and has resale value for a few years. Rent a microsoft pc and you get nothing, even lose access to your shitty 512gb storage when you miss a payment.
Let's be real, they're charging this much for a mediocre office pc with no graphics, it will not be less for the 4090.
For this plan to work you're getting a 4060 at best and it still won't be a good deal.
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It was bette ron every possible way. The card system is impressively well done and fast
>1999 computer
>working with 2023 software
Windows could never
its pretty funny how every company locks down thin clients and takes away all the advantages of cloud computing like scalability and turns them into torture devices for bad wagies who didnt get a thick client

Its completely possible to make a thin client that doesnt lag like shit, gives you basically infinite storage and compute resources, and lets you move around much more easily within your office, but instead they make them fake computers with 4g of "virtual ram" and 2 cpu cores on some 10 year old server with a 10 minute login cycle and not storing your settings properly
not a single gpu can run any modern maxed out aaa game at 4k@240hz without upscaling and framegen
If the subscription ends up doubling its cost then you might as well buy a 700 dollar mini PC instead.

Apple users... I kneel
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Why anyone, regardless of tech saviness, would want or use that? If i explain to my it-illiterate acquaintances how that shit works i'm pretty confident they would consider it garbage. It's a scam that relies on ignorance and/or demoralization.
Not a fukkin chance
Nobody who gives a single shit about their privacy would fall for this
what happens if the internet goes out? can you use it offline?
Is this cheaper than Citrix shit?
What's the appeal
brought to you by the same people that brought you Zune
>Internet/power craps out
>You're fired and the bank seizes your house
Will never, ever work
you people understand this is for corpos who use azure desktop as is, it's not to replace your computer its to make corpos think they are refusing costs.
Frankly, Apple is more likely to get somethig like this working than anyone else. Most remote display protocols aren't completely seamless even across gigabit Ethernet, and it's a hard problem, that has caused thin clients to come, gone, come again, gone again and come again again (the closest analogue is VR) repeatedly over the decades.
Like leftists, /g/entoomens' "lives" orbit being victims, and pretending everyone is out to get them.
The idea that their lives are shit because they're worthless parasites never crosses their minds - it's three letter agencies and megacorps, not that they refuse to even get an after school McJob.
Welcome to the top of Bitcoin
yeah because a device aimed soley at enterprise customers would never meet your discerning security requirements.
this is fucking retarded
Yes this can work but there has to be a local barebones OS to make it so that things don't seem laggy in terms of immediate I/O. Certain flagship programs can be streamed from the cloud, especially on the backs of CDNs, including the entire office suite and other productivity/creativity tools. And with the way things are trending they'll be able to stream mobile videogames to the cheapo box as well.
No corpo will ever let this concept replace traditional locally run operating systems, they will have to use Windows software ecosystem, and Microsoft will have to oblige by releasing traditional ISO's that you can then easily source, install and activate for free on your local machine.
Probably. A bunch will move to this shit while others won't or simply aren't legally allowed to.
wait until i tell you about citrix anon
>idiots who can't be bothered to even read the entire pic before desperately typing out their kneejerk response

>The device is...aimed solely at enterprise customers
This is a way for large businesses that have hundreds or thousands of PCs to outsource all of the headaches related to installation, maintenance, and upgrade of those PCs. You subscribe to this service and now you no longer have to buy or maintain your own PCs and you can fire all associated support staff.
The Windows 365 desktop costs $349, not $365? Golden opportunity and they blew it.
We read it. It does not say the most important thing, which is what the subscription costs.

Why couldn't people just rent out cloud nominally with a standard mini pc?
You are a fucking nigger
It's another destined-to-fail attempt at a MS walled garden. They don't want you to run chrome and word on your pc. They want you to run chrome and word on their server.
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>this is finally relevant
what a time to be alive
What is wrong with this? A PC requires a power cable to connect which you don't own. Now it's a power cable and LAN cable (or Wifi).
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Based M$
Anon, 1) there isn't a history of power being cut off because you were using the wrong light bulbs or watching the wrong TV shows 2) you can literally power a laptop with a solar panel
The wintoddlers here will piss and moan a bit but will ultimately submit to Microsoft's will.
Why are 90% of corporations even relying on windoze in the first place? Can’t figure out GCP? Most of these people could unironically do their paper pushing on a tablet.
most companies are already paying exorbitant fees to put their shit in the cloud, don't see why this wouldn't take off honestly.
Eye tracking is easy. Just turn the cloud cuck box into an all in one with a convenient high end web can (((for windows hello))) and spy with that.
I like how they're acting like not having the OS installed somehow makes the computer cheaper when this set up obviously would be much more difficult and expensive to maintain.
Cant wait for the first tear down to see what it looks like inside.
the cattled masses will use whatever microsoft and apple tell them. microsoft has a particular advantage in doing this because they also own azure, whereas if apple tries to copy they will have a difficult time.
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the price makes it seem its just a full x86 computer, but with a locked down bios. I mean I just got a $50 android tv box, which is decently snappy running Android locally, why is this PoS so fucking expensive
This will probably only see widespread adoption in enterprise environments.
It will be a non-starter in the home market.
What confuses me is why these clients need to be so large if they only stream from the cloud? You could have something as small as a pi.
>80% plastic
>15% mobo
>5% heat sink

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