I hate gityes, it's a skill issue but it shouldn't bewhy would using a fucking VCS be more difficult than actually programming and working on my project?many retards will spout>skill issue>learn the fundamentals>git is perfect>git is well-designed>"you just don't git it bro!!!!"but the same retards will argue about git commands for hours like picrelit's pure stockholm syndrome and delusionjust fucking read this thread and think FOR 5 SECONDS about whether software should be this way https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25123014holy fuck how can you read that and not just laugh at how insane it all isgit is a fucking disastergit is cancer
orange site screencap forants
>>103249913git is one of those things where in theory it's horribly complicated and a massive headache, but in practice it just works fine. You can memorise a handful of common commands for everyday use, and then google it (or nowadays ask an LLM) on the rare occasions you need to do something else.>why would using a fucking VCS be more difficult than actually programming and working on my project?Again, it isn't. There are edge cases where it can be a timesink, but typical add/commit/push/pull is piss easy. Use a GUI tool if you need to.More to the point, what would you prefer? SVN? Send an email with website-anon-20241120-1332-final-fixed-finalv2.zip?
What are you trying to do that's causing you so much trouble? If all you're doing is committing updates to a linear timeline it could hardly be easier to use. The only thing that gives me any trouble is rebasing, and that's only something I ever need to do as penance for fucking something else up.
>>103249913I'm old enough to have used VCS, SVN and early iteration of Microsoft Project (where you "checked out" files like books in a library and until you checked them backed in, no one else could edit them), before git became the standard. Git is so much better than anything before it that we boomers are infinitely grateful for it and always will be.All your concerns are trivial. Git just works.
>>103249913It's good enough, you get used to it.what would you use instead?
>>103249913>git sucksit does. it is self-obsessed. the purpose of source control systems is to control source, and changes to same. instead it's more interested in controlling its users.
>>103249913>it's pure stockholm syndrome and delusionthispeople have such low self worth that they tell themselves they don't deserve betteryes there are worse vcses out there but we should strive for the best not the good enoughhow many people have even used mercurial let alone pijul or rvcs?
>>103249913>resisting GUI's is not a good ideastopped reading thereget fucked, retard
>>103250113>Send an email with website-anon-20241120-1332-final-fixed-finalv2.zip?No! That's how you handle Continuous Deployment.
>>103249913If the workflow is more complicated thanpull commit and push (in that order) then git is probably the wrong choice for your workflow. Consider one of the many alternatives
>>103250484>instead it's more interested in controlling its usersthis is yet another schizo projection thread nowyay; we were short of them on /g/
As people said in the OP pic all you need on a daily basis is a handful of commands. The workflow in any real job is gonna be something along the lines of>pull master with clean work tree >branch it>do your shit there>commit early and often>once it's ready squash the changes into master with a message that makes sense >above step probably happens through some tool where someone else looks through your shit and nitpicks you over mundane shit that you then fix before it gets added to master>pull a fresh copy of master>repeat with next featureYou only need the more esoteric git shit on a daily or even monthly basis when your workflow is fucked and you're trying to force git into your workflow. Or you need to support a billion versions. Or you fuck something up.Also I've not seen a single git GUI application that would be easier to use than CLI.
>>103250413A shared drive with daily backups. For real
terminal wit just text badfancy gui with useless buttons good
>>103249913Just use 3 things: commit, push, and pull.
>>103249913Just ask chatgpt to figure it out for you
>>103249913there is a nice guide called git for writers or something like that, it's super basic but really it covers the essential use cases and it's 80% of what you need to know. Not sure if someone knows what i'm talking about, but the site even had nice animations
>>103249913just use jj if you can't understand git