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File: newpipe.png (16 KB, 349x337)
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Thanks anon
It's gonna break again next week.
We had a really long run before it broke again with last version.
Still preferable to normietube.
Also tubular is a fork with sponsorblock and dislike. Get that one IF IT'S UPDOOTED

It doesnt update and thats a problem
Tubular has the laziest, inept and probably homosexual development team of any app
I can't wait until a straight person forks it
Just use grayjay
i switched over to pipepipe
Perma ban mobiletrannies already. Range ban all mobile IPs.
>cant customize home to not show slop that you give 0 shit about
sorry, grayjay werks but newpipe is just better.
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>connect to bluetooth
>just guru meditate bro
cant they just replace their extractor with yt-dlp?
The current version works fine so far on my end.
They are adding a new recommendation engine you can see it being built on the github.

Tubluar is the worst fucking pajeet garbage that never works. why anyone here ever shills this shit is beyond me.
i switched over to peepee
Maybe there is an inherent difference? Newpipe lets you watch as you download and skip through the timeline, while yt-dlp just downloads the entire video.
Pipepipe is much better than tubular dude get with the times
i think the issue is yt-dlp is python code which is slow, because mpv-android works with yt-dlp
i wonder if the entire yt-dlp library could be compiled with codon or similar
>already broken
it's over
It was a good run. I'm using pipepipe and testing a version of revanced
we are so back
oi do yau hav' a valid yautchub' laissns' governuh?
BraveNewPipe is exactly like Tubular but it gets updated immediately. Get that one instead.
Does yt-dlp scrape commets, recommended etc?
en-Gb; videos were coming through in many different languages with -en.
Why is it better?
I'm literally using it right now what are you people on about now
>exactly like Tubular
It has more features actually
I alternate between this and Firefox with ublock+background video playback fix when newpipe is down
I just share the link from newpipe to seal quick download and watch it with nova player
en_GB has a non retarded date/time format locale
im not even native english

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