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Is there really no way to toggle the volume by increments less than 6% at a time? There's no apps that actually work to fix this. I heard Samsung phones let you do it but mine's not a Samsung.
This is so fucking stupid. Why not just allow more granularity?
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I'm talking specifically about Android, anon.
Is this a bot?
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Why can't the volume control be a scroll wheel
That's not even my point, I'd just like to be able to turn the volume to say, 10% instead of only 6 and 12 and 18 and so on. Even within apps it's impossible.

Has anyone "jailbroken" their android and accomplished such a thing?
I don't care about your point anon, you are autistic and should fuck off
mpv can toggle the volume in increments of 3%, so it must be possible for apps to do so.
Custom ROMs have customizable volume steps
Nah fuck off dumbasses
Tried this shit some time ago, doesnt work on my phone at least
No fuck YOU idiot
I tried this already, that's why I made the thread. Doesn't work. 1%-5% sound exactly the same as 6%, then there's a sudden jump at 7%. I listen to music before bed and it's impossible to get some songs i play on youtube to be quiet enough
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use case for less than 6% steps?
Alright, I guess I'll just find entire albums on pootube and download them and play them on VLC for next time.
Already posted in this thread, also why'd you post that faggot
Fuck you I'm going to go do more meth and then play chants of sennar on my 4090 7800x3d build
You can use your finger on the on-screen controls to get almost infinitely fine steps.
To change the volume increments on your Android phone, start by installing Good Lock from the Galaxy Store. Once you have Good Lock, go to the "Life Up" tab and install the Sound Assistant module. Open Sound Assistant, where you can adjust the volume step size to be more precise. Additionally, you can customize the volume panel's appearance and behavior through Sound Assistant. This allows for more control and personalization of your device's sound settings.
The "correct" way to do this involves rooting your phone. Don't ask me why, I hate Google. Use a Linux phone if you value your freedom.
Anyways, as a Google slave, I make do. My personal solution is to use an equalizer app and to adjust that for fine control.
Mine is granular if you slide the slider
Thanks for the idea, now I'm golden
starting at 100% volume, you can lower the volume to 10%. if you desire 90%, you can lower the volume all the way down to 0%, and then back up to 90%
Nope for me that's just cosmetic
>set up music
>put phone in pocket
>wheel touches the pocket sides and rolls along them
>max volume gets blasted into your ears
Same here bit need it for my Android 14 motorola
I really miss GravityBox
For indiscernible reasons this is controlled by a variable in the main system table so good luck doing this without a magisk module or gambling your data away with notepad
Here I'll spoonfeed you once
>solved by recessed volume wheels since the 80's
>be me
>have players with recessed volume wheels
>issue still happens
This is why you still had belt clips/holsters for these things.
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I miss meth, and drugs in general desu
t. guy playing a ppsspp game on a 4080 super/7800x3d
This is retarded, and you would not be complaining if the volume functioned exactly the way it does now, with the exact same granularity, but they just divided every number by 6 when they showed it to you, so that it starts at 1 and goes by single increments.

Think about it, you're not actually complaining that it goes up by 6% what you're complaining about is they chose to use a scale from 0 to 100 instead of 0 to 16
You are assuming that volume scales are arbitrary and proprietary.
don't care to read the whole thread to see if this has been answered, but all you gotta do is have a phone with an active dev community on xda(lol I know) and find a custom ROM that lets you set the number of volume steps.
Damn this looks cool, hope it works with my oneplus.
Not at all.
Not him, but I'd really like to have the option of an additional volume level between 0 and 1. Maybe even 2 or 3 of them.
I've had this happen with the buttons on my phone
its literally possible, asshole
I have a xiaomi phone and I can adjust it more finely by literally dragging the slider with my finger
adb shell cmd media_session volume --set 25

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