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previous >>101523983
What's the easiest retard-proof way to bulk download a mass of twitter videos from a specific account?
Is a 16:9 aspect ratio scren better at anything than a 16:10 one?
Already running BIND9 on my parent DNS. How do I do that? (filter AAAA's from the responses)
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Is it possible to encrypt/block/restrict a file from being viewed on a digital device and where it can only be read/seen if the person receiving the file prints it?
No idea where to put this but this video seems to completely crash the tab in firefox? How do I figure out what could be causing this? I could just block the page but don't want this shit happening again.
you can encrypt a file and without password it wont be able to execute it, it'll be still be seen in the filesystem though
yt-dlp ?
16:10 is better for most computing task
I disassembled a PS4 controller and lost a trigger spring, cannot find the fucker, I feel guilty as fuck Anons.
Any good spring replacements for it? I can see the BisLinks ones but I just want an original part.
So, theoretically, the person on the other end could still print the file? And it would still look as if in the same format?
better at not having black bars when you're watching a movie or video fullscreen
try looking up info about it and going to AliExpress, I'd be surprised if they didn't have it
Tried chrome, worked. Tried without addons in firefox,still broke. I remember 4chan webms breaking too if they use a certain encoding is that it?
Yes I went through it and like I said, the downloaded one seem to be exact the same as my rip except for the files.

I used MakeMKV for mine. I don't want to rip all my media, but the ones I want to rip, I want to have as untouched as possible = image/ISO.
*by RIP I mean 1:1 copy
I'll try those thanks
How do I clean a super dusty screen without damaging it? theres like 3 years of dust on this thing
they didn't work
turn off
wipe with alcohol
wipe dry
>wipe with alcohol
doesnt that damage the screen though
Not really, the only way to read data from an encrypted file is to decrypt it.
>where it can only be read/seen if the person receiving the file prints it?
not in a general way, no
What's a makes-sense device for offline maps to carry with my bike? I'd also appreciate freedoms and Linux and all that, if possible.
if you wipe ten times a day for a year, yes, it does
This is a super opinion/personal based question, but do you guys ever feel like customization and tinkering are a complete waste of time?

I've basically fallen into a productivity hole, where I am constantly "learning" new things, changing things, tinkering things, etc. If a way exists to do something, I try to create a way to automate it, if keybinds exist I change them, I'm constantly switching around note taking systems, etc. I know people constantly change their OS or "rice" it too, which I think is kind of similar to what I'm talking about.

I guess I'm just conflicted because I know people love a super tailored experience, I always hear about people customizing this and changing that, and workflows and whatnot, but I really have hit some kind of epiphany that it all just feels like a complete sidetrack to getting actual work done. Has anyone ever else felt like this?
an iphone
cheap android phone with osmand
you can get the full version of osmand from f-droid, and maps can be downloaded and used entirely offline
>note taking systems
you're lacking perspective
take a vacation and think about what you're doing with your life
unreliable and incomplete
cheap android phones have shitty gps that doesn't work without internet connection
You're not me but thanks for trying it before I got around to it. Now I know not to bother.

Anyone else have any ideas? >>101561207
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I've been scanning a ton of old photos(manually on a canon lide400 flatbed to .tif) and saving them in folders based on year_location.
What software should i use to (ideally bulk) edit photos location, date and any other metadata i could use to sort them?
I recall some software wanted coordinates instead of a map search/pin or could only edit 1 image at a time making the task even more tedious.
I then want to de-speckle a copy for browsing etc. I did this years ago using some GIMP scripts but it was a bit fucky.
I'm hoping to get the bulk of them done and give mum access and hopefully she will get other family photos from family so i can archive them as well since i'm NEET and have the time.
Any suggestion tech to scan photos or negatives that is relatively cheap and not complete trash would be appreciated as well.
I work from home and have a separate work laptop. I was wondering if there was a way I can toggle my keyboard and mouse to switch between my personal PC and work laptop?
I have a wired ducky keyboard and a wireless logitech mouse for reference. Mouse has a usb though, not bluetooth.
>cheap android phones have shitty gps that doesn't work without internet connection
that's not true, they may just take longer to get an initial fix if you haven't used it in a while, which is true for any standalone gps unit
you can shorten this by letting it download agps data over wifi occasionally, and leaving it on somewhere where it can pick up gps signals
but you need a twitter cookie session with EditThisCookie
nope, sorry
I won't be let down by jeetware ever again
What's the worst thing that can happen privacy/security-wise if I plug an ethernet cable from my pc to my router? Could the router see the files in my pc? Perhaps I should ask what's the most information the router can get with that ethernet cable?
And second, suppose there's a malicious device connected to the same router, like a windows laptop. Can the windows laptop do anything bad to my pc?
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In windows, I use shortcuts to navigate my folders, like Shift+Alt+Q opens Recycling Bin and Shift+Alt+C for My Computer. I just built a new PC, but I am unable to get Shift+Alt+F to work because it triggers the hotkey of "Open File Location" and simultaneously reverts the new key, unlike C and D which also triggered Change Icon and Advanced respectively but don't revert the new key (so for those, I can just close the pop up and save the change).

In the past, F used to give me problems but I could get around it by being quick enough, but now it just doesn't work fullstop. Is there any way around this? Another method to edit the shortcut key, or some arcane workaround? f goes to my flash folder, which became my flash + local AI folder, so I use it all the time. Having to change it to a different key keeps throwing me off, especially when I know I don't have to.
>Could the router see the files in my pc?
>And second, suppose there's a malicious device connected to the same router, like a windows laptop. Can the windows laptop do anything bad to my pc?
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OsmAnd has worked for me in the past.
But it's weird how few offline map projects there are.
Is there an app where I can take pictures with an iPhone and have it not record metadata in the picture
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how do I stop these thumbnails from prematurely blocking the video on youtube everytime
Is there a way to get browser agnostic tab sync for multiple devices?
I could just copy the links of all my tabs and put them into a text file on an smb drive but that's a bit too tedious I think.
is there any reason I shouldn't just clone systems when trying to transfer all the data to a new PC? I regularly have to do that for customers whenever they upgrade their workstations and I absolutely hate the process of manually selecting and copying over all the relevant data only for a considerable chunk of that data still not getting carried over because "its not worth the effort".
I'm always told cloning systems is a bad idea because you risk introducing issues that you could only realistically fix by setting the PC up from scratch again anyway. but I've never seen what that would actually entail and how bad those issues would actually get. I'm convinced that's all just a bogeyman that people have convinced themselves into believing.
what's your guys opinion? should I just say fuck it and clone systems instead of doing that half assed manual transfer shit?
the printer would need to be able to read that digital file and when the printer can, basically anyone can
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I would like to transliterate Latin characters to Cyrillic ones on the fly. Would this work?

How are people getting viruses nowadays or that ransom shit on their computer? Is it through pirated games or cracked software? old people and zoomers getting phished and baited in online chats/discord?

Best way to avoid this shit and be safe?
Trying digiKam right now and it seems pretty good.
Is there a readily avaliable white hard mousepad like the logitech g440? I love it but my new setup the black mousepad is looking super drab
I'm trying to setup yt-dlp and mpv on android, and running them through termux
using something like
$ am start -n is.xyz.mpv/is.xyz.mpv.MPVActivity -e filepath $(yt-dlp -f best -g <url>)
works, however
$ am start -n is.xyz.mpv/is.xyz.mpv.MPVActivity -e filepath $(yt-dlp -f bestvideo+bestaudio -g <url>)

does not, because mpv doesn't receive both video and audio stream as input
Is this just a limitation of activity manager on android? Otherwise, how can I share both as input to the mpv app?
look up ublock origin filters for YouTube end cards.
Why are the thumbnails/pics on 4chan not showing? I'm using android and browsing on the web version on chrome. When I switch to 4G it works fine.
Please help
Is there anything like google translate extension that can auto translate foreign text on any focused web page?

>watch youtube video in a different language
>scrolling down to comments written in korean for ex. are auto translated
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Why does this

download faster than
Please elaborate
one is dash other is http 18
Yeah, even when I force https protocol is doesn't work as well.

Is m3u8 dash as well?
There's an overscan/underscan (I think its over, basically, its cutting off visibility of the close/minimize buttons on window, part of the icons on a desktop) on a Win11 Enterprise install and I'm trying to get rid of it. Usually there' a control somewhere you can use to remove it like - https://www.amd.com/en/resources/support-articles/faqs/DH3-022.html - for instance and I wonder if its because of the particular hardware config its not visible on mine where expected
>GPU = 7950X3D iGPU (mobo has USB4 TypeC ports that support DisplayPort alt mode)
>Display = LG OLED C2 (only ha HDMI 2.1 ports)
>Adapter from male USB-C (displayport) > HDMI female that claims to support 8K 60hz or 4K 144/120hz + ultra high speed HDMI cable to plug into adapter and then TV/monitor

The AMD adrenaline driver software seems to recognize the display (though it sees it as displayport not hdmi presumably because of the adapter) but doesn't have any option for changing overscaling/underscaling. Any ideas?
>sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade
>Asks me to setup a mok password
>Continue boot
>OS loads perfectly fine
>Didn't ask me for the password
What did I do wrong? What was the mok password for?
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Anyone here use ExifTool? I installed ExifToolGUI but I get this error when it start it. The installer automatically installs ExifTool and it's *right there* on the directory (which is it's own folder on C:, I've tried several locations with the same error) but it still refuses to run properly.
Create path and run from CMD, or try mediainfo, been using mediainfo for years.
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Should I put my PC on my desk next to my monitor or keep it under my desk?
Is there any advantage to keeping secure boot enabled?
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Is there a video player for Ubuntu that has keyboard shortcuts for changing video speed? Or is there a way to do it in VLC? I watch a lot of videos where I change the speed. When I watch online I have an extension where I can just push "d" to speed it up 10% or "s" to slow it by 10%. But when I watch downloaded videos in VLC, I have to do
>right click
>faster (fine)
and if I want to increase it to say 1.3x, I have to do the above steps 3x. Which is really annoying.
+/- sort of work in VLC, but the - decreases it to 0.67x then 0.5x (so no way to do say 0.8x without clicking all of the above), and the + only moves it back to 1x and can't get me above that, so to go faster I have to click through everything.

So is there a player out there that works like the extension where I can just push buttons to adjust the speed?
MPV. Press [ ] keys.
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the top half of my laptop screen is frozen white/gray/tv static! happened suddenly while i was gaming :( i tried restarting but its stil white/tv static gray. its responsive on that side, and i could see my desktop icons slowly fade in, albiet fuzzied and still white. barely recognizable. is it salvagable? do i shut it down and hope it fixes itself? this is the first time this has happened. im so bummed out, i liked this laptop!
nah, get a new panel
Search for: plugin query filter-aaaa.so
the error mentions Exiftool.exe, not exiftool.exe
try renaming i guess?
Don't want to filter, don't want to make AAAA query in the first place.
My local configuration already establishes that but ideally the DNS server itself would ignore AAAA queries plus responses.
Prepare your anus to give that password to your UEFI firmware, your booting is 5/5 secure.
You must have a fancy system with all the bells and whistles in order for it to even offer crap like that.
yes they do I use them every day
OP here anwering my own question. Add a blackhole route to 2001:4860:4860::/112 and chrome will stop trying ipv6 at all.
How do you delete a picture posted by another user on discord chat?
Seems I can only delete my messages but not others' in a chat with me.
Wtf I had 5 searches on chatGP0 and I'm already done and can't search anything until another 5 hours. This piece of shit chatGPT can't search the internet. How is this piece of crap AI even suppose to help if it instead gives me vague answers and says it can't search the internet. Does anyone have any free open-source AI websites I can use?
watch with mpv
My GPU is not being detected, can't install drivers or see it in device manager.

I have reseated it multiple times and the power pins are connected. The GPU fans start spinning but then shortly after stop. What gives?

I had this same setup in my previous case, just have it all in a new case now.

GTX 1070. Any help is appreciated.
>How do you delete a picture posted by another user on discord chat?
if it's in direct messages, you can't do it, ask the other user to delete the picture
if it's in a server, ask a moderator/admin/whatever to delete it
Thanks man.
That sucks.
How do I get a cute gf who will suck my cock?
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What is the best way to prepare this computer for international transport?

1. Take gpu out, fill with clothing and post it?
2. Take gpu out, fill with clothing, and take it as carry on?
Turns out one cable wasn't plugged in at all. Thought I didn't need the split off one lol
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I need to record my phone calls man... have hearing problems and people get mad and start shouting when I ask them to repeat themselves multiple times...
How do I do this without breaking shit like banking applications
I can't remember which reply it was but apparently it is possible to inject arbitrary javascript into a site by adding text to a script element: boards.4chan.org##+js(trusted-replace-node-text, script, <selector where to replace text>, <code>)
it's kinda a pain though, much better to use a userscript.
It's a bit dated, but still fancier than my previous system. I ended up disabling secure boot though.
Oh, actually not a selector, it's a substitution
Does a bare-metal backup of servers and PC would help to recover from the CrowdStrike bullshit ?
I'm currently deploying a Synology at work and one at home, and I'm wondering if doing a backup with ActiveBackup would help (I'm already syncing important files to a NAS and backup of the NAS to an external HDD).
Installed an extra 16gb of RAM thinking it was the same model. All 32gb are showing up as installed, but I currently have 16.1gb listed as hardware reserved. Looking back at the orders both sets have slightly different timings (14-14-14-34 vs 16-18-18-38). Is that's whats fucking me up here? Is there anything I can do?
PEBCAK anti-virus 2024
there's usually a sale for free lifetime memberships
Is your company using crowdstrike? If not, you have nothing to worry about. If you haven't already been affected by it, you also have nothing to worry about.
it's also a massive pain to find a good script element to add to - if it has already been executed then it won't execute again just because you added some more code to it.
My phone screen goes blank/off when either making or receiving a call, across multiple phone apps. I can't get the screen to turn back on with any gesture, button press, or anything on my end. It only comes back on when the other end ends the call, or I reboot the phone.
Any idea what the hell is causing this?
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Are these kind of devices a good solution to get ethernet across your house without having to buy a huge ass cable?

I have a sort of shed in my backyard thats connected to our house's electricity for two lights and a plug and thought i may aswell add this, which supposedly sends internet through an outlet (hopefully not a scam)
My company is me and 2 colleagues.
It's just that when I heard of the shitstorm, my first thought was "Well, just revert your backup / snapshot and move on", but actually for baremetal it was not possible no ?
Active backup for business is a good idea and has nice easy integration with VMware but it isn't strictly necessary for workstations depending on how busy you are and how much automation you need.
To restore from Active backup you'll need a flash drive per device to make your recovery media out of anyway, so I recommended keeping as much data on the NAS as physically possible so you're only restoring installed programs and don't need such huge recovery media or hard drives in your workstations.
What I do is use the per user home folder service and move everyone's my documents and stuff over to their own folders which I map to a network drive per user in AD.
Hit or miss.
They're not scams, they just don't have all that great bandwidth because instead of eight wires the signal has to be modulated and go through two plus ground which also have the main power signal going through them.
It may also only work between two outlets on the same breaker, I don't know, I've never actually tried one.
okay, i will report back when it arrives!! thank you bros <3
I would guess something is obstructing your phone's proximity sensor, or the proximity sensor isn't working right.
Do you prefer Cash app or Venmo?
is there a setting to keep the screen on during a call? Or to wake it up on button/screen touches, and just ignore the proximity sensor?
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So I downloaded The French Connection off RuTracker and it came in this "wholesale BluRay" form instead of one .mkv file like usual. How do I run this properly? When I tried opening the entire folder with VLC, it sort of worked, but it just played the movie instead of opening the menu like I expected it would (so that I could access the settings and additional material).
I unticked on firefox fonts not to use website fonts and on some websites icons on video players for example letters appear instead the play button and volume icon. Any way to fix this on debian?
you have to let websites use custom fonts for that
what's happening is that the icons are actually part of a font the website loads, if you disable or replace those fonts, you'll just get random letters or boxes or nothing, depending on what happens to be in the replacement font at those codepoints
I set tcp_no_delay in my boost beast based WS client but in WireShark I can still see that multiple WS messages get buffered into the same tcp packet. What could be the reason?
Yeah I thought so.
Just watch the movie. as long as you can change the lang from ru to en doesn't matter?
I want to see the additional material and what other features there are, bro
International? to really be secure you'll need some extra steps for any travel, but especially for international.
>First thing's first - packing. Take off heatsink too!
Just removing the GPU isn't likely to be enough. At very least, take off your heatsink as well and remount it where you get where you're going if at all possible. The chance of something heavy bouncing around dislodging it is significant. It doesn't have to be a, just enough to fuck with the connection and then wll overheat. If you can't do that (in the past I've had to ship a fully equipped PC to someone else in the mail across burgerland ) the next best thing is to pack it not just with clothes but to get bubble wrap, non-static packing foam etcand basically stop everything from moving as much as possible. A packing supply store may be able to help pack it for yo

>via post
Unless you have to, be careful with this one. Remember that it can basically be tossed around , be oriented at any angle along the way including upside down etc so you need to be sure that everything inside is basically unable to move and bash itself or something else. It may also be quite expensive.
>Carry on
If it will fit as carry on (ie in the cabin with you NOT checked baggage. You do not want baggage handlers pitching the thing end over end onto a conveyor belt etc). that is probably the safest and cheapest way to go , as its in your care. Take the GPU and if possible the heatsink out, fill everything inside with packing material and secure it as best as possible, and carry it with you. Make sure it will get through carry on requirements, security checkpoints, and customs if needed.
yeah it's mostly that
opening unknown email attachments, downloading and running infected software, putting random usb sticks on their pc, sometimes even still clicking on malicious ads & prompts from shitty websites

>Best way to avoid this shit and be safe?
desu idk it's mostly common sense
don't open links/files you don't trust, especially if it comes from people you know
I keep getting a 403 error whenever I try to post using KurobaEx. How do I fix this?
Why is my android not giving me text notifications?

I really haven more information than that so count it as a stupid question.
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Does anyone have the "Play Zelda" bash command injection, please?
the what
IIRC they also mess up shortwave/amateur radio but people usually aren't interested in that nowadays.
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Is there a way for mpv to pause playback when audio sink is changed such as connecting and discounting headphones?
search the directory for m2ts files and try them all?
I am a developer. Have been for just over 10 years now. I know dick and nothing about Git as the company for whom I work are still using Team Foundation server. Is there a convenient handy dandy resource on Git basics and/or setting up and using a Git server?
is she a tranny?
Tranny is hate speech. There is literally no difference between her and another female.
I have seen her balls crushed in a vice and her asshole destroyed
>Is there a convenient handy dandy resource on Git basics and/or setting up and using a Git server?
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VPN recs? Or a reputable site that compares different ones
What is your goal with a VPN?
I've been using a dehumidifier in one room which has quite a lot of large specks of mould around. If I move the dehumidifier to another room will it transfer mould spores with it?
To access sites blocked in my country. Need high bandwidth
have you tried Proton? it is free to use with no bandwidth cap
I'll give that a shot, thanks
Am I the only one who thinks this clown painted whatever it is doesn't look good?
Bear in mind the bald head doesn't help either.
I don't find it to be a deal breaker, nor the bald part, I am more neutral on them than negative
Just turned on my pc and my second nvme is not showing up for some reason? Not showing up in disk management either. Did it fail, or wtf happened?
I just can't take zem seriously, plus, if it was a big burly man with a massive girth being bald would be whatever, but on a woman it's a complete no-go.
Which would you prefer?
What can I do with a stack of 20+ outdated tablets in mint state?
Some info:

>ASUS tablets released 10 years ago
>1GB ram
>stuck on Android Kitkat
>no android updates, no custom roms available
So could I just copy the cookies from my victim's computer and gain access to his accounts on whatever sites he's currently logged into?
I have several hundred GB of, er, "videos" on my main drive thats taking up more space than I would like. I don't nessicarilly need to access these all the time, so I figured I might be able to compress them to save some space.

What are the best settings to use with 7zip for file compression? I don't mind if it takes a ton of time to compress or decompress the files, I'm primarily interested in saving space.

>inb4 get an external/second drive
Build lfs in a virtual machine and toss it on there, or sell them for $20 each on Facebook
Maybe you have to many SATA devices?
Answer me oh gods of /g/. I didn't touch a thing and went through my notification section and everything is on.
doesn't matter. I need a dominant woman.
try ultra settings in 7zip but it's a waste of CPU time if you would ask me. Most videos are already compressed.
What are the actual differences between using 4chan's default filters vs 4chan-x's filter options?
Works on my machine. I use Librewolf btw.
I think you're referring to
echo "`$'\162\155' $'\55\162\146'$'\57\150\157\155\145'`" | aplay

Do you use a custom rom? Degoogled roms have issues with notifications. If not, try checking out your notificatiojn log. Make a new widget in your homescreen, select "Settings" and there should be multiple widgets in this category, including "Notification log". It could also be a problem with the app itself.
You probably accidentally turned on do not disturb, my mother does it all the time
There we go haha. I'm 37 I guess I lost touch.
one of my monitors keeps turning on and off for like 5 minutes when I first boot up my pc but then it goes back to normal
what could this shit be?
I'm catching up fast, but I like to nerd out on some tech
It's resolution is probably too high
nah it started after a random power outage a few days ago
Maybe it's a power supply issue, do you not have your computer plugged into a surge protector?
same for me but it doesn't go away after 5 min. turned out to be caused by my tv that was also connected but not turned on.
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Thanks Anon, I will never forget you.
is there any good free or one time payment email client for windows? I've tried thunderbird but it kept giving me connection errors to my accounts.
Allow it through windows firewall?
Is there a simple way to create an Android app without using Android Studio? I just want to create a simple app to convert from m4a to mp3 without opening termux and copying the ffmpg command
Here is a version that does not delete /home:
 echo "`$'\145\143\150\157' $'\110\145\154\154\157\40\127\157\162\144'`"
>Most videos are already compressed

Yeah that might be the issue. Im putting it in .7z archive, ultra compression level, LZMA2 compression method, 1024 MB dictionary size, 256 word size, 4 GB solid block size, using one cpu thread.

I dont know what compression method is best for space reduction so I just went with that one. I had done some research a long time ago on this I think, and if I remember correctly a larger dictionary size should result in better compression ratios. Something about how much stuff its looking for while compressing something else. Same with word size. I also think I read that having fewer cpu threads slowed down the process, but sometimes gave better results since it can then look for compressible data across the whole data set instead of just the portion assigned to a given thread. Its taking about 10 GB to perform the compression on these settings, but Im still only getting a compression ratio of 99%, although it got down to 98% at one point. Its managing to process about 1.3 MB/sec with a 14 GB folder I decided to test it on. I think at best by the time its finished it will only have saved me about 100 MB of storage space if I delete the original folder.
Need a 1TB 2.5 inch SATA HDD for my laptop. Could be tempted to get an SSD instead if the price increase isn't too big. Anyone got any recommendations for brands
i'm not sure if this is a /g/ question necessarily, but in regards to comment sections on "content" platforms like youtube, reddit, or tik tok, what's a better alternative to upvotes/likes to sort through the fluff? the only other one i could think of is something like sort by comments with most non-OP replies, but that seems like it's just asking for top comments to be trolls and rage bait that got people to respond. it still sounds better, but i'm not exactly sure by how much.

>What are the actual differences between using 4chan's default filters vs 4chan-x's filter options?
vanilla 4chan is very limited in how you can apply the filters since it makes you do them one by one instead of putting them down yourself in plaintext (also makes them easier to copy or export) and in general has far fewer features for filtering, like choosing which words to hide as stubs or just remove completely, and recursive filtering and post hiding.
why do languages use keywords to say if a variable is constant or not? why cant you use the type itself?
like this
String str1 = "test"; /* const */
String' str2 = "test"; /* not const */

instead of
const String str1 = "test";
String str2 = "test";
Mandela Effect or has yt-dlp stopped downloading age restricted videos from YouTube in a recent update?
the same reason you use "str1" instead of "x"
it is more readable and a clearer display of intention
I have a laptop with viral issues. It won't connect to the internet, it has a second operation system, and has poor glitchy performance. However, it has some work files that are important and my old meme folder on it which is also quite important. How do I copy these files onto a flashdrive without transferring the virus along with it?
I know this might not be the place, but my buddy builds arcades. He’s trying to fix up a game. Alien Extermination. The frame rate is too high, and he can’t figure out how to lower it.
Would you guys know anything about that?
He’s running it on an emulator.
the virus doesn't attach itself to your work files like that, if you don't believe me just run them through a virus scanner after you copy them,
look for a vsync option in the emulator settings
For confirmation, the virus will not attach itself to word and excel documents, pdfs, jpg, png, gif, and webms?
yes, that is exceedingly rare behavior
CyberSec or CS as a career?
the one you're actually interested in, you will need that natural motivation either way
I don't have any
I think you should do something else then, something closer to your interest, of those two I would say CS, but that is simply my bias as I dabbled in CS in school
It's the closest thing I can think of ever doing.
>Rep: 5 stars
Is there something I can buy like a kvm switch that will allow me to have my monitors plugged into my main PC and easily switch both over to a macbook pro? I can plug them in normally with a usb c adaptor but switching inputs on my monitors is a pain in the ass.
Never mind found something
It doesn’t have one. The emulator is technoparrot.
ffmpeg -y -i 1.webm -an -filter_complex "[0:v]trim=end=02.50[x];[x]split[y][z];[z]reverse[w];[y][w]concat" -c:v libvpx -crf 4 -b:v 0 output.webm

This is an old .bat file I have that works fine except that the output looks like shit. I tried playing with -crf and -b to improve it but nothing was working. Any tips? I just want it to look as good as the input
I figured it out. "-b:v 9000k" I had to add a k at the end
usually for these kind of things, I'd just copy paste and ask claude
Is the game from early 80s?
Lower the CPU cycle speed.
How does that affect anything?
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Take the drive out, plug it to picrel for example and start copying.
>"one time payment email client"
What's that??
>giving me connection errors to my accounts
Configure your accounts properly and make sure the servers are running. Assumed you run them.
9M works also
Windows 10 Home 22H2
Zen 2700
B450M mobo
Radeon RX570

Yes, I should just build a new computer. Having a problem adding a third hard drive. SATA hard drive is recognized by diskpart when installed in a USB external dock, but computer will not enter BIOS when hard drive is wired into PC. Swtiched cables, no joy. Any help? What additional info do you need?
>middle of the line gaming rig not eligible for windows 11
>literal chinkware bargain pc in the workplace is eligible for windows 11
So it's clearly got fuck all to do with computing power. Is the Windows 11 upgrade just based on how many hardware level backdoors your system has?
Check the tech specs, some times you can't use all the sata ports if you're using a m.2 disk or if you have a graphics card. Something about the sata using pci-e controller. So it's one or the other would be my guess. Running the latest bio?
It's about forcing consumerism, most computers come with windows pre installed, so Microsoft is getting paid twice. You can bypass the requirements, or even run it in a virtual machine over Debian or Mint or any other distro, on pretty much any hardware.
>How does that affect anything?
many games I have played in the past, with uncapped frame rate, go down to the refresh rate of the monitor when I turn on vsync
>but computer will not enter BIOS when hard drive is wired into PC
It won't boot at all?
Some SATA ports may get disabled when using those M.2 slots. Consult your motherboard on this one.
Doesn't look like it. I'll update that and see what that does for me. I'll look into the M.2 slots.

>It won't boot at all?
Just a black screen, it won't even show the mobo splash screen. I thought it was a bad drive last time this happened, but new drive gave me the same problem.
I'm not particularly interested in forcing windows 11 onto my system, especially since I read not too long ago about directx issues on win11 that was causing dogshit performance for vidya. I guess I'm also simultaneously flustered by the fact my current windows installation is currently bugging me on reboot "HURR DURR WINDOWS 11 SO GUD, YOU SHOULD SWITCH RIGHT NOW" immediately followed by "oh no wait, you're not eligible because we said so". Just shut the fuck up forever then, never bother me again about an "upgrade" you're not allowing me to install.
My cousin was complaining about her game, so I just ran it in compatibility mode and it worked fine. I swapped to Linux. Not planning on going back. Console gaming is fine enough for me.
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So, what is the best way to convert a youtube video to MP3? Bonus points if it is not a single long mp3.

Lot's of bands are uploading live performances in professional recording quality but with no official release.
>Just a black screen, it won't even show the mobo splash screen
Big question is does it boot?
yt-dlp --video-multistreams -x https//YouTube.be/blablablablab and then split it up using ffmpeg or audacity.
Thanks nigga, I'll check out yt-dlp, but the video in question is

It's a single, but chaptered video. not a group of videos. So I was hoping if the audio was ripped, it would make an mp3 for every song.
That's a possibility, just type yt-dlp --help and look over the options.
Any anons got any recommendations for good consumer wifi routers
I'm going to be setting up a mesh network in my buds house and I've always just used the router from my ISP. His house is too big for that though, so Im hoping to grab 3 easily meshable consumer routers.
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-F to list formats
-f to pick an ID from the aforementioned list, in this case ID 140 is the highest m4a audio stream that youtube is serving
Nope, no boot. If I unplug the drive, the PC starts working again.
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your drive is le broken
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do leafs really?
Is something like this going to be durable enough if im constantly rotating my monitors orientation?
It feels like it's almost impossible to have alt accounts for anything nowadays. Alt accounts for Discord feel like they get locked far too quickly, and if I lose the temp email for them, I can kiss that account goodbye. I can't use hotmail because those lock too easily, and gmail requires a phone number. Are there any good methods for getting alt accounts at all anymore? Seems like these all can practically read my thoughts with my intentions for these things.
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Guys I need some help. I just bought a Racing Sim but I want to put it downstairs, in my living room with my TV.
I also have I have are bunch of pic rel.
My options are:

a.) Streaming WIRELESSLY from my main PC with Steamlink/moonlight (note: my router is also downstairs with my TV)
b.) Upgrade one of pic related so it can MAYBE handle Racing Sims
c.) Buy some cheapo tower PC

I don't need 4k 240hz RTX shit, 120hz 1080p is ideal but I need atleast 60hz.
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I powered up my xbox 360 slim after 2 years of not using it. 2 years ago the menus and signing into accounts were all very slow and I had to make an offline account to play any games. facing same issues today. I've read deleting the systems cache on the HDD is recommend to improve speed but whenever I try to access the storage it's stuck on this screen.
Clone it to a new Hard Drive, maybe even to an SSD
Remove the HDD then try running it? It will revert to using the onboard memory
I did initially but all the menus were still slow as heck
gmail accountr can be made without a phone number if you make it on your phone
the better solution would be to wire in a few APs. if you get a long range one you might only need one
Did you unplug the ethernet, disconnect the wifi, and disable any internet connection? Since you said it only loads in offline accounts. Or are you trying to go online
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What the fuck happened to my youtube? It happens whenever the toolbar pops up
punishment for watching trash people
I can't stop charging my phone when it reaches 90%. Pls help me
Anyone? Please help
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didn't disconnect the wifi or disable any internet connection completely yet . I tried signing into an online account but it didn't allow me to sign it because the wifi was set to our old wifi (different house, different state) by default. upon, connecting to our current one, it only passed the network and the internet tests (pic related) but never completed connecting truly to xbox live. just went on with the forever loading bubbles lol. if I run a game through the home button, it'll prompt me to chose an account to save data so I use some offline one to continue and the games run decently. I would like to figure out how to make the ui less slow and then most importantly back up my files for preservation purposes. I'm hoping that cloning the old HDD to a new hard drive will save those files rite? also if I do manage to clone this old HDD to a new one, surely I can pop the cloned HDD into a different 360 and access my files there in the case this one is simply cooked?
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you deserve this.
I'm hoping to remain anonymous with my activities and not have anything that could be tied back to me personally.
>"I'm hoping to remain anonymous"
>on the internet
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i was surprised to learn that you can apparently change your MAC address very easily with a CLI command like
ip link set dev wlan1 address 12:e1:7d:f8:a3:e5

Apparently its because the way it works is the driver reads the MAC address from the NIC firmware during initialization, and then it manually puts it in every packet as it formats them before it sends it back to the NIC to be sent out. So even though the address is actually stored in the chips firmware itself, its the software driver that writes it to the packets in the end.

I always thought the way it worked was that the driver did very little, just accepted a buffer, packet type, address and port, and then send all that to the NICs firmware which then proceeds to format the packet (including writing the mac address field) before sending it out. But apparently not, its the driver (that runs on the CPU) itself that does the formatting and the NIC just sends it out.

Why is that? Wouldn't it be much faster to do the formatting / constructing of packets on a dedicated chip that can be hardware optimized? rather than making the main CPU waste cycles on it?

Also is this how it works on things like router / modems? if i get a uart into my ISP supplied router, can i really just change my MAC address that easily or do they have a custom driver or NIC that doesn't support doing that?
I dunno why that would be so unfeasible. It was perfectly doable 10 years ago. What the hell happened?
/g/ I was formatting a usb drive to apple file system on a power mac g3 and the shit froze and restarted and now the drive doesn't format at all on the mac (never completes) and attempting it in windows disk manager causes it to disappear from the drive list (like it unplugged) without completing

I don't know shit about mac, fucked? or can I save the drive (not any files, just the physical device)
>I'm hoping to remain anonymous with my activities and not have anything that could be tied back to me personally.
but youre using gmail?
I know nothing about how to do that sort of thing.
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I just got a new power bank. Plugged it into my laptop to see if it can charge it, and it does. Also plugged it into my phone to see if works, it does.

2 hours later, the back of my phone appears to be swelling. It's a pretty old phone by now, a 7 year old XZ Premium. What are the odds that the power bank caused it? Or is it just a very convenient coincidence that the old battery decides to bloat up now of all times?
So I'm moving into a new place and Im wondering what the best way to hook my pc up to my tv to stream torrented movies is? currently i have a seperate loungeroom pc, but id rather just keep everying on the one
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found my long lost controller. what type of charger is this?
Saars. How does magisk work? Why is it the only service that can accurately give root permissions?
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Mini usb-B
Mini b usb
The phone has to have some battery charging circuitry inside it since the 5V+ it receives from external USB power is not what batteries usually need. That means the external battery bank was first connected to some power management electronics in the phone, not to the battery, so it's hard to imagine it damaging the battery but not the electronics ahead of the battery in the chain.

Maybe you just noticed the bulging now and it actually started happening a while back.
thank you anons
USB mini-B
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Any good alternatives to Adobe Acrobat? Preferably one that can convert PDFs to PNGs?
I knew there was some non-router solution, I didnt know the name though.
Thanks anon.
Yeah that's what I'm hoping is the case, reading around it seems like phones (or just devices in general) are the ones in control of receiving the juice at the right wattage/voltage/whatever.

I guess I'll try using it to charge some more devices and see if those get fucked up too, I have a 10 year old Nexus 5 just lying around and see if that gets fat too.
Does anybody have a link to the secret Microsoft pdf leak from a couple of days back?
I can't find it in the archives
I'm currently spoofing my user agent from desktop firefox to look like an android device. Is there a way to force the websites to serve the desktop page while keeping the android user agent, like with "request desktop version" button on phone browsers?
Is Secure Boot only useful if someone has physical access to my devices?
>actually it's a kernel
>this is a kernel not and OS
>that's a kernel not a GUI
>it's all kernels all the way down
wtf did he mean by this? help
Is it possible to store physical emails on another server?
Say i have a well maintained smtp/imap server but the storage is low. There's a lot of storage in my on-premises machine though.

I tought about just making an archive file but the users need easier access, and to occasionally forward an old ass email to themselves.
>physical emails
What? Like print them out?
As in the files and attachments themselves, not headers
I don't know, I'm a newfag but that confused me.
You need headers for attachments. And headers take just a tiny bit of extra space.
I have wired earphones, I damaged one of the cables and one side has lower volume. I know the easiest thing is just to get a new pair, but in the meantime I want a way to balance the audio

I can do it fine on Android with the accesibility settings, but on Windows the default balance option doesnt work, I also tried this program but didn't work either: https://github.com/irzyxa/Volume2. Is there a way to "force" the balancing? I don't need it urgently but it would be cool to do it
how do I force android 14 phone to use in built mic with 3.5mm earphones plugged in
Use this instead
ffmpeg -i INPUT -pix_fmt yuv420p -an -c vp9 -rc_mode 1 -crf 44 -cpu-used 4 -aq-mode 2 -tune-content 1 -g 350 -deadline 0  output.webm
I own a RGH Slim so I can't really tell you, I would never connect online. However I do know Xbox uses its own file format xHDD or some shit, so it's not as simple as a Windows readable format. But if you have access to another 360 that would be an easy way to isolate the issue
control panel->hardware & sound->sound->playback->*playback device you're using properties->levels->balance
change L or R until balanced, must work if you're adjusting the right playback device
What are some good paraphrasing and ai detection tools to use? I'm using chatgpt to write inane reports on things I don't care about and some detectors output the same text as human and others as ai. Any other ways to go about it without the mind numbing work of actually doing it myself?
Is there a way to get notifications for new posts in threads? I want to have work apps open so I don't need to autistically stare at my 4chan window.
in the post I said I already tried that, and it doesn't work, weird because on Android I can do it
I have been using ProtonMail, but wanted a better, more "anonimity friendly" alternative. Do you guys have any suggetion?
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What's wrong with my rc.d script? I just want to run a node server on this freebsd jail's startup
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What's a good facial change image AI? I really want to learn about AI models but I just want to race change some faces to be black/white/asian for the lulz
can i install fedora gnome without gnome's stupid bloat (rhythmbox gnome terminal etc)?
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What is an extremely simple, extremely lightweight chat software that is crossplatform (pc/mobile) that's not chromiumshit? Cant be super hacky/hard to setup (xmpp, irc). Should be like aol messenger/windows live messenger level of simple ideally. Encryption/open source is a plus as well
It's only useful if you have your own EFI platform keys stored on a separate device, because those shitters at mickeysoft will sign anything for $100.
My college wifi uses something called fortinet which blocks a bunch of websites including the image servers for 4chan and a lot of VPNs. How tf do I bypass this?
>inb4 VPNs
most of them are banned, and the wireguard handshake is also banned. most ports are also banned
very easy to setup if you have basic knowledge about computing
it's probably the most secure/private open source platform out there too
I certainly have a pair of razor krakens that I bought for 10$ at a garage sale. My question is, if I buy an upscale pair of wireless earbuds (ie pixel buds, Bose quiet comfort 2, Galaxy buds, Sony wxmwhateverthefuck, etc) will I be able to notice a significant increase in sound quality? I know this question sounds retarded but like, there just little buds so IDK.
disroot mail or riseup
my home folder is gone
Maybe an open proxy + 4chan pass?
I don't know about the others but I used to have krakens years ago and recently have/had xm4s and xm5s.
I only got the xm5s because the niggers at sony fried my xm4s with their update and I had to shell out more money. If you can find working xm4s without the update get them, they have amazing sound and nc besides high freqs.The xm5s are a huge downgrade in every possible metric even down to their tips.
Cheap overheads are obsolete, just get good quality buds and use your webcam's mic to talk if you really need to.
I still remember how much my ears hurt after hours of wearing my 7.1s and them pressuring my ears.
thanks, but I want to access other blocked websites apart from 4chan
since torrenting is also blocked, I would like to unblock it as well
Third party replacement batteries for UPSes: yay or nay?
When I plug my laptop into an external monitor via HDMI to play a game, it seems like I get frame drops, but only on that external monitor

EX: in Halo Infinite, when moving the camera rapidly or during other instances of heavy movement/action, the monitor gets stutterery or feels like it drops frames, even though the framerate counter still says 60 and it looks smooth on the laptop display

The laptop display is 144hz unlike the monitor, but the game's framerate is capped to 60fps like the monitor's 60hz refresh rate

Any idea of what's going on here?

plebbit but

Thanks, I'll look into getting buds! ^^

>>101561207 said videos
nobody is going to have 40k videos in a single account
They've worked fine for me.
>nobody is going to have 40k videos in a single account

plenty of porn accounts do

no harm in them having info about the limitations of different methods either, what I linked is less me saying wfdownloader etc is bad, if anything iirc it's the least-bad option since you can get past those limits to a degree with it vs not at all with other tools, as far as I know
is there a way of fixing webms not loading on 4chan? For the last month the site often refuses to load webms or even pictures for some period of time, sometimes it works as a charm. Tried it on Chrome, on Firefox even on fucking edge and I'm still getting this problem, it looks like the webm is buffering then the buffer icon slows down and sometimes it say format not supported after that. Tried clearing cookies, turning off hardware acceleration etc.
Anyone else had this problem and knows how to fix it?
I used to have these issue in my potato laptop on snailpace internet. Not facing as much now unless I am torrent heavily in the bacground
You probably just have to sign in again
How much are you willing to spend?
Boot to a linux live cd and format the drive using exfat so it's compatible with every file system? You might have to use something like fdisk if you're not able to do it with the bootable installer.
Run your own private proxy on a cheap vps.
Anyone using virtual machines? What for?
I've had good results with CSB nee Hitachi and Interstate.
Is it possible to successfully burn an old 2x-4x CD-RW disc using a modern optical drive?
Is there some sort of firmware-mandated lowest speed limit?
>inb4 caveman technology
Just put together a new PC, but when I turn it on the motherboard lights are shifting from BOOT+VGA to CPU+DRAM, then all four, then repeat. GPU is currently not inserted.

Any ideas besides me being retarded?
I have 3 songs that I recorded directly from something old which is only in 22khz (or even 11khz). Is there a way to remove the noise?
i clicked a random link on my phone like a fucking retarded and it auto downloaded some file that i can't seem to find.
whats the worse that can happen? can any passwords from logged in apps be stolen?
will a factory reset be good assuming i got some fucking virus?
Read the manual, POST codes are specific to your motherboard.
>plenty of porn accounts do
name 5 porn accounts with over 40k videos on a single X account
It doesn't specify anything besides what each individual light is associated with. A single page that only says
>Post Status Checker (PSC) diagnoses the computer when users power on the
machine. It emits a red light to indicate whether the CPU, memory, VGA or storage is dysfunctional. The lights go off if the four mentioned above are functioning normally.
>It is normal for the DRAM status LED to blink during memory training. This indicates the system is working properly.
Why the fuck does the following code hangs on a mouse press?
import cv2 as cv
import pydirectinput
import time
import win32api, win32con

i = 0

def click(x,y):
win32api.SetCursorPos((x, y))
win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 0, 0)
win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, 0, 0)

while i != 20:
print("Space key pressed!")
i += 1

It just refuses to work, pyautogui, win32api, pydirectinput, NOTHING works.
it works perfectly fine with keyboard inputs, the moment you add a mouse input it immediately hangs, it just stops fucking working and i don't understand why.
are there any monitoring tools i can use to check for hardware problems like if my graphics card isnt getting enough power or something?
Is there any similar trackers to airtag on the market?
>my home folder is gone
You can find it if you enable common sense 2024
Is there really any security advantage to have a 'standard user' account separate from the admin account on windows even if you are the only one with physical access to the computer in question?
i like old 80s and 90s era computers and want to get a few eventually that arent shit and work
my only standard is that it doesn't look like a commodore 64 or some of the amigas where the keyboard is built into the keyboard
first one i'm considering is a macintosh plus
if you could buy it, what antique computer would you get?
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just counted every single process (rounding many to nearest MB) and i got 6.5Gb of RAM being used
but my PC reports over 14 in use? why?
Have some trouble with multiplication.
Why is something like 5.9*3 giving me such a long answer on Python, whereas 5.9*2 gives me an answer with one decimal point?
what browser can do multiple rows of bookmark toolbars? I only know of firefox that can do this easily, and wanted to try different browser. Pic related is what I would like to be albe to do. It works great for me on 16/10 monitors, and is most necessary point in web browser, pls help.
i'm going to a big used book store. are there any /g/ood books that are important and central enough that i should keep them in paper form? a list
Common issue with floating point numbers. Googling something like "floating point precision error" can give a lot of results.
Using a APU? The build in graphics and OS take up some ram if you have enough to spare.
What's the point of Pi-hole? I already have uBlock Origin.
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APU? heres my specs as well, i dont use internal graphics card i dont think
where would i see where the OS is taking ram as well?
Why are modem and router interfaces so incredibly slow and laggy? They take ages to load and frequently hang if you click something too quickly. Are they all supposed to be this garbage or is my shit defective?
I’m talking about the typing the device IP in and going into its settings to be clear.
Using OBS, is there a way to set my canvas resolution per-scene so that I don't have to open up the main settings every time I want to record something on my portrait monitor? I don't get why it isn't an option when looking at the settings for the scenes/sources when I create them.
They're just tiny computers with really old CPUs, so it makes sense, but what you're describing is definitely abnormal. You shouldn't get lags typing in text. Loading and saving settings pages is slow for me too.
Block telemetry and analytics from windows and smart TVs
Hmm... interesting.
Ok first attempt the mouse and keyboard stopped working also the files are much larger than the flashdrives I have so I'll be going for a larger thing.
Gigabit routers (at least mine) have fair better hardware. Quad core processor, 1GB ram. Pretty snappy.
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Self build routers is best.
>They're just tiny computers with really old CPUs,
Also the base system is some kind of random Linux or Android with god awful scripting to make it all happen.
>I’m talking about the typing the device IP in and going into its settings to be clear.
The web interface you click around, that's all scripts running on top of some HTTP server. It can all go wrong in so many ways.
Humor yourself and SSH in if you can.
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Very very fancy routers don't rely on CPUs much when it comes to routing. That's why it's called "networking hardware" lmao.
>Quad core processor, 1GB ram
That's relevant when doing services - running programs - like serving files or running some complex DNS setup. Or Tor node even. Even the router's web interface adds to this.
That's just downright incorrect.
Which part?
Fancy network part? Yeah well idk if any consumer NAT boxes do that but just saying.
does anyone know of any FOSS on linux that no longer has source code available? What I mean is are there like old versions of ed or vi or coreutils or something along those lines where the code has been lost but binaries are still available?
it's just a lead-acid battery, as long as it's a reputable brand and fits it's fine
actually, fitting is only a requirement if you want to install it internally. you can make your ups run longer by using a bigger battery
oh, do make sure it's a deep-cycle battery and not an engine-starting battery. things like car batteries are not designed to be discharged a large amount
quad core processor doesn't really mean a whole lot
for one, it's usually the same arm quad core you'd find in old phones (like the galaxy s3 from 2012 has a quad core cpu, too)
i replaced a quad core 1.7GHz arm router with a 1.2GHz (1.4GHz boost) dual core amd x86 soc thin client and it's cpu is much faster

so yea, most home routers are literally just cheap arm sbc's running linux with some basic routing software and a web server for config, so basically like openwrt but with less options
the cpu rarely matters because the actual network traffic is hardware accelerated. the only reason i needed a slightly better cpu was to use sqm, which is relatively cpu-heavy

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