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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% -h/--help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

/g/'s Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
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>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
https://fglt.nl && https://files.catbox.moe/u3pj3i.txt

GNU/Linux Games:

IRC: #sqt on Rizon

Previous thread: >>101512591
>GNOME is bad because it doesn't look like Windows
With all the shit that is wrong with GNOME, I don't get why this is the main complaint.
Everyone learned during the Windows 95 days a desktop should have a start menu.
is there any profiler for linux where you can easily profile basically any program to see where the bottleneck is / what exact operation is the program doing?
There's the basic "lsof" utility but yeah, something newbie-friendly needed.
Fucking Linux world, it's all there but nothing it parsed as human readable lmao
Because Windows users are the dumbest people on the planet, and therefore working out how to use a very straightforward non-Windows GUI is far beyond their capabilities
GNOME is the Fisherprice of Mac ripoffs. I'd rather have a Windows clone.
Last week my Fedora install fucked itself when I uninstalled some useless pre installed programs, fuck Red Hat.
qml was such a mistake
Take your autism meds right now and work on your stupid ego.
Tips and tricks on how to use tmpfs?
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What is the best way to learn about my processes? Just to search each one individually?
Because that's what I have been doing but it's really time consuming. I want to know what's there so when there is something that isn't supposed to be here I will know.

>I use arch by the way.
Can someone help me figure out how to build this distro called Spiral Linux?

Main site:

Here is the source I want to build:
Is there any hope for KDE Plasma to get less buggy in the future?
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I was having a hard time finding a music player that I liked for Linux. I do miss AIMP3 a bit, but Cmus is pretty good as well.
htop or a task monitor app of your choice
you should be doing this from a debugger or a profiler, that is an intended usecase of those tools
I should mention these tools are commonly language dependent, and you should be doing this off source and not a compiled bin
I always liked Audacious
Yeah that is what I'm doing.
Slow dogshit when there's thousands of processes. Literally stalls while scrolling, devs never heard of not doing work in the UI thread.
I stand by everything I said

Anybody who can't work out how to use GNOME, despite it being incredibly straightforward, is a moron.
you could theoretically also use ps if you don't have lsof installed
What do you use?
I'm maintaining my old archbox.
And got these packages
python-contextlib2  python-exceptiongroup  python-jade-application-kit

I don't recall what install it, there's noting require them and pacman-Qi state it was installed as dependence for another package.
Can anyone guess what could have been?
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just switched to linux and im wondering if playing games on a windows VM exactly the same as playing them on proton or does that gives you a better performance?
You need to use GPU passthrough with the VM instance to get native performance.
Linux can play games pretty damn well these days anyway thanks to improvements with Proton and its fork proton-ge-custom.
yeah im just worried about not being able to play some games on day 1
also it seems like less of a hassle to use some software i used before there so im considering whether i wanna dual boot windows or just have a VM
Could always just have a Linux/11 IoT LTSC dual boot I guess.
What is the benefit to using gentoo and compling yourself? Is there any point in using it with all or mostly bin packages?
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I made pkgbuild for a package.
Would anyone be intrested in publishing it to AUR?
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A couple weeks ago I decided to use only Linux as my daily driver. Currently on Mint 21.3 and will probably after 22 has been out for a few months. I'm learning C and switching has made things considerably easier. What games I do play work out of the box. Also currently using Brave and using the Internet is less of a pain in the ass.

Blog post over, thanks /fglt/
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I don't want to be associated with arch in public
Good to hear. Simply ignore anyone with autism and you will remain a happy Linux user.
linux so isnt windows. it needs a gui to make that apparent, or else people get mad monkey brain and slam their fists into things.
>yeah im just worried about not being able to play some games on day 1
you probably should have stuck with windows then.
>worried about thing. do thing to enhance worry.
would someone be able to help me here? i tried to update my BIOS via IPMI but it has been stuck for like 15 minutes on 99%. anyone have any ideas? is it still working or did i break it?
this was a $2500 motherboard, so thats not exactly very helpful
So how many tutorials am I going to have to watch if I switch from windows to an "easy" distro?
the upload is at 99%. if i cancel it now, will it brick my motherboard?
depends how thick you are. youre on /g/, so im gonna say 100 tutorials.
>Simply ignore anyone with autism and you will remain a happy Linux user.

Too many people out there give too much of a fuck what others are doing and they also give too much of a fuck what others think of what they are doing.
>filtering anyone
kek, even
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Can anyone please help me with this?

Trying to run audacity appimage on Arch,
and it errors like this (pic related)

Any ideas?
I have libmount it seems.

>why appimage? I don't want to install 10 extra deps, all I want is to use it for one off thing
Have you considered just
sudo pacman -S audacity
I'm a complete noob to Linux an anon told me I should use mint. What do you think?
Mint is a top beginner's choice
Thank you
Are you male-pattern baldness dude? I'm this guy: >>101535216

I'm definitely liking it.
I'm actually trying to teach my self how to code, I know some basics but just want to learn more. I'm old (mid 30s) . But I've always enjoyed screwing around pc. I made pretty basic code on note pad in the late 90s and thought it was the coolest thing.
Kek, no but by coincidence I am bald man and love it :)
Seems like the exact same issue, different version though. Solution should still work.
And you should know that generally searching the corresponding github issues section is much more helpful than posting on 4chan.
>Kek, no but by coincidence I am bald man and love it :)

I meant that I'm liking Mint but I'm also not complaining about my hairloss. My brother is 13 years older than I but has had the same five-head for about 15 years now.

My current path right now too. Did this just become a Millennial support group? We're gonna make it guys.
The choice of a distro doesn't really matter, you will just be using the applications unless you really know what you are doing. So just choose one that's unlikely to die tomorrow and offers a lot of reasonably new packages.
Distros like Gentoo and slackware forces you to know more about how linux works under the hood but that doesn't have much to do with learning programming unless you want to focus on that specific area.
like I already said
>>why appimage? I don't want to install 10 extra deps, all I want is to use it for one off thing
I like to keep my system clean of unnecessary libraries. I hate bloat and I fucking love appimage for programs that I rarely need to use.

Oh it worked! I reconstructed the appimage with that file removed.
Thanks X 1000 anon! I suck at googling
Kek, my smaller brother used to make fun that I went bald at 25. I told him wait you'll also go bald he did at 27. I just shaved it off when it got thin. Yeah bro I have to much time on my hands and I've always enjoyed tech. But don't want to go back to u.
Thanks anon I'll look more into it, but I'm pretty sure I'll go with mint since I'm kind 9f retarded
>I don't want to install 10 extra deps,
Oh no, not the megabytes. How will you live without them.
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Ended up going with tc
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In other linux distros, installing a linux kernel is tedious. In NixOS a new kernel is only one config line away

 boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_zen; 

Then you rebuild your system with
 sudo nixos-rebuild boot 

Now you're ready to test out your new kernel! How simple is that
Should I enable Ubuntu pro? Aside from all of the reasons to not use Ubuntu, I mean.

Yeah. Nobody complains about KDE being a better Windows 7 or Xfce being a better Windows XP.

Pretty sure those first two are built in.
its free up to 5 pcs, need to pay for anything over
so why not
you clearly don't understand because you are probably a child,
that's ok

1. 10 programs * 10 deps per program can accumulate to ~100 deps
2. every time I update my system, it would take longer because it would probably need to update all those deps that I am not using
3. when will the bitterness end? aren't you tired of being so sad a bitter all the time?
How do I back up? Do I just copy my home folder on my External? What will happen to my KDE vault?
>Pretty sure those first two are built in.
Well, yay says it's not in the repo or the AUR.
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Does open-with extensionfor firefox doesn't support bash functions?
Do I need to make a bash script?
Or am I doing something wrong?
>In other linux distros, installing a linux kernel is tedious.
>pacman -S linux-zen
Explain how that is tedious.
Cheapest computer I get that to daily drive linux?
The funny thing about dependencies is that they can be shared between programs, so you only need to download them once for everything that wants them.
So no, 10 programs with 10 deps does not usually accumulate to 100 deps.
I got a new data drive and i want to use btrfs subvolmes as a means of organization as well as not having all the data view able unless mounted
I read about the big boogie man nested but since im not using it for system files can i do it like this?

All capital letter are sub volumes all lowercase are folder
HP ProDesk 600 G3 Mini i5-7500t
Second hand laptop
Anon. This is the internet. If it's free, you're the product.
I'm considering switching over from my current distro, Kubuntu, over to Arch or EndeavourOS. I still have to dual boot into Windows due to work.
Those are meme distros. Just try them in a virtual machine if you're curious.
Why complicate your life?
You still have to edit systemd-boot EFI file to change the kernel or grub its more complicated.
i’m using guix now but nix/guix really calms my ocd coming over from arch. i love having what is essentially a ledger of every customization made to my system.
i get obsessed with tinkering and would always struggle keeping track of which config files on my arch system have been edited and how.
Sorry I don't know how to answer your question
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fortune -o
fortune: this fortune was built with -D NO_OFFENSIVE=1 so the -o flag is unavailable (Sorry)

Thank you Arch packagers, very cool!
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>Advertised both in GUI and in terminal
>Requires signing up for what should just be a radio button
>The nagging cannot be disabled
Yeah, Ubuntu Pro is the last straw for me. I'm leaving Ubuntu.
archinstall is not great security-wise and endeavour also sets up a DE/WM for you, it's fine for beginners
Why do my dekorator window styles leave some pink around them? How do I get rid of it?
Sucks that it doesn't set up btrfs with snapshots for you, rollbacks are important on a distro like Arch
Mint 22 is out
Should I go through the ritual of a clean install with all the bullshit I don't even remember having done to get this shit working right because it's been long enough, or just wait for the update and pray that nothing breaks?
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holy fuck ubuntu is this bad now?
File deleted.
I'm using the nvidia proprietary driver on my EndeavourOS system (which also has an integrated AMD iGPU). I turn my monitor off that is plugged into the nvidia GPU for a few minutes but when I turn it back on, there is no display or signal. I have reseated the cabling but get no signal until I reboot. Unless I switch to the igpu output. When on igpu, I can turn the monitor on and off without issue. I dont have any sleep/hibernate/screensavers enabled either. This happens on LTS kernal and the current latest. Any advice?
I distinctly remember getting shit two years ago for thinking I got swindled by shills with a fake wifi adapter. As it turns out there was a kernel "bug" where all the version names weren't entered so it wasn't just plug and play. The bug wasn't solved until over a year later. Retarded chinkshit
Use manjaro.
I use Arch, and to upgrade I use the "topgrade" command. Am I doing right?
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That would be the case for programs that shared a functionality, like image editors,
but for a wide variety of programs that do different things, they can fetch a LOT of deps.

>pic related, if I were to install 7 of my appimages as native packs
>p.s. chromium I use rarely for web-testing I use firefox as my main

People have many many use cases
my use case is to be using appimages for the programs that I rarely use,
they work perfectly fine and keep my system bloat-free
run0 pacman -Syu
Hi guys, this is my second day using arch linux, i installed a file manager, but i forgot which one i installed, now, how do i find it?
Gnome looks like mobile UI, cope
I forgot Lennart did this. Has anyone used run0 long enough to say if it has any benefits besides obnoxious red coloration?
Now, how many libs that you have on your system already anyway are in those appimages and you now have up to 30 extra copies?
have sex incel ;-)
probably many, but at least they are compressed,
I can deal with a program being 100MB if it includes everything it needs to run.
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I think the desktop attracted too many end-users and gamers. The user-space
has turned into garbage for that audience. Windows as the Unix/Linux
Desktop was popular for 30 years. Now these casual "Enthusiasts" who are
paid agents force their 3rd-world-OS ideas into everyones ass.

The future is *BSD as a server only operating system. *BSD's strength is
that nobody cares about it.

Linux on the desktop is about to be replaced by WSL because Windows just is
the better Linux Desktop. Always has been. In the end convenience trumps
ideology. Why should someone install Linux with a Desktop that isn't the
Windows Desktop when you can have the Windows Desktop and WSL? Soon the
only people using a Linux Desktop will be the same people who are developing
it. Just leave them behind.

And who is still using Desktops anyways? It is either servers (Linux and
*BSD) or Apps on Smart Devices or dedicated Video Games hardware. Apps
don't need a full blown Desktop to be launched. Games don't need a full
blown Desktop to be launched. Desktop is just a workplace for sad people.
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Oh! Seems if I change to a different VT and back it works. Not the most convenient workaround.
>can't spell "dissident"
>types paths instead of copy-pasting
>self-deletes post in shame
why are file pickers so crippled and gay in linuggs?
also Nemo is slow as shit loading thumbnails (really slowing down my smugposting).
file manager recs?
Hey I'm looking to buy a new laptop. Going to put a Linux distribution on it.

Am I correct that AMD is still a better option for compatibility and iGPU support?
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Qt filepicker is nice
Sell on me Debian over Ubuntu.
>that raging dolphin erection
if you are just getting the hang of things, just use ubuntu,
it is click and play, but somewhat bloated,

if you want to get deeper and learn some things go for debian

then once you are comfortable enough with the various subsystems and how they are configured, you go with Arch
Is there a way to make the date/clock on the system be permanent even after reboot? Meaning, it won't change the clock based on the bios, completely ignoring whatever changes happen in the battery and it will basically just save whatever was the last boot date/time.
I don't intend to connect this system to the internet.
ubuntu will trick you into snap that don't work (sometimes), but ubuntu server might be ok
I've been using Ubuntu for 6 years already.
I'd say chill, especially if everything you need works ok.
and how do you want to bridge the time while the system is off? It's either rtc (battery) or you have to set the time after reboot from somewhere, typically ntp servers.
You could run one locally, there is a solution for saving time at shutdown and syncing after reboot.
>You could run one locally, there is a solution for saving time at shutdown and syncing after reboot
and what would that be?
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Fedora or opensuse?
I've distro hopped every debain and arch distro
These two remained untouched.
What do you suggest?
I didn't memorize the name, but you should be able to find it if you search for keeping the current time on a dvice without rtc.
You can run MusicBee with Bottles
if I bought a $2500 motherboard without BIOS flashback I would feel more than a little stupid
Going back to mint just because mint
>tried mint
>hopped to pop os
>hopped to nobara
>hopped to endeavour
>use win11 again
>hopped to cachy os
>use win11 once more
>decided to install mint again
its just so comfy, bros
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why the fuck do I need KDE to run an emulator
Why has tumblweed not pushed 555 driver to stable yet, I don't understand this shit, feels like everybody else has been enjoying explicit sync fix but the actual rolling release distro for a while. I don't want to mess around trying to install hard way and break shit down the line.
search your terminal history and see. just run `history` or pipe it into grep
Is Wayland worth using yet?
install gentoo
It's been fine for over 5 years.
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>build excellent new program to replace the shitty one my system comes with
>install it
>it runs great
>sudo pacman -Syu
>it doesn't work anymore because a dynamically linked library got updated
>need to recompile to make it work again
I hate dynamic linking so much it's unreal. If I package my program with AUR, will it solve that issue?
Pikeru is good but not packaged yet. Only problem is >>101540783
>If I package my program with AUR, will it solve that issue?
No, you still may have to recompile AUR packages if their dependencies change.
I tried and it works nice for normal use but window capture seems to still be unsupported and I can't find anything that does blue light filtering on a schedule. Time to wait another 5 years I guess.
>window capture seems to still be unsupported
Window capture works fine. You just have to use a capture program that works with your compositor.
>I can't find anything that does blue light filtering on a schedule
GNOME and KDE have it right there in the control panel.
Thanks anon, after some searching I found that OBS requires an environment variable to enable pipewire capture, seems to work after setting that.
I'm on Cinnamon so I don't think I have the gnome night light feature but I can live without it for now.
Doesn't that happen when the GUI is built using Qt?
>use flatpak
>bitch about dependency bloat
Just make your own retroarch build.
Yes, they give you free support for 10 years and tell you about it. Awful, I know.
GUI and theming, you'd be missing shit like icons otherwise.
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>ssh into home server to downscale some videos so i can watch them on my old tablet
>well that's a bit low, get up, do the same command on the server itself
>mhh, maybe it's the active connection. Let's try tmux
>Abort on server, repeat on instinct (still in tmux)
I wouldn't call myself a complete newbie, but i'm absolutely clueless what kind of sorcery i am watching here. Is this some kind of resource management demon going completely wild on anything ssh?
pic unrelated.
i need a gf like this
fake-hwclock - Save/restore system clock on machines without working RTC hardware

Is this what you want?
>remove kuserfeedback from plasma
>breaks the whole system
What the fuck is their problem? Why I am forced to keep this loging shit in my os? I know it 'supposedly' does not send anything if disabled in menu, but the fact that you can't remove it's so sketchy and stupid. Fuck them.
>downscale some videos
i could, i have an AUR account
reread the first line.......
i did and now when I try to update @world there's some kind of circular dependency going and it just spams forever. this distro sucks
Even if your shitty tablet is 320x240 it could play 4k files and they would automatically downscaled at playtime, makes no sense
what's bad about it? this extra extended security support on top of the base support
most single users won't even want this because they're better off simply updating to the next version of ubuntu rather than keeping the same version 10+ years
and even then, it's free for 5 machines, so even if you did want it for personal use, it's still free
this only practically affects commercial customers who want super long support times, they will need to pay for that. canonical has to make money somehow you know
resolving stuff like that is just part of using gentoo
it's not that hard once you learn how to read emerge output. i got stuck on it for a bit as well (didn't help that i was updating an install i hadn't touched for 2 years)
Can you resize a maximized window by dragging the title bar in openbox? Mine is stuck in place, can only move windows that are not maxed.
I really can't tell if this bait or retarded. Are you drunk, anon?
arch linux is extremelly overrated
at some point you realize that you end up installing all the same shit that other distros already install by default
the other day I installed arch on a 32GB stick pc,
absolute bare minimum i3 desktop and it took like ~4GB of storage (multilib wine included)

Did you just think of your own use case and thought that everyone on the planet has the same use case as you?

That's what children do, are you even 25 or older?
Tell me how resolution matters instead of the video codec. Earlier blurays still used mpeg-2 for 1080p video.
Cmon, I will wait.
my proxmox server got taken offline by a power outage
it corrupted multiple services which were easily fixed
should i be concerned?
to allow moving a maximized windows using alt+drag, change;
      <mousebind button="A-Left" action="Drag">
<action name="Move"/>

      <mousebind button="A-Left" action="Drag">
<action name="Move"/>
<action name="if">
<action name="Unmaximize"/>

for dragging the titlebar, change;
    <context name="Titlebar">
<mousebind button="Left" action="Drag">
<action name="Move"/>

    <context name="Titlebar">
<mousebind button="Left" action="Drag">
<action name="Move"/>
<action name="if">
<action name="Unmaximize"/>
99% of non server linux users in the world use a desktop environment
tiling window managers are for mega computer nerds
so yes i think im right
I agree. I messed around with those autistic distros as a teen but now I'm a lazy fuck who just wants a hands off install so I use lubuntu. But I suppose it's good if you want latest packages, or AUR. Or in gentoo's case extreme optimization and customization. Also at this point if you are not using archinstall script or gentoo livegui I have to assume you're a basedteen who feel for the leet meme and thinks it's cool to copy commands into le hacker console.
Why haven't you took the Jellyfin pill anon, best thing ever for local and outside playback
this takes me back to when desktop cfg files wouldn't define window binds
other anon here,
you are wrong 100%

1. Bigger frames, more data, more decoding time needed.
GPUs that provide hardware acceleration, they have a limit to what they can decode, if video bitrate/resolution is off the specs, the GPU will simple not decode it and offload to CPU. And that's IF the GPU supports the video format at all.
2. shitty tablets have shitty storage slow storage space
3. shitty tablets have shitty slow ARM Cpus

4. when in doubt, don't say anything! <<----- (this works best for tourists like you)
What file do I change exactly? Mind blowing this isn't configurable from a gui and is the lubuntu default no less.
you are nothing but a naive child.
ok. you exist. just don't delude yourself into thinking that your garbage opinions have any value...
there are multiple jellyfin guides (i'm a plex user)
is there much setup involved besides the servers?
no problem with the nas
well idk if there's a gui to do it
guis rarely give you the full range of possible configurations
if you don't have one, you'll need to copy the default/example from wherever your distro installs it
10 year old tablets with arm could decode h265 natively on hardware and they all should support the spec resolution (4k)
Now if the video is h264 even older tablets would support the codec up to the spec resolution (4k too)
And why would you need storage if you could just stream your videos?
Having just a nas is a pain in the ass, with jellyfin I just installed, put the admin password and selected the library folder where all the movies reside.
I just disabled on the fly file conversion as all my devices can decode all the files natively. As comfy as playing files on the phone app, laptop browser and even smart tv browsers, it has been so fucking great so far.
also it's actually just the default in openbox in general
i don't even want to change it myself, the defaults let you drag maximised windows between screens without them being unmaximised, that is, when the moves some distance into another screen, the window will snap to the new screen, still maximised
That did it, thanks a lot anon. I find it odd this isn't just the default in openbox. Would you happen to know how to change side pane shortcuts in pcmanfm-qt? From what I read it's not configurable.

Oh well then my previous comment shouldn't apply. Maybe it's a weird setting with my distro.
makes sense, otp works really well so password access isn't the issue
my nas has files 30 years old at this point, I need to decode to various things within a network, if I bother to share them
Not sure why, but Nvidia drivers just stopped working. Had to reinstall them and also verify that they were installed for flatpaks as well. I think it may have involved secure boot and mokutil kernel shenanigans on restart. Fingers crossed it doesn't break again.
A lot of emulators use Qt as its GUI toolkit so the flatpak includes said toolkit. Just think of it as downloading it all once then not having to again. Like this is pretty much the best way to use KDE suite programs as well without installing KDE dependency hell in your actual filesystem.
>Oh well then my previous comment shouldn't apply. Maybe it's a weird setting with my distro.
you misunderstand, the default is not to unmaximise when dragging a maximised window, like you experienced
what i'm saying is that the default has a benefit when using multiple monitors
i probably should have added that you can apply the change without logging out by running "openbox --reconfigure", too late now i suppose
haven't looked into pcmanfm-qt's side pane
Merely run times. It's walled away from the rest of your machine so don't fret.
New to Ubuntu here, "xgamma -gamma 0.9" does nothing. Terminal doesn't complain but simply tells me current values (all 1.0).
How do I get it to obey?
"xgamma -d :0 -gamma 0.9" also does nothing.
peak comedy: https://youtu.be/Ftso4oZC1rs
linus desktop environments are a joke
and dont read the comments on that video, is full of idiotic linux fanboys
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>If it's free, you're the product.
Love this philosophical nonsense.

>10 year old tablets with arm could decode h265 natively
Yeah, the high end ones. Damn you richfags.

It's a basic binary distribution, what did you expect? But hey, now you don't need to fight against anti features or unnecessary dependencies. (avoided using the bloat word, Arch is kinda bloaty what comes to package contents)

>These two remained untouched
No wonder, those guys offer nothing but installer ISOs. Where's the god damn root filesystem tar balls?
Well he's actually right about Ubuntu. The user is in fact the product.
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I wanna try Opensuse w/o using Packman whenever possible, however i also would like support for ffmpegthumbnailer on Dolphin. Is it possible to do this with Flatpaks or should i just bite the bullet?
Unless Dolphin's a flatpak, you need to use the package manager.
I have issues bros, I installed Linux mint. It operates fine. I have 2 hard drives and no matter what I do it keeps making a partion of the os so the os runs from 2 hard drives. No matter what I do it won't let me just install it in one drive. Any suggestions?
do you mean open with or play with? for play with you can just write a desktop entry for your script
There are bunch of "top" like tools like htop/iotop/nethogs that can tell you the bottleneck. I think(correct me if im wrong) perf can tell you exact what a program is doing, and BPF subsystem can even tell you what exact operating system is doing.
mac os icons not being aligned on a grid always fucking annoyed me, why does he want this?
Took me a long time to find, but leaving this here for anyone who happens to look through the archive later:
xgamma on Ubuntu does nothing if you are not logged in to "Ubuntu on Xorg"

Am i starting to get a taste of why I've seen bitching about Wayland on /g/?
plug out the fucking drive #2 punk
What if you want multiple kernels? On my Gentoo system I have my own custom kernel ebuilds each slotted so I can I can install sys-kernel/zen:69 and sys-kernel/zen:68 both at the same time.

I only have to edit my boot script at /boot/EFI/boot/startup.nsh to choose which to boot into. I could automate that with portage Bashrc phase function if I really wanted to.
Did that bro, the fucking thing one let me only use one hard disk. Idk why I went into bios and changed it to ide from raid with no fucking difference mi actually bricked one of the hard drives but that doesn't matter. I'm kind of annoyed it won't let me just select one. It's double booting
I'll give it a go bro
CachyOS sisters its over...
i tried swapping to their kernel and while it DID feel snappier, it just broke pacman constantly
you need to install the cachyos pacman if you switch repos
which i did, but it didn't like it very much. i prioritized the default arch repos and only wanted the kernels.
dude stop using shit distros
>using outdated noob traps
>why I've seen bitching about Wayland
that its missing shit that we could always do. yes. thank you red hat.
you're mentally ill
I was going through Manjaro forums and some guy said that the whole thing about AMD having better drivers for on Linux based systems is a essentially a lie, they are only considered being better due to being open source and not performance can someone elaborate on that?
You can do that with generations. Just rebuild with other kernel and you have two options in boot menu.

Clean it with garbage collection if you don't want clutter and you're sure your generation is stable.

Don't know why someone would need that doe. Standard linux kernel works fine doe.
That's straight out of the Nvidia fanboy club. Performance is perfectly fine. You can lookup benchmarks from Phoronix if you want.
It's good to have different kernels available for testing. I basically don't ever delete any of my kernels. My ESP is 1 GB so I rarely prune it.
there's WAY less friction unless you want to mess with AI shit which is mostly just installing extra libraries and setting variables.
This is the PKGBUILD, you can test it if you like, it's binary version of phantomjs, because the build take like 3 hours.
open with.
>desktop entry
What's that?
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Gaming on linoox just werks on KDE 6. It's near flawless out of the box experience.

The little toggle that says allow tearing in full screen has to be disabled otherwise there's microstutter in some games.

Also corectrl causes microstuttering for CPU management, so only use it for GPU management, also don't use gamemode it causes microstuttering too. You have to manage your CPU governer and set it to performance with some other tool or script

If you're on NixOS you can just enter in your config
 powerManagement.cpuFreqGovernor = "performance"; 
You probably don't want to publish binaries you don't know the prominence of.
I'm sure >>101547418 is a nice person but best to be safe. They can make their own AUR account if they want to publish it for others. It's better that they maintain it.
>binaries you don't know the prominence of
the source is in the PKGBUILD.
And AUR doesn't contain any packages.
cool antialiasing bruv
It's a binary, you don't see the source. You don't know how they built it or what's in it.
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Does anyone know what NAS distro that does this?
>during installation, if you have two USB flash drives plugged in
>It would recognize this, and treat them as RAID1, with several features to minimize writing as much to longer the life of the USB flash drive.
I'd assume this from gentooschizo.
No because that's completely and utterly worthless feature to waste development time on, you don't actually run your system off USB so you don't do many/any writes to it.
>No because that's completely and utterly worthless feature to waste development time on
There's an actual NAS distro that does this, I just don't recall what it is.
You're probably thinking of Unraid, also you can't really implement RAID proper whilst minimize writing; you'll always get some level of write amplification.
and you have absolutely no idea about anything,
you are just a kid hobbyist ( and a bad one )
>not using CachyOS
GNOME developers MUST see this video
He's right about a lot of things
at the moment
is there any issue with fedora and rpmfusion?
There's a reason why the Steam Deck's DE is KDE.
What's the use case for feedback?
>Been learning bash for months.
>Only now learn how to open elf files
Thnaks, linuxjourney.com
I literally compiled a C program and realised I don't know how to execute it.
Yeah, because it looks like Windows.
Well I guess that's one reason, but also because it runs games the best.
The Steam Deck uses gamescope, not kwin. Desktop mode is not intended to be used for gaming on the Steam Deck.
The dude who made the video said that notifications are useless. Do you want GNOME devs to see it and remove them too?
that's weird, if i go to clone it, like how you'd made a new package, it seems to already exist, with a similar pkgbuild to yours. same version, too. but it doesn't show up on the aur website
cachyos is a meme, just like the zen kernel
>v3/v4/zen4+5 packages
>o3 compiled kernel
>many performance tweaks ootb
>best frametimes / low 1% compared to other distros
kys nixjeet
I'm not that anon, I don't use nix garbage and it's also a dead distro
seems phantomjs has been dead for some time, are you sure you want to use this at all? even the other aur packages of it haven't been touched in some time, i doubt anybody else would benefit from putting it back up on the aur
ive been using it for a month and i dont even quite know where that screen is. its not in settings, i guess its the software updater if you went into there manually, because usually it just automatically does stuff.
help fellas I just installed arch + kde but I cannot drag and drop files from the desktop to the "pictures" folder in /home/. any tips?
The average ten year old tablet will stutter with either a 4k or 60fps video, nevermind both. How do I know? I still have a tab A 10 and iPad 4.
Your advice is not even better, you're a glowing dunning kruger.
Because that's not even close to my problem here.
nvm fixed it by transferring ownership from root then changing permissions in the gui
Let's say I really want to run non-android linux on a tablet. I know KDE plasma supports this but is it stable for day to day use or does it require constant patching? Are there any reccomended devices?

I just need a simple tablet for uni, a working browser, reading PDFs and watching youtube, nothing fancy.
By "/home" do you literally mean "/home" or your actual home folder?
>ebussy wrote this
Not enough wasted space methinks
I installed Gentoo years ago and made GRUB use legacy instead of efi boot. Is there any reason for me to change this?
My system boots in seconds anyway so I doubt I'll gain a speed advantage and going through the hassle of reconfiguring the bootloader when my system just works(tm) seems not worth it.
What do you think?
>I installed Gentoo years ago and made GRUB use legacy instead of efi boot.
>made GRUB use legacy instead of efi boot
You usually "make" your hardware use one or the other and then play by it.
>Is there any reason for me to change this?
With EFI booting you can skip GRUB and/or have more boot entries as a backup solution.
I needed GRUB at the time to dual boot Windows 7 for muh gay ming. But now that the homosexual Chinese games run under proton I no longer need Windows, so I was rethinking my setup.
But I guess I'll stick with what I have if your advice is to "play by it."
Uhhh..... I've always taken UEFI hardware, disabled the "compatibility mode" and used UEFI booting. UEFI for UEFI, simple right?
Only the really really hardcore legacy BIOS guys want the compatibility mode.

Again: booting is a hardware thing.
>also you can't really implement RAID proper whilst minimize writing; you'll always get some level of write amplification.
I know that.
It's just a way to keep some sort of backup just in case.
Why isn't this on AUR then?
>phantomjs has been dead for some time
Well, unless yt-dlp migrate to another headless script-able browser.
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Is there any way I can get extended attributes as columns on Nautilus? Having extended attributes on Windows folders and easily just adding tags and grouping folders by tag was incredibly useful and it's honestly the only thing I miss from Explorer
yt-dlp doesn't use PhantomJS. It's written in Python, they use something else.
not him but the yt-dlp manual does mention phantomjs;
> • phantomjs (https://github.com/ariya/phantomjs) - Used in extractors where javascript needs to be run. Licensed under BSD-3-Clause (https://github.com/ariya/phantomjs/blob/master/LICENSE.BSD)
Odd, when did they start doing that? I'm sure they used to use a Python module to excecute JavaScript. Maybe I'm thinking of something else?
maybe they do now idk, phantomjs hasn't had a release since 2016, maybe it's just old information
well i have it a bump on the aur anyway, and now it shows up. very weird, it was on their git server, just not on the website. since it was technically not owned by anyone, i could take it over (then immediately disown it again because i don't want to maintain it)
I am trying to configure my mail server to send mails over a wireguard tunnel. The tunnel is not the default route, since i want everything else going over another interface. `curl --interface wg0` works properly, but unfortunately i cant tell the mail server to send over an interface, i can only tell it to send from a certain ip. When i do that, the source ip does change, but it is routed via the default route.
Does anyone know how i can force the process to always send over the tunnel?
Are you sure Nautilus can even see them? I don't think they're extended attributes but special NTFS attributes.

I don't think Nautilus even supports tags in the first place though. KDE's Dolphin does although the support is not great.
>maybe they do now idk
No, I just checked the code, it's still there. I think it's only used as a fallback though. I've never once see it error and ask me to install it (I don't have Phantomjs on my system).

Maybe it's just legacy code?
they may have replaced it but kept it around since nobody has complained about it. like you said, perhaps as a fallback
all this talk about it has reminded me that i may have actually seen youtube-dl complain about wanting it once before, a loooong time ago. i don't remember what website it could have been for, i was probably just helping someone else at the time
Does anyone here have any experience with this distro? I just need a simple fixed release distro that is not based on debian/fedora/arch/opensuse.
Just want to give an old dinosaur a new life.
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I still have BIOS/MBR booting. If you don't care about secure boot and you have a working setup I don't see why you'd change it. UEFI booting makes some things harder, too, notably booting from a software RAID array, thanks to the EFI system partition.

You'll probably want a PineTab or something like that. You can't count on any of the phone/tablet distros (Postmarket, etc) to run on any random device. They have compatibility lists if you want something different.

you can just echo a magic value to a file in /sys to change the governor, you don't need a meme distro
I've never bothered and always just left the governor on default, even for gaming, and it's always been fine

There's allegedly an extension for it that will let you use them:
I've never used it myself, though, and if the files actually came from Windows, >>101549086 is right, it's probably some special NTFS thing that didn't get copied over.
Try Void. They have a tranny problem now, but it used to be pretty solid when I used it. You also have gentoo as an option.
>booting from a software RAID array, thanks to the EFI system partition.
not him but that's not an issue, just raid two partitions and leave a bit of space for the esp, i'm doing that right now
>Try Void.
Never heard of this distro, I will give a try later.
>They have a tranny problem now, but it used to be pretty solid when I used it.
>You also have gentoo as an option.
I said a simple distro.
I want to edit fstab to automatically mount a USB SSD after each reboot, but looking at fstab documentation and even example sites is always overwhelming, and I keep fucking it up. I hate seeing that "Welcome to emergency mode!" message.

The command I use to manually mount the SSD is this:

sudo mount -t auto -o rw /dev/sda1 /mnt -v

What's the line I would put into fstab to accomplish the same thing, making sure that if the SSD can't be mounted for whatever reason, the system still boots just fine and doesn't panic? And is there a way I can ensure that the entry is correct before I try to reboot?
Use the option nofail so the PC will boot no matter if the drive is there or not.
>maybe it's just old information
Nah, it uses phantomjs in some extractors such as PH.
Go to the Home Server General.
How do I make SDDM respect the aspect ratio of a background image?
I have multiple monitors of different aspect ratios, one 21:9 and the other 16:9 and the background image is stretched on the former. How do I make it add black bars instead of stretching it?
You must use source routing for that. Out of my head: Add a label for a new route table to /etc/iproute2/rt_tables. Put a default route in the new table: ip route add default via GATEWAY dev IFACE table LABEL. Make use of the new route table for some address: ip rule add from ADDRESS table LABEL.
By the way how do i make those white code blocks on this board?
it's in the rules, you read the rules, right?
My rule #1 is there are no rules.

I'm still working on this. I looked up the UUID of the SSD:

$ sudo blkid /dev/sda1
/dev/sda1: LABEL="media" BLOCK_SIZE="512" UUID="0150CD57469A0ACC" TYPE="ntfs" PARTLABEL="media" PARTUUID="984f3b02-4b42-4050-8330-8cc1b28b97b1"

Looking around online for a recommended fstab entry and modifying it to my parameters, would the correct fstab entry be the one below?

UUID=0150CD57469A0ACC /mnt auto nosuid,nodev,nofail 0 0
Meme distro.
Holy shit why?
Hyprland is too transphobic or some shit like that.
time to switch distro, what a joke
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Thank you based anon
Works like a charm, i almost thought i have to use network namespaces

Well, I gave it a shot, and my system rebooted just fine and the SSD is mounted. I'm going to test moving some files around, but otherwise I think it worked.
>You're probably thinking of Unraid
And no it's not it.
Just checked.
What kind of retard would ever use void
Fair point
I was reading the Arch wiki page on the XDG config directory and noticed that it specifies the variables like this
export INPUTRC="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/readline/inputrc

Instead of
export INPUTRC="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/readline/inputrc"

Notice the different quote placement. Isn't quoting the whole variable better?
I'm a noob, I used mint cinnamon
I'm so sick of KDE Wayland crashing. What should I switch to for a stable experience? Or would using X11 KDE maybe fix it?
Switch to GNOME Wayland until COSMIC gets released on August 8.
Nah, on X11 you just get a different set of problems.
Build and install Plasma 5 from source. Try 6 again in a year or two.
>a year or two
is that enough time? kde has been unstable for decades
Fake news. It's just a /g/ meme.
The bugs, however, are not.
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>Kubuntu LTS
>Rocky Linux
>OpenSUSE Leap
All use stable Plasma
>Should I enable Ubuntu pro?
Only if you're planning on using a release older than 5 years, which you're probably not, so no.
Since /etc/gai.conf is not used anymore by chrome(ium), is there some other way you can influence the ipv4/v6 decision in that browser? I can't find anything in settings.
Don't think so. But really, you should be using IPv6. The prefixes are floaty just like IPv4 addresses, and your machines get to pick and randomize their own addresses as much or as little as you want. Just make sure you have a proper firewall configuration.
>you should be using IPv6
I like to. But i tunnel it to my home and the tunnel is not for bulk internet access, so i want to limit what gets on it.
New thread:
what is apt satisfy?

it's supposed to resolve issues with a package but it doesn't show anything besides checking for updates as if it was apt install
It checks the dependency tree for issues

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