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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
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Previous thread: >>101494725
is there a linux client for all of the LLMs like chatgpt, I don't want to have to use the websites
don't most DEs have a widget for it? i think there's a standalone GNOME program too. emacs might even have a client.
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Need some hard handling regarding icon themes. The two icon themes I've liked the most are Obsidian and Faba
How do i set them up in a way that makes the system pick icons from Obsidian first and foremost, then use Mona+Fabra as fallback? If not, what other icon themes do you recommend? Everyome seems like using Papirus, Numix or Adwaiita forks, but i didn't like any of the flat themes I've looked so far. Though i had to settle, I'd use this one
I'm using Plasma on Debian if that matters.
Is the trinity desktop the best DE for larping as a late 90s salary man?
I just installed Gentoo and it booted with all my hardware supported first time.
Is it just me or is there a mess with the current state of packages in Debian Testing?
Cause this is getting stupid.
Bruh. You're literally using a development branch.
I can accept the possibility that I'm stupid.
i cant live without the AUR
pic looks like new zealand
Does anyone know why Mozilla applications (Firefox and Thunderbird) take an extra 20 seconds to open when using DNS over TLS?
What is a good distro that uses Plasma 6 on an Ubuntu LTS base I can use as a daily driver? I have been thinking of checking out Tuxedo OS, but I am wondering if there are some others I should check out.
It doesn't exist. Maybe KDE neon if you don't do FDE.
why is there so much idiotic hate against redhat and canonical?
whithout all the redhat projects the linux desktop would be nothing: wayland, systemd, pulseaudio, pipewire, gnome (yes i know)
and they are still trying to bring memes like HDR to linux
and canonical created the "linux for humans" distribution which helped linux adoption a ton
I shit on big corpos because i want to look cool in front of my /g/ seniors
Thanks, I figured that was the case. Probably just going to use Kubuntu or something with Plasma 5 for now until Plasma 6 is more common.
Like, probably 4 days ago i asked here if i was doing right the partitions for my installation of arch because i was for the first time installing arch. Now i have already make a full install.

I'm so happy, it's really pleasant to have learn all of this little things at this point, like how to partition a disk, now im just trying to figure out how to mf rice DWM.
Also, I would personally use Sid over Testing as security holes get patched quicker.

I had trouble with Kubuntu, but I can't remember exactly what. Probably a better choice than KDE neon, though. Hopefully an official backport of Plasma 6 gets made for you. Alternatively, use Repology to find a distro that has the software you need. I personally am using the latest KDE on Arch and it runs quite well, but it's not a distro for everyone.
>>101513536 sorry I meant to send the first comment of this >>101514169 to you, but I quoted myself by accident lol
TDE has more of mid-2000s vibes.
There are some built-in themes that make it look older, any other recommendations?
canonical's contribution to linux circa 2005-2008 are understated but it's aids now
gentoo rules
Red Shat (in the streets) is now owned by IBM which is run by Indians. They were responsible for the bad parts of GNOME, and systemd and pulseaudio suck. Whatever good they have done for Linux in the past is probably over.

Canonical pissed away decades of goodwill by fragmenting the desktop on purpose with Mir and Unity, and making snaps so bad. Architecturally ugly, slows down boot, proprietary store. Ubuntu has become the very thing it was born to fight, a Linux distro you need to fight to get to behave properly.
Cause Cannonical has shitty snake oil salesman strategies for their OC shitware, and is starting to get in the way of everyone. Filling the APT repos with Snap shims isn't going to make people use them more willingly. Also latest Ubuntu release has been very buggy for the most part, a complete shift from their past well supported versions.
They should just stop with their irrelevant minor versions and copy Centos Stream's model if they hate dealing with APT so much.
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I installed Arch from reading (skimming) through the guide, set up a stock graphical environment with dwm, and installed Firefox. For whatever reason, I can't install add-ons. Not because they don't install, but because I can't search for them, it gives me an error saying that it can't connect to addons.mozilla.org. What do? Is it a Firefox issue, or a networking issue? I can connect to websites, I just can't install add-ons (search for them) for whatever reason. I'm pretty sure I set up my network correctly--that I did spend some time reading through. I'm using iwd and sytemd-resolved.
You should probably just use iwd's built-in DHCP resolver IMO
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I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing with network configuration; I was under the impression I needed separate bits of software to handle certain tasks. Does this mean I can just use iwd and configure it to handle everything network related? I'm just skimming through the wiki and installing/setting up shit so that I can quickly get accustomed with Arch and being a power user in general. You learn the most when you don't know shit and have to adapt, so that's what I'm going for. Once I more or less know what I'm doing, I'll just reinstall Arch and set it up properly. Where should I have git cloned dwm and all those other suckless programs into? I think I remember hearing something about downloading it into /etc/src, but idk.

What do for Firefox though?
should i still bother with librewolf or is firefox with a custom user.js plenty?

why didn't you just use NM? i know it's bloated but it gets you online fast.

also yeah i think you can run into some problems if you've got multiple resolvers running.
Either there's a possibility to configure Firefox to do that specific trick or your ISP sucks.
I doubt there's anything wrong with your current DHCP client or whatever else configuration.
oh, maybe he could try an alternative DNS server.
>multiple resolvers running
Don't you need to configure iwd for it to be used as a resolver too?
Don't you always have the system resolver no matter what but you can always have resolver "stubs" to go with it?
My monitor briefly loses signal after booting from grub, causing me to miss the boot logs. Anyone know what could be causing it?
Is that specific to GRUB or are you asking why do screens flicker on boot?
I mean, you can use rpm ostree to put any programs you want in like you would with any other manager. Does that go against the whole immutable philosophy? don't know, don't care imagine getting your immutable system bricked because your browser of choice decided to brick it LMAO
Reposting from last thread: A while back, some anon posted a sweet bashrc which solved duplicate entries in bash history, even when separated by other commands. It probably did some other cool shit as well which I don't remember. Would any of you happen to have it?
If a display is flickering during boot it's usually because it's switching resolutions or refresh rate, but it doesn't seem to be doing either. I'm asking because it didn't use to do this on my old install. I haven't changed my hardware at all since then.
Is there a reason to have a boot partition anymore?
Yes. If you want full disk encryption, but don't want the complexity or slow unlock of an encrypted /boot.
Why is this saying I have almost 3tb of space?
Is this for something else? I only have a 1 tb ssd and practically a fresh install. Why is this so incorrect?
Your ssd is cooked. OR, you have some external drive on that's part of your btrfs soup.
Post the output of lsblk.
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I noticed the libdisplay is an orphaned packages.
What's the replacement?
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I'm using GPU screen recorder and I recorded some awesome gameplay. Is it normal for it to abnormal large? It's like 100 GB or 190 iirc for a 32 minute gameplay in 1440p. Am I tripping, no way that's how big thr file size. Or unless I'm doing something wrong.
I don't have anything else connected so idk where this second 900gb is coming from
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>built new PC
>installed VMware and started making some ubuntu guests
>for some reason they're super buggy, freezing and crashing, and the compositor never seems to want to work right
>all fixes on google so far haven't worked

do I just say fuck it, take the rolling pill, and use arch or tumbleweed for my VMs? (in VMware)
the only concern I have is sometimes I don't boot a VM for 8+ months at a time and I hear trying to update a rolling distro you haven't booted in ages can have issues
>I don't have anything else connected
There's two ghost SATA/SCSI devices on that list, so you must have unplugged them while the system was on and udev for some reason didn't remove them completely. KDE's showing old data as a result.
huh ok
guess there's nothing to worry about then
x264 or x265 codec? x265 is more efficient at resolutions above 1080p, and enable 10 bit color depth for the video too.
>doing stupid stuff that you would see Canonical or RHEL doing
You mean one of them forcibly pushing snap and making accounts mandatory after 5 years, while the other made their distro free to use? Stupid in different ways, I guess.
everything is working perfectly on opensuse tumbleweed. have no idea why ubuntu was being such a piece of shit. thanks for reading my blog
How are those mirror speeds?
are they known to be slow? I haven't noticed any issues yet, then again I've only installed a few packages so far
>SUSE is about to strip branding and logos from openSUSE, which isn't a good sign in my view.
Removing the word "open" from a community project and making that your product is not very good branding. It's about time SUSE did something about it.
I don't like panels/docks, but why don't GNOME devs implement it so people shut the fuck up about it? It's the main criticism for the DE.
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>using shotcut
>haven't used it in a while
>trying to do a simple edit - mp3 file, with some images on top, synced to the audio
>try to import jpg files
>they're all white
>try to import png files
>their default duration is 24,879 DAYS and if I try to put one on the timeline it crashes the program
>can't change the default
>have dozens of images to do this for
>can't even increase the duration them on the timeline
>not a SINGLE person online has ever had this problem
I'm at my fucking limit. Uninstalled shotcut because I'm so mad at it. I don't want to install kdenlive either because it pulls so many god damn kde deps in. Any other alternatives to just simple timeline-style video editing? Even online ones work. I just want to make a fucking meme for christ's sake
>why don't GNOME devs
the eternal question
>I don't want to install kdenlive either because it pulls so many god damn kde deps in
I hate that too, but some KDE programs are so good that there's no other way.
>install mullvad on linux
>connect to random server
>speed is 1mbps
>do some testing
>95% of servers are 1mbps, the other 5% run at the 200mbps I'm used to
what gives? this happens on both on debian and arch meanwhile on windows or android all the servers run at full speed, not just 5% of them
Why are Debian file size image so small? Everytime i want to upload a image on here or share some hentai with my friends on discord, the thumbnail is so tinnnyyyyy. It's fine when i view via Files but uploading them just shows them as tiny af fuck files image. any help or tips? pic related
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It's so nice having a fresh OS repo, bros. Everything I reach for is the latest stable release.
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Based. I love Wayland.
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Oh no, not the hecking dependerinos! I'm afraid of files on my hard drive that allow me to do my job! Package count goes up and my sanity goes down!
i used to have interest towards Linux until systemd, wayland and pipewire started existing
Airvpn has been excellent for me for years
So use a systemd-free distro, Xorg and PulseAudio. What the fuck is stopping you other than yourself?
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I'm boutta lose my mind
I don't know what the fuck Mint is doing aside from just being Mint as usual, but I absolutely cannot disable the PS5 controller from being used as a default audio device.
If I disable it in pavucontrol, it reappears after opening it again.
It doesn't appear at all in hdajackretask

Why is this being so difficult
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Noobie questions.
I want to use timeshift to create a backaup for my system.
What files/folders should I include to backup my system?
All my data is under /, without any division, and with swap at the end of the disk.
So. Everything was fine until they took sysV from you?
You can slap sysV to any "non-systemd" distro, maybe even to ones that aren't "non-systemd".
using endeavourOS on a win11 dual boot system, I've noticed that my wifi stability on linux is way worse and spikes constantly compared to windows.
I'm 99% sure its a driver issue and Realtek doesn't support linux much apparently, is there anything I can do or will I have to buy some pcie wifi thing?
>install mullvad
Went wrong there. You never "install a VPN", regardless the OS.
>install mullvad
Found the problem. Don't let your VPN provider configure your network. On any platform.
best body type
ive been trying to unbloat my aging Samsung Xcover 5 but i think i deleted more than i should've, because now apps like Newpipe or Libretube dont play videos (youtube app replacements)

What package could be causing youtube video playback to not work? I dont really know what package to enable. I could reset to factory as a last resort but id rather not
>inb4 use /spg/
>implying /spg/ isnt just normies talking about CONSOOMING the latest product
Deleting other apps shouldn't affect Newpipe / libretube. It is much more likely that google has just banned your, or in the case of libretube your chosen instances, ip address and that is causing videos not to load. Do you get any error messages? Have you tried switching instances in libretube?
The idea behind snaps is actually cool. It's a tool that can be good if used in the right situation, like quickly setting up a web server.

Except canonical put them in their fucking desktop OS and forces them onto everyone, replacing apt packages, slowing down the computer, and confusing newbies, which is not what you want on fucking Ubuntu. Fuck clownonical
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How to stop KDE from messing with my brightness?
I have a two monitor setup and both of these displays need to be at different brightness obviously
I'm on Mint, last night I pulled out my headphones accidentally before I went to bed, but on plugging it back in after I turned the computer back on Mint didn't recognize I had headphones plugged in. I had to suspend my computer again with the headphones plugged in for the computer to realize I had plugged them in. Is there a fix for this?
"connection error" type error messages, or other times newpipe or whatever app i use simply crashes
Anyone have experience installing Linux on an ARM Chromebook? (replacing Chrome OS entirely).
How viable is it to run a desktop 100% in a VM? I have a gaming PC and occasionally play some games but it’s primarily my son who does the gaming (mainly Fortnite which AFAIK doesn’t work under Linux at all besides booting into the main menu).

Anyway, dual boot is almost always a headache so I thought about maybe running a Linux desktop in a VM so whenever I just want to use the PC for browsing or other casual uses I could just spin up the VM in full screen and use it from there. Would this be a reasonable solution over time as far as stability, updates etc? Are there any drawbacks from running the distribution in a VM apart from a slight “performance tax”?
Im getting new pc and moving to linux (either mint or endevour). I got one new nvme ssd as well old 2 ssds with windows on them and all the files. I want to plug those old ssds along nvme as secondary patrictions and use the new nvme for linux. The question is that if I want to move files from old ssd that has windows on it to linux what steps will I have to do to? Or can I access and copy my old files from windows ssds immedieatly after booting to linux without having to format or whatever?
You'll just need to mount them, most of the normal desktop environments do it automatically
If you want to have them permanently mounted for example under /mnt/Drive then use gnome-disks, it'll automatically generate a fstab entry for you
I don't know if its a good or bad thing that I instantly recognized who that was lol.
just dual boot but keep them on separate discs if you want to remove any headaches, pick the os using uefi. this removes any need to actually "set up a dual boot", like it's not two os's one bootloader+drive, instead it's just two "single boot" os's, so to speak, like individually they're just normal single installs
if you dualboot with two drivers you can set the UEFI to automatically boot from the linux drive and then you can choose the os in GRUB
trying linux for the first time. should i use ventoy and just live image a bunch of distros to see what works best?
>trying linux for the first time
Use an immutable distro so you don't break your system.
Fedora Silverblue/Kinoite
Linux distributions are a meme, the only real change they introduce for a beginner is the package manager, and the desktop environment which you can always change
Get something that just works and don't use weird meme design principles like removing systemd, or not updating packages for years and you'll be fine
That is the best strategy in my opinion. Also, avoid immutable distros; They are not ready yet and have little documentation.
Right, like MicroK8S or other snaps on an immutable base server distro is actually kind of clever, but the sneaky replacement of apt/dpkg with snaps is just wrong, and the squashfs loop mount approach doesn't scale well to the dozens of applications people might install on a desktop. Flatpaks use no resources besides disk when they're not running, and don't slow your boot process, which is much more reasonable.
How do I make a macro scipt in Autokey that simply functions as your typical redirect addon? Try to make it work by making it possible to get a link copied, modified with different randomized alt front-end (reddit.com to different redlib instance), the paste the link so you can tell the browser to open a modified link?
I mean that's one of the ways to go. Get a whole bunch of Linux distro ISOs, put them on a Ventoy and load each one's live environment from its menu.
So network printing has broken yet again on my machine. I'm using an Epson ET-3760, and I'm using the epson-inkjet-printer-escpr2 drivers. I'm getting an unable to locate printer error, and I tried following arch wiki's section for that specific error, but everything was already configured in the way it tells you to. Printer was working just fine last week and it hasn't changed its IP.
>They are not ready yet
Why? I've used them for more than two years.
it's a great binary distro
because linux is a hot mess of slapped together bullshit
avahi-autoipd -D
Missing interface name.
even though its config includes the
hosts: mymachines mdns_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] resolve [!UNAVAIL=return] files myhostname dns
Red Hat and Canonical entered the scene at the right time to hijack the development of critical system components and capture them in a stack that is essentially controlled by corporate interests. Wayland, systemD, pulseaudio, pipewire and gnome would have evolved to greater degrees of usability without their "help"
>whithout all the redhat projects the linux desktop would be nothing
Your statement is disingenuous. Things were moving in that direction anyway. They simply hijacked the momentum
This isn't Debian's fault, is the GTK3 (the toolkit used by many applications on Linsucks) File Picker being useless garbage. They fixed this on recent versions of GTK but due of other design retardations people haven't jumped to it yet.
As a workaround you can drag and drop files from your file manager, or use one that lets you copy the file path of whatever you selected and paste it on the file picker, or build and install Pikeru (alternative file picker).
>muh corporate interests
Go start an OpenBSD general. Linux, the kernel, was always about uniting corporate Unix since Linus started working on it professionally. Expecting corporations to not have a majority stake in the infrastructure is ridiculous.
Christ this is annoying. I can't even find documentation for this Chromebook. It's a shame because it has incredible battery life even with gaming and Zoom (which is worse than games).
Two reasons: First, it's not straightforward for a beginner because they will probably have to learn about CLI containers at some point. Like if they want to install a game that's not a flatpak, then most documentation will be unusuable. Second, there are still gotchas in distros such as Silverblue sometimes needing manual changes to upgrade. and openSUSE's version being entirely unfriendly (maybe that has changed by now since it's been a while).

I love immutable distros but I don't think it's good for beginners yet.
phoning home to cloudflare
Today I learned that in the KDE autostart menu, you can click the little button to edit the application entry properties, and it doesn't affect the actual application menu, it seems to be local only to the autostart menu. So you can very easily add arguments or change the name of applications you add.
How much RAM, on average, do Debian, Mint, and Gentoo use for themselves? I see the requirements vary from 2-4GB for the former 2, and 256MB-1GB for Gentoo, but how much RAM do the systems allocate for themselves, and how much do they leave free for the user?
Is 4GB good enough for a comfortable setup? No fancy gadgets or intensive software, but could it handle multitasking, e.g. browser + music + torrent? How much did memory consumption for everyday use grow compared to 2015?
Lmao, printer worked again for like 10 mins and magically started getting the same error again. I had turned it on and off again like 3 times until it worked, but I had also reset avahi in between so I'm not sure which one is the culprit. Printers are in Satan's service and I hate them.
Need to toss a couple movies on my friend's flash drive. It was formatted as a Windows installer, so it's NTFS. How do I mount it read/write? It mounts read-only by default. Everything I look up mentions ntfs-3g and FUSE, but isn't that the old slow way? Thought NTFS support was in the kernel now. Just not sure which args to give the mount command. I looked at the man page a bit but the mask and uid stuff is confusing.
it's pretty much entirely up to what you're running
the ram requirements are largely just accounting for DE and basic expected common usage
there is a new kernel driver with write support. ntfs-3g is more mature though
also, the new kernel driver is called "ntfs3", not to be confused with "ntfs", the old kernel driver that is read-only
You can mount an NTFS device using "-t ntfs-3g" in the mount command to get read/write. You can also try the kernel-native "-t ntfs3" as well.
It was supposed to be, but the driver was buggy with some data loss incidents, and Paragon didn't show a lot of interest on solving issues. Debian decided to not compile it on their kernels. Not sure if Ubuntu has done it.
god damn, trying to use -t ntfs instead of -t ntfs3 was the problem. thanks guys, working now.
But if I wanted to run it in a VM, would there be any negative effects apart from a small loss in performance?
no, it'll work
Just partition for two systems already.
what can I do with a 200MB usb to make it a little bit useful
Recycling bin.
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How do I use virt-manager/run a KVM guest after a pacman update? It's literally the only software I use that requires me to restart my computer. There has to be a way to circumvent this.
downgrade the linux package until you're ready to reboot
the issue is that arch only keeps one kernel installed, so if you upgrade it, the modules folder for your running kernel goes away, so loading new modules will fail
but just reinstalling the package for the one you're running from the cache will bring it back. just remember to upgrade it again when you go to reboot
Key file storage if it's reliable, which given the probable age I doubt it. Make sure to have a copy in a safe place for when it dies.
I want to increase battery life while my laptop is unplugged and increase performance while plugged in. There are a million conflicting power saving tools. What do you suggest?
i have a 512M one here i've only used recently for uefi update files
i've had it so long i used to use it for ps2 homebrew

i don't really use flash drives anymore at all, there's a few small distros you could run from a 256M one still if you want to do that. bummer slax doesn't anymore, slax running from a 256M usb drive was my first exposure to linux (back when that was a common usb drive size...)
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Does Ubuntu compiles their kernels with support for the Paragon NTFS driver? I would like to disable that and keep using NTFS-3g for now, doesn't inspire me trust and I'm setting up a PC I'm not going to monitor for a few months.
Probably this.
It's pretty reliable
There is a lack of distros that fit on this size, even the small utility distros like puppy don't fit on these anymore
settings > power managment > display and brightness. uninstalling dccutil would also work.
if you're on firefox you can tell it to use the kde filepicker instead
this graph makes me laugh because there was an explosion of new desktops when gnome 3 came out. that's how bad it was. i still think it was built to sabotage the linux desktop.
back in the day we used this funny thing called filenames to find out images.
Crazy, I know.
Why does clamscan download signatures again every time when I scan something?
odds btrfs root
evens xfs root
zero ext4
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Blog incoming, but this shit's annoying.

>Raspberry Pi that I was using as my media server has to be physically rebooted after every power outage
>One day it just won't start, hooking up a monitor shows output that's just a bunch of hardware failure messages, it's dead
>Want a media server that's lightweight, cheap, but more resilient
>Get recommended the Evolve III Maestro, it's stupidly cheap at Micro Center, having a built-in monitor, keyboard, and (especially) battery will alleviate a lot of the pain points I had with the Pi
>No ethernet port, and I don't own a USB ethernet adapter, but in my use case, wifi has sufficient bandwidth and some amount of packet loss is fine
>Try to get set up with the included Windows
>I can NOT get it to stop doing dumb bullshit like going to sleep no matter how much I fiddle with power settings, keeps randomly toggling the Fn key in a way I can't figure out how to control, and Windows is far too bloated of an operating system in general for my use case
>Give up on Windows, look at the home server general, OMV looks ideal
>Turns out this laptop has a weird wifi card that OMV doesn't include the drivers for
>No ethernet port means it can't access internet or repositories, and thus can't download packages, and I'm not finding good information on how to install the drivers via USB
>Get recommended to install raw Debian and then install OMV on top, since Debian will probably have the drivers
>Turns out Debian only has the exact same drivers as the OMV installation media, no dice
>Learn that Ubuntu 24.04 includes the drivers, am now flashing that to my several-times-now flashed USB
>While waiting for it, learn that OMV will only run on Debian, not Ubuntu, so all of my reading on OMV is now a total waste

Gettin' real sick of this. If Ubuntu doesn't work out, I don't know what I'm going to do. I hope there's something close to OMV's convenience but available on Ubuntu. I can do command line just fine, but it's so tedious in comparison.
dont use ultra quality
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How does Palemoon fare nowadays? I currently use waterfox now. >>101520861
Ookay ill try that, driving me insane with that small image. But still love Debian. Way more stable than Kubuntu. Currently using cinnanom. Gnome was weird to me. Is Wayland really worth it?
what gpu do you have and what video codec did you use? normally it should max be ~10gb for 30 minutes at 4k resolution
weirdly ive had the least issues with alpine linux as something stable to run on devices like that. ubuntu ,debian, windows especially giving me issues as of late. lol
a large portion of those things are wlroots specific, not wayland
Last time I tried it like 2 years ago, it had horrible HTML5 support. Some sites were half-broken (like github), and some were completely broken (shopping, godbolt).
if you have an android smartphone and a usb cable maybe try tethering internet connection that way for the duration of OMV install, could work, though not sure if debian has drivers for usb tethering to work.
otherwise just buy an usb-ethernet adapter, it will solve all your problems and they are like 10 bucks
i don't know but if palemoon or waterfox have been keeping up with firefox/librewolf, you should be able to swap file pickers.
> Packages not in AUR: galculator-gtk2  ipw2100-fw  ipw2200-fw  js102  js60  js68  js78  libopenaptx   menda-circle-icon-theme-git  mhwd-nvidia-340xx  python-contextlib2  python-exceptiongroup  python-jade-application-kit  software-center-web-jak  systemd-fsck-silent  web-installer-url-handler  xidel

Are these safe to remove? or I should find replacements first and let pacman solve dependency issues?
In all honesty, I'm too lazy to start over.
This machine was set to auto update, for a year, and somehow never broke.
There are some orphan packages and out of date packages but everything seem to be in order.
>desperate enough to post tits for attention
So for how long have you had this problem and been ignored?
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first time desu.
I guess the wireless drivers are not needed.
There's no Nvidia card so this can go as well.
Menda theme isn't this the default for cinnamon?
I guess anything can do for now.
not sure about js packages, libopenaptx, python packages and xidel
I'm hetrosexual male on an image board, I've got asses as well.
Is lxqt with kwin subsantially different than with openbox?
KDE uses too much CPU.
What can I do to lower that I guess some defaults are on.
>I'm using 2nd gen core i3
if you're already running kwin just use KDE
Turn off desktop effects.
You will be stuck with the shitty kwin themes.
The hell? This dropped temps 20 degrees
What else?
I want to install picom to replace kwin on kubuntu 24.04 because kwin is horribly broken on my system

but I can't actually run picom. when I do I get "you already have a compositor running" error, even after trying to do all suggestions from google like disabling compositor at startup or manually killing the kwin process. like when I kill the process or disable it on startup I obviously no longer have a compositor and all animations/shadows/transparency are gone but even in that state running "picom" in the terminal says I'm still running a compositor? ran out of suggestions on google so asking here
That might help a bit too.

kwin is the compositor, you can't swap it out
google seems to imply I can, there's countless threads on countless websites that say "just kill kwin then run picom", but perhaps I'm misunderstanding them?
What else can I disable? baloo?
It might be just me, but I even think the bootup got faster.
I really like KDE, because it's the only DE that manged to connect to my phone and actually make phone calls from it.
Are you running the Wayland session? Picom won't run under XWayland.
Yeah, disable Baloo if you need to. Also related: get an SSD if you're still on rotational storage.
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x11, just checked in console. the millions of comments like picrel have me confused because I can't get their suggestions to work
>get an SSD if you're still on rotational storage.
It's tempting, but I don't want to spend $$$ on craptop, that's surprisingly doing very good job (HP Elitebook 2560), despite it's age.
I got it for like 99$ 5 years ago.
then you're not actually disabling compositing
I figured that much, I always have a kwin process running no matter what I do to try and kill it. I think it's just restarting itself no matter how I try to disable it?
Best overall linux e-reader? My book hoard is getting bigger and I need something better to keep tabs on it than just the plain pdf reader that came with it
Specially since some are on other formats like epub and shit
turn off baloo and the akonadi shit
update: installed arch and now I can use picom with KDE just fine. have no idea why doing the exact same thing in ubuntu didn't work but it works flawlessly on arch. just clicked the "disable compositing on start" checkbox on both. oh well. I'm too stupid to understand any of this but hey it works now
why does mpv player take less cpu resources when playing gifs compared to xviewer?
running kde on an HDD is like running windows 11 on an HDD
i have experience with both, they work "fine" but opening stuff takes too long
what distro are you on?
use pacman -Qi to see if other packages depend on them?
>what distro are you on?
KDE neon.
Ironically gnome is worse.
How about Calibre? Personally I use emacs to read epubs since I don't have that many.
kde runs like shit on HDD
if you tried windows 10 on that machine you would see how much longer kde apps take to load

gnome is unironically less bloated than current kde plasma
it loads a lot faster
Really? Because GNOME kills my battery in minutes on my thinkpad while KDE at least leaves me 3-4 hours.
I did.
But I don't know if they are needed anymore
for example js102
Depends On      : gcc-libs  readline  sh  zlib

While python-contextlib2 nothing needs is.
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Chromefag here trying out Arch. I see that google-chrome is on the AUR maintained by some user. Given that AUR is maintained by users, what are the dangers of using it aside from the already present dangers from using google chrome to begin with? I take it this gromit guy isnt associated with Google. Are there any "official" ways to install chrome from google themselves like the deb or rpm options available on their website?
the line that's actually relevant is "Required By". if nothing shows up and you feel like you don't need these anymore, just remove them.
>if you tried windows 10 on that machine
I don;t think there's driver for win10 for this.
>gnome is unironically
What do you suggest to try fedora?
I tried Pop_OS! after the hype and didn't like it.
>Required By : mkinitcpio-firmware
i assume that's what you get for one of those -fw packages you have? do you still need those?
Btrfs deleted all my files! First time trying using btrfs, so I don't know how common this problem is. At least was just 1 month of media hoard lost. Ext4ver on /
if it is that old then i dont know how you even run plasma on it
its not light despite what people say, and it specially runs like shit on HDD
it's bearable on a 7200 RPM HDD but forget it for anything slower than that. you have to turn off so many features.
These are Intel Pro wifi drivers packages I don't need them.
But isn't mkinitcpio is what create initramfs image?
no, that's the mkinitcpio package itself. mkinitcpio-firmware seems to be something you pulled from the AUR at some point. check to see if you need that.
>if it is that old then i dont know how you even run plasma on it
Well even bloatware is still lighter than windows.
It's 5400 rpm drive.
boot take a minute or so.
yeah, i ran plasma 5 on a 5400 RPM HDD for a while and i don't know what the fuck i was thinking. if you want to make it faster you do this:
>turn off thumbnails
>turn off baloo
>turn off akonadi
>turning off animations seems to help
>turn off krunner if you can
i don't think the devs test on HDDs anymore
A lot of this has to do with the way they swapped the tech stack used by their desktop effects, from Kwin plugins to QML, which wasn't really meant to do performance critical things and does heavy I/O sometimes. If you're still using Plasma try turning desktop effects off.
than windows 11 maybe?
like i said i have experience running both plasma and windows 11 on a 5400 rpm hdd
and they both work "fine", opening kde apps, or the system settings on windows 11 takes too long, i just couldnt do it and went back to windows 10
>i don't think the devs test on HDDs anymore
I thought the whole idea of open source is to appeal for the poorfags?
I am having a really fucking weird problem with a laptop that has Mint on it.
So I have wireguard to communicate safely to my SSH server, that's fair and all. What isn't fair is that on every reboot, the routing table as seen with ip route puts the wireguard IP back into the routing table automatically upon reboot while the wireguard interface itself is down. It's now a part of the regular wireless interface.

Which means, and this part rubs me the wrong way, some function of NetworkManager has saved the private key for my wireguard interface, put it into its own table, and is now automatically bringing it up without bringing up the secure wireguard interface. Using sudo wg doesn't show that wireguard has established an interface at all, which it shouldn't: I don't want it automatically connecting to the VPN everywhere I go. But NetworkManager disagrees. So it has saved the private key to my home VPN somewhere, and I don't know where.

How the fuck do I fix this? Flushing the interface just brings it back on reboot. Reconnecting to my home network brings it back. I can delete the route, but the private key is stlil being stored someplace that is not the wireguard configuration file. What the fuck?

When this first happened, I legit thought someone stole the key and was doing a MITM attack on my wireguard connection. But adding a preshared key from a good computer shows that it's not that, NetworkManager just took it for itself.
This has consistently been my Ubuntu/Debian experience. Everyone says to go with Ubuntu at first because its easy, but every time I've tried it I've had nothing but problems, with all online solutions inexplicably not working, even when posting error logs to this thread and other sites.

So one day I decided to install arch which is supposedly "hard", and everything worked perfectly out of the box, it couldn't have been any easier, and I've never once had to post a question to 4chan or any forums even once. In the last year I've spent less time troubleshooting arch than I have windows, it's insanely stable. Was Ubuntu used more beginner friendly in the past or something?
objectively that's still pretty bad design. SSDs have limited writes.
I just tested recording 4k for 30 minutes and the video was 2gb, are you sure it was 100gb? something must be very wrong then
ubuntu is genuine cancer

perhaps non supported resolution or refresh rate, i had something similar happen as i raised display adapter refresh rate
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Shit I think I found it just as I made this post.

NetworkManager has its OWN VPN configuration panel separate from any wireguard implementation or OpenVPN implementation. It's hidden in the advanced network configuration tab. When I first brought the wg network up, it vacuumed up alllllll of the private and public keys from the config file passed to wireguard and put it in its own configuration file, which it now brings up every time it connects to my home wireless network.

I DON'T FUCKING KNOW THIS SEEMS LIKE A HUGE SECURITY PROBLEM. Worse is: I can't stop this from happening.

perhaps boot partion is editable with wider array of tools
and why is that?
Seems to handle the stuff I need swell enough and good for organizing this ever growing hoard, thanks
Late two cents to the above conversation, but I'm using xfce on a duel core, 940m, 1TB HDD 2015 laptop and it runs exceptionally well considering that unit is powering three monitors, watching movies, browsing, lightweight workloads, etc. Incredible stuff. So as long as you're willing to use something lighter like xfce, you should be good to go even with an older HDD.
if you're looking for something a bit less featured there's also Foliate but it's a GTK program
i have been telling all of you that linu is not really "light" anymore and that support for older hardware is getting worse
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Never mind, I just moved to firefox instead. Thanks though!

dozens of jpeg, ffmpeg
>turn off thumbnails
>turn off baloo
>turn off akonadi
>turning off animations seems to help
>turn off krunner if you can
With all the shit that needs to be turned off in KDE, it feels like I'm using Windows.
They wrote themselves in a corner with that rewrite. Only options are working with upstream to enable QML to cache shit in memory, eat high CPU cost for effects then disable them by default, or just switch to something else.
They probably will take their sweet time fixing that, so I'm just going to use Cinnamon since i don't need VRR now.
If you're not willing to use Gentoo and cross compile or upgrade hardware then you're left with things like Devuan, Puppy or Antix

if wishlist says 2-4, system probably uses around 1.8

32-bit mx linux works even with 1 GB
even on modern hardware thumbnails are slow as shit on kde. meanwhile my sd630 phone loads them faster on fossify gallery (rip srimple apps)

go through the million power saving tools and hope there is never need to update
what do you mean by "wishlist"?
Does Pipewire have a substitute for pasuspender? I prefer to use Alsa on my mpd config for quality sake and sometimes I need to force Pulseaudio to stop so I can play music.
Though pulsemixer seems to work fine with pipewire-pulse, it doesn't come with pasuspender by default.

if too much cpu means computer runs too hot, it might be possible to alter processor state with cpu frequency scaling tool
maybe not so relevant but this is what ubuntu+gnome consumed back when they retired unity. consider it a worst case scenario. still usable though, i would load up my browser and send most bloat straight to swap.
even on lighter desktops 2gb was pain, some heavy websites could send my system to a crawl with about 7 tabs open. 4gb was a big upgrade years later, about 30-40 open tabs! maybe 700-900mb for system at boot, and had a ram widget to avoid ram freezes. I don't miss those ram-limited times at all desu.
the simple apps still work fine via fdroid
Browser will be limited in tab count below like 8gb if you're a tab hoarder.
sauce on pic you literal gigachad
>orange pi zero 3 4gb
i have this sbc coming in, what's the best distro on linux mainline to run?
>find pie menu that actually works on wayland
>it's written in electron
god damn it
>rm -rf /bin
>meant to type rm -rf ~/bin
I hate myself
so is there any easier way to use a secondary 4k monitor on xfce without having to set the custom scale to 0.8?
For gaming purposes, and for someone not too tech savy outside of the basics
Ext4 or btrfs?
I'm using solus if that matters
ext4 will generally be faster on a single drive. Where btrfs shines is in raid1 or raid10 mode where it can self heal like ZFS.
Is there a point in going with swap and swap with hibernate
>There is a lack of distros that fit on this size, even the small utility distros like puppy don't fit on these anymore
there's still a few, such as;
- slitaz, graphical with many things preinstalled, like what DSL used to be, but DSL abandoned the 50MB "business card cd" size
- tinycore, also graphical
- openwrt, not graphical, aimed at routers but has packages for a number of other tasks
- alpine, this is the biggest of these, but if you did it as a squashfs install with persistence you could probably keep it under 256M with some utility
it's necessary for sleep and hibernate to work. Windows uses hiberfile.sys for this rather than a partition.
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Back at it. See you in 5 hours from now /fglt/
>KDE runs silky smooth when booted from USB
>once install finishes and I boot into SSD it's laggy as shit, desktop with nothing open is 20fps
>only happens on arch, KDE on ubuntu and fedora are fine
You didn't install your video card drivers and/or firmware.
i still use palemoon, most sites work fine. it's quite slow compared to firefox/chromium, but that's to be expected for a single-process browser
you can fix github and some other sites with the palefill extension
yes I did, I even checked it was the same drivers I had on ubuntu.
1. not really
2. certainly not with KDE, there's a ton of options for low end/poorfag use, KDE is not one of them
You are describing laggy graphics performance consistent with a driver error.
did you check if it was actually running with the driver and not falling back to software rendering? you can check that with glxinfo/eglinfo. If opengl/vulkan fails to load properly it will use your cpu for rendering instead, which is very slow.
some comment on the arch forums from someone with similar hardware said I absolutely have to use the LTS kernel as well as not use KDE if I want it to work properly. sounded dumb but I tried it and I'm already playing a game on steam (dyson sphere program) at 200 fps. weird.
what does "inxi -G" give you?
only hibernate needs swap, sleep does not (with the exception of "hybrid sleep", which is just both hibernate and sleep at the same time)
i just built a new linux server, and i transferred my SSD from my old server into my new one. the SSD is not booting in normal mode or recovery mode. i cannot get any video output from my GPUs, only output from the IPMI. i tried to use the boot repair tool from a bootable USB drive with Mint but that didnt help. anyone have any ideas?
if the old install was done as bios boot and the new machine is uefi, you will need to enable csm to be able to boot from it
try the fallback initramfs
what do you use for torrents?
qbittorrent. ignore the STALLED memes.
the last machine was a threadripper 2990wx, this is an EPYC 7713. im not sure if it was a BIOS boot
i changed it to csm and it seems to not be working at all now. not sure how to undo that
deluge for manually downloading torrents, transmission (daemon) for automatically downloading anime with rss
which one is better for desktop usage
fedora or debian testing
Sid is garbage for desktop usage, I'll just tell you that right now
I'm sorry Im sure this type of question has been answered a million times, but I am new to Linux and coding in general, and I want to get an old ThinkPad to play around on. If all I'm looking to do is spend time customizing my system/learning linux and using it to shitpost/browse the web, should I go with mint or arch? Mint looks very simple but I like how with arch I can truly make it my own. I'm not sure on mints limitations but the entire reason I'm wanting to do this is to have COMPLETE control over everything. Is arch going to kick my ass and scare me off from Linux? Or is it's difficulty exaggerated?

TLDR can a complete retard start with arch or will I get scared away
I'd say it's still worth using Mint so you can learn your way around the system and get a feel for what Linux is like when it's working. Switch distros if and when Mint starts feeling cramped.
what's stopping you from having two usb drives and installing mint if arch goes wrong? besides, you've got archinstall now.
File deleted.
i enabled csm in the BIOS of my new server, and now its stuck on this screen. i dont know how to fix this. would taking the CMOS battery out fix the issue?
It can't find your boot drive.
how do i fix that? how do i undo the csm thing?
which arch makes more sense for tinkering and setting up how you want, since mint is just a preconfigured ubuntu/debian
as >>101530214 says, it's a better idea to start on something already fully set up, so you can start at the top and work your way down
like arch might be the end goal, but if you've never used linux before, you're going to have to get the high level things out of the way first, like what programs you want to have, arch is more for people who already know exactly what they want to have installed. if you don't know what to install, you're going to be constantly feeling like nothing works, because you won't know what to install to configure to make them work
he is the reality of arch
the actual good things about running arch: up to date packages on the repos and the AUR
when you run arch on the long run you realize that you dont want to keep doing manual intervetion, setting up everything yourself
oh a package default config file got update, pacman will create .pacnew file and you have to go and compar diffs and merge the file yourself.
it gets annoying after some time
there's a port of gentoo's etc-update for arch that makes keeping configs up to date pretty easy
most of the time you just run pacdiff and discard the pacnew file though. it doesn't happen that often. you can also update on your own terms, contrary to popular belief.
Okay thanks anons, I will probably start with mint like a few of you suggested and maybe hop to arch down the road if I start to feel limited. Is mint lmde the way to go?
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Encryption keys.
anyone have any recommendations for this? will taking out the CMOS battery fix my issue?
not for a newbie, just regular mint
I've used qBittorrent for years. Deluge and Transmission are also good.
What's "weird" about LMDE?
yo, I installed the vim-arduino plugin in nvim and now I get this error message evertime I start nvim, the plugin works fine though.
Just looking for a way to get rid of this annoying error message. pls help
Failed to run `config` for vim-arduino

...local/share/nvim/lazy/lazy.nvim/lua/lazy/core/loader.lua:383: attempt to call field 'setup' (a nil value)

# stacktrace:
- ~/.config/nvim/init.lua:17
Betätigen Sie die EINGABETASTE oder geben Sie einen Befehl ein
no driver manager and i think no codecs ootb from what remember
Brute force arch if you want to learn, everyone does it like this, eventually (after like 1000 hours of linux) GUIs and other crutches get in the way 99% of the time. Put the latest arch iso on your usb with rufus or ventoy, boot it up on the target machine, type in archinstall; this should give you a quaint terminal user interface for installation, just choose whatever you want and some desktop profile like gnome for starters.
Here's some basic points you should look up in order IMHO:
1) tty and ctrl+alt+F1..7 shortcut
2) bash and other shells, try playing these https://overthewire.org/wargames/ before you even download an iso
3) package manager
4) repository
5) git and building from source
6) paru and arch user repository
7) snap and flatpak: know what it is and then avoid it
8) linux file hierarchy, /, /root, /usr, /dev, /home, etc
9) permissions in linux, chown, chmod command
10) the man command
11) what is the difference between: Xorg and Wayland, Desktop Environment, Window Manager, Tiling Window Manager, Display Manager
12) autostarting programs and services within a desktop vs on the non graphical machine, what is systemd, how to use the systemctl commands
13) learn about grub2, mkinitcpio, modprobe, lsmod, rmmod
14) what's a dkms and what are modules
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>driver manager
What does this really boil down to? Front end for installing DKMS-related packages?
(it's been 15 years when I last dealt with all this Nvidia + DKMS boloney)
>no codecs ootb
If he's posting here I'm fairly confident he can slap in a couple of packages.

I never really 'learned DKMS'. Would I benefit anything from it? Currently building kernels for two almost-identical PCs.
t. custom kernel builder
Neither did I learn about it, mentioned it so anon knows it exists and looks it up. I use dkms on arch to load older nvidia drivers.
>What does this really boil down to? Front end for installing DKMS-related packages?
i think that was it + modules and firmware. if he's completely new and on nvidia this might be worth it.
I don't think Fortnite works in a GPU pass through VM. Leddit vfio would be the place to search.
Last time I checked pass through can't even Roblox
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>be arch-kde6 user
>want to try debian
>check debian repos
>plasma 5.27.11 in unstable
>plasma 6.1.0 in experimental
>latest upstream plasma is 6.1.3
is debian ngmi?
I'm using "nvchad" with lsp and the lazy plugin manager if that's important (I haven't fully grasped how all those individual plugins and whatnot work yet)
help would be appreciated
Using Fedora 40 (KDE) but having some occasional issues with video playback on some sites. Sometimes they will be very jitter/choppy. It happens seemingly randomly but idk. So far I've found that on Firefox on YouTube videos with this codec have the issue.
>av01.0.08M.08 (399) / opus (251)

But then on Chromium those videos are fine, whoever then videos on Gofile or Reddit are choppy on Chromium but fine on Firefox.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

sudo dnf groupupdate multimedia and sudo dnf groupupdate sound-and-video
Why is my performance in games so whack, some games just work great but others get like 11 fps, I have a high end card, not too modern I have drivers and microcode it just makes no fucking sense, it's not a matter of it being native or not old or new it's completely fucking random and I'm loosing my fucking mind what the fuck...

Do you GPU passthrough for your gaymes?
... and bodhi Linux. It sincerely needs to be included. It's well maintained and runs GREAT on my c2d (2006) laptop (Dell Studio 1737).
no, i play games in wine and use gpu passthrough for solidworks
been using openbox as my main thing for the past year or so, but I just realized today that after every install of a program, I have to run menumaker and add the changes that I usually prefer. Is there a smarter way of doing that?
ok, I hope you faggots can help me with this one.
I can't launch vim-arduino when I enter an ino via the nerdtree file manager plugin.
pls help
or from within any other file manager for that matter
fucking considering just downloading vscode already
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>Devuan, Puppy or Antix
All are bad choices.
I don't think there's decent repo for these even.
*Devuan, Salix or Artix
I would have helped you but you called me a hard-G word.
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erm, does anyone use loki to capture their systemd / other system logs?
i want something like the ELK stack, but lightweight just for my linux desktop, preferably for things net traffic, actionable warnings/errors, ssh attempts, etc
nuffin personal anon
what can I do on arch that I can't do on debian stable?
Break system every day
Arch is literally the most usable desktop distro. I wouldn't deploy it to users, but as a personal setup it is unbeatable. The only other distro that comes close is Fedora.
Does Plasma 6 have configurable touchpad gestures? I know it uses four finger gestures by default but I prefer three like in GNOME and Windows 11.
Sadly not yet.
It's usable, until it breaks and becomes unusable.
>some games just work great but others get like 11 fps
let me guess, the games that run like shit are older 32bit games?
Pick better upstreams.
If you want stable Plasma, your options are Kubuntu LTS, Opensuse Leap and Rocky/RHEL.
How about *you* do that and how about I just use a distro where I don't have to even think about what upstream does
This shit keeps getting delayed. I knew it was just vaporware.
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Can someone check this PkgBuild for me?
Because phantomjs is no longer being updated and the one on the AUR require to be build, while there's already binary for it.
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How do you keep track of installed packages outside pacman?
I know AUR helpers aid with this, but what about stuff installed with pip/pipx or packages that are built from source or just binaries?
you write a pkgbuild for them and install them with your package manager
Until either fedora or Arch support keyscripts in crypttab I'm sticking with Ubuntu/Debian based distros
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for some reason I can't use the plugin vim-arduino whenever I open a file using a file manager such a nerdtree. other plugins like git fugitive still work fine.
Won't this mean I'd keep getting errors since those packages are NOT in aur?
what errors?
as far as pacman is concerned, packages from the AUR are local packages, as in there's no distinction between packages from the aur or ones you write yourself
also if you're worried that writing them is extra effort, they really aren't, it's largely just filling in a few basic details like name and version, and the main part of it is just the build and install commands, the same ones you'd use to install them otherwise anyway
bodhi Linux, 64bit on a c2d, 4gb (ddr2) laptop idles around 280mb.
See >>101531286
I need some technical help anons.
Still pretty new and I've been using Linux mint for a while now with /root and /home on different disks.

The ssd with my home partition died a few nights ago. Now I've got a new drive installed and waiting, and I have a timeshift snapshot from a fortnight ago.

Can I repair my existing installation? and build a new /home partition without reinstalling everything?
Well, I never wrote a PKG BUILD file.
debian install, no gui-- is there a way to add some margins and change the default color/font of the cli?
it's just a bash script
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what are you using such a system for?
i dont think so but tmux would help
Yeah, I don't know what to put in
For example I've made foo.bar program.
And would like it to be manged by my pacman.
What do I do?
What issue would make if site had DRM with yt-dlp?
write a pkgbuild for it
Like so?

package() {


mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/bin"

cp "${srcdir}/hello-world.sh" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/hello-world"

chmod +x "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/hello-world"
>what are you using such a system for?
crippling internet addiction

Not him, but here it is.
something like that, yeah
it's really very easy once you get it, then you don't have to worry about random untracked files floating around your root
New thread:
tho you will find more art on the gelbooru linked by de anon above
Say if I made a script.
How to add it to pacman? install it again with PKGBUILD?

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