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There are basically no linux games torrents, I"ll drop source ports and native compilations maybe a few gog games.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R Call of pripyat


Only source of Linux native torrents you'll ever need
>There are basically no linux games torrents

Here is one site full of linux torrents
a bunch of those johncena141 torrents require downloading packages from their repository for wine compatibility
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Not downloading your viruses
This is probably a dangerous time to download for linux, because it is becoming widely known how virus free linux is, I imagine microsoft and apple will dip their hands into making some viruses to try and defame linux, I imagine a big breach is around the corner
Is microsoft here in the room with us now?
No, but my jewdar is off the charts
copypaste of last OP before it's gone forever


Main rutracker forum page for linux native game torrents https://rutracker.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=1992
Main rutracker forum page for pre-bottled wine games https://rutracker.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=2059
All MEGA links from previous threads (+ a few Megadrive and Google Drive): https://pastebin.com/vJr0GJ1S (embed)
All software from previous threads: https://pastebin.com/CTxDMNnh (embed)
Dead MEGA links from previous threads (please reupload if you have them): https://pastebin.com/hYiqbu9H (embed)

>Installation help:
Unpack -> make executable -> run
Alternatively mount the .iso (google for your distribution's preferred mounting method)

>Related links
torrminatorr - https://forum.torrminatorr.com/viewforum.php?f=19 - great source for GOG GNU/Linux releases
The Eye - https://the-eye.eu/public/Games/Linux/ - Online directory of linux games
Penguspy - https://www.penguspy.com/ - a list of mostly proprietary games, paid, free or F2P
Libre Game Wiki - https://libregamewiki.org/Main_Page - a list of libre games
Gaming on Linux - https://www.gamingonlinux.com/ - a news website about gaming on linux
Linux Game Consortium - https://linuxgameconsortium.com/ - a news website about gaming on linux
/r/linux_gaming - https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/ - Linux gaming subreddit
This. ^

>I imagine
Yes you are! Otherwise you wouldn't have used 'I imagine' twice. Also: https://videos.lukesmith.xyz/w/jKR2Dy86uLBWY1SNJTepFY
yeah that hole 2% market share
Do repositories count?
Torrminatorr got suspended. RIP
thanks anon
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I agree.
here is a couple
>axiom verge 1/2

>baba is you
Does there exist a database of hashes or something for gog files so pirated copies can be verified to be untouched?
> "Grand Upper!"
Linux 'beat 'em up' fans, here's an x86 native Streets of Rage Remake v5.2.
http:// anonfiles_com / qeScU8Iby7

Does anyone have native Turok 2: Seeds of Evil?
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what the fuck
Came here to say this.
Any similar websites?
At least I got all that I wanted off of it.
It's stuck on 'Downloading metadata'.
Is it really a linux port? Previous parts worked really well for me on wine but for some reason CoP crashes when using dxvk. Running it on cpu turns my laptop into a heater :P
There is an open version of stalker with a opengl port. https://github.com/OpenXRay/xray-16
what's the safest way to run pirated games on linux? can malware even do anything if you run it on a separate user?

It annoys me to no end that you can't search /t/'s archives anymore. whenever I find something I have to literally bookmark pages like an animal.
Create your own archives and never be beholden to archives run by jews again, self sufficiency is the solution to most troubles
For Windows games I use Lutris which is just wine under the hood, but it allows you to setup new directories for each game pretty easily. Every game is in its own self contained directory so if there's malware you can just stop running wine and blow the directory away. You can also add a command prefix before it launches, and I added a prefix to launch firejail, which contains whatever you want depending on your configuration. I have it block internet access.

tl;dr Lutris + firejail
wow coo-
>SoC not playable
oh well
>just stop running wine
It's not "just stop".
You need to nuke all the processes with shitty windows games.
whatever they're called, there's a billion of them and I have never had everything close properly on the games I play, especially on crashes, and I reckon if it was malware it'd be worse. The processes just hang around
I recommend writing a simple script that killall -9's each of them. I don't have it on hand right now it's on my other PC otherwise I'd post it
I've seen some crypto miners installed in some games that respawn themselves. It's just a matter of killing the root wine process if you're running through Lutris. It's pretty self contained. I will admit that it took a bit of work to kill everything properly, but it wasn't really a problem and I didn't even have to reboot. Plus all processes that were spawned by the malware were a child of the firejail profile so none of them had internet access.
>I recommend writing a simple script that killall -9's each of them.
This is a good idea. Sometimes lutris crashes and you have to kill everything manually in htop. Its such a pain.
Firejail sounds useful. This isn't included in Lutris by default is it?
It gets a bit troublesome in my use case too. I like to run foobar2000 in wine because the audacious winamp-like skins are horrendous, then the script ends my music player too. I'm too lazy to go about it systematically with Lutris or bottles, because I run my old CD games on the same wine prefix or rarely in a script that changes the prefix, it just werks. I stopped bothering with completely new games entirely - half the time they are bogged in Windows too.
Heroic Games Launcher and Steam have their own systems both of which seem to just be working.

I even ran a multiseat system that ran wine games. I basically ran from the same symlinked data files skeleton and just left "real folders" for the configuration files/saves, did this with AoE2 and Diablo. You can imagine how things go down when one instance crashes... Would be very nice if Windows allowed multiseat, however it's not something people care about, instead they'll write another horrendous music player for Linux. Native games seem to consider this use case at least a bit... basic things like doom or quake ports run just fine. But wouldn't it be better for there to exist a "hotseat" server-client protocol? You connect with LAN onto the same PC in for example gzdoom (I know it's not meant for multiplayer at all). Sadly the whole ecosystem is seemingly steering away from this and it's mentioned rarely. Does Wayland work well in multiseat to just show basic desktops? I have no idea.
>Firejail sounds useful. This isn't included in Lutris by default is it?
No, it's just a sandbox application for Linux. I have a profile that cuts off network access and use that as a pre-run step before launching a game. It's useful for more than just wine. Anything you want to sandbox you can do with a customized profile. Give the application only the permissions you want it to have. As a best practice I run the firejail profile even if it's a native Linux game. I don't need random executables doing weird shit.
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Maybe I'm not looking in the right places, but I can never find Linux versions of Jackbox games.
running wineserver -k on a prefix will kill all processes
If you know how to run the iso for this let me know
the-eye lost most of their data, use wayback machine

Is it possible to run MGR on linux?
Check Protondb.
If you pirated it just use proton-ge through Lutris.
works great
Wtf is vulkan and what to do if my graphics card is too old to support it?
It's been over three months. What obscure shitty e-zine or whatever can I read about this Linux virus wave in?
Can I install CS 1.6 native without steam?
Something like https://cswarzone.com/counter-strike-1-6/ but for linux.
Probably better to install a server on Ubuntu Server to host your own sesh, finding a linux no steam copy is hard, once most linux gamers found out it was natively supported maintaining these hacked copies wasnt necessary anymore. Why no steam out of curiousity? some distros dont play nice with steam, i never got it working on manjaro for example. you are better off using wineHQ and emulating a 1.6 CS no steam windows copy imho. too much of a pain in the ass. Try the below for a HLDS server on Ubuntu Server:

it's a graphics API like opengl.
if your gpu was made in the last decade or so you should be fine. otherwise you're stuck playing old games anyway because the card is probably not that good anyway, but at that point vulkan shouldn't matter.
You're better off with 2.
from freelinuxpcgames.com
Yup, I needed that dll fix to add support for higher than 1920x1080 resolution but otherwise it worked fine.
I used to download games from johncena141, but then they made them "play without extract" and ruined it all
>a grifter
>copypaste of last OP before it's gone forever
>Main rutracker forum page for linux native game torrents https://rutracker.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=1992
>Main rutracker forum page for pre-bottled wine games https://rutracker.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=2059
>All MEGA links from previous threads (+ a few Megadrive and Google Drive): https://pastebin.com/vJr0GJ1S (embed)
>All software from previous threads: https://pastebin.com/CTxDMNnh (embed)
>Dead MEGA links from previous threads (please reupload if you have them): https://pastebin.com/hYiqbu9H (embed)
>>Installation help:
>Unpack -> make executable -> run
>Alternatively mount the .iso (google for your distribution's preferred mounting method)
>>Related links
>torrminatorr - https://forum.torrminatorr.com/viewforum.php?f=19 - great source for GOG GNU/Linux releases
>The Eye - https://the-eye.eu/public/Games/Linux/ - Online directory of linux games
>Penguspy - https://www.penguspy.com/ - a list of mostly proprietary games, paid, free or F2P
>Libre Game Wiki - https://libregamewiki.org/Main_Page - a list of libre games
>Gaming on Linux - https://www.gamingonlinux.com/ - a news website about gaming on linux
>Linux Game Consortium - https://linuxgameconsortium.com/ - a news website about gaming on linux
>/r/linux_gaming - https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/ - Linux gaming subreddit
archived.moe is a thing you know
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The inevitable question finally appears what distro do (You) use?
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Anyone has GOG's Chained Echoes?
Have any of you dudes had any luck with the good ol' LOKI games like 'Heavy Metal: F.A.K.K.2' to work?
I've followed the instructions on
> https://www.improbability.net/loki/
> http://wiki.linuxgaming.de/index.php/Heavy_Metal:_F.A.K.K.%C2%B2
But, I keep getting these libGL errors about MESA on my multi lib Slackware 15 install for F.A.K.K.2.

> ...
> ----- Client Initialization -----
> ----- Initializing Renderer ----
> ----- R_Init -----
> ...loading libGL.so: Initializing SDL OpenGL display
> ...setting mode 3: 640 480
> Attempting 4/4/4 Color bits, 24 depth, 0 stencil display...
> libGL error: MESA-LOADER: failed to open r600: /usr/lib/libLLVMSupport.so.13: undefined symbol: compressBound, version ZLIB_1.2.0 (search paths /usr/lib/dri, suffix _dri)
> libGL error: failed to load driver: r600
> libGL error: MESA-LOADER: failed to open r600: /usr/lib/libLLVMSupport.so.13: undefined symbol: compressBound, version ZLIB_1.2.0 (search paths /usr/lib/dri, suffix _dri)
> libGL error: failed to load driver: r600
> libGL error: MESA-LOADER: failed to open swrast: /usr/lib/libLLVMSupport.so.13: undefined symbol: compressBound, version ZLIB_1.2.0 (search paths /usr/lib/dri, suffix _dri)
> libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast
> X Error of failed request: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
> Major opcode of failed request: 152 (GLX)
> Minor opcode of failed request: 3 (X_GLXCreateContext)
> Value in failed request: 0x0
> Serial number of failed request: 40
> Current serial number in output stream: 41

And 'Soldier of Fortune' just Seg faults even while following the instructions here
> http://wiki.linuxgaming.de/index.php/Soldier_of_Fortune

I've only had any luck with 'SiN' in software mode and 'Kingpin: Life of Crime' both with sound.

Any help at all will be much appreciated.
Gentoo, it's great, I never have any problems due to partially out of date dependencies.
Post everything you did with logs in the next linux gaming thread on /v/, maybe someone can help.
Thank you kind, anon dude.
>Owners of the Loki Software Linux port of the game should consider using the installer from LIfLG, if you wish to run the game on a newer system. It is currently in beta.
have you tried this?
oh, and the game uses OSS for sound, so you probably need to use some sort of compatibility wrapper. the PCGW article i linked mentions this.
i have factorio, is that already pirated by someone else? if not i'll upload and seed
Yes, that is one of the ones I have tried, anon, sadly to no avail. I know it has to do with OpenGL since 'SiN' will only run in software mode with
> $ ./sin.exe.sh +set vid_ref soft
And 'Kingpin: Life of Crime' also does not work with gl but does work with glx with
> $ ./kingpin.sh +set vid_ref glx

I've gotten both 'Kingpin' and 'SiN' working with sound by using
> # modprobe snd-pcm-oss
> # echo 'kingpin.x86 0 0 direct' > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss
> # echo 'sin.exe.ws 0 0 direct' > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss

Thanks again for the tips, anon.
can you upload fakk 2 somewhere or make a torrent so i can try things on my end?
Debian, before that Ubuntu since Hoary Hedgehog.

Before that, Debian with a third party installer.
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need a collection of native hl1 game files (including all the other shit like blue shift and opposing force) for xash3d, cant find any torrents
seriously? its one of the most popular games of all time.
I might want to look at the third post in this thread, anon.
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>takes down working repacks to replace it with zpaq which is not available in any distros repo
>said zpaq literally kills poorfags CPU's like its FatGuy Repacks for very marginal gains
>takes down working repacks AGAIN to replace zpaq with dwarfs so lol you can play games compressed
>*forces you to download shit off their own repos*
>*half of their catalogue gone*
what the FUCK is his problem?
LinuxRuleZ jumped ship to Zamunda, which is a Bulgarian forum. You can't access it unless you have a proxy and an account though. Even so, seeding is kinda lackluster, but at least it's something.
Honestly, I've given up on most Linux repacks nowadays, and I just look for the normal versions of the games to try and configure them; usually the pre-installed versions work nicely. I tried that with Dead Space (the original) and it worked pretty nicely.
why does that ruin it
The fucking black-box repos is what really killed me. There is zero crossover between people who are familiar enough with GNU/Linux systems to go out of their way to pirate games with preconfigured wine shells and people who are dumb enough to look at something like notarat.buttfucker.ru and think it's a good idea to slap that into pacman.conf.
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>Baldur's Gate 1-2 / Icewind Dale 1-2 / Planescape: Torment [x86, amd64] [RUS] [GemRB] [Native]
Check iotop and the logs what's going on your system if something is fishy. or simply install pirated games on a separated system.
Any good timesinks people suggest? Got a week off and don't know what to play. Not a big gamer and have a somewhat slow laptop and would prefer to use my touchpad. Played a bit of Runescape but a little bored of that at the moment.

I was hooked on AoE2 for a while. fun game.
maybe Albion online?
>old laptop
You could try Riverina sun and red alert 2. I don’t know how well they run on Linux though.
Meant Tiberian sun
>year of the dissolution of the soviet union
torrminatorr is back
lutris or botles for games?
Gamehub with custom scripts
you would have to be a fucking moron to pirate a linux game and not just pirate the windows one and run it in a sandboxed prefix.
for the handful of Linux games out there that you cant run on wine just fork out on gog for the linux version and know its safe. Sometimes saving £20 aint worth it.
there is no malware on linux, it's not even theoretically possible
i never used gamehub before
is it better than lutris?
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Zamunda.net has a bunch of Linux games, just click on Bananas and select Linux Games.
All torrents.
Also Torrminatorr.com has a LinuxRuleZ! thread where he publishes games daily!
do you guys ever have any problem running native games from gog?
Yep, specially older ones. GOG forums often have solutions for common problems.

Sometimes they require some long-outdated lib (stdc et al) not available on current repos. I usually download an old version package, extract manually and place it inside game folder. If that doesn't work, use LD_PRELOAD in start.sh.
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I'm on Fedora 37 for my personal system and run Debian 11 on all my virtualized servers.

I think I have Unreal Tournament 2004 for linux, if anyone is interested.
not using sdl should be illegal
well, the game is pretty old
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Anyone got the Linux native version of Nuclear Throne?
No way either of the companies would waste the time they dominate their markets and Linux isn't the slightest concern to them.

All the possibility of bad PR and possible legal ramifications, literally no advantage. Business make money and targeting the tiny linux market ain't gonna make them any money.
>how virus free linux is
are you retarded? linux is no safer than windows or mac unless you're a briandead retard clicking on every pretty icon you find online. the fact is that gnu linux's learning curves leaves many users with giant holes in their system that would otherwise be baby-sat by microsoft. you may be less of a target for random online malware, but don't act like a real life attacker can't get into a linux box. in fact, they'll probably do it twice as fast as a windows or mac pc.
That's funny I was literally just talking to my brother about this yesterday. But he was telling me Linux never had a patch to catch up to the windows version. But I was telling him that the patch in the Editor's Choice CD just makes any version of UT2K4 linux native. Am I right or do I need your torrent?
anyone has Rome Total War Remastered? the only version i can find is outdated and it seems that you can't manually update it from files
Anyone has the Fear and Hunger games? Trying to use wine on RPGMaker games is such a fucking annoyance.
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Did Bump have a Linux port?
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Void linux, easy to use and very deblooted for semi beginner who wants to get to the core of linux without it being too overwhelming
Linux game torrents are such a braindead idea.
1) Most good games on Linux are FOSS and available in your distro's repo to begin with.
2) Commercial Linux games (Factorio, KSP etc) are almost all worth paying for.
3) Malware for Linux will be bespoke and is unlikely to be caught with consumer scanning tools like it is on Windows
4) Flinging binaries around like a toddler is one of the things you're not supposed to be doing on Linux.
I have seen a lot of people shilling Garuda as the new "gaming distro" how much of that is true?
What even is a gaming distro? Something with a desktop environment that resembles Windows?
Don't think my question deserves a thread so i' gonna ask here.
How does scene groups obtain game files. Do they buy them all first? Or are there ways to somehow download games from steam without buying them first?
Super Mario Odyssey - v262144 [MULTi9] [GNU/Linux Yuzu]
Cyberpunk 2077 v.1.3 3214677 [GOG] [Linux Proton]
DOOM Eternal [MULTi12] [CODEX] [GNU/Linux Wine]
Assassins Creed Valhalla - 1.1.2 [MULTi14] [EMPRESS/Goldberg] [GNU/Linux Wine]
Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade [MULTi4] [Nemirtingas] [GNU/Linux Wine]
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 [ENG] [RELOADED] [GNU/Linux Wine]
Age of Empires IV [MULTi14] [CODEX] [GNU/Linux Wine]
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - b2737681 - MULTi5 - GNU/Linux Wine
Duke Nukem Collection [GOG/Goldberg] [GNU/Linux DOSBOX/Wine]
Far Cry 5 - Gold Edition v.1.0.11 + 9 DLC [UplayRip] [CODEX] [Linux Wine]
Hollow Knight - 1.5.78 [MULTi10] [Goldberg] [GNU/Linux Native]
>Linux is no safer than windows
Are you missing gyrification? Windows is so unsafe that it needs a 247 anti virus running and was for a long time hyper aids. Linux and other unix systems (macos) are infinitely more secure because of their design.
Any good?
I honestly don't know. I just posted the image as a bump.
>2% market share
Now it's a whopping 3% anon
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Get out
don't listen to this brain damaged balding jew

get Visual Magick instead
I've had a poor experience so far with johncena141 torrents. I tried them the other day because they are the only source of Linux games. I sought specifically native, not Wine torrents of games I like, and they have been problematic. Particularly had issues with Cities Skylines, it crashed the first time I tried, the second time I changed it to use 8GB of RAM but it got stuck at a loading screen. Also had issues with Project Zomboid having graphical glitches and one time running too slowly to be playable, which should not be happening with a game that has PZ's specs on a computer with a Xeon, 16G memory, and a graphics card.
I would rather install Windows at this point than continue wrangling with jc141
does anyone have Mars: First Logistics?
See I tried that and the thread got filled with retardation instead of more magnet links.

Anyway super tux kart
its alright but a lot of them are vodkarunes only
Looking for some porn games such as Fresh Women, Lust Academy or Fetish locator Anyone have them?
>>1210618 >>1210914 >>1211081 >>1211082 >>1211103 >>1211120
For those of you trying to get those classic Loki games working on modern Linux distros, you might want to try this out.

Soldier of Fortune

Kingpin: Life of Crime

Linux game fixes

Other libraries
Mint. I know it's normie shit, but I really don't feel like I'm missing out on much so I'm not that inclined to switch. If I do switch, I'd probably just use my same setup but on Debian.
https://freelinuxpcgames.com has a ton of cool stuff on it, worth checking out. It has a lot of dead torrents though.
I donwloaded Vice City over like 2 days and couldn't figure out what to do with the file. Ended up running a Wine version instead.

Trojans and manually installed 'gifts' only need a dumb enough victim. Linux typical user is better than Win or Mac ones, though. In the end, there's no technical barrier to making virus for Linux or any other system.
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Johncena141 at 1337x is doing a great job
Anyone have dwarf fortress' new linux build? the windows version freezes constantly with dfhack
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Not a game but does anyone have a recent version of Sublime for Linux? I know it's an older and not-hip-anymore piece of software but I recently switched to Linux and miss the reg'ed version.
it's a retarded pajeet distro, people shilling are probably pajeets. it's another Arch with theme and bloat.
Hey, while this thread is going on, could anyone give me a hand? I'm on Steam Deck and I want to launch this Java Program in Gaming Mode. But I want THIS specific program to run in Java 8 instead of Java 17. What would be the command line to put into the Steam Launch Options to tell it to open the program with Java 8 specifically instead of whatever is the 'default'?
is there a cool new kid in the block? Last I heard most people nutted over it.
Nahh, VScode ate its lunch. It's better in every which way possible and has the 10x as many addons, themes etc. It's also free. Everyone moved to VScode.
I just have few scripts for ST that I modified long time ago and miss them when I need to get something processed.
As someone who paid for Sublime Text this Anon speaks the truth, I don't even bother installing it anymore.
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You should give Vim a try, anon.
> https://www.vim.org/
bump for an up to date online capable version of elden ring.
no baldur's gate 3? baka
Best AAA native linux game?
You have many. Alien isolation, Bioshock Infinite, Dirt 4, Dirt Rally, Hitman, Portal & Portal 2, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Payday 2, Deus Ex Mankind Divided, etc.

Just visit https://www.protondb.com/explore for check all the native and steam proton compatible games. I assure you that pirated games work perfectly, I download them from steamrip.
just crack a portable version yourself. look up something like "linux sublime github crack" and eventually you'll find one that works. all you need to do is change a couple hex values. i've done this many times on both linux and windows
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Does anyone happen to have a working torrent of "Papo & Yo"? I remember finding it a few years back but for almost 2 years I couldn't download 1 byte even though it had 1 seeder. I think it was the HumbleBundle version that one.

Bumping for vapourware
Right now just Ubuntu 22
vscodim or neovim anon
Real Linux niggas use emacs
Nah, it was a shit port. Anything that old just get the Windows version from archive and run it in wine
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anyone have a werking Resi4 Ultimate HD that isnt in russian only?
proton is the bane of linux piracy, lutris has nothing cuz they assume you're a steam paypiggie
Someone got a link for Ion Fury: Aftershock?
Looking only for the expansion.
There is no "only the expansion". They packed both the base game and the expansion into one fury.grp file, probably to prevent people from trying to play the expansion with old, incompatible versions of the base game.

Unfortunately I don't have the Linux installer, and I don't know if it has been shared anywhere. But you don't really need it. The game is open source (it's eduke32 built with make FURY=1), so you can build your own binary and use data files from the Windows version with it.
Latest ( stellaris_3_10_1_69202 ) DLCs? Just the DLCs
Rutracker is dead it seems
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Who remembers Atlantik?
Is there a way to Hack LMtools on linux? its the thing that immortals team hacked in order to pirate toonboom harmony premium, its the only thing keeping me from stopping using windows
lurk moar newfag kekekekek
>Payday 2
Not really, that's an unfortunate example of a poorly/unmaintained Linux "port".
Can any anon share a site/torrent that has the linux native GOG version of Rimworld 1.4 ?
nvm found it, sorry for posting shouldve lurked moar

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>gnu linux's
i am looking for more open world games that will run on my non-gaming laptop

i finished simpsons hit and run on ubuntu LTS

there are a bunch of games on archive.org

you can download them quickly using aria2c


you need this to run the lucas simpsons hit and run mod launcher.exe


you need the silent patch
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Arch, it's good enough and I'm a simple man.
Is this just a pre-packed OXR with CoP's files?
That's cool.
>Jeetcode commits
>from microshaft
like pottery
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Nearly 4
4% of computer is a lot when you come tom think about it
how do they get that data
can we get photoshop on linux?
IIRC it doesn't play will with wine so you'd probably need a windows/OSX vm for it if it's a must.

GIMP is an "alternative" but if you have that PS experience it's not a smooth transition in my experience. Not as easy as it was to go from Illustrator to Inkscape at least.
Debian, why use a debian fork when you can just use the real deal?
Same, at it wasn't cheap back in the day when I bought it. I have a few coworkers using PHPStorm but they are weird.
install krita
havok 2020 sdk available anywhere?
First of all, I don't trust the installers. I always extract the contents manually with either innoextract or unshield.
Then once I've got the executable, I make a .desktop file that launches firejail --net=none wine program_name.exe
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works for me
Is there any way to force anisotropic filtering for vkd3d/vulkan?
Trying to force it for Forza horizon 4 on my steamdeck. Tried the dxvk.conf method but realised that's for dx9/11 and Forza uses dx12 if I recall.
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im looking for oneshot, have searched 1337x(only shitty johncena141),torminatorr,the-eye,rutracker and cant find anything
beg adobe
Re4 torrent that just werks? I got errors on the ones I tried with wine so...
most of the time these sites gather this data by reading User Agents from websites they own/have access to.
It's a quite imperfect metric since some browsers on Linux and other OSes spoof their User Agent to Windows for compatibility.
The Steam Hardware Survey is not very reliable either since you have to opt in and only gamers install Steam on their computer
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anyone have cultist simulator? ill lurk becuase if not i am going to buy it on sale to leak the linux version
linux is cancer and most of its games are a joke
I realise that native is always better but I don't remember having issues with many games running under steams proton. Nice thread tho
native's only better when devs actually bother supporting it properly, i can't play tf2 on linux without installing an unrelated package that bundles a library the game needs because the steam runtime copy makes the game unbootable
any bg3 torrents yet?
There's not really any point for Linux torrents because basically everything runs on proton now. Even repacks work most of the time.
>try to pirate Catherine
>fitgirl doesnt work
>dodis torrent is broken
fuck me. I am not sure if I would get it working anyway since the fix for the game most likely only work on Steam
emulate it with vita3k
I've played the game its more of a experiment if I could get it working by myself. The pain about piracy on Linux will be getting shit fixed, not installing it
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Is there a vim-adventures torrent out there?
I really liked DJ the best in the IP (JP) lore desu
Torrminatorr dead? There is an account suspended splash page today, downloaded stuff only yesterday. Guess another one bit the dust, huh?
I really hope you’re wrong but as you just stated I’ve sean more interest in Linux in the past years, the xz breach could be just what you are sying
I usually download linux games from I2P' Postman tracker. There are a lot of them and even a wishlist section.

Speed is low, though. But for small indie games or GOG ones it does the job.
anyone got the silver case gog version? not 25th ward
what about Halo 3? a Linux port of the original game (not the master chief collection slop) doesnt exist on rutracker
Most based normie distro
I don't understand.

Why wouldn't you just use fitgirl repacks and install them through wine

Beats downloading sketchy Zigger shit from rutor.
Metal Gear Rising Revengeance

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this is the gayest shit ever dude, completely put me off from using his releases.

yea im definitely gonna trust a bunch of random repackers who've switched formats and toolsets 3 times in the span of a year (with the zpaq switch rivaling FatGuy in the amount of time wasted extracting a file for miniscule space savings) with maintaining an ENTIRE unaudited repository, yep, totally nothing bad might happen in the future

you already have dwarfs in the AUR (not to mention that could just be left to user discretion as usual and just packaged as tar.gz, linux already has enough people who think they know what the user wants), and the AUR barely cares about what type of software goes there as long as its not malware (you literally have pirated minecraft in there), why do they need their own repo with their own versions of wine? its completely pointless since they still package dependencies per game.


linux piracy is finished, all you can rely on is LinuxRuleZ or random releases on rutracker that 30% of the time have R*ssian language hardmodded into the game
how i can open torent on linux?
What is GNU?
>I`m noob
Fitgirl installers shit themselves in Wine
I tried it and I hated it. It's garbage.
its like using Linux as per usual but it FEELS proprietary and locked down.
Is there a way to install Baldurs gate 3 (pirated version from repack) in this thing?
i wish GOG installers were distributed more often, kinda like gog-games does for Windows installers.
Yes, try lutris, should be easy.
Retard. What do you think malware is? It's "malicious software"; all something has to be to be malware is to be intentionally malicious. This forkbomb counts as malware: :{:|:&};:
Of course Loonix can have fucking malware on it
Just run it and hope nothing happens. Worst case scenario, it's ransomware in which case, you'll be safe with a dedicated user insofar as you don't give that user any permission to use any drives other than /home and whatever you're happy to lose. These work in WINE. Other than that, nothing really ought to work properly (WINE-wise, unless someone has thought about Loonix users and added checks for ~/.profile or whatever to write stuff to). Just nuke the prefix as has been mentioned
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Can anyone please share Morrowind?
morrowind on linux is really simple and should just be a matter of instaling openmw (should just be pretty simple use apt or pacman or just your app store if your distro has one)

then just download the original morrowind and show openmw the files, it should work immediately
I mean, yeah, but can someone share the morrowind file?
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Do any of you mates have the final version of 'Croc: Legend of the Gobbos - Definitive Edition v.1.3.0' that was released a couple of years ago?

> Archive Name: croc64-1.3.0.tar.xz
> Disk usage: 188.1 MiB (197,226,496)
> Apparent size: 188.1 MiB (197,222,388)

> Bin Name: Croc64
> Disk usage: 3.2 MiB (3,375,104)
> Apparent size: 3.2 MiB (3,374,904)

The only archived versions I managed to find was the Windows version, which does contain a Linux bin but it always gives a segmentation fault upon running.
i already sent this to you on leddit but here you go

Thank you so much for archiving it, now it'll never be lost!

Here's one more.
> https://files.catbox.moe/zqds1w.xz
>VScode ate its lunch. It's better in every which way
>way, way, way slower
>uses way, way, way more RAM
>heats up your CPU
>uses more electricity
VS Code is like Sublime but ridiculously bloated
Broken Sword 1-5 + Extras [Win⁄Linux⁄Mac] [GOG]

yeah, that's simply not true. firstly, >baby-sat by microsoft implies that it's safe which it isn't. In fact the problem is the closed code itself which makes it way harder to security check. Moreover, it is a well known fact that there were cases in which they detected a fundamental security hole by design in a core piece of software which was crucial to the main system and couldn't be fixed easy, so the firm policy stated that this security issue wasn't a real threat because it would require a deep knowledge of the code which wasn't public.
Of course this example is from the early 2000s and many things have changes ever since but closed code should never be considered trustworthy from the very beginning.

Same for "anti virus" programms which often need root access in many cases to work properly but because of being closed source and gaining root access they are a potential threat either because of incompetence or malevolence of the programmers.
>4.55% now
Decade of the linux desktop denier bros?
Our answer?
closed source software is by definition malware, sadly it is sometimes the only alternative like in videogaymes
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You guys are awesome. Thanks for these links!
>still in the box
Manjaro reporting in.
Started in 2006
I went from Mandriva >> Fedora >> Ubuntu >> Arch >> Mint

Skullgirls 2nd Encore (v.3.5.12) + 12 DLC [Goldberg] [LinuxRuleZ!]

from torrminator, no seeders and cant report cause theres no report button and the thread is locked and even if it wasnt its probably against the rules to ask for a reupload cause i havent made three threads or whatever

gonna be posting this on the dead torrents thread
this is the link for it btw
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The repacker LinuxRuleZ! uploads games DAILY to Zamunda.net/bananas and to https://forum.torrminatorr.com/viewtopic.php?t=21707 you just need to create an account on either one.

Pic related, today's torrents:
Fallout torrents available? 1, 2, 3, nv?
Might as well ask here.
I want to play the original PS3 DA:O with console controls and I couldn't find the image.
rutracker >>1176822 only has a version with a russian voiceover. It's not horrible, but I still bleed from my ears a little.
This magnet appears to be dead:

to this day i can't understand why gog-games does not ship linux installers
LinuxRuleZ has them all
everytime i try to torrent one of his files theres zero seeders, does he not seed his own files? i posted the skullgirls one in this thread and its dead just like the few others ive tried
Guys, stop hurting yourself and just buy the game on Steam, or at least install the Windows version on wine. Linux port suck deeply.
It's not bad
>Zamunda.NET/Zamunda.CH has restricted the access from your country due to law restriction.
Wine has gone a tremendous improvement over the last few years.
And with even pre-bottleed wine, running games never been easier.
Where can you find point & click games?
Preferably low demanding stuff.
I've got old laptops, and want to put some games on it and donate it to kids chemo unit.
there's no way to easily package linux software.
>binaries like deb/rpm/etc.
happens sometimes but also carries huge incompatibility risks. Unfortunately .exe files just work on Windows.
The thing is that wine / Lutris works well enough these days to where a proper Linux port is unnecessary, to the point where some developers test it in Wine to make sure everything runs smoothly. As long as the developer doesn't do something weird, it just werks.
whatever arch does just werks in my machine
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Need! Deus ex GOTY torrent for my ment4l, please and thank u
Thank you greatly anon! join 3dt.net pls
In my experience most jc141 games literally don't work. The only one I've gotten to work is postal 2, which has 1 fucking seeder who's online for intervals of like 10 minutes.
Just go to rutracker.
I'm not sure if I should take this to /g/, considering I'm using this both for games and software

Using gamescope, I've noticed that context menus cause the game or software rendered window to shrink, to keep the context menu in bounds of the gamescope window, instead of growing away from the edge of the gamescope window, as it properly does in Linux and in Windows.

I've also noticed that the parent context menu branch disappears if I open a child, leaving the child floating. But that doesn't bother me as much as the application window constantly resizing if a context menu touches the gamescope window edge.
Using --force-windows-fullscreen and --force-composition makes it stop, and make context menus flex correctly inside the window, even if it's not quite sized correctly. They still disappear, though.

Seriously, though, fuck wayland lol

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