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How to request advice:
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
>Frequency response preference and music examples
>Past gear and your thoughts on them

>Where do I buy IEMs?
Amazon, Aliexpress, Linsoul, Hifigo, Shenzhenaudio

>Shopping Guide (IEMs, Cables, Ear Tips, etc.):

>EQ Guide (Measurements, Targets, Equalizer, etc.):

>/iemg/ Proto-Blog/Wiki

>Frequency Response Graph Tool

>Budget Wire Over-Ear IEMs:
• EPZ Q1 Pro / G10 (Harman) - $35
• TRN Conch (bright V) - $35
• Kefine Klean (bassy neutral) - $50
• Simgot EA500LM (bright V) - $90

>Bullet IEMs:
• Final E500 (dark) - $25
• Tanchjim One DSP (neutral) - $30
• Etymotic ER2XR (neutral) - $100

>Flathead Earbuds:
• Blue Vido (warm) - $5
• Faaeal Iris 2.0 (warm) - $10

• Fosi Audio DS2 2024 (CS43131) - $45
• Tanchjim Space - $90
• Qudelix 5K - $110

• HiBy R1 - $85
• Hifi Walker H2 / Surfans F20 (Rockbox) - $120
• FiiO JM21 - $200
• HiBy M300 - $200
• Hidizs AP80 Pro-X - $200

Previous thread: >>103227103
jesus fucking christ...
why did you buy that pos...
bnuy? bnuy where? bnuy when? we want bnuy
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ok i can spot a lot of "dark yellow" spots for the right side, it's likely clogged
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i still wanna consoom for black friday
Why did you listen to the rat...
meant to >>103246700
Yeah, I'm going to dip the nozzle in hydrogen peroxide later.
But they're cheap...
>imbalance shows up out of the blue
>post a pic of the filter with earwax
>slander KZ for user error
>trannies team up to help
classic iemg
Buying KZ is a user error.
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My impressions with IEM's so far:

It's nice that the Chu 2 has removable filters and costs so little, but the metal build is a major disadvantage in terms of comfort, as it causes them to fall out constantly, not to mention the infamous oxidation as they really wanted to make them look cool and premium. The tuning is definitely more approachable with the extra bass and treble, but I wouldn't really recommend them as beginner IEM's due to the aforementioned misguided choice of materials and issues caused by it.

The EPZ Q1 Pro's on the other hand don't have removable filters and I do worry about how they'll fare with the inevitable clog, but them being made out of resin and having a more extruded nozzle do make a major difference in the fit and comfort, they don't fall out like the Chu 2's and the stock tips are perfectly fine. The Harman tuning is definitely flatter, but it's nothing a little 200Hz low pass shelf can't fix if you want that extra bass, your ears get used to the stock tuning anyways. I like this type of "neutral" tuning.

I still prefer the Q1 Pro's solely over the fact they don't fall out of my ears and are easy to get fitted right. Worth paying a little extra over Chu 2's if you need daily driver IEM's on a budget.
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Oh yeah, thanks for the complementary keychain Cheng. It's gonna gather dust in a drawer since it's tacky as shit, but, thanks.
I need a recommendation for an audio interface. Can be specific products, or just things to look out for. I need to connect two active speakers (2x balanced 6.3 mm trs output), and a pos connector (3.5 mm would be great, a 6.3 mm with an adapter would work, too, I guess .. but somehow I would still prefer 6.3 mm). An xlr input for a microphone would be nice, but is not strictly required.

Do you think I should buy two separate dacs, one for pos (like the fosi audio ds2 from the OP recs) and another one for my speakers? Or is there an audio interface that is essentially the same as the ds2 with those CS43131 chips (whatever makes them stand out), but with additional balanced connectors for speakers?

The focusrite scarlett solo seems to be a popular choice, how can I compare this against the ds2? What are important properties of dacs apart from connectors?
don't complicate your life for a one time purchase
get the motu m2
Somebody needs to pair 2$ vidos with the most expensive dac amp known to men
On first glance, this looks like a good rec, thanks. It seems that most interfaces have 6.3 mm instead of 3.5 mm headphone outs, which is a bummer.
Xenns top
It looks like the cat is wearing huge shoes.
Imagine being topped by your IEMs.
Always get more inputs than you think you need. Sure a mono mic uses one, but if you want to invite guests over and hook up their mics you need more, if you to plug in any stereo synth, sampler, etc they take up two each.
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Day 3 (5?) of my blog:

>Ice Lab Prismatica
Obscure pos that nobody talks about. Overly bloaty mid-bass and an aggressive pinna+treble to overcompensate. Not worth the trade-off, it sounds like an unrefined or muddy V-shape with no microdetails. However, there is a certain “fullness” in the midrange compared to your typical Harman, which might entice a specific subset of listeners. Also has quite a tamed treble, so no fear of sibilance I guess. 6/10.

>Aroma Audio Fei Wan
Very clinical summit-fi sound signature. Tight and detailed bass and boosted treble for techs. Mids sound leaner than it graphs – reminds me of the Monarch MK3. While the Fei Wan is highly resolving, it doesn’t sound cohesive. Not that impressed, I think the U12T and Annihilator do it better, and for way cheaper. 7.5/10.

>64 Audio U12T (with M20 module)
A smoother Fei Wan, with less jarring treble peaks. Only complaint is that the U12T still sounds bass-lite and thin-sounding even with the M20 module. But if you want that cold summit-fi resolution it doesn’t get any better than this. 9/10.

>Softears Twilight
Endgame 1DD for musicality. Warm and intimate sounding without heavy thumping sub-bass. A very smooth and relaxing listen. The bass decay is slow but life-like and natural, and it doesn’t sound muddy at all. In fact, I think it’s more resolving than hybrids like the Mega5EST, V16 Divinity and Xenns Top. Soundstage may be lacking because vocals sound so intimate, but I think that’s more of a pro than a con. 10/10.

>Softears RSV
Twilight but with thumping sub-bass and a bit more added treble. I think the slight V-shape tuning hurts the timbre of the RSV and makes it sound worse than the Twilight.
There’s no reason for the RSV to exist because the Twilight is just the clear upgrade in every way and I would pay the extra $200 every time. 6/10.

>Subjective ranking
Twilight > U12T > Fei Wan > Prismatica > RSV
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If the price increase isn't too much, then this is perfect in terms of looks, much more interesting than before
Still no sight of that bitchtits Cringe?
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Luna keeps popping when connected to a USB 2.0 port...
How's the fit on twilights. Want to get them eventually because they use foam filters, which are much more durable, but the shell looks stupid as hell.
nta but it's surprisingly decent? not the best fitting by any stretch of the imagination, but it's good and the rectangular faceplate doesn't really affect the wear and fit
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>he thinks IEMs look good
It's like a reverse airpods where the 'tail' faces upwards. You have to rely on your eartip entirely for grip because the shell is absolutely too small to make contact with your outer ear. Some tip-rolling is required: I used the eletech baroque tips while auditioning.
4.4 dongles are cursed. Sold all except ddhifi tc44pro e2. The noise floor is not as good as on sonata bhd pro but doesn't make any stupid noises.
Bossman is currently on vacation, so I gave up and went to try more obscure pos
Fox IEMs looks good.
did you commission those or are those a real brand?
What happened to the "plastic never clogs" copium? You really hate to see it. Common metal W.
that looks like a metal screen to me
Plasticxisters I need stronger copium this isn't doing it.
Reminder if you own more than two IEM you are addicted
thats a hygiene issue, ive never had this happen to me with plastic shells but metal shells you know condensation will cuck ur filter sooner or later
Wax and clogging are completely separate issues. There's no wax on most dead chu 2's. Imbalance appears when the filters become saturated with moisture, not with wax.
It's always a hygiene issue, condensation doesn't permanently clog filters. It's just water, and it evaporates.
newfags dont know this
Mine Q1 pro also arrived. They are smaller than SM4 and fit very nice. I like how they fit even more than Aria. Sound tho.. while they sound pretty nice (and better than pos KZ EDC pro which I bought for lols) SM4 is just better. Better bass, better separation, better details. I frankly doubt in ability to close the gap with EQ. Very good IEM for this price tho
A fraction of my wax is some kind of transparent oil. It definitely plays a part, even if it's not visible.
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Threadly reminder that majority of /iemg/ is certified as note-weight a.k.a """""mud""" enjoyers

Poll cont. here:

>I frankly doubt in MY ability to close the gap with EQ.
You forgot the fox techs bro.
I have no idea what these meme terms mean
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Imagine the tech.
Think I'm gonna buy a SuperMix 4 as my first IEM.
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Lurk before posting
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You can low shelf boost bass where it'll be punchier without completely muddying up the rest. Issues starts when someone is so jungle brained they boost the bass to the point it's nothing but bass.
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sure, newfriend. here's a visual explaination:

red: bass slope a.k.a mud
green: bass scoop a.k.a tranny tuck
blue: flat bass a.k.a basslet
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I understand everything perfectly now, thanks anon
I choose red, bass slope
ah shit. ive fucked the y-axis scale. for most iems it should be half the db scale. but you get the idea.
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It should be mentioned that some people think bass lower than blue is acceptable, perhaps even preferable.
a middleground between blue and red is the optimal choice lets be real over here
Here are my personal definitions
>Bass scoop
Bass cuts off prematurely (typically before 200hz) to prevent vocals from being muddled, but also preserve a strong rumble. See Harman Adjusted
>Bass slope
Bass doesn't cut off, but instead coalesces with lower mids. Great for percussion and strings, but definitely will sound muddy with too much sub-bass. Fan 2 is my favorite iem that does this kind of tuning.
>Flat bass
For those who want a "monitor-like" sound so you can better focus on mids. Think Etymotic's philosophy.
majority of /iemg/ preferring bass slope isn't surprising but im more surprised that there are quite a few people who enjoys flat bass too
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>>103247196 (me)
I also ended up buying another pos instead. Sorry, Elysianbros...
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Why imagine.
Scoop: home theater audio
Slope: car audio
Flat: no audio(deaf)
>to prevent vocals from being muddled
Bro 200hz is literally the center of male vocal fundamentals, it gimps male voice and all bass instruments.
It only accentuate female vocals for your jpop listeners.
I will never understand how people can spend that much money on a pos.
what is your job that you can afford to buy all this shit?
>$2.5k for an IEM with EST drivers that lose charge in a couple years
probably bitcoin money
My bad. I meant at 200hz, not before. Your explanation is typically why I prefer bass slope since I like strong and forward male vocals (no homo).
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the techs are unbelievable
there are jpop songs with strong male vocals, such as this gem:
(it's only R E A L music time)
that's why the tranny tuck will gimp even the jpop genre to a degree
Price is irrelevant. The more skewed FR is, the better tech it produces.
I miss this album...
Price is the only thing that determines the techs. There is a lot of smooth graphing shit with techs.
Nothing but real music
>use BCD at 4khz
>extra brightness, in other words techs
>only graphtards with correct pinna and coupler compliance can accurately measure its effects
just doing my part in confusing the fuck out of people
t. chang engineer
For me it's the instruments, I like hearing bass guitar and the double bass in jazz.
You'll be surprised to see the actual driver pricing, especially in China (be it DD, BA, Planar etc).... Companies really just overcharged their iems for easy profit.
I am in need of a dongle, with a small form factor like the Fosi Audio DS2 2024, specifically so I can EQ. I am on IOS, which does not have system wide EQ yet.
Etys are a bad example of flat bass. Their fully sealed nature makes the bass stronger than it graphs. EQ other pos to that and it's unlistenable.
qudelix 5k, fiio btr13
you can gamble with a fiio ja11
thanks man
I been eyeing those for a while, if the duality has the standard singapore cabal issues I might go for that one instead.
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It arrived
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Thank you to the anon that recommended the EPZ Q1 Pro and the JCally JM20 they sound awesome. My Sony headphones truly were shit.
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Posting measurements in case gazette anon wants em

just an autist in finance with no other hobbies

QRD on Singapore cabal? I've been here for almost a week but I've never heard of such a thing.
beautiful faceplate ruined by inconsistent lettering
actually horrible
mega niche pos but thanks for the pic, will include it and impressions in the gazette for the next update
Singaporeans (seachinks) always post glowing reviews to Singaporean IEMs, which are horribly overpriced chinkshit most of the time.
>Audiophiles (retards) always post glowing reviews to every IEM, which are horribly overpriced chinkshit most of the time.
Most singaporean pos companies are in bed with each other, it's somewhat of an open secret. The illusion of choice.
Well the seachinks have a lot of clot in the hobby so yeah, they can sway the opinions on seachink brands very easily.
thanks for the hard work

from my experience they wank symphonium and nightjar a lot, but even they hate fatfreq
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Gonna be honest anons, Explorer aint that great. Not sure why but bass kinda sounds muddy to the point of static-y. Vocals are pronounced but that's about it.
It's comfortable, but somehow it's too wide for me. Part of the iem sticks out of my small ears. Not sure if it's because it's fat, or because of the nozzle. Might have to go with thin 1DD iems like the Salnotes Zero if I want something that doesn't stick out.
just to confirm for my future self, same anon?
keep the good job, editorzo
>bass sounds muddy
try tiprolling, sancai or divinus wides may help
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that's awful
I also bought the EPZ Q1 Pro as a fellow newbie that trusted the general. I'm satisfied with them, with the price in mind. In your experience, has the DAC made any significant change in the sound? I mainly use them with my smartphone (Poco X3 Pro). Thanks in advance.
Don't have either, but just tried widest t-apb which didn't help. I'll probably order divinus this black friday and hope it helps.
>>103249589 (me)
Also, would anyone like to chime in on
Fosi Audio DS2 2024 VS Jcally JM20? The former is about 60€ while the second 30€ on aliexpress.

As an alternative, I'm eyeing the aigo eros q, thoughts?
Welp, alternatively you could try different-sized that you currently have. Differing insertion depth can affect bass.
different-sized tips*
Editorzo/EQzo, thoughts on creating a database of eq presets? We could use it to approximate an iemg house sound.
DACs do not make a difference in sound. if your source is bad (ie noisy, hiss, clicks, basically any bad artifacts) then you should get a DAC. even the cheap $10 one from apple is excellent.
output impedance of your source can also be a small issue for certain IEMs, though I wouldn't worry about this in your case. either of those options are good, pick your preferred form factor
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You literally (as in, literally literally) don't need to spend any more money in snake oil. Anyone who tells you that can tell the difference between a cheap iem and a expensive one is just lying out their ass or their minds are so far gone that they have actually started believing in the grift
It's probably just my personal preference to be honest. I'm a fan of Tanchjim bass which is notoriously on the lower side.
>breaks within a week
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not super keen on the idea, but if theres demand im open to doing it
Even if you have your personal target each individual pos needs adjustments for that target, there's no point.
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>has the DAC made any significant change in the sound?
On my laptop yes it improves it a lot but as the other anon said it's probably because it has a shit one built in. Not sure the exact words to describe it but it just sounded scuffed especially as the volume went up, also the volume itself didn't really go up linearly, it's like it did jumps and after a point it didn't get louder but just sounded scuffed.
My phone doesn't have a jack so I had to get a dongle anyways so I got the JM20 for 20€ with the 11.11 discount.
it's ass
shutup rat
Any new poorfag pos to redeem?
Not to mention there's QDC 'Anole, which is seed oil, and that's even worse than snake oil.
Tanch bunny
it would if the dumbass aligned them properly
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what would an "iemg house sound." looks like?
>just buy new dac bruh
this but unironically
>Joins a biking general
>"Nah I'll just walk."
EQtards completely missing the point
how much space should u leave for playlist files
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tanch bunny squig is in.
>mud pos confirmed
tanch bunny squig is in.
>mud pos confirmed
tanch bunny squig is in.
>mud pos confirmed

its over tranny tuck xisters...
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>buy a muddy pos
>it's muddy
nah, I enjoy my pos almost exclusively on my Snoy Xperia based and jackpilled phone, if I want to listen on my PC I just plug my pos to the motherfuckerboard through an extension cable
>eq guide example with different pos
>only the wankers
e-eqzo is a poorfag isn't she...
listen to the whole album just the way God intended
EQ can't save BA pos.
imagine eqzo as a hot girl, just imagine
imagine raping her until she's a sobbing wreck and then locker her in your basement
>buy kilobuck hybrids with tranny tuck
>don't buy anything
EQ can't save 1DD treble rape peak pos (aka all 1DD pos), BA pos at the very least have a chance.
its literally a warm pos
>all BA
>all DD
>all planar
racemixing(drivermixing) kike shit
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in her ears?
>etymodicks playing loud asmr with treble boost of 12db
>weird bone conduction earphones in her gooch
>all tied up with exquisite eros cables
im so hard typing this shit out
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>listen to a sine sweep
>remove the peak
Incredible, do we have any drawfags/writefags here?
wtf is this shit im reading...
is this gazette worthy?
Kikes banned even mixing different fibers in their clothes, it's only for the goyim.
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>/pol/fags worst nightmare
>all DD
>all BA
3rd harmonic distortion, rattle in a metal tin, plasticky unnatural shit
>all planar
5th harmonic distortion, atrocious buzz in upper mids
all weak points of meme drivers + phase alignment issues (it's not minimum phase anymore) + nonlinear impedance garbage
One entire black cock?
Reminder end game is a custom iem molded to your ears and EQ. Will cost you under $300 if you use itsfit or avara.
bad for listening, perfect for putting it inside a girl's tanch to pleasure her
as someone that doesn't know that much about audio, reading the lingo in this general always makes me laugh.
stories about chang fucking consumers over and mentions of tranny tuck never cease to be amusing.
Less comfortable than a good universal.
here, have a good introduction to audio lingo:
>Chifi materials guide
PU diaphragm - tupperware lid
copper diaphragm - pu diaphragm painted gold
titanium diaphragm - pu diaphragm painted silver
lithium-magnesium diaphragm - pu diaphragm painted light silver
beryllium diaphragm - pu diaphragm painted grey
carbon nanotube diaphragm - pu diaphragm painted black
DLC diaphragm - pu diaphragm sprayed with graphite dust
nano coated diaphragm - pu diaphragm with thin layer of paint on it
biological diaphragm - paper
planar - plastic bag
balanced armature - paperclip wrapped in wire
custom balanced armature - Bellsing
electrostatic - condom with iron filings glued to it
piezoelectric - apple II pc buzzer
bone conduction - dd without any membrane at all
new generation - 20 year old design
super powerful magnet - a normal magnet
its for the nigbass
Who the fuck is having a melty this time?
I can only imagine the average casual reader stumbling unto this place and wondering wtf is a pos
it stands for pinnacle of perseverance, obviously
GL removing 1DD sharp peaks in the upper treble 12kHz and afterwards, not only they are hard to get rid of without fucking up the rest of the FR, but also are extremely fit dependent aka your pos slides in and out a millimeter or two which happens naturally and the preset goes to the trash.
Been doing it successfully for years, up to 15kHz when necessary. Skill issue.
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What about amateur drivers.
driver this driver that
bitch, drive my dick !
Reminder that EST drivers losing charge is a schizoid conspiracy made up by rajeesh to cope over his family heirloom (wan'er)
Cope, the end result does not even come close to Ety/Nova/Variations treble smoothness once you listen and do a direct comparison. A slight misalignment and your EQ preset no longer matches the sharp peak and its over.
Variations has two peaks. My result is better.
>discussing about treble smoothness and peaks
>in 2024
could you retards please just read the eq guide
Rajesh's cherished wanker still mogs every estpos to oblivion doe
that would be pop, which is not wrong since a lot of perserverance is needful to listen to that kind of music
Yeah on 8 and 16 kHz
paperclip badly wrapped in wire by a bunch of kids in a garage
Baby ears.
it's called soft ears
anon... that's your regular chinese manufacturing plant
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Hangout anon is busy getting his earussy stuffed by $10000 iems and you're here masturbating to imaginary lines
Imaginary lines are the hottest though.
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More realistically, etys sound like actual flat bass similar to headPOS that has been tuned/eq’d that way. Shallow insertion IEMs have a bass(and lower mid) rolloff
Although when I had my ety kids I do remember them being quite bass light. These Libra X are pretty lean but I think they have better note weight and more bass than the etys but it has ages so not the most reliable source
subjective experience in terms of bass quantity perception
speaker>headPOS>deep insertion>shallow insertion
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All the worst IEMs I've ever heard were over kilobuck. Some were okay.
Just hit play on your device of choice and enjoy the music
>meaning something nonsensical
that's how a mutt fucks up the language
I dunno how somebody can finish the EQ guide without realizing that EQ is a meme... Measurements are not reliable, and even if they were unit variation is a thing. Hearing is not reliable. Brain is not reliable. Frequency sweep is very time consuming and fickle thing. You need to 100% understand what you like and what you want from your IEMs. And if you don't have a way to get your own measurements you are basically fucked.
I do not even believe people who say they successfully EQ their pos because as guide says they could've easily delude themselves into nonsense .
Literally buying a bunch of pos and using one you liked is the only real way. Everything else is delusions and wishful thinking.
If you liked something without EQ your standards are too low.
I'm getting a deja-vu.
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flat is justice
it depends
and if you did some "proper" EQ and deluded yourself into liking it it's no better
if you're not maxxing out your audio enjoyment with cables, dacs, amps, eq, eartips, hi-res music, and everything else, are you really an /iemg/ent??
on its way
spring tips
>hi-rez tunes
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>44.1khz 16bit
try again loser
I can't decide between the pic related and the Beautiful Worlds. The latter has more premium packaging and comes with an artbook of all the waifus to commemorate its 7th anniversary.
I keep reading they're just KATOs reshelled.

Both look sexy af, but the 'Sabers look nicer and have a better carrying case. Do they also sound better? Which pos under 1k should I add to my collection?

Listenan to Bowie lately, if it matters. Current set:
>Md Starfield
>Tanchjim Prism
>Truthear Hexa
>that sampling
all for what
>red pure bass boost
pure thiccness. Plenty of boobs and ass but too much and uhhhhh let's just say it’s Health at Every Size
>bass rolloff
only applies to HeadPOS almost exclusively. Flat as a board.
it’s a fucking dude with his dick tucked in.
no such thing
you go to the artist, then you listen to the record
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Fox IEM, fox tips, fox cable, doesn't get any better than that.
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>customized (bellsing) instead of sonion
>fragile shell
get something from a more reliable brand
Anon you're obsessing over two outdated pos that nobody talks about anymore. No sane rational person is going to pick either of those choices.
>Do they also sound better?
You won't find a single poster in this thread who has listened to both pos.
For the sake of form:
What buy? Looks being a small factor, but a factor nonetheless.
$700 - $1,100
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
Busy city commute
>Frequency response preference and music examples
Been listening to David Bowie these days
>Past gear and your thoughts on them
Good investments, I'd say. I like the Hexas sound best of all.

Then based on the above, which would you recommend?
If niggas can get laid by their Nikes, then so should I by earphones.
$2 blu vido
i've listened to dark saber. it's dogshit beyond normal moondropped standards seriously. there are several reasons it was a massive flop. people already told you beautiful world is a re-skinned kato (meaning on-par with current $50 1DD), nonetheless it's the better collector item. if you want to buy retarded pos just do it, no need to consult us. see the shopping rentry for dozens of recs. telling us you listen to david bowie and like hexass out of a few pos is ultimately still uninformative. you "could," like any number of other pos with drastically varying frequency response. if you spend $1,000 and something still sounds exactly like hexa, does that constitute a fulfilling purchase in your mind? (it wouldn't to me, you just spent $920 unnecessarily)
There are only like a couple of kilopos owners here, so you gotta wait a bit for answers.
>busy city commute
etymotics or anc tws, nothing else
the last thing you want is to carry around a clunky massive pos in your ears while the noise around you force you to raise the volume until tinnitus
>(Your) Hearing is unreliable
So train it and learn what you like, or don't and just hit play, even though by your logic, you could just be deluding yourself into liking the music that you listen to so why bother.
Some possible options:
1. Softears Twilight
2. Monarch MK3
3. Monarch MK2
4. Symphonium Titan

>David Bowie
I would go with Twilight in that case
any pos + eq (guide)
Twilight has subpar isolation so all the benefits are wasted
For commute you either go TWS with ANC or Ety
>recommending twilight
my sides!

When I was auditioning the Twilight, two separate convos were happening one foot away from me, and I couldn't hear them. I think Moondrop anon will be fine.
ong just get shortbus pos x andyaudio cable for kilotechs enhanced with handmade community member love
looks like bfcm has better deals than 11.11 for my pos, can't wait
Twilight or IE600?
I just love single DD
both + singularity. attain enlightenment. you are a saint, a 1DD chad
ie600 has fucked up treble, twilight is outdated
if you're aiming for the mythical techs, might as well get the singularity like anon said
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>in 2024
any pos + eq (guide)
but of course, humans are too inebriated by this journey of pseudo-research, where they mull over choices and what would be best, not realizing that it is this exact journey that brings enjoyment to their experience with the pos, not the pos itself. but the experience itself fades away, often leaving behind only the pos accompanied by the banal.
it is merely the illusion of choice, two diverging paths destined by fate to cross again and diverge again and cross again until the torch dies out, or the legs cannot handle the burden anymore.
the only way is to look back, to understand that the small forks are not important, and that the key to freedom lies behind. that the torch cannot last, that the legs need rest, that the path simply goes deeper to nowhere. the light is above, not deeper down the hole.
only then can you realize that any pos + eq (guide) is truly the endgame you have been seeking. to attain long lasting, unperturbed contentment, where pos and music melds not into an experience that fades, but a companion that lives and breathes (You).
>Studio, PC 3.5
>7hz Zero, like these.
Looking to primarily to check my mixes, using speakers for most of it of course. I like my 7hz Zero for checking the bass for any glaring stuff, but I figured something neutral would be good as well.
From the consoomer guide, it looks like Moondrop Lan, Kefine Klean, Truthear Hexa, or the Tanchjim Kara would be neutral options.
Is there really much of a quality increase going for the mid fi options?
you're retarded, nobody is reading all that
>Looking to primarily to check my mixes, using speakers for most of it of course
keep doing that
>but I figured something neutral would be good as well.
you don't know what neutral is. stick to the speakers
>From the consoomer guide, it looks like Moondrop Lan, Kefine Klean, Truthear Hexa, or the Tanchjim Kara would be neutral options.
the guide is good for getting an overview of the market, the descriptors are retarded and useless. all of those are very different from one another
>Is there really much of a quality increase going for the mid fi options?
there is no correlation between price and sound quality
stick to your zeros, use eq on it to either the jm-1 target with -10db tilt, or harmanIE2019
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any pos + eq to the endgame speaker target
>So train it
that's not a thing
>even though by your logic, you could just be deluding yourself into liking the music that you listen to so why bother.
well now you are getting it lol it's even worse tho... even if you trained your hearing and made a perfect EQ (real) there's no way to verify that because individual anatomy will stop other people from hearing it. So there's really no real way to know if you are getting it right or just deluding yourself.
who really wins, the head fi boomer who owns $10K ear jewelry and enjoys himself every night or the mcdonalds employee who has read 20 AES papers schizophrenically tweaking his shitty EQ preset on $5 pos and listens to more sine sweeps than actual music
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gato + eq is all you need
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>kilobuck pos
>You need other people to verify something that YOU specifically made to YOUR liking is good to them
Grow a spine for the love of God
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Me, I have a 5+2 and a t10 and couldn't be happier with them
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Remember to buy HQPlayer and use all your computer power to get the best reconstruction filters and advanced noise shapers instead of the limited 128-1024 tap filters in most modern DAC chips

Liner phasezos fast roll-off btfo
Yuck, I plug in my headpos and hit play lol
>keep doing that
I plan to, I just like to listen on a variety of sources to see how things translate.
>don't know neutral
What's the closest thing to neutral then? Harman or some other target?
I'm not opposed to EQing, but I'd like to have other references.
>I just like to listen on a variety of sources to see how things translate.
that's fine, but then that begs the question: why get another pos?
>What's the closest thing to neutral then? Harman or some other target?
in absurdly short: preference ~= neutral. almost every preference study has shown that harmanIE2019 is still the most preferred target (that is until recently with the Soundguys target which is itself very similar to jm-1 with a -10db/oct tilt)
these two sound very different, so you can use both targets and that should cover most of your needs
>I'm not opposed to EQing, but I'd like to have other references.
perfectly fine as well, just don't delude yourself into audiophool bullshit. frequency response is all that matters (much more complicated than just graphs but that's the gist)
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reminder you're a human, not a bat
earlet cope
im a rat
wow, i just tested the eq for my wankers, shit is so good
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>but then that begs the question: why get another pos?
Because full size headphones are much less accurate. I reference on them as well, don't need anymore. Besides, I'm not poor and like trying stuff.
Very useful info though, thanks. I'll have to dig into the various targets. Any recommendations on pos that get close to either of those targets?
I'm pretty good at resisting audiophoolery I have my monitors and sub and room treatment, and I'm used to how my room sounds, I don't need more than that production wise.
>Any recommendations on pos that get close to either of those targets?
if you're looking for the most compliant pos:
simgot supermix4 or truthear nova for harmanIE2019
hisenior mega5est or kiwi ears ke4 for jm-1 with -10db/oct tilt
you could of course eq your zero to these targets but enjoy yourself with buying one of the above
thankfully cringinacle is saving iems with the project meta !!
>you could of course eq your zero to these targets
This is such a meme
I use 3 jm-1 target autoEQs from 3 different FR measurements and get 3 different sounding results (which all sound like shit btw)
This shit is literally not viable unless you can measure it yourself or luck out
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ordered the muse m5 ultra
hit play and enjoy the squeek bros
how do i fix my iem falling off the cable, its the socket not the cable. pliers? i don't care if i break them i'm already planning on buying new ones anyways

>fat tranny retard
there are about a thousand traps that you have probably fallen into, though i don't blame you since eq is hard
the eq guide is a good reference, but is missing a few aspects imo
if you don't care about potentially messing up the cable, just slightly angle one of the prongs so it isn't parallel. hopefully that's enough to keep them in place
Loosened? Try to cut the tiniest piece of aluminum foil you can get and stuff it inside the socket wall
editor here
appreciate all the kind words <3
on another note, another sales period is coming. this means another goddamn spreadsheet and updates
ill try to be more involved this time (...)

btw, this is the time to get your linsoul lec. they nerfed it a bit this time and during 11.11, but it is still very good, and can result in some of the biggest savings of the event
So what's the best buy for $50 and under? I need to upgrade from my Holas.
oh, and i wish you all a nice evening
Anyone know if I can use Linsoul $50 reserve card on a perorder product?
kekfine klean or artti t10 as cheap as you can find (around $40)

yes. most of their shit is labeled pre-order
>if you don't care about potentially messing up the cable, just slightly angle one of the prongs so it isn't parallel. hopefully that's enough to keep them in place
this worked better than i'd like to admit thanks anon
Nice. I'll probably pick up the tanchjim dac then (don't even need a dac, just want the asano engraving and stand).
How do you guys clean your ears?
there's literally no difference between me changing somebody else's measurements by hand vs autoEQ doing it dumbasses
sure I can use muh shelves etc but result is basically the same
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any kilopos enjoyers?
Few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide in your earhole, lay your head on one side to let it melt the wax for like 30 seconds. Drain your earhole and wipe it clean. Repeat for the other one. Just don't do it daily, shit's a bit corrosive.
I prefer the clarity of flat bass but mud is fun sometimes depending on the tracks.
how much space do playlists take up wondering how much space i should leave
1024 GB
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If somebody listening to this says IEMs are bad then IEMs are actually good.
>get at least midrange right
Lol. Lmao.
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what the fuck are those measurements
>that's not a thing
Read the guide bro, it has the links.
>there's no way to verify that
If you have a speaker setup that you EQd with a measurement mic then you can just compare to that. But without it yeah, you just got some target that sounds good, not necessarily accurate. Though all the blind tests so far confirm that people converge on a similar target.
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>-10db tilt
>-10db/oct tilt
>-10db/oct tilt

Imagine the soundstage
>44.1 kHz 16-bit FLAC
>500 kbps
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Do I get the moondrop mays?
No, i'd say you're more of a edc pro guy
What the fuck is that knee, bro.
i'm not buying kz in 2025

why are you looking there, you gay or something boy?
Then buy it in 2024 bro, 6 weeks left!!!
No idea why this is regarded so highly in my third worldie country.
don't listen to this faggot >>103253045 as he's the resident troll/retard/schizo and shartman shill here, neutral does not mean preferred at all unless of course you like neutral sound which not everyone does, in short neutral is the direct equivalent of listening flat-tuned (neutral) speakers in a well-curated room, in case of IEMs you have to take that straight line and apply all the gains created by your ear canal, pinna, head and torso, which pretty much always results in some variation of tilted diffuse field, that's what you should aim for and, if necessary, find out if your individual anatomy makes the current standard JM-1 diffuse field a tad too bright/dark or just fine, but overall it is the current neutral target
harman (aka shartman) on the other hand started as a take on the neutral target but deviated into a kind of V-shape target when sean olive, the head researcher, decided to make it exciting, engaging and fun to listen to, which is pretty much the opposite of neutral
there's also the bass amount, that part is up to preference as there's no way to reliably measure how much bass is neutral
People do not prefer "exciting" speaker targets in blind tests, they prefer neutral. So whatever IEM target people prefer in blind tests is neutral. And that target is Harman. Bass preference exists in both the speakers and the IEMs, adjust it as you please.
The whole push to make jm-1 neutral came from the headphone people defining hd600 as neutral. It's never been neutral.
Why do """people""" hate bassist so much bro??
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Hey guys I found a photograph of Crinacle at the beach in Singapore.
Would marry and pursue a healthy life with our childs while meassuring pos together
"If you can't read a nutrition label then you can't read a spec sheet".
>read a spec sheet

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