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old >>102840506
what time is it?
now that 4chanX is dead, what extension should I use? The native one blows ass
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What do you guys reccomend for sound setup for PC gaming?
Please no response from those who worry about noise pollution and other children, I dont need to know about your "uni" cuck setup. I walk naked around my property.
Budget is about $500 and competition is an 8 year old pair of dusty SH HD598s with a Mixamp that SHOULD still work.
XL sounds good
Never had enough problem with X to bother
larper here.
i provide IT sysadmin services, what should I be doing now to set up a local LLM so that my clients (who provide consulting services) can reduce headcount? e.g. architects, law firm, and so forth
i suppose the first thing i'll do is acquire a desktop with 2 GPUs that have a ton of VRAM
I think you meant XT and yes it's exactly what I wanted, thank you
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is there a way to get rid / lessen the scratch mark on the band slot? it's an aluminum body and i accidentally scratched it when i was swapping bands and the metal circler part on the band scratched it when sliding it in. its on the bottom of the watch so not too visible, but it's a new watch and it does kinda annoy me
LowLevelFatalError [File:d:\j\workspace\B\b_BuW64MEp\cw\Engine\Source\Runtime\D3D12RHI\Private\D3D12Util.cpp] [Line: 253]
Adapter->GetDXGIFactory2()->CreateSwapChain(pCommandQueue, &SwapChainDesc, SwapChain.GetInitReference()) failed
at d:\j\workspace\B\b_BuW64MEp\cw\Engine\Source\Runtime\D3D12RHI\Private\Windows\WindowsD3D12Viewport.cpp:129
with error 887A0004

0x000000003D47FE4C KERNELBASE.dll!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000BF419BD7 ff7remake_.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000BF3F7A5B ff7remake_.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000BF6FD21A ff7remake_.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000BF704A05 ff7remake_.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000BF6FFBCB ff7remake_.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000BFFDD0BA ff7remake_.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000BFFDD807 ff7remake_.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000BF780518 ff7remake_.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000C068ED7A ff7remake_.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000C03C4EE4 ff7remake_.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000BDD9D48F ff7remake_.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000BDD99607 ff7remake_.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000BDDA3FBA ff7remake_.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000BDDA4170 ff7remake_.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00000000C16CFCE2 ff7remake_.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x000000003DC8257D KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction []
0x000000003FD6AF08 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction []
0x000000003FD6AF08 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction []

no matter what i do with steam or the shortcut settings, i can't make my windows 11 boot this in dx11 so I can use dxvk or anything else I want. it just keeps trying to boot in dx12. what the fuck, man?
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Weird PGP question about signing and reuse. I understand the concept of signing a message with a private key and others who have your public key being able to verify that (realistically) the message has come from you. Fine, makes sense. Here's the question: Suppose I go on 4chan and someone asks me, "Do you like puppies?" and I respond with a simple signed message saying, "Yes." What's to stop someone from reusing that message in a purposefully malicious context? Couldn't someone realistically ask, "Do you like beheading people?" and paste my same signed "Yes" as earlier and make it appear as me, since it's still signed with my private key? Just a question of malicious reuse, I guess.
What equipment (camera & lense) or post-processing techniques do I need to make photos like this?
Why do you insist on local, though? Off the top of my head, I'm pretty sure a lot of LLM solutions have some sort of enterprise licensure that could accommodate you.
I downloaded telegram's official apk to access a news report. It wants my phone number but am using an mini tablet. My phone is a dumb flip phone. How can I proceed? Should I delete the apk and forget it? Ty
this feels like a nightmarish problem that's stumping even the most advanced IT heads I ask, I have tried almost EVERYTHING
How to check if an .exe file could do something with a network? I know that in order to connect somewhere, a program should import ws2_32.dll system library and use it's functions to open sockets. But, is there any other signs that a program could interact with the Internet?
>use old pc with i3 2120 + ATI 5670 to watch movies
>a couple of days ago W10 updates
>turn on TV
>no signal
>no signal
>try iGPU
>it works
>update ATI drivers
>still no signal
So are you telling me the GPU magically died?
if I run a local LLM, I can charge the client $20k a year to maintain it as long as I can demonstrate that it reduces his headcount by at least 1 seat.

if the client sees I'm just "prompt engineering" a business license, it becomes a lot harder to demonstrate my value add
canon f1
Look into using brasso or silvo or some other metal polish. Should work fine
Oh wait it's anodized? Uhh, idk then.
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cool pic where is this

Need help finding a phone with specific requirements

quote the question with your response
over here: >>102876681
I have a python script that I have set up to loop indefinitely on a raspberry pi (i.e. raspbian). Am I better up figuring how to do it on crontab or using nohup?
val camonica
Can I get a QRD on various display technologies currently on the market?
bumping. how tf do I run dx11 in windows 11? is it impossible?!?! can I use linux in a dual boot and use rtx 4090 well? I hear linux hates it. wtf do I do
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Is the Midori Next Generation browser good? It looks like it is basically supposed to be a super-lightweight Firefox-ish browser and I feel the need for something much lighter than the popular browsers.
My landlord told me to get out so he could sell, I had to quickly find a place in a sketchy neighborhood.

I used to be obese and take my cardio seriously, if I swap my T-mobile sim between a cheapo phone when I do my cardio and my nice phone st home once a day, everyday, will T-mobile lock my account or something for suspicious activity?

I just wanna lose some cheap garbage if I'm mugged and not my good shit.
Just get a really cheap sim for the shit phone. It doesn't need a lot unless you're planning to stream music while doing cardio.
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My router died so I am plugging the ethernet cable directly from the ONT into my PC
It's stuck at 100mbps, why?
The ethernet card on my PC is supposedly 2.5gbps and when it was ONT <-> Router <-> PC I got 1000mbps using the same cables
It does that if one or more of the cable connections is missing. 100Mb only uses 2 of 4 wire pairs.
My Nvidia GPU is locking it's clock speed at 139 mhz intermittently. Seems to be a common problem with many postings online that never find a solution. I've tried just about everything I've found, last attempt was locking the voltage and frequency with afterburner but that didn't work.

700w reported by benchmarks and afterburner and they say that's just fine. Some kind of sensor is broken? How much of a meme is it to bake the card in an oven to reseat soldering?
well I'm using the exact same cable so it can't be a cable issue
It's either the physical connection at some point or the adapter is pegged to 100Mb in settings. Did you try changing out the cables before you got rid of the router? It could be your cable has a bad spot.
Which zephyrus g14 is the most budget friendly as a gaming laptop / work and college laptop?
If said news report is on Telegram channel then you can most likely read it in the browser without logging into any account.
Does anyone have any experience with either GPU programming or hardware/software reverse engineering, and if so, how interesting did you find the work? I'm evaluating a couple internship offers for this summer, and it's come down to either signal processing via GPUs or embedded systems reverse engineering, and I'm having a hard time picking which to go with.
ONT <cable1> Router <cable2> PC
ONT <cable1> RJ45 Coupler <cable2> PC
The cables didn't change and I don't have another cable long enough to from the ONT to anything.
The coupler is rated for 1000mbps.
Sounds like you need to buy some more cables or use a device you can get closer to the ONT. Maybe get a USB Ethernet adapter for your phone. You can test both ways with that thanks to tethering.
But it literally cannot be a cable issue because these cables worked fine when the router wasn't dead
Is it possible to format a 1TB external hard drive as FAT32?
It's the cable. Go buy another network adapter and prove me wrong.
yeah, fat32 goes up to 16tb
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How? It's not giving any option for that.
The windows formatter has arbitrary limits. Use another tool
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How do I download .py plugin files?
I click the download button at https://github.com/qbittorrent/search-plugins/wiki/Unofficial-search-plugins but it only gives me a screen full of text?
What should I use? Would EaseUS be safe?
True, just envisioned a raw source type of news that might bring a new perspective.
I searched "telegram no phone#" and there are the usual temp, or virtual or fragment numbers but thought I check here.
No problem, think I'll delete it, thanks anyways.
the mouse i put thousands of hours into has a left click thats acting up, how do i fix it? IE if i hold left click it actually clicks like 10 times instead of holding left click and stuff like that
how can i force videos in chrome to play with different calibration settings? the irony of the company being called gamma entertainment but the 21sextury porn videos are rendered with washed out settings, most noticeable in dark scenes, so they look like shit compared to other videos or even their own thumbnails.
Right click the link and pick "save link as". You could also press "save as" on the opened file (the page with the text). Either works
Depends what's causing the issue. For my mouse it was the plastic piece that bends when you click. I ended up bending it up a bit (away from where it usually bends) and adding some tape to the underside to support it
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cinnamon is better
Is it possible to uninstall dx12 from Windows? So the only option it has is to boot via dx11
it might be possible, although it'd be a hassle for me to do it going back and forth whenever I want to play FF7. im wondering if mint linux with dxvk might be the best bet
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Things like this forced me to have a Linux box at home, even when being a "full Windows user".
Anything remotely related to storage or networking -> just give up and go to your Linux box, it's way easier.
>inb4 "why not a VM"
My worries are real world related -> access to physical hardware is relevant. And I'm a big dumb for setting up passthrus.
Live Linux USB stick is your next best option.
afaik the old MBR table doesn't support partitions larger than 2TB so you need GPT.
Or if the drive is for Linux/Unix-use only: do without a table. (although why use FAT32 on Unix-only scenario?)
how the fuck do I juggle a work phone and a personal phone without going insane?
Is your internets SUPPOSED to be higher than 100Mbit? Broken cables can drop it to 100Mbits too.
Your NIC being whatever speed means shit here.
Doesn't Raspbian use systemd? Use systemd units like a grown up.
The phone number doesn't have to be local to the device.
Just go with it.
I pay for 500/500 and got that speed when my router wasn't bricked

Before my router died I got 500/500 and this was the setup:
ONT <---cable1---> Router <---cable2---> CouplerA <---cable3---> CouplerB <---cable4---> PC

After my router died I replaced the Router with another Coupler to have the ONT directly plugged into my PC. Stuck at 100mbps
ONT <---cable1---> CouplerC <---cable2---> CouplerA <---cable3---> CouplerB <---cable4---> PC

And again my ethernet card/device/whatever it's technically called is 2.5gbps and WAS getting 500/500 when the router was not bricked.
And again again all cables are the exact same so it can't really be a cable issue. I also tested to see if it was a coupler daisy chain issue (if that's even a thing) and I removed CouplerB and it was still stuck at 100mbps
Kind of a silly question. Lets say you have an old computer, with a low-end for its time cpu. If you often see the cpu hit 60%-80%, but not 100%, will you see any real usage benefit from upgrading to the highest-end (for its era) cpu?
I'm still calling your cable or connectors broken. The 100Mbit/s speed just tells me too much.
Get a soldering iron and replace picrels. Either to new ones or cannibalize from old mouses.
Massive trouble but if your mouse is a nice one and you got some spare time, why not. Extra points from being a treehugger and using parts from old devices.
Yes. There's responsiveness to consider, not just counting the throughput of numbers getting crushed.
>cpu hit 60%-80%, but not 100%
Like when web browsing? What kind of hardware are we talking? I remember seeing 100% usage on web browsings in around 2010.
Yes, but you could also probably do this
You might need an older version of XFCE mint though
That's what google says too but I was getting 500/500 with these exact same cables before the router broke
Mint Cinnamon runs fine on my AMD E-350
I'd have to get an entirely new OS to format this 1TB USB drive as FAT32?
Try opening disk manager or learn how to use diskpart, they're both built in.
Could always just get a gym membership and use the treadmill; Not all sims are interchangeable.
Could try setting up dxvk and vulkan
"get"? If that's what booting a live stick is called, yeah?
Do monitors need to advertise specifically that they support MST, or do all displayport 1.2 monitors support MST?
>There's responsiveness to consider
I see, well I'm using a dualcore and the one I'm looking to upgrade(lol) is a quad, but as I said it never actually hits 100%

>Like when web browsing?
Yes, but webbrowsing with literally thousand of open tabs (with tab suspender extensions tho), and always a couple videos or streams in the background. I know some people use c2d but can't do more than a few tabs at a time

>What kind of hardware are we talking?
Sandy Bridge. I only use this computer for web browsing and light stuff, I have a newish desktop for gaymes.

>I remember seeing 100% usage on web browsings in around 2010.
On very javascript heavy sites like Pixiv, yes it does hit max usage at times when I open a few tabs. But I've seen other people complain about Pixiv even on newer hardware so idk

I'll install Debian one of these days, I don't mind it being a bit harder to learn/use as long as it's as stable and reliable as everyone says it is.
I don't know anything about finger print tracing so here.
So I was fucking around with a throw-away-email-site called "Mailiantor" and eventually I reached the limit of the free trial, to holy fucking shit this website has FBI type of fucking security because I switched devices, wi-fi, browsers and random free VPNS and it still gives me nothing or that fucking "Reached limit" response. This is starting to get ridiculous, because even fucking TOR couldn't get around it. Can anyone tell how can I get pass it?
Anyone run into issues with Opera's "vpn" ?

I just want something simple and easy to use because pornsites are being turbofaggots. A proxy is good enough for me for this purpose. But just wanting to make sure there's no known issues with Opera being shit.
>with literally thousand of open tabs
Now you need more RAM.
>(with tab suspender extensions tho), and always a couple videos or streams in the background
More cores helps with this.
The hard part of Debian is their freetardness, not the way the system is built. It's your usual and traditional Linux with binary packages and package management that solves dependencies.
Typical situation is when a newbie does a minimal installation and the minimalism of the system surprises that newbie. "Where is my network wizard, idk how to set up le networks"
In Linux jargon this means package stability, it's great for developers who don't want their ENVIRONMENT to change. It does help with stability as in "does not crash" but it's not super relevant for a desktopper.
quit watching porn
Apparently Amazon(.de) calls these things "passkeys".
>Yubikey (as they are the big inventor and brand)
>U2F (???)
and what else synonyms can I expect?
>screen suddenly goes off like power loss for a second then turns back on
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Does backing up /sdcard/Android/data compare to backing up "dotfiles" on Linux? Or does it work like that at all? Or am I supposed to use the ADB backup command? I don't want ALL of the phone's contents.
Idea is to save the bare minimum of app data, no binaries etc, just the thing that makes any *app installation* mine. I don't care about system settings or system in general.
fixed my problem. Now I have a new one, lol. I have a bunch of SSDs, right, so I cloned the game's folder to my local disk C and not just on my E. So they share saves, setting sheets, but are on different drives. FOR SOME REASON!! Local Disc C has the game stuttering a bunch? Not like mad but more than I'd like. And the E install is super buttery smooth, the stutters are barely noticeable

bare in mind ff7 is a game known for stuttering like a mad cunt. Is there something that would make my main disk slower to play games from?
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The USB port on the top of my PC tower near the front isn't working anymore but all the other ones are. Why might this happen? How do I fix? I haven't tried blowing it out yet because I need to order a can of air. Do you think it's just got stuff in it? But how? I never leave it unplugged

Help me /g/
What is O(KC(N,K)) ?
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I need to fit few video sources on one screen just like in pic rel.
Is it doable in vlc? Can it be done through browser or something?
Opening multiple vlc windows will result in changing the default window size and i need to check different recordings simultaneously
What CLI app would you recommend for taking screenshot of a webpage?
Squint CLI is crap and has shit documentation.
And refuses to remove itself with `npm uninstall -g squint`
its a 20€ Steelseries Rival 100 from like 8 years ago, i really like the shape and how it feels but its not worth all the hassle probably
i may give it a shot just to see if i could do it
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>mfw trying to buy crypto (specifically USDC) for the first time since like 2017
>haha we need your phone number, oh also we need your ID, also these features vary by country
holy fuck. What happened? Why is it so complicated now? Why can't I just put my credit/debit card in and buy some fucking crypto? Do I have to go on a goddamn darknet site just to buy some crypto semi-anonymously now? oh my god

>(This is also mfw going through old E-mails and seeing how much bit/litecoin I spent on drugs back when bitcoin was ~$1,000. At least LSD turned out to be literally indescribably interesting.)

I got an AW3225QF and it's great, but I don't consider it worth the money unless you're a baller or game (or watch HDR movies) a lot. I played DOOM Eternal on this and that was amazing, but I don't game too often so it's sort of wasted on me. I can see slight burn-in and uneven colors/brightness even though I keep it on low brightness and do pixel refreshes every few hours. Well I haven't done a panel refresh in a while, maybe that would fix it. But monitors shouldn't need care taken just to keep them displaying properly imo. Basically I don't think OLEDs are quite ready to be desktop monitors yet. Maybe next year.
True blacks are great for dark room spergs like me though.
My shutdown.exe -f keeps failing on a regular basis and I find my pc back with the login screen in the morning. Are there any logs that can show me what fucked with it?
>What happened?
Eventually law enforcement convinced people in charge that crypto is used mainly for crime and moneylaundering. so the exchanges matured to where it is no longer the wild west and if they want to keep operating they need to do some basic KYC and shit.
Basically, you probably need to buy traceable crypto, then dump it into a shady converter to get untraceable crypto and then use that for whatever you planned to do.
have you tried the windows event log? system section should have some info
It's public payphones all over again. Then crypto is going to become something even more complicated to trace.
I tried a different PCI-E, but I had to remove the fans. Had about ten mins to test before a fire started. I couldn't get it to lock up with some of the surefire things. Hard to believe it's the initial slot causing the problem but it's the answer I would prefer. Thoughts?
It pwobly got unplugged inside the PC from all your vigorous clapsterfelating
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>small (preferably e-ink) display
>connectable via USB or serial
>display network connectivity and service status etc
E-ink would suit the use case as there's practically no movement, not anything faster than 0.5fps.
What protocols and stuff should I be looking at?
Has anyone tried cheap Chinese M.2 USB cases that you can get from Amazon? Or would I be better off buying an expensive from a known manufacturer?

>internet randomly acting up
>ethernet says connected to internet
>open browser
>nothing loads
>turn on vpn
>says connected then a minute later says disconnected
>tried disabling ether and enabled wifi
>same thing - “connected” but nothing loads
what could be the issue? This has never happened before and nothing’s changed.

I’m on phone data rn, also I should add that I tried the same thing on my phone. says connected to wifi but nothing is loading
>Deleted SSD before installing Linux from flash drive
What do?
>manually enable 3200mhz ram speed in bios
>windows runs like a fucking pig, takes tens of seconds to do thumbnails
why the fuck is this happening?
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ÂżHow do I increase my protection score?
What's the point of those media center thingies for your home server, like Plex or Jellyfin?
I have a NAS with a decent media library.
Around 800 movies, 50 TV shows, 200 days worth of music, etc. but it's really no problem accessing all that from the file browser on my computer of mobile devices.
Is the only purpose of those media server applications to provide a nice UI and some features like rating stuff? What speaks against just opening individual movies in VLC? I get that you might want something like that for music, and Musicbee is great, but who needs a UI to make playlists out of movies or any of that stuff?
like im wondering if it's the disk or if the connection it's using to the motherboard is weaker or not

i checked nvme or sata and this is bizarre, the disk that's sata is actually less stuttery with streaming than my nvme local c disk???
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Some food got on my monitor and delaminated the anti-reflective coating, is there anything I can do to fix it?
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People have pajeetware Android-TVs and shit like that and Plex/Jellyfin/whatever can transcode all those pirated animes into MPEG2 the Android-TV can understand. It's the only point.
That's a silly thing to measure by points, Ă…ke. Do the test thru a VPN and they'll give you more points. Assumed their test recognizes your whatever VPN as a VPN.
How is your IPv6-score btw?
But can't Android TVs also run apps? I run VLC on my FireTV and I can browse the files from there just like I would on my tablet. How shitty exactly are those "smort" TVs ffs?
It's good for syncing play progress between devices and integrates with normoid UI like Roku or whatever. Because people don't want to consult a flow chart to watch TV.
yeah ok that sounds valid
I was just wondering if I was missing out on something
Can't honestly remember which one I attempted to use back in the day. Anyway, I gave it my whole Bittorrent folder - movies, TV, audio books, audio, software, everything - only to find out its not smart enough for that and that I should manually pick every and each TV series and movie I wanted in my library.
How do normies actually use these? They go and pirate one movie and then manually add it to their Plex/Jellyfin? And repeat this for everything?
I'm clearly not getting the end goal of this project.
You never did respond with your CPU and MOBO in the last thread.
Yeah, they're just trying to scare you into buying their VPN service.
Define deleted? Open gparted, go to the disk in question, go to devices and create a partition table (msdos or gpt), save, boot to OS installer.
Are you your own network administrator? Try setting up a static IP and changing your DNS. Is your computer the only one affected on the network? Could also try "renew lease". I'm guessing either your forgot to pay your internet bill, or DHCP is acting up, or the network admin blacklisted you.
Could likely be done with fplayer or whatever the ffmpeg player is called.
Maybe it needs a driver
Your setup. The disk is reading/writing for the gameplay as well as reading/writing for the data transfer(s), so it's bottlenecked. Just keep it on a single drive, and make daily back-ups instead of real-time back-ups. Depending on your motherboard, having too many drives or pci-e lanes occupied could also cause bottle-necks.
Could be multiple things, power supply, GPU, or monitor. Could also be the power strip or wall outlet.
Plex/Jellyfin automatically adds any files that show up in their libraries. There are whole systems like sonarr/radarr that track episode releases and automatically download to media library directories.
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Why did I find a Lenovo sticker in this customer's MacBook? Does Lenovo do some kind of refurbishing side gig I've never heard of? The lady says she's nwver had it worked on before, but customers are stupid so Idunno if I believe her.
If I have a splitter that has an ethernet cable that connects to a router port, is there added benefit in running an additional cable from the splitter to the router if I have leftover ports? Does it add redundancy?
Never would have guessed that a single USB port suddenly having problems after working fine for a long time could be a driver issue. But it is the one that's away from all the rest in the back. I'll try to look into that.
If it's not that maybe it has insufficient power
I think it's there for two reasons, one is to prevent wireless interference, the other is to setup as an access point. (I'm guessing you're talking about a repeater)
Where find win 7 iso archive org still down
What ya going to do with it?
I think my (shitty) homeserver running Debian has it's bootdrive filled causing issues with some databases. Is there an easy way to find things I can toss or move to make space? Like finding files that haven't been touched in a while or something? I barely know what I'm doing with Linux.
root@Server:/home/user# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/Server--vg-root 106G 100G 0 100% /
What ya using the server for?
There's a headphone general right? Go look there, and if you need a microphone just add one. I use a modmic attached to a DT 770 Pro with an ODAC which in total was about what you're looking for I think, but this was a decade ago now I think.
I just ignore the work phone for the most part. If the workflow is retarded because of bad settings that's not my problem, but IT's. I have an autistic holster for my personal phone and keep my workphone in my pocket during work.
Is there an app for android that ssans for ope wifi networks and notify uou wiy sound when it has found one?
A bunch of shit, that's why I would like to know how to find stuff. I set and forgot a bunch, it's likely there's a bunch of cruft that's not even being used anymore.
NAS with zfs drives, tt-rss (one of the things that recently broke), mpd (can't write to database), automatically downloading stuff, etc.
So I discovered I still had 2 laptops from 10 years ago covered with dust.
>One of them has a broken screen, the rest seems fine
>One of them has a Bios problem
What should I do with them? Is it worth trying to repair it?
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Stop using an outdated OS
not here to ask a question
just wanted to remind everyone that, if you don't know your firewall settings, your firewall settings are wrong and dangerous
It block all incomings, allow all outgoing.
Right. So you download some video files through TOR, but they're compromised. As soon as you watch them, they connect to fed servers, bypassing your TOR browser. Next thing you know you're crawling on all fours naked in Guantanamo Bay.
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I know this is hard to believe, but most of us don't do felonies over Tor on the regular.
>video files ... compromised. As soon as you watch them, they connect to fed servers
That's impossible.
Have a MSI Tomahawk B550 with dual Ethernet ports
How can I use them to daisy chain connections?
Using linux if there's anything software related
it's not. it's literally a method that has been used by the feds before.
It most definitely is if your Tor device is capable of reaching the outside network. They don't even need an exploit. Just rely on video players going online to look for subtitles or fonts and you probably bag more than half the viewers.
>It most definitely is if your Tor device
I even disregarded TOR my dude.
> Just rely on video players going online to look for subtitles
That would be a badly setup video player, or compromised video player. Not a compromised video file.
>Ram and HDDs work
>Screen has some rubber bolts put in to make it hard to replace without a special tool
>Motherboard is fried
At least I saved the HDD and RAM with the DVD drives
Is there an updated "Everything you will need to know ever" torrent? The one I found last had only files up until 2015
schizo question
if I have linux on one SSD and windows on the other, is there any security issue? Would one OS be able to access files from the other one?
Do I need to configure it properly?
Is there a place or a general on 4chan where people who know a lot about video editing software hang out?
have you tried /gd/?
>if I have linux on one SSD and windows on the other, is there any security issue?
"Security issue" is very broad. Really depends on what security issue is in question
>Would one OS be able to access files from the other one?
Somewhat. Linux has enough tools to read and write to NTFS partition. Windows can't read ext4, btrfs, xfs that are standard for Linux. There is a program for Windows that can read these partitions but not write. I forgot the name.

>Do I need to configure it properly?
Yes. You need to make sure you have ntfs-3g package installed and configure the fstab file to auto mount on boot
No, but I did leave a question in their Question's general thread, so maybe they are or maybe they'll point me to a better board.
>"Security issue" is very broad.
what I had in mind was, for example: my windows gets compromised, and in effect, someone can access my linux via windows. Maybe there are other issues but I'm not educated enough on that matter.
>You need to make sure you have ntfs-3g
even if the 2 OSes are on separate SSDs? I though all I need to do is choose OS during startup
einks are usually driven by spi or optionally i2c
their datasheets are usually chinkshit because waveforms are le higly guarded sekrits, so you may need to bang your head on it for a bit if examples don't do what you want
waveshare is probably the best known vendor of the displays. as for the brain part you'll probably want to opt for rpi w, i wouldn't recommend anything esp32 based unless you don't like yourself
Bridge the adapters in network settings, should work fine.
Iplan to expand my homeserver that uses docker containers, will step from 4 to around 18 containers

is it best to write a large docker-compose file or go with something like ansible?
>what I had in mind was, for example: my windows gets compromised, and in effect, someone can access my linux via windows.
Still depends on what length the attack go to. But for the most part, no, most viruses won't affect your Linux system.
>even if the 2 OSes are on separate SSDs? I though all I need to do is choose OS during startup
ntfs-3g is just a package you install once during OS installation. It is the reason why you can explore windows's NTFS partition in the first place. You don't have to do anything during bootup
i isolated my 4chan image upload problems to waterfox
what firefox variant should i try instead?
just take the L retard
My L that I'm right that video files can't be malicious like that?
i have a really recent asus hero and a ryzen 7950x3d and rtx 4090, would the bottleneck be the cooling? it's a closed loop cooler and someone i know told me nvmes need specific cooling operations

i have no idea what else my setup could be doing to bottleneck this
and afaik the data transfers are just save files as well as reading from an ini once. on local disk C, it was ALL on that drive, and STILL chugging
to clarify, local disk E would technically be the one disk jumping, and that's sata. and it was still faster than my nvme local drive
Somebody explain this to me please. I don't know if it's a troll post by the mods or not.
Can't post unless you have the right cookies, either by waiting 15 minutes or verifying an email or being retarded and having a pass. Seems pretty simple to me.
I think it only applies to /v/ only. I was worried it might affect the whole site.
Yes, only on /v/ like it says. And /pol/ like it says on there.
No, legit video player exploits happen. Go pull the CVE records for ffmpeg. There have been lots of cases where specially crafted video files could execute arbitrary code on the host system. This constitutes a malicious video file by any reasonable definition.
And that "specially crafted video file" means "looking for subtitles online"? Stop moving the goalposts nigger.
oof. depending on the severity, like if it's just in one corner, trim off the loose part. a matte clear coat MIGHT improve it ever so slightly but it will never be as good as new. or peel the coating off altogether and end up with a glossy monitor. you can get pretty good monitors for <$200 these days though.
why should I not just jam a bunch of nvmes in a case for a fast home server?
My PC screen goes black sometimes when I do specific actions (has happened for months), usually when I change tabs on Firefox but sometimes when alt tabbing across different windows it happens too. Should I be worried? I checked all the event logs on Windows but there's nothing, I was expecting some kind of graphical device crash. Usually it happens infrequently once a day maybe less but I just had it happen twice in one minute (both from changing tabs) so Idk.
What's using a meme deck like when not gaming and just doing basic web shit like watching videos and replying to emails? Is the touch screen keyboard good enough for that task or is it janky? I'll probably be getting one regardless since my shitty ancient HP gaymer tower is kill and the meme deck out specs it anyway.

Non the less I wanna know what the UI experience is like and if I need to hunt for knock off docks during an Amazon sale for a jsaux or whatever.
>you can get pretty good monitors for <$200 these days though.
My monitor is a $900 oled
if you're the delaminated anon, maybe peel it off and see how you like it, or pull a return scam with amazon, get a new one and return the busted one
They did that to /v/ as well, I think they will do it site wide. You have to have certain cookies enabled. If you only allow 4chan cookies, it doesn't work
>have loose heat sink so fucking with CPU off and on
>unlatch it the other day and it pops out of the socket (first time this has ever happened to me)
>get it all back together after repasting and such, computer turns on and immediately turns itself off
>try this with a different same socket CPU and the same thing happens
>install an older motherboard with the same socket
>computer runs fine but with BOTH CPUs, it tells me no signal detected - plugged into my video card and even the onboard card.

Would anyone feel like offering some advice or help me troubleshoot? What would cause my computer to turn itself off immediately? With a magnifying glass, I didn't even see a bent CPU socket pin or anything of that nature. What might cause my other mobo to give me a no signal detect?
I am poor and cannot easily replace parts, and I am very frustrated. Please lend me some advice.
>if you're the delaminated anon
I am but I bought it directly from Dell, I could pretend it's burnt in but I won't do that, it's only a very tiny part that I can't see even if all the lights in the room are on and directly pointing at it, I can only see it if I move my head in a direction it would never be in normal situations. I would still like to fix it though.
if you need something to manage your containers, i think you may want to look into portainer (never used it but i've heard it many times before)
Not related to your question but
> After the verification email has been sent, your email address will be purged from our servers.
What's the point of this then? A bot or spammer could simply create one valid email address, get banned, ban evade, verify, and repeat ad infinitum, the entire process is pointless
It's an extra hurdle, maybe that's all they want. And maybe they keep a hash of the emailadress and connect it to bans? Maybe they lied. I think they just wanted the least intrusive method that curbed some automated bullshit.
this originated on /vg/
The goalpost was never there. You're just hallucinating a discussion where you're not wrong.
my guess would be that the heatsink doesn't make proper contact with the cpu
check the mounting points and make sure its not fucked up somehow
>The goalpost was never there.
>> Just rely on video players going online to look for subtitles
>That would be a badly setup video player, or compromised video player. Not a compromised video file.
Shut the fuck up.
Well technically /biz/, but I don't know if the 15 minute option was always there there. I thought you had to verify, maybe they added that later there, or I'm remembering wrong.
Pretty sure it was /biz/
does anyone have tips for managing multiple windows/programs on (ultra)wide screen monitor. made the jump from two 22" monitors to a single 34"...and... im not sure I like it!
anyone made the jump - how did you aclimitise to it...
my bad
>/biz -> /vg/ -> this was a matter of time
why does 4chan block av1 webm or just mp4 in general? It's not like devs have to manually implement the support, it's supported by browser, doesn't it literally take more work to implement checking and rejecting those formats than not?
because spinning disks have better price for the capacity and read speed doesn't matter if you're just using it for streaming media or longterm file storage
because moot set up the rule 100 years ago before browser support for those formats wasn't near-universal and hiroyuki doesn't know or care enough to bother changing it.
could it be patents? i know software patents are a giant scam but wouldn't the website providing the files technically be liable to pay royalties on those?
My loose heat sink issue isn't new so of all things, I do not believe that would be it. Plus on my other mobo, the power stays on so if there were no heatsink connection, I would imagine it would turn right back off again.
Thank you for the reply though.
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I got 4chan xt after using x for ages
before on x, if an OP was highlighted and filtered, it would not automatically hide it but highlight it. so I can just see it in the catalog
now on xt, it highlights it but also hides it, so I don't see it in the catalog (unless I show hidden, which I don't do often). can I turn this hiding off for OP's that need to be highlighted?
The video player doesn't have to be compromised to have bugs, and taking advantage of bugs or misconfigured programs with specifically malicious intent still makes a valid video file malicious. Your entire line of reasoning is moronic. Also ignoring the fact that OP said it was sufficient, not the only possible avenue. Arbitrary code execution through video format handlers still happens.
Any recs for a good tech support site/forum?
Microsoft windows tech support board saar, delete windows and reinstall for every problem you have saar
I've been adding custom routes (additional stops) to home screen from Google Maps. Do you guys know if these routes will remain as I had them, or does google try to update/ refresh/ delete them?
bleepingcomputer maybe
lmfao, stealing this image.
chrome is deprecating 4chanx, cookie auto delete, save in and ublock origin at the same time
what the fuck am I supposed to do?
the creator of ublock origin recommends installing ublock origin lite which will work in chrome
Any sub you would actually recommend? or was this a nonreply like the saar newfag?
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Is cock.li down? I'm getting a 504 when trying to log into the webmail
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What's a router port? LAN port?
>from the splitter to the router
There's no redundancy in misusing Ethernet pairs lol. Splitters basically take a 1Gbit+ line with it's all 4 pairs and splits it into two 100Mbit/s lines.
any popular subreddit that fits the issue you're having like windows or your motherboard brand if you're having issues with it
do we have an actual release date for the 9000 series? I'm tired of being a waitfag. Google only shows rumors from 5 months ago. Or am I just not looking hard enough? Either way I'm sick of waiting, I want to build my shit.
Is there a way to default ";" key to ":", without shift, under Windows?
If I have two computers, one with Windows and one with Linux, is there ever an advantage to using WSL instead of just firing up the Linux computer?
Having only one system to deal with is about it.
Maintaining one's tools is a passion and a hobby unto itself, thanks Anon
couldn't handle the cringe
Caps lock

AMD Ryzen™ 9000 & 7000 Series Desktop Processors*
2 x PCIe 5.0 x16 slots (supports x16 or x8/x8 mode(s)*
* When the PCIe 5.0 M.2 card is installed on the PCIEX16_2 slot, PCIEX16_1 will run x8 only.
AMD Ryzen™ 8700/8600 Series Desktop Processors
2 x PCIe 4.0 x16 slots (only supports PCIEx16_1 & total bandwidth for x8, PCIEx16_2 will be disabled)
AMD Ryzen™ 8500/8300 Series Desktop Processors
2 x PCIe 4.0 x16 slots (only supports PCIEx16_1 & total bandwidth for x4, PCIEx16_2 will be disabled)
AMD X670 Chipset
1 x PCIe 4.0 x1 slots
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It's been like 7 years since I last purchased a hard drive, I need a new one for external backups so I was looking for second hand cheap shit on marketplace and I found pic related.
Says SMR, I've heard bad things about SMR but never used them myself so how bad are they really? I will make full disk images from my current PC to that every month or so. I'm concerned about reliability more than anything else, if it slows down to 10MiB/s, as long as there aren't i/o errors I'm ok with it.

Also the seller is selling it suspiciously cheap, but provides SMART data and seems in good condition.
Is swift a bad language for mobile dev? Why / why not?
Why are y'all such fucking assholes to mac users?
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I am trying to switch from mpc hc to mpv but I literally cant even find the download button, please help.

>It is recommended to use the latest version from the git master branch.
I just want this, but I dont see it.
I think powertoys allows keyboard remapping
I want to write shitty little stories. I have both a spare flash drive and a spare external HDD. Is one better than the other for storing them? I don't know if the fact that they'll be many small text files makes one option better than another, or if certain forms of storage wear out somehow
are powerbanks just one of those things meant to work 4 months and then die no matter the brand? all i see is bad reviews on how these things either have wrong readings, charge slow or just explode, looking to get something capable of charging a laptop with at least 45w type c PD in case of outages
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HDD wins.
No. I'd consider /diy/'ing one case I really needed such a thing. (ghetto one from old car accessories case you have zero money)
EndeavorOS installer isn't allowing me to select my primary SSD (sdb). PartitionManager can see it and everything on it, drive health is good, and fdisk recognizes it. But I can't select it from the dropdown. It only shows my second SSD.

While typing this, it occurred to me that I set the mount points on my sdb partitions through partition manager before beginning the installer. Could this have done something?
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>While typing this, it occurred to me that I set the mount points on my sdb partitions through partition manager before beginning the installer. Could this have done something?
Yes, being mounted and in use could trigger a logic in the installer.
It's not mounted, I just set the mount point. I wanted to make sure the installer used sdb4 for the home partition, so I set mount points for the root partition and the home partition. But they weren't mounted.
>Go to Windows builds by shinchiro
>click show all assets on the latest release if they aren't all shown
>download mpv-x86_64-v3-20241020-git-37159a8.7z
>make a mpv directory somewhere and extract the contents of the 7z
>set your files to open by default with mpv.exe
>run updater.bat to update
you can also run the install.bat
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Obviously /mnt/foo cannot be / simultaneously.
I think you answered your own question
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>You never did respond with your CPU and MOBO in the last thread.
AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
ASRock B450M Pro4 AM4 M-ATX
does it really matter if my memory isn't a power-of-two? i.e. if i have 2x8GB and 2x16GB for 48GB of memory.
I'm currently using Bitwarden, but I find the Android app a bit clunky, so I'm looking for an alternative.
I'm willing to pay around $1-2 per month, as long as it offers encryption, a smooth Android app, and good browser support.
>second hand
Kidings me? Or get a bunch of used drives and do a RAID 5 or 6.
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I need a really long HDMI cable to connect my PC to my TV for 4k content so I'm going with a fiber optic one, this company seems to be the most reputable but the cable listing doesn't list 4070 Ti as supported which is what I have, does this mean anything or should I be fine
Hey guys, I'm looking for a free working Kosovo proxy/VPN. Please help.
I got 4chan xt after using x for ages
before on x, if an OP was highlighted and filtered, it would not automatically hide it but highlight it. so I can just see it in the catalog
now on xt, it highlights it but also hides it, so I don't see it in the catalog (unless I show hidden, which I don't do often). can I turn this hiding off for OP's that need to be highlighted?
What's a good indepth learning resource for advanced CPU topics such as parallelism, hyperthreading and out of order execution methods?
Mainly curious about what make cpu go fast beyond clocks. I get the basic idea when applied to a very simple pipeline(MIPS, for example), but not the details or how it's actually implemented.
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make sure the pins aren't touching each other, try plug it in anyway, i have a hdd here for example which still works when plugged into an external enclosure (i.e. with fixed power/sata sockets)
it won't be a reliable connection, so you should just back it up and replace it
if you can't get it to connect at all, no matter how you hold the connector, you may have to solder a sata data cables' wires to them directly
you can also instead replace the whole connector if you really have to fix this drive properly
have you tried the "-dx11" argument?
ff7remake is working fine for me linux, though i've only tried the default dx12 mode (through vkd3d). considering both dx11 and dx12 games end up using vulkan on linux, i don't think it matters if your card does dx12, i could be wrong
downgrade your driver
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Anyone can help me?
How to get the video data of this through script?
yt-dlp doesn't support it.
Reading the source, look like the video is being obfuscated.
Seems like even if you get the video URL from the video element it redirects to a login page. Probably expects an account id cookie or whatever
what i did;
- ctrl+shift+i or otherwise open the inspector in your browser
- download "master.m3u8" (i used copy as cURL and ran that, as this will download it the same way the browser did, with the same headers and so on)
- ran
ffmpeg -protocol_whitelist https,tcp,tls,file -i master.m3u8 -c copy out.mp4

this is with the login window up, it lets you click play before the login window shows up, which is enough to trigger it to load the playlist file (.m3u8)
You don't need to actually login though.
If you block the login prompt, you can watch the video.
Thanks, I've reached this as well, but how do I get the master.m3u8? through script?
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>Thanks, I've reached this as well, but how do I get the master.m3u8? through script?
through your browsers' network inspector
this should be easy to add to yt-dlp, maybe consider opening an issue on github requesting support for that site
ps. this isn't obfuscated by todays' standard, this is a very common video delivery method now. segmented video from a CDN, this allows for things like dynamic quality selection (via segmentation) and faster, geographically-near servers (via CDN)
the days of a website hosting a whole combined video file themselves are pretty much gone
>this should be easy to add to yt-dlp
Any idea how? or how to get it with bash script?
>opening an issue on github requesting support for that site
I did.
And they did nothing.
I tried curl the web page, but I think the video is requested through JS.
I understand that, I meant the master.m3u8 files isn't readily available by simple page crawling.
This is what I think how the m3u8 link is created.
>account ID
Video ID
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This is a PSA.

Spent days troubleshooting random internet disconnections that lasted a few seconds. Checked everything from ISP to drivers to hardware.

Turns out, one of the options in one of the properties of the latest Intel driver is set to efficient ethernet mode by default which fucks everything up in older motherboards.

I will not get those hours back but it might save yours.
I had this issue with screen flickering when laptop change power source from AC to battery.
I changed everything.
The issue? the latest intel driver for the iGPU change the screen refresh rate automatically based on charging status.
And because windows has no sane settings page the refresh rate is behind a scroll down in display page that shows very little and mostly empty space.
I miss WinXP settings.
Why do tech support websites want your full PC specs to troubleshoot basic issues?
before i answer that, what are your specs?
Are 2.5" drives always bad, or is it just that they're not ideal for RAID setups? I've seen people say they're bad, but I'm not entirely sure why.
ok fucker you made me smile
now get over here for some kissy kissy goo goo
kek, really though idk, i'm the person people come to for help so i'm not at all familiar with any such websites
generally speaking though, there will be some things they will need to know about your computer and what software you have installed/running, some of which you might not understand how it's relevant, and some may not be depending on how well they've understood how you've explained it. in my experience the hard part is figuring out what the issue is, because the type of person to ask for help (naturally) don't know what the fuck is going on so don't know how to even find out what the issue actually is, much less describe it properly
Today while playing a videogame, i've noticed that screenshots of my screen appeared on my desktop unprompted. I don't know whether it's the screenshots of the game exclusively, or of my entire screen and the game just happened to be what was on it.

It happened an hour and a half ago, contained two screenshots both named screen_ and a string of numbers and letters afterwards. They both had the native resolution of my screen.

I've run both eset and win defender scans, both came up clean, I've also freshly reinstalled the OS.
Could it be the game doing that, some sort of a windows function, or do i have a spyware/trojan on my PC?
Example of said screenshot below.
like to give a Car Analogy(TM), you ever seen those "customer states" type videos on youtube with all kinds of bizarre shit people have done to their cars?
the computers people bring in to have someone look at it are just like that to us
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Okay lads, retard here. Am I degrading network performance?

>Server 1 has 8TB of media (movies, shows, music etc)
>Server 2 has 16TB of available storage
>Install Syncthing on both servers
>Sync files between servers so I have a backup
>Both servers are right next to each other, plugged into the network via ethernet, which is how this transfer is taking place

My theory is that since this process is effectively taking place over LAN, I've been polluting my home network with this huge ass transfer for days, and that's why my network is slow.

>Is LAN to LAN traffic going to effect the quality of my internet speeds at home when doing a fuckhueg transfer across my network?
The anwser is probably.
You should be able to set upload and download speed limits within syncthing (I think once you are synced the usage drops significantly unless you are constantly adding things
If you have 2 ethernet slots, or install a network card you can directly link the 2 servers so it is less likely to clog your main pipes
You might also be able to (de)prioritize certain LAN traffic though you might need something slightly fancier than you may be using
Shit, yeah. I'll probably look into upload / download limits cause this is ass.
>If you have 2 ethernet slots, or install a network card you can directly link the 2 servers so it is less likely to clog your main pipes
They're kinda spare parts cobbled together with new parts. For some stupid reason I neglected to install a good NIC on either, though. I just use the motherboard's ethernet ports, but I think I might try to chain the servers together with ethernet. Is it just ethernet cord between the two servers? Won't I lose LAN/WAN access to the servers though? If they're not hooked up to my network I'm not sure how I'd manage syncthing

Damn I should have bought a NIC. Thanks for the answer anon, I appreciate you pointing me in the right direction.
paypal lets you buy crypto without uploading any docs. you just put in your ss and personal info. only problem is they won't let you withdraw it. if you try, you just get an error message, and apparently, everyone has this issue. are there any other services you can use to buy like this that will actually let you transfer to an external wallet?
i have no idea but i assume it's something like that. think im being bottlenecked by cooling practices?
oh, yeah, that's the one!
You can have the 2 servers directly connected without losing internet on either, but it might require some tinkering
Your OS will probably figure out what you are doing, or at least 90% of what you are doing
Also LAN traffic is not limited(or monitered) by ISP unless you are doing something weird
Yeah, I'm gonna try here in a second. This is peepeepoopoo
>Also LAN traffic is not limited(or monitered) by ISP unless you are doing something weird
Nah I'm just backing up shid
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I stumbled into getting a 50% off coupon for Adafruit, and bought an ATTEN ST-2090D with it, a long with some solder and some arduino shields to use with my Assduino arduino clones I picked up on kickstarter.

What is the /g/ opinion on soldering stations?

Did I do good/ok/bad?
Is there a guide or a guideline on webms and gifs 4chan can support as well as how to manage image size for video editing?
Bumping this
For your purposes, HDMI is HDMI.
There's some slight fuckery between HDMI versions, but unless you're getting cables from the literal cheapest dogshit place you can find you should be fine.
I mean, it's better than what passed for good 20 years ago, but I'd rather have a Pinecil with T12 tips. Soldering stations that can only run an iron are obsolete.
you can just copy the m3u8 url and pass it to yt-dlp
yeah you're right, but how to get the m3u8 url with scripting?
I have a tendency to have way too many tabs open on firefox, and the only way for me to get them closed is to save them as bookmarks one after the other.
I vaguely remember someone talking about a "bookmark like" feature where you could save your current session is folders and get back to them without the need to save all folders from every window each and every time.
Anyone has any idea?
Are there any dumb OLED TVs left that one can readily buy nowadays, or is everything compromised and I should just settle for an LG G-series?
What pattern should I put in the native extension to filter the words realiabl and realiable?
you could use an extension like session buddy or different firefox profiles (one session per profile)
I guess that's Tab Session Manager on ff, thanks anon
If I put an old M.2 SSD with Windows 11 Pro on it into a new laptop that ships with Windows 10 Pro (replacing one drive for another), will it boot just fine or will there be a lot of issues? There's an account I can't login to elsewhere that I'm hoping I left signed in on this SSD so I that I can recover it.

I've checked that the drive isn't damaged, it's fine, and idc that it won't be an activated copy of Windows (since it's an OEM license). The new laptop I'm looking at is from the same manufacturer and of the same Intel CPU generation so BIOS shouldn't be too dissimilar.
Give it back, Ty-glow-ne
what do you mean without scripting? if you don't want to open the dev tools you can use an extension like this one
>what do you mean without scripting
Ok, but what if I need to do this without using a browser or browser adding on?
I didn't steal shit lmao. It's my old laptop that's broken, but the hard drive still works. I can't get into the account bc I lost access to the two step verification.
why would you even need an external device? text files are tiny. if you need to transfer them just use whichever one is easier to carry around, otherwise it doesn't matter
if they allow US customers and and don't require docs it's a violation of kyc/aml laws
so no there are no big obvious companies that do this without getting fucked by uncle sam
Guys, I want to play with deepfake for some personal pleasure, but my PC is garbage. Is there any service you guys recommend? Cloud and what not. But that does not have hard filters on sex shit.
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I got this OLED laptop and I want to run audio with the screen off but it doesn't let me turn it all the way off. Is there any way to force it? I can make the screen all black colored but the mouse cursor is still shining though a bit, not sure how to hide it either.
T-mobile is cool in that they let you swap SIMs freely. Unlike most every other carrier, there is nothing to worry about there. Doing dev work that was the main reason I used them for like a decade.
So this issue is only a Chrome thing or is 4chanX itself no longer go?
forums.mydigitallife.net is still kicking for software stuff.
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In Windows, change lid close settings, if that's what you mean?
3-2-1 strategy
probably only effects chrome.
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It's not an option.
Safe place to download Android .apks from?

Need to put one app on an old phone, do not want to log in to my Google account.
Is this the valley of stupid?
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>drop most of my projects because my ui/ux quite literally just look ugly as fuck
How the fuck do I learn to design software? How do I make them look good both in small windows and maximized? Where do I to get inspiration™?
nvm, went with apkmirror.com
apkmirror and aurora store
do u think il get fired 4 clicking on a very obvious knowbe4 phishing test as a sys admin... i was sleepy and thought it was my automated daily report :)
>was sleepy and
that's literally how people are getting phished
vp8 and vp9 supported, opus audio supported on some boards, size can be determined by math.
Over-priced proprietary cuck computers
I've got a "pocketjuice" brand that works fine.
>Ryzen 7 3800X
Using quad channel by chance? It only supports dual.
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Ok guys, possibly better for /fwt/ but I disabled thumbnails for compressed files, pictures.
>Have a massive folder of pictures and videos in a HDD where everything has compression applied.
>How the FUCK do I re-enable thumbnailing for compressed files?
>Windows 10 IoT LTSC 21H2 19044
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buy once cry once
Bros why does it say my ip was banned from making threads, but i can open them perfectly fine on my computer?
My GPU is locking it's clock speed at 300 for some reason. I tested it in the PCI-E slot under the original and it seemed to fix the problem. I thought it was the GPU but could it really be the the PCI-E causing the problem?
Sometimes when I put my PC (Windows 10) into sleep mode, it doesn't properly wake up. Some of the lights light up, the fans are spinning, but there is no image and the PC is unresponsive. The only thing to can do to it in that state is to hold the power button to forcefully shut it down. What's causing this and how do I stop this?
Basically just vp8 and vp9 for video with vorbis or opus for audio. I think 2048x2048 is the max resolution for webms but you would need to check it yourself.
To check if the board supports the durations, audio and filesize you can look at https://a.4cdn.org/boards.json
Docs: https://github.com/4chan/4chan-API/blob/master/pages/Boards.md
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/r/-ing the video where a professor writes the words "computer science" on a chalkboard during a lecture and then crosses out both words because computer science is not really a science and it's not really about computers either.
So apparently I'm range banned, but only on PC. I can post from my phone no problem despite being on the same network with the same IP address. Why can I post from my phone but not from my PC?
Found it
Would 1080p with no scaling on a 32" 1440p OLED just look like a 24" 1080p screen with enormous bezels? Or am I miscalculating?
is xmanager just an app to host download links + ads?
do I really need to download this? at least revanced is doing something.
Why do we not have bezelless screens?

At most an exceptionally thin translucent bezel.

Slots on the back for connecting screens together seamlessly.
We do but they're so expensive they don't even sell it to regular consumers.
i had the opposite thought, on a single monitor setup the bezels should be thicker so it's not as distracting and immersion breaking when you see clutter behind your monitor, the sun shining through curtains etc
we do, but it's usually only seen in tileable commercial displays
Phone probably overriding local dns, or computer has a proxy/vpn.
How much disk space do you have available? Maybe the page file can't expand enough.
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Phone has it's own internets?
>There's an account I can't login to elsewhere that I'm hoping I left signed in on this SSD so I that I can recover it.
Signed in on the web browser? Could just read the browser session.
Log into a server and monitor the bandwidth use.
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Probably enough.
Can you walk me through the calculations?
So I'm playing a game that I very much don't like and it got me interested in creating a bot for it. Don't worry its a single player game so its not like I'm making a bot for multiplayer but where would I begin if I wanted to do something like that? I have beginner programming exp (finished python 101 basically) and I did really well in the class and I'm looking for resources or handholding, copypaste videos for me to learn how to do it.

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