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old >>102804573
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Where should I go to pirate games and utilities?
I read the rtings article but I genuinely am still too retarded to understand Black Frame Insertion/Strobing. To my understanding a 120Hz monitor can display 120fps, if I turn on BFI, it now only shows 60 rendered frames with 60 black frames inbetween each, right? But when I tried it, it still feels like 120fps in terms of responsiveness and fluidity. What am I missing? Also, what's the point of BFI on OLED monitors where response time is already at close to zero ms? And why is it so badly implemented on most monitors, it sounds so simple to do?
reddit piracy for links unironically
thanks but I already have bitcoin miners installed
Talk me out of or affirm my deicision to buy physical textbooks. Yeah I know Libgen exists but guess how many of those downloaded books I finished so far. I’d like to remove the digital distraction completely.
xml or json?
e-ink is better
You won't read physical books either. But go ahead, buy one or borrow it from the library. See if you read it.
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Ok I have a stupid questions and have no idea where else to ask. I found these folders in my google chrome extensions folders. Theyre just random strings of letters. The only extensions I've ever used are ublock and ublock origion. I ran malwarebytes and it didnt find anything. Are these folders something I should be worried about?
How "powerful" should an e-reader be? I never had one.
Im having trouble finding the specs for ram, Im sure is find for epubs but I have lots of pdfs of varying quality, I have some pdfs of hundreds of pages with I think no actual texts just scanned images. I think they would have issues opening those pdfs, am I wrong?
Any recommendations would be appreciated, Im not gonna pay for books though
*is fine for epubs
those strings are extension ids. you can see them if you go to the extensions page in your browser.
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>we should change color of search field brighter because our average jeet customer are too fucking stupid and doesn't know where the fuck he supposed to click. Also we need to use our new font, it looks like a dogshit but we can save 2 px of space on average.
I this company so damn much.
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>Family paying 1000 MBPS from spectrum
>shitty spectrum router always going down, giving me like 3-10 Mbps using cat 8
>brother has a powerline ethernet, keep bitching about lagging in DBD etc

I bought a tp link axe5400 and all my cables are cat 8, I tried everything and I'm still getting 5-10 mbp, is it the cables? I'm losing my fucking mind man, is spectrum throttling us? I got some. MOCA adapters coming today, but idk what to do man, any help? I used one of the ethernet cable that came in the tp link and somehow boosted my internet speed to 30, I guess. My PC is connected to the router and I'm still getting bad download speed.
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How to create offline copy of a part of website?
It's just behind a login, the rest is free even login is free.
I tried several things with wget, but nothing seems to work I just download the same login page
Recommend me Splitwise alternative, their monetization is annoying.
>Bank requiring an app like it was TikTok or something? Just can't see it working. How about serious users like business users?
>This idea definitely wouldn't fly here in europe. At least in this particular country. Where you from?
Anon, I was talking about the nu-banks like Starling, Revolut and Monzo. I literally named them in my post.
They work the same way globally, as far as I'm aware; I've never heard of a "european version" of any of them.
I'm in bongland personally.

>How about serious users like business users?
Small businesses might be willing to use the app, large businesses likely stick to normal banks with physical branches rather than the new fintech stuff.
whats the best PC VR headset available regardless of cost?
Get to the page you want. Open source code (probably F12), copy the code, put into web.html file that you created. You now have it but without styles. If you need styles, you'll need to dig into the networks tab.
I tried running this in powershell but it gave me an access denied error in red
I know about this. obviously I need the assets as well, including images, and the audio files.
Including JS.
And preferably automated.
Im looking for an item that wirelessly transfers wifi signal that you can plug into your modem/router and plug it in near your computer and run an ethernet cable between these devices.
Like a transmitter and receiver JUST for WIFI.
And no its not a dongle.
Are you talking about ethernet over power or something that gives you an adaptor to connect your dongle to your computer?
Tell me if you find a solution for this. Would've saved me a lot of pain for a previous project but I couldn't find a tool for that. I know that technically there must be a solution because that's how browsers work.
I do not understand how multi-layered neural networks are "trained". I do not undestand backpropagation and gradient descent. I do understand how a single-layer perceptron is trained but it is quite different and much more simple to a multi layered perceptron.
I perfectly understand how inference on neural networks is done, but I cannot find any proper explanation of the training process that doesn't immediately throw 1000 useless greek symbols in my face which I can't understand.
I don't want math. I want code. Code that's not written in pyshit, and doesn't use any libraries that hide what's going on.
Anyone got suggestions?
Well, webarchive can do it, why can't I?
Heck, you can even do it with 4chan thread.
It's nice but they're big and fat and heavy. I ended up getting a big expensive boox note that stopped using immediately after graduating.
print it to a pdf

>audio files
no idea

watch the 3b1b videos and if you still don't have any idea then I'm sorry your mathletness is terminal
but xml has that cute html vibe
>print it to a pdf
It would defeat the whole point of being interactive html elements.
>stopped using entirely
Why are we like this?
I'm enrolled in an online course and the exams can either be done in person at testing centers or at home on your computer, but you need to install Guardian browser which needs admin rights on your computer and to take videos of your face/room. Should I be worried about this, or you think I should just go to testing centers? I also only use linux, so I would probably get a cheap laptop with windows only for exams.
It's from reddit's piracy board, which is one of the two good things reddit has.
Would that not work with Wine/Bottles?
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Hello. I am concerned about my SSD's TBW. Apparently I'm writing 352GB/day? Why is it so high? I do nothing but browse websites/download maybe 2-3GB a day in this machine.
Probably recall/copilot or the page file is caching stuff. What does task manager say is using disk?
They say on the website specifically that they don't support linux or VMs. I haven't tried the software yet but I am planning on getting a $200 burner laptop anyway for just exams. Each in person exam is like $50 so the laptop would pay for itself.
I don't have copilot. I barely boot into windows these past year and a half and I only connect through the internet using the linux partition.
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Ive been using it for years with no issues but figured I would check anyways since I had gotten used to using it without looking deeper into the links.
What, pray tell, is the other good thing?
>What, pray tell, is the other good thing?
Math subreddits.
It's a great place to get quick, accurate math answers by people that know their shit.
Most people there have a background in math, either as educators or working in math-heavy fields.
Like stack-exchange but without the stack-exchange point/ranking bullshit.
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since I don't believe it is possible with streamrip, are there any alternatives that let me choose the language for the metadata? I've been downloading from deezer and most japanese albums get translated to english (which I assume is some MTL tl that deezer provides or something) or romaji and it's pretty annoying.
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I take notes and save them as markdown files with images embedded.
The images referenced exist on my PC.
How can i convert this markdown file to a PDF or DOCX that contains the images?
I want them in a portable format, rather than being referenced.
I don't care if the file is heavy as long as it is portable and the images are contained rather than referenced.
A while ago it was an enterprise one that came with a yearly subscription to allow it to be used. Probably still something like that. Expect to spend $5-10k.
If you want actual consumer stuff, afaik there's tradeoffs. The Index is still up there, but IIRC pimax had some with wider FoV (but with compromises on other stuff). Look it up yourself, I bet there's dozens of articles on this.
Generally you need the website's cookies, at least one of them will be some login session token. Curl and wget should be able to accept cookies, either as a direct CLI parameter or as a path to a file where you paste them.

Since you said you "tried several things with wget", did that not work somehow? Normally session cookies is how auth works pretty much always; it's possible though that the website does some really weird javascript fuckery that fucks it up and somehow auto-logs you out if you don't have JS.
>I do understand how a single-layer perceptron is trained but it is quite different and much more simple to a multi layered perceptron.
It's very much a similar principle.
Look up general optimisation ideas. Gradient descent is not an ML concept, it's an optimisation concept: the idea is that you have some "solution space", and your scoring function is a surface inside that space (e.g. imagine a line graph on a 2D space, or a 2D surface inside a 3D problem space), and the optimal point is either the lowest or the highest. So at any given point, you take gradient where you are and then follow it either up or down, to try to find the highest/lowest point.

ML training is literally just applying general optimisation principles like this across large matrices of calculations. It's an implementation detail, if you will.
Honestly, what's the course for and who is the customer, and why do you need those exams? At that point, just learn the course and fuck the exam, unless you need it for a cert or something.
and by beamer I mean pandoc because I'm retarded
>Since you said you "tried several things with wget", did that not work somehow?
You're right, I've extracted the cookies, and I can get only the first page, and not the whole sub pages?
I had to use a useragent to get to work.
This is the website in question.
I want to make offline copy of it.
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>math in 2024
Dont you guys have phones/asians?
You probably need to open the terminal as administrator.
If you want to get around activation, just use the Microsoft Activation Scripts like everyone else
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what font is this
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>its just the megathread with dark theme and an overwhelming metaphysical musk of tranny permeating every bit
It's to become an accountant - gonna take over my dad's business but you need a cert for that
there are sites in that link not present in the megathread. still, if you want to use reddit so much, go back there buddy
Everybody know dude, only reason the quoted was asking is to make you answer for the fed lmao. It will be dead in 3 week now
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When you download a video but the download fails some portion of the way through and you're left with just a part of the full thing, is there a way to manually combine the right portions from multiple files (that contain only parts of a larger video file) into the whole video file?

Like say I'm downloading a video 1GB in size but the download keeps failing around the 250MB part or thereabouts. If I try 3 or 4 or even 10 times (let's say) then I end up with a folder full of part files, cumulatively in excess of 10GB.

Is there a chance that the full video file is contained within the sum of some number of chunks from these part files? And can I use a program or script to combine the chunks from the part files into the whole video like putting together a jigsaw?

Or do the first N bytes of every partial download of the same file look the same i.e each download is repeatedly downloading the same part of the full video each time, then stalling, thus meaning the full video isn't contained in my folder full of numerous failed downloads?

Any help much appreciated.
Where are you downloading the video from?
Wouldn't the download always start at the beginning of the file though? So the partial files would all be of the start of the video and never contain the ending?
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>noooo my kiddy torrents from honeyspot.(super random obscure definitely super dark 2 letter "com") fail at 37% is there still some way to retrieve my preshus kun?
Just noticed my jewtube profile picture changed (bunch of squares, almost like a default generic profile pic before you set it yourself, but it's not the jewtube default one). Immediately thought I got haxxored by pajeets or something, but google says there's been no new logins on my device or anything like that, so is it just youtube being retarded? Am I in the clear?
fuck off tranny
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Nevemind, I think I have solved it. It turned out all I needed to do was hit the retry button in the downloads drop down in the browser and it continues the download where the failed file stopped.

My mistake was trying a fresh download from the website every time, instead of hitting the retry button in-browser. Thanks anyway lads.
Try yt-dlp
with desuarchive.org is it possible to search for resolutions at and above a certain number? for example images that are at least 700p and above.
I have installed some programmes and put their installers in the bin, if i delete them nothing will happen right?
You will free up disk space
Someone dropped some random letters in /g/ recently and I found that it was part of a pastebin url.
Begins with BEGIN P G P" and ends in END P G P (system thinks it's spam if I say it without spaces)
Wtf can I do with this information, particularly the signature? I'm clueless, but isn't it useless without the public key?
the site is pretty great but I'm (nta) looking for a site that specifically has fastfile.cc links, only one I know is sexuria.net and I've downloaded everything from there I wanted
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How is the touchpad in one of these? Compared to that of a laptop? Picrel looks kinda small, should I buy the one made by microsoft?
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Basic bitch router question: I've been using a Netgear R7000 at home forever. Just got a Linksys WRT3200ACM (their former mlg pro gamer router) at a yard sale for $5. Put OpenWRT on it. Is this worth using instead of the Netgear? Hardware specs are better on paper even if it is almost as old.
It's equivalent to an old laptop, as far as mine feels. But that keyboard seems to have bad wireless range since my HTPC is about 6' away and I sometimes have to hold up the keyboard to get a clear signal.
I wrote a script that generates trading signals and I need to keep it running 24/7 but all I have is a laptop - a Lenovo X1 Carbon. Is there a way to safely keep it plugged in for extended periods without actually charging it i.e. like a desktop?
just remove the battery?
Where could I find deep fake service which I could run locally?
Idd like to post a video to /fit/, but don't want to show my face.
Is there a tool to decode base64 image files in bulk? They're assets from an Unity game, .bytes file extension. I can do it one by one using this site https://www.base64decode.org/ but it's thousands of files.
I googled it and found out about certutil, which works great for one file but I can't get it to decode all files in a folder.
Perhaps that's not a bad idea. Thanks
Just bumped the side of my compy tower and it reset. Did I somehow vibrate myself to the reset button or is it that I bumped the CPU cooler?

The cooler is like barely 1 mm away from the side of the case.
Can you mix and match different RAM sticks of the same speed? I was planning on upgrading my P15 Gen1 Thinkpad, but I couldn't find the exact RAM Lenovo uses, so I was going to use a couple compatible Crucial sticks instead. Should I still try to find the original modules?
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Does this mean that 4chan thinks I'm a robot?
Set battery charge limits, using something like tlp.
Mind you, if you don't do this, it's not a big deal either: all that'll happen is the default limit will be used, which is 100%. No laptop manufactured in the last few... decades, probably, will just infinitely charge its battery when plugged in.
just write a script
although when the power goes out you're fucked
this idea might be better >>102849005
I feel the most likely thing is that you bumped... something, though it's hard to say what. Poorly lodged memory sticks? Power supply, or power connectors somewhere?
Hard drives are vulnerable to bumping, but the effect would've been data loss and corruption, not a PC reset.
I don't think it's the cooler - getting off the CPU for 0.01 seconds during the bump wouldn't be enough to cause any issues, and you clearly didn't permanently dislodge it because it reset and continued running fine afterwards.
It's possible you did bump the reset button somehow. Or shorted something somewhere.

It "can cause issues" but really it should be fine. It'll run at the speed of the slowest stick, if there are any mismatches.
I wouldn't be in the stupid questions thread if I wasn't a techlet...
at the very least it will be fun to test and see
What's your OS? If windows somebody else will have to write it, otherwise I can whip one up in five minutes
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might want to open it up and check *everything* over to make sure something isn't loose.
template <typename T>
void printReverse(const std::vector<T>& arr)
for (int index{ static_cast<int>(arr.size()) - 1}; index >= 0; --index) // index is signed
std::cout << arr[static_cast<std::size_t>(index)] << ' ';

std::cout << '\n';

i'm learning c++, what the fuck is this shit? i understand that the indexing is unsigned but this is so fucking retarded, do people really do this in the real world?
It's Windows, unfortunately. But thanks for the offer anon, really appreciate it.
What's wrong, specifically

>this is so fucking retarded
Welcome to systems languages. Would you prefer Rust, known for its ugly syntax, or C, known for retarded convoluted pointer casts?
People complain about syntax in different languages but the reality is that if you wanna manage the complexity of fine-grained type and memory management, AND want to do so at minimal to zero runtime cost, it can easily get convoluted.
the double casts
anyway it explained in the lesson furhter that i could just disable the warnings and use int to index and then just cast the arr.size() to int if i ever need to, guess i'll do that
aghhh i also forgot that there are forrange loops and interators (didnt learn those yet), problem solved
Seems weird, I don't write C++ but it seems like you could just do
for (size_t index = arr.size() ...
and avoid the casts. Does the lesson mention why they specifically want to loop with an int?

The distinction between "size types" and "normal numbers" is in fact important in any systems language, and you're gonna have to deal with it somehow either way.
not my problem
yes they showed all the ways that are common to do it, even some more complex ones such as building a view for a container type and to implement the operator[] using int indexing
but yeah, i'll just stick to ssize() and for-range instead, i dont feel comfortable using unsigned integers unless i'm doing something specific
It is 2024, what are the use-cases for VR and why should I buy it? The technology has matured a lot, but still feels like not something mainstream.
the teledildonics industry is working to adapt AI waifu for you, anon

>two more weeks, k?
Is there a way to get a working phone number in the US without a contract?
Just moved, and where I come from you can just buy a sim card with a phone number and then buy voice/data packages whenever you want. But here I'm not finding that stuff and I got a cheap verizon sim card but it needs to be activated and the activation website asks me to buy a plan
I just want a phone number to receive calls and texts
use yt-dlp or aria
bought a 45" monitor (some LG 45" that was $250 off), how do I make it so it stops mandating every fucking program fills an entire "monitor slot"?

Also nothing interesting on my desktop for anyone looking
you can buy a monthly plan at wal-mart while shopping for burgers and cheese

>you are eating the required monthly amount of burgers while you are visiting, anon?
if my cat chewed through the antenna cable for my PC, could that cause the fuse in the PSU plug to blow?
My fuse blew and I'm trying to figure out what could've caused it and noticed the antenna cable, but I'm not entirely sure if the antenna cable was severed before the fuse blew
I'm trying. Might have to try removewat again
It's probably somewhat easier to tell all the pixels on a panel to turn themselves to their maximum possible value through some weird circuitry stuff that bypasses the circuitry that otherwise puts data into the pixels. Whatever it is you need to do exactly depends on the panel in question. So, it's more like you've got 120hz of data interspersed with 120hz of black that's not really seeing each other until the last physically possible moment.
It's not about response times, it's about reducing blur. If the pixels are all forced all they way off/on, they don't retain their values from the previous color frame and end up showing you something that was halfway in between.
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>run as administrator

holy shit it actually worked

>pic related is gone
If it's ALWAYS giving you those slow speeds, it's probably the cables, you probably have a broken wire in them, or you have a bad connection at one of a connector's terminations.
On Linux my Latitude 7390 experiences freezing when USB storage devices are inserted. Random freezing also happens on Linux installation media. Tried current Arch and current Nix (they have different current kernel version right?) and same effects. I think Linux kernel is what experiences this issue but don't know the cause. Tried what I can with BIOS. What is most likely cause? Windows never has this issue, only it can freeze very briefly and black screen when USB is inserted, which is bad too but yeah it stays running.
What filesystem is the USB?
Did you
pacman update && pacman upgrade -y
Yeah this was happening all the time at my workplace, all the cables were in insane bends (cat6) and were reverting to 10base-t. The cat8 shit is probably suspect too. If even a single pair gets damaged in the cabling it gets reverted to 10/100.
cat5e or higher would work just fine, I don't think cat8 are certified; Have you tired connecting the PC directly to the modem?
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I got some cat 6 cables, ima test it out and replace them over the cat 8.
>enable 3200mhz ram speed manually in the bios
>windows now runs like a fucking pig and shit like thumbnails take literally minutes to load
what the fuck is happening? why is faster ram speed causing exponentially worse performance?
What processor and motherboard do you have?
What do people actually use as AI coding assistants? I see most people claim they use ChatGPT and Claude, I tried both today and they were actively infuriating. Constantly apologizing with worse short-term memory loss than any dementia patient, straight up ignoring the information or instructions I provide, running around in circles and providing the same false approaches and solutions on repeat. I don't even know what these would be useful for.
I think there's a relatively specific way you have to phrase your instructions to it, you can't just give it whatever you think up. Doesn't have to be quite as exact as Alexa commands, but you still have to coax it. You're allowed to call yourself a "prompt engineer" if you can actually get any kind of useful information out of these things, and while people will think you're full of yourself they won't actually tell you you can't call yourself that.
-t. never tried it.
I'm moving in with my gf and I don't have a good way to run ethernet from where her modem is to where my computers are. I'd like to set up a wireless bridge so at least everything between my PCs will be on wire, what should I get for that?

I'm down to clown with a dedicated Ubiquiti AP for it, but I'm wondering if there are better options.
i didnt but it was this months image

ive tried ones that are fat32 and ntfs and haven't been mounting them. Ive just been trying to disable PSR on i915 driver as a remedy but not sure if its helped
What's the preferred 4chan x extension? I downloaded one from the wiki and it bombards me with error messages every time I open a new thread.
Wireless repeater with ethernet jack, pci NIC, bridge computers together via nic
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Are there any easy ways to run multiple telegram accounts at once? I wanna make a new one but don't want to purge my current one and I don't have a spare cell number to use
Router with >= the number of spatial streams as her router in bridge mode. Probably best to get a dual radio mesh kit and just replace both with.
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ive got a crt with a 13 pin vga port, looks like a sync pin and a green pin is missing. the only video mode it works with is 800x600@60hz, any other mode makes the screen freak the fuck out regardless of messing with the horizontal sync screw; sometimes i can get it to display a double or triple image fucking with it. my question is how do i get it to go into a bigger resolution? i can see a backlit border around the displayed picture, rtfm is out of the question as no info exists on this monitor or the company that made it. maid yui as payment for help
Try booting up Mint or Ubuntu live installer and see if generic drivers work "out of the box"
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they dont unfortunately, not even in the bios, ive tried win xp (with default vga and discrete gpu drivers), 10 and mint. only the circa 2004 dell bios worked out of the box. the monitor is made by ARC (american research corporation) the company is seemingly defunct. seems like the display dosent even support edid because windows only reports "generic monitor" as the monitor type. even looking up the fcc id returns nothing
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How do I fix this?
Same Mega drive, but the desktop software has created a shortcut each time it reinstalls
try "what the font"
could have been a lot of things, bumping something that is loose could cause your machine to crash and reboot
i would go through each part and make sure everything is seated properly. power connectors, ram, gpu, etc.
use the userscript with violentmonkey, not whatever 4chanx extensions you found.
nigga at least I gave him a pic

I need a simple DLNA server for windows so I can watch stuff on my TV. Is Jellyfin currently a good selection? Is there something better?
that may be from the days of the IBM XT and compatibles. messing with the sync adjust won't fix anything, it is probably working as designed.
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it would have been connected to an 8088 CPU at some time

>kek i ran a BBS on one of those
Doesn't Windows come with DLNA support out of the box? Or what the hell is that thing when I browse other computer's documents as some kind of media stream - not as files?
Is it supposed to support bigger resolutions or not?
Yes, client bridge is the answer. Although it's a major trick and support varies.
My old Asus RT66U pulled it off nicely when bridging into a Xiaomi Mi A2 phone' hotspot. Every device neatly in the wired net getting internets and all.
It does come with DLNA but in win10 it only allows the user directories and you can't assign two directors to Videos or Music.

I'm trying to be mega lazy and not have to swap my external drive between PC and TV.
When I used to add tags to pictures in File Explorer in Windows, it used to autocomplete them with tags I had previously used, but it's suddenly stopped doing that completely. Google's been useless; are there any fixes for it? I've already tried refreshing the search index. Alternatively any program I can use to do it instead would be nice.
Jellyfin supports more formats than plex, but plex seems to work on every device I own, so I just set that up instead. (Although I have to stream AVC libx264 and AAC)
There's a couple apps that do it. Life360 comes to mind.
Assumed the tracker is a device that gets its own location from GPS and then uploads it via 3/4/5G to the your server? (the server in this context can be third party or the imaginary handheld tracking device itself)
You could use or fabricate whatever front end map for your system.
Trackers in movies sometimes use a local link. "we are losing the signal..!!"
I know jack and shit about making art with computers

when you see a 3d comic, like the lewd ones that you might come across some on boorus, how much work has gone into it? Is there anyway of recreating things like that quickly with open source software on linux?
Am I being stupid by refusing to install games/programs on my SSD in order to extend its lifespan as much as possible? I pretty much only use it for the OS and nothing else.
is it fine to seed torrents without using a vpn to hide my ip? I only torrent normie porn and I'm pretty sure my ISP is chill with that
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fair thats what im led to believe. the monitor is fairly basic with only h-sync, power, contrast and brightness controls along with the odd connector. i suppose it was a 13 dollar monitor after all kek
>13 dollar monitor

damn and here i'm spending my money on hookers and booze
>missing pins
this is pretty common especially for older monitors, as they don't require all the pins, in fact one pin should always be missing because it's a key pin. others are no-connect or for features not all monitors use. i have a crt monitor here from 1996 with 3 missing pins, it's not damaged and it works perfectly
>the only video mode it works with is 800x600@60hz, any other mode makes the screen freak the fuck out
it probably doesn't support anything more. one time a long time ago i used to have a monitor that supported literally only 640x480 and 800x600, and it had a switch on the front to switch between them. seriously, like you'd set your computer to 640x480, and it'd display garbage with the switch set to 800x600, and vice-versa. only monitor i've ever seen do that. i guess some early vga monitors just don't have what is needed to sync to a wider range of frequencies automatically. my 1996 monitor which i use sometimes is a lot more flexible
Depends on the size, but yeah, kinda.
Unauthorized distribution is a federal crime
>Depends on the size, but yeah, kinda.
How much free space should I leave open? Right now it's about 64% empty.
You might try using some older timing standards. I'd use Custom Resolution Tool.
Probably 25%
that's another possible issue, if he's trying to use "reduced blanking" modes, they won't work, because those are designed for LCDs which don't require so much h/v blanking time
# Remove Windows watermark
Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows' -Name 'LoadAppInit_DLLs' -Value 0

# Disable watermark in Windows settings
Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System' -Name 'NoWatermark' -Value 1

# Reboot the system for changes to take effect
shutdown -r -t 0

This worked but it came back after a few hours. Bummer. Guess I'll have to run it daily for now
upload one of the files somewhere and send the link
I can write a pwsh script for you
If I built a PC but hadn't yet installed the GPU, CPU, or hard drive would it fail to boot up at all even with power plugged in to every other component?
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What's the name of this mascots decorations you could get on top of your windows? I've seen them on screenshots of old versions of windows or linux. Is it still possible to get them in current year, or is fun not allowed anymore?
You most likely need a cpu to get into bios.
Best site to make a throwaway email to sign up for shit?
not possible with wayland
Found the problems. It's a combination from me using hibernation while I was still using windows and some old nvidia driver that keeps writing on the disk for some reason.
Here you go, they're all in that same format
So I'm graduating CompSci soon and in my city it's very common to either be employed by the public sector or for private industry to have high integration with the public sector.

They're all vendor locked in to C#, .NET and others (PHP, Golang) meanwhile I've been taught Java/Python at Uni and have touched C/C++ in a smaller way.

What are the best resources to learning C#/.NET for an intermediate programmer?
I need to be fluent in specifically those libraries and tools that aren't basic language features if I want a job.
is it safe to install microsoft edge on linux? Will bill gates come out of my machine and look at all my files?
Would the fans turn on at least?
if the fans are connected to the power supply I guess they might run
Get-ChildItem .\test -Filter *.bytes | Foreach-Object { [IO.File]::WriteAllBytes("$($_.FullName).png",$([Convert]::FromBase64String($(Get-Content $_.FullName)))) }

paste this to powershell
change .\test with the path to the folder containing those files
hit enter
It works perfectly! Thanks a lot anon
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I've been using the free malwarebytes to occasionally clean my computer of stuff windows defender couldn't. Works well enough I think but lately out of privacy concerns wonder if it's like selling my data and shit and hearing it's like bloat?

So I'm wondering and asking if there's any good alternatives that do more than WD can do like MB but is privacy friendly and possibly open source too.
>watch the 3b1b videos and if you still don't have any idea then I'm sorry your mathletness is terminal
I guess it is really OVER for me then
I watched his videos about 5 times and always get lost at about the point where he starts using matrices and those retarded greek symbols. Guiess I need to bite the bullet and go back to study what the fuck a matrix is.
How do you check what's causing a bottleneck? I think something in my PC is dying, getting lower average fps by the day. Stress tests on GPU and CPU say everything is grand and then 17 fps.
So I want to generate some nsfw anime pics based on irl pics. Is this currently possible with any of the uncensored models? Can someone point me in the right direction?
there's a bunch of services like temp mail or 10 minute mail which are good for things like that. they give you a random email address and you can read mail sent to it for a certain amount of time
>is privacy friendly and possibly open source too.
Checked the temperatures on everything under stress?
Checked the S.M.A.R.T data of your drives?
You should buy it if you have specific games or applications in mind for it.
Maybe you wanna play some cool games like half life alyx, skyrim VR, or I think elite dangerous for example. Maybe you wanna coom, with vrchat erp or hentai games. Maybe you play racing or flying simulator games and want an immersive setup that actually ends up cheaper than buying multiple giant screens and a full chair and shit, just get a decent wheel/yoke and VR and go.

Off the top of my head these are the thee main usecases.
Like the other anon said, the prompt matters a lot. What people tend to use are extensions for their editor, which basically build on the old idea of copilot by adding things like autocomplete from the model, but also provide e.g. an easy way to chat to the model and ask questions or request specific changes based on the code you're currently working on. And those extensions come hardcoded with some potentially pretty lengthy prompts to make sure the model behaves as desired.

For example, here's an open source extension's prompts: https://github.com/yetone/avante.nvim/tree/main/lua/avante/templates
planning.avanterules is the main one, and the other two (without underscores) build on top of it.
You can see how different it is to simply opening a new chat with claude and directly asking the question with no context or other instructions.
On windows, I currently have two drives, D: and E:, that are almost full.
I bought a new drive that's bigger than both of them, and I want to make space in my case for future upgrades so I'm moving all the data from the old small drives onto the new big one.

The problem is that now anything that used to refer to D: or E: will have its paths broken. Program configurations, shortcuts, etc.
Is there a way, on windows, to somehow mass-fix that across the entire system? At least
a) to have one drive refer to a different one now (e.g. E: move to N: or whatever); but ideally also
b) just change the location referred to by the thing - e.g. E:/Sneed/ becomes N:/E-drive/Sneed/

I don't mind if it's a script that takes a few hours to run through my entire system, or some kind of symlink type solution (though the way windows handles drives makes me skeptical that a symlink is possible). I don't need to reuse the drive letters for anything so if for example there's a way to make D:/ and E:/ just be links to the corresponding folders on the new drive that'd work perfectly for me.
Consneeder powerline
I feel like you're using more in quality of life from not taking advantage of its speed, than you are gaining in value from not having to replace it as quickly. Especially considering that in practice, there's a not-insignificant chance you might end up replacing it anyway either to upgrade to a larger one, or because you replace your PC or something, before it even has a chance to develop any issues. (Unless you're absolutely certain that you're gonna keeping it in your PC for years to come - my current boot SSD is about 11 years old by now, so perhaps it really is your usecase...)

Anyway, at that point, I feel like you'd have been better off just not even buying an SSD at all at that point.
If you feel it wasn't that expensive and not that much money spent on it, then stop worrying about potentially replacing it in several years.
(And if you're just worried about data loss from a sudden failure, this won't help you because sudden failures are SUDDEN. You need backups either way if you want to protect against that.)
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How to create offline copy of website with wget, including all the assets?
You can use "subst" in command prompt to create a fake "drive letter" that actually just refers to a folder on a real drive. So you can put your new drive in F:, create two folders inside called "D drive" and "E drive", and use subst to create fake D and E drives so that all your programs and scripts keep working.
If you want this to happen at every startup you can put it in a batch file or task scheduler or something.
There are some stupid problems with subst when you create it as a non-admin, because then admin programs can't access it. I have UAC turned off so it's not my problem.
"Subst" uses the DefineDosDevice Win32 API internally, which means someone has probably created a GUI program that can do it for you, if you don't want to fuck with batch scripts.

Alternatively to that solution, you can make 2 partitions on your new drive, which will naturally appear as two drive letters. But that means you have restrictions again and need to more carefully split your data between the two, and resizing partitions takes a long time. So I don't recommend it for general cases.
I've come across some animations that are in the form of webp and/or gif
sizes are anywhere from 20-200 MB
what's the best way to view stuff like this
I've just been dropping them into a web browser (since "it just works") like a caveman since they don't play properly in honeyview which is what I use for still imagery but I feel like there is probably a less retarded way
Actual temp services if you'll never need that email again
Cockli for normal services, you can create as many new accounts as you want (especially now that invites are gone)
Protonmail for stuff that's cucked and considers cock to be a "temp service", you can also mostly create unlimited accounts but there's an annoying captcha to solve, and I think in recent years they added a bunch of rate limiting so if you try to spam multiple throwaways in one go it'll stop you. But you should still be able to create new ones now and then
Anon, a matrix is LITERALLY a grid of numbers. That's literally what it is. There's nothing magic about it.
I suspect you're getting blocked by your own mind more than anything, you see a matrix and you immediately get scared and think "I don't know what a matrix is!!" and just shut down. Or you see a greek symbol and think "oh shit a fancy maths symbol, I don't know what this is!!" and shut down.

It's not scary. The only things you need to learn about matrices are how to actually add/subtract and multiply them - multiplication in particular has a few rules to remember. But again it's not magic, it's literally just a grid of numbers, so when you ask "how do I multiply this grid of numbers by that grid of numbers?" the answer isn't quite as obvious as just say simply multiplying two numbers - you need some rules to make it work consistently, and mathematicians ended up deciding on a set of rules that makes the most sense and is useful in the most amount of cases. That's all there is to it.
You can unironically use mpv
Neat, thanks a lot anon, that sounds about perfect.
So I just need to run a batch script as admin on startup. Haven't messed much with windows scripts before but sounds doable.
>So I just need to run a batch script as admin on startup
Sorry, I didn't explain properly. The drive letter substitution is separate for your normal account and your account as admin privileges IIRC. So you need to run it once as a normal user and once as an admin.


I might still be wrong because as I said, I turned off UAC so I can't test it. But I'm sure you can figure it out one way or another.
Oh neat, well that stackoverflow answer should basically be what I need then, thanks again anon.
Hey it even points me to the right place to add startup tasks so I don't need to look that up anymore, based.
I found this one which might be useful as well.
Especially the answer where it shows the registry modification. Since this registry key is inside HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (rather than HKEY_CURRENT_USER), it would logically apply to both admin and non-admin users, you don't have to fuck around with task scheduler shit running on logon and don't have to fuck around with the admin/non admin problems. Personally that would be the way I would choose now that I know about it.
Oh based. That's even better. Appreciate it a lot anon.
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I'm using VS codium in flatpak.
How to get the terminal to see my applications to get debug feature to work?
If you're using a debian based OS, remove the flatpak install and download the .deb installer from their github. (Latest update released five days ago)
I want the flatpak version.
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got a new pc set up, wiped and cleared. What browser should i use? Used opera a bunch but its a bit slow and has certain features im sick of, Firefox seems good, maybe that?

Also open to suggestions of a desktop pic.
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Is captcha solver working for anyone on Firefox? I decided to switch from Thorium 117.0.5938.157 to librewolf for things I don't need vpn and solver script produces horrible results ( privacy.resistFingerprinting is Off ). I tried on fresh Firefox, Brave and Google Chrome profiles, same result. It seems It's only properly works on older version of chromium
Trying to decide between buying an external gpu enclosure or just buying something like a lenovo legion y530.
Currently have a T580 but since I won't be around my desktop anymore I want something that can handle a bit of video editing and a bit of games from time to time
Try opening from terminal then.
flatpak vscodium
How would that make difference?
It runs fine, but the builtin terminal isn't showing my system binaries.
And I can't get debug tools to work
Well I already gave you the solution, I don't see why you want the flatpak version so bad, flatpak is dog shit.
>flatpak is dog shit
NTA, but how else would you run sandboxed application without electron shit?
I wont because you can get cheap old used textbooks for like 10 dollars and they are practically the same as the versions required in most classes. For example in my advanced engr math class the new textbook is like 300 dollars but I bought a version from 1998 that is virtually identical used for like 12 dollars. it also comes with a solution manual kek.
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my IPhoneX battery is about to give out, what phone do I need to switch to? any phones that I can get adblockers for youtube on?
Current gen APUs are mogging discrete laptop graphics, both AMD and Intel somehow.
>1000 MBPS
1 Gbps connection? You should connect your laptop or some other device directly to the router and see if you get those speeds on speedtest, if not time to call a ISP tech and have them look at your line.

Check if the Spectrum router has a "Bridge Mode" for one of the ports and just connect your router into that port and then all your devices to your TP-Link router.

Powerline can have higher latency, depending on your house wiring and whatever's connected to it (fridges, microwaves and electric ovens in particular). I used to use powerline for a couple of years and the ping to my router was 2 ms when it should be 0 ms. Still much better than WiFi however.
Spectrum routers are a pain in the ass, no one in my neighborhood has changed the default ssid
If I visit https://play.google.com through a proxy/VPN can I purchase region locked apps?
If I can and do, would com.android.vending let me install the app outside of that region?
I started playing a game on my toaster and I'm having a strange issue. Basically, it has insane microstutters, even on the lowest graphical settings. The thing is, they "feel" like shader compilation stutter. For example: I enter a battle, and can barely move or react to enemy attacks because of the unplayable stutter. But if I just do nothing and let the battle play out, die and then restart, it plays just fine at 60fps without stutters.
It reminds me of emulator that stutter when a new animation/shader is used for the first time, but it's smooth afterwards. The problem is that it happens every time I play the game, so I always have to purposefully die once every battle just to restart it to properly be able to play. It sucks.
What could be causing this? I never encountered something like it and I've been played PC games for years.
There is no reason to use almost any chrome clones. They pretty much all just add their own botnet on top of google's botnet; just use vanilla chrome at that point and then at least you'll have only google.
There are only a couple of exceptions. Chromium is the open-source versions of chrome; slightly better than stock. Ungoogled-chromium is chromium with extensive patchsets to remove any connections to google; if you just want stock chrome but without google, it's the way to go, but comes with a couple of inconveniences such as not having google-powered automatic updates (fine if you're on a package manager, but requires manual updates on windows) and not having the extension store (download what you use by hand and install them from a folder).
There's also Brave, which is divisive but at the very least it has an actual reason to exist as opposed to just adding an extra layer of spyware. It's not that bad.

Other than the three chrome-based choices, the only real alternative is Firefox. It's not horrible either, though it's gotten markedly worse in recent years.

Outside of selected chrome variants and firefox, almost everything is barely worth using.
The three best currently are afaik:
Meta Quest III
Pimax Crystal
Bigscreen Beyond


Yeah def, Openwrt is goated.
Install SQM QoS and Adblock.



You'll upset RMS.

Press the Windows Start menu and search for MRT, launch it.
You could also download KVRT from Kaspersky.

just tested out fedora/xfce live distro, why won't a librewolf appimage not load into the launcher? should i expect more of this fail in xfce?
What game?
Which grafix card?
Increase your shader cache size in nvidia or amd settings.
Check if the game is actually using your grafix card.
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Things tend to be broken in live distros and with Linux in general everything is hacked together and barely hanging on.
I'm not trying to spend a whole lot on a laptop, maybe 300 euro at most, I can stretch and buy myself a whole new laptop if it'll last me for years to come but otherwise I'm not looking for anything too demanding
I have to do all these 4 projects, by any language, in this week:
chat TCP
mail server udp
multicast udp
mail(client-server)-udp or web browser(client-server)-tcp
>What game?
Zenless Zone Zero.
>Which grafix card?
1050 4GB.
>Increase your shader cache size in nvidia or amd settings
I'll try this, thanks.
>Check if the game is actually using your grafix card
It is, I always check just to be sure.
You reap what you sow.
I've always done clean OS installs in the past, but considering just upgrading to Windows 11 and not dealing with starting over
How does it work? Will my already installed programs still function or do I have to reinstall them? Talking about shit like foobar, mpv, steam, photoshop
My 144Hz monitor shows up as 143.998Hz in Windows. This isn't generally an issue but some games see this and only run at 143Hz in fullscreen, which causes an annoying black screen when alt-tabbing. Some won't even run like this at all unless I disable VRR. Is there anything I can do to fix this?
That sounds like a lot for new students but I'm guessing they assume people will just use PajeetGPT so they only try to keep you busy. Just fake it like everyone else but learn how the things work.
You keep everything. There's even a thing now called in-place upgrade which lets you sort of "reinstall" windows without losing anything. Still, I would advise against W11, it's still objectively behind 10 in performance.
>My desktop PC is hooked up to two computer screens (DisplayPort). But each of said computer screens is also connected to two different laptops (HDMI).
>A few hours ago, I switched the screens to the laptops.
>When I go back, neither screen reacts when I switch it back to the DisplayPort for my desktop PC.
>Resigned to the fact that I have to do a hard reset/shut down.
>I press the power button.
>I hold it for 10 seconds, nothing happens.
>I hold it for a minute, nothing happens.
>Ultimately, I have to turn the power to the PSU off and on again.
>When the desktop PC starts again, it's like, nothing happened.

What could've caused this?
>hold power button for a minute, nothing happens
This usually indicates some kind of hard freeze, are you running any kind of overclock or maybe an undervolt?
Display > Advanced Graphics Settings > Display adapter properties

See if you can change to 144Hz instead of 143.
I've run into something similar where if the screen is connected through DisplayPort it won't come on at all when the computer turns the screen off after X minutes.
I've had to disable that feature.
Would you go with Powerline over a wireless bridge? I feel like Wireless is more stable of the two.

I wish this house had coax so I could run moca.
>Still, I would advise against W11, it's still objectively behind 10 in performance.
Yeah I don't want to do it. But with support ending next october, I probably will before then, I'm in no rush though.
And I know support ending doesn't mean you have to make the switch, but I'd rather just keep an up to date OS than be stuck behind
I've used powerline before without issues. I can't say for sure which will be more stable, though.
Would you have line-of-sight? If you can buy beamforming wireless, it's probably going to be the best solution.
If not then I genuinely don't know. Your house's power probably doesn't have THAT much noise; meanwhile EM noise is everywhere, especially with multiple devices communicating. But wireless networking has been significantly optimised over decades to work even in really busy scenarios, while powerline is a kinda niche ad-hoc solution, so I dunno.
Do they not continue support for LTSE editions or anything? I remember when windows 7 support was "ending" for like 6-7 years straight.

Anyway, upgrade to linux mint.
No overclocking for sure, undervolting I don't even know what is, so I hope I'm not doing that.
MAS exists? use that
>Would you have line-of-sight?
I don't, there isn't a ton of distance between the rooms but there are a couple walls in the way. I was looking at the Mikrotik "wireless wire" but that requires line of sight. Shame too because it looks like it'd work well.
How to check temps on linux, prefebably while gaming?
Why did YouTube recently started suggesting random slop from my IP country even when I have it changed in YouTube to my countries of origin (Germany/Israel)?

It's weird because it only happens on my laptop. On my desktop PC, I have my location set to Japan. And the same account that gets suggested local slop on the laptop doesn't get any of the suggestions on the desktop PC browser. Using the same Chrome on both.
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What do I need to learn to make my own icon packs for my androids? Like draw/design my own shit for my own sake. Illustrator?
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Hello sqt

On my old pc i could put a pci card on top of the graphics card (picrel)
but my new one only has pci slots UNDER the pci expresss graphic card slot
How badly could a pci soundcard under a gpu hinder its cooling due to reduced airflow? Would it harm performance noticeably?
Best regards
is anyone else having regular errors uploading images to 4chan
Such a small card would maybe increase your GPU temps by a degree or two, which is less than you could gain by dusting your god damn computer.

Astalavista, mate.
My ROUTER is having random disconnects that last anywhere from 30 seconds to 1-2 minutes. Sometimes they happen 3 times a day, sometimes they happen once every 3 days. It is NOT my PC.

My ISP shows no outages and nobody else is reporting outages on downdetector.

I had a very similar issue about 2 years ago where the ethernet cable from ONT to my router was loose and I had to recrimp the RJ45 heads. But those disconnects were much longer and eventually become permanent.

Could my issue right now be loose connectors like 2 years ago? What other possibilities are there?
i'm currently doing a lab for my cloud computing class and its based on openstack, i keep on running into an issue where i set up a nova-compute service, it activates, but then everytime i try to list it, it just says it's unavailable, anyone have any solution to my issue? its frustrating as hell.
Do you have some kind of fatwa against spare Ethernet cables? Why haven't you tried swapping it out already?
The cable connecting the ONT and router is a like 150ft long and goes through my house so it's extremely difficult to swap out.
When I had the issue 2 years ago I just recrimped the ends
How old is the router? Is it running the latest available firmware?
for a few weeks now, ill have long stretches of connection error while posting, then it'll be fine for about an hour. repeat
I have ipv6 disabled, I have , set as my dns, I'm using Brave with no extensions, with shields set to aggressive and fingerprinting allowed on 4chan.
>it probably doesn't support anything more
Fucked up if true because the casing has "super vga plus multimode" printed on it and it isnt even capable of SVGA lmao. 800x600 on a 14" screen is cozy at least

>Custom Resolution Tool
thanks for the rec anon

wasnt aware that may be an issue, ill look into it
My phone line port has 4 twisted pairs, but no markings on the blue jacket. Looks like it's probably cat5, but can't verify yet.
Can I just wire a rj45 port on either end to convert it to ethernet or would there be something in the walls that would need to be changed? Didn't find any sort of junction box for the line.
Is a CS degree still viable?
That's not how that works.
Why is that?
Any degree is viable if you're not a social retard, but CS is an awful one to pick if you are.
not sure what that is
What if I wanted to be a programmer? Wouldn't CS be the best choice?
Start programming. CS isn't trade school for programmers.
What's the most hassle-free way to host email on a custom domain? I don't need it to be autistic or private or self-hosted or anything, I just need a custom email address.

I know google workspace can do it but it seems like a hassle. Protonmail pro also can for like $60/year but I don't need it to be protonmail, I wanna be able to use my own clients. I also wouldn't mind something a bit cheaper but if not then around that mark is reasonable.
Never mind I'm retarded for some reason, I decided to look up normal server hosts and email is a standard package included in cheapo webhosting plans
I already have a hetzner account so I'll just add webhosting to it
800x600 is literally what SVGA means
Microsoft activation scripts
I linked it to you the first time you asked your question
welp guess im retarded, all this time i thought it was 1024x768

OK I'll try it. I only did the other method first, copy pasting into powershell
router is fairly old, ive never updated the firmware
I'm copying ~2TB from one HDD to another, on windows. Write speeds fluctuate between <10MB/s to ~100MB/s every few seconds.
I've noticed significant slowdowns when copying lots of small files - presumably some NTFS bottleneck writing the metadata - but right now this is happening while copying a few hundred gigabytes of music files of semi-uniform size, so it is definitely not that. It will literally stagnate at like 2MB/s then jump up to 50MB/s then jump around wildly between 50 and 100-120MB/s and go back to 50, then drop back down to 10, then drop below 10...

It's been copying for a while now so it's definitely not some kinda cache issue. The system is completely idle otherwise, nothing should be reading or writing or using the CPU in the background. (Neither of the HDDs are the boot disk either, so not even the OS activity should interfere.)

What the fuck could be causing this
na, that's XGA
plain VGA is 640x480
i only noticed it tonight but firefox's cpu usage spikes when i type in the url bar, not a lot, only ~5%, but enough for my cooler to spin up for a second
i disabled most things in config to do with the url bar and i even did a refresh so i'm not sure why
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Whatever happened to the sticky?
anyone here have a side / small business? Is going dual simm route a mistake? Is two phones the only way to separate biz and personal?
The headphone jack in my laptop is busted. What options do I have for a USB adapter? Preferably a USB-C one. It doesn't need to be particularly high quality.
(Me) I just installed fastfox instead, and now typing in the url bar doesn't cause any cpu spikes
probably needs to be something more complex; use curl to push the form information to log in, then save the cookie, then start pulling the pieces while sending the cookie along for the rid.
I would recommend not bulk downloading a ton of stuff at once or they will throttle or block you. do a script with a random delay before downloading each one.
identifont is also an alternative.
In the US, Apple USB-C dongle. $9 at Walmart. Everywhere else cx31993 dongle from Ali. Because most countries have bizarre nanny state rules about headphone outputs >500mV apparently.
is accidentally touching or grazing the pin side of a CPU enough to make it completely stop functioning?
And then how do I apply it on my android?
No, but putting the CPU in the socket with slightly bent pins results in fully bent pins, which most definitely can make it stop working.
do night light / blue light filters actually do anything
Highly unlikely.
>Write speeds fluctuate between <10MB/s to ~100MB/s every few seconds
>I've noticed significant slowdowns when copying lots of small files
>presumably some NTFS bottleneck writing the metadata
afaik all filesystems suffer from this.
>What the fuck could be causing this
Are you implying it's typically different?
Bought the hosting along with my .eu domain from NameCheap like a retard, whole thing costs me ~15€ or so a year. The email hosting is located on a singular location in Los Angeles USA so not exactly nuclear holocaust survival tier service. Two consecutive IP addresses from the very same place.
Not sure if worth changing the host, feels silly to use server from the other side of the planet. Changing isn't hard though, you just slap in new settings in the DNS page.
t. euro
>My phone line port has 4 twisted pairs
You mean two? As in 4 wires total?
If there really is one big cable containing 4 pairs, it's likely in fact Ethernet. Who owns the building?
4chins is IPv4-only.
Powerline is a complete gamble, it's not meant for anything but power.
You basically got a huge random shaped antenna and you are supposed to use it for wired lmao
What search engine should I be using for online shopping? I'm fed up with Google's sponsored content, but I also need one that filters out all the SEO garbage and gets me what I'm actually looking for.
when I unlatched the CPU latch earlier it popped out and I have a feeling that is what caused damage to my pins
so it's probably my motherboard? fuck man
to give more context my computer immediately turns off after powering on. I have a loose heat sink so I have been fucking with it off and in the past little while and removing it or my CPU in the past was never a problem until now blah
A site I used to use every day is down for some days already, how can I search shit from archive.is
I need to pay in BTC, LTC, ETH, or XMR, is there any site where i can just enter my credit card details and get the payment made to an address without needing to give my id away or anything?
>>Write speeds fluctuate between <10MB/s to ~100MB/s every few seconds
Good to hear, but do you have any idea why? It just seems weird to me.
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How to download Steam's "FREE" games, without their steam client?
Would it be cost effective to buy an indoor surveillance camera and make it "outdoors proof" with DIY than buying a more expensive outdoors camera? My time is worth about 10 bucks an hour btw
I want to rip images from a page, but they have to be downloaded left to right, top to bottom. How can I do this?

Basically I'm asking how to slow-download a page, so it will finish downloading each image one by one.
Use something like greasemonkey (or any alternative) and make your own script. Probably even chatgpt can write it for you.
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Anyone know this comic font?
There's steamcmd (and wrappers such as steam-cli or steam-tui), which is... their other steam client, if you want? It's limited in functionality but it's also much much much smaller than the behemoth that is the entire normal graphical Steam.

Otherwise, there's the normal methods, that also work equally well for their (and anyone else's) "not FREE" games.
Other than those.
And I really mean free to play games.
It makes no sense downloading steam and making an account just to play these games.
see >>102852569 and >>102866778
>It makes no sense downloading steam and making an account just to play these games.
Generally speaking, sometimes it does (from the developer's perspective), especially if the game has any sort of multiplayer functionality: with a steam account it can "just work", outside of steam it needs to have its own account system.
For truly single-player game that don't need any sort of account functionality... then yeah, you're right, but I suppose steam has literally zero incentive to add some kind of parallel functionality where you can download some games directly without logging in. You're absolutely right in that it WOULD be nice, but people like you are such a niche minority that I'm not surprised it isn't possible.

AFAIK you can also relatively easily make a steam account with something like a cockli email, and you don't need a phone number either if all you want to do is buy and play games.
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My PC doesn't have bluetooth adapter.
Is it better to just get USB bluetooth adapter and connected to wireless or get pic related?
The other issue with steam, is you can't use it to play quacked games with their compatibility layer.
What do you mean? If by quacked you mean cracked, you just add it as a non-steam game and it should work just as well as any other non-steam game.

AFAIK you CAN also use proton standalone. Most people use the steam client though because it "just werks". But if you want to avoid it, it should be possible.
>a non-steam game and it should work just as well as any other non-steam game.
It was removed.
Any computing device out there requires at least CPU+RAM.
>search engine
>for online shopping
Obviously you want a real-deal Bluetooth instead of THAT.
And get a bluetooth version 5 adapter unless you are in extreme poverty. They cost $10 to $20 as opposed to $2 for bluetooth version 4.
What was removed
>And get a bluetooth version 5 adapter unless you are in extreme poverty. They cost $10 to $20 as opposed to $2 for bluetooth version 4.
What's the difference?
All use same audio protocol.
and same delay.
Same audio protocol and delay (delay to what??) maybe yeah, didn't even know. But BT5 does shit outside 2.4GHz band, got myself one just because of that.
>delay to what??
He's clearly talking about the connection latency, you tardus
So. "Delay" means the time to establish a Bluetooth connection when speaking of Bluetooth devices? It doesn't mean an actual lag?
Anon do you even know what "latency" means
Here have a wikipedia article https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latency_(engineering)#Audio

It means the time between the device having prepared a bluetooth data packet to send, and the receiver having obtained the data for processing. Not necessarily relevant for playing music, but definitely relevant for anything that requires audio synchronised to any other input or output - such as watching a video (let alone playing games).
So "lag"? Yeah I know what that is.
Got confused about the whole "connection latency" thing.
Yes, though lag is a colloquial term that can mean different things (e.g. people can often say that a game is "lagging" when the FPS is low, which has almost nothing to do with latency).
Connection latency is the latency of a connection. I don't see what's confusing about that. The time it takes to establish a connection would not even be considered latency at all in any normal context (you COULD concievably call in that in some very special cases where you're constantly connecting/disconnecting and the time between connection initiation to completion is somehow materially important, but not in any normal scenario).
>not properly replying
Seek speed
Highly fragmentes files doesn't help
Zipping files (tarball/store/compressing) also helps as it makes everything inline, but makes it harder to access individual files
Basically HDDs suck at small and sparse files
>>not properly replying
I genuinely fucked up kek, wasn't trying to be a smartass

>Highly fragmentes files doesn't help
I suppose that might be the issue. I do find it surprising since that place specifically was like a few hundred gigabytes of music from one torrent, downloaded when the drive hadn't filled up very much yet, so I wouldn't have expected it to be THAT fragmented - certainly not to the point of 50x speed fluctuations within adjacent files.

Anyway, after I had completed copying the 2TB windows was just being utterly schizo and for example not even remembering the contents of the folders on the source drive. I'd right click it and it's say 0 files 0 bytes inside, then open it in explorer and freeze my PC for 2 minutes until it'd finally open the folder. So I decided to reboot the system (well, turn it off, I'll turn it back on after work and see if it behaves then). I guess windows just really doesn't like copying 2TB and 500k files over ~15 hours.
Why do monitors for PC burn less watt than television? I plug my monitor to the wattmeter (pic related) and it burns only 5W 0% brightness 22 cal monitor but when I plug it into the TV 46 cal it suddenly burns 60-70W (also the lowest brightness)? How to find not burning a lot of electricity telly?
If you had to buy a wifi receiver from this webpage which one would you buy and why?
Also you should probably check if the drive you are copying TO is shingled
If you are not compressing incomplete torrents for qbit
Downloads>pre-allocate disk space for all files
Advanced>coalesce read and writes|send upload piece suggestions|use piece extent affinity
or equilvelent settings, downloads may hang while allocating space, but it won't be fragged
Or just defrag after

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