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>libreoffice but it doesn't look like shit
why aren't you using the superior office alternative?
That looks like shit, though.
Might try it. Any other features besides being pretty
>needs dotnet
I've heard it has better compatibility with MS Office
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>implying libreoffice looks like shit
It doesn't though?
Only problem with libre is compatibility. Is this actually more compatible with MS office?
I should because libreoffice sheets is killing my CPU
I have one sheet to track my spending with like 40k rows and formulas to compute the totals, and check if the total of 2 columns matches, and it's so fucking slow to copy/paste and save. I guess running the formulas is really inefficient. Gnumeric handles it fine but messes up the formatting.
Because everyone and their grandmas nowadays use Google Drive regardless of use purpose or environment, work, school, at home etc, doen't matter it's perfect for everything
Have you considered GnuCash? https://www.gnucash.org/
Why use an office alternative at all
yeah but I don't want an actual accounting program, I mostly use it to track stuff I've ordered online and if it shipped/delivered yet, and to keep an inventory. It's not every purchase I make just ones I make at the computer.
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Juus use google docs or markdown.
sudo apt install onlyoffice
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package onlyoffice

>whining about the aesthetics of a productivity tool
just buy a mac and shut up
Based, installing immediately
i think its native, no?
>make docx document
>it opens differently in libreoffice
>it opens differently in onlyoffice
>it opens differently in wps office
>it opens differently in google docs
>it opens differently in office online
why even live
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this is md country
try sqlite3
try python, numpy and pandas
My former employer had some kind of partnership with Microsoft that allowed them to sell a perpetual license to Office for employees to install at home on their personal computers. The license specifically stated that it remains in effect even if you leave the company. Think I paid something like $10 or $15. Best part is that it is offline.
this is why freetards are still in dll hell btw
Can I get a key?
but I am?
>not onlyfans
skill issue
because it's webshit
Enjoy your trojans and getting your crypto stolen.
I don't do crypto, I'm straight
Libreoffice has 5 ui options and none of them are good enough and you use Russian spyware instead.
>Russian spyware instead
I just wanted to post that onlyoffice is slow, cause it's webshit, but the fact that it isn't NSA spying tranny bullshit, outweighs it.

Being from any country that isn't the JewSA or the JewU, immediately makes it better.
Stop using spreadsheets for everything
GnuCash, Ledger, Beancount all better alternatives. Hell if you are not locked to foss shit you can do Quickbooks
Libreoffice is German, Germsns are not mongoloids they have a moral compass and wouldn't spy on you.
>Germsns are not mongoloids they have a moral compass
google "opensuse rotten flesh"
I switched after attempting to use the godawful libreoffice powerpoint (forgot what it's called). Was a breath of fresh air to have a WYSIWYG editor actually work intuitively again.
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Everyone involved in that debacle was not German, Richard Brown is a filthy anglo and the other guy was dutch.
>doesn't know how to search for a package
>don't know how to find package names
>just types commands he thinks will work
>expects them to work
>doesn't know how to use any package manager's search
holy kek
>why even live
Because it will function properly on the only office drone suite that is worthwhile, locally installed MS Office
Use case for this?
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>Germsns are not mongoloids they have a moral compass

Hopefully its better than their clocks, those things are cuckoo.
They saved Evropa, Anglos are the ones who destroyed it.
who the flying fuck cares about what it looks like? as long as it works.
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>dark mode
>white page
Is this some kind of joke? Quit trolling. That cannot exist, surely.
Where do I download that from?
Google Docs just werks
It's an electron app. It works offline but it's still a web app. Somehow it's still more responsive than "native" libreoffice, so who cares?
>using package managers with dependency hell
Too limited for my needs. Doesn't have the language support I need. And not a real issue for me, but it basically being a web browser bothers me. But aside from the first two issues it'd be an alright alternative to LO.
Funny way to write .rtf
are you the ESL dominican that keeps spamming onlyoffice on /r/linuxmasterrace ? i want to fucking murder you
>can identify fellow redditors at a glance
its called a hunting license and Im coming for you next nigger
>the rogue white line underneath "Extension/Tools" tabs
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why would anyone give a fuck how a bloated text editor "looks"? Markdown + pandoc is all you need in 95% of all cases.
Nope, it's written in JavaScript. Somehow it runs better than LibreOffice, which is written in Java and C++.
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ah yes the peak of tech. a word processor and how you don't like it

what are your opinions on word perfect and it syntax highlighting?
It has macros?
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I have no pity for anyone who uses google docs.
LibreOfffice can look nice with some theming but deb distros (lion share of what people use) have outdated broken versions of LibreOffice installed by default.
What ever happened to Oracle OpenOffice™?
It still works fine.
Sure hope you aren't logged into Amazon eBay your email YouTube ...
*reads the Wikipedia article*
OH SHIT NIGGER! Switching now.
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Tl;dr ?
OpenOffice no longer updates and appears to have been left in a state of vulnerability against known exploits.

I don' like LibreOffice's performance, compatability, or UI but if its more secure then I'm switching.
I can make sense of the conversation now but it would have helped if you had replied to the right posts.
does onlyoffice have functional spell check? I've lost thousands of hours of collective time ADDING common words to my dictionary in libreoffice and it still has trouble giving me top correct results on simple misspellings
read the document name in the first tab. does that sound spanish to you?
Wow this is really surprising. Thanks for clarification. There was something unconscious holding me from using OpenOffice. I am still defaulting to LibreOffice. But have to admin, it's pretty is shit.
That's not OpenOffice
Yeah sorry I meant OnlyOffice
Why is there still no decent Wordpad alternatives? I just want to write some simple documents for personal use, not work in HR.
What do I need that for when LaTeX exists?
I was going to say that my libreoffice doesn't have that issue, but it has a weird close button
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Yeah, it looks ok. I'm missing a full-screen "focus mode" though, which I can get in libreoffice with ctrl shift J. This is the most minimal I could get as it is today.
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>oh look! a thesaurus plugin!
>finally, a feature I could get on my Mac OS X Leopard, FIFTEEN YEARS AGO, locally!
Oh. Never mind. It's retarded.
And theming customization is non-existent. I like the dark theme colors a shade darker than that.
I'll stick with libreoffice for now, but it's nice to know there's an alternative around.
>just like put it all in the cllooouuuuddddd maaaaannnnnnn
Looks like poor man's MS Office. Why bother copying it if you can't even make it look decent
libreoffice calc has some massively retarded standards. i've opened csv's only for localc to assume something about how some numbers are to be treated and just counts everything like a retard instead and fucks everything up.
never again.
also, you load a csv too big, it literally chokes

gnumeric does the job and is not a as slow as watching plants grow.
I done get it. Techlet retards in this board told me the 15 minute counter would prevent blatant spam like this. Why isn't it working?
I am, for writing anyways. The creatively named LanguageTool plugin is pretty powerful for grammar corrections.
>why aren't you using the superior office alternative?
Zato jer ti mater puši kurčeve u luci, derle jedno bezobrazno. Gubi se odavde pizdune mali.
>Because your mother smokes dicks in the harbor, you're a cheeky bastard. Get out of here you little cunt.
Translated to English from Croatian.
because I'm using libreoffice since I was born and used to its interface
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>The creatively named LanguageTool
>made by russians
>latest version supports winXP
yeah, im thinkin this is epic
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>ITT: unemployed hobbyists arguing which of their sad MS Office ripoffs can compete with the original

All TrannyOffice is bad. There is a reason every company uses Microsoft - they need to get shit done. Also, you're using a Windows app as your primary OS. Get real, chuds.
>gets in you're path at getting shit done
nothing personnel kid
I write my documents in markdown or latex and process csv files with R. I literally have no need for any office program
I stole it when I was in school and started paying for it when I started making money. I understand especially the latter is a foreign concept to NEET freetards.
i envy you
Try not using a CPU from 1998 to run a spreadsheet.
>everything is an ad unless it's a topic about politics, treating distros/OSes as sports teams, or terminal screencaps
Blow it out your ass.
>paying for useless shit implies I'm rich and therefore chad
there's a subtle difference between "avoiding ghetto tax" and getting cucked by corporations
>There is a reason every company uses Microsoft
yeah its called vendor lock-in.
Nowadays, I only use spreadsheets to collaborate with normalfags. For my personal projects, I use Vim and Python.
and it isn't just that it is a different font, only office just looks wrong, same text with same font and size fresh only office install no settings changed.
libre on top, only on bottom. It's the slight inconsistent letter spacing and LACK OF subpixel rendering. This is on windows BTW so it isn't a lmao linux font rendering situation
It's a example photo from their website you retard

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