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I will not short anymore until a specific event that will happen next year. Everything will go up this year.
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aight time to all in on $sb and basically everything
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>Shorted Kendu
>Had a 2x
Shorting is still worth it
time to cash my shit coins
And the event faggot?
Time for me to double down on Qan. All or nothing

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is wormhole new sol?
All that matters is that people use it, unlike ccip and the cucklink token (ticker: $LINK)
It's already being used way more so it will do better that shit link.
CCIP 'cuck cage interoperability protocol'

Wormhole MOGS CCIP in everyway and that make the linkbaggies seethe.
I heard the supply's going to grow a lot later so the price will have trouble going up.
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It's this cycles link. It's in the speculation phase that drives wild price movement. It's future is chainlink in its 2nd (current) cycle that crabs forever in a multibillion market cap as news after news comes out that doesn't matter. Don't get caught round tripping this or your grim future is that of a link marine. In the grim dark future there is only bagholding.

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Do you ever sit for several minutes at a time staring at the floor as you contemplate how you are approaching 40 and have achieved none of your business and finance goals, much less your relationship and other life goals, and the only thing giving you any hope is the belief that the magic internet beans you own will go up in value?
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Sometimes I stand.
thinking "u have tiem" is the FASTEST way to run out of it
newfag bait thread
My only chance of achieving my financial goal is by holding Qan and I am currently locked in.
wait until your parents die then you can kill yourself

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A long time ago my best friend and me made a pact. I didn’t think much of it in our early 20s. To sum it up, we said if he ever wanted to kill himself we’d take a life insurance policy out and make it look like an accident. I signed onto this 2 years ago from him and he’s been paying it, and I had no idea he continued it.

He gave me a note and said don’t open it unless he did it. Life was looking good for him as he got some job. It was dangerous as shit. 100% know he did this to kill himself. He also left me as his inheritor and was saving in an MMF.

Long story short. I now have about 860k in the MMF It’s been some years.

How can I invest this to escape this fucking rat race. I’m 31 I am tired of working. I’ve considered dividends with SCHB, NASDAQ, and SPY.

I just want to live my best life im tired of working for like 60k a year. I’ve never investigated in methods to retire.
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What an absolutely based fucking friend, why doesnt anyone want to kill themselves to make me rich
split between vanguard spy fund, money market fund, and lock in some treasury bonds between 2 - 10 year maturities depending on when you want the money back.
You suck.
I can tell you're 19.
Go practice on the other homos at university.
800k in SPY/VTI will net you 15k-30k annually in passive income.
>coming this summer
>starring and directed by Matt Damon

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i invest in physical vidya that I enjoy playing, rather than in virtual coins that don't do anything
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It's a good idea. The problem is that you need to find a market place to sell them and profit without getting jewed.
Video games are probably the most liquid items you can own other than precious medals. But they have to be the popular games. Just list it on Amazon and it’s sold in an hour.
You should get some insurance for your collection
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I invest in virtual coins that don't do anything except make me lots of money, so that I might invest far more than you into my preferred physical media (literature)
All this stuff will plummet once the 80s kids kick the bucket

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reminder that the stinky chainlink pool is NOT full. i repeat: NOT full. it's been 200 stinks short of being full for SEVERAL hours. loool. what happened to the endless demand for muh pool space, chuds? this is the beginning of the end no doubt. soon all linkfags will scurry out of the pool in a flash, like rats off a sinking ship. and i will be here, doing PIC RELATED AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHHA
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now why would a link fudder be on the staking site? you weren't checking your rewards were you?
>chainlink brown ids

chainlinkers are so dump holding a 2017 alt hoping to get rich. either they are ignorant or plain mindbroken from sergey
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This is your time to make it or break it, Link Baggies.

The handle is already starting to look strange and elongated.

You should start getting nervous if it doesn't break upwards violenatly in the next 1-2 weeks.

Otherwise, Link might end up like IOTA 2.0.

Looking for war for Stinkie trannies mass suicides for missing out on another bullrun while their shitcoin keeps dumping and newfags make bank with shitcoins

it will be glorious

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how do i buy the bitcoin monkeys?

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Holds the frog but not Babybonk?
die shill
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Why are so many jannys on this site shills for this shitcoin?
I wonder where it was created and who created such a coin.

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First of all, I am a board certified dermatologist, so I know what the fuck I’m doing. Should I try to permanently feminize my face with serial botox injections to my jaw? I have a lot of money and im mentally ill. 32 year old married male, father of one. Need to troon out a but cant take hrt medically/ethically

Pic related; jawtox
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Yes. Jaw BOTOX is a “feminizing” procedure. Men usually do jaw IMPLANTS to make their jaw bigger…but in this thread we are talking about botox to make the jaw SMALLER and more like a WOMAN
>changed focal length of lens
>changed lighting
It’s actually significantly smaller, even more so in this example >>59073348
the procedure just works. Dont be mad
Wow that sub mid guy became arguably a bit less sub mid
>I am absolutely fucked and idk what to do
turn off the fucking computer and spend a month in a rural cabin with no internet access. exercise outside each day. read the bible or just mediate.

What is the best job/field to work in?
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well you live with your parents during that time ofc. It doesn't have to be every penny up to you.
Only 3 years for me, I can be barred by 2028 if I play my cards right. Before I'm 30.
I guess this is a good option for some, not for me. I would get bored and jet off diverged and blow all the money.
Give me a coin that will 10000x in a month or shut the fuck up

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>be me
>working 15 hours a day, every. single. day.
>grind for $1500/month, barely enough to keep my degen lifestyle going
>tfw my brain starts to glitch
>trying to focus, but all I hear is “IF YOU KNOW YOU KNOW”
>boss talks to me, can’t respond
>just keep muttering “IF YOU KNOW YOU KNOW”
>brain officially NGMI
>head full of static, repeating the same damn phrase on loop
>start writing it on post-it notes, walls, my own arm
>“IF YOU KNOW YOU KNOW” written everywhere
>tfw I don’t even know anymore

I’m losing it, lads.
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This happened to me once I was cleaning an oil cargo tank that hadn't been aired well, I kept repeating the same phrase in my head over and over. It was due to mild H2S poisoning. Check your house and diet for any possible poisoning agents. Maybe mold or something new you started to eat. It can mess you up. I am not pretending to be doctor House but if there is a 10% chance this is, I ought to make this post.
Already went to the hospital and they say I'm okay, wasted 2 hours of my life there
If you know you know
Why are you choosing to get paid $3/hour?

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People always talk about wanting to be early and why didn’t biz tell them early before shit moons. Well here it is. Memes on SUI. My picks are Blue eyed dog and Suinami aka Nami. Now you can be early.
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I have these four, anon.

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5x last week. This is just the beginning.

Fudniggers on suicide watch
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1 billion tokens
365 million a year
you're happy waiting 5 years to get 30 cents a year per token?
it would certainly be some extra income for me...
CCIP 'industry standard'

Chainlink LINK is the most arrogant crypto
You last cycle dogshit token is going to be flippedby sui shortly. Last cycle it was sol and aval and now its going to be sui and sei. Let that sink in. Kermit suicide

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Why are there so many frog threads on this board?
we like him
Frog website

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Why is no one talking about this?
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drunpf to the moon
Listen to me, normies will be pumping their boomer bux into this coin HARD. Get in while it's hot then sell. Simple really
Because it’s raising funds at a $1.5B valuation, is only open to accredited investors, and is non-transferable for a year. This is not for us.
>get in
How exactly? Only accredited investors are able to whitelist and they can’t sell for a year. You aren’t going to find this on uniswap anon
I see. Honestly didnt know anything about it but now I see why no one is talking about it here. Thanks for the info anon

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Just fucking buy it and sit tight.
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you're holding to a corpse at this point, that outdated memecoin won't pump even when BTC is throtling at full speed
short it fullport then :^)
where bitcoin goes, doge goes too.
Ver true. Both will be used on twitter bank. Doge on front end to spend the Btc on the backend. L2 style. All POW no sussy in the buddy POS.
When he heads D.O.G.E and the SEC is no longer threatening him when he wants to shill DOGE. We shall see $20+. Worldwide adoption.

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We’re heading back under 60k by Monday whether you like it or not.
It will blast past 65k come monday and you wont buy. It will hit 75k and you will fomo in.
this baby. higher and higher bottoms are breaking these 3 months
first it'll collect all the liquidity at 61.6k but then maybe. I'm still unsure what Israel's reaction to Iran's missile strike will bring

>The Security Cabinet is likely to authorize Netanyahu and Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant to determine the timing of the attack.
the US won't allow something that'll further escalate the conflict but they can't afford to show weakness in front of Iran. I think as soon as this passes, there'll be another pullback (if any) to 60k at best and then it's smooth sailing before the FED will start cutting more aggressively and then announce the recession after the elections
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You'll obviously dump to absolute hell if you're still buying alts instead of Kendu Inu

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Under the Biden administration we set new ATHs in the stock market and saw the greatest economic resurgence of all time. Can Trump or Kamala match his success
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Under the Biden administration we've seen the greatest and most unprecedented amount of fiat printing and saw the greatest fudging of economic data in history. How can Biden go down as a success when presidents like Nixon were politically martyred for much much less
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This has already been fact checked chud.

Its the best economy ever, you just need to notice.
It literally doesn't matter.
>Trump supports Kendu Inu

He has my vote, I want my bags to have a moonshot, I'm so sorry anons
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>bitcoin is only valuable in the sense that you buy it and hope the price goes up so you can sell it to someone else later
How do crypto bros refute this?
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hi powell
not much longer now
>want to expat to different country
>can't bring gold with me
>can't bring cash with me (in large amounts)
Bitcoin allows me to carry millions in my pocket and no one would even know
even better if you've memorized your seed phrase (you don't even need anything in your pocket)
Exactly. This is why only people with wealth even understand the value of Bitcoin. Poors simply doesn’t get it cause they don’t have the problem of wealth protection including from governments. Which I find crazy as so many jeets in crypto come from countries where their fiat often loses half its value in any given year.
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That hot take still requires making sense of the Bitcoin market value somehow growing exponentially over 14 years.
Can this really be completely explained as widespread financial nihilism?
And if it is, what does it mean that a large pang of market participants have embraced this particular form of collective insanity?
The implied part of your hot take is that sooner or later the bubble must crash, and we all have a good laugh about it content our VTSAX shares are doing so well while the peasants lost their savings. Great, but how do you go about turning mass insanity into sanity?
Can you expect the people that have been infected by Bitcoin until now to just put down their pointy blockchain and resume their lives as if nothing had changed?

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63.3k is unbreakable supporsistance

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BabyBonk is unbreakable, peaking ATH now
10x assured

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