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hard facts, nigga
>inb4 21 vs 120 millon supply
but imagine if someone actually uses this shittoken chain
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>BTC is the only crypto that actually matters
The circle is complete once you come to this conclusion.

You start with crypto by buying BTC.
You venture into "alts" like ETH and other top 20 stuff as you get a bit more comfortable.
You move into shitcoins as you think you can get a 10000x as you know know a fair bit about crypto.
You move back into alts because you fall for shit like "utility" and try to be super clever (you aren't).
You move back into 100% BTC because you realise this is the only one that matters.
Check the ETHBTC chart.

The market has spoken, it doesn't want a dino shitcoin.
Metheads celebrating their new shitcoin ETF.
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This. Basically all competing L1s and Bitcoin companies have massive incentives to smear Ethereum. Bitcoin maximalism/cultism has spread so much it's seriously damaging all crypto. They keep touting the libertarian ideals of freedom, openness, trustlessness, decentralization, self-sovereignty etc. but when it's any other project than Bitcoin doing it, it's bad because it doesn't pump their bags or is "impure" in some way. Bitcoin and Ethereum are 99% the same but some people just love to focus on that 1% like it's 100%. They should go hate central banks and bad authority-loving politicians if they need to hate something.
>It's not ME that's wrong, it's the market that's wrong!

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ITT: Post your heaviest bags


To the conniving little cheat that was shilling Squid while posting GigaChad and calling others handsome - I hope you burn in hell. That CMC listing flopped harder than Chang falling through a Foxconn suicide net.

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Gone awhile. Whats your analysis of the week so far?
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I'm teaching OP-chan with my knowledge... I'm her senpai.
btc goes down everything else goes down. just avoid link, avax, icp and all solana shitcoins. the first three are proven ways to lose money really quickly and shitcoins in general quite literally cannot hold any bear market for shit, they always lose 99% of their liq.
Nobody plays web3 trash anymore.
This week’s been a mess with all the economic uncertainty.
bitcoin’s just crabbing, dragging alts down, and analysts are calling for more dumps. I’m thinking of going back to my wagie job, but I’m also eyeing blogging since my colleagues are making it with hydro, a solid way to earn some extra cash even when everything’s burning down.
get the fuck out, no one is asking you to play it....mumu

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Anon who shilled APUI and PEEPU bottom here.
I have another eth cto gem tonight:

Website is fire and the meme is kino.
Coingecko already listed and theres no need to update it because team gave socials to CTO leads.

ATH was around 4M and current mc is 50k, seems like an easy x10 to me.
sure why not, rug the last $100 I have jeet nigger
>Website is fire and the meme is kino
and this line reeks of Curry.
yeah and those 2 fucking FAILED

I shilled the bottom tard.
99% of shitcoins always die, if you timed the top after my shills you would have made an x10 or even more.
lol this shit is fucking dead I can just tell, like a 6th sense hope your village ate for the month paki jeet nigger

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My McDonald's order was 15% cheaper today than it was 11 days ago for the exact same items. We are so back bros
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Ok thanks I have to look that up for Germany. So basically if you leave out the bread you could call a cheeseburger even healthy
Retard amerimutt who falls for deceitful advertising like the NPC nigger he is.
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Yes burgers were decently healthy before they started serving them exclusively with fries cooked in rapeseed oil instead of tallow. Good for you for having enough critical thinking ability to consider the specific ingredients, your IQ is several standard deviations above these retards
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welcome to the world of supply and demand anon, when you understand more complex concepts you can consider yourself a functional human being. In the meantime, keep betting on shitcoins like XRP, SHIBA or SUPER

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ITT: We pretend to be Tesla ($TSLA) baggies
>bro its not a car company. It is an AI Compute™ Robotics company.
>bro 25 trillion dollar market cap incoming. there will be 2 optimus robots for every human. We wont even need to work bro we just buy a robot and send it to work for us
>bro if you buy the model 3 now, you will be able to have it do robo taxi deliveries while you sleep and you can pay off the car in a year
>bro full self driving is coming any day now, it will be safer than humans
>what? the car doesnt spy on you, it has cameras constantly running but they would never spy on you
>bro it doesnt matter that he sent his nvidia chips to X AI and not TESLA,
>Bro yeah Tesla has missed profits 4 quarters in a row, but Elon EARNED that $50B bonus
im not investing in the company, im investing in THE MAN, whatever Elon wants the company to do, give me some shares of that!

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And our coin is doing well, how are we feeling?
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ATH broken and curling up to it again, super solid floor and still 65 days to go until CZ's release. Feeling pretty fucking good.
Feel like the new ATH will be broken in the next days
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The chart is lit
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This chart makes me so fucking hard bros
Even during the coldest crypto winter CZ will thrive

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>he bought boomercoin to be a freedom fighter
>making fun of an american hero
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There is nothing wrong with betting on the first or second layer, but we all know that the real money is made with tokens such as SUPER, PEPPE or DOGE.

Hello anons, you have another chance.
I'm always right.
what is this? coin name please
I figured out. It's KNS. I hold 200,000. Should I buy more? Website and project looks professional so I like.

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I am an ADA and LINK bag holder
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I love Chainlink, but I’m not into ADA, a coin hitting new lows against Bitcoin for the past 2 years or more.
I own Bitcoin, DOT, Reef, RNDR, and Filecoin. Filecoin's the MVP, and restaking it on Parasail.
>crazy how most of them were mooning before Bitcoin crashed the party.
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old fag
Solid combo, no doubt, Cardano’s focus on scalability and smart contracts, plus Chainlink’s role in connecting blockchain with traditional data, could set them up for future growth, with Nuklai that provides tools for developing AI applications, and you’re going to have a solid portfolio.
I'm a GAY chainlink holder and I LOVE cocks
posts like these make me buy more unironically
look how much he's seething and trying to project his weird cuck fantasies onto everyone else lol

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Thinking about picking up a second part-time job as a bartender or barback. I work 7:30-3:30 Mon-Friday and get paid well but I live in a major metro area and Joseph "Faggot" Biden's economy means I eat rice and tuna and shit and am only mildly comfortable.
That being said I do live in a major metro area so there are a lot of pretty expensive bars here.
I have a pretty strict budget, 401k, benefits, this is strictly as a means to afford more Internet Coins so I can buy a house. Specifically I'm going to put 100% of it into BTC.
Any experience bartending/barbacking, is it worth it, are there better side hustles than this also can you get pussy off of it? Also if I buy gift cards with my tip money and buy bitcoin with them will the IRS find out? Thanks.
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bpa, you mean plastics? why would a barback be handling plastic more than the average person. its not like bars are serving plastic drinks
It’s decent experience
Always be looking to get shit done and get promoted fast
t. Vegas bartender
Tell us stories anon
How much could you make working Thursday, Friday nights and full shift Saturday?

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You see what’s forming?
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I don’t mind the small dips in the coins, as I know diamond holders will be rewarded. For now, I’m focused on participating in DePIN projects that are building on the Peaq network.
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>Fuck the weekly, bro, have you seen the motherfucking big juicy tits on the 1hr??
you talking about these milkers?
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68.5k double top and a dump to 50k?
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Big bouncies.

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What gay nigger porn can you recommend?
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Even Elon is giving up on bitcon.
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He removed it during the Bitcoin conference to make "bitcoin" trend on twitter. and draw attention towards the conference. When did this board become so dumb?
this makes sense desu
So you are admitting that bitcoiners are so desperate for attention they have to do stunts like this. God, it truly is over. Bitcoin is officially dead.
Interesting pic, I think financialization definitely contributed to bond futures becoming huge as a way to hedge deliverables for fixed rate payments like swaps. I would say the decrease in precious metals though is entirely due to removing the gold standard, there’s no need to hedge in dollars against gold if they’re no longer convertible.
>if you need to market something to gain peoples attention, the thing you are marketing is dead
I like this logic. Just shorted Apple with 10x leverage because they spend nearly $100 million on marketing annually. In fact, I’m going to short every company in the SP500 that has a marketing budget. Thank you for the wise words

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What hobbies are worth the money?
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>What hobbies are worth the money?
coin collecting
this is actually unironically my top hobby. The creative stuff is just marketing ideas for my crypto. I've made a lot of memes, and a lot of money, and it's 10/10 fun.
coins for dieing boomers
pokemon are the new coins/stamps
Based. But get some real hobbies too. Nobody likes people who only yap on about making money
>pokemon are the new coins/stamps
I rather stick to crypto, but the nostalgia stuff is cool. I also hoard a ton of internet nostalgia stuff, which might be worth a lot at some point. I have several hard drives full of terabytes with the stuff. I do it for fun, but I guarantee I'll have content people are willing to pay a lot for. We'll see.
I do every hobby I listed in the OP pic. Some every day, like the ones higher up, some maybe a few times a year, like the ones at the bottom.

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What the fuck? Forgot 2.3M$ mcap shitcoin getting so much hate, it’s unreal. What am I missing biz?
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Fudders care about LINU more than bagholders do lmao
Mike, if you’re reading this: no hard feelings, but this is quite a fucking mess. You fucked up a huge amount of community members work. Plus, people are leaving the coin right now. Act your age and deliver this fucking slot your promised to deliver. I would expect this kind of behaviour from a 15 years old, not from a fully grown ass man.
Face it, he left you. You can’t ride his dick anymore. All you have to show for it is a laptop full of half baked casino memes nobody liked.

He is off with his Korean school girls now. Move on.
Fine. Let’s move on. shall we come back as one my fellow bizraels? I believe more in this mental health help center board than in that fucking Casinu anyway.
It's had like $400 daily volume for months now. Absoluty NOBODY gives a fuck about this dead shitcoin.

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Haha /biz/, look at Mr Shorted B4 the GDP Data Loser. LOL.
I’m never going to have sex am I?
this kind of shit posting is demoralising me the most
What exactly gets you down about OP's post, bro?
probably because it's not "pumping massively" and is instead underperforming the whole market..

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apu and pepe are brokies. btard is based.


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Can someone explain why, in the land where the free market is supposed to reign supreme, it has become commonplace to socialize corporate losses while privatizing corporate profits?
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Any burgers want to chime in on how you’d fix this in 8 years or less if you were president? Is it even possible to reverse course at this point?
Surely the capital owners at the very top understands that there’s only so far you can push the peasants before they begin to push back. Through most of history, even in the most corrupt nations, rulers and aristocrats would frequently give back to the community by using a large portion of their wealth on public projects that benefited the peasants to keep them from sperging out about the wealth inequality. If they became too rich and ignored the peasants, sperg-outs on a massive scale always ensued.

The only one who has done that so far was Elon Musk spending $44 billion, knowing fully well that he would probably lose a lot of money, to protect and secure freedom of speech in the ‘public square’ of the internet. Being granted a voice and not being censored for having the wrong beliefs obviously made the peasants happy. But the rest of them seem to be living in a bubble where they keep amassing more and more mega mansions and mega yachts while pretending the peasants don’t exist
>how you’d fix this
Implement ranked choice voting. There's no other way to effectively elect moderate candidates that represent a true majority and give unity to a nation. The two party system is doomed to push both sides to extremism.
And while this might sound like something a commie would say, I am far from it. But extreme wealth inequality makes a perfect recruitment tool for the commies who know how to take advantage of angry peasants. I do hope the mega rich come to their senses before the leftist extremists becomes a serious threat
Most EU countries have ranked choice voting and many are still beginning to lean into extremism on both the left and right, because they feel that voting for moderates who uphold the status quo where the peasants are being slowly fleeced is even worse. So the solution to diffuse the situation would have to address the root cause
>The gains and losses are public. It’s just a choice of language or words you use.
>You can buy shares and take part of those gains
Just because you could buy an apartment in the building where I live if you wanted to, doesn’t mean you have ownership of the building or the right to live in it. Even if the MBS for every apartment is probably on the central banks balance sheet. Shares in a corporation are no different. Private property.

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