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another day, another dollar
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$100, $200, BING BING WAHOO!
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I'm... so...... tired....
how much you lost ?
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I made 5 dollars today.

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>le 4% facemelting pump
About to be erased in quarter of time it needed.
The very moment you HOPE for outcome it's about to be otherwise.

King of shitcoins
Why don't you sell your ETH and move on with your life?
you wont buy under 2k sorry ;(
With BTC dumping to $40k in the coming months, I don't think ETH will hold $2k. But good luck with your bags.
King of spammers.

>pic rel
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you need a serious economic contraction to offset the massive deficit spending from the government
also considering they were paying out 5% on treasuries straight to goose rich peoples spending monies thats a lot of leeway to burn through
your average mickeyd huffer really doesnt matter all that much to the valuation of nvdia now does he
2020 is just pandemic
Nothing happened in 1995
Nothing happened in 1984

So you have 7 data points and 3 of them don't match your bias
Only data points past 2008 matter
1998 was also a nothing burger for domestic markets
it actually really prepped the bull hard


>own land, gold/silver/led - good luck!

Why aren't you a millionaire yet? Just buy and hold.
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correct, it's more like betting on green. congratulations your IQ is above /biz/ average
dude. it's a fucking gamble on pump and dumps. shitcoins are liquidity traps. In the "DeFi Summer Craze", I had over 100 different types of tokens. If I had just helded the ETH, I'd be in Japan right now.
Don't look today Neiro is going even higher, at least you haven't missed the HOKK massive break out yet, dog coin season was always going to come back to Ethereum, get prepared
Pff that's nothing, you can turn 1 lottery ticket (<$10) into a literal billion dollars.
i boughted APU and am currently holdening waiting for a 10x
Shutup nigger. Did you? No. Now shut your fucking mouth

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Liquidation penalty to everyone who participated in the scam pump
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your assumption of me being poor based on what you wrote certainly isn't reaching, but i digress
believe what you want and i will do the same
>Imagine not even trading on 200x leverage
What are you SCARED??
Donno why you short now but even if you did do it at least at 62k? man /biz/ is not smart
Don't listen to these retards, this is the way to win at memecoins and btc by not being greedy, take profits and min loses no matter how small.. even if a rich faggot u should do this so u don't end up lik that guy who had 70k and now 300
I trade on a 100x, but as soon as I place a trade I pussy out and add margin

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Damn it /biz/ bro's. How long will FLR stay in accumulation range? It's being suppressed atm but I'm guessing that it won't last very long at this pace. It's at a really good price and been staking it but I still need a moment longer
It'll stay in "accumulation" range forever. Keep slurping baggie lol
Don't get my hopes up. The rewards I get pays for my rent and food nicely

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If it is only slightly illegal than it is ok but what are ways to make money which is morally and ethically in the grey area?
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How's human trafficking morally ok? That's a great sin right there
Unpopular opinion: there aren't many legal means to make a million
Should have specified: Needs to have a good ROI on time. All the shit you faggots suggest makes like $100 per day tops for 5 hours of work. That isn't the point of this thread.
I want to message some woman on r/povertyfinance whose car engine just died or something and pay her a couple thousand dollars in crypto for her to send me videos of her reluctantly doing some nude tik tok dances. If she's willing to do it for a couple hundred dollars I'd just block her and find someone else who absolutely won't do it for less than a couple thousand.
I'm new to crypto and I'm just not sure exactly how easy it'd be to anonymously send a couple thousand dollars to someone who's probably never used crypto before. It shouldn't be too hard right?
I'm 99% sure it'd be completely legal assuming I keep all the nudes to myself and I make her verify her age first.
I obviously wouldn't send her a few thousand upfront because I wouldn't want her to take the money and run off without sending anything. I'd imagine her making me send her a few hundred dollars for every few videos she sends me
How long would it take from me sending her some XMR or something until she has the money available to spend in her bank account?
Publisher nodes, subscription fees, they have a depin based model and backed by sui, hope that helps

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I've got some little cash to put in the crypto market but scared to lose them. Should I just keep them in BTC and coins in top 100 or degen play into shitcoins.
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Then boom we go into a bear market and you lose 40% of your capital real quick, if you aren't thinking long term don't go bitcoin

I believe there's a reason for sail points which you can already earn for delegating
Filter your way through the top 100, anything under 500m mcap is a good catch
I don't see how bitcoin performs that bad from here, it's common sense
Potential airdrop in the future? That's my best guess, that's aside already earning rewards at a pretty decent rate
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How little is little for you? 10k+ yes, keep it in BTC and that's it, even more so if you managed to buy for a good price. Otherwise yes, to the memecoin mines with you. Go for cat and doge, quite literally as safe as it gets in the memecoin sphere nowadays with all the niggers ruining sol and shit.

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Reddit BTC Maxis are making fun of shitcoiners
here's your bottom signal. you're welcome
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kek shitcoiners btfo
the fact that increasingly people only feel safe holding btc is bearish for crypto as a whole, including btc long term. this space is completely useless
>Crypto casino gambling dying + BTC dominance going up is bad for Bitcoin!!
Kill yourself prajeet
it is. wtf is the point of holding btc if crypto is trash (crypto includes bitcoin btw)
You wouldn't get it prajeet
Go back to your Apu, vesta or whatever bullshit you are spamming nowadays

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This is basically programmed right? I will be hilariously rich if it happens.
we are in a recession and you are gambling on dog tokens? Is that right?
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>we are in a recession and you are gambling on dog tokens? Is that right?
the dog is dead
You wouldn't get it.
kek dobaggies

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>americans bitching about unaffordable housing.
the entire state of Louisiana is bursting at the seams with houses for <200k.
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louisiana is full of niggers and inbred mutts. also extremely hot and muggy most of the year
all i'm hearing is excuses
go make the state better
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yeah no thanks you can have your shitkicker flyover cesspool wasteland, i'll stay burrowed amongst the coastal elite.

if it were better though, say goodbye to what would be considered cheap housing relatively speaking. its cheap comparatively for a reason.

bizness and finance 101
why don't you fucking move there? or do you already live there?
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No. I will not be buying paper shacks in the boonies for still unacceptable prices. Maybe for a getaway home if I ever end up in that position, won't be my first choice though.

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We are pumping, my Bastards!
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they are pumping it before the 50bps hike market dump tomrrow

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>It's not a heckin cup and handle!!!!!
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i mean, look at this
you can't make this up, it's hilarious
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They don't have any arguments. Cumskin bobocels are just trying to stop the number from going up via immigration reform (won't work)
Its actually an inverted head and shoulders.
That’s closer to what I’m seeing.
this was just posted as a proof that it's not a cup and handle >>58985230
i'm laughing my ass off

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If you see this image while scrolling, you have been blessed by the god-head himself.

Good luck and unlimited staking rewards will come to you, but ONLY if you post
>Thank You Heavy Metal Daddy
in this thread.
Thank You Heavy Metal Daddy
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>Thank You Heavy Metal Daddy
Thank You Heavy Metal Daddy

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Why are white "people" like that?

and giving false data, I check arkham and its totally different every day.

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Engineering Manager, Economics
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avocado is the funniest meme /biz/ has ever produced, asshole
lmao he actually looks like a fish
>blue eyed white guy is a linkie
>this is fud
Does anyone else remember the thread from maybe 2 years ago where the linkie got doxxed and he was literally just a regular white dude, and the fud supervisors were in the comments saying "stop drawing attention to him, he scores us no points" kek
fucking lol hahaha

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