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Is 1B mc possible on election mania?
Damn, this shithole board is truly dead
>the email will save the boa.. ACK !!
thanks, jannies
Anything TRUMP related will giga send... There is some mystery surrounding his VP candidate at the moment, and I think as we get close to the election there will be more and more eyes on TRUMP related tokens. MAGA VP trying to solve the mystery behind it.. A lot of good things coming
tell me how I know you are a Jewish shill
You can see his nose through the screen

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Hello anons do you know any good crypto signals telegram channels where i can get notifs for futures trading with sl and tp targets?

Chainlink Hackathon Idea Cultivation v1:

ITT anons will help me come up with a hackathon idea for Chainlink's upcoming hackathon.

The hackathon is on April 29th to 2nd of May.

It has an occult theme this time and the hackathon is called 'BLOCK MAGIC': chain.link/hackathon

Now we all know about Chainlink's occult background. Because of this I believe this hackathon will spark some true success stories from it. As a result I need some ideas. Almost everything has been done before.

I am a pro at frontend design/development. Fullstack really but my specialty making cool animations and designs for modern responsive web apps (dApps). All this to say that no outlandish idea is off the table.

- Brainstorm ideas
- Ideas have to incorporate Chainlink's services:

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well get to work fren :^)
Anyone with an idea for this? I've been looking into dynamic NFTs that correlate to a rental property.
Would need more details as to what your original project is to figure out which Chainlink services you should use.

Or you can just read the different Chainlink services they offer and choose whichever you can incorporate into your project.
Ok, about the project: I have some rental properties that I'm willing to rent for USDT, DAI, even Bitcoin. I want to make smart contracts to integrate into the payment system.
The value of the rent should change based on the feautres of the property, and that is why I might want to use dynamic NFTs,. They allow me to set onchain, the aspects that might change the price of the property.
There are dead mans switch solution already existing, but I am not trusting some centralized email provider with my keys. Or any other crypto solution that is not 100% trustworthy. I trust only Chainlink, theit middle name is TRUST and I guess someone should use that trust and make a solution for a dead man switch (although I don't trust my kids, if they get one time payment, they will sell it right away, that is why I proposed automatic rule payments). I would pay 1 link for each payment (when Link is above 50$ or $50 if it is below). I am expecting LINK to be above $1000 by the time I die, but you never know.

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alright bro bros any of you alive still on /biz or did the jannies purge your ass

regardless my big bets are really on

eoy billions or tits up
>750k in crypto
the fuck are you doing nigga, put that shit in an index fund
Unless that's not USD.
why not any apu? explain
$4chan combines all the memes meaning apu. really I plan to sell most next pop offs to rotate back all the profits into $4chan as the bitcoin of memecoins still being under $100m.

could be fucking retarded or genius

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are hero nfts there worth selling or buying?
cheapest one is 7$
Dogecoin to the Moon
$1 coming soon
but the moon isn't real. it's just a dome reflection of the earth

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Actually Kaspa is my #2, I hold them 67%/33%
Aw man, I wish these monarch slaves would stay away from my LTC and XMR.
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why. spoonfeed me one or two reasons why xmr is going to mega dump and ill sell. give me a good reason to go all in on super.
imagine her without fake brows and makeup and just the stench of cigs and meth sores. bleccch

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Daily reminder that Bitcoin is an IQ test.
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Yeah there are multiple like really clear metrics that if you use are just guaranteed money but they have a longer time span. If you just by < -1 and sell > 1 (if at all) it's basically free get rich it just requires a slightly longer time view. Literally just buying the obvious lows is all you need to do
What a shitty chart. Were hitting 400k at peak. Maybe 250k worse case scenario like multiple black swans and a world War that causes a reserve currency fiat change.
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Every chart is not only an IQ test, but a patience one, that's what Dexview taught me
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The real IQ test is if you bought alphakek
I bought in 2022 and sold in 2024. I'm happy with my 3x. When bitcoin crashes I'll buy and forget about it for another few years.

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>it's a telegram-app of course it requires its own blockchain coin

why are crypto investors so gullible?
You think decentralized telegram apps aren't bullish?
Imagine creating smart contracts from your telegram app, deploying your own payment rails via telegram, tipping, token gating, subscriptions etc.
How dumb do you have to be to not see this?
Telegram channels will replace websites, you can bet on that.

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The yield curve is inverted and you're laughing
>nerd shit
Not even gonna tell you to touch grass lmao touch ass nigga
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Sorry, its just that my $ORB is finally orbing and i can't help but laugh. We're finally outcrabbing the crab
I'm laughing because I got my shit in SSNC

also this

Anyone else feel like crypto has become "less exciting" to normies and the era of crazy returns is nearing a close?
Normies gonna have to buy BTC over 100k, kek

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Where do I find the latest developments in crypto before everyone else?

Biz is too slow and Reddit is fucking gay.

I need the next 100x friends
look for memecoins on base
Ok anon here is some alpha: sexy zuck on base.

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The reason we are all depressed and feel like dying is because arbitrage opportunities, financially or otherwise, are far rarer with the advent of the internet. Life is no longer as sweet as it once was. Profit margins, financial or otherwise, are getting thinner and thinner. The global game of monopoly is almost complete and you failed to secure your future in time (or maybe never even had a chance).
No matter your angle of attack, I remain highly motivated.
that's a pretty good one anon, an interesting way to look at it.
the other edge of the sword though, is this - as the soulless normies of the world get sucked into their phones for every waking second of the day, there are more arbitrage opportunities to be had by touching grass

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>Bitcoin fees are too high bitcoin is going to die
>Bitcoin fees are too low bitcoin is going to die

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I'm converting all of my other assets into BTC and I'm going to DCA into BTC every time I get paid
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Altseason is on the horizon, Anon. I'm buying Dot, FET, RIO this week. I already have some ETH which I'll restake on the platform that recently partnered with Everstake to earn higher yield.
Based post
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Really, Jannies....
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Going bitcoin hybrid is the best way to go imho. BTC, SNNC for rune/ordinal hype.

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awful, just awful
t. linkies
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idk about you but I actually stacked my link to get $truf, got some when it was around 0.3 now its looking G
I'm not sure if investing into $TRUF will be a wise choise now, I will need to see how it moves
you're suppose to get down with the linkies

How many write offs did you have this year?
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How did you guys lose if everything was going up?
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Green numbers thanks to this baby.

went 10k in just for the meme, surprised i was when it went 5 times over, thank you baby jesus
when did you invested anon?
nice move faggot

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Pretty crazy that those and picrel are separated by like 6 miles

There's really no reason to go down that way though. The only time I've been down there was when I was speedrunning the CTA
>6 miles
Honestly a fair distance. There are much smaller gaps between ghetto and nice out there.
The difference between have and have not can be a park or even a rail line in some places.

Good example of this is between Hyde Park (UChicago) and Washington Park (the hood). The difference in density is pretty stark.
Hyde Park used to be a shitty spot back in the day as well
ooooh, fresh oil too!

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Where can I get this on base for cheap? Boomer here

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It's coming and it's beautiful
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yeah but what does exactly runes do?
that's proof that nobody can predict shit here, market is unpredictable!
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to surprise of no one since by definition crypto is very volatile...
There's nothing Truflation posted about this. If anything, just the rust interview and why he reccomends it. Nothing else
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memecoin marketing is evolving now we're getting full on anime parodies and shit


this has to be an insider project. crazy high production budge + anatoly + ansem + meltem + every influencer is tweeting about this

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