lmaoi opened binance futures and looked at xrp and saw that i had $100 free to leverage.made 22 usdt, not bad.
it's literally a waste of time, resources ADHD effort to mine XMR. not even with a high end Ryzen CPU are you going to see any profits worth the expenditure.
Altcoin season is literally starting right now. I guess you didn't notice that.
Oh I noticed.It’s 5am and I went to bed at 1amIt’s moon season.
I'm down 8% today
>>59822378Do you own a qnt?There are only 14 million of themLike a tiny scarce bitcoin that serves a purpose over multiple realms
>>59822137Actually did nootice that, but thanks for the reminder chum.
>>5982214114 more days
Why is their site so basic and looks like a social media app, they haven't updated their interface in years and it just looks rodiculous for a 69 Billion dollar exchange and company? Is it because they're losing so much money on CHYNA ETH scamfi that they can't hire even a few webdev employees or what's the problem..Otherwise their exchange works just fine for the most part but just wondering why they're like intentionally horrible looking and lack basic features, quite bizarre that it's still the largest exchange by volume (real vol not fake shanghai numbers) but looks like an early 2010s social media platform more than an exchange..
>>59820300That doesn't make any sense. Bitcoin/crypto exchanges are highly competitive space, it would benefit Coinbase and their users to make the UX as smooth and unnecessarily frictionless as possible.I agree with OP that their site could do with an upgrade, perhaps the regular site is "basic" by design/choice for newbies but especially the "Pro" version should look all but entirely different and a lot more like a "professional" exchange or even just website CB breaks essentially all the rules of web design to the point where it almost has to be intentionally crappy. It indeed looks most like a social media site and not an exchange, now that OP mentioned it.Saves money? Anon I could improve just the layout in a few days and I'm not even good at webdev or web design, I imagine their team could make the site 10x better in mere days with barely any real effort and no added cost, just benefit. Just because they might not have any real competition now at least in terms of mass/size doesn't mean they won't in the future.
>>59820197>>59821740coinbase is more simplistic because they really really really want to onboard normies
>>59821740You and OP have a lot of assumptions. I'm sure a giant company like Coinbase that's traded on the stock market have already thought about that. Everything is priced in. If you and OP are so inclined, maybe you two can open up your own exchange and be the competition
>>59820197EZ is best. Fucking Zoomers and their obsessive need for sparkly shiny shit, plain background crisp clean buttons. 1-2-3-4Fuck you OP
>>59820197dunno but im annoyed they want me to identify myself again cause my passport run out. fucking faggots im too lazy for that shit.
i know im going to lose it all but u can literally make more money straight up gambling than trading solana shitcoins. i lost over 3k so far last month trying to trade shitcoins but when i go on stake i somehow always make 100-200 bucks... lmao
>>59822368>t. cabalfuck off
>>59822359That isn't even true pengu went up 3x and is literally gonna 5x again when it's listed on coinbase dyor
>>59822374You really think so, I was thinking about buying, but who saw this coming picrel, about to get rugged. I wish I saw it earlier
>>59822370what? are you one of the brainlets who can't make money with tens of billions of $ flying around?
>>59822374>when it's listed on coinbaseyea with every other shitcoin cabal tells you will list there or on binance yeah dude lmao>>59822380fuck off cabal, will short your next shitcoin
Every dip will be relentlessly bought up. If the price keeps dropping, buyers will keep slurping it up until a massive FOMO candle ignites. Then, they'll wait for the cooldown and repeat the cycle—rinse and repeat.
>>59821938Isn't that how the great depression started? When shoe shine boys start giving you stock advice...
>>59821566>$5 million BTC>$100 trillion marketcap>US stock market capitalization: $62 trillionyou niggers are retarded if you think it's going to flip the entire stock market lol
>>59822283By the time btc reaches 5 million, the stock market will be much larger than it is right now.
>>59822283It will eventually, just probably not in most of our lifetimes. I see it as an inevitability.
>>59822283If it becomes the world currency then $100T MC is actually about where it would be right now. But that's a pretty big if.
Will you capture it, or just let it slip?
>>59822143I recently made a 26x return in a canadian penny stock. I get that there was a time when you could hide wealth in bitcoin, or use it to avoid censorship from governments and banks, but those days are over. I get that you could hope for 100x gains in BTC back in the day, but that too is over. Is it better than the dollar to hedge against inflation? Absolutely. Does it promise yearly gains exceeding a mutual fund, savings account or index funds? Well, yeah, sure. I'm not dealing in millions of dollars though. I could buy 2.3 bitcoin right now. All in. It's just not sensible anymore. If you have $5 million or so, you may as well diversify maybe 2-3% of that into Bitcoin. The majority of us would rather make life changing money, not protect a few 100k from loss of purchasing power.
this could also be your last chance to buy bitcoin above $80k
>>59822143Not buying your bags kumar!
There are good coins in the top 400.
Is recession fud retarded? Discuss
The real economy is for the little people.Elites don't need jobs and don't care about inflation, they don't even look at price tags.
>>59822263So your answer is yes?
>>59822270Yes.Bad news for the economy is good news for asset prices.
>>59822249No, that just means that the currency Germany uses is in the shitter and people would rather hold equities than bonds or cash.
grug like ETH.grug hold.grug feel good. grug believe.
Grug have strong hand
>>59818986Berry go to moon
Can't spell grug without rug.
>>59818986Give grug eth to long nose tribe. Long nose tribe make eth grow many moons. Grug no give eth to long nose tribe? Grug anti long nose tribe. Take Grug eth now
grug want some bear pelt?bear pelt is going up
Lyn Alden abused me. I attended a crypto conference and it was a great experience until one networking event where I got speaking to 'Lyn' and he fetched me a cocktail. My only memory after that was sweating profusely in an elevator next to Lynn, with his evil leering face splitting into four and revolving around in circles. I woke up at 6am in the venue car park, my beige chinos sodden with my own poo and blood: a hospital appointment confirmed I'd been anally rekt. Can anyone else who's experienced similar speak out and bring Lyn Alden to account? I hold 0.2 BTC and 8300 ADA.
>>59821798Love is love bigot. Have sex incel.
>>59821739You've only ever seen drugs in movies. Newfag hasn't even used the silk road, just lol
>>59821739>Lyn Alden abused mehot
hot, are you going to date now?
Don't You Forget About Me edition>Brokershttps://pastebin.com/F1yujtVqhttps://brokerchooser.com/>Risk management:https://pastebin.com/sqJUcbjp>Live Streams:http://www.livenewson.com/american/bloomberg-television-business.htmlhttps://watchnewslive.tv/watch-cnbc-live-stream-free-24-7/>Educational sites:https://www.investopedia.com/Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>59822199appreciate the analysis man this is helping my understanding of TA more. that together with being able to see option flow and dex/gex and call/put walls allows to be more confident in the direction of the trade. might start setting aside a few grand for SPY / QQQ weeklies and if profitable move to shorter term expiry.what does your system show the medium term 2/28 expiry show for NVDA? its before march OPEX so kind of in a sweet spot if it truly is a big beat and raise. looks like its capped at 140 for next week unless it can break through the call wall
>>59824056people have been calling this a bubble for over a year now, yet everything has continued to moon. nvda has dropped off multiple times yet has recovered and even hit a new ath. i think it's fair to say that bears are fucking retards. too much ai momentum, not to mention stocks pump with inflation. for fuck sake even tariffs didn't so anything lmao.
>>59822222checked and based lets hope it goes higher i wanna see 23k nasdaq before iran gets nuked and the market crashes before OPEX eats up all the call premium and pushes the market lower
>>59824102Bears are always retards. The market is designed to go up. ((They)) didn’t create it to lose money, it’s literal Jewish money magic to transform money into more money. It doesn’t only go up, sure it goes down. But that’s part of the trick, it always comes back higher than it was before it’s built to bend but not break and that elasticity (volatility) is part of what makes money. It goes down, but it trends up. Bears are pessimistic contrarian broke two more weeks fags and most are all talk unless providing proof of puts or shorts.
>>59824125good thing we're not in a Shemita year, we have until 2028 until the next near term market collapse so (((they))) can forgive their interest-free debt amongst eachother while ensuring usury for all othershttps://economictimes.indiatimes.com/markets/stocks/news/how-shemitah-end-of-jewish-calendar-cycle-spooks-market/articleshow/48690945.cms?from=mdroy vey stop nooticing "Shemitah, the last year of a seven-year cycle in the Jewish calendar, has several times in the past brought immense financial hardships to the world. The biggest Wall Street crash of 1987 happened during Shemitah and so did the bond market carnage of 1994. The 911 terror attack happened a day after Shemitah in 2001 and Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy and the subsequent 777-point fall in Dow Jones in 2008 also happed around Shemitah.September 2015 being another Shemitah, which ends on Sunday , September 13, and with the global financial markets seemingly on a razor's edge, people from Wall Street to Dalal Street are tanking up on their knowledge of this event from Hebrew history ."
Some of you might be wondering why all of a sudden there is an influx of anti-Chainlink pro-Wormhole propaganda being spread.The answer is very simple.Wormhole's last fundraising round valued the protocol tokens at $2.5B. A lot of investors had their funds locked up and weren't able to dump at launch. At a $500M current mcap they are horribly underwater, which has created quite a bit of angst and pressure towards Jump Trading, so they are doing what they can to try to shill (which always involves bashing Chainlink because they know Chainlink is the standard and tying themselves to it in some way will create marketing momentum). Unfortunately, Jump has not been doing so well, so the glory days when they were throwing 7-8 figure contracts at shill/fud farms are over and this will fizzle out fast.Fudcucks like Thomas are not paid, btw. He literally does it for free. He probably holds a lot of LINK and is just a complete nutjob.
https://x.com/TheLinkMarine1/status/1890391196754686380Try fudding this jeets
Oh wow it finally worked
>spend hours trying to do one fucking thingWhat a great system.
>>59813567Arab chud face.
>>59813453you ARE retail.>>59813444checked -- the CHART
So...when does the job market improve?It's been shit since 2022. I am seeing people who have masters and worked at fortune 100 companies out of work for 2+ years.
Never, and no gov job either
>>59821883Why would anything good ever happen?
>>59821883Never. The age of working as a wagie is over. AI takeover soon.
>>59821883society is literally collapsing bro
Never.> Le Trump tariffs fud> Le democrats coming back into power in '26> Le president shapiro in '28> Le Great Reset circa 2030Game over. We lost. Roll the credits.
is Identity.
>>59821087Worldcoin fixes this
>>59821316LolHow do you prove AI identity in the resl world? You can’t. AI is so advanced how can you be sure about the fundemental nature if reality?Know thyself and to thine own self be true
Polkadot's solution to this is having the algorithm produce a barcode which you have to tattoo on yourself and upload a video of you getting the tattoo. Creepy af and so dumb that it feels agenda-driven, cause who would ever naturally think that's a good idea...
>>59821316kleros did it already
>>59821087So, decentralized IDs? Wow, who would've though about that
The bull market is about to beginADA has made the 3rd pyramid
I dunno, I feel like all altcoins may drop significantly in february, and then recover violently, ADA especially considering the VIP interview and all the stuff going for it. For now I'll hold djed, swap back when price drops or just before the interview
So was this shit a AI scam?
it was
>>59821833Lmao only 0.7 shit was 40 cents a week ago
>>59821831>AInot even AI, it was a shitty attempt for a shitty american tiktok revival
Ha I remember all of the stupid generals threads for this token not even a week ago. Hmm wonder why all of those OP's are silent now?> hint: solana being solana
how much money can I make as an onlyfans pimp (marketer) ?
>>598208740 considering the marketer is onlyfans, you need to make your own platform without going to jail, but it's still better than non onlyfan porn which is dead
>>59820884have you ever seen male pornstars? none of them are like that
>>59821688>you need to make your own platform without going to jail,how do you do this, and how would you go to jail if you did?
>>59821923You fucking inept retard. A pornstar is not a pimp.
>>59821923that's because they got in through synagogue connections which OP doesn't have.
Why is TRUMP going up?
>>59818606I just wanted to make it with pandas like Nibbles, I didn't want to have to go back to politics, at least not so early on
>>59818606That’s just another manipulation, and I’m not falling for it. I’d rather hold peaq and SLC for peace of mind.
>>59821123manipulation by whom?Russia kek?
I want to put $15k (30k at 2x long) on bitcoin when it goes to 60k and close at 120k for a sweet 30k profit.
the problem is that you pay daily fees for the leverage. So find a place with very low fees
>>59821698> WhenHah, you're lucky to even call it an IF, and it's immensely more an IF than a WHEN. You know price has to go to 50K for you to get liquidated right?
>>59821698what are those floppy things on her chest?
>>59821931dont you mean 30k, newfren
how is this thread still up?
My net worth is $2764
that's too bad. i have low six figz in cash because I'm too scared to invest even more of my net worth. how much do you need in your shit hole to be able to retire?
>>59821726Mine is 36 dollars. I hold link.
>>59821790Whitest 2025 4channer.
>>59821790You made shitty decisions in life honestlyI from a even shitter country, the average salary in my country is $200 usd monthly and I spend $150 monthly with bills and food and I still managed to save up to 20k usd at age 26 since age 18.