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This market is getting depressing.
Ok fuck this. Not even God can save these markets. Blocking everything crypto related and biz. Fuck this.
You sound like a woman.

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...is actually incredibly bullish. When Germany's supply clears, this should go to 80k a lot more quickly than people think it will. It's going to create a huge selling vacuum when Germany runs out of BTC to sell. At that point price starts to run higher, smart bears bail quickly (typically the biggest money) which creates an even bigger vacuum and the FOMO kicks in and you get a narrative where the finger gets pointed at Germany and people go "wow, they must really have a problem..." Suddenly Germany selling BTC becomes associated with bad decisions and Germany in general becomes associated with bad decisions, while people stack more and more BTC and the price action returns to normal. In short, Bitcoin has a much greater potential to violently move higher than it does to move lower.
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I almost killed myself but the bull is back on I can feels it
welcome back king, jannie'd no more
based. thank you for your service.
is there anything risk free?

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If I don’t like someone I introduce them to leverage trading
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I lost over $100k+(maybe $200k) and more if you count opportunity cost.

It all started last bull run when I was literally led to bybit by mmcrypto video. of course first week I made a ton of money and thought I was a genius. Anyways fast forward to 3 years spiraling down, depression, obsession, one billion indicators on a chart, options, futures, stocks, etc etc bots, signals, discord groups. Every technique, indicator and strategy.

Win rate: 50%

I finally gave up. I am not a world class trader who can outperform Bitcoin(one of the best performing assets in the world).

I hurt myself, I hurt others and I damaged my life substantially because of leverage trading.

Guys, it's a professional field that they allow amateurs in by just clicking a few buttons on an app and you can lose your shirt.

Obviously don't listen to a loser like me or anyone online but the bitcoiners were right about everything. everything. you just buy and hold and focus on living a better life and being productive and healthy. That's how you actually win the investing/money game.
I rode the waves a few times.
The issue is, is that if the market is boring, you do fantastically.
When nothing is going on and the usual ups and downs are coming and going, you can make a killing.
...but then there comes a day, to all of us when the line doesn't go back up or down and we've bet far too much to lose, and we double down, and double down and here we are.
>...but then there comes a day, to all of us when the line doesn't go back up or down and we've bet far too much to lose, and we double down, and double down and here we are.

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Please, uncle sam... save us...
Sorry, we need to market sell to afford our bacon mcdouble breakfast bagels and hash browns.
:'( but I thought there was like... a "comprehensive bitcoin buying strategy"
By who? Retail mcwagie who can't afford gas to get to work or the geriatric jews in government?

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How cool is this they visualized all their liquidity pools with other projects like it's a solar system.
another statera copycat.
tell me in one sentence why you're different than statera? and dont give me that "It's not a tax it's just a fee" bs
eventually you all go to zero
there is no second token or a "wrapped" void. Statera was doing all that arbitrage and deflation with its wrapped statera token and the arbitrage was mostly between statera and wrapped statera after deflation and the liquidity was expected to be provided by the people not statera themselves. It was fake and gay. VOID is nothing like that all the liquidity pools are other actual legit and promising Base tokens and arbitrage is therefore all natural caused by the market dynamics of those other tokens that VOID has no control of, people don't need to provide liquidity to these pools too. It also has a lot more technical stuff like constantly increasing baseline floor, skewed liquidity structure causing a higher buy side liquidity and a lower sell side liquidity, side liquidity pools not being full range and instead having an automated rebalance system causing higher capital efficiency etc.

In summary VOID is like an investment company that is investing in other Base tokens and when they perform well it basically gives out dividends in the form of a higher price for VOID because it tracks them in a way like a ETF or an index fund. but it's also constantly burning VOID, has a lot more buy orders waiting below price compared to sell orders waiting above price.

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>We've just experienced the LARGEST liquidation event since the FTX collapse.
That is an AI generated image.
no shit, but the liquidation is real
Is this image real?
But AI is an extremely overhyped piece of shit when it comes to generating images. All the pictures look the same.
Twitter is for Gayfers…

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> be me
> running TimeLeap Unchained node on my PC
> new feature: AI image generation on decentralized network
> enter prompt: "A beautiful sunset over the ocean"
> hit "Generate"
> task sent to network of nodes, including mine
> each node does a bit of the work
> task completed in seconds
> beautiful AI-generated sunset image appears
> get rewarded in Keeneees tokens for contributing my PC's idle power
> earn money just for leaving my PC on when I'm not using it
> realize this is cheaper and faster than centralized data centers
> network scales as more people join and contribute
> more nodes = faster and more efficient AI tasks
> lower environmental impact, using existing resources

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How much do you own and when did you buy?
Are there any exchange listings coming up?
Its only available for Weth on arbi. How do I not get raped by gas fees?

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Bottoms in. Even grayscale are positive. If you have an interest in BTC purchasing, now is the time anon
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Anon, I'm concerned about the charge left on your phone. I'd hate for you to cut out in the middle of something important. Just letting you know.
> ze German government tried themselves at whale games and failed horribly due to no clue what they are doing, no clue about the market, the asset, or how to do this in a sensible way.
BTC is too big to feel such incompetent plebs
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Looks like they sold to the etfs maybe over the counter.
Anyway yes clearly it was always 300 million inflow and it did not pump
They did mark the bottom for us
Sorry bobo, only up now
Thanks for the concern anon. It’s at 9% at the moment

>baggiest wasted 4 years of life for this
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and ill happily baghold 4 more, selling only at a fair price of $81,000.00
plus they lost time to shill it.

>they lost their money
>they lost their time

to fund some manchild's "playing boss" fantasy. I'm like extremely happy that their money is know some fat faggot's mansion and car, and hr roastie and jeet scammer shill salary.

this is very good news and financial darwinism at it's peak. retards who bagholds this will eventually rope.
I vill sell at about 1k and I vill be happy.
1k eoy by the way.
t. not an insider

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Ummm zillowsisters?
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kek there are some exceptions to the boomer problem
>my bored ape nft is worth 130k so I'm definitely not selling it
2 more weeks

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how do i find cooks on solana? I just get JEETED 24/7 hahahaha

>Sold Bitcoin and BCash at 18K in 2018
>Distribute Bitcoin at 65K in 2024

Is there a better trustee out here than Mr. Kobayashi? Forced holding was a gift to these Gox baggies.
It’s funny because 99.99% of them would have sold long ago and 99.99% of them will sell immediately upon receiving their coins. Fuck them all.

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That was it, that was the bull run.

The cycle was brought forward due to the ETF demand. Everyone who was going to FOMO has by now.

The macro environment is bad and getting worse. Everyone in tech has been laid off. No overpaid software engineers = no one willing to pay $60k+ for internet funny money.

Maybe the economy will have recovered in 4 years and we'll have another bull run. Or maybe this will kill the hype and nobody will bother with crypto again.
funds have more bitcoins than ever, no one neds software engineers money.
>Everyone who was going to FOMO has by now.
I know at least one poorfag that bets on crypto to take him out of the wagecage

Risky plays or straight up gamble are flourishing at the moment as they represent the chance for better life for poorfags

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uhhh ethchuds? she makes some very good points... it might actually be over for you...
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ETH (and every other shitcoin) has still failed to provide use or value. It's trading price is 100% speculative.
Dont worry guys, just buy ETH.
The interopable alts will tow the dumpster fire that is ETH and all its garbage layer 2s that it needs to resemble somewhat of a functional wealth extraction device.
ETH is a disaster. Truly one of the worst developments in the last 100 years. You should not be putting any penny into this. But ETH will still flip Bitcoin a few months after ETFs launch
what is FSS?
Nothing, whats FSS with you?

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I think the funny thing from this talk will be a whole lot of ETH heads seeing that tokenised RWAs are now bigger than DeFi, and realising that their obscure L2 infrastructure play is poised to make $0 from it. Could not have happened to nicer MEVers.
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I completely forgot about the vodafone adaption, is this also going to be around the next 12 months like SWIFT, TXSE and the hongkong cbdc?
We know that DTCC will take some years
Funniest thing is that the market already realized LINK isn't going to see even a penny of rewards from this
Jorgen looks like he's addicted to extremely expensive prostitutes.
It's a powerful look.

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Where do Web3 builders gather and discuss various infrastructure tradeoffs? I want to have intelligent discussions on so many aspect of my app, but don't even know where people gather who are actively grappling with the same problems.
I would like to know this as well. EWGoldmoon on TG
most projects have discords, telegrams, and forums. while the discussion there may not be exactly in line with your needs, there is probably some amount of crossover that could give you insight or room to ask questions
Are there any sort of "web3 builders general" spaces?
>>58728925 maybe we should create one

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Is anyone making any decent money with crypto lending or staking?

What are the best platforms with good rates for stable coins or other that you can make some passive income while this shit market blows over?
I use aave because it's save
Providing liquidty is more profitable during bull market.
Problem is to find assets that move pretty much in tandem and one doesn't 10x while the other just doubles

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I make $29 dollars an hour plus overtime whenever I want. I'm looking at getting a $1,600 dollar studio apartment in Socal. Do you guys think I can afford it?
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i don't think a $1600 apartment will be in a very good area
where is this phenotype common
In my bed
we pay 2200 for two bedroom near longbeach, it sucks. Stay out.
Dear god, she's pretty

Normies are so retarded it's unreal
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Fuck off midwit moralfag.
You have to nitpick at typos to get your dopamine rush and you call me pathetic holy shit
You have literally no other substansive point to even contribute, how insufferable can a human being get?
I'm sure you'll show me in your further replies tho
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>bragging about achievements or status on an anonymous forum
Pathetic, the literal guy equivalent of claiming special woman status. Tits or GTFO.

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