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Bitcoin is never going to beat those allegations that its only used from crime and extremist terrorism.
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You really are just fucking retarded, everyone I knew made bank with trump cards. Maybe just don't buy the top like a leftist.

the release WAS the top, because it was an actual scam
How did i 30x my money then?
>I bought 5 at release, sold 3 for 3k
youre just making shit up at this point
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I have an idea guys, a based idea. Why don't you sell all your bitcoins and then kill Donald Trump? Markets will definitely collapse and you can buy cheapies at 8k. Manipulating the markets is literally that easy

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Let the bullrun begin!

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Maybe you Bobos can chew your paws off and try again next week.

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Looking for unrigged online crypto poker.

Give me a valuable strategy and I will automate it for you (for free)
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i see, i used it last year.
the ema doesn't use close input. it uses high input for one, and low input for the other
use Freqtrade, it's what I use. they also have a nice quasi AI Hyperoptimization tool. you can leave some part of the strategy as a range of number : for example When RSI is 0-30 then it will run the best number between 0-30 and use the best number after backtesting and hyperopting.
I've seen that there are some serious people in this thread so I'd like to ask if there's anyone with experience using time series formulas in their strategies, think arima to predict returns and garch to predict volatility, cointegration to find trading pair and i think that's about it when it comes to what I know. there are other quantitative strategies used in pricing option but I am still a "baby" learning about these and I would not feel confident in trading this kind of stuff, but small trades here and there on 2-3 days timeframe using arima to predict stock movevement is doable imo, considered that you integrate other series into the analysis, say earnings data, economic data, forex pairs are apparently statistically relevant, bitcoin price and interest rate are another big determinant in stock movevent.
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That's an excellent question, and coincidentally it's something I'm working on, but the process requires several steps and the development of my code is still in its early stages

MtGox baggie posting portfolio screenshot after getting back his coins.

The is the power of hodling.

This is why BItcoin is an IQ test.
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Do you think celcuis bag holders will ever get theirs back?
That would require a Jew judge to force a Jew CEO to repay the goyim he ripped off, so what do you think?
These Gox retards would have sold way earlier if nothing had happened and they all would be roping harder than they did the last few years. The hack has unintentionally set them up for life and good on them.
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>tfw I dodged the mtgox fiasco and sold my 112 btc for peanuts later
I felt lucky for a decade, now I want to kill myself
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young head vicky bros

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>tfw not rich
>tfw dont have a private jet on speed dial to fly you across the world to any destination
>sweden, greece, italiy, frrance
>tfw no driver wherever you land driving you around to places
>ywn hit up gucci, LV, D&G and drop 20k on sexy designer items
>ywn enjoy the finest luxury ever created

fuck bros 150MM is the minimum to really make it desu. Everyone even mcdicks workers have everything already to live a decent life but the thing we are all after, the status and divine life of luxury every one chases can only be obtained with a net worth north of 100MM and you know it.

I have to watch this asian faggot and live vicariously through his slant eyed life fml


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>China and EU are cutting rates
>US is just sitting and chilling
>Russia is pumping rates up
I thought global markets are all interconnected. Why the differences?
US elections
Current market is fake. Totally fabricated

>Wenia—the new digital asset company from the Bancolombia Group, one of the largest financial conglomerates in Latin America—and Chainlink—the essential infrastructure for the tokenized asset economy—announced today that Wenia is live and in production using Chainlink Proof of Reserve (PoR) to bring end-to-end transparency to the Colombian Peso reserves backing its COPW stablecoin.

>In addition to providing onchain PoR data feeds, the collaboration is expected to expand to include Chainlink Price Feeds for accurate, reliable market data and CCIP for secure cross-chain interoperability.

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Jeet: Español edition
Wow this is gonna be absolutely huge, finally chainlink is getting real adoption!!!

oh wait no it's $13 aka 75% below it's ATH
hahaha get a load of this faggot he watches jordan peterson
hey wash your penis bucko
>haha he watches jordan peterson
>t. i watch jordan peterson
oh dear kek
>muh logos

hatin stinkies is what i do
hatin linkies is who i am
i'll never stop hatin u stankies
fuck u fucking worthless shitbags yeah
hatin stinkies is what i do
hatin linkies is who i am
i'll never stop hatin u stankies
fuck u fucking worthless shitbags yeah
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Give it to me baby
>Mentally sound

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My centerlink payments just hit so I need you to shill me on the next big thing.

i need at least a 10x in the next month to be able to afford food for my brood of purebred children, and preferably one where i can get a large chunk of supply for $767.20.

hand posted so you can see I'm part of the chosen race so no need to try those jewish tricks on me like rose
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oh is this the real mumu?
btw how's the constipation?
if you're jewish then i hope the blockage never clears.
aight, calm down goy
tis indeed the og mumu
lol. lmao even
Back from the beach yet?

Incredibly kosher
why would anyone in /biz/ help a literal social welfare cockroach pay for his gay aids medicine? i hope your kids disown you.

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We are in political shitcoin season, if you’re not gambling on the next vp pick for Harris you’re fucking retarded

Signs point to Kelly, if you’re not American and don’t care you should care to make some gains, so gamble on any of the vp choices, Kelly being the obvious choice. There are 3 sol choices, pic related is oldest and has best distribution, however murk has better volume. Both will pump, which is the better play is up in the air. There is also an eth one, however 2 of the sol and the eth one look pretty meh with how the wallets are filled but always money to be made.

You are welcome. You’ll probably fade this, and try to buy right before dnc like every other retard, or worse yet day of.
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Yeah that’s why I think the best chance at a clean coin is the sol one I posted. Leadership is purely community though, but that could be just fine, in the end people will ape all mark kelly coins closer and closer to dnc

Holding Vance and MAGA for sure.
Best token you can pick on sol is $jeoing737, they also sell hats if you're interested
how do we feel about $kama?
>Political memecoins
The absolute state
>fade this
I hate you twitter faggots more than words can describe

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should i lie about my income on credit card applications?
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thats what im gonna do lol
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Be honest with women, it's to avoid blood sucking bitches, then do what you want with the others
I'd rather let everyone know that I hold kendu inu than be a liar
lmao. that's a lot of margin.
Bro if that's American Express don't do it. They will send hitmen after you
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stake.link is about the run of out LINK staked by sdl holders (who get priority)
so anyone can get link into v0.2 easy
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i don't understand. stakers lost a lot of money (dollars) so far. why would anyone want this? is it the build rewards? you have to give it to the marketing genius that came up with that carrot. exactly what retail crypto idiots want, gambling on shitcoins, but without becoming a competitor selling away the liquidity of link tokens the marketing team advertised so hard for. genius
i got rugged by linkpool too. im just doing my part and letting everyone know what both sergey and johnny had done faggot.
do you have any lpl or sdl now?
Once a based LPL chuddie kiddo always a based LPL chuddie kiddo stay based and LPL pilled fren
nope. i consciously choose to not get involved with projects that steal from me. you called me greedy buy you're the one who is controlled by greed by buying SDL

BongBusinessMen let's fuck up those MMs;

PPP on the LSE is promising long and short term, do your DD

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For the past two months everything has been falling apart and I've been waiting for Kaspa to drop, but nothing is happening. Do I have to buy at the current price then?
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This will be $jeoing737 after elections, mark my fucking words biz
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Cryptocurrency backdoors exist aIongside keyIogging software to allow bad guys and glownies to access offIine walIets whenever they want to.
Same problem here. i'm trying to stack up my bags but looking for a better entry. I'm hoping I don't make this mistake with Supra when it has its TGE
Imagine getting banned talking about it here at .00xx

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>live at home
>save 100k to buy a house in cash
>buy used camper, park it front of said house
>live in it with my cat
>rent out house 1 until enough down payment for house 2
>rent out house 1 and house 2 to pay off mortgage for house 2
>iterate the same process until i own hundreds of houses
am i missing something or is it going to be just that easy?
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I'm not disagreeing with your plan. I'm disagreeing with your door dash faith. You literally have dozens of things you can do to make much more money but you don't.

Get the house. But get that income first and double down on the investments because while you're saving up for that house those will pay back better than just sitting on it.

It's like half your plan is missing.

30k/yr how you going to save up enough for 100k?

Work smarter not harder
i don't know if setting up a food stand would make more money probably it would but i imagine it has a lot of start up cost. door dashing doesn't. you guys recommending to do other investments dont understand that im looking for a final and ultimate solution for housing so im not constantly losing money. i feel like i have to solve for that first before i do anything else. if i can stop the bleeding then i can only go up. i have to do that first before i do anything else. if i can simultaneously rent out 4 properties i will be making 100k a year. then is the time to start other investments, not before then.
Owning a rental property is not some walk in the park. You have to do the maintenance. You have to collect rent. You have to deal with low lives who don’t pay rent. You have to evict them. You have to clean up after them when they leave. It’s actually a lot of work and having more properties only increases the work exponentially.
Its funny because poor people always think real estate is some kind of cheat code because rich people have lots of property, but thats just because they ARE rich.
Imagine having a part time job to earn a couple of thousand dollars a month but having to put in 7 figure capital.
If youre willing to put in the work, start a business. If you aren't willing to put in the work, just buy stocks or crypto or something.
Locking up hundreds fo thousands in in an illiquid piece of brick and mortar if you aren't going to LIVE in it is beyond retarded.
>Locking up hundreds fo thousands in in an illiquid piece of brick and mortar if you aren't going to LIVE in it is beyond retarded.
i have literally been talking about not only living there but getting PAID to live there

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there are infinite galaxies, planets to explore, and you're here chasing pieces of paper with a face value set by pedophiles
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I set the values.
currently taking a break from bashing my head against a rust crate where the genius developer decided to put a common function in a private module that is impossible to import and his own documentation example doesn't fucking work
I just want to be able to retire and smoke weed and play video games all day. And drive a Dodge Viper.
My soul brother, same here.

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My dream business idea is to run an arcade at a massive loss in hopes of bringing joy and cherished memories to many people.
Any tips or advice?
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Based anon, in fact something similar is a recurring daydream of mine. I would want to do something like buy the rights to botched anime adaptations and make good remakes even if its at a complete loss. Or if I had enough money, somehow wrangle good IP's into my custody so the likes of Disney can't desecrate them further.
Make it a non-profit org and call it an arcade museum. Run on donations and memberships.
Better to walk the earth preaching anti-materialism. Everyone gains.
me too. love pinball machines, want them to make a comeback despite insane prices.
tfw no tard wife
It would be filled with niggers (US) or gypsies and Moroccans (EU)
Its not the 80s anymore anon.

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