Up $30We're getting the bacon egg and cheese biscuit today boys
>>59778739Fuck yes brother!
>>59778739No blood sausage?
I had a turkey bacon wrap for lunch.
quack quack
>>59777471Like this?
Just bought 13 QNT, will I get to retire on it in the next 2 years?
>>59778526>5-10 years.You'll be golden.
>>59778526Piece of shit coin does nothing but under perform. I hate QNT
>>59778526How does $129083782 sound by 2032?
>>59778526>buy shitcoin>cAn I rEtIrE oN It?Retarded behavior
>>59778526>Just bought 13 QNThahahaha>will I get to retire on it in the next 2 years?HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Is this Richard schueller? Playing moon tarot with idiots in ewok bear shirts... I do not want to play pokemon fucked the tarot and interpols most wanted list. JANICE.Can't be the same guy. He's too douchy looking.
...a bag of link, a bag of reddit, a bag of gme, some internet computer, some dogwifhat, ...
>a stack of silver >a stack of gold>some old roman denarii >a boutique guitar and ampyou could have a pretty good night in vegas with all that
>>59778740>SurvivalAll that shit and fiat are going to zero. Better buy gold.
>>59778740>a bag of redditYou have to go BACK
Most people on biz thinks they know it all. But yet, most of you people are still poor and horny.
you don't stop being horny when you're rich
>>59777319you don't know me
>wake up>crypto dumping again>LINK still not $100>go on /biz/, bullied for holding LINK>head to gym, get mustache mogged infront of my gym waifu>ETH dumps again>mom calls and asks when im going to get married have kids>my roastie neighbor's dog has been barking all day and haven't been able to concentrate at all
>>59778709>go on /biz/, bullied for holding LINK
>EngineeringWhy did I pick such a garbage career? The only benefit is it pays well. The work itself is fucking boring.
>>59778269terrible. at my work they initially wanted to outsource to mexico. I think they realized it was too expensive because they wanted to use an outsourcing agency which charges a fee, then the wage itself, and apparently mexico has a high minimum wage. then they decided they'd outsource to argentina, where our company has an office and the minimum wage is lower. all this comes after the company replaced all of our part-time employees with temps, because they thought it would save them money (ended up being more expensive because they are fucking morons).
The new hires I have had responsibilities for the last years are so fucking useless. On paper they're civil engineers, but I have such a hard time with getting them to understand how to do the tasks at hand in a self sufficient manner. They spent 18 years in school to become human calculators which get syntax errors if you don't close all of the parentheses.
>>59778602I’ve been doing this for a decade and still feel like a new grad. You’re probably describing me. I never wanted to be an engineer but it’s the only career still paying decent in 2025.
>>59778621How do you cope? I do things I've never done before every week, but like anyone else I just have to wing it. We're hired to solve problems.
>>59778703I just deal with it. I hate it though. I’d rather be in Operations than design. I’m stuck in it for now either way.
I'm all in
>>59778237im 70% in
I still need a 2x.
You have no arms, dude.
>>59778558can't lose your shirt if you don't have arms
>>59778558he had to capitulate and donate his arms to make it this cycle.
How much shit are you willing to take as a grown man and at what prize? Imagine you’re working in a office, your boss is acting like a tyrant and not a leader. He has no shame or guilt, says everything that comes to his mind out loud and sees yours and other peoples kindness and respect towards him as a false sign of weakness and excuse to abuse and disrespect you. If you saw this man out in the street you wouldn’t even let him wipe your ass but due to the power dynamic your entangled in you have no other option to either ”take it” or leave. But staying for the duration is very good for your career and life at the moment. How much abuse are men allowed to take before it seriously hurts their honor and dignity?
>>59778358I’ve debated switching careers to NDT. Not quite a trade, but not in an office. Pays decent enough too.
>>59778357I’m only in 2 days per week. Remote honestly isn’t much better. I still am stuck doing this garbage type work all day.
This has always fascinated me about normies. How they can just allow other people to disrespect them.Moment someone tries disrespecting me its gonna be an issue and if they refuse to co-operate and be nice to me im out of there. Simple as.
>>59778246Anyone that isn't violent is a coward and a victim and deserves to be used and abused by those that use violence.
>>59778649>just be an emotional nigger I'm 14 and this is deep
Its been 2 days since the last XRPL outage
Proof of TRUST
>>59778382Proof of Nose.
Can somebody at least Larp as a insider and tell me it's gonna be ok.Everytime i think i bought low. It. Goes. Lower
>>59777972It turded green
>>59778138Except that Quantum computers are fake and Keccak-256 could be cracked by any computer that can crack SHA-256
>>59777972I got blue. I’m based
Insider here from the U.S. treasury. Things are extremely tense right now with mass firings and leveraging of tariffs. Whole government is being restructured and flipped inside out. I can’t say when or exactly which crypto but from next week to the month of may we will see a steady crab walk across the market and a few minor dips. As things stabilize and most retailers are shaken out mass adoption of crypto will take place, credit card companies will begin operating on a specific system and the USD will be backed by either gold or silver. The entire central banking system will revolve around a single currency that operates cheaply and with minimal failures and due to these major changes the debts the United States currently have will be wiped clean. Mass arrests will be coming for financial fraud as well.
>>59777972Damn I'm retarded
Thanks for ruining my life $GME
>>59768165I gave you UAFC but you slept on it. Still not late to dive in. YGMI
>>59768165You can redeem yourself by getting into RYCEY and PLTR. It’s a little late for those two but not too late.
>>59768165fud GME thread? buying more GME.
>>597682642 more weeks
>>59773665All GME baggies are r*dditors
Why aren't you shorting rn? It's literally free money.
Honestly this is a free short if you're able to make it. Most of these coins are held by one fund that has to sustain a twitter bot suite operators payroll and they're currently at a loss. So it has nowhere to go but down unless the funds try to time something to save their already lost position via exploiting over leveraged positions, but at this point they're so in the hole that might be suicidal and I mean that literally as they're not playing with their own money.I see some scared cope in this thread.
Furthermore, the same fund has taken a MIRACULOUS pr hit within the last week or so that's removed them from any semblance of a market leader position. So now they're busy paying unmotivated bot operators money they don't have to sustain a fake and gay social movement that never really existed. Zachxbt called out the funds early on. It seems as if some anons just let them overplay their hand before making any movement. I'm interested to see what the same fund trys next. They also manage ansem, who's now fudding all of crypto. I'm pretty sure this is because they've given up trying to maintain a control apparatus and are now just fudding the entire industry, ironically enough fueling the short pressure.Anyone who tells you this isn't free is getting lied to or lieing to you or an idiot.
>rnDumbfuck Zoomer hands typed this post. Remember everyone, when people like this get liquidated soon it's mostly dumbfuck zoomers
>>59778501>hahaha dumbfuck zoomer hahahaOk buddy I'm sure you can get a new job after this. Sorry you invested into a literal loli coin astroturfed by gay pedophiles. Enjoy the -99%.
>>59778476>called out the funds early onLink?
OTHERS.D broke through trendline support that held since 2015. Next support is 6.30 and then 5.63
>>59778566this time its different...its over anons
I just sold about 2% of my stack.If the price goes down, I already soldeded, so I buy back cheaper and win. If the price goes up, I care not. I'll make money too. Either way I win.I SIMPLY CANNOT LOSE. IT'S FREE MONEY!
>>59778561Sorry to all shitcoiners who gamble on shitcoins though.Not the case for you.Shitcoins go to ZERO. YOU SIMPLY CANNOT WIN WITH SHITCOINS
>>59778561these animals right, they're MADE OF CHICKEN and they shit out FREE EGGS
Bitcoin to 100k?
Are you enjoying the altseason frens?
>>59777919Bitcoin is at 6 digits and I'm thinking about ending it
>>59778006It will happen only if we sellBut it can't happen if we hold Such is the nature of this world
The only thing I enjoy is that at least my Koto is covering the food quota for the month, I'm not going to worry about it for a while, or until the bear comes back again
Just have meagre stacks of Pepe and XRP now. This is the definition of suffering.
>>59778006Yeah February has been a green month for the last 9 out of 10 years
Day 1293 of snailposting every day until BTC is at 1M
>>59777326You are under 100k again.
everyone is going to make it
>>59777403Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Thanks, fag. I enjoyed this. I'm not going to trigfag tho even if you're going to start with the haikus; my work is identifiable without needing it. I trust everyone knows I'm the real S.H. anon>SPURTING ANOOS SNAIL SEX etc
>>59778305I was the first to start the haikus, actually. Just didn't use a trip at the time.