I guess it makes sense why the market is pumping, especially with the big news about the creation of the US crypto reserve. Could this be a sign of a bullrun?
>>59941100It's mildly bullish. Seized BTC doesn't represent a very large portion of the BTC pool, all told.People thought the reserve would mean buying BTC, now they realize it doesn't. That's why it's correcting downward slightly.
>>59941107it was always going to be this way since it was first announced and even when i tried to post on here telling you retards that no one fucking listened. it's like no one can actually fucking read before putting multiple thousands of dollars into an asset.
>>59924775More reason why you should only interact with protocols with solid track records and also whose MO doesn't require them to hold user assets in a central pool. These RWA protocols involved in providing private lending to real world businesses fit the profile of a perfect airtight defi protocol.
>>59941527Fuck off. Kasu is a kike scam, and so are all the others.
>>59942443So quick to brandish the scam tag on it but I bet you've not committed a single dollar to any of their pools, neither have you met anyone who has lost anything at all for lending on their platform. Are you feeling frustrated that you can't meet up with the minimum requirements to become a lender on it or what? Cos there's literally no basis for this!
But what now?
>>59943139The Fed already said no rate cuts or QE this year.
>>59943139He won’t because Trumps retardedness will probably increase inflation.
>>59943123He's going to be much more cautious with rate cuts this time. He's still recovering from the PTSD from "transitory inflation".
>>59943123It's simple, frontrun Trump and slurp the Strategic Reserve to remain competitive as a private organisation against the Government, lest lose your grip on usury over the global peg.
90k soundly rejected
Might wanna check again
>>59943213not even 3 minutestopkek
Stupid bobo
czech again
crypto summit "sell the news" is being frontrunbobos are getting a little greedy
>>59943236yeah yeah sellers are going to run out of steam by choosing today to sell instead of the actual day of the summit
>>59943233fuck you
>>59943241not what I'm saying. I'm saying this meeting happening is not a news, it's a trigger the rumor eventwe'll see
This is where sell the news turns into buy the news and mumus make it and bobos kys
fun observation, the "news" was actually that there would be a crypto summit. the event itself happening tomorrow is not news
which one will you buy?
>>59942057Both will collapse.
I would short them both
the second one looks more organic imo
>>59942057SPY and BTC?
Top seems more stable with as much juice at the end as the start, 2nd has more aggression but seems to be losing steam
Do you think we're going to get listed on Binance or Coinbase this year? CB introduced kaspa perpetual futures last month. I don't know what that is, but may be a sign of a potential listing soon.
>>59942957Yeah, what about this NEXA anon... oh wait...
>>59943001They're retarded if they release now, need to release in a bullish market.
>>59943086are ALL kas holders schizophrenic and mental?
>>59943191>i-it's not me guys, it's someone elseYeah yeah, inb4, saved you a post
It makes no sense
all women are whores/thread
>>59943196getting older naturally separates the ones with higher standards because they remain singleyou couldn't figure this out on your own?
>>59943196women's rights were a mistake
women who claims they have high standards were getting fucked raw by niggers in a nissan altima during their prime yearsthis is a shit test to see if you are a paypig cuck
The majority of them don't. The ones you see bitching in the tiktoks that get reposted here are the minority. Women over 35 are easy if you ever want to get laid quickly
The cowboys are coming to save us
>>59943036Normies in general think it is perpetually 1968, that Europe is still a giant powerhouse, that the US is 1 week away from having helter skelter, that Russia is going to kill everyone, and that China is just that place far away that makes cheap clothes. They don't realize that single US states dwarf countries even without federal aid
>>59943157can i get some? i will smoke meth in front of the approver if needed
>>59942596Is this why that chainlink faggot has been posting pics in a cowboy hat?
yeah bro texas has the same gdp as france italy and russia yeah bro should we also tell them that mississipi has the same gdp as zimbabwe?
>>59943186Ive considered it unironcallyThere was this black dude I worked with who's baby mama (who lived with him) brought her kids to a shelter a few nights a week and eventually she got a housing voucher for life and they just rented it out on airbnBThe same dude also knew a lady that worked for the human services office who could get you a 1 year rent voucher in exchange for 500$ cash to herThe entire homeless thing is so much worse than people think, however stupid and wasteful you imagine in- multiply that by 10 and you are close
Naval's advice for people who want to get rich.Notice he doesn't say anything about playing the stock market. You are setting yourself up for failure if you play stocks.
Write books. Write blogs. Don't play stocks.
He is about to ascend into Godhood
>>59941282okay but delusional fantasy aside, what will you say?
>>59941282>$20Wow, that must be a lot! What’s the ATH again?
>>59939616Hey i remember when this gif was first released. All of us linkies thought it was big bc the timing of the smirk suggested that Sergey had insider info about the state of the market as it pertained to the speakers comments. It turns out that in the direction Sergey was looking, Rory was behind the crowd making faces at Sergey, and had just pulled his pants down, positioning his balls on either side of his dick, which he tucked and twisted to fashion his pakage into a mock hamburger. It sucks the smirk wasn't due to insider knowledge, but at least Rory got Sergey's attention and made him laugh on stage after trying for so long.
>>59941287I agree. If not this moment, then when?
>>59941150then he goes home and sells everything in the satoshi wallet
why it pumped?
>>59943018I don't want
>+0.00000000000000000000000001%>wah wahh why id bumb>-0.00000000000000000000000001%>wah wah why id dumb
Brown is BASED and KINO with a Playboy Bunny WIFE
>White House roundtable to discuss strategic crypto reserve>Like 15 BTC maxis plus at least one rep for LINK, SOL, and XRP>NOTHING FOR ETH AT ALL, NOBODY, NADAIt's fucking over. FML
>>59942879Meth's only utility is to let me sell my chainlink when it moons anyway. I just hope this scamchain run by a cringe autist doesn't fall apart before I sell.
>>59943004he is clearly a huge problem, I don't know if we can get rid of him or something? moreover in the etherum foundation I imagine that it is obese and retarded black women who make the decisions...
>>59942896There shouldn't be any reserve, literally anything would be a better use of taxpayers dollars.
>>59943138an asian woman was made president recently
>>59943138Im a linkie, not my problem
Buy the dip.Stay the course.Time in the market beats timing the market.The fundamentals haven’t changed.It's on sale!
Either I make it this cycle or I sink with the ship. Idgaf anymore.
But why aren't we hitting 10 cents again?
>>59937749was gon sell into SUI yesterday, had I done that I would have made $10k. KAS is such a waste of money.
>>59939322it's crazy how right Hitler was. You will ALWAYS lose with Jews, and I'll never invest or use anything Jewish ever again.
>>59939322Shalom goy having fun sucking my jewish dick?Hope you don't find my kaspa bags too heavy. Then again what do I care about a dumb goy
Congrats, all. Looks like it went smoothly.
link will dump tomorrow. i would bet my entire net worth on it. NEVER bet against link dumping
>>59943085That's a man and post your short
why is link dropping ranks?
>>59937045actually fugtrup is an indian
BTC, ETH, XRP, SOL, ADAThe white house is having its first summit. Discuss and speculation general. Discuss such topics as "will Brad hand the entire escrow to Donald?" "Will Vitalik show Donald how to do a roll back?" "Will Charles show Donald how to hold a cigar?" And "Will Satoshi aka David Schwartz and Jack Dorsey do a face reveal?" More to come. Have fun. Who knows.. maybe Sergey will crash it like Sasuke.
bunch of jackasses are going to get humiliated by Satoshi/ white hats
>>59942755Some faggots swear they’re going to at least $50, which would put them at a market cap higher than Bitcoin. Kek deluded moonbois.
>>59942771That idiot Vitalik isn't going to be there, is he ?
>>59940647We can't really know what the outcome will be, but there is one thing about which we can be sure: ethereum (ETH) WILL dump.
roach king is going apparently cat girls rejoice
>b-but everyone will just move manufacturing to america and will make it great again>the second dems go back in the office tariffs are lifted>absolutely everyone knows that>no way republicans are getting elected in 2028RUGS CRYPTO AND RUGS THE STOCKTHE RUG PRESIDENTAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
>>59942510his approval ratings now are 5% down from january lol, you're coping hard
>>59942250first line flips after medicaid, veteran affairs, and social security gibs are cut.second line flips when goyslop prices go through the moon because no more spicmonkey workers.fourth line flips when F150 base trim increases to $80k
>>59942521Trump won with 49% of the vote. You really think a recession won't push that 1% over?
>>59942101>move manufacturing to america and will make it great againI'm not convinced this can actually be done in 2025.
>>59942560ofc it cant be done, tesla gigafactory was built in 18 months and reached capacity another 18 months later, and thats in china where labor is plenty and is dirt cheap and materials are free flowing from russia, now compare that to US retard's dubious claims and nonexistant incentives to do the same in states
Why punping? News sir?
What's even pumping
>>59943042btc above 90k
I can't believe an elected president dumped a premined shitcoin on US citizens and it's already forgotten about. imagine the sleaziest money grab work you can partake in, even if you're in a financial bottleneck there would still some semblance of human dignity in you that would prevent you from going through with that. with this orange nigger however none of it weighted in and he pulled it so well that it didn't even hurt his image, it's as if it never even happened.
>>59940541same for the stock/bond/commodity market, intrinstic value is a meme. people only care about number go up.
>>59940509Trump supporters are stupid. Why can't we just admit that and move on. Don't call them cattle either because those beasts at least have a sliver of herd intelligence to lean on.
>>59940548Alot of stocks are obviously linked to business that provide real world value, not all but like atleast half. With crypto on the other hand you can only buy drugs, THATS LITERALLY IT.
>>59940668Are you seriously claiming that tech stock valuations track their revenues? Fuck off.
>>59940509Something something trannies