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Why are we still here?
Is it just to suffer?
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>2021 alt season

>2024 alt season

Anyone have a photo of the 2017 'alt season' it was probably a group of 10s
all of it
You're trying too hard to be an incel, Anon.
I actually want to fucking sell.

Oracle buying Tiktok is an interesting proposition- especially considering thr current Stargate project being unveiled - half a trillion funding.
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Oracle is a CIA front. 2 years before Larry Ellison founded Oracle he worked for the CIA on "project Oracle" a computer database of all Americans.

I wouldn’t call it a front. It’s openly acknowledged to be connected with the CIA.

How else would they develop that level of technology?
Larry Ellison is a weird fucking guy. like 80 years old and looks better than some of the 30 and 40 year olds I know. Dude's gotta be doing some Marina Abromovitch black magic shit.
That’s crazy man. Bet the CIA have incredible supplements.
thats just the effect of not being in the cagie having your soul sucked out for 4 to 5 decades
add in a little hgh and some minor face fillers and bingo

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Why has no one talked about this?
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because anons know they'll never get their money back
Surely no one trusted that jew with their money?
because nobody here had money in there, biz was the only place on the accessible internet that called ftx a scam from the sart while every twatter kol was sucking his cock
so yeah nobody follows up with the drama
they are going to crash the market just to make it fair

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>Fraud and corruption being cleaned up in the US

>XRP going up

>Chainlink plummeting

was link the scam all along?
Sirghey was long on WEF globohomo so he was probably getting some of that CIA slush fund money that's now drying up.
>we are now fudding CIA and WEF

Kek LINK won

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Bitcoin that is
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I have 10k
I'm from eastern europe
I am becoming a maxi. After this cycle I will hold nothing but BTC. It has been decided.
>being this delusional
just the way to go. I look to rotate my memecoin profit into BTC, XRP and EOS.
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What does /biz/ think about shorting cryptocurrency? Altcoins sem like such a gimmicky kind of thing and and I bet there are plenty of stories about how people who invested in them got the short end of the stick.

Doesn't it make sense to then just short whatever people are currently hyping that you know is most likely a quasi-pump and dump scheme?
The big thing everyone missed this cycle was the long btc short everything else pair trade. Why bother? Because you can get fairly leveraged in it with an acceptable risk profile. Guess what all the posts about eth short interest are about.

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Monday will be a goldbath
Friday is bath night in my house though am I GMI
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first thing I do when I make it is get a place with a bath tub.
my dreams are humble.
Why? Things seem comfy. Tariffs and shit like that don't seem to affect us anymore. With all the bad news they weren''t even able to made us hit 90k. Everybody is buying. Only up from here, bro
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thats why I said gold anon...
I read bloodbath o_O

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live saving information
what's your alts? I'm holding XRP and EOS.
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Altcoins ewwww
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aave will be here forever

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Should I be buying ONDO? Why aren't you guys talking about ONDO?
Would only consider buying it in the 50-60 cents range. Overvalued for now, compared to other alts on my watchlist
if you are happy with the multiple between 6 and 12 dollars, yeah

Does anyone actually make money in this crypto shit?

The only people I see making money are whales and scammers
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the important thing to comprehend about crypto is that it is a pyramid scheme like any other and it is NOT decentralized as it is touted to be.
post proof or kys faggot
I'm 100dollars up.
>What is a whale
Rich people who buy a huge amount of coins / tokens
the most money ive ever made on crytpo is the uniswap air drop, which i sold for like $1k? i can't remember. either way my lifetime P&L is probably $0.

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ITT try to predict what the top signal will be

kanye launching a memecoin
top signal was whores installed phantom in xmas. everyone is down -%80 since. it's already over.
were you not here like 2 weeks ago?
ETH will reach 4k after some bullish news only to gigabart down to 800 USD. The entire market will be done for the Next 3-4 years.
Kek anon, I posted this pic in my memechat in facebook and the jews literally suspended my 6yrs old acc and now they want me to verify myself with a pic id, but the little blanked dickies wont get it :D
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they will lift the ban if you post a public apology and donate to zion

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What the fuck is happening? Is it now Avax or Bnb Season? Are we still going to make it holding other alts?
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no ranshit, token not needed.
I would have believed this when it was under $1
I dumped it already, made my gains and I'm majorly into NEAR, SUI and MOVE
SOL had multiple crash last year, Let count how many it will be this year. At this point I prefer buying L2 than L1.
Trump World Liberty financial DCA into it. it huge gem with long term potential.
What are the odds of Trump buying more American based project token

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People buy meme coins because they hope price goes up.
People buy utility coins because _______.
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We're all in for the money right?
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rookie figures anon
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Have you stumbled on any long-term value and real-world use cases like UAFC? That's it! You sleep on it, you lose.
>SUI is building out DeFi, gaming, and NFTs with fast transactions and low fees

Yea and no one cares, nor is it needed. Its the type of shit terminally crypto obsessed people take notice to. These are not utilities kek. A utility is when i can go om the darkweb, and buy shit with monero thats otherwise illegal, now thats a utility and even then its only for scum druggies
the likes of XRP, EOS, XLM, BNB, SUI

>Not even a month has passed and people already getting rugged by memecoins made by 3 presidents and 2 nations
I was watching Gary’s MIT lectures at Christmas 2020

Cosy af

How dare they tarnish his reputation
He was always a Bitcoin maxi and he was right to try to protect the average retard consumer from the scammers-on-steroids in the altcoin space
i don't hear you crowing for the abolition of gambling. yet you feel passionate about this? explain yourself
>slows down actual adoption for 4 years and only lets meme coins run

Fuck this nigger
This waffling retard couldn’t make a clear decision to save his life. I bet if you put a gun to this bald faggot’s head and told him he had to tell you what color the sky is within 30 seconds you’d just end up blowing his brains out. Fuck him and his toadies.

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You have two days to get rid of your over-leveraged & hyped bags.
But 100x is so fun and edgy

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You heard me correctly, even sniper bots are bagholders of Millei’s so-called meme token, now down 95%. I daresay some new celebrity or politician will soon launch their own meme token, yet it won’t even reach a $100 million market cap. That will surely spell the end for the Solana casino and meme coins as a whole.

Thank you for playing, your fartcoin, or so-called AI tokens (which are also memes), will plunge another 90% following this black swan event.

Much like NFT hype era, it will soon be over.
Hopefully, i want that alt szn finally!

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Icing on the cake: argentina just killed the meme market for good i hope.
hope you kys op
Lmao dumb nigger
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look at these dumb brownies. taking their money away with bull traps is my passion.
Wow, an eth fud, very original content on this pakeetnigger cia site...
Collect those rupies kumar, one day you can buy a holy cow for the village.

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Empty egg carton
The dems did a fake bird flu scamdemic on their way out the door to fuck with Trump. Everybody with half a brain knows it
do those morons realise chickens shit out eggs for free? why they paying $7 when you can buy a whole ass infinite supply of eggs for like $10
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>not everything is a conspiracy
I have 6 chicken, sers. When lambo?

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Did you miss the memo? Burgers are pumping again
that's what they wanted you to think

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Anyone else take a break from crypto, come back, and completely fuck shit up in a series of bad trades? I think I was away for too long. I lost my edge. I became an ADHD trader.
this is my son ryan. how'd you get his picture?
>be me
>price dips
>completely lose interest in investing
>price rises
>invest my money into something at the top
>it dumps
>completely lose interest in investing
And repeat
thats a man

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