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My fellow comrades, why aren't burger-flippers in LA making at LEAST $150 an hour? I think $100 an hour is FAR too little.
I, personally, as Official Party Palm Reader am SHOCKED that I am not being paid $1000 / hour for my services.

On a side-note, why is a cheeseburger suddenly $56.30?
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this board is not for underage boys, please fuck off
Ironically, if we actually kept up with a minimum wage that was in line with the originally mandated one, it would be at $150/hr
Keep it up though. These commies can't handle the bantz though lol
Low blood sugar from famine will do that :^}
And prices would be even higher for everything. Oh I guess we could have implemented price controls, but wait, why is there no food at the grocery store now??
That's sort of the point
It was retarded from the beginning
No policy mandating a payment schedule will ever do anything positive for the overall health of the economy, because that makes business start from behind every pay period by default. Couple that with fiat currency lunacy and the only way to survive in business is to hit a gigantic critical mass where you become "too big to fail"
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What's wrong, anon?
This better?

Komrade, I assure you I am over 18. However, I identify as a third trimester fetus. Age-vased exclusion is quite problematiKKK comrade, and I will have to report you.

I can't wait to write slam poetry about racism after the revolution.
I will use $200/hr from my $4500/hr wage to build free houses for marginalized communities (particularly undocumented immigrants.)
But also everything will be free.

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first sell off
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It's way past public and you know it.
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For once the hopium is actually correct. This is absolutely the first sell-off.
can't really get more based than this. ive got bad news for people who don't think 25k is coming.
this, lol
it doesn't get any more textbook than this... like, this is as tight a correlation as you could ever expect in a chart

it really is unbelievable how a jew is involved every single time
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How many white people did you pass up before you got to each one?

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Join TG

>Gian typing...
>Jerry typing...
>Everyone from failed Spurdo coin in there
>Everyone from Squid in there
>Chart looks topped out with extremely high RSI
>New users saying they will never sell... (LMAO)

... Get out now before Gian dumps on you again and then pretends he is the victim

See what happened with POPO.
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jerry is a pedophile, gamers rise up
>yeah bro these serial scammers never make money, they just love wasting their time and money on random shitcoins
fucking delusional, gian.
price is still up. KEK
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oooooooohhhh fuuuddddiiieeeesss

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I am a paid shill for Chainlink unironically AMA

I can attach proof emails but will need to blur some shit
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Are you using the money from shilling for your transition surgery?
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Paid fudder here, I am also hired by chainlink labs to fud in order to incentivize the conspiratorial schizo demographic into buying through reverse psychology.
LMAO. Still waiting for your email, fudcuck
How’s life after 30?
dump what you know about shilling operations. does the team run bots or are they paying people individually?

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>Price moves to liquidity
yeah... I'm noticing it...
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I think he means filled orders. You can tell how much leverage will get liquidated based on the percentage move.
Selling pressure from german dumping is greater than buying pressure from open short positions
Where was the picture taking ?
Coinglass has two different models for the liquidation heatmap, it's more sophisticated than just looking at order book depth, so I was curious if anyone has a guess as to what those models are. I'll do some digging into research, thanks.
today, 1month chart

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I'm wondering when that kicks maybe like 3 dollars?
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How long until Kaspa flips Litecoin?
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smells like deadcoin
JEOING737 is pretty new and it's performing better or the same than kas
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Current risk : 0.41 ( 0 is the lowest and 1 is the highest)
blue means buy , kAS is very cool at the moment despite breaking the ATH.

The real frenzy will start when the metric breaks 0.9 ,that's when everything will become boiling hot

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Our entire economy relies on China. Not just any nation, but China.

The country whose history is full of authoritarian governments with less stability than a fart, a tiny economic slowdown is enough for a protest to pop out of nowhere, the country with the greatest aging population in the world and falling birthrate.
China is also one of the biggest importers in the world (being the world's factory is not free, they need oil and raw materials, machinery and microchips as well), they even import water and food on a massive scale (70% of their water is poisoned, 80% of their land is arid).

If anything happens to wumao and its supply chain, if some war happens tomorrow thanks to autism against tiny islands, or they can't provide cheap unlimited labor anymore, or any of their bubbles pops (like the housing one made of uninhabitable ghost cities), may god help our global economy based on funkopops.
>The country whose history is full of authoritarian governments with less stability than a fart, a tiny economic slowdown is enough for a protest to pop out of nowhere, the country with the greatest aging population in the world and falling birthrate.
stop describing america, i thought this thread was about china
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>You're a faggot
>>Ok but, you're also a faggot!
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>can't provide cheap, unlimited labor anymore
Anon, lmao.
The wonderful thing about endlessly bottomless self esteem is that everyone is potentially worthless.
People as a resource are not a force that stands up for themselves very well. Hell, you can trick most into thinking it's a slight against their culture to stand up for themselves, lol.

He looks so happy. That must have been a really nice day.

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Crypto is literally the new tulip mania
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It's funny because you think you're really clever with this perspective. I had this same perspective back in 2016 and now I realize how retarded I was back then to think this way.
I hope you are right fren. I’d love to be wrong.
So share your perspective now ? Instead of being mean ? And what’s your portfolio ?
That's good. Tulip mania multiplied by global market and I got in at the good prices? Hell yeah
Bullshit chart with bullshit horizontal axis.

Bitcoin didn't start in 2014, and if you didn't cherry pick a year in the middle of its existence but started from its inception, it would very easily dwarf all other asset bubbles, making them all look as flat lines smushed at the bottom of the chart.

It's also been going on for many more years than any of the historical asset bubbles it keeps getting compared to, which the useless x axis on this sad chart cleverly hides.

But I'm sure this doesn't undermine the point you're making in any way.

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Am I in a bubble or is this insanely mispriced?
Trump VP by the way.

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uh oh
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Swans are fucking asshole birds. I still remember the one that bit me because I wouldn't give it my potato chips back in like 2002
thank you
oj vey

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What did Tate mean by this?
jesus fucking christ, it's going to 40k isn't it
that he has a 9 inch cock and everyone should GLUG GLUG GLUG until the goop SPILLS the fuck out into your throat
nigga u gay asf

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The only millionaire idea I have is a porn game using AI.
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g2g so yeah for the smart & curious - Telegram: americanwifsolcto or X: americanwifcoin
Do it anon
you will never learn to code, youre an idea guy and a coomer
Hey, I'm a cooming coder. It can happen anon. I tried making my own porn generating AI in 2017 using tensorflow, long before it became popular now...it never worked, the pics it generated were worse than early Dalle.
if it was multiplayer it would be a bit more fun, still wait for the AIs to get a bit better, I'm using $summer to have funds for a future project with AIs too, I just need to wait

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Oops they were lying about the job market
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this is same in almost all countries. housewives are not looking for a job therefore they are not unemployed. plus homeless people are homeless for a reason, when they look for jobs yes they are unemployed. but us has a good system, husbands support their home, homeless people don't get lots of benefits from the government, so there's no issue here, it's either fud or psyop.
That's a complete bullshit graph. Monetary expansion from 1913-1971 was a tiny fraction of the expansion since '71, and purchasing power has declined ~95% since '71
Interesting timing considering Bidens biggest campaign point is that he created more jobs than anyone before in his term

Then again everyone knew the numbers were cooked
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You're talking so much bullshit. Switzerland has less than 7%

You are extremely retarded. Fix your brain before you talk again.
Yes, you can lose 99% multiple times but OVERALL you can't. Stupid braindead 65 IQ nigger
sorry chud, your racism made the hard working immigrants look elsewhere, get ready for the biggest economic bust of your lifetime

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Why did Vegeta's hair shrink in GT?
>/biz/ is doomposting after a massive recovery
Bottom is in boyos
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it's more likely that it will survive, and we will have a final alt season before the end of the year.
it's not like this hasn't happened before anyway, the only difference is that now I'm prepared with things like $summer, we'll be fine

>Kenis Unchained is a distributed computation platform to run heavy workloads such as 3D rendering or training AI models on a decentralized network.

>Timeleap's Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) is a comprehensive solution for businesses seeking to integrate blockchain technology into their operations.

>GhostFS is a distributed remote storage backend that enables developers to analyze large data sets efficiently within a distributed network. (Used in an EU funded projected called the Human Intracerebral EEG Platform (HIP))

>HSM, soon to be released, is a hardware security module that enables developers to store and manage cryptographic keys in a secure environment.

>Tachyon (formerly known as Clio) is a programming language targeting distributed systems. (Clio has almost 1k GH stars)
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Old tech, people have been doing this for years already.
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I've been doing your mum for years already. Doesn't mean it's a bad idea. The execution is simply superior. That's why she keeps slobbering on my Kenis.
Dev is a street shitter. End of story.
stinky baggie detected, opinion rejected
Guys I've got the secret for getting rich. Don't buy early projects that have literal genius tier founders who don't sleep at night and have millions in tokens but haven't sold them and instead focus on executing maximum value for customers...

Instead buy billion mcap projects with holders who got in at 15c, with thousands of remote employees paid in the native token which is dumped immediately to pay for marketing and onboarding, while actual company revenue is sucked up and sent to VCs instead of giving back to token holders.

You may call me a cuck but I have already spoken to the ceos of the major crypto projects in Brussels and they're already telling me I've got the right idea. This is not financial advice but you'd be smart to listen.

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I'm a not particularly smart but can grasp code,operate a computer, and have decent communication skills at least enough to avoid getting fired for sexual harrassment.
A person like me cant really get a comfy job anymore since I dont have a degree or any remarkable qualities outside of a few years of corpo experience on my resume.

Is it worth going into trades without chad bones? I dont have strong hands,manlet,just a former lanklet that built some muscle. I'm not fast on my feet since I relied on computers so much (terrible worker employee when manual labor is involved).
delete this

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and thats a good thing (for alts)
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you trade your shitcoins for stablecoins when the market tops for the cycle so you can buy back at the bottom, duh?
>niggas in disbelief
i will sell you my solana bags at 3k a pop, watch and learn nigga
>market needs people like him
alt szn confirmed
Coinbase glitching out for anyone else?
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a small dump is always healthy for the market, I just hope it doesn't take too long to go up again
I still have several bags to sell and also my $summer seems to have a fat pump again soon

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Sold all my chainlink and put it all on Michelle Obama being the Democrat presidential nominee.
Who the fuck is Michelle Obama? Do you mean Big Mike?
OP is gonna make it

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Every dead cat bounce is an opportunity
kill yourself
stop posting the bobos. now.

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