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When are you selling?
April 2024.

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Day 21 of posting Captchacoin until we hit 10% of the supply and 17USD per $CAPS
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thanks. Annie xo
thought it was 5. or isnt that just beta or some shit..
creator says six figure hell is where it's at senpai alam
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Anyone do this? I live in a very sunny area and it almost seems like a no-brainer.

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Had a big dump recently

Is set to dominate PC market

Their goal now is to beat Nvidia on AI market

Give a good reason why you don't buy this gem
AMD is shit
>Give a good reason why you don't buy this gem
AMD are based you stinky shintel shitter. Doesn't make the company a good investment though.
>Doesn't make the company a good investment though.
All they need is hype. Hype starts with a large amount of buys. Nerds report to other nerds about the unusual activity. Blogs and publications start writing about the activity. Everyone jumps on ship. Profits soar.
It's shit.

Can I move to Ireland and just collect rent in America or money from a business? Anyone do this? I want American wages/money but would I just be taxed twice?
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>didn't pay any U.S taxes
you owe uncle sam and he'll get you eventually
Nope. Not how it works
Sure, double it weekly on Dplay, and live the life of your kek dreams

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>things aren't that bad tod-ACK!
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Excellent idea! Post your project's address so we all can see what it is and add it to our blacklists- I mean send the money over! Let's do this anon #LFG! #BUIDL!
i've been telling every single nigga i can about 4chan x and its intuitive word filtering list thing but not many pay attention i suppose. literally just add words you want to be hidden automatically and that's it. add whatever flavor of the month shill project you want and it'll be hidden automatically.

this board is very, very different when you do that.
They aren't. Those shits in your screenshot are irrelevant as fuck, of course they aren't doing well no matter the current sentiment.
You are not immune to anarchist propaganda. Bet you also think Bitcoin is a revolution against banking as a whole. Lmfao

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is that shit ever goes above 100k we are set
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anon no matter what it is, you have to learn to spot the opportunities and start investing intelligently in projects like Superverse or Ripple, no matter where we are in the market.
even in bear market you can make profits, I agree with you
THIS, you can't wait for someone to tell you “it's bullmarket m8”

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My 25x long on eth got liquidated. I lost it all.
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I'm waiting for all my bags to die, I'm not even looking to recover, the only thing I saved was the money from my $kendu, but the rest is not worth it now, I just want to feel that I lost everything to give closure to this stage of my life
the only way you make 1 million dollars in ETH is with the same gambling ethos that makes you lose it all.
You should use your money to buy DePIN gems, as it's a popular narrative. Dyor on the peaqosystem, and you’ll see what I mean.
So true, leverage trading is like driving a car with no brakes at full speed, one wrong move or surprise event and it’s game over.
That’s why I stick with spot trades on Bitcoin, Solana, and Filecoin.
I also stake the ones that can be staked and restake a few of my DePin tokens on the Parasail ecosystem
>25x long
25x long is straight-up insane. Even a tiny dip can get him liquidated and wreck his whole stash.
holding Sol, Push, Near, and Rndr is way safer. no liquidation drama, just chill and let it ride.

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New to this, only have like 50 a week to spend on Crypto starting with chain link.. even small gains would be nice.. using Revolut because most other apps have a min amount you need to put in before you can use it and I'm too poor.. what should I use other than this? Rather get into this than waste money on beer but I am kind of clueless
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Makes sense, sorry for the late reply was working. I still wanna make something on the side though and learn before getting serious and have more money. Noticed the fee is 0.99% on revolt so going to try use Kraken once they don't mind smaller deposits. What about a wallet what would you recommend, Coinbase? Actually made a little with XRP, like 15.
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How about joining flip.gg squad and start a new addiction?
I would put those 50 bucks into in $super instead of link, at least for now since its behaving better than btc and eth
how about no?
I would do that monthly with btc but that shit so unstable now... still doing it anyway

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I have a small box at my parents house that contains pictures of my former gfs and has notes that contain things like "this pic is for you daddy" (no nudity though). They have probably gone through this because they are nosey as fuck and this whole ordeal makes me feel uncomfortable.
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first poster is the real nigger usually
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>I have a small box at my parents house that contains pictures of my former gfs and has notes that contain things like "this pic is for you daddy" (no nudity though).


this is the most incel shit I 've read here
you sound like a nigger who lives in that basement 100% sure you dwelve in shitcoins and superverse games 200% sure you jerk off to that reminds me of that black mirror ep, fucking disgusting 400% sure you are a link holder
it usually is, but I beg to differ, op is a white perv in a basement
I do paly web3 games but I wont keep porn parafernalia from any girl in a box... we have the internet for that
*insert gustavo esposito meme we are not the same*

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Yeah... totally disgusting
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yeah making money doing nothing is disgusting
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the only bad ponzi is the one that wont make money for you

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Anons, what were your biggest financial mistakes that everyone here should learn from?
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Don't move in with your gf
Don't move out from your parents house
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not buying all those alt coins red days, superverse token is almost double what it was a whole time ago, I thought about it but decided to avoid it... few weeks later that shit is soaring and may go over the dollar mark soon...
I tried to be a bear a few months ago and bought soxs at 35. it proceeded to go down to 22, at which point I panic sold and lost 20k. since then I've been buying and selling penny stocks and managed to lose another 20k. I went from 56k to 16k. in other words don't bother with stocks if you're retarded like I am.
learn english ESL faggot

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73k was the top and in hindsight it will be obvious
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the cycle is driven by global liquidity and debt refinancing using 1-5 year treasuries not halvings dummy
>>58783464 was the bottom and in hindsight it will be obvious.
absolutely! global liquidity and debt refinancing just happen to make it have a bottom in the green days and a top in the yellow days, that's all
they just happen to align to the logic and timings of an event that dictate the inflow of new supply of this asset (BTC), which i'm sure has nothing to do with it
Good posts fren. Just like last time, the crab market has made anons go crazy. We're gonna wagmi and they ngmi.
Post halving and ETF this price action is fucking abysmal.

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Doom's day
For real though, why is nobody talking about the September 1st dooms day event that will hit $APU hard?
It sounds like it's just going to create even more whales.
There are like 10 wallets with more tokens that can dump at any moment they want

Also what makes you think hes gonna immediately sell after the unlock, its not like someone locked it up for him and prevented him to sell, he did it himself

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Every pullback is an opportunity
opportunity to sell low so you can buy higher

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kill yourself
What or who are you inside of?
I'm inside the product recap. It's entirely built from big macs stapled together by CCIP glue.
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>insider here
>screenshot of public youtube video posted 3 hours ago
massive dump incoming in 2 weeks.

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How much money should you save before quitting your job and focusing on your investment portfolio full-time?

t. high 6 figs, almost $1M
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How old are you, anon, and do you plan on getting married/having kids?

For someone in their young to mid 20's, $1M is probably enough to cash to safe investments, aim for a 7% yield, live on like $40-50k/year somewhere LCOL and continue to add $20-30k+ annually to the portfolio. Or, work a PT job to offset and grow the portfolio faster (my recommendation is this because you can really build $1M quickly if you're not really pulling much out to live off of and by 35/40 when you REALLY don't want to be working anymore you'll be set up for it legit).

Families are very expensive. For a 2 child family I would plan on a minimum of $3M, $5M would be safe in a mid-HCOL city in the USA, but on $2M you could do LCOL.

My advice as a 40 y/o millenial wagie is work as long as you can stomach it and just keep growing the folio until you feel you're really just at a breaking point. Nothing will build it up faster than simply continuing to invest, and it's WAY easier to do this when you're young and single. I make $200k/year but with 2 kids I save $1-4k/month depending on what unpredictable disasters happened in that month. Average probably $20k/year, which is not enough to get me to where I need to be to retire. If I invested more when I was young I probably would have $10M+ right now and wouldn't need to dread every morning. That being said, my youth was spent doing really cool stuff and although I was broke and it made my later life harder I don't think I'd trade it, so mileage can vary there.

Good luck, anon.
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Thanks, anon and I'm 27, not married, no kids.

Was running the numbers and seems $1M is enough somewhere LCOL, probably Thailand or EE.
$2.5M seems like I'd hit a luxury life, better than now, but without working, and $5M would be the classical rich life traveling every month and having two places to live in the world.

I'll probably still shoot for $10M, but not quite sure when I should quit my job and just live off a small bit of money instead. I'm thinking if I hit $1M and I lose my job, I would just call it good, but until then I'll probably keep working until $2.5M.

As a compromise, might just take a lot more unpaid vacation time and use up all my paid sick days every year despite it looking suspicious.
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I'm right there with you
I got a free car, a 20k pay raise, amazing Healthcare and 401k. About 700k in crypto. I think if I hit 2 or 3 mil I might drop out and live as freely as possible. Anything more and it's definite I'm buying a mansion and living free
>why 1/10th in the EU?
Do you really have to ask?

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i can't understand half the posts of this board.
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Try hitting yourself on the head really hard.
Do i dare say it?
>lurk moar
Anyone saying the words, "I panic..." they're just larping.
Other anons genuinely think they can pump a market by saying "top signal" to get counter-posts.
Hope this helps.
Top signal
This board is just a den of misery. A place for fear, uncertainty, and doubt. It's a place where people go who are desperate to escape the rat race, and like the proverbial crab in the bucket, they will die lying, cheating, and stealing, and they will bring you down to their level.
>Verification not required.

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What's wrong, bobo?
Mumus sure can bounce. But they always fall down.

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>I am forgotten

BAT and Brave have Thiel connections. JD Vance has Thiel connections and is likely the next VP. A Trump administration could mean relaxed or more transparent SEC/government oversight for crypto.

Brave is gaining momentum. BAT could have its moment in the sun. Don't give up hope!
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TP was in the last thread. Xhe will never leave us
This thing will grow eventually. Anyway, without massive demand token burns won't make a bit of difference.
Only thing growing right now are worms and mushrooms on Luke's broken corpse
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sell BAT
sell LUNC
sell DOGE
gamble on flip.gg
fuck off
Best advice in this thread, desu

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