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Retard here.
What do buy and sell orders mean if every buyer has a seller and every seller has a buyer?

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Do you hold APU? Why or why not?
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I got £17k out of it from a tiny initial, that's covered my rent for a year and a half. If nothing else APU gave me 18 months to save and invest some money without throwing it down a hole
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nigger token run by faggot downs syndrome artists, wouldn't buy this dogshit if you paid me to and you're all retards, there's no "frens" in crypto your spastic dumbfuck retard it's a marketing gimmick to get you buy in based on a sense of false camaraderie so they can permadump massive bags bought under 1M. If you buy this dogshit now you unironically have brain damage.
Which one?
old fag spotted

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...for the supply/demand forces to begin to take effect for the token, because my stack will have been accruing several percent per year for the last decade before the network is truly as irreplaceable as TCP/IP or HTTPS is today.

Did you faggots watch the product update? Fudsisters constantly harp on CLL's 500 HR roasties, but the fact of the matter is that if you hire 100 people, 50 of them will be practically worthless, 39 will be decent employees, 10 will be excellent employees, and 1 will be worth his weight in gold. Listening to what Angie had to say was like listening to Serg himself, but coming from someone with thirty (30!) years of background in capital markets. It's insane how early we got in. The ride has certainly been harder for the latefags and nulinkers, but anybody with the patience to wait out the time it takes to make the kind of transformation that's happening right now all around us will be rewarded accordingly.

luckily, i have everything it takes to wait that long. fud away, niggers
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kek remember when link cuckolds were creaming their panties over this pic and then the price dumped
>i refuse to believe that anons who invested in the vision of CLL and the very barest of breadcrumbs wouldn't all of a sudden lose faith in the project after their investment slowly and steadily gave them a 50-100x return and all the breadcrumbs have lead to industrial-scale bread factories.

yep, just like the internet itself. humanity has entered a very strange time indeed. lucky for me, i can already afford to isolate myself and my family from the great, unwashed masses, but my linkies will ensure my grandkids can do the same.

that pic is amazing, just like Chainlink Labs and their token LINK (ticker: $LINK)
This. We're so made now.
Easy street.
Either weird cope or subtle fud

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>btc pumps 10%
rose pumps 1%
>btc dumps 1%
rose dumps 10%
deserved for trusting a foid, you're an absolute midwit bellend investing is not for you get back to work nigger
You will never see 9c again.

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What’s their objective with our DNA anyway? Something profit driven or is it bigger than that?
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it's to create individualized genetic medicine, mRNA also plays a large role in this. they sell it as curing hereditary disorders and chronic disease etc but i would not be surprised at all if they have other plans for GMO humans, possibly related to depopulation and eugenics because those two things have been a fetish for the faction of the owner class that Blackstone/Blackrock represent (roughly, the Rockefellers/anglo-american elite)

obviously there are more schizo directions you can take this (eg, tailored bioweapons, searching for certain individuals with rare/special genetic traits, total crime surveillance using AI capable of recognizing individuals by very slight genetic traces, etc)
at the time when this news came out (4-5 years ago iirc) the schizo consensus was, they are using it to look for individuals with "royal" (alien/angel) DNA, so as to identify and neutralize them in advance of a planned Revelations-style apocalypse
whatever they're doing, it's probably nothing good!
My sister did this shite. Thanks claire now the glowies have my DNA
>synagogue of satan
My parents and sister did.
I can't think of a single thing that can go wrong though.
Who didn't see this coming a mile away.

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And just like that, Bitcoin will NEVER be below 68k again. I hope you slurped that dip to 64k and the previous dip to 54k. If so you're sitting pretty. If you got shaken out... well... you might be a little retarded.

Sucks to be a bobo at the end of the day. Imagine shorting Bitcoin THIS early in the cycle.
Actually it just hit 66k right now. Get fucked, mumu.

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>BTC dumps
>Alts dump harder
>BTC pumps
>Alts pump less than last time
>unfunny meme is still up 1000% in 4 months
Give it time, anon. Let Bitcoin do the heavy lifting first to get retail interested again and start the parabolic bullrun phase, and altseason will soon follow.
Stop with this meme, Alt season is decided and driven 95% by the same whales who currently suck the life out of them
That doesn't contradict what I'm saying. Once retail starts buying Bitcoin again, whales will start moving their profits into alts for more gains, which will trigger alt season.

hard facts, nigga
>inb4 21 vs 120 millon supply
but imagine if someone actually uses this shittoken chain
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>BTC is the only crypto that actually matters
The circle is complete once you come to this conclusion.

You start with crypto by buying BTC.
You venture into "alts" like ETH and other top 20 stuff as you get a bit more comfortable.
You move into shitcoins as you think you can get a 10000x as you know know a fair bit about crypto.
You move back into alts because you fall for shit like "utility" and try to be super clever (you aren't).
You move back into 100% BTC because you realise this is the only one that matters.
Check the ETHBTC chart.

The market has spoken, it doesn't want a dino shitcoin.
Metheads celebrating their new shitcoin ETF.
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This. Basically all competing L1s and Bitcoin companies have massive incentives to smear Ethereum. Bitcoin maximalism/cultism has spread so much it's seriously damaging all crypto. They keep touting the libertarian ideals of freedom, openness, trustlessness, decentralization, self-sovereignty etc. but when it's any other project than Bitcoin doing it, it's bad because it doesn't pump their bags or is "impure" in some way. Bitcoin and Ethereum are 99% the same but some people just love to focus on that 1% like it's 100%. They should go hate central banks and bad authority-loving politicians if they need to hate something.
>It's not ME that's wrong, it's the market that's wrong!

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ITT: Post your heaviest bags


To the conniving little cheat that was shilling Squid while posting GigaChad and calling others handsome - I hope you burn in hell. That CMC listing flopped harder than Chang falling through a Foxconn suicide net.

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Gone awhile. Whats your analysis of the week so far?
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I'm teaching OP-chan with my knowledge... I'm her senpai.
btc goes down everything else goes down. just avoid link, avax, icp and all solana shitcoins. the first three are proven ways to lose money really quickly and shitcoins in general quite literally cannot hold any bear market for shit, they always lose 99% of their liq.
Nobody plays web3 trash anymore.
This week’s been a mess with all the economic uncertainty.
bitcoin’s just crabbing, dragging alts down, and analysts are calling for more dumps. I’m thinking of going back to my wagie job, but I’m also eyeing blogging since my colleagues are making it with hydro, a solid way to earn some extra cash even when everything’s burning down.
get the fuck out, no one is asking you to play it....mumu

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Anon who shilled APUI and PEEPU bottom here.
I have another eth cto gem tonight:

Website is fire and the meme is kino.
Coingecko already listed and theres no need to update it because team gave socials to CTO leads.

ATH was around 4M and current mc is 50k, seems like an easy x10 to me.
sure why not, rug the last $100 I have jeet nigger
>Website is fire and the meme is kino
and this line reeks of Curry.
yeah and those 2 fucking FAILED

I shilled the bottom tard.
99% of shitcoins always die, if you timed the top after my shills you would have made an x10 or even more.
lol this shit is fucking dead I can just tell, like a 6th sense hope your village ate for the month paki jeet nigger

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My McDonald's order was 15% cheaper today than it was 11 days ago for the exact same items. We are so back bros
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I just farted and it smelled like a big mac
Ok thanks I have to look that up for Germany. So basically if you leave out the bread you could call a cheeseburger even healthy
Retard amerimutt who falls for deceitful advertising like the NPC nigger he is.
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Yes burgers were decently healthy before they started serving them exclusively with fries cooked in rapeseed oil instead of tallow. Good for you for having enough critical thinking ability to consider the specific ingredients, your IQ is several standard deviations above these retards


>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud
>Share Buyback Fraud Explained

>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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The shills will all be bbbelievers in two more weeks kek
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Wow, that is some amazing OC
Niggers tongue my anus

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ITT: We pretend to be Tesla ($TSLA) baggies
>bro its not a car company. It is an AI Compute™ Robotics company.
>bro 25 trillion dollar market cap incoming. there will be 2 optimus robots for every human. We wont even need to work bro we just buy a robot and send it to work for us
>bro if you buy the model 3 now, you will be able to have it do robo taxi deliveries while you sleep and you can pay off the car in a year
>bro full self driving is coming any day now, it will be safer than humans
>what? the car doesnt spy on you, it has cameras constantly running but they would never spy on you
>bro it doesnt matter that he sent his nvidia chips to X AI and not TESLA,
>Bro yeah Tesla has missed profits 4 quarters in a row, but Elon EARNED that $50B bonus
im not investing in the company, im investing in THE MAN, whatever Elon wants the company to do, give me some shares of that!

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And our coin is doing well, how are we feeling?
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ATH broken and curling up to it again, super solid floor and still 65 days to go until CZ's release. Feeling pretty fucking good.
Feel like the new ATH will be broken in the next days
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The chart is lit
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This chart makes me so fucking hard bros
Even during the coldest crypto winter CZ will thrive

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>he bought boomercoin to be a freedom fighter
>making fun of an american hero

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I'm looking for someone to review my new mobile application.

It is called "Bitcoin Hunts" and It tries to find private keys of abandoned bitcoin wallets randomly. You can find bitcoin inside the wallet in a low chance. There will be no fee and I'm doing this just for fun.

But I want to release this in Google Playstore but it said I need testers to publish this app. Please help me out. If you are interested, contact me in insaneutils@gmail.com with your email(I need to register your email as a tester.)

Thank you
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>scheier and kocher are the independent fact checkers
WHO?? the code is open source, everyone can look at it and analyze it, not just your "fact checker" lul
and you can be pretty sure that's what happens all the time, because the first to spot a vulnerability can exploit it to become immensenly rich
so it's safe to assume it's under constant scrutiny by the whole world
You actually may have a chance if people used really bad seeds, like generated from a RNG seeded with the time, you could brute force it using all the milliseconds from 2009+ or something, basically like dictionary brute forcing passwords. Problem is anyone with large amounts of bitcoin in wallets after early 2010s is probably is probably using good software that properly generates seeds, and those who didn't probably already got their bitcoin hacked. So its still really unlikely but not entirely impossible. Probably a waste of time.
Holding crypto long term is asking for it to get confiscated via outdated codes.
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>cryptos gone
>no refunds
Wallets now are much more likely to be safe vs back in early 2010s. People put a lot more effort into getting good entropy now too, vs back when bitcoin was worthless you may have just used any RNG, and then not realized it wasn't safe. I would be only be an issue for very old wallets.

Like I said tho, all the unsafe wallets have probably already been hacked, but there is a slight chance you could find one.

Hello anons, you have another chance.
I'm always right.
what is this? coin name please
I figured out. It's KNS. I hold 200,000. Should I buy more? Website and project looks professional so I like.

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I am an ADA and LINK bag holder
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I love Chainlink, but I’m not into ADA, a coin hitting new lows against Bitcoin for the past 2 years or more.
I own Bitcoin, DOT, Reef, RNDR, and Filecoin. Filecoin's the MVP, and restaking it on Parasail.
>crazy how most of them were mooning before Bitcoin crashed the party.
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old fag
Solid combo, no doubt, Cardano’s focus on scalability and smart contracts, plus Chainlink’s role in connecting blockchain with traditional data, could set them up for future growth, with Nuklai that provides tools for developing AI applications, and you’re going to have a solid portfolio.
I'm a GAY chainlink holder and I LOVE cocks
posts like these make me buy more unironically
look how much he's seething and trying to project his weird cuck fantasies onto everyone else lol

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Thinking about picking up a second part-time job as a bartender or barback. I work 7:30-3:30 Mon-Friday and get paid well but I live in a major metro area and Joseph "Faggot" Biden's economy means I eat rice and tuna and shit and am only mildly comfortable.
That being said I do live in a major metro area so there are a lot of pretty expensive bars here.
I have a pretty strict budget, 401k, benefits, this is strictly as a means to afford more Internet Coins so I can buy a house. Specifically I'm going to put 100% of it into BTC.
Any experience bartending/barbacking, is it worth it, are there better side hustles than this also can you get pussy off of it? Also if I buy gift cards with my tip money and buy bitcoin with them will the IRS find out? Thanks.
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bpa, you mean plastics? why would a barback be handling plastic more than the average person. its not like bars are serving plastic drinks
It’s decent experience
Always be looking to get shit done and get promoted fast
t. Vegas bartender
Tell us stories anon
How much could you make working Thursday, Friday nights and full shift Saturday?

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