>he fell for the return to office meme.
Anyone else here being buck broken by their management?
I like going to the office because it's next to a good gym and I can go for pints after work while my wife cooks my tea.
>>59820510Yep... since oct 23 after 13 years...
>>59820417ive worked from home for over 4 years making a 100k+ salary now days and never have plans to return nor do they want me back in a officelife is good for qa engineers nigga
Anyone else take a break from crypto, come back, and completely fuck shit up in a series of bad trades? I think I was away for too long. I lost my edge. I became an ADHD trader.
>>59821957this is my son ryan. how'd you get his picture?
>>59821957>be me>price dips>completely lose interest in investing>price rises>invest my money into something at the top>it dumps>completely lose interest in investingAnd repeat
>european plumber fixes toilet>american plumber fixes toilet>same service is performed>european gdp only goes up a fraction of american gdphow did economists brainwash people into accepting and chasing gdp?
are these economists who brainwash people into accepting and chasing gdp in the room with you right now?
>gdpits money they can taxnothing about wealth or meet consumption
Until FED cut rates nobody, no retail will buy your overleveraged & overhyped bags. FED will cut rates at Q4. There's also risk of recession. Hope you didn't fall for textbook bull trap.
>>59821700Retail doesn't even know what "rates" are
>>59821700An entire closet filled with the color of the liquid that leaves the Bobo anus after it gets rekt. Appropriate.
Day 1300 of snailposting every day until BTC is at 1M
>>59821141Anya comes back.Still thinking there's a bull run.Hopium is strong.
>>59815181Sorry, snailbro, while 100K was a laudable goal, milking it for 1M is just cringe.
>>59821199>>59815201Bobo in red shirt,Words flow from his gentle paws,Each haiku shines bright.Bobo, I have been very impressed by the quality of your haikus lately. Respect.
>>59815181When is it going back past 100k?
an auspicious day, the numbers don't lie
Murad not sneeded edition.
>>59819616>Down-only for 3 months straightkek baggies
>>59821598Pumped to 400m without him, pumped to almost 500m with himHe doesn't post about it anymore
apu is goodapu will win
>>59819616Seeing this shit on twitter whom tf is even Murad?
>>59821592This looks good
what an absolute clown market
This is the government acceptance bullrun, why is it surprising that XRP did well?
>>59821751I know, in any rational market, XRP would have been #1 YEARS ago
>>59821764People like you posting here is such an obvious top signal
>>59821751the fact something like the internet exists in the first place is absurd, but the existential lunacy of having a global economy that is dependent on it is unprecedented in human history. And you're bitching about human perception of value? you're a fucking mongoloid
>>59821879>im le philosopherstick to eating slop
There's never been a more clear signal that we're about to pump violently. They don't want you to win so easily.
>>598210061. Decide on criteria2. Create an API connection to exchange3. Set it to sell market or limit at your chosen price even if 100X4. ???5. PROFIT!!!It's pretty much that easy. If you have significant money ont he table it is worth it to spend a few hundred bucks to set up a signal.
>>59821107Bitcoin maxi here. You guys buy on pumps and sell on dumps? LMFAO lol even. NGMI
Phhh they should really make Coinbase 2 at this point...
>>59821006>order book health>fewer orderslol don't they expire after 90 days anyway? imagine using this jewish garbage
Easy win frens!
Listen faggots, retail aren't buying your so called "MEME COINS" you've created for tax evasion and hold most of it via liquidity management software. Thanks jesus we can short them and we do short them.You pay a jeet to shill, i see it on /biz/ and I short it.
Shorting memecoins is like taking candy from a baby
>>59821643>>59821842when will trump lift the regulations and let me us americans use hyperliquid and buy tokenized treasury bills/bonds
>>59821643>>59821842We don't do that here.
Wish me luck friends. I truly believe this shitty company is going to go bankrupt because their products are shit now.
>>59819435the problem is that tech companies are overvalued right now because of speculation. microsoft and nvidia didn't necessarily do anything to deserve being suddenly worth trillions of more dollars, people just BELIEVE that ai and llms are going to radically change society and are investing in them as a resultnvidia share price 2022: $12today: $137obvious bubble
>>59819941The correction will be another hardly noticeable valley when zoomed out later.
>>59819941>people just BELIEVE that ai and llms are going to radically change society and are investing in them as a resultThey are already radically changing society as we speak, you are being left behind.LLMs happened inevitably as a direct consequence of computation power growing at an exponential rate.Buckle up, we're accelerating.
>>59819217It's not very profitable to short MSFT unless you keep your short really short. Take a quick take profit and exit. If you even get there. BTC is immensely more profitable to HODL but MSFT is a staple, like butter or noodles or maybe even bread or rice. Just the fact it has familiarity and a lot of people see this as a good investment and get panties wet for dividends it's really not a good idea to short it much. For a leveraged normie investment, consider longing after a big dump but signs of recovery if you want to stick in a trade for some weeks. I ran statistics for MSFT by the way and only a fraction of strategies yield good risk to reward profits (I tested tens thousands of configurations)
>>59819985>LLMs happened inevitably as a direct consequence of computation power growing at an exponential rate.holy retard kek you are a dumb sheep
How to we kill crabby?
>>59821819-20 % daily candle
>>59821819I'm fine with crabby. The net direction is still going to be uphill.
Zillow sisters….
House prices always rise during this time of the year because people who were interested in buying during the holidays werent interested in moving until they were over. This increase also attracts investors who see the subtle rise in demand. The housing market goes on a mini-bullrun into the summer, then it dips for a bit, dead cat bounces before the winter, and then dips again back into the holidays. This cycle is very prominent in the northern hemisphere and its effects seep into the south, even though they aren't as influenced by the cold weather.
>>59819643I bought in 2019, feel so blessed.
How much does a pyramid cost?
>>59820963I just got a call from a jeeta I spoke to several months ago. She was really polite and not pushy so I told her she can call back and check periodically which she does. I don't think her name is really Lindy thoughever.
Day 1301 of snailposting every day until BTC is at 1M
>>598207011B you lazy slug
follow @jebthesnail real snail on X, not this fake ass shit.>counting from 1 since january 1st 2025>live website with real time price updates>already verified on onlyfans
>>59820701fraud, you are exhausting.
>>59820809>follow jebthesnail on X, not this fakeX sounds like a great place. You should go back there permanently.
>hires musk>instantly make tax evasion impossibleWHAT THE FUCK HOW DO I PAY OFF AN AI TO GET OFF MY BACK
The IRS can suck my DICK
This is incredibly bearish news. I hope you have your shorts ready because crypto is about to take a nose dive.
>>59821708Why exactly is it bearish
>>59821718Because, it just is okay?!
>>59821708Wow it did fuck all to price. Actually it went down 0.03%
already priced in + sell the news
>>59821718Are you asking for people to logically reason their points of discussion using clear writing? On /biz/?
The bridge just collapsed
>>59821796I disagree
>>59821796I don’t get how people can live so negative, like you. Must be a sad life
>>59821796I think you should ask your mom to forgive you for how badly you turned out
>>59821997I said IST W/Ele faggotI’ve been waiting for this to pop since LAST february, when the worst kept secret in crypto was about to EXPLODE.Then I waited for the bridge release that was going to sweep the nation with CHEAP transactions! Then I waited more for the bridge release because BIGLY CHANGES were mumblemumble by REDACTED NDA.Then I waited for on-chain summer because REDACTED NDA bigly INTEGRATION totally not coinbase winkwink.Then I waited for bigly PAPERWORK for REDACTED NDA totally not coinbase winkwink so a shred of proof might appear and things could get moving with REDACTED NDAThen I waited for optimism changes to be made to the bridge, to be compatible with REDACTED NDA.Then I watched summer end and heard no more of REDACTED NDAThat’s ok, by halloween, strudel claims. Ropes of marketing over everyone’s face!Then I waited some more and missed the bridge launch because NO ONE FUCKING NOTICED.I waited for the explanation for the bridge delays from the team.I waited for some kinda acknowledgement from the team that CB didn’t work out.I waited to hear about the new business development position.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>59822218Not reading all this seethe, go back to plebbit fag
>>59821622checked and based
How do you guys stand waging while some teenager makes life changing money off memecoin?
im never unstaking my ethereum
I’m forever staking my Link
>>59821103I'm never linking my stake
>>59821103Me either, I don't like the 30 day lock up and fuck slashing.
Hypothesis: I don't know if you were here the day BTC reached 100K but there were so many newcomers traffic here was actually a top board and there were hundreds of people asking "it gongu up more?". Those thinking it wouldn't stayed out and those that believed it would entered the market. They got squeezed, being new to the volatlity of the market whales have been milking them dry. Most of them who have given up have probably given up by now. Soon the price will go up. All the cowards are almost out. Once it reaches closer to 200K, people will start asking if it will go to a million. If I am correct, I applaude the whales for setting the path to maximum newbie mental plays so that those that sold (most newcomers) will suffer for their cowardice. Do you understand how Pavlov's dogs concept works? It's one of the fundementals of psychology. In short, Pavlov rang a bell before he fed the dogs. After some time the dogs started salivating even if no food came. This is called "classical conditioning". This along with genetics determines most of your behavior. I think the whales are using classical conditioning to create eternal moonboys. Bobos are mostly just people who got rekt along the way and are coping. Good luck.
>>59821770>Most of them who have given upCorrection, most of them who are going to give up in these ranges