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Are we fucked or not?
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if we need to elect trump to have a scapegoat so we can finally have this overdue recession/depression, so be it
What about a recession AND a false flag to stoke nationalism so white men join the military to fight CHYNA?
So you are looking at a final meltup before interest rates lowered again? (same scenarios as every time since 00)

I just find it fucked up that unemployment going up is something positive. "Just lose your income so we can lose prices bro". Shits fucking retarded.

Anyway, so what is the peak price BTC before the crash? Im getting the fuck out all on cash the moment they lower rates.
Big time once the dems are out.
btc isn't crashing anytime soon lol.
according to your graph, is like get to febraury, and then things cool off like a tiny bit. and then like 12-18 months of just non-stop pain and suffering.

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I asked this question last time, going to ask it again. Do we expect $12 $13 to be the new accumulation support line or do we expect another run down?
$5 to $8 was the last major period of accumulation. My hope has been for price to enter that prior support range and re-buy around there.

Median price for this recent period has been ~$16, any purchases below that price I think is a solid move. We have a 5 year falling wedge that converges on next summer, but my expectation is breakout before then. God candle soon. For anyone depressed on price movements, we stayed ~ $5-$8 for 18 months. This was a period where the largest wallets increased their percent share. If you think you are smarter than the largest wallets, go open your own hedge fund.
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>Link needs to generate value
Link would be the first crypto to ever actually do this.
>It'll be a problem until it isn't.

ok cool riddle, but the the problem is... the chart

the chart tho

it won't matter either way, bc the chart
All the chart does is show how dumb retail has been being.
retail is usually dumb but when it comes to chainlink, retail is pic related
Btc - store of value
Eth - I guess smart contracts but for what?
Monero - store of value that hides ur money trail?

Outside of this, which is pretty shit, it's pretty incredible how much funding all of crypto has received when it unironically doesn't do anything of value. Would be cool if link figures it out

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The ticker is RLC. Runs Lots of Computers. Holders have Really Long Cocks. Digital Oil. iExec RLC.
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I've had a stack of 525 RLC for the last three years.
I really need them to make more moves
Probably not, but it should be enough to pay off a mortgage.
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Digital anal lube, CEO is a tranny addict and dumps constantly to afford sexual trips and surgeries for the resulting severe anal injuries
Gilles is a sadist tranny addict, but neither he nor the team has ever sold one single token. They have enough Eth to fund millions of coked out tranny rape parties.
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8m RLC
120k ETH - https://etherscan.io/address/0x21346283a31a5ad10fa64377e77a8900ac12d469
10k BTC
That's how much funding they have...

"And finally, on the horizon: We're exploring public worker pools for TEE-ready machines. This roadmap item is still under wraps, but keep an ear out for news!"

Remember guys, it's literally been all about the worker pools for literally 7 years, we've all been waiting for the worker pools, the pools change A LOT and now they're literally JUST AROUND THE CORNER. It's really cheap right now, only 1.76$, it'll literally go beyond 25$ this bull run, easiest x14.5 ever

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"And finally, on the horizon: We're exploring public worker pools for TEE-ready machines. This roadmap item is still under wraps, but keep an ear out for news!"

This time it's different my brethren, the worker pools change everything

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Guys... You need to post the dog shit memes in here!
Oil bros...we fucking won
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Guys WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK, where are the dog shit memes? Why is no one shit talking it? I'm dissapointed

red pill me on buying cheap land in Florida and building my own house
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Rural Midwest is still lily white

Suburbs are pozzed
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The depressing Midwest winters are why I put up with all the bullshit and live in California.

I can play Torrey Pines for $50-85 any day of the year, even cheaper at twilight.
Sorry, should I not have leaked it?
No one's gonna listen to me anyway, so don't worry too much.
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Are those schools any good though?

Pic rel are the demographics for my local district (one of the best in the country). The area itself is 80-85% white, but has a lot of international/exchange students hence the lower student body white % relative to the municipal population.

I don't mind that imo, but also I'm way way way off from high school-aged kids so not super worried about that atm.
>Are those schools any good though?

You didn't even look at the picture

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The Federal Reserve building has barricades set up around it in preparation for Jerome Powell's testimony before Congress tomorrow.
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No since the Havana incident with DEW
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But how do they justify putting up a temporary barricade, for what purpose? Why not just erect a permanent fence to keep the public away?
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Most of the time its to hide ugly construction work
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Well, RIP OP and everyone who supported his lies today

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im down tremendous
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Me waiting for my money to return
what did you do
I won all my money back by buying a cto shitcoin early and earned a little extra too.
Just hold. Someday you might be up good.

A member of LINU is basically bribing all twitter crypto influencers. What are the implications?
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Fuck Ryan. He sold the top, lingered for a while to dissipate suspicion and now is fully gone kek. Vermin. Fuck the viking pfp guy too, fuck the glasses cunt, fuck all the team that slurped our liquidity and abandoned the project after the listings. Fuck you all. Whoever thinks they're still holding is demented.
Another -20%
Implications are that it will rug soon.
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Not one of us sold, I'm one of the biggest hodlers in the community and I'll post here what I first posted in response to all the fud way back when

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Should I buy into nvidia with everything I got ?
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Posemesh will be NVDA of the crypto
please, those nvidia employees need exit liquidity
It'll keep running until october at least.
Those are the most retarded lines I've ever seen and I'm not being facetious.
Rare merchant.

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If deflation discourages investment then why are coin burns so beloved. Perhaps American boomer economists are retarded
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Deflation bad is just demonic pilpul to justify BRRRing.
As long as we don't replace women with the artificial womb, the BRRRing will never stop.
Nobody gives a fuck if they can get 1% more stuff if they wait for the next year.
>actually the Renaissance was lame, ok?!
Dullard. Corruption of the price signal of money is horrendously negative sum.
Encouraging investment is good in the long term.

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$50 is a lot of money.
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What would you do with $50?
I'd buy a fried chicken combo from the casino bar, gamble and drink for free until I win/lose it all.
$1000 would drastically change my life right now
good morning sar
Get a job.
Stop thinking factories are scary. Plastic is light.
$50 million is a lot of money.

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>Take out a huge loan and buy BTC during a bear market
>Sell after a 3-5x once the price recovers and pay back the loan.
Is that really all there is to it bros?
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That's a nightmare situation. I've considered taking out loans to invest but I'm glad I didn't. Had an appointment set up at my bank and everything. I was too inexperienced and probably would have fucked it up like you did. I probably would have ended up looking like a retard when I went to my bank too, lol.
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>I took out a loan
>to buy LINK
I took out a small loan and bought bitcoin at 30k. The downside was that for a few months it sucked having another debt to pay. I would only do this if you didn't have car debt or other debt and you're in a strong financial position. I also told the bank woman I'm spending it on Bitcoin and she was shocked.
I maxed out Paypal Credit purchasing bitcoin back in like 2017. I never paid Paypal Credit back and the debt fell off my credit report. I retired off the bitcoin.
nobody in the history ever had this idea

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How can we stop inflation?
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How? They're all poor and have no fucking money besides gibs

Bring happiness home = brings a black man.

Really subtle there. Oh, and the daughter is OFC white with blonde hair.
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made for BBC isnt a meme, its heritage

whites belong on all fours, its natural state of comfort, sacred ritual of melanin receptor activation acclimating them into personhood
most likely BlackRock with the ESG initiative.
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lol. nigger.

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Insider and long time lurker here.

This coin is set to 10x-40x atleast. It will be THE token in the Shibu Inu ecosystem. It's already backed by multiple VCs and one of the co-founders has already made an appearance in Kyoto this past weekend at the Kyoto IVS conference.

/biz/ used to be good back in 2015-2019. There were tons of good advice and coins to get into. Everyone was sharing and making money. Just want to return the favor. Please do your own research.


Good luck everyone. It's going to get worse. Crypto is the only way out to be self-sustainable.
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Once the people that made you rich leave, penniless. Then the eco-system will become profitable again.
Can anyone refute this? So is this treat token a scam or not? That tweet explicitly states that the treat token with CA ending in 146b is a scam.
you're in an actual scam thread jannies haven't deleted yet
dude, its pretty clear in that post. not sure what you are looking for. this is not dah lawd you seek
Uh ohh deboooonked

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I have a bunch of golden age/silver age comics (like 300)
Some are 90 dollars plus in their respective condition
I'm going to sell on eBay but should I do bidding or a flat price?
If bidding how should I approach it?
Never touched eBay before
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What I did to estimate value is search the issue on mycomicshop, estimate grade based on a chart, and if it wasn't available on the comic seller I checked sold listings on eBay

You'll have to price yours lower than the yellow listings on mcs because those were officially graded which requires paying to do

I got lucky and have several number 1 issues of lesser known but still pricey series

Whatever gay child owned these in the 50s ruined a few that would otherwise go for hundreds
Just entered the thread to say:
Laezel best girl.
Spread it out, take pictures and post it on /v and see if someone loses their shit.
Everything pokemon, certain anime and functional retro gaming is decently wanted.
There are websites that allow you to check sold listings on ebay.
Sealed>packaging intact> functional>rest is a good way to identify possible valuables.
Please post some picks if this helped
I just had the sex scene with mommy Minthara.
Shadowheart is no longer my best girl.
Now Minthara is my new best girl.
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Her romance is STILL broken
They also cut her pregnancy arc because of woke complaining

She is supposed to get knocked up in that scene

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How are you making passive income with crypto? What are the best lending or staking platforms?
>How are you making passive income
>with crypto
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I thought you were supposed to keep custody of your coins? Is there a way to do it if it's all on paper wallets? If not that sounds really risky.

Look up things like AAVE, you don't have to give your coins to a centralized exchange. You still face default risk thoughever.

Which would you rather:
1. $1,000,000.00 USD deposited in your bank account tomorrow (not enough to make it)
2. Wake up tomorrow as an attractive biological woman (life: easy mode)
Well, anon?
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Sol trending about to start on $SWEENEY, stop simping and start buying, yes Sydney Sweeney is the best

you realize she's naked in just about everything she's in and it's clear her breasts are far from average?
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Her boobs are amazing and so is the $SWEENEY coin
You're crazy if you don't think those tits are near perfect. You are blind
Just because you have to input energy doesn't make it fake. Sure, not everything in a social interaction is made up of simple adherence to replicating your internal state 1:1, but I'm plenty happy to do a little facial expression and practice my tonality instead of just flattening my affect. Sometimes women will put forth energy outside of what they simply feel, let you creampie them, and be happy for having done so. Is it a fake relationship? No!

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The only SNS DAO that matters, CEX listing soon, USDG (Gold) stablecoin soon. Will 3-4x your ICP invested within a year IMO.
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Also the following happened over the weekend.. bullish AF knowing that the DAO will always have 450k ICP max staked and giving rewards to token holders

damn board is slow af
I recommend posting something more interesting than a flowchart.
i recommend reading the tweet i posted

If that doesnt rustle your jimmies I don't know what will.
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Op what do you mean it will 3- 4x my icp, please explain this to me like I’m a 5 year old mid wit

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the lowest was around 15k, although the market seems to be a bit gentler this time, possibly up to 25k and we'll stay that way for a couple of months, but I've resigned myself to only make money with alts and memecoins like $summer, or even dogs
I think we've gotten to the bottom already, which is why I'm now stacking ROSE, ATOR, NAI and some other quality alts for the altseason
It's best to buy in fractions instead of waiting for the perfect entry
those are some promising alts but don't go all in
>17, what's even the big deal
nah bro she is 21 or something, she legal
keep pretending that bro while the party van escorts you to the bubba booty paradise resort for the next 20 years

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never selling
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I will. When I have enough to pay the rest of my mortgage
Good luck holding your fedcoin bags
My stonks have been printing for years. Why would I risk that on shitcoins?
I'm still going to have to buy a suit and a couple of ties because I'm going to need a new job if I'm going to keep feeding my jeoing747
always selling

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