This is a Litecoin board now.
>>59821078£22,000 LTC is inevitable.
how is LTC mined?
>>59822455with light
>>59822455is the same tech as bitcoin
Had a fun day with my GF, and also went with my friends out.And we pumped some, it seems.Still crabbing though!Happy valentines.
I think it's safe to say that bear market is over. No more piss chasing snake. No more dips to 94k.
>>59822487Piss is good. We going to high piss soon bro. 110k piss>the realm must remain stable
2017: Liquidated crypto to pay for meds for family. 2025: Family dead, salary 120k. I just want to make 100k as fast as possible with whatever retarded strategy you suggests so I can buy a cabin
>>59821358I don't know how.
>>59821358That's the plan, idk how much to budget but I'm trying to get like 65k for the cabin>>59821363I'll put 1k on each tonight
>>59821691Sit down and write a budget.Determine how much you can save.Don't put it all in shit coins Research how much a cabin costs in the area you want.Start saving towards that.
>>59821336buy 120k of bitcoinwait 1-2 years
>>59821336Are you the Europooranon who wants to flee to the countryside? We're in this together
A fucking desert where shitskins sell a 0.001% pump for pennies and kill a project for nothing. Fuck you and your “building” Jesse. What the fuck is actually being built on this dead shitchain?
Base is alright. Don’t forget everything took a fat dump when trump coin launched. Most of the shit out there is still trying to recover from that. Just buy into any of the mainstream memes on Base and hold. These lows are for accumulating, not for panic selling
Not sure how someone can look at solana, bsc, eth, and sui and decide to go with base..
>>59821088are they who gave me my first free nft thingy on coinbase?
>>59821321Base is based Good mems sir
Sure there's another halving but most long term holders are in profit and will probably unload nullifying the scarcity argument.It only takes like 10 percent of them unloading to push the scarcity argument back more than 4 years.Bullrun likely isn't happening just because holders of Bitcoin are poor and will sell sooner than later.Not saying Bitcoin won't go up over time but am saying the exponential stock to flow days are over.Compare to gold the thing is gold has always been owned by the rich so they could always make and keep it valuable
>Sure there's another halving but most long term holders are in profit>Bullrun likely isn't happening just because holders of Bitcoin are poorContradicted yourself within the first OP post, pic one faggot
>>59821973I showed chatgpt that image and it gave me a bearish response
>>59821973Long term holders are waiting for the ability to borrow against their bitcoin holdings.>>59821973
>>59822054>what's aave>>59821976Hopium
>>59822054>waiting for the ability to borrow against their bitcoin holdingsI’m tired bros when can we get TKD
Prove that you're an oldfag. I'll start>crypto is volatile
>>59806894Timing the market beats time in the market.>t. in chainlink since 2017 but didn't time the top
>>59806898Back when link was the smart play and everyone on this board was buying. I remember this. It is insane an entire new culture came like 6 years later and they are unironically stacking at just under $20 after the juice has already been squeezed. kek
>>59818560>i remember when 4chan was pro freedom instead of pro the government pumping shitcoinsYou think we could let the magic happen again? Here >>59820269
>>59806894ur a gay faggot
>>59822187Meds. Now.
No energyNo agricultureNo educationNo small businessName a quicker way to completely collapse the economy.
>>59821046Chat GPT: are we in compliance with this legislation? YesCompliance Wagie, you’re fired
The February jobs report is gonna be wild. Hundreds of thousands of new unemployment claims, from the fed workers and the contractors who are now forced to lay off staff because the government isn't paying out. Nobody is going to be hiring because there's no new business coming in. Add to that the already heightened consumer inflation and tariffs to boot. We are staring down an imminent recession. Smart money is already making moves for it. Plan for it now.
All you faggots crying about government bloat finally being cut for once look like picrel and are massive faggots.
>>59821046You sound scared, you know AI is coming for your jobs first.
>>59820988>Fed jobs stimulate the economy Are you retarded?
Does anyone actually make money in this crypto shit?The only people I see making money are whales and scammers
What is a whale
>>59821709i've made a quarter mil this cycle from $600 trading memes
You buy and then sell when you are in profit. Hope you didn't buy the top.
>>59821709Yeah, whales with front running bots, and scammers
>>59822273You dont know if somehthing will pump unless you arean insider
This is quite literally the worst investment I've ever made. In percentage terms, I've never lost so much on an asset.
>muh compete with AWS and Azureembarrassing
>>59822202it's embarrassing that your chain can't host a photograph without shitting itself.
>>59821446nakamoto coefficient on icp is higher than most L1s. i'd say btc and eth are higher.
>>59821318>elonasolReally, what happened with the dev?
>>59821944ICP has better engineers than TARA. the NNS wallet is amazing for holding ETH and BTC securely in a smart contract. its the way im gonna hold all my stuff for a long time. secure and easy. the only problem is the exhchanges suck right now.
I just started investing in January and my fun buy of investing in TKO because I watch wrestling has given me more gains than crypto.
How do you respond without sounding mad?
Shilled me the next one pahljeeeeetttt
1. find fake reason2. fix it !3. retards buy
>>59822246This pair had extremely low liquidity and only $10m in volume. These beaners might have sucked $10-15m out of the ecosystem which is not much, the rest was just wealth transfer between trenchers so that money is going to back into other memes.
>>59822375it had 2 bil in volume retard, thats not counting cexes and perps
>>59822246Finally a useful politician!
How do we trick normies to pump TRUMP? I want my money back
>>59822425No trick necessary. TRUMP is a long-term hold.
>>59822425If you're still holding this slop you are the normie
>>5982242510% public... Eeew.
>>59822425Propagate ai generated news articles with good sounding titles
We're all going to die. How do I profit from this?
>>59822232Old folks homes are quite profitable
>>59822372Keep them occupied and off the streets. I always think when driving past picrel that it has to be an meat farm money printer.
From what I've read, mortuary science pays shit.
>>59822396hideous building
>>59822232I haven't died yet I'm immortal
be honest. how many of you have lost thousands and in debt because of crypto
Yeah but it was my fault, not cryptos faultI was doing the whole Bitcoin only thing for many years, and I went away from that and started messing with alts and screwed up
Yes, but I will be a crypto millionario very soon.
>>59822324I made 10x my initial investmentI don't buy shitcoins. If you are gambling shitcoins you are an idiot who deserves to lose
>>59822351i just put my money on a fund
>>59822324>lost thousandsmade it back >no
>>59821901xrp is eating chainlinks lunch
Donut buy!
I hope you didn’t file taxes yet
Explain this to me like I’m a retarded 5 year old with William’s disease from Bangladesh
>>59820970Drill Baby Drill.
>>59822229this MUST be rage bait. Nobody on this biz is this stupid.
>>59820862Thank god I did. If there's a long ass wait time because of this, I would have had to wait forever to get my refund otherwise. Already reinvested it all
>>59822229>I prefer paying taxes to live in an actually civilized world.You do realize that forced taxation is by its essence ANTI-civilizational?The foundation of civilization is respecting property rights; forced taxation does not respect property rights at all by taking things without people's consent. If you don't respect property rights you're pretty much behaving like a caveman just going round to other caves, bricking someone in the head and taking their shit.
lmaoi opened binance futures and looked at xrp and saw that i had $100 free to leverage.made 22 usdt, not bad.
it's literally a waste of time, resources ADHD effort to mine XMR. not even with a high end Ryzen CPU are you going to see any profits worth the expenditure.