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I remember going into my local EB games about a year after this game came out and picking it up for 5$. Best 5$ I ever spent. Now people can't seems to find it for less than 40.
What other rare games are going to be like this?
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good one
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SNES games are where it’s at
>digital age
Metroid Prime Trilogy on the Wii is probably my most valuable game. But I replay those on an emulator with mouse and keyboard controls.
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old game collecting is the most retarded thing ever.
you dumbfucks ever hear of emulation and FPGAs?

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Welcome everyone, great to see such a hard-working and talented group of young employees. Just so we are all well acquainted, why don't we go around the room and introduce ourselves. And to keep things entertaining, please also share one interesting fact about yourself.
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t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m is an ancient copypasta from the myspace era. you're too young to understand my dear zoom zoom
Myspace is gay.
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that's the point. people on myspace were actually like that
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My name is Walter Hartwell White. I live at 308 Negra Arroyo Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104.

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I just saw a thread with about 25 novel-length concern trolling posts. They must have spent hours writing all that shit. Can you imagine?
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lmao, fucking knew it
the wheels are coming off the scam wagon
Ok. So why do you spend all your time fudding it instead of saying how great it is to encourage people to buy it? Strange.
pool's closed
>Linkies should crowdfund an asylum for them, post-singularity.
sounds nice but in fuddies case, they can sink or swim. they have broken their covenant with god and don't deserve our help.

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Dividend investing is based. Growth stocks/funds are jewish. Companies should pay their stockholders dividends.
Dividends are racist due to white people having the vast majority of the wealth is rooted in the historical and ongoing consequences of systemic racism. The racial wealth gap, which has been exacerbated by discriminatory policies and practices, has resulted in white families holding a disproportionate amount of wealth.

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my sat value is decimated
bro... 70% btc, 30% alt
everyone knows it, anything different is gambling
It's normal. During alt season btc will lag behind by multipliers.
i had 9 bitcoins in sats ( a lot of shitcoins) in 2020. now I have 6. (80pct into bitcoin now luckely). when I had 9 bitcoins of portfolio value my folio was only worth 60k. now it's worth ~400k.
you make me hate my life even more

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half a fucking percent
Half a fucking percent :0
What? Were you expecting 100 bps?
It needs to go up to crash housing, vehicles, etc, and bring prices back down to earth. Your portfolio will thank you in the end when you aren’t wasting all of your money on various absurdly priced payments

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Bitcoin is digital gold!
>Meanwhile, gold
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when in doubt people will always runs to the gold. if it wasn't on ATH i would buy some.
Gold is not a digital monopoly money get rich ponzi scheme, that's why. You're not fucking day trading Gold and then circlejerking with other retards on /biz/ cuz you all timed the dip and now you're all rich and heading to the moon. Anyone claiming BTC is digital Gold is either genuinely retarded, or a shill on the hype train believing BTC will make them a Trillionaire. Most likely both.

Gold is to preserve wealth against inflation and the loss of purchasing power of Fiat currency. BTC has never been tested in a huge recession like 2008. Literally no one knows how it will perform under those circumstances. It may be seen as a safe haven and people flock to it (and Gold). It could just as easily crash as people sell because they require liquidity. Only time will tell. Me, personally, I think BTC is too volatile to be considered a safe haven and digital Gold. They behave completely different.
Boomies not realizing line goes up regardless
I'm all in gold right now until the upcoming market crash subdues

Gold is only profitable during downturns

>hey grandpa why didn't you buy bitcoins
how do you respond without sounding mad?
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Most of us will be dead after the Great War. I on the other hand, will be out in the polluted forests, foraging for scraps of food while hiding from Microsoft Drones operating on Intel Core Ultra 2.0...
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>cuz boomer rocks
I'm not retarded, sweetie.
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The crazy thing is I used to frequent Reddit back circa 2009-17 (before they started banning all the interesting sub-reddits) and don't recall EVER seeing anything about BTC back then. I only started using 4chan for /tv/ in 2017 when IMDb shut their forums down, and stopped going to Reddit. But I don't remember reading about or anyone in real life talking about BTC until 2018. Didn't even start browsing /biz/ until 2021 though.
>I don't remember reading about or anyone in real life talking about BTC until 2018
are you under 22? crypto was off the wall in mid to late 2017
also there were ads for "magic internet money" on reddit in 2013 (the last time i browsed with any frequency

It should be illegal to have prepayment fees for paying a loan off early.
most prepayment penalties only apply if you pay it off early on in the life of the loan. if you pay it off 5% into the life of the loan the bank just wasted time and energy when you could have just gotten a smaller loan or not needed one at all. that's why the payment penalty exists.
most places won't charge you any penalty if it's past the 50% mark.
anything should be legal within the confines of a contract consented to by knowledgeable parties
That's a thing now?

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The aave rates beeing down to 3% were the last sign, it shows there is not much leverage in the system now. They used to be 17% for a while this year which was a big reason i went bearish
See these extreme spikes around the top
Retards were ledning for up to 50% apy to long the top

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kinda late.
better buy aircomb token
kek chainshit baggies
from running /biz/ to being undisputed king baggies and biggest lolcows
about to miss their SECOND BULLRUN in a row while zoomies make it again with dog and frogcoins
keep holding for another 7 years marines!
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can't beat perfection
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50 basis points is a lot.. what do they know?
Smarter than you Bohammed.

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HerEs some alpha- OSMO— coin’s market cap looks ready to go to 1B and stay there . It’s been over $10 in past and near $3 more so recently .. easy 5-6x . It’s on binance kucoin..
lmao bagholder.
>big pump in last bull market
>smaller pump earlier this year
just like many other dying coins
$12k position at .475. Not holding any heavy bags fag
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I’ll repost this in the future

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Oh shit, look at that wick.
USDJPY going back to 150+
I hope so
Forget boj is tomorrow? They double down on easing/jawboning and smash the yen to help the fed and we trigger the face ripper rally. Don’t be surprised if China also announces stimulus. They always ease in concert.

Don’t fight the fed. I’ve lost money in the six figures trying to be a hero and shorting against them
priced in

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What are your experiences with sales? Im trying to do this Dropshipping thing, also trying to sell clothes online, what are the best ways that you saw some success in?
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one last bump
My experience is that it's easy money once you get over the initial learning curve. I could give you step-by-step instructions for three deals you could do right now that would net you approximately 2k this week. It would take about an hour of your time and you wouldn't need to leave your house.

But then I wouldn't get those deals and you would possibly figure out my business model and try to put me out of business. The best advice I can give you is to think outside the box. Pioneering a novel business model isn't as daunting as you think. You just have to slightly tweak one variable (sourcing, keywords, pricing, presentation, sales platform, ect.) and you will potentially have a huge advantage over the "competition". If you optimize for all of these variables across multiple categories you will be ridiculously far ahead.
thats what it feels like, no one want to give up the secret sauce.

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Half a percent
Half a percent :0
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das rite
Don’t you onions emoji me
What’s bored ape nft have to do with this
a friend of mine opened a crypto.com diamond prize box and got a fraction of 1 CRO LMAO

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>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://libertycoin.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
https://www.luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)
more at:https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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They cant keep getting away with it.
I'll bake a new thread in a sec.
>where does this money even go?
It goes to gov't-funded programs, agencies, and contractors. This means equipment (which in turn means manufacturing), and to employees (which means purchases of consumer goods and services). It's bad when the money goes into savings accounts, though the banks then have funds to loan. So interest rates are kept low to discourage savings accounts and encourage investments into things like stocks and bonds, and it mitigates the interest the gov't pays to maintain the national debt and stay solvent.
The gov't and banks hate it when you stack things like metals, because it's essentially a savings account over which they have no control and is immune to and even rises with inflation.
New thread:

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arbitrary number and roundabout the top of the channel it has been trading between this past month
>in b4 it goes 75 and bitcoin rockets because the economy is going the way of Zimbabwe.
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good question.
my short is already printing
a recession is like trying to catch an anvil falling at terminal velocity

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Have you guys made anything these past 3 years?
I've been in a NFT project for the past 3 years I shall not name(cause the janitors & moderators who listen to the janitors reports here are mentally retarded and are begging to be knocked at their doors) which basically enabled me to make 30k USDs for the past 3 years.
It was very comfy cause I didn't have to move a muscle, not even sign into my metamask. All I did was buy 10 NFTs early, vote every 2 weeks or once a month on Snapshot and done.

Sadly I missed out on Kadena, Pepe, Kaspa, the AI tokens, Trump's token, etc.

What have you guys been doing this bull market and these 9 months of bull market that feel like dogshit? feels like we're still in a bear market.
I keep wondering if I really shouldn't have just made a yield farm scam or even any kind of wallet drainer even during the bear market and get it over with. Nobody is going to miss 200k-400k worth of funds. The police sure as fuck gave 0 shits when I told them to contact that 1 Chinese CEX cause they hold the dox of my shitty phisher wannabe hacker. They stared like retards and kept making BS excuses with "we can't email them".
haiꞧcomb token
I have a folio worth $30k ish and I apparently made $3k in the past 6 months. But overall I'm still $2k in the red. About half of those are dead shitcoins I'm still bagholding.
KAS is still "early" if you plan to hold for over a year or more, a short pump n dump? Not sure maybe Simon's Cat but I wouldn't personally bet on it.
Ive lost almost 100k since august 2020 when i started counting.
In may 2021 went from 10k to 100k in a day and then there was a huge market wide crash 2 days after that put me in a spiral of using leverage and trying to get it back for years and years.
Last december after hitting big gains with some icp shitcoin here i had a 5x long on pepe and got liquidated after having been 20% up. 2 months later in february would have made it huge with the same fucking long. Its always some shit like that.
Im just accumulating money in my bank account now and trying to play it safe with mid term holds and reasonable targets just so i can quit waging for a while because im fucking exhausted. Its not even about really making it right now, im depressed af.
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i wonder what those Trump NFTs are worth now

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Welcome to the Monero General, but the good one where you can talk about whatever you want without getting spazzed at. Price discussion, memes, technology, privacy, who gives a shit?

Monero is the best candidate for a private digital cash, being proof of work, low inflation, more decentralized than proof of stake coins, more private than Bitcoin, more user friendly than the lightning network, and one of the most highly recognized cryptocurrencies.

Buy Monero on KuCoin, Kraken, Bitfinex, Poloniex, MEXC
Or if you want more privacy try Bisq, Haveno-Reto, Trocador, xchange.me, or TradeOgre
Official Website - getmonero.org
Stats: moneroj.net
Investment Thesis: https://youtu.be/wq6w03E2DS4
Mine XMR: https://www.getmonero.org/get-started/mining/

That's it. If you have questions, ask them in the thread.
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I hope theres an underground market for companies being sued by monster and being forced to discontinue or change their product line

I miss the original bang energy drink formula. Monster is apparently one of the most litigious companies out there putting their competitors under the bus.
Let us each stick to our own threads. Here price discussion is welcome as price is important to the workings of any economy. Not just price growth, but also metrics like volatility. There is no need to toss out the baby with the bathwater.
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As an example Monero's has become less volatile than Bitcoin over the last couple years making it more useful as a stable currency. However, (known) volume is still orders of magnitude lower than Bitcoin. Price gives a good indication of the progress being made, but there is still plenty work to be done, and developing a decent estimate of on chain Monero volume would be useful.
Go to bed, Vlad.
R stands for Retard

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