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File: doge.png (3.12 MB, 2254x1112)
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Why didn't you buy DOGE, /biz/?
Don't know, it was so fucking easy money. Had to just buy after the election results and profit.
I hate dogs
Because its a shit investment? Its price is entirely contingent on Elon musk tweeting about it in the next week (if he doesn't the price is going to start tanking) and you selling within the next year or so as the price will contstantly fall due to there being 10k coins mined every MINUTE with NO MAXIMUM SUPPLY. No one sees longterm value in doge, it has a short lifespan thats coming to an end. A tweet from musk can revive it for a short while, but in the end its a useless memecoin.

It pumped 20% this week. Thats great, if you can sell this top and walk away with profits or buy into another crypto thatll be a win. But Elon has absolutely no reason to mention dogecoin let alone use it for anything. The price will start to slowly bleed after trump gets elected and the idiots left holding the bag will seethe at elon for ruining their life.

Again, just a reminder: DOGECOIN has no future and will tank unless Elon decides to use it for ????. It will bleed after the inauguration and the final deathblow will be when Elon releases X payment. Even if the price somehow survives, it will bleed over time by design.
I heckin love Elon. India First!
female anus inspection device
for flight attendants only
ding ding ding ding, we've got a winner!
absolute retard tier take.
Doge has the most bullish chart in all of crypto.
One of the only alta to hold strong and do new high every run. While other alts have bled to nothing.
It had explosive runs without elon's tweets and elon tweeting barely moves the price.
Its inflation is ever decreasing over time.
If you hold VC shitcoins you have unlocks and perma dumping from VCs, which is even worse selling pressure like the likes of chainshit.
One of the last proof of work gems that every other meme is trying to imitate but fails horribly
But its okay, this board will miss out again , because muh elon
Because Elon bad!!! Everyone should've seen the writing on the wall when Elon joined the Trump admin.If you still weren't paying attention they slapped you in the fucking face by naming the agency for government efficiency DOGE! Yes, sometimes it IS that obvious.
I can't remember the last time he tweeted about dogecoin..

So you look at her ass while she blows you...
that is one weird sex chair
its up 26% today and Elon is eating shit from video games and indians, pure bullshit.
>literally free money after the inauguration
>didn't dump more into it
At least I made a couple hundred bucks h-haha
Yep, it was the easiest buy ever. Just kept holding and slurping knowing that it would pump this weekend at the very least.
An ingenious device really.
would it really be that bad if you got a view of a chicks ass while she blows you
I acoomulated a big bag of DOGE below 10 cents and even posted about it here but the newfags on this board told me I was retarded. Thankfully I don't give a shit what r*ddit refugees think, and there were also a couple other based chads acoomulating the king of memes with me. Cheers to you, chads.
Have you virgins never been in a 69 before???
I don't hold Doge personally, but a few points I disagree with:
> You are correct that it's inflationary, but you should compare price vs market cap chart and zoom out to all time. Comparing the total supply to the inflation rate, it hardly does squat to the price. tldr; the inflation rate is so low it doesn't matter
> Yes, the price is heavily contingent on Elon and what he says/does, but also Doge is the ultimate normie coin. That pretty much means it'll AT LEAST 2x from here on the condition that the bullrun continues at least through May.
> To top it off, the price action will ultimately be dictated by what btc does, same goes for all other alts. Just how the game is played.
Why the humilliation ritual when some X-rays can do the job in like a second?
I did, already up 3x. This dumbass memecoin shit is amazing.

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