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Did anyone hear any of these banks?
I have cash with BMO alto and Bread Savings... heard of Flagstar too

BMO is super convenient

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GBRE for short
btc is the biggest crab dumping piece of shit I've ever seen send this fucking garbage to ZERO and take my fucking bags with it I'm done, this was the 4th chance to hold 64k and it broke like the little bitch that it is

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What went wrong? Summer on base was supposed to carry Base memes to valhalla. Instead all we got was the Brett VC scam pump and retrace. What happened to grassroots community memes like Okayeg? Doginme? Boomer? Mfercoin? Is base just permacooked or will there be a resurgence?
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Also, Okayeg is up like 50% today.
zoom out
Yes, I zoomed out and saw the potential. That's why I bought.
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Got rekt on all my base memes sold the dust and bought more honk on eth.
Maybe this shit has a comeback chance with APU pumping, let's hope so.

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This feels like a bull trap
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Bobocope thread #1735739
$57k seems like a bargain buy. I wonder if it goes lower. Oh my Keksticles.
They are not lowering rates to "pump the markets". The are lowering rates because economy is going downhill. This is literally the sign idiots
nuh uh. it's to pump our bags :^) JPowell's got our backs. number go up 4eva

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Anyone use this or are there better options?
I tried to get a mortgage thru them once and they were so slimy and dishonest I went with someone else
I just an overall ap for tracking my transactions

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Dividend investing is based. Growth stocks/funds are jewish. Companies should pay their stockholders dividends.
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and then i get another 80 bucks later because i still own my shares. you, however, will only get the 98 bucks the one time because you no longer own the share.

>growthies, when will they learn?
A healthy company can generate enough Cash flow to pay 2-4% Dividend per year.

Take Netflix for example, instead of playing a Dividend they keep producing woke Shit and pissing away Shareholder value. I dont get why growthtards get such a boner for spending every Penny within the company
Well dividends are tax exempt if you have $0 income up to $40k
Dividend investing is saturated by boomers who literally did no work to earn those high yield shares.
Unless you start with $1.5million or more you can't get anything substantial in dividends.
Sure but the company has more which it uses for more growth = increase in share price. So that next $100 increase, I still get $98. While you continue to get 80 bucks. Which also adds on each 18 dollar lost in taxes.

Also most people who're getting dividends are reinvesting it back to the same company. So meaning they're getting taxed and then they're investing it back into that company. While growth investers, if they want to reinvest it, they just don't sell. 0 dollar on the tax.
Not everyone is a NEET.

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It just hit 64k. Do you think breaking 65k is now more likely?
where? it got stopped short at 63.8k and dropped close to 63k ever since. the longer it stays in the 64k to 65k range, the first the chances it'll break through. keep an eye on the 4-hour chart. if there are more than a few candles in that range, there might be enough gas left in the tank to push through but people would still need to buy and sell at those prices or it'll stall again. I think everyone is eyeing the USD/YEN pair and the Bank of Japan monetary policy update, so there's no reason why it'll happen before tomorrow, if it'll happen at all. nothing is promised
Green id and check em
lmao kek we are being gaslit so hard when this shit goes back under 60k this weekend

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>be stuck on polkadot for so long
>announce "multi-chain future" for itself
>starting with expansion to Ethereum any day now
>chart reverses on record volume

What did KILT mean by this? Why are all paralympic chains not following this example?
>September 2024
What the fuck
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>>September 2024
>What the fuck

Enjoy your boomer gains on BTC, anon. We'll be over here getting a series of 50x slays.

>boss convinced me donate a week of PTO to the communal PTO bank
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>communal PTO bank
Sometimes I worry that picking a startup was the wrong call but thank fucking GOD we don't have shit like this
>no HR
>no training exercises
>no bullshit
>when I need something done I slack my boss (the founder) and it's done in 5 minutes
The hours are hell and the pay is shit but maybe it's worth it to not have to deal with a community PTO bank, the fuck is that
Haha you’re a cuck
I bet there’s a designated “cuck chair” at your office that they make you sit in when they do things like this haha
>no HR
This sounds like heaven. I worked at a startup for a while that still had HR, but this was in Boston.

I thought you were required to have HR by retarded Civil Rights era regulations though? How'd they get around that?
It's outsourced. Yes, technically there is an HR contact we can get in touch with. But I have never once contacted them.

If I need anything I would typically go to HR for such as
>pay stubs
>insurance documentation
>time off requests
etc etc

I'll just ask directly and get it done. Maybe send an email so there's an official record.

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Day 1153 of snailposting every day until BTC is at 100k
I was literally about to post a thread saying you haven't posted today. Like I JUST checked the archive
imposter thread, please ignore
I am not getting fooled again!!
Gake and fay

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Why aren’t you investing in the only thing that’s real, estates?
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because it's all a banker scam.
those shoeboxes are nicely arranged, i like that
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>basically zero side yard
>now requires two extra walls to heat/cool

This seems really dumb to me. At that point, when the homes are that close together, wouldn't you build rowhomes? Lots more character (and therefore value) too.
>modern row homes
Enjoy your OSB walls, you can hear a normal conversation through them, let alone paco and jamal blasting music at 2 am.
Bought my house in 2018 and I stopped paying attention to the real estate market. I don't give a fuck about it going up or crashing as long as I have a roof over my head.

what happened to polkadot?
seems dead af should i get a small bag tho?
Pedo coin
Pedo coin
Pedo coin

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Oh would you look at that, bulls are euphoric...
At the top.
then why is the board full of bobos?
Nigga this entire board is bears. Like open your eyes, refresh the page or something.

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After holding for over 3 years I panic sold earlier at $55k. Someone please tell me it'll go back down lower...
Kinda feels like it won't honestly.
we are closer to 70k than we are to 55k, let that sink in
What decided this decision?
>Sold just before a new financial cycle
Oh no no no

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This piece of shit OBSCENE piec eof ufkcing shit. Everything else gains at least 10% today and this obscene piece of shit just crab dumps to death what ht efuck i'm about to have an aneurysm.
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the /biz/ whale will never let this pump
cry more rosechud
I need 59c to break even. Holy shit, I want to kms.


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I made that meme OP. I hold 2.5m rose and bought around 17c held to the top and back down. Im fully staked too. The returns are barely anything anymore lol

Still. It will go up eventually

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Just got off the phone with the CEO of bitcoin. He said "number gongo up" Sorry I don't make the rules, I just work here

It's going up.... hehehehe.... which means..... ha... IT'LL GO DOWN HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
clever post, faggot

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Wtf would you not sell if recession is nearly 50% likely?
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If you had any reading comprehension skills whatsoever, you would understand the reason I said to find a lawyer is because you're using AI generated garbage in a setting involving insurance. Can't say I'm surprised someone who uses AI in a setting like this doesn't know how to read.
it just shows you how much your job isn't needed.
Pepperidge farms remembers the cyber pandemic
pic rel is from 2022 when a recession was "almost guaranteed."
I don't trust shitty forecasts. Even your forecast says to stay in the market until 2026.
Doesn't matter, I'll sell when the weekly SPX goes red. Could be tomorrow, could be 2026. I don't care. Do your own homework instead of relying on disingenuous, manipulative financial media.
Are you bad at math? If thats accurate then there is a 55% chance we don't enter a recession even after next year

Lower highs
still not above the SMA
Unironically though senpai

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