Give it to me straight, Which is better? Renting or paying a mortgage? I currently make 108K a year. I don't have a girlfriend, wife, or family, just heard that it's cheaper to pay mortgage rather than rent sometimes.
>>59943754Paying 600/mo for a 600k property does not sound normal unless you live in MonacoIn the US rent is 10x that much and I'm fairly certain most Europe is similar
>>59943754 continuedSo, not only was it a shitty idea to buy anything there, it was a shitty idea to buy a unit in that building in particular. And moreover, personal issues -- like my intent to return to the good ol' USA some day -- made it an even stupider shittier idea to buy a place to live there.Anyway, I got to live in a really nice apartment for a decade, I enjoyed staring out at the ocean whenever I felt like it, and someone else is stuck with a place that's likely to get evacuated and torn down at some point, or maybe even end up as a giant mass grave like Champlain Towers South did in Miami.
>>59943754Yeah, not sure what to do. I pay a bit under $900 for a 2 bed/2 bath and work from home. There's no job market anywhere nearby so I'd be screwed if I lost my job but been in the same place since 2019>>59943764yeah every dollar left over I put into btc/alts (80/20), but sometimes I come to think if I should have bothered with a home
>>59943769Welcome to Asia. People do dumb things there.
>>59943784>work from home>There's no job market anywhere nearby so I'd be screwed if I lost my job but been in the same place since 2019You'd need to find another 100% remote WFH job, which happens, but OTOH if they can hire you remotely then they can hire third-world labor too (unless you're doing something high-skill that preferably requires licensing in the U.S.).I mean, that's how I had a job where I was, my job required/requires U.S. citizenship for licensing, so they either had to hire someone willing to move there or keep dealing with remote workers in the U.S.Anyway, good luck OP. If you're getting a relatively high rate of pay and are in a low cost-of-housing area, you could either keep renting and just look for remote work if your job goes away, which would give you the flexibility to move if you need to, or you could save up, buy a nice place without a mortgage, and have much less to worry about if your job ends. There are arguments both ways.Me, after losing my house during the collapse, even if I hadn't ended up working in a foreign country, I still wouldn't have wanted to have a mortgage hanging over my head. Today I could pay for a house with cash and not have to worry about foreclosure. I'd just buy somewhere with low taxes and a homestead or senior rate.
What the fuck is even habbening tomorrow? Half the threads are how XRP is cucking LINK, the other half is how LINK is cucking XRP, so which is it?? Is nothing actually confirmed and anons are just memeing as usual? Someone release me from my cage of retardation, I can't understand this.
Nothing Ever Happens
>>59943797>so which is it??They both lose. Every "habbening" that is scheduled is always a quick move to the upside followed by a huge, prolonged move to the downside.
>waiting for that $70k bottom
>>59943749the tariff footsie cycle:increases volumecreates economic activitycreates jobsit's genius
>>59943749and with every round more baggies capitulate to mister snip and buy bonds, at lower yield than over the past 3 years
Thank you Mario, but the princess is in another castle.>if this pattern completed, bitcoin would never be taken seriously again. Coincidentally, this is the first time that XRP isn't tracking btc exactly and has no independent news.Better tether the fuck up, just to be safe.
>>59943816You think I'm fuckin with you? I am not fucking with you. I'm here from downtown, I'm here from Mitch and Murray, and I'm here on a mission of mercy.Warnings were issued. Just watch carefully, if we get another sharp drop in the next hour or two, get the fuck out.
Are they fucking going to get rid of capital gains tax? Can you fucking imagine? Bros, is it time to win?
If the USA implements favourable taxation on crypto then you burger fucks better annex Canada pronto.
>>59943673Fuck that, fuck leafs
eleanor is my waifu
>>59943673Oh so now you want the big burger cock
Billions will ever never be able to own 1 QNT
>>59943694yes, as it is worthless it does not matter
Our guy looks very relaxed during his segment.
>>59943381did you just wake up from a coma? kek
>>59943581I'm just new to holding a back of link.
>>59943275No way my long gets sniped it's moon time
I face financial ruin
>>59943727Why did you post Pepe? Now you're screwed.
>>59943727i'm literally broke
>>59943747I have a chronic terminal illness and owe 2k in bills.
>>59943727Me too, good thing we have jobs though right
and have cashflow, buy UST 10y NOW!The way Trump is consolidating the debt is fuck easy - Pop the risk asset bubble incentivizing buying UST at LOWER rates than over the past 3 years.If you had done that for the past 3 years, all you would have needed to dump into UST were about 500K to have a really cushy cashflow, now, you better have 3.2M ready, if you wait longer, 10M minimum
and yeah QE is off the table for at least 7 years.The FED board isnt retarded, they wont buy>VP2028I'm honored but I decline, not looking to get into politics again
I watched a solana shitter on the site that shall not be named do this a few weeks ago, it went past 1 billion marketcap and then dumped to 0
>>59942766stairs up elevator down
a scam
xrp isn't even being used yet and it's about to flip ethereum lmao
>>59943709Eth was doomed to fail from the start.
>>59943709SELL NOW
I tried to warn you when btc was at 104k, that i was going to begin taking a MASSIVE dump. Just look at the archives for this pic lmao you were warned. Aee you at 16k, avoid anything below that: you WILL be pump and dumped; swings from 1k to 10k will wipe out your savings, that era will be the meat grinder for the gamblers to lose it all. Just wait. Crypto is a dark pool trust fund.
Even the 2nd dump, i still warned you.
And now you could lose it all if you dont cash out soon. Buy the dip... hodl is a jew psyop meant to force losses upon you.
>>59943685Its so unbelievable funny.All the USAID monies got dumped into worthless credit bubble risk assets, with no GREATER FOOLS but the retards that thought they were smart having "free" liquidity while the rest of the world and buyers went through a credit crunch. All they would have had to do was buy UST with the free liquidity, at up to 5.3% yield. Now they are trapped, and can be happy if they get 1.5 - 2% yielder. That is how you consolidate a debt - incentivize by popping the risk asset bubble and dont go QE
>>59943451>Ukranians are gonna "find" a nuke written in French.They can make their own if they wanted.
>>59943203I bought at 67 and sold at 79, then it flash pumped again and i panic bought at 89. Im losing stacks. I used to have 7 btc but now I only have 0.33 btc.
>>59943166should have put your money in a real coin like LINK and you'd be up today
>>59943198>>59943190Why would you buy something that just went up 60% in one day?
>>59943183Cardanos all time high was like 3 dollars
You bought the top of a 60% pump?
Ready for the Trump recession?
>>59940846Probably both. Its one of the common combinations around lately.
>>59938217holy kek
>>59941638Aave, Compound or curve don't give this much
>>59938224Half of your portfolio is going to do good, the other half is going to get pump and dumped by chinese jews
>>59939201If youre not already all cash, accept losses.
>>59942330Don't look at the bear pennant on the 4hr. Just pretend it doesn't exist. Also ignore the death cross on the 4hr. Also ignore that the 4hr is rejecting off the Moving Averages. Just ignore all that and lose money.
>>59942366I spent my gains on a new car before tariffs. Trump is 100.
>>59942366would bury my face/dick in these bobreasts
Mumu.. You don't know when to quit. It's ok, you can try again in 4 years.
Bobo lost!
just got offered a job as a b2b sales representative selling energy. advice on sealing deals and making fat commissions?also how soul sucking and terrible will this be? ive never worked sales before
congrats on a new job
>>59943601Is it 100% commission?
>>59943601high zero sum, high reward. feast of famine. pick up the phone and dial until you think about killing yourself every night. and then your boss starts micromanaging every prospect/client email for you to the point they are writing it themselves to feel important but you will still receive 100% of the blame if the sale falls throught. b2b sales
>>59943601Based power plant... so r we finna trade some futures or what? Ive got.tons of KwH notes bro, they're backed by energy dude [unlike crypto which burns energy]
>>59941186How can you achieve a ban on bots? As long as its not illegal, they're fine
>>59943355You can't really. Wall street rules the world essentially. Whoever wields the money wields the power. I'm just speaking about in theory what would solve the issue of crypto following the stock market.
>>59943355I thought about starting my own internet, free of bots, but it's basically impossible. We already opened pandora's box.
>>59941557Where the yields come from?
lol, lmao
I still hold LILY, niggers.
>>59938780Can confirm. I thought I had a decent stack accumulated, but someone, one or two people, lapped me somewhere.
>>59940327>doxed devDoesn’t mean shit>marketing fundsIt doesn’t count if you have to sell tokens to get funds for marketing
>>59940430The whale has access to 3m dollars as already said, he can already afford top tier marketing without having to raise or sell any Lily
Bump for justice
>>59936026im still holding ASKO
How the hell did /biz/ called out this happening to a T? Anyways how do we profit off of it, feels like there was a major shift this year.
>>59936612>>59936605Both these are social engineering bots. Learn to recognize them if you want not be manipulated.
>>59936612Truethe hottest woman I've ever seen was 35
>>59938445She means she thinks it's a massive own that men who are working at their 9-5 making maybe 25 an hour because in real life most people aren't programmers making 500 gazillion a year leverages his job, car, credit cards etc. to impress a 20yo who just wants a boyfriend who can buy her things, because in her mind he "doesn't make enough to get a 30yo woman" and this makes her seethe (even though apparently she wouldn't date those guys anyway).The fact men who 'aren't up to standard' can just say lol and go for foreign chicks or younger chicks makes them lose their minds. It's not supposed to happen, you're just a loser!
>>59940270No one over 30 cares about 'being an outcast' because there is no meaningful society over 30. Like what, lmao, you're thinking all the 30yo men down at the church are scared you're gonna fuck their wives? What men? What wives? What church?It's like you're a time traveler from 1959.
>>59936605>woman hits 30+ and discovers the wallYou'd think that they would have been clued in earlier to this, given that men have been talking about it for 20+ years.