I think it's safe to say that bear market is over. No more piss chasing snake. No more dips to 94k.
>>59822487Piss is good. We going to high piss soon bro. 110k piss>the realm must remain stable
2017: Liquidated crypto to pay for meds for family. 2025: Family dead, salary 120k. I just want to make 100k as fast as possible with whatever retarded strategy you suggests so I can buy a cabin
>>59821358I don't know how.
>>59821358That's the plan, idk how much to budget but I'm trying to get like 65k for the cabin>>59821363I'll put 1k on each tonight
>>59821691Sit down and write a budget.Determine how much you can save.Don't put it all in shit coins Research how much a cabin costs in the area you want.Start saving towards that.
>>59821336buy 120k of bitcoinwait 1-2 years
>>59821336Are you the Europooranon who wants to flee to the countryside? We're in this together
Prove that you're an oldfag. I'll start>crypto is volatile
>>59806894Timing the market beats time in the market.>t. in chainlink since 2017 but didn't time the top
>>59806898Back when link was the smart play and everyone on this board was buying. I remember this. It is insane an entire new culture came like 6 years later and they are unironically stacking at just under $20 after the juice has already been squeezed. kek
>>59818560>i remember when 4chan was pro freedom instead of pro the government pumping shitcoinsYou think we could let the magic happen again? Here >>59820269
>>59806894ur a gay faggot
>>59822187Meds. Now.
I just started investing in January and my fun buy of investing in TKO because I watch wrestling has given me more gains than crypto.
We're all going to die. How do I profit from this?
>>59822232Old folks homes are quite profitable
>>59822372Keep them occupied and off the streets. I always think when driving past picrel that it has to be an meat farm money printer.
From what I've read, mortuary science pays shit.
>>59822396hideous building
>>59822232I haven't died yet I'm immortal
>>59821901xrp is eating chainlinks lunch
Donut buy!
I hope you didn’t file taxes yet
Explain this to me like I’m a retarded 5 year old with William’s disease from Bangladesh
>>59820970Drill Baby Drill.
>>59822229this MUST be rage bait. Nobody on this biz is this stupid.
>>59820862Thank god I did. If there's a long ass wait time because of this, I would have had to wait forever to get my refund otherwise. Already reinvested it all
>>59822229>I prefer paying taxes to live in an actually civilized world.You do realize that forced taxation is by its essence ANTI-civilizational?The foundation of civilization is respecting property rights; forced taxation does not respect property rights at all by taking things without people's consent. If you don't respect property rights you're pretty much behaving like a caveman just going round to other caves, bricking someone in the head and taking their shit.
lmaoi opened binance futures and looked at xrp and saw that i had $100 free to leverage.made 22 usdt, not bad.
it's literally a waste of time, resources ADHD effort to mine XMR. not even with a high end Ryzen CPU are you going to see any profits worth the expenditure.
Altcoin season is literally starting right now. I guess you didn't notice that.
Oh I noticed.It’s 5am and I went to bed at 1amIt’s moon season.
I'm down 8% today
>>59822378Do you own a qnt?There are only 14 million of themLike a tiny scarce bitcoin that serves a purpose over multiple realms
>>59822137Actually did nootice that, but thanks for the reminder chum.
>>5982214114 more days
Why is their site so basic and looks like a social media app, they haven't updated their interface in years and it just looks rodiculous for a 69 Billion dollar exchange and company? Is it because they're losing so much money on CHYNA ETH scamfi that they can't hire even a few webdev employees or what's the problem..Otherwise their exchange works just fine for the most part but just wondering why they're like intentionally horrible looking and lack basic features, quite bizarre that it's still the largest exchange by volume (real vol not fake shanghai numbers) but looks like an early 2010s social media platform more than an exchange..
>>59820300That doesn't make any sense. Bitcoin/crypto exchanges are highly competitive space, it would benefit Coinbase and their users to make the UX as smooth and unnecessarily frictionless as possible.I agree with OP that their site could do with an upgrade, perhaps the regular site is "basic" by design/choice for newbies but especially the "Pro" version should look all but entirely different and a lot more like a "professional" exchange or even just website CB breaks essentially all the rules of web design to the point where it almost has to be intentionally crappy. It indeed looks most like a social media site and not an exchange, now that OP mentioned it.Saves money? Anon I could improve just the layout in a few days and I'm not even good at webdev or web design, I imagine their team could make the site 10x better in mere days with barely any real effort and no added cost, just benefit. Just because they might not have any real competition now at least in terms of mass/size doesn't mean they won't in the future.
>>59820197>>59821740coinbase is more simplistic because they really really really want to onboard normies
>>59821740You and OP have a lot of assumptions. I'm sure a giant company like Coinbase that's traded on the stock market have already thought about that. Everything is priced in. If you and OP are so inclined, maybe you two can open up your own exchange and be the competition
>>59820197EZ is best. Fucking Zoomers and their obsessive need for sparkly shiny shit, plain background crisp clean buttons. 1-2-3-4Fuck you OP
>>59820197dunno but im annoyed they want me to identify myself again cause my passport run out. fucking faggots im too lazy for that shit.
Imagine not accumulating kaspa before it gets listed by Coinbase
>>59817401They don't have the coins. Wallet 5 is Binance. Binance will list it and Coinbase will be left behind.
Kaspa is KingPOOMP
>>59816623I have one question about KaspaKaspa means silver, as in the silver to bitcoins gold, I’ve heard that it’s supposed to be less valuable than bitcoin by design in order to be actively used as a peer to peer currency unlike bitcoin being used as a store of value only.So with that being said my question is this:If Kaspa is intended to be less valuable than bitcoin,why would people want to own a crypto that isn’t designed to make you wealthy , We get into crypto simply because we want to own a Bugatti one day, not hold a less valuable token.
i know im going to lose it all but u can literally make more money straight up gambling than trading solana shitcoins. i lost over 3k so far last month trying to trade shitcoins but when i go on stake i somehow always make 100-200 bucks... lmao
>>59822368>t. cabalfuck off
>>59822359That isn't even true pengu went up 3x and is literally gonna 5x again when it's listed on coinbase dyor
>>59822374You really think so, I was thinking about buying, but who saw this coming picrel, about to get rugged. I wish I saw it earlier
>>59822370what? are you one of the brainlets who can't make money with tens of billions of $ flying around?
>>59822374>when it's listed on coinbaseyea with every other shitcoin cabal tells you will list there or on binance yeah dude lmao>>59822380fuck off cabal, will short your next shitcoin
>>59821330This is how insurrections are born
>>59821375usually you only owe money if you are running some kind of business or doing other adult shit. as a neet you'll never have to pay anything.
>>59821330>1 month of salaryjust get a job
My country does all my tax shit for me and all I have to do is say it's correct (assuming it is correct, otherwise I have to do a few checks).
Every dip will be relentlessly bought up. If the price keeps dropping, buyers will keep slurping it up until a massive FOMO candle ignites. Then, they'll wait for the cooldown and repeat the cycle—rinse and repeat.
>>59821938Isn't that how the great depression started? When shoe shine boys start giving you stock advice...
>>59821566>$5 million BTC>$100 trillion marketcap>US stock market capitalization: $62 trillionyou niggers are retarded if you think it's going to flip the entire stock market lol
>>59822283By the time btc reaches 5 million, the stock market will be much larger than it is right now.
>>59822283It will eventually, just probably not in most of our lifetimes. I see it as an inevitability.
>>59822283If it becomes the world currency then $100T MC is actually about where it would be right now. But that's a pretty big if.
Will you capture it, or just let it slip?
>>59822143I recently made a 26x return in a canadian penny stock. I get that there was a time when you could hide wealth in bitcoin, or use it to avoid censorship from governments and banks, but those days are over. I get that you could hope for 100x gains in BTC back in the day, but that too is over. Is it better than the dollar to hedge against inflation? Absolutely. Does it promise yearly gains exceeding a mutual fund, savings account or index funds? Well, yeah, sure. I'm not dealing in millions of dollars though. I could buy 2.3 bitcoin right now. All in. It's just not sensible anymore. If you have $5 million or so, you may as well diversify maybe 2-3% of that into Bitcoin. The majority of us would rather make life changing money, not protect a few 100k from loss of purchasing power.
this could also be your last chance to buy bitcoin above $80k
>>59822143Not buying your bags kumar!
There are good coins in the top 400.
Is recession fud retarded? Discuss
The real economy is for the little people.Elites don't need jobs and don't care about inflation, they don't even look at price tags.
>>59822263So your answer is yes?
>>59822270Yes.Bad news for the economy is good news for asset prices.
>>59822249No, that just means that the currency Germany uses is in the shitter and people would rather hold equities than bonds or cash.
grug like ETH.grug hold.grug feel good. grug believe.
Grug have strong hand
>>59818986Berry go to moon
Can't spell grug without rug.
>>59818986Give grug eth to long nose tribe. Long nose tribe make eth grow many moons. Grug no give eth to long nose tribe? Grug anti long nose tribe. Take Grug eth now
grug want some bear pelt?bear pelt is going up