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Every pullback is an opportunity
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opportunity to lose all your money.
Reminder people who lost everything did so not because they bought the top, but because they kept averaging all the way down to the bottom
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was enough for me to get back to my $summer but if we keep going down I will have no problem getting a rope.
>Reminder people who lost everything did so not because they bought the top, but because they kept averaging all the way down to the bottom
and sold at or near the bottom, if you don't sell you will make it
I’m cleaned out, no more slurp money…
Folks this, y’all just gotta keep buyin.

What is a good trading platform?
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They have the shittest support team of any current exchange.
Binance, low fees and tons of liquidity
>I got a supposed message from them saying I have to deposit another 1980 in BTC in order to even access my wallet.
You probably aren't using the actual coin base site. Get spoofed.
I am. I got this message through cb wallet tho
More like brigitte brappppdo

>super artificial galactic alliance conglomerate
They should’ve used network instead of conglomerate.

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Global recession => secular crypto bear market

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Literally just a deadcat bounce within a larger deadcat bounce.
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Deft cat pounce
There's no recursion IRL.
Just got my 2.08 BTC back from Mt. Gox...f**k you Bobo
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the joke is on you, I still have a fat bag of $summer that is still going strong, I'm not leaving here empty handed
im done i sold everything. i cant deal with this mental torture, im leaving biz a scarred man with severe trust issues. i have ruined my life

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10x short opened on BTC

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I will have to return to my tim hortons career due to a certain animal coin, that was shilled on this site, being dead in the water for the foreseeable future. the only problem is i walked out abruptly and bragged about how i would be rich in a few weeks. does anyone have any advice for begging for a job back? I live in a small french canadian town so i don't really have any other options and my savings are running out. please help me
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i cant yet, the fox coin was supposed to allow me to do that
i already learned donut and specialty beverage composing, i think i should use the knowledge and experience i already have
>canadian military
too gay
>teach english
maybe, but i need the coin i have to actually pump before i can afford to leave. although i dont think i know enough technicalities about the english language to be able to teach it to others
lol, lmao
You get what you deserve for acting like an idiot
You really couldn’t have kept your mouth shut and worked a few more months until you were actually rich?
I hope they laugh at you
I thought LINU might make me rich back in January and bought a ton. I made a little money on it but not enough to quit a job
im not sure how it was acting like an idiot? it was a decision based upon what people were telling me would happen. how was i supposed to know it would play out differently?
It’s a good bait thread but I’m not THAT stupid, sorry anon you’ll have to try again. Maybe go on for and ask if SARMs are good for you
>bait thread
i need help please i am about to lose my apartment, do you realize how cold it gets here?

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We haven’t seen any updates on the arcade for around 6 months. The sky bridge delay is clearly intentional. We’re in phase 2 of 3 for the onchain event, yet no news about that from the team. What’s going on? What exactly do we have to look forward to? Is there any relief in site?
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Lol, I unironically believe this to be the case. Very grateful for whoever shilled this here last summer (my guess is based shrimp consoomer and hot chocolate daddy, Magic).
Are you guys enjoying your vegetable breakfast smoothies? hey how about that audit
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Sitting on a 5m stack, plan is to chill through the summer dump and hope to god this pumps during autumn/winter. Between this and my 400k KNS i'm living on a prayer I get some good gains.
If the length of the other audit is anything to go by it should be ready next week.
we'll see. that means the bridge wont be released until the last week of july or early august. that gives aviator one month with on chain summer. time is running out

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I've seen many, many people lamenting how terrible the dating market is and how hopeless things seem if you have any perceived flaw- you're short, you're poor, you're ugly, what have you. I thought maybe it'd be worth offering my perspective as someone who is wealthy, tall, and not terribly ugly.
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just BUY yourself a gf
or buy a dozen
>wealthy, tall, and not terribly ugly.

You are 2 out of these three things.
>Women have been honed, through millions of years of breeding selection, to be fine tuned to instinctively be repulsed by negative male traits. I

*Gets beaten by her loving partner*
* Gets cheated on by her playboy Chad boyfriend*
* Goes on a date an gets killed by the good-looking Ted Bundy*

Great sixth sense they have there, kek.
Anon, how did you become a millionaire at 32? I'm coming up on 30 and only close ot half way there.
Yes. They will sleep soundly knowing that her children will be chads who manhandle women and reproduce effectively

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Pajeet, perhaps uneducated in the law in this new land "Kanneda", made an offer of $1,150,000 to buy a home listed for $999,000 and waived the financing subject.
The seller accepted the offer, however Pajeet's bank informed him they would not finance the purchase because their assessed value of the home was much lower than the offered price.
Several months later, Pajeet still could not obtain a mortgage, and was unable to complete the deal by the closing deadline.
The seller, having missed the top of the market due to Pajeet's incompetence, ended up selling the home for only $740,000. He then sued Pajeet, who was ordered by the court to pay the seller $350k to make up the difference between the sale price and the original closing price.

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yeah it's allowed under statute 64E:
>do not redeem you bloody bitch bastard
does pajeet even have 350k or is this gonna be a case where pajeet disappears without a trace and a few days later japeet shows up at the airport immigrations services without a planeticket
His property wasnt worth 1M to begin with it seems wtf is this retarded verdict
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>bank refuses loan
>you still need to pay interests
That's the final ultimate form of Jewish usury. You need to pay back the money you never borrowed.
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Sars, my cousin was hiking and the PNW river redeem.

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Why yes I love uploading my resume only to have to fill out the information that's already on my resume in the job application form because some HR roastie can't be bothered to do her fucking job. How could you tell?
It's a humiliation ritual. Think of it as the rite of passage to slavery.
You might as well just lie on/gamify your resume since it’s all being processed by a machine anyway.

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2x has the best long term performance

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Didnt you see that pump when I opened this thread you retard? now im printing money.
I'm going to panic buy
I already made $70k in shorts, if I leveraged I'd have already made it

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It's honestly embarrassing
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Crypto hasn't replaced banks yet.
On the contrary. It's never been harder to purchase than it is right now and there's really no incentive whatsoever for retailers to adapt.
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Ever heard of something called inflation? Buying power?
Casinos have winners and losers.
>Crypto hasn't replaced banks yet.
It has for me. 75% of my wealth is held in my own wallets.

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YouTubers claim they pull more gold from store bought sand than the cost. This has to be bullshit right? These guys didn’t find a money glitch
>be Jewish hardware store
>realize you already sell actual dirt to goyim
>want to sell even more dirt in it
>take note from Willy Wonkastein
>don’t even bother with the ticket part
>just pay a shill to tell goyim there’s gold in the dirt
And plenty of people will fall for it
>spend dozens of hours of labor and machinery cost to extract $20 of gold
Yeah it's totally worth it bro
Imagine investing in precious metal and having to wake up knowing your fellow enthusiasts are mouth breathing retards who believe shit like this and run amok creating problems for people.

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Post Ton related utility gems
No thanks, i'm content with my 4chan pass, don't wanna get banned for another 2 weeks.
Wow this board is shito

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>kiss it bye bye
awww you bears are getting desperate now aren't you?
the charts, check it

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ok now I am demotivated TM
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it always looks like this until it doesnt
it's first sell off you nigger faggot
kek. Don't worry, some random anon told me that we're actually at "first sell off" and the bullrun "hasn't even started yet".

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So I missed a 300x CTO posted on here at the beginning of last week because I was too lazy to get out of bed and move my fiat into crypto (yes I'm seething). What's the best way to find newly-established CTOs? Is there a list somewhere akin to the "recently updated socials" that Dextools uses? How does /biz/ find them?
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Pepe ID GET. Kek wills it.
praise kek
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fucking etherium scam chain, it took me ~15$ to transfer 100$ to buy single token, and no I don't believe in this shitcoin btw, its too old and too niche to take off from fresh blood, we need meme token that checks all the boxes.
Datboi doesn't need a cto, it's still going. You can find the telegram in the archives
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You're so slim jim brained anon. If it takes off day one to 40m market cap not only is it a scam but you're buying way too late. Also why are you so fucking poor that you can only afford to buy solana coins? Please think about it, you're buying the same shit as niggers and indians.

It CTO'd on day one like a month ago. Also it's better than anything else that anyone's been shilling on biz by a landslide because it's not a cabal scam or overly pumped up and toppy.

It's also actually just a hilarious telegram and I can't say that about anything else that's been posted here in the last year.

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This market is getting depressing.
Ok fuck this. Not even God can save these markets. Blocking everything crypto related and biz. Fuck this.
You sound like a woman.

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