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Nigga gonna moon frfr no cap
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This was posted by @Astro1062... according to him, a 60+ year old boomer sent it to him.. Literally, he also said: "I spend 30% of my time with the #1 performing private funds in Europe and the other 70% with Shamans in the forest" what can you expect from him? He keeps saying that we will see doge around $40 in September 2024...
That's either a pretty good near future, or an extremely fucking bad portent on what's coming down the pipe
But either way it'll be enough to get me out of debt and start planning an escape
What are these time periods? 4 yr liquidity cycles?
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$40 will happen!

No idea!
I don't think it will happen, especially in 3 months... that @Astro1062 guy I think is @Dark64, he blocked me for posting a link to him where he said that the weekly chart had already found support at $0.11... a few minutes later days he said that in the 1-month chart he had not yet found support, I gave him the link to the weekly and asked him, what now? lower? and he blocked me... he was the first to say that we were going to +$30 and he started encouraging people to follow @Astro1062 when he hadn't even published 10 tweets...

>Before I came across these, he made a thread here explaining why we could go around $7, but... things seem to be changing or lengthening, if we reach around $0.30-0.35 and there is a dump at $0.20 my $7 theory would still be alive... but it could last until the end of 2025 or even early-mid 2026
I had some writing errors since I use a translator, the $7 thread was made by me, astro and dark are only on twatter

the thread: >https://warosu.org/biz/thread/57564514

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58k is the new 70k
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this is just a waiting room, eventually we will get back to 70k, or even 80k
if even things like $summer exist I see no reason to give up hope
49k normalization incoming
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I hope that means more free money by shorting the ceiling over and over again.

I made so much money shorting 70k over and over again, good times.
Can someone wipe my ass?
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70k is the new 100k

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>The manager calls me some form of "bud" or "buddy"
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I live in my car
Work from home would solve this
I don't know about that guy but clinical depression makes self-care basically non-existent. I just starve myself and rot in bed. Last time it was really bad I went down to 105 pounds
kek these schizos need to be euthanized

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Asking again for help learning how to trade. I'm in dire straits and I could use some knowledge from a friendly /biz/ anon. I know you exist and you want to help. I'm not the typical jerkass 4chan poster, though I have been here a long time. I try to help others in my own way, ig. I don't denigrate anyone. I am not racist. I believe in financial freedom. That's all I seek. Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. That's humanity's #1 survival tactic: cooperation. We wouldn't be where we are right now without cooperation. I could use help learning about platforms and lingo ie what is a shitcoin, what is a memecoins, etc
Thank you so much and good luck in all your trading!
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>what is a shitcoin
Everything that isn't bitcoin
Some people make thousands at the casino. Many more lose everything. It's not worth the risk. Anyone here telling you they have a guaranteed/foolproof way to earn money in crypto is a liar and a scammer.
That's unfortunate because I figured from the way you guys talk about crypto, at least some of you had figured it out. I don't mind the risk. I've risked things my whole fucking life. I hate being ignorant. It disgusts me. I've been doing my own independent research but it's slow, slow, slow. I just want to look at the numbers. I'm autistic and very much all about the minute. If I see a trend, I'm going to CAPITALIZE on it. I mean, isn't that what we're supposed to be doing here? Capitalizing on opportunities? That's all I want, a chance to do that. Prove my worth, at least to myself. I thought that was /biz/, for fucks sake
>That's unfortunate because I figured from the way you guys talk about crypto, at least some of you had figured it out.
When it comes to trading and TA type shit, just remember that no one really knows anything. Remember that quote about Socrates? That he was the wisest man because he knew that he knew nothing? That's got to be the wisest trader. Most hedge fund managers and "pro traders" can't actually outperform the market trading, and if they did, it was most likely just luck rather than any genius on their part. As far as I know, every TA method has been shown to not outperform just buying and holding for the same time period after trading fees are accounted for as well. Holding for the long term is what differentiates gamblers (traders), from investors.
you want to learn the shitcoin trade son? launch your own coin right now and you will learn how things work from the best teacher... personal experience.

This is the only strategy I'm using, and it works like a pro. Don't stress yourself; just wait for the bull market.
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You are dumb and forget to realized that if the blockchain were to undergo a forking event, the staked assets may lose their value and become worthless.
Pajeet has cashed out with LINK. It's time to find something new and grow your investment, anon.
It's not the hype that I'm after. What I'm more interested in is what it brings to people by providing opportunities.
The big question is, how many so-called utility tokens have outperformed Solana meme coins?

How many tokenized assets are currently in use, and are web3 users really into this, or is it just another big vaporware?
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do you believe this jeet?

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I've been noticing gambling or payables a lot here, will the picrel ever truly works out? Of all the time I'm playing, I'm losing money over and over and I feel like this shit is rigged. Any explanations? Anyone made a profit with these gambling games?
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Bunch of greedy mfs the stake and literally every casino is.
You think you could do that? These suckers will increase your greed and STEAL from you.
step 1: collect and save free daily rewards
step 2: play blackjack with a blackjack chart (or be a degen and play risky)
step 3: cash out

it's literally that simple. not gonna be life-changing money but it's free money. i started doing it on a bunch of casinos like 6 months ago and i've cashed out a couple hundred.
it's not worth playing at all when you have much better odds and payouts in the shitcoin casino
is that you, bossmanjack?

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previous thread: >>58709064

>Buy XRP on:
Coinbase, Binance, Bitrue, Uphold, etc

>Why hold XRP?
>Newfag Tutorial:

>XRPL Guide:
>XRPL Explorer:
>XRPL Richlist:

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grouchy autist solve a riddle
xsg is sick of drivel!
I just need something good to happen for me. Just for once in my life
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My dick is dead, you guessed it. I hope the damage can be undone but at this point I highly doubt it. A couple million from XRP would at least allow me to self-isolate in peace and quiet though. Maybe after a few years on homesteading, I would feel like dealing with humans again. We’ll see. I remote viewed you as a skinny-fat nerd who works retail.
I don't work. You're also lousy at trying to shapeshift. Everyone knows it's you from your linguistic patterns and general lack of virile energy. It's over...
do they repair the window after or what?

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Just aped chantoken tcc What am I in for? Looks promising as fuck
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Reveal of all the economy things tomorrow i think
Same kek
Time to acumulate.
If it releases with a locked/burnt liquidity pool, I'm in
TCC will never
>Create an actual token
>Send tokens to investors
----you are here ----
>Release to the general public
>Make a board that uses said token
>Accelerate Degen projects

I started stealing cars and now I don't worry anymore about my finances and my bleeding shitcoins
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>chop shop
I wonder if parts I buy online nowadays are all sourced from this activity
thanks for your support Anon
>Link fuddy
>has to steal cars like a broke nigger
kek pottery.
I bought chainlink as well
What if you die tomorrow?

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I never thought our domestic shrimp farming DIY forum would lead to this. It started innocently enough—sharing tips on aquaculture and homemade shrimp feed. But things took a bizarre turn.
A group of strange individuals appeared, pushing a white cube as the solution to all our problems—not just shrimp-related, but financial too. They insisted this cube was the key to unimaginable wealth and enlightenment. Before long, we were chanting about the cube while neglecting our shrimp tanks.
Somehow, they convinced us to join their cult on a remote island for the "ultimate transformation" — summoning the Giant Sergay, supposedly an ancient deity of prosperity. They promised unparalleled financial gains and spiritual awakening if we succeeded, all through the cube's power.
Now I'm standing on this beach, surrounded by 1600 naked incel neckbeards. As we chant and perform cult ceremonies, a chilling realization hits me. Have we been utterly deceived? Is this Giant Fat Fuck real, or are we part of an elaborate scam?

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100k EOW IS FUD, 100K EOD!!
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We were fucking there, guys! We were fucking there!!! I wave to myself and my plastic wife from the past. Hello, billionaires!!!
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zoom out
Why did you reply to me when I was laughing at OP. It's obvious he's a delusional baggie that needs to zoom out.
>sell your coins goy!
Do not sell. Buy more at this discount. Make them keep hemorrhaging their supply. Teach them a lesson.

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what the hell happened?
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its free. they pay you to browse the internet. ill hold that bag all day.
Check the SAT chart, dumbass. You'd be better off if you traded it for BTC. Kek. Baggie
Community call is live now for anyone who gives a fuck: https://talk.brave.com/this--is--your--weekly--bat-community--call

Still waiting on that V3 Roadmap...
Where’s the composter? I need some petite sluts with tramstamps
like i said, it's free, i'll hold the bag.
>convert it to BTC
you must be retarded, I'll let you slide

Genuinely wondering
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it's funny because copywriting, seo, marketing, print on demand, etc. are all so formulaic and testable through automation they will be completely replaced (not cut the market, replace) by AI
People who frequent 4chan have been banned from everywhere else on the internet, and everything here is a fed honeypot so they’re running on old/bad info because they’re all unironically being set up for failure.
desu i just wanted to know if copywriting is great and something I could make good money on, simple as that
the same could be said for many white collar jobs and (they) know it but on the surface, they keep memeing AI to replace blue collar jobs, that just doesn't make realistic sense though, it'll be easier to automate information processing with AI tech than real world work until robotics catches up
>Is copywriting still worth it?
Not really. Monoculture is dead and will stay dead until creators nut up and take risks again.

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This schizophrenic coin is a torture to hold.
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shitlana can't stop crashing plus it's centralized. it's just another jeet casino except it crashes every 3 weeks. nobody serious is building on it meaning no RWA or fintech so it has no future.
literally doesn't matter, nobody uses your shitcoin, solana was chosen by the masses
No, the masses consume products and Avalanche has stripe integration.
remind me of the ranks of ava and sol again?
Avalanche (AVAX): The results suggest that AVAX has a finality time of 1-3 seconds, with some reports indicating it can be as fast as always under 1 second.
Solana: The results indicate that Solana’s actual block finality is around 20 seconds, with some tests showing a range of 21-46 seconds, and one outlier at 63 seconds.

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I’m 30 and only have 75k in investments + 15k in savings
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I'm still hoping to make my first 100K on QAN this year, be fucking grateful for what you have
I have 100K rupees. sir please how to redeem for big tiddy goth gf no penis
one literally has an extra large chick-fil a soda in their other hand as they're showing the phone
Teach me how to do what you're doing and I'll share what profits I make with you
>women repeating lines they heard which were true and therefore made them extremely angry, so they try to spit them back at men but they don’t make sense

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Pro-Silver Edition

>Why Gold?

>Bullion dealers
https://libertycoin.com (US)
https://www.boldpreciousmetals.com (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk (Ancient)
https://www.luciteria.com (Other rare metals)
https://www.ma-shops.com (World coins / numismatics)
more at: https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

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Gave up my Asahi 1oz bar and a pair of sovs, a tube of silver Britannias, and a handful of other random silver. Wish me luck.
good luck fren. sounds like you have everything in order and you're not selling all that much metal. that's also the best picture of the 20 mark so far :)
What fucking pattern? I skyrocket 2020. One instance is a pattern for you? I'm done with the internet, bots and retards.
and...going by the picture, you're only selling a pretty small amount of what you have? that picture alone seems like more than what you're selling
Yeah I still have a comfortable stack left over, that wasn't a huge dent but I haven't been adding to it lately because I was working towards this goal so seeing it go down at all is a sad day. But at the same time it was good opportunity to offload some of the oddball things taking up more space than they needed in useless display boxes, and I got rid of a tube of hag heads I never really liked the look of.

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Did you Stakeeyd?
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Lmao the IRS is gonna fuck you stakers sideways. I wouldn't stake xrp even if I could
yea it sucks having a legitimate business off passive staking rewards while sitting around smoking weed and playing video games all day
> the government is going to come after your money!

sounds like a good problem to have. A better problem than missing out.
delicious cope
to lose my money? no. staking = scam. you'll lose money even with more chainshits.

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>Genuinely curious: what would necessitate tokenized assets to transfer trillions of times between chains? If there is so little interchain transfer of existing shitcoins, why would tokenized RWAs need to move interchain so much?

You gotta backtrack a bit. The first question is "Why should I use 'X'" chain? Banks asked that question of why bother use Ethereum/X/Y/Z/ chain. They independently decided that they won't use them and instead make their own EVM chain. But mind you, each of the banks did this and there are numerous banks. The SWIFT network has 11K banks. Even if it's a 10th who adopt blockchain, that's over 1K chains. So now each of those banks are busy printing NFTs of their assets on their chains but hol up, if they want to buy and sell their RWAs with other banks, they have to figure out how to deal with the fact that their NFTs on their chain while their partner bank's NFTs are on the partner banks' chain. Hence the interoperability problem.
You’re too intelligent for this years /biz/. stop helping newfags.
yes, interoperability is an issue. It's been highlighted as such in pretty much every industry report on dlt and web 3.0 since forever, hence the ccip hype since forever. notwithstanding that, ccip isn't the only interoperability solution being used nor is it the only one being proposed.
Never forgetti based 42 retired off those NFTs you claim have no function and no purpose.

I wager NFTs were really just a way for ultra high IQ gigachads like 42 to retire early so he can focus on freemasonic interpretive dance
>ccip isn't the only interoperability solution being used nor is it the only one being proposed
entertain us. name and tell us about any contenders. I'm sitting down and promise i'll try not to laugh. ok, i'm ready lol (woops)

Smart money is selling their useless bitcoin for valuable fiat currency
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hahaha lmao
>for valuable fiat currency
How about for valuable stonks and real estate? For legit investment opportunities? Why is the narrative always USD vs crypto? No one is actually hoarding cash under their mattress, right?
Some grandma's still do. My ex's grandma had a few hundred k stashed under her mattress. Others do too, I'm sure. It's a mild form of autism in a way too, I think. What is close to me belongs to me sort of thing.
The systemic value of trustless money is on the order of 5-10x the gdp of earth, literally everything is justified for such a prize, most mining is done with renewables anyway

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Extrapolate from some of the services/features that are there and comparing it to existing companies and their revenue.

Unchained/KNS is primarily a distributed computing network that is probably going to get its adoption from large businesses/corporations using it as a service in the background. I like to over-simplify it by pretending it's like an operating system that you can access from any device with an internet connection.

Like in Windows/Linux/Mac, you can install different apps.
Some of the apps we have live already are:
1. price feeds (similar to Chainlink)
2. custom EVM blockchain (ETH/BNB/Base etc.) and the ability to deploy private blockchains (Avalanche subnets)
3. distributed file storage (AWS S3, Dropbox, Google Drive)
4. distributed AI workloads (chatgpt, google gemini, midjourney, dalle)
5. blockchain data analysis/trigger (The Graph, Parsiq)
6. custom software wallet + HSM (Ledger, Trezor, Keystone)

This is what's live/in testnet now, and will be expanded on as more developers bring more dApps or the Timeleap team builds things internally.

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is there any proof yet of a single company using kns services?
>Timeleap GhostFS is a distributed remote storage backend that enables developers to analyze large data sets efficiently within a distributed network

GhostFS is used in the Human Intracerebral EEG Platform (EU/Swiss funded)

You can check the project on GH and site >https://www.ebrains.eu/tools/human-intracerebral-eeg-platform
Man what are talking about honestly? The KNS token has just been slowly going up in down in about the same range since the beginning of the year. KNS is the only thing in my portfolio that didn't dump when btc and the alt market crashed. It just kept doing its own thing. Even if you bought the top of the tallest spike, I'm sure it will eventually go back there.
got banned because i wrote the name of the token in a post. it's blacklisted so tread carefully, but it's kinda opened my eyes, decided to use captcha solver instead of 4chan pass, kek.
this catpcha solver is god tier, i will never pay to 4chan again, KEK, get REKT retards, you tried to scam me by banning me, now i'll spread this captcha solver all over so nobody will pay for your shitty passes, good luck with bankrupcty.

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