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The notion of operating cashier-less stores may seem like a revolutionary leap into the future of retail, its practical implementation reveals critical vulnerabilities that jeopardize its financial viability. The absence of human oversight introduces a glaring security loophole, whereby malicious actors could exploit the system by simply pilfering cash from unattended registers, thereby inflicting severe financial losses on the establishment. This scenario not only undermines the profitability of the store but also erodes customer trust and confidence in the security measures purportedly in place. Despite the allure of streamlined operations and reduced labor costs, the susceptibility to theft poses an existential threat to the sustainable operation of cashier-less stores, necessitating a reevaluation of security protocols and risk mitigation strategies to safeguard against such detrimental outcomes.
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They want these stores to starve everyone that isn't in crypto because it will be card only fuck the clowns
Sorry I mean is in crypto
why would these stores take cash?
Walmart is seeing so much theft from the self checkout that they’ve closed a bunch of them in my neighborhood
Everything is locked inside Walmart now
It’s the worse shopping experience I could imagine

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Does anyone on /biz/ know about how difficult it actually is to make it as an influencer, financially?

Like a short-form video content creator?

On youtube shorts or tiktok. how much money do you make? How difficult is it to build an audience?
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this thread convinced me to take the plunge. writing my first video script today and then will muck about editing it over the weekend

thanks biz
what r u planning on making content abt anon
fuck it ill just record the video anyway and if it gets no views then ill delete it. been spending too long trying to force some perfect recording session thats never gonna happen
You are competing with millions of normies and hundreds of thousands of influencers who already made it years ago when there was no competition.
Today, you are not just competing competing with other youtubers, you are competing with EVERY form of media and slop taking people's attention today. Most web traffic is centralized in a couple of sites/apps like tiktok and it's only getting harder to gain traction as a complete beginner.
Your only realistic chance is buying a channel someone else already built up and leverage that history to grow. That's assuming you have genuinely good ideas that can go viral, or you will still fail.
I need one of these channels or unlocking old safes or something
Something normie friendly

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less printing and make more anime and manga that subverts western censorship
start translating more works without fake and gay "localizers" so more western people can enjoy real japanese culture without it being served to them as a jewish dish.
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It's up to the master of the (central bank) universe.
Import Africans into Japan. Only the BBC can save their currency.
More interventions.
>Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.

>Basic Information

>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud
>Share Buyback Fraud Explained

>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

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>A stock can not come back from being canceled.
Is there a law about that?

holy fucking lol, sounds like someone who sold and nows sees that we are very very likely to get a fraud payout and a squeeze, or shitfu and kenpai shills be shilling as normal. I lean more towards shills be shilling.

I wouldn't take this as a reason to expect anything to happen soon. See my previous posts:


Hope for the fastest finale, expect the slowest. Considering this is being investigated (GME 10 k/q) by SEC and probably DOJ as well, they can delay to "continue gathering evidence" until their overlords let it pop.
>People who went long
>vested interest, keep posting just in case
>People who didn't invest but claimed it was retarded
>literally gone for a year, if you asked them what was happening with the stock now they would be confused you even asked.
>People who definitely, definitely don't have anything to lose if they're wrong about bbby
really pickles the pistachios
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I just realized it's over and I'm a ruined loser... How will I afford the straight-jacket I so desperately need to avoid self harm?

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What are some bottom signals
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Sir, do not reedeem
You can check them on any DEX like Dexview lol
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Rug me harder daddy
Negative news
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I would say don't worry about BTC falling below $60k for the rest of this year at least. We are so strong right now, baby bulls.

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Can we discuss Kleros?
After being rejected from the arbitrum incentive program and seemingly false promise after false promise with V2.0 being years behind schedule it's hard for me to feel like this project is going anywhere.
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Dead thread, dead coin
reminds me of those models I used to make in blender when I was bored, ngl that brings me memories, sometimes while I look at my shit in dextools I usually remember when I used to make art
If it's available on Dexview, then we can discuss about it
kleros $4.44 eoy confirmed
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Oh ye of little governance faith.

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What is your opinion on email verification? Did it make the board better, worse, or the same?
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I'm pleased to see all of the off-topic women-hating threads are gone and many of those guised as business related
>my wife is spending all of my money
like hell they're married.

Goes to show there is an agenda to sow hatred between men and women. They can't have us getting along
Massively better and if you think otherwise you are probably a stinky Indian or Britshit.
there's still multiple people "organically spamming" their shitcoins in every thread, regardless of the thread topic
mainly: truflation, super
it's very easy to spot yet jannies don't ban them
nicely done brother
nah. my wifi and data network area at work is range-banned on this fucking board, so i can't shitpost at work. used to love shitposting with my /biz/bros at work, shot calling, etc. but i'm not paying for a fucking pass lol i'm not in high school, "umm, you have a hall pass?"

i also think all this range-banning email verification shit has killed crypto a bit. /biz/ was like where the cool kids of crypto hung out. everything seems to be crabbing hard ever since /biz/ changed. BTC is now a literal, dead 64k stable shitcoin

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>step dad had 20 years of savings in cash
>He taught English in a foreign country
>Breaks up with gf over there and wants to travel back to white country
>Foreign government doesn't allow more than $6000 through the airport
Can't he just put it into crypto? I told him funds would be safu.

Is something like this even logically possible?
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This is stupid. Couldnt he even wire it to his cashapp or venmo?
just use binance ffs.
>step dad had 20 years of savings in cash
>Breaks up with gf
so he dumped your mom?
If only he had put all that money on MUMU
is your step-mom / step-dad's ex gf hot?

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The rich are finally going to have to pay their fair share. Huge W for the people. Fat cats absolutely seething.
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Everyone here hating on this just shows how easy it is to brainwash peasants into loving their chains. All taxes on rich people do hurt them and transfer money from the rich to the poorer classes, as seen in the smaller wealth inequality in european countries. Absolutely deranged how brainwashed people in this thread are.
Everyone is a millionaire nowadays
Eventually the governement becomes the rich because they taxed so much. Its even common in human history, and it will happen again
>make 100k in the stock market
>have to cash out 25k to pay taxes
>that 25k is now realized gains and is taxed an additional 44.6%
Heh better luck next time kid
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>tax the rich
>it's the boomers amiright, guys?
>our parents should give us stuff or else they're bad
>no, I'm not bad for wanting my parents to give me stuff
>no, I'm not bad for wanting handouts from my parents
>yes, I identify as transgender now
>since last week, a long time ago

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This is why you don't let women handle money
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>muh based christian mom would never rug me
I still want to get married, I want to believe that there is a woman out there who isn't crazy and at least an independent adult who doesn't expect me to give away all my retardio for clothes.
i cant even finish that!!!
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Bc of that and because they don't understand how to use Dexview
tfw no finance sis gf

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Watching people lose money edition:


>Stock market words:

>Risk management:

>Live Bloomberg stream:

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>aerospace and industrials
Aerospace is self explanatory and easy to get into I guess since a lot of companies come to mind but what would you recommend for industries?
Is it wise to keep money in sp500 or should one stay away from indices because of their heavy reliance on Mag 7.

Also, today's PCE is going to be bad you know it. What puts are y'all putting.
Global Indeces are less tech-heavy.
>Global Indeces are less tech-heavy.
Which do you recommend?

wen alt season
already done, there's no more money coming into crypto. major CEXes have been blocked in a large part of the world so normies cannot get in. Those that acquire crypto through their local centralized wallet services have their funds stolen eventually and permanently avoid crypto. All that's left are gamblooooors and tradoooooors and the occasional 150 IQ guy that shorts the top.
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soon my child, the bull will eventually reward us with his presence and begin an era of prosperity, or at least that's what my jizzlord bag whispers to me every day
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Not yet my dude, it's p2e season now, grab some $orbs and lets ponder
I'm still checking Dexview every day to know when... I will hit you up that day
we just had alt season retard. apu, pepe, dogwifhat, countless solana memecoins, etc. all went 1000x
no the old alts didnt pump that much, but they NEVER do

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Many people think the bull run is just starting. Others think its coming to an end. Only one group is right. (bears are right)
In just a few days you'll look stupid
Fuck them bears
I'm already doing my emergency research in dextools, I'm not going to leave empty handed.
not again ;_;

HBAR full retrace
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chances of this being real? banking on this to be my exit out of this shitcoin, even 14 cents and I'll be glad
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Welcome to the XRP experience, enjoy your stay.
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thank god i solded and inmediately proceeded to buy orbs and apu, memecoins saved my life again
Shorting this HBARUSDT.PERP ticker with no survivors.

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I longed, sorry
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this will be another month where I will have to sell and look for more things in dextools until I feel some stability again, I hate you bobo you took half of my life
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just check your charts daily on dexview and problem solved

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We are going to $32,000 before going back up
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Are these imaginary lines in the room with us rn anon?
>going back up
>he doesn't know
imagine being such a latefag wagecuck that it even matters to you lmao

btc can go to 100 dollars for all I care
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Nigga I'm no whale, I buy shitcoins on Dexview fuck off

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*breathes in*
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>Not VINU mentioned

safu dogcoin assured
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I bought some of those shitcoin while I waited for Truflation IDO and I got fucked
LINU specially got rugged to the fucking ground
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that fucking pic, KEK
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Can any schizo's tell me the significance of link launching GA on 4\24\2024.

Also surely the "variable apy" didn't get finagled to mean variable based on staked link instead of variable based on ccip fees. R...right bro's?
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$2.16 USD eoy confirmed...
>he doesnt know about 216
how far has this board fallen?
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pretty dang far man
pretty dang far
>Can any schizo's tell me the significance of link launching GA on 4\24\2024.

You don't have to contact Chainlink to deploy to mainnet and use CCIP functionality. But you still need to contact Chainlink to get access to use a custom ERC-20 shitcoin you created on CCIP.
I dunno anon, I'm a chronic Dextools coins gambler, mostly because I don't understand nerd speech

God told me he will not allow me to make it because I would go mad with power.
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im notjoking literally 92.5% of everyone in this thread is a crintgeredditor
PLEASE go back sweeties!
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Of course you're not making it if you're not buying MUMU kek
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Align more with the will of god through:
only having thoughts of love
seeing others as yourself and all as one
the white one
>no racist

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