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Explosive move to either side is pending imo
Avaxchan's explosive move after a big meal of kebabs
It is quite literally just a crabdumping piece of shit.
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>Somebody is fucking with this coin in the past 2-3 weeks

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Big round edition.

>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://www.luciteria.com/(Other rare metals)

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Weird medieval throwback style with anti-masturbation eye, and they made the marks as simple as possible because Rajesh can't process roman letters.
>>why not just buy PMs from any reputable dealer?
because making your own shit is cool and I want to do it too
best i can find is some solar concentrators that can kinda melt aluminum. this guy went a bit beyond the normal and seems to use a fresnel lens design to melt zinc. no idea if this is able to be replicated without experience with calipers.

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are you guys ready to enjoy your 48 hours of freedom then back to the wagie cagies? How do we escape the 9 to 5 outside getting lucky with crypto
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>Replying to GTPs
Can you just start shitting your pants at work every day?
I stopped going into the office over 3 weeks ago. I am still doing my job, but I can also do my laundry and cook delicious meals for myself during work hours etc..

So far, only one person has confronted me, the middle-manager guy who asks me for help all the time and seems to have a generally positive view of me because I am leagues above the helpless normieslop cattle that are under his supervision. I played it off like "oh yeah I'm just breaking the rules lol" but you know that he is a normalfag and he's gossiping about it with other normalfags.

Anyways, life is a lot better right now than it was when I was going into the office. I have money saved up and am willing to quit or get fired, so it's whatever. In the first place, I am never going back to the office.

But also, other people have been asking about me and gossiping. My transgression has not gone unnoticed. Why do normalfags have to be crabs in a bucket like that?
I haven't worked a wagie job since a year ago. I've made it anons. I'm a millionaire
All I need is $300 a week and even that seems impossible. I just want a break got a few months. I don't think I'm asking for much yet life refuses to give

>old people who work, only work because they want to!
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I mean, sure whatever. they're still right though
Future of no coiners
lmao clean it up wagie
Do you really still have to wear a mask in Cuck Vegas?
No, that died in 2022 because tourism was dying.

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I unironically just bought 1.2B PORK.

I missed it's launch on MEXC a couple months ago and right now it's below the launch price. I also own 65M PEPE. But I believe PORK is clearly antisemitic (offends both jews and arabs with the obvious reference to eating pork). Pork is also traditionally the White Man's meat still is the most consumed meat in all of Europe, with the exception of Bosnia and maybe Russia.

Long story short: it's a living meme and very relevant to the current state of affairs in the Western World.

I'm not even the guy who's been shilling PORK these last days but really this coin looks too based
wrong! chicken is the most consumed meat
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Most researches say continental Europe prefers pork. I'm from northern Portugal and pork is handsout the most appreciated meat. Specially in the chorizos.
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handsdown* sorry.
>cleary antisemitic
>created by a fat jewish narcissist scamming grifter

ye enjoy holding those bags. don't worry about pauly dumping on you, he makes his money by shilling shitcoins on solana and selling the pumps off his braindead followers
>prefers pork
>most appreciated meat
that's a completely different thing to most consumed meat

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say something nice about the markets edition

https://pastebin.com/F1yujtVq (female)

>Stock market words:
>Risk management:

>Live Bloomberg stream:

>Educational sites:

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actually monetizing AI, or claiming to
There's going to be a great rotation into the wholesome trad sector, mark my words.
I just threw down money on another company.
this board really is just a bunch of circle jerking crypto tards that hope they get another one buying into the pyramid.
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This. Inquiring minds would like to know.
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Sergey made me gay
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sergey is a big fat fucking nigger kike faggot jew
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I'm a Muslim man but I have to admit that pregnant Sergey really turns me on. I keep fantasizing about putting my seed inside him and watching new life grow... We get married, he gives birth, and we raise that baby under the blessings of Allah. I want to hold hands with Sergey, and looking into his eyes say 'I love you.' I think of myself taking our son to his first day at school, watching that strong and masculine boy develop amazing computer skills like his dad.

Sergey would be the ideal partner for any man wishing to start a family. His great genes give him a combination of assertiveness, strength, and intelligence. If Sergey is able to get pregnant, he has to have a uterus; if he has a uterus, he can only be a woman in the eyes of Allah. ALLAHU AKHBAR!!!

Ok, I can't hide this anymore. It's coming from deep inside of me... this desire to shout...

I'M A GAY MUSLIM AND I HOLD CHAINLINK! Yes, and I am not the only one. I was attracted to this community because of the feeling of brotherhood that it creates. Together we are one. We are above gender divisions and categories. Chainlink, as you know, is a gay sex position where men stick their dicks into each other's asses to form a link.

Today, I declare Chainlink to be the currency of the LGBTQIAx+ community.



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I had to pay close to 14k to acquire 25m APU, reading these make me feel like shit.
you wont once that 25m is worth 150k lol
ok didn't know that fren
Based fellow early buyer.
I need my daily dose of Ubel fud.

IF you buy silver you are a fucking baggie.
>can buy it from banks
>can't sell it to the banks
You are literally holding their bags.

Second chance anons
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hi markymark.
they are already live, actually, it's why the infrastructure is in the process of being updated. it's just that nobody told you because you're not in the private whale group sorry.

it's for cool kids who can type fast only.
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oh yes and that's right - indexing as in price indexing as in price oracles, and yes that's millions of users who are leaving chainlink and coming to unchained.

stinkies on suicide watch.
>unzips pants
is this actually true?

i need an excuse to drop my chainlink bags because at this rate i'm going to miss the entire bullrun with this fucking stablecoin.

sui/make it? contract? ethereum?

when are the new clients arriving or is this just an announcement?

also wtf was that in the main group, is that guy really a chainlink holder?
Sui 100k/ make it 1m

ca 0xf1264873436A0771E440E2b28072FAfcC5EEBd01 on Arbitrum

The client with "millions of users" is onboarding as we speak and Pouya is scaling the network to accommodate their needs

Welcome aboard Samurai

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You forgot to switch id's before iqdelet posting jesse
> ignoring 40% premiums 56% inflation, taxes and fees we made money

This poster is responsible for several of the ID's itt that were posting at the same time. He would spend days on end sleeping for less than 5 hours a night spamming anti silver nonsense. Part of the reason they took out the IP counter is because posters would see all the 1pbtids low quality b8 postings were coming from his IP. He is a paid crypto currency advocate that earns a comission off of every crypto purchase he can grabblerize, which is proof of a crypto ponzi as investors are paid with the new cash flow
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The man in the silver mask.
In 1933 a man was elected and he got rid of the financial thieves that were plundering his people. Upon doing this, the value of the money he issued became almost double the value of what it was before, allowing an arbitage battle between the feds who claimed to have metal and this great man who was coming in to retrieve it. He drained the federal reserve so hard that they had their puppet of a president fdr roosevlelt ban ownership of gold, cancelling production of silver dollars, and then releasing a debased coin a few years later. They bad guys fear the silver
Update this to show the blue screen of death

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>want to buy X
>X goes up Y %
>"too expensive, I will wait"
>finally goes down
>"it will keep on going lower"
>never end up buying, and if buy then it's due FOMO

How do you decide when to buy?

>inb4 dca
I don't have a job, I have to allocate an existing capital.

>just lump sum bro, studies say
Well if you lump summed in dotcom bubble you bagholded for 13 years
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btc literally just ignore the mt gox and germany distribution, etfs bought the dip and we are already 26% up off the lows. Those were historical fuds and were occurred at the same time in summer which is historically very slow. If you think it's not going up from here w/e dude hfsp
rate cuts means the end of the bullrun
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lmao what? them turning money printers on and lowering interest rates means there is way more liquidity and it can't just be put into bonds anymore.
Bitcoin is massively correlated with global liquidity, rate cuts + fed expanding their balance sheet = increasing liquidity = number go up

See 2020 run up, only went parabolic after rate cuts when the balance sheet started increasing.
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rate cuts confirm a recesion and market crashes
look at the picture I posted retard

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Do you cheap out on food just to save money or is that a line you won't cross?
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I am proud to say that I have never once in my life used those delivery services out of pure principal. You pay some dude to deliver you food, that you dont even know what was done with it before. Then you got to tip that dude or else they start spitting in your food. And all that for a huge premium.

If you cook yourself you will have your food ready more quickly than from some delivery dude and if you batch food for a whole week and freeze it, its even quicker. Yes this includes the time it takes to buy the groceries for it, which you can also get delivered btw.

Its a whole fucking scam and I look down on anyone who uses delivery food services.
That's a weird question because most people would eat healthier on a budget.
Meh. Sometimes. Today I will eat two pizzas. At lunch I ate an overpriced wood fired pie. Now I am heating up a frozen pizza that was $3.
Even good hamburger meat and eggs is cheaper than taco bell.
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i would never skip good quality food just to save a few dollars. you cant put 87 gas into a Ferrari and expect peak performance. ironically the seed oil poisoned goyslop that passes as cheap food would be more like putting chinese sewer oil into a Ferrari.

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It occurred to me that Wall Street and tradfi in general don't have a gay "demoralization" issue because they do cocaine.
What if linkmarines started doing cocaine?
Would it help the price of LINK or hurt it?
Nah it's because they actually make money unlike LINKcels.
have sexuuuuu
Coke seems cool but can you even fuck on it or does your dick go limp?

Do you like CDs? :)
I hink the 80 minute restraint makes you pick and choose what you really want to listen to when making them.
The Bluetooth in my 2013 vehicle isn't so seamless that I would much prefer that because the hing makes you be in park before you pair anything. Way easier to make some CD's at home and pop them in.

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But what if this isn't capitalism, anymore?
Yet it's not socialism, either?

What if the current economic system we're inside of should actually be recognized as a new form of Feudalism?
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I can tell you with certainty that living in the woods isn't quite the answer.
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It turned into feudalism the second the feds allowed uncontrolled migration through us borders to intentionally lower wages.
Is there an answer? More and more I'm coming to the conclusion that humanity is walking a never-ending path to hell powered by technology. The more advanced we get, the more advanced evil gets. I used to scoff with everyone else about all the old geezers who have proclaimed all throughout history that the latest generation is lazy and entitled and will be the downfall of civilialzation. But as I've gotten older I've realized that they've all been right every time.
>Is there an answer? More and more I'm coming to the conclusion that humanity is walking a never-ending path to hell powered by technology.
Whether or not the answer would succeed or fail is beside the point.
Technology, like economics, like politics, like so much else?
It's a moral choice.
We arrived at this point because the banality of rationalism convinced us to accept an Amoral condition. To serve Amoral functions within that condition.

There was this one Alan Watts I watched some time back (before AI started to get out of hand) where at some point in his lecture he speaks of two types of Bhuddas. The first disappears from the world, withdraws, he vanishes. Which is pretty much going out into the woods and not coming back. That's safer, but it's also folly. You've achieved a connection, but like a short, you don't complete the circuit, you don't serve as a conduit to send the charge you've received outward and onto someone else. But the other bhudda he described does go back out into the world. They keep up appearances, but they don't play the game in earnest. They're out to peel people off to the side and lead them astray from the slaughterhouse, "If you feel like this shit is fucked, then maybe I have an explanation, do you wanna hear it?"

It'd be a lot easier to be that first kind of bhudda, guru, whatever you wanna call it, you just clock out of the world wait for it to fry.
But that second one sounds like it's at least an attempt and something to kill time with, don't it?

>I used to scoff with everyone else about all the old geezers who have proclaimed all throughout history that the latest generation is lazy and entitled and will be the downfall of civilialzation.

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Since commies are hyper-retarded idealists, they would likely say yes. They define everything they feel bad about as capitalism, ie saying that capitalism has killed "billions" bc they ascribe literally every death from war, disease, famine, and natural causes to capitalism, since if they had their gay space commie utopia as they imagine it, no one would ever die again.

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Ok i gave up on peepu altho i'm holding
Sers i boughteded more Apui instead
looks boolish atm
800+ people in the tg
people raiding + memes
$350k marketcap
easy 5x from here if you want to get out fast or 50m if a miracle happens
>800+ people in the tg
Why can't peepu get that. Fuck me.
too many copycats and starting from zero with any shitcoin is too hard
Wasn't apui also launched two days ago?
yes but somebody on twitter said Santiago aka pajeetius was the dev and he jeeted at 40k mc so it's a cto now
i guess his reputation made some degens to track his wallets and support this shit in hopes of being the next Peipei or whatever

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Based. Fuck him. Crybaby. Time to get back at ballistic speed. Lowkey believing his aura was keeping us down.
Nice dubs and based as well.
fuck man. what do we do now.
Why RSR?
was this the only hopium? a unity template running a random number generator in some guy's basement? maybe it's time to buy ETH and just take a break from crypto until your heads are clear
We ball. He wasn’t built to make it. Now we can be back to be a proper CTO run by a full decentralised team.

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List your supplement stack
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I'll post it the exact stack if this thread still up like 20 hours from now. I think every piece is important and so are the dosages.
Best post
>"People" on /biz/ take several mystery pills from unregulated factories in China to optimize their brains to lose money on crypto
This is my stack to improve my cognitive abilities so I can better run by for-profit business, financially speaking.
>rarely a multi vitamin but want to start taking regularly again

I want to take items that help boost testosterone and sexual health.
Benzodiazepines to stop the suicidal thoughts 3 hours after taking the Ritalin

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