Previous: >>59935549>Buy XRP on:Coinbase, Binance, Bitrue, Uphold, Robinhood, Kraken, Kucoin, etc>Why hold XRP?>Newfag Tutorial:>XRPL Guide:>XRPL Explorer:>XRPL Richlist:Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>59943721HAHAHAHAHAHAHATrump isn't buying your jew scam coinget rekt faggots
>>59944688Thanks guys ;) you just saved me a couple hundred bucks
Fuck off, it's not over yet.
>>59944020>The Smoky God was added to the listbased as fuck anon
>>59943721Any ideas why Melania covered her eyes with her hat?
Is 2025 going to be green or red year?!! How tf do you predict?!
>>59944855for risk assets, the reddest since 2008
Temporary Exemptions Edition>Brokers>Risk management:>Live Streams:>Educational sites: too long. Click here to view the full text.
What stocks and crypto does the White man own?Or did the White man already sell everything a month ago?
>>59944487I will be exploring the use of VIX/SKEW divergence as an indicator now. There was a MASSIVE divergence on that spike, which would've been a huge red flag.
>>59944748Kill ourselves. I'm done investing in retarded darling stocks. Just going to invest in VOO like a grandpa.
>>59944748apologize and admit you're retarded for investing in meme stocks
>>59944836>Get into fight with dad for years because sp500 is gay>Do risky stocks/etfs to get a 60% ROI>it's now down to Margin Call>Dad is up 25% from just owning sp500, djia, and nasdaq.
>>59944237He is making America great again by telling globalist niggers he doesn't give a shit about their shitty stock market and building a bitcoin reserve. Pretty based.
>>59944237trump administration just farming the markets as they always so>>59944422checked and based
Day 1321 of snailposting every day until BTC is at 1M
>>59943614How is it going?
Government need their cheapies too. See us at a milly in under 5 years.
oh god fuck me! yes! right there! im gonna cummmies! oh god yes i cummies! ohhhhhAHHHHHHHHHHHHHohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
>>59944076Cherry blossoms bloomDespite late winter's cold gripNature's faith endures
>>59944076I go slow enough that anyone should be able to see any cliffs years in advance >>59943647Lmao, they're really taking the piss
If I am not in japan by 2030 I will kill myself.This is my resolution.
>>59943628>Jeet spottedIt's over
>>59942931>what xoomers and zoomlennials think Japan is like
>>59944769sarz i love jipan.They have Dragin Bahl Daimer PS5iverr, and, my big favorite, super mario bruddahs.They are the James Cameron of life, yes sihr. Jaan Jaka Jaaan.
>>59944766I know it sounds a bit like that, but it's really not. It is true that Oppenheimer felt bad after Hiroshima and it could be why they're still pure. The conspiracy part is>why not save this nice country (Japan) as our backup homeland incase we destroy everything else we touch?
>>59943729>>59943742>low iq weeb h8ers can't even comprehend cooking their own food
It was a crab the news event.
That was a fun hike we had today anon! See you next week.
>>59943662Cope. Maybe after the 4th date she will let you touch her tits (after spending $200 at dinner of course)
>>59943534I never understood why this is THE "used goods" indicator. I've creampied girls on the first date, balls deep in pussy, yet that seems to be less of a deal than if she had gotten railed in the ass. Someone explain.
>Strategic reserve uses BTC specific language>market dumps hardIt's a great time to be a bobina poster.
They will BUY more BTCThey WON'T buy shitcoins. Just keep the seized ones.
>>59944784cope shitcoiner. Literally happening.
>>59944786You think they're dumping doge cuts into BTC? Huge if true
>>59944804he's not buying your bags faggot
>>59944809>DOGEdepartment cuts federal waste by billions to put into crypto to fight debtIt’s like too poetic to not be the case
How's that black swan working for ya, Bobo?
Tokenized stocks trading on CCIP.. They REALLY want to slide this information.
>>59944509A-Anon... it's AI generated illusion...
>>59943827Bridges have existed for years now. Top kek!
>>59943929>>59944542am not the ones making lies , burden of prove lays on you
>>59943848Lower fees, more transparency, easily transferable.. The banks have a racket on stock trading. They charge like $10 a trade and it cost them nothing.
>>59944471>t. a brown faggot with an iq of 60 who is paid pennies to fud here and actually thinks that his samefagging isnt cringe-inducingly obvious
Btc completely captured by the very forces it was supposed to liberate us from. Government reserves combined with hedgefund reserves (all of whom are in bed together) combined with etfs will simply give tptb total price control. Absolutely GRIM. Mongoloids cheering for this shit. Lmao. Btc will not save you. Not only that, but the crypto tech they do choose to actually use for their new gay financial system will be weaponised to actively enslave you even more. Thank you very much for playing.
>>59944742>>59944742Hello CCC this is akane if you are reading there is an impostor (most likely turu…) pretending to be me and creating a second ccc chat. THIS IS A TRICK, i’m still watching over you clownies. See you soon, i will expose everything
>>59944742Nano is the best implementation of Satoshi's original vision. see bitcoin snack machine thread on bitcointalk.
That's whack, yo!
Pretty hip, Bobo.
tbf I'm inclined to close the short here, pull out and dump the by now 2.8 M extra into UST, that would make 6M in UST. Not trusting that cexes remain liquid
>The president is going to buy our bags>Let's dump before he can buy them
>>59944731The big holders are selling right now to lower the price then tomorrow they're all going to buy at once tomorrow on stage and it's gonna rocket up to 1mil and March 7 will forever be known as crypto day.
>>59944783>The oligarchs are going to give me free money
>>59944783>>59944790Retail traders are the bulk of sellers and most of them are short. The longs at 70k are mostly institutional traders. The end result of piss snake is that it will violently trend upwards to the 120k range to fuck all the retail shorters.
>>59944746>>59944783Wall street retards who literally run on NPC algos like "sell da heckin news" are trading crypto and dumping it.Newfags are also doing this.Everyone with more than 2 braincells to rub together is just holding their shit because it's hard digital money that can't be printed and it's fundamental properties haven't changed since last month when it was 30% more cuckbux per coin.
>Promises made>Promises ignored>The Secretaries of Treasury and Commerce are authorized to develop budget-neutral strategies for acquiring additional bitcoin, provided that those strategies have no incremental costs on American taxpayers.>The government will not acquire additional assets for the Stockpile beyond those obtained through forfeiture proceedings.
>>59944660show everyone where it says they will buy
>>59944663>spamming the whole thread with his off-topic stupidity posting lies all the timeHow many with the $20 billions that trump has given to israel in the first 40 days?
>>59944715Go renew your Lithium subscription, or kys Turk. Also did you finally opened a short or why did it took so long to reply with the same line, truly shizophrenic shitskin
>>59944065why not Bitcoin pump then?
>>5994476232 years of bail outing by the US is over. maybe the chinese are pumping it with debt, or the Germans, ehh rather not
The American Bitcoin on steroids. It will be in the reserve 0 doubt.
>>59943221The deranged delusional attitude of every shitcoiner in 2025. Funny OP.
>>59943517Yeah sure thing anon, delusional for sure you are very right jeet.
Shut up fag No one’s falling for your shit here.The ones that do will deserve it
>>59943221But Bitcoin is already American...?
>>59944282There’s no definitive proof of where Satoshi was physically located when creating Bitcoin, digibyte is the real American Bitcoin chuds
>>59944609it wasn't even overbought though? IT WASN'T EVEN A 2X FROM THE 2021 HIGH, THIS WASN'T THE BULLRUN I WAS PROMISED
>>59944671Brother there are only so many fools that want to buy digital tokens.
>>59944609This board is litterally full of poor 3rd worlders that sold their families curry reserves to buy crypto and panic everytime there is a dip.
>>59944427Literally nothing besides biz being full of delusional no-coiners who have had years of opportunity to front run all institutions on the planet but didn't act on the opportunity. I'm on the best timeline, but most of you aren't.
>>59944760This board is over run by 3rd worlders who don’t understand English and don’t understand how our government works.
>the US government is gonna buy a million new bitcoi-ACK!
>>59944160he looked dismayed last time I saw him talking about how other coins will be involved. Now I think it was this, rather than that, if you see what i mean
>>59944107it was always just a pump-and-dump
>>59944107Salyer tomorrow advices US to copy microstrategy free BTC Printer>microstrategy issues more stock out of thin air, uses to buy BTCUS treasury print money out of thin air, uses it to buy BTC without any cost to taxpayers per EO
>>59944610go renew your lithium subscription Turk
If only multiple bobos had warned you over and over this exact scenario would happen...
>>59944414To be fair it’s doing fairly well considering the melt down of the stock market.
>>59944560>If you invested in Bitcoin 10 years ago you would be profitable too!Imagine thinking everyone hear invested in Bitfuck like you did 10 years ago, good for you.But the vast majority of Bitcoiners are just lemmings for the ponzi scheme.>>59944565>>59944414They never do listen, but don't feel bad Bobro, we get to take their money.
>bobo is now ecstatic that bitcoin dumped 90-86(and rebounded to 87) when last week was 95-78
>>59944593>No!! Don't plant a tree today it won't be ready for 10 years!!Kek bobo is brown and it shows in his IQ
>>59944593Holding fiat is the true lemmings for the brrrr scheme.