What if, hypothethically, you took 5-10 million $ of loans using a combination of - applying for multiple personal loans at the same time- maxing out credit cards- creating a company to take business loansthen converted this money to Monero and disappeared to a country with no extradiction?
Pretty Gold Stack Edition>Why Gold & Silver?https://youtu.be/i3S4rl6ehiIhttps://youtu.be/gksenA5Al_Ahttps://youtu.be/FI7NnOg2rxo>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitablehttps://youtu.be/iibsrDXdEos>Bullion dealershttps://libertycoin.com/ (US)https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)https://www.luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Treasure chest
>>59824654Good chest!>>59824662Nice looking coin!
>>59824621I've continued gardening. Will try to eat as much as possible and keep my mental and physical health in the top.0001%, but even that isn't hard nowadays.Pray for me as I pray for you, brothers. I already made it. The secret sauce was not buying silver
>>59824456British Sovereigns are beautiful AnonAnd the best part is there still being produced today so there very easy to get with low premiums and easy to sell
1. Save $1000 for your starter emergency fund2. Pay off all debt (except your mortgage)3. Save 3-6 months of expenses as a proper emergency fund4. Invest 15% of your household income in retirement5. Save your your kid's college fund (if applicable)6. Pay off your home early7. Build wealth, and giveI'll bet 99% of /biz/ can't even achieve baby step 3.
>>59824633I make too much to write off income (W2 wife and I made 330k gross last year) so we paid off our house and are just throwing money into index funds
>>59824646Are you feeling salty that you weren't handed a fully furnished apartment and new car on a silver platter, or that you weren't smart enough to make it on your own?
>>59824633dave ramsey is a retarded boomershit scam artist who peddles scam mutual funds with absurd expense ratios.
>>59824633Fuck off, you stupid retarded fucking boomer. You lived in the most prosperous economic era of US history. You don't know jackshit about anything. You never had to worry about money. Fuck you. Die.
>>59824677>zoomer who lived during biden bull market>didn't invest wisely and aped on shitcoinsHahahahah
I hope you didn’t file taxes yet
>>59824652>Refers to his own countrymen as mutts>Screeches basic third grade insultsTell me you’re from texas without telling me. I haven’t seen a brown person in 5 years, cope more
>>59824675i live in pennsylvania and have blond hair. what color is your hair, mutt?
>>59822217My dad died some years back. I have to manage his estate. I've been trying to get the IRS to tell us how much they have on record for us owing for his 2018 taxes for the last year and nobody will respond. I can't close the fucking estate. This will do nothing to fix shit
>>59822430Nigger you're gonna flip when you realize some of the greatest civilizations on earth didn't give a shit lmao
>>59824686I bet you do pablo. Time for you to get some rest, you gotta catch the van to work tomorrow. That roof isn’t going to shingle itself
- Trump, Trumps kids, Blackrock, Vanguard, Elon, Tesla itself.... They are ALL buying and holding Ethereum.What do they know that you don't know. I know.Il'l tell you.They are going to de-regulate ICOs and on-chain assets. This will essentially mean companies will arise that will allow you to raise funds on chain in excahnge for tokens that pay dividends.Soon will follow 'wrapped' shares. like "warpped Tesla" "wrapped" Google".These wrapped assets, will be held by the company itself, and dividends will be paid ON CHAIN. ie; Dividends used to constantly BUY Ethereum on the open market, and then be sent to all token holders as dividends.This will cause Ethereum to basically 10x from here back to 0.3BTC as it was in 2017.You are warned. Easiest 10x, on a 'safe' blue chip coin you will see this decade.
>>59824491So I put 1000 in each, buy a million solx and wait for the ruggpull?
>>59822366I agree, but there are some risks:1. XRP is now 1/2 the marketcap of ETH. If it flips, it won’t be good. There are a lot of actors that can pump this for a flip and make tons of money.2. Stock market at risk of crashing (it’s a meme now but buffet ratio is over 200%), which will kill crypto market.3. It could be a while before ETH is embraced enough to add stocks and bonds. They only recently signed the digital asset reserve, but only at the stable coin evaluation step. Not even Bitcoin and definitely not yet ETH. I do think Bitcoin has a high chance of being added this year, since they smiled hesitantly when that one report mentioned it (like they didn’t wanna get in legal trouble). Could be a year+ for ETH.So I like ETH but damn there is a lot of risk. There is also a huge Solana VC unlock in March, but this could either kill the whole alt market or pump ETH a lot.
>>59822366if you buy eth, you are an absolute midwit
hahahahahaah i cant believe this retard just fumbled the easiest play in existence - the oldest meme on bitcoinYOURE FUCKING RETARDED NOMAD ITS UNIMAGINABLEALSO YOURE RETARDED
>>59824599checkedhave this imagefren
>>59824383Projecting their misery
>>59822945>You literally can't make this upLink hodlers could've made it except they chose to fudd their own bags for years kek
>>59824687Is this a bot?
an altcoin giga pump is comingeth will lead
>>59824655That would be antisemitic. :(
>close short in profit>it dumps even morei hate this shit bros
>>59824120You made profit stop complaining. Try to gain a little more conviction and faith in your trading as you go on. Trading journals help (im being serious)Great job op. Keep going
>>59824120My point is that you should be thankful you got to make any money at all, and stop whining "Oh no, I made money buy doing a few clicks from the comfort of my home"
>>59824251>>59824243you guys are so cringe, like maaaaaaan
Small proftis and big losses. That's how you need to play, chud.
>>59824440Shut up nigger I have now cursed you for being a cunt and you will now blow your next 3 accounts.
How does this logo make you feel
that logo makes me feel extremely anti-semitic
>>59824501it makes me feel admiration for keeping the grift alive for 8 years
I like Corechain's logo more
You can't "Make Money".You can only TAKE it from people who have it already.Few understand.
Yes, when they sell low and seethe, I'm right there to buy it. And lo and behold, they're right there to buy it from me when the price is high! It happens every time, they must like it or something
>>59822004>You can only TAKE it from people who have it already.Actually true but the biggest, worst and most repulsive TAKERS are the governments by taxes and inflation and the elites which control the governmentsThe rest only fight over what's "left".Few understand.
>>59822203They got it on lend from banks who also have it on lend from the government because paper money is just a promisory note of value, not actual value.
>>59822004that's not really true under fiat slavery. the government can create money out of thin air.
>>59822004you are a retard, you literally can mint usdt
I can't kms until I'm rich. I refuse to die a fucking loser. That would be admitting that life beat me, but if I get rich, it means I beat life and I'd be satisfied with that. God damn it. I'm 29. I was so close last time
>>59822957You are being emotionally abusive
>>59822928Im 36 living in a hell hole about to become homeless cause i cant even keep up with two jobs nigger. I would probably kill infants to have your life
>>59822928I want to die also but I wished I could die a good life and want to know in my last moments that my death had a purpose and my family will be taken care of
Leave crypto. Most crypto scams are based on suicide. If you look at 4chan, the scammers usually post on here. Trying to send you down a downward spiral towards end life.
>>59823901LMFAOOOOO Shut the fuck up. I have to get half a mil to chop my arms and legs in half just to be average height, you fucking retard your life is pussy mode compared to mine>>59824306dumbass
>>59824405fuck jannies
>>59824575Some larper insider said that only reason we even have steaking is so that linkies dont park their tokens in cexes that then use those tokens to short LINK
>>59824577that is just retarded, but appreciate the insight. even larpers are welcome to answer my query, I can judge on my own.
>>59824405A dark hole sucking up all matter ? Great analogy for the chainlink investment.Baggies
It's wild how the people running APU will flip around, and bend over whichever way the wind blowsIt's a trait of people that believe in nothing, and little else but chameleons. Those that demand of you unquestioning faith, have no conviction in their own thoughtsBeing pro DEi is the way into normiedom? Run itWait, right wings are winning? Quick change the script
>>59824386Im fucking furious about how APU kneeled to KOLs.They had lightning in a bottle and they fucked it by begging KOLs 24/7 and pretending to be anti racist / normie friendly.Its like they dont understand that shit like "Jews did 9/11" can pump on SOL.Remember last year with the "nigger" coin season? Real nigger tate?SOL ecosystem hates woke faggot shit.Trump won.APU attacked the culture that helped them pump.Fuck the HC.
Gian you are a gigantic cunt btw. Hope you enjoy the multi millions you rugged from /biz/ you shitalian nigger.
>>59824564i do think they focus too much on the wholesome & "frenly" characteristics of apu instead of his more autistic & retarded characteristicsbut the overtly offensive coins like you mention don't have lasting appeal, they all died
>>59824589Pepe is racist and its in the billions of mcap.
>>59823558>OHHHHH ITS A X POST OH MY GOODDD!!!! OH MY GOD MY INFLUENCER SAID SOMETHING!!!!!!literally no one cares about your faggot endeavours kid. go back to twitch and spam more streamer chats with retarded shit nigger
Comfy Weekend Edition>Brokershttps://pastebin.com/F1yujtVqhttps://brokerchooser.com/>Risk management:https://pastebin.com/sqJUcbjp>Live Streams:http://www.livenewson.com/american/bloomberg-television-business.htmlhttps://watchnewslive.tv/watch-cnbc-live-stream-free-24-7/>Educational sites:https://www.investopedia.com/Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
What are people’s thoughts on LAES?
>>59824514chart looks terrible but about 250k OTM 4.5C purchased a few days ago so might pump next week
>>59824585thinking of doing CVNA calls lotto ticket playspread em some ITM some OTM, will have to check the premiums to see if its worth it, ran up a lot ytd already
>>59824514It's a garbage stock that will go to zero>>59824601Probably hedging since the majority of the share ownere are short sellers
Why do leftists believe that you’re just 2 paychecks away from being homeless?
>>59824534Used to be*
They spend all their money on WAOW [current thing] so they're always broke. They're stupid morons who don't know how to handle money.
>>59824545As opposed to rightoids buying WOAW Donald flavored shitcoincoin lmao
>>59822125it's possible to escape your situation but you need to put yourself in the right place ALL the time and wait wait wait.
>muh guns and ammo >muh gas for 8mph brand new F150>muh new trailer with dividing wall (privacy for muh sister-wife)>muh fresh MAGA hat and shirt comboThe more I think about it the stupider the argument lefties spend all their money on frivolous things becomes
Fuck this crab dumping piece of trash coin. Going down faster than you can say double spend.
>>59824611Left side of curve detected
And guys buying buying fractional BC are useful idiots. Sadly.
>>59820929which tax software?
>retard finally realized taxation is a cartel schemeYou think the people with real power pay any taxes?
>tornado cash a wallet eth>create a token>pair with very little liquidity ~$1>buy some of token on main wallet>use remaining eth in tornado cash wallet to pump token artificially>donate illiquid gains to public charity wallet>rug it>write it all off on your taxes for the value at time of donationC'mon biz you need to step it up, the IRS is getting demolished by Trump and you're still not using the crypto grey areas to avoid tax? Fucking retards istg
>>59820929What if I buy high and sell low? Negative taxes?
I rippled up.
>>59820870yes, jelly of your BTC/LTC stackXRP and DOGE are normie bags and could take you even higher
>>59823275(((you))) always spam the same pic, linkiekike
kek fuddies
>>59823211These types of fudposts give me a massive stiffy. Someone took the time to write that copewall.
>>59823625here, have a cursed image