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What's the point of a 401k rollover if for two to three weeks my money won't be invested in any account?
It makes sense to continue getting nicked by ~$20 fees then lose out on gains during that time frame.
The only good time to perform a rollover would be during a poorly performing market.
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Low IQ take.

2-3 weeks is a drop in the ocean of time, if you invest consistently and constantly during earning years.

Rolling it over, or starting, your own Traditional IRA is what you should.
>continue getting nicked by ~$20 fees then lose out on gains during that time frame
Why would you want to continue getting nicked by ~$20 fees and then lose out on gains during that time frame? That makes zero sense.

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>everyone is fearful in ETH
>everyone is greedy in BTC
Using Buffett trading logic wouldn't it be best to trade one's BTC for ETH right now?
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ETH will hit $10k in 2025. Do with that what you will.
$10k marketcap
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ETH is hitting 15-20k this cycle.

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2024 Gold Sovereign Edition

>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://libertycoin.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
https://www.luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>auction ending in few hours
ok, i shouldn't but i need it. If below $160 it will be mine
whatever helps you cope... BTC will hit 150k by EoY while gold will honestly probably dump due to Trump's election putting uncertainty and inflation in check. Gold will correct and steadily dump over the next year or two while BTC with the (literal) billions of inflow money will continue pumping.
>President-elect Donald Trump’s choice to run the Justice Department Matt Gaetz is incredibly pro-crypto
Honestly the entire Trump cabinet from his VP to fucking Elon Musk are all pro-crypto, Trump spoke at the National Bitcoin Conference in Nashville a few months ago.
You'd have to be an absolute retard not to own some crypto, this is a business/finance board you can cope however you want but crypto will continue to pump MASSIVELY over these next 4 years. Gold/silver will dump with Trump in office, no reason either will do well when inflation fears will be long-gone. Same reason gold dumped the moment Trump's presidency was officially announced.
>Bitcoin will overtake gold's marketcap soon
Already overtook silver, only a matter of time.
You must be illiterate.

The Mcrib prophecy
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so shall it be written
so shall it be done
fucking retarded europeans waking up and selling.
Europeans deserve to stay poor generationally.
All the motivated Europeans left the gene pool during the colonization era.
The McRib is a strong sell signal
Is it though?

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When I wake up tomorrow BTC will be $100k
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would have loved more dips to slurp, but it's fine. it's time. my body is ready for 100.000 us dollarinos

I should never have bought this fucking dogshit coin. I keep fucking buying tops. So sick of this.
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sheeeeeeeeit. i bought the top
now look at doge's chart
kek thanks for the liquidity
Ape into UAFC, anon. I believe it could be big. I'm hearing there will be chain-backed fighters which will take the AI Memes to the next level.
Only works if you are going to use the money to buy again. Otherwise you have lost

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This pump is so fake and gay. When is alt season?
This must be a fakeout. I was told Chainlink is supposed to lead the market.
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it's going up too fast
This is unsustainable
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not sure if top signal or its actually different this time
We (mostly old people and brainwashed idiots) voted in frauds and unqualified people into power. My only hope is making a bit of extra cash from crypto and ignore all the bs going on here. If you have money, life in germoney can still be quite good. But if you have to wageslave, you are fucked three times over.
BTC only goes up
This shit shouldn't even be possible but it literally only goes up for 15 years
It’s the future. Decentralized store of value. Global currency
People will take liquidity and put it into alts

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Whatever happened to the link marines?
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sars, that's English
>Speak english
Type? Ranjesh
I just came back to this board to witness BTC @ 100k. QRD on LINK's demise?
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it's over

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Check the chart
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Bobos will be here soon to tell us it’s an unsustainable pump
My 0.1 BTC has me feeling fucking jacked bros
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Just wait til the boomer fomo kicks in
>t. told millionaire boomer parents to buy at $20k, $30k, $60k, $80k
Will $100k make them finally listen?
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would have loved more dips to slurp, but it's fine. it's time. my body is ready for 100.000 us dollarinos. include me in screencap pls

Microstrategy just passed 100b valuation.
It's bigger than Intel and it doesn't even produce anything.

They have negative earnings, and they are a top 150 U.S. company.
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that's just multi million dollar finance bro
it doesn't have to make sense
it's finance don't gotta explain shit
itll dip when btc dips
BTC won't dip again.

Microstrategy is buying more coins than are being mined.
It's an infinite money glitch that can't be stopped.
we like the stock
microstrategy is a deflationary scheme on bitcoin. the supply of bitcoin is known and it's very low among cryptocurrencies, hence it's extreme value. they drive the value up by monopolizing it.
still, it can dip if enthusiasm runs low, if major profit-taking occurs, or if there is a world war or disruption of the internet. bitcoin is extremely fragile to system shocks. no one wants to hold bags if the world is ending.

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Submit or be subsumed.
what's the CA?

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I actually like both coins too, but I would claim that it's ZCash that protects the user from the user's own mistakes.
With ZCash, you need three simple rules:
1. Accept only shielded transactions.
2. Originate only shielded transactions.
3. Generate a new shielded address for every counterparty and for every set of transactions that shouldn't be linked. The simplest and most foolproof way to do this is to generate a new shielded address for every single transaction. But they can and probably should all be in one wallet.
It may be slow, but if you follow those simple, absolute rules, your payments are going to be very anonymous indeed.
The ZCash wallets I've looked at don't seem to make (3) as easy as it should be, probably because people haven't considered the impact of different conterparties comparing notes about the addresses they send to. But you can do it in a fairly straightforward way, and the Monero wallets don't make the corresponding address management all that much easier.
If you're forced to transact with people who "don't support shielded addresses", then ZCash does get more complicated. You have to keep your entire balance on a single shielded wallet; immediately transfer any incoming transparent transactions into that wallet; never, ever reuse a t-address; not "forward" any payment to a t-address with a similar amount to what came into a t-address; and always wait a random time on the order of several days between receiving a transparent transaction and sending any part of the money out in any way whatsoever.
Which is still simpler than the stuff you have to worry about with Monero.
With Monero, there's a relatively small set of candidate outputs that "could be" the real source of each input to a given transaction. The current default number of mixins is 11. That's the real size of the "anonymity set" as most naturally defined, although the concept of an "anonymity set" is inappropriate for Monero to begin with, because the whole thing relies on a progressive combinatorial expansion that's not meaningfully captured in the idea of a "set".

And even that is assuming that the age distribution used to pick mixins matches the age distribution of real transactions, which is at best extremely doubtful. If it doesn't match, then some sources start out more probable than others, and you can combine that with whatever else you can figure out.

Furthermore, and probably more serious, if a transaction includes more than one input, you can match the histories of the inputs against each other and see if you can find information about them. If the histories of inputs A and B to transaction X both "possibly" share input C from transaction Y a generation or two back, then A and B are probably in fact derived from C.
You'll rarely if ever reliably or completely deanonymize anything in Monero. Monero can in fact be used to get practical anonymity. But if you look at transactions, you will get suggestive information that makes one user a more likely source or destination than another. And some user behavior can turn "more likely" into "much more likely".

NONE of this relies on knowing any amounts or wallet address; it's all just about matching (possible) inputs to one transaction against outputs from other transactions.

To get around that, you have to think about all those issues and plan a pattern of inputs and transfers that doesn't reveal too much. That's similar to the "extra steps" for ZCash, but much more complicated.
Neither matters. Bitcoin is all you need.
Monero is getting full chain membership proofs. Ztrash is superfluous.

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just bought 50 bucks worth of bitcoin, where is my fortune?
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i technically have over one btc but only because of my MSTR/MSTX shares
I once had 14 BTC worth of crypto in my portfolio, sadly down to 4.3 from ATH.
Can I have your stuff?

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It’s my birthday today, that’s why btc is hitting 100k today, you’re welcome
Happy Birthday Scorpio

Many happy returns
A thread died for this.
Green PP id, Green picture, Green Bitcoin. Check 'em

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I’m finna buy a cabin by a lake with my Pepe. What is gonna big your big purchase fellow pepe holders?
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when do i buy?
how far will it drop before 100k btc?
ive just been buying at low 18/19 & selling at 19/20 over and over but im getting tired of it just want to stack up and hold.
It doesn't matter when we are going to 100 billion mc
DCA in don't swing shit that goes up 98% in one day wtf
What holders? Every one sold.
>everyone sold
>reaches new ath and holds

This is your brain with little to no crypto knowledge

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This is Kai Rysdall. He is a radio presenter, and he narrates "Marketplace", a half-hour program heard on American public radio. Kai Rysdall has the easiest and cushiest job in the entire world. I really really wish I had his job. His job is super comfy, and great.

My inteniton with this thread is not to be negative, but instead to draw your attention to what the easiest and cushiest job in the world looks like. This guy speaks for like ten minutes on the radio, rattles off the same old shit about stock market numbers and fed rates day after day, does the odd softball interview, then hands it off to correspondents to deliver actual stories. The smugness in his voice is a reflection of his knowledge that he enjoys a very easy, cushy gig. The program itself, ads and all, doesn't even run an hour. And his role in the program is only about ten minutes' worth.

I really envy Kai Rysdall.
I don’t envy him. Sounds like a difficult job. I hate speaking.
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>Kai Cenat
>Kai Greene
>Kai Musk
>Kai Trump
>Kais Maleej
>Now Kai Rysdall
Uhh...Yes. My name is also Kai.
Don't you have a packet of crisps you could be shoving up your botty, Ringo?

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ayo ma nigga frogga be doin a lil ruggy ruggy

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Give it to me straight bros, is ETH done for? Been stacking this for 5 years waiting for 10k ETH. Every time I start to get hope a new L2 pops up and steals all the volume. What the fuck is the point anymore?
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This. First is daddy bitcoin and memes and then stuff with actual use and value is flipped into by meme gains.

ETH died in 2022
You guys actually pay tax on your coins?
How come Nancy Pelosi and these fucks get 4 billion dollar mansions and I have to pay tax on my coins :(
whatever they can put me in jail, I ain't giving it to them so they can blow up russians and palestinians. If they come for my money, I'll just turn it all into btc and shove it up my ass


Because its a piece of ____!
>I thought I'd get rich, like some tales of old
>but the LINK price was low, and the future felt cold
>so I screamed to the moon "where's all the cheer?"
>but they whispered "token not needed, your gains are not here!"
Because you're a laughing stock in the crypto world. You are the Nokia for crypto

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