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day 141 of posting till my charizard collection it hits $1mil

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what's the state of this market? i'm holding like 2-3k worth of gen1 cards and need to get some graded. Is it only worth grading if the card is estimated above say $500 at a 9 at least?
you're probs gonna bankrupt yourself but good luck anon kek
I love these threads anon, ever consider doing a YouTube channel? I’ll even watch it if you don’t an annoying voiceover
thanks, nah nothing planned yet i dont think theres enough content but could do shorts/reels perhaps?

do you watch any pokemon youtubers maybe i can look for inspiration?
if you don't already have a 1st ed base char you simply arent going to make it

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pity reply
I don't get the thread
>8% up
while everything else is up 20-30%
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Only thing that did a 20% today is LTC and HBAR.

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The market does not seem particularly keen on Bitchcoin above 100k. Looks like it'll range between 90k and 100k for a while.
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Any chance of an alt season bobo

biz known pnd and farmer
Round tripped avi and bullied a bunch of people for selling that garbage. idk about kns but dev had a sperg out recently
Kns dev wasn't his fault though he was trying to help them it seems
A bipolar schizophrenic jew who uses vpns and a 4chan pass to samefag in various shill threads. I haven’t seen him posting in a while so my guess is he cashed out
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heard he is laying low after fleecing the sheep in kns and cashing out most of his wallets. The shilling he was doing before devcon saying cex coming, vcs will be pouring in money, mainet before eoy was all fiction to pump it up and now it has been dumping consistently since then. He was a big pumper for avi as well and looked how that has ended up. Avoid any of the tokens he shills

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HAHAH XRP really is gonna flip mETH. Im a BTC maxi myself, but congrats XRP schitzos this is funny as
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It will flip your dead shitcoin too!
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Many coins have come after BTC, and the King has buried them all.
I never understood ETH tards.
ETH is just straight up killing itself. If XRP doesn't flip it something else will. It's unironically over for ETH.
So you're saying I should buy ETH since it's so cheap?

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>They believed the fuddies and sold for a massive loss
(you are here)
>They sold before the 1B partnership
>Binance/Kraken/CoinBASE/OKX adopts sky bridge
>They sold pre $0.50/AVI
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My dad works at Nintendo and he said it's fine. He said the c-suite are holding bags of it even.
>i cant fucking wait to play videogames on le blockchain
Said no one ever
Prove it
Please baggies, answer this guy's question. Who did the team have ndas with that prevented them from discussing partnerships? And I mean 6 months ago, well before the literal whos they ended up partnering with.

And speaking of those partners, what did zebec do other than sell their 50% discounted tokens? Wasn't there going to be marketing?
But you don’t have to wait anon.. bario is live

>Can’t Stay Above $100K
>Lower Highs
>Lower Lows

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> €100k and still not happy. What gives?
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Stop OOOOOOing.
It'll be back down below 100k in 30 minutes or so.
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No, YOU stop bobo.
Demoralization, eurobro
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And just like that we're below 100k again.
That makes it a triple top in 24 hours, so expect a dump down to 95k or so.

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Litecoin will flip Dogecoin
Shartcoin guys on some serious hopium today. See you back near 100 eow.
I would sacrifice all litecoiners to bring back david lynch
Fucking scamming tards

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What was that all about then?
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gay niggaz
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The optimism dump/bear trap
Ether pulled it down.
Reking longs
scam wick/whale games, doesn't matter. Trust the plan, sir :)

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the circle continues
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>Bobos don’t even bother shitting on chainlink anymore
Another L for linkbaggies
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Hey Bobo, i just wanted to give this a bump
LTC up 25%
XRP still holding at 3.35
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pls don't dick-tease me like that bro,

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>sharing screen on work call
>start typing xlookup formula
>type “=xvide” instead before realizing my mistake
>catch female boss licking her lips
>HR lady scribbles something on her notepad
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What does this even mean
He was instinctively searching for porn.
Porn literally makes you depressed by shrinking your brain btw lol isn't that crazy?
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>daaaadddd you need to stop jerking off all day and get a gf so I can be born
>another day in the office
>oh no i have to poo
>waddle over to the restroom
>i can't poo it out
>strain and grunt and stomp my feet
>i hear someone laughing outside
>it breaks my concentration and my sphincter relaxes
>gasp for air
>poo shoots back inside
>take a deep breath and squeal as hard as i can
>flush the toilet
>nothing happens
>flush the toilet again

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>Basic Information
Teddy = BBBY + GME

>Pool’s closed for equity, common stock is canceled
>In chapter 11 unsecured creditors occasionally converted to equity or receive a payout
>Bonds are still trading on E*Trade and IBKR
>2034 bonds

>2044 bonds

>Ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud

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Highlighter anon?
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I won’t hold my breath. Him and cifu seem to be cut from the same cloth.
Thank you this fixes it.

WAGMI bathniggers

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Is buying now ahead of the inauguration pump a sure thing? Historically there's a pump after inauguration day. What are good buys right now? Pepe and Litecoin? Also rip David Lynch
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Doesn't look like it, or if so it would have already happened
RIP David Lynch. A true artist.
It's already priced in. XRP got the lion's share of this pump.
The inauguration pump is now. Once he gets in we correct. Rumour/news etc
>The inauguration pump is now. Once he gets in we correct.

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We finally reached one stack of days.
DOGE is going up slowly but steadily. I just hope ETH gets flipped at this point by XRP, I'm tired of having that piece of shit tie everyone else to not having altseason by not pumping.
yeah eth is an even bigger scam than xrp.
ETH shitting the bed is the reason altseason is being delayed so hard. Inauguration day is will shake up the board for better or for worse.

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Absolutely terrible decision to turn your back on the next logical evolution of currency. More convenient, reliable, and it is actually backed by the government, so unlike other crypto, it has real world value. How are we supposed to compete on the global stage in FinTech if we remove ourselves from the game.
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kek they have to use ripple now
>kek they have to use ripple now
Thanks I rippled up!
Why is BTC pumping? It should crash and burn now
They are making a giant fakeout bull trap that they are going to pull the rug on. Monday is going to be a bloodbath.
>Monday is going to be a bloodbath.
my god this ball is going to be amazing!
wall street made bitcoin its BITCH!
of course the US fucking government would never have adopted bitcoin, hot damn!
fuck this is cathartic
have bitcoiners realized this yet?
this has been a good day

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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder
[Kek Melvies]bzilp4

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk

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is that racism outside of /b/?
looks like it was :)
Whats max pain tmw?

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>mfw basically all in ETH
What the actual fuck is happening. I can not believe how absolutely miserable this piece of shit is performing. Even xrp shizos got rich while I’m contemplating suicide. Will we ever pump? What the fuck man. Few years ago we were certain to hit 10k at one point, now it seems unlikely we will ever see a new ath to begin with. I wasn’t supposed to end like this. I need this in order to start my REAL LIFE.
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I don’t think I will anon
>Will we ever pump?
Unironically, no.
DOGE is literally frozen at the 0.32-0.38 range. You are not the only one suffering.
Bro, just swap all you're ETH for PEPE, even if you believe in ETH PEPE will definitely outperform it this year.

Safe route: take half your ETH and get the hell out. Go to other safe stable coins primed for growth like SOL and SUI. Their gains are going to be explosive compared to the green trickle for ETH.

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My portfolio is 50% Link, 50% XRP

Am I gmi?
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they both look stinky
100% shitcoin
50% of you is going to make it, the other 50% is going to bring you to zero.
If Trump permits rape in the deportation squads I will be signing up immediately
Anybody who'd rather date the pajeeta than the white girl has brain damage.

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