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say something nice about the markets edition

https://pastebin.com/F1yujtVq (female)

>Stock market words:
>Risk management:

>Live Bloomberg stream:

>Educational sites:

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actually monetizing AI, or claiming to
There's going to be a great rotation into the wholesome trad sector, mark my words.
I just threw down money on another company.
this board really is just a bunch of circle jerking crypto tards that hope they get another one buying into the pyramid.
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This. Inquiring minds would like to know.
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IF you buy silver you are a fucking baggie.
>can buy it from banks
>can't sell it to the banks
You are literally holding their bags.

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You forgot to switch id's before iqdelet posting jesse
> ignoring 40% premiums 56% inflation, taxes and fees we made money

This poster is responsible for several of the ID's itt that were posting at the same time. He would spend days on end sleeping for less than 5 hours a night spamming anti silver nonsense. Part of the reason they took out the IP counter is because posters would see all the 1pbtids low quality b8 postings were coming from his IP. He is a paid crypto currency advocate that earns a comission off of every crypto purchase he can grabblerize, which is proof of a crypto ponzi as investors are paid with the new cash flow
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The man in the silver mask.
In 1933 a man was elected and he got rid of the financial thieves that were plundering his people. Upon doing this, the value of the money he issued became almost double the value of what it was before, allowing an arbitage battle between the feds who claimed to have metal and this great man who was coming in to retrieve it. He drained the federal reserve so hard that they had their puppet of a president fdr roosevlelt ban ownership of gold, cancelling production of silver dollars, and then releasing a debased coin a few years later. They bad guys fear the silver
Update this to show the blue screen of death

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>want to buy X
>X goes up Y %
>"too expensive, I will wait"
>finally goes down
>"it will keep on going lower"
>never end up buying, and if buy then it's due FOMO

How do you decide when to buy?

>inb4 dca
I don't have a job, I have to allocate an existing capital.

>just lump sum bro, studies say
Well if you lump summed in dotcom bubble you bagholded for 13 years
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btc literally just ignore the mt gox and germany distribution, etfs bought the dip and we are already 26% up off the lows. Those were historical fuds and were occurred at the same time in summer which is historically very slow. If you think it's not going up from here w/e dude hfsp
rate cuts means the end of the bullrun
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lmao what? them turning money printers on and lowering interest rates means there is way more liquidity and it can't just be put into bonds anymore.
Bitcoin is massively correlated with global liquidity, rate cuts + fed expanding their balance sheet = increasing liquidity = number go up

See 2020 run up, only went parabolic after rate cuts when the balance sheet started increasing.
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rate cuts confirm a recesion and market crashes
look at the picture I posted retard

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It occurred to me that Wall Street and tradfi in general don't have a gay "demoralization" issue because they do cocaine.
What if linkmarines started doing cocaine?
Would it help the price of LINK or hurt it?
Nah it's because they actually make money unlike LINKcels.
have sexuuuuu
Coke seems cool but can you even fuck on it or does your dick go limp?

Do you like CDs? :)
I hink the 80 minute restraint makes you pick and choose what you really want to listen to when making them.
The Bluetooth in my 2013 vehicle isn't so seamless that I would much prefer that because the hing makes you be in park before you pair anything. Way easier to make some CD's at home and pop them in.

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But what if this isn't capitalism, anymore?
Yet it's not socialism, either?

What if the current economic system we're inside of should actually be recognized as a new form of Feudalism?
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I can tell you with certainty that living in the woods isn't quite the answer.
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It turned into feudalism the second the feds allowed uncontrolled migration through us borders to intentionally lower wages.
Is there an answer? More and more I'm coming to the conclusion that humanity is walking a never-ending path to hell powered by technology. The more advanced we get, the more advanced evil gets. I used to scoff with everyone else about all the old geezers who have proclaimed all throughout history that the latest generation is lazy and entitled and will be the downfall of civilialzation. But as I've gotten older I've realized that they've all been right every time.
>Is there an answer? More and more I'm coming to the conclusion that humanity is walking a never-ending path to hell powered by technology.
Whether or not the answer would succeed or fail is beside the point.
Technology, like economics, like politics, like so much else?
It's a moral choice.
We arrived at this point because the banality of rationalism convinced us to accept an Amoral condition. To serve Amoral functions within that condition.

There was this one Alan Watts I watched some time back (before AI started to get out of hand) where at some point in his lecture he speaks of two types of Bhuddas. The first disappears from the world, withdraws, he vanishes. Which is pretty much going out into the woods and not coming back. That's safer, but it's also folly. You've achieved a connection, but like a short, you don't complete the circuit, you don't serve as a conduit to send the charge you've received outward and onto someone else. But the other bhudda he described does go back out into the world. They keep up appearances, but they don't play the game in earnest. They're out to peel people off to the side and lead them astray from the slaughterhouse, "If you feel like this shit is fucked, then maybe I have an explanation, do you wanna hear it?"

It'd be a lot easier to be that first kind of bhudda, guru, whatever you wanna call it, you just clock out of the world wait for it to fry.
But that second one sounds like it's at least an attempt and something to kill time with, don't it?

>I used to scoff with everyone else about all the old geezers who have proclaimed all throughout history that the latest generation is lazy and entitled and will be the downfall of civilialzation.

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Since commies are hyper-retarded idealists, they would likely say yes. They define everything they feel bad about as capitalism, ie saying that capitalism has killed "billions" bc they ascribe literally every death from war, disease, famine, and natural causes to capitalism, since if they had their gay space commie utopia as they imagine it, no one would ever die again.

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Ok i gave up on peepu altho i'm holding
Sers i boughteded more Apui instead
looks boolish atm
800+ people in the tg
people raiding + memes
$350k marketcap
easy 5x from here if you want to get out fast or 50m if a miracle happens
>800+ people in the tg
Why can't peepu get that. Fuck me.
too many copycats and starting from zero with any shitcoin is too hard
Wasn't apui also launched two days ago?
yes but somebody on twitter said Santiago aka pajeetius was the dev and he jeeted at 40k mc so it's a cto now
i guess his reputation made some degens to track his wallets and support this shit in hopes of being the next Peipei or whatever

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Based. Fuck him. Crybaby. Time to get back at ballistic speed. Lowkey believing his aura was keeping us down.
Nice dubs and based as well.
fuck man. what do we do now.
Why RSR?
was this the only hopium? a unity template running a random number generator in some guy's basement? maybe it's time to buy ETH and just take a break from crypto until your heads are clear
We ball. He wasn’t built to make it. Now we can be back to be a proper CTO run by a full decentralised team.

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List your supplement stack
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I'll post it the exact stack if this thread still up like 20 hours from now. I think every piece is important and so are the dosages.
Best post
>"People" on /biz/ take several mystery pills from unregulated factories in China to optimize their brains to lose money on crypto
This is my stack to improve my cognitive abilities so I can better run by for-profit business, financially speaking.
>rarely a multi vitamin but want to start taking regularly again

I want to take items that help boost testosterone and sexual health.
Benzodiazepines to stop the suicidal thoughts 3 hours after taking the Ritalin

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fat fucks are not attractive
>b-b-but her bobs
zoom out camera pig
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Take the fat pill, anon. Imagine the possibilities. Your penis will send you a thank you note later
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just trade shitcoins.
superverse, brainlet. two solid picks.
>noo i will lose money nooo shitcoins bad noo
instant gratification if done properly. can be done in the background without much thought, can even be mostly automated. you really don't need a lot of brainpower to do it and the money you can make IF DONE PROPERLY will provide some high quality dopamine. exactly what you need.
vaxx status?
You get over it when you get good at your job.
Move your feet faster.
Your muscles stop being sore after 2 weeks.
Take ibuprofen or whatever if you have to.
~$500 a week is a lot of money and buys a lot of upgrades a neet has been foregoing.
But yeah, when I started I could barely eat lunch before work.

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neet with no job here but a decent stack of 420k

explain why I shoudln't go all in inmediately into MSTR in order to profit from pic related in a turbo mode

i am FUCKING TIRED, i need 2 million inmediately.
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Because this chart is going to be invalidated this year when BTC dumps to sub-40k and you will look like an idiot.
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dumbastic mongolongo
but what if it goes up
but it may go up again and people that miss the boat again will look like massive dumboids. imagine missing on the move while normies are in.
You're that youtube retard right? I thought you'd said in another thread you already bought a bunch of MSTR.
i dont know who you are talking about. i own some, just not all in, like 25%
You made your money from a youtube channel that got demonetized?

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See this part of the chart, between the arrows? Watch what happens next, and try to remember it next time you see this feature.

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Do Brit’s really give their royals raises? Better leave a tip so they don’t go broke. If monarchs are struggling with inflation, what chance do the rest of us have.
Those outfits and gold thrones are ridiculous
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The Rothschilds and Barrings
You're right. Even if I was made king like I joked about, and I do have noble blood, my family can be traced back to French nobility within only a few hundred years. It's basically impossible to find a pureblood Briton who is part of the gentry or nobility in any meaningful way.
My cunting ancestors gave it all up (along with their heads) during the reformation.
It was based though because Jesus Christ is lord and the Anglican church is for faggots.
So the Irish are the true carriers of the pure blood?
>this guy born 1500 years after Christ is actually right.
They have a strong enough global brand and enough assets to be self sustaining, they just want payment for fulfilling their royal duties. Which is fair but should be more in line with the prime minister's salary for senior royals. Skimming multiple millions from public funds that they don't need shows them up as grifters.

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Have you found peace yet anon? I personally like I only have a few years left in me. My last resort will be juicing on TRT and/or going on a mega shroom trip. After that I'm probably going to call it quits. I'm awfully tired

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I was really hoping that Harris was going to give a good speech at the Bitcoin Conference and say something good, maybe make some promises that are good for crypto
I really wanted to vote for her but I just can't vote for the woman that says bitcoin is for criminals and is the VP of the administration that has been attacking crypto
I'm no MAGAt but I'm going to have to vote Trump
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Prepare for incoming deflation
>hey guys the controlled opposition said the thing i like is bad hahah so it must be good, uh my bags dude you could be a millionaire.
>b-b-but he is going to lose anyway
literal loser behavior, I am voting for RFK, dont care. No one voting for him cause they are losers? ok he got my one vote at least.
ok loser, still voting RFK, because he is my guy.
I just wanted to say crypto is really fucking boring now. With the exception of 2-3 coins that ran hard in March, this bullrun has been shit and boring.

>I really wanted to vote for her but I just can't vote for the woman that says bitcoin is for criminals and is the VP of the administration that has been attacking crypto
Did she really say this? Lmao. What a dumb bitch unironically.

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If everyone is saying they will sell in 2025 because that is the peak of the bull run, why would it peak in 2025? There won't be any dumb money to pump your bags in 2025 when that's literally everyone's plan
>everyone’s plan

It’s everyone’s plan in your echo chamber, anon. Normies won’t care until Talmudvision tells them it’s time to care.
You underestimate the amount of people that will fomo at 100k
Delete this thread
And sell december
normies don't know or care about anything. no one knows what the pi cycle top is except really autistic people who aren't significant enough to effect the market.
You said this in 2020 also, retard.

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21 more such days and they cant sell anymore
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And its 1/6 now
They sold 350 million again i did not lie
Its just that obviously more people bought
Ethereum has 10 billion daily volume, a 300 million sell doesnt have to be a crash
you do notice everything is outperforming eth right?
Astute. Anyone who believes they have an edge on the market, and is posting on an anonymous Venezuelan CrossFit board, is most likely posting in bad faith, or shit posting. Revealing your edge could mean losing that advantage, though many posters still jeopardize this by posting the opposite sentiment of their sincerely held belief. Anyone who knows what's going on either keeps quiet, or shit posts completely off topic

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>Job has coffee maker that also does hot chocolate
Why aren't you living the comfy office lifestyle?
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This, my dad is 74 and he won’t fucking retire till he gets put in a wheelchair
Quicktrip has that and I don't have to stay there for more than a couple minutes.
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my new job has a coffee maker that makes cappuccinos and ive been having those most in-office days
it has tea and hot chocolate menus ive never looked at
a coworker told me it makes a good chai latte
ill look at those menus tuesday
thank you anon
Why not open a comfy coffee shop
We have giant empty buildings at my work (they keep dozens of 18 wheelers in the winter) and a divorced guy gas been living at work the last couple months.

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