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My friend just said no one cares about cryptocurrency.
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They might be right this time. retail not coming back after 2021 dump.
Stop trying to be poetic it's not working
>every biztard saying “bullish”
my favorite normie sentiment check is seeing normie contacts joining the blue messaging app.

Happened a LOT in march, tapered off towards the end of april, and once I see it start back up that's when I start to ladder out.

The type of person joining is a good hint too. Back in March when we hit 70k for the first time, these people from my contacts all signed up on the same day:
>guy from my pledge class
>girl I knew from college who's a bottle girl in vegas now
>girl I went to high school with that's a realtor in my hometown
>guy I met at electric forest (tbf he may have just been buying drugs)
>guy I played football with in HS who is ALWAYS doing some scammy shit
>guy I know from college who sells an ecom course

All on the same day, and I immediately tethered up.
damn, please post when you see this happen again.
we are pumping right now so.. looks like sentiment check was correct.

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And why do they respect BTC/ETH despite their names? Here is your hint: >>58992420
Never, after the miners are done. it will be the next kadena and *Blockdag* ticker bdag (yes its a thing) will be the next pump and dump.
$0.5 eoy
$1-2 q2 2025
I wish this guy would shut up and pump my bags
KRC20 meme coins are already trading at $60m+ mcap and once again /biz/ is clueless and missed out and has no alpha. This dead board is so behind on everything now.
thank the jannies and linkcucks

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Not closing my short
Fuck you
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Thank you anon. When you close your short the market will crash and I need it to keep going up
OP here thanks for the liquidity bros
Let’s start the dump shall we?
I sold everything and bought bonds
Enjoy the crash niggas
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I'm trying to squeeze all I can out of dogs and my rocky before the bear remembers we exist and wants to bring everything down to 50k, again
holy shit we're actually pumping

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>hard rejection at $62k
You know what comes next, right?
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Is bobo okay? Haven't heard from him in a while.
Btc 333.3k in 2025
Me either. I'm starting to get a little worried...
I got so toasted buying into the pump the day of the last meeting. Fucking barted four hours later.
Cope, seethe, dilate, pucker your anus.

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Some threads like icp or xmr post a lot of images, 50%, 60%, or more posts have images. Other threads like link, avi, or eth are more focused on discussion instead of posting pictures. What does this say about the health of each coin or thread?
How about SOL?
Arent any solana threads. Probably because it's successful
this is an example of too much data analysis. might as well analyze the locations of dog shit on my lawn
2 times xrp?

64k violently rejected
downside is too great kek

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Will it be 25 or 50 base point rate cut?

25 bps is priced in but 50 bps is catastrophic. Markets will tank and the economy is in deep trouble if Powell abruptly cuts rates by 50.
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whoever did manage to gaslight retards into shorting a cut, well done
probably the move of the year
>Inflation was caused
I think you mean 'accelerated'
it is going to 0 regardless
I'm right here. S&P under 5k in under 3 months. under 4k in 6 months.
and at that time you will have forgotten your short sighted nature and will say yes why didn't anybody see this coming.
... and your point is?
i think i had a stroke and misread your post as something completly different

And we are pumping my bastards.
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yeah they just say things with no logic behind them, just faggots roleplaying as a character for some reason
too many fucking retards living on debt
Aaaand the bulls have it! We are movin on up.
yeah I think we have to call this a decisive mumu victory. Octobull came early.
Damn 63k now

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if bitcoin is truly decentralized as you claim, why does it depend on what a single 71 year old man says?
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It doesn't. 1 BTC still equals 1 BTC. Is this no longer true????
the news follow the cycle, not the other way around
the sooner you understand it, the better
btc was supposed to pump in this phase of the cycle like it always did, so we "coincidentally" had a bullish news right in time
but in reality that's totally irrelevant, it could be anything. In 2021 it was elon musk posting on twitter lmao
the network is (although 2 US based mining companies have the largest share of the overall hashrate), the price isn't but that doesn't matter because 1 BTC = 1 BTC
Trump is 78
And no, these are shills from /pol/ who are suddenly here to make you believe that Trump could pump your crypto
hes talking about powell

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Humanity should go back to using gold and silver coins.
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Why do you want that? Wouldn't that be massively inconvenient for everyone involved?
Why not keep 99.99% of your wealth in gold, and maintain a small dollar account for day-to-day expenditures?
>use this shiny rock with no fixed supply, not digital and which failed to prevent fiat
kek no thank you
>Why do you want that?
Gold and Silver backed currency cannot be inflated away, even at "the target 2% rate" :^]
ok done. now, i want to transport them around easily.

also i would like to trade futures contracts of the underlying metal and/or currency
wtf u think we trying to do? dum azz lel

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>entire market pumping
>chainshit dumping

kekekekekekek loooollll lmao BAGGIES
link is literally beating btc and eth in the past hour and past 24 hours. I get you hate link but at least be right
no it's not
shut the fuck up baggie
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take your meds baggie

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Aviator General - No Schizos Allowed Edition

How excited are you?
Can you imagine the candle once this trends on Base?
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you have the worst takes on everything technical, please stop having an opinion raj. you are not a programmer and have never delivered a product before and it shows so blatantly every time you open your mouth that it's just plain embarrassing now

organic id swap, nice.

>not allowed in tg
dude walks in and drops the n bomb, gets a 1/5 warning. can say it 4 more times.
yet you're "unfairly removed".
so don't be a jew, tell us what you actually did, not just what happened to you. you always leave out that detail :)
clearly this is the case as the UX and logo change are all part of branding and feel which is a key component of how CB adopt normies.
schizos don't want you to read between the lines about this and will keep saying bla bla bla muh missed summer, muh low volume coin.
you can listen to them or think objectively why the project has put a bunch of importance on this while telling you explicitly in the blog post it was at the behest of CB.
aviator will clearly be integrated into their platform and there is even an API.
the fuddy has never worked with a large institutional client that has valuable IP around its branding so he doesn't understand this concept which is why he can't fathom it.
>aviator will clearly be integrated into their platform and there is even an API
What platform you gymcel. When was last tiem you had sex with other man?
>aviator will clearly be integrated into their platform
Thought we agreed to cool it with the schizo takes. This is so fucking delusional I’m embarrassed for you.
Have sex with Jay

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Bobo are you okay ?
As he dusted off his Bitcoins
Was the sound of "FUCK SHITCOINS"
Mumu came into the market
One hundred K was the target
Sminem sat down at the table
Mad that Bogcucks were ungrateful
Bobo saw the candlesticks boom
Shorted the bottom, it was his doom

Bobo are you okay? So Bobo are you okay? Are you okay, Bobo?
Bobo are you okay? So Bobo are you okay? Are you okay, Bobo?
Bobo are you okay? So Bobo are you okay? Are you okay, Bobo?
Bobo are you okay? So Bobo are you okay? Are you okay, Bobo?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
2 more weeks

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Is 50 bps rate cut bullish?
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I have no idea what a bps or rate cut is, but I’m hyped that USDC is coming to the SUI network.
Government spending makes green line go up
>Those international fires were all caused by foreign adventurism in the pursuit of cheap oil. If

Imagine being retarded.
America is the largest producer of oil in the world now, this dumb thesis may have been true in the 1950s.

America's fires are literally ALL lit by Kikes abs their little failed Bible fantasy LARP called Israel.
Anerica has had to demolish wvery single neighbour of the Kikes so as to ensure theirw survival. Look at a map: every country opposing Israel is now a failed state that's been deindustrialized so as not to pose any threat to Kikeland. This is also the cause of the rapefugee crisis in Europe.
Print baby print!
America is invincible and dollar is KANG
Best ever, this is the end of history. Submit or die! Print that money baby!

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>internet personality
>internet personality
>internet personality
>internet personality
>internet personality
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>Professional Conman and Man of Mystery
fake professor
same like Vitalik is fake programmer
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We did it
Should say Internet personality and serial betrayer

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EVERY TIME the curve uninverted we got a big recession and crysis. This time it spent a record amount of time being negative. We will see something incredible soon (not 2 more weeks, more like 3-4 months - right before Christmas/New Year). Savings are at an all time low and credit card loans are spiking in the US. And when the US coughs the rest of the world gets a flu.

>inb4 it's different this time
>inb4 2 more weeks
>inb4 same houses ARE DEFINITELY worth 2-3x more in 2 years because reasons even though inflation is just 30% in total
>inb4 no one wants the dollar (people are literally begging for jobs now)

I'll give you a smart bit of advice - get out of stocks, sell housing, don't buy nonessential items, don't buy fast food, save every bit of money that you have, because this shit will last 5-6 years AT LEAST until we recover back to 2018/2019.
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I am so fucking ready for the Great American Exodus.
Yes, real rates determine real growth, and real growth was very low pretty much consistently once ZIRP was introduced until 2018. Inflation in commodities was the canary, despite massive increases in the monetary base inflation and commodity prices remained low for the period.
Worst kind of 4chan user
And how did it boom? Importing all kind of browns

They know what theyre doing
Yep. Mass reply faggots get the rope.

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aww mumu, he looks just like you lmao
it is not possible for a bear to impregnate a cow.
Not with that attitude
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anything is possible

what happened to polkadot?
seems dead af should i get a small bag tho?
Pedo coin

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Quantum computing allows those with access to it to control every possible reality. That means that even if you make a good decision (a decision that has a high probability of success) they can control your individual reality to make sure you lose and they win. Are you losing in this reality? It's because that's what they decided for you specifically out of all possible realities.
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Holy checked
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makes sense
Cringe, you're making stuff up. You better repent from your unbelief.
what about nuka-cola quantum?
nope, it's literally how it is
it's basically the same thing with Luther and the catholics. Luther was 100% a catholic, not happy with the corruption of the church, and he created protestantism from it. Jesus was 100% a jew, not happy with the corruption of the jews and he created christianity. The god he talks about is literally Yahweh the jewish god. Same thing 100%, you can look it up.
American education is in shambles if you didn't know this very basic stuff

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This is superior in everyday
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hmm not quite the right color..
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People told me to sell my 3 BCH. I said no!
>BTC truly was hijacked in 2017
Referring to this?
>superior in everyday

everyday what???

cause the price is shit
bcash cucks are actual cucks, block size will increase again and those faggots will just deny being cucks all along

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