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Lmfao, okay Hanukkah you made your point edition

>Educational sites:


>Live Streams:

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if i had 700k id go full in on margin day trade and fuck latinas all day on a villa somewhere what are you doing man

most important day was and always will be NVDA earnings
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go shit up bant faggot we have actual stock market discussions here
Could you tone down the racism, I need tips on moderate risk mutual funds
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>TFW the jannies literally don’t even know how to ban good or no nothn

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Read more books edition.

>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://www.luciteria.com/(Other rare metals)

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>thought something could happen last year
>changed my mind on a dip last second
>could've had 300+ ounces by now
perhaps my second biggest mistake (so far)
not a global happening mind you just something that could affect my country (which lacks gold reserves on paper)
>which lacks gold reserves on paper
My kneejerk guess is Canada, but I wonder how many countries that applies to?
you got it
Based Trout Mask Replica bro
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I dont even look at the price anymore I just trade based on bobo and mumu posts.
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basically >>58991197 but his most recent content which is now like mostly 90% for entertainment, has made it pretty apparent he holds no strong morals or at least doesn't apply them and is just a grifter like all the ecelebs. He doesn't really care or believe in any of his ideas strong enough to actually apply them which is why he looks like such trash and his entourage is full of complete losers. Yeah, they're all mostly generally successful, but once I've /madeit/, I hope to never become like them (Charles is mostly cool though)
Good job. Don't overthink it. I have a script that puts in a buy order when a certain amount of the images on this board are pink. Started in April and it's been pretty good so far
you got a telegram or contact? I feel like youre an honest anon and want to buy whenever you buy. I'm not sure what I can offer you but maybe my friendship
you can provide him with access to your digital bussy as a sign of appreciation
I'm in the same boat, I'm just waiting to see 3 bulls in a row to sell my $rocky, or buy even more if I feel cocky, it all depends on the popular mood

I can't believe the fate of my portfolio lies in the hands of this man, he doesn't inspire confidence in my ETH bag.

I am just being paranoid or are you confident vitalik can lead ETH back to its glory days?
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when you're as rich as vitalik, you can do whatever the fuck you want and still get away with it. the world is a fucked up place to be in RN
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let me guess.. you only hold BTC..
you know what they say about early birds....
porn link IP grabber
yeah, and I'm tired of pretending it's not

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>zoomers staying away from crypto because they are growing more and more skeptical about digital assets and their usecase everyday
>/biz/ the slowest it's ever been in the history of the board, ever
>whole market anticipating return to dovish sentiment and have been basically foaming at the mouth for months for rate cuts to start

>.2% pump

I think it's completely utterly unironically over
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Forgot to add
t. zoomer
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yes and its still shit and there isnt one thread worth a shit in the catalog
Weird picks
Past few days the threads on the probabilities of rate cuts were ok

90% dogshit doesn't mean the good 10% should be ignored

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I shorted BTC with a target of sub 60k

Don't expect too much from this market.

>I doubt we'll see a bullrun like the last cycle—there's little volume, liquidity, and overall interest.
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>14 year old bull run

It’s an inflationary cycle retard
Take this time to DCA and stop complaining, buy solid altcoins like QAN and NEAR before they take off again
Ignore the faggot and DCA into AUKI, the bullrun is coming

This is the perfect time to buy—why complain that the market is dead? Be smart, anon, and take advantage of the dip.
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Rsr, kas, inj, fun are at a historically best point to get each one of these bags and secure long term growth instead of short term potential stroke of luck
nahhh go diee
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Buy some QAN
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Anon you mean buy AUKI

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>creates BTC to give everyone an out from the US financial system
>15 years later
>everyone is waiting on the FED to announce their decision to see what will happen to BTC
rolling in his grave I bet
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Literally who?
>short term trader talking about fundamentals
>1 BTC = 1 BTC
the fed rate cuts don’t affect the price of bitcoin, they affect the price of usd.
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satoshi was a government psyop lmfao wake the hell up. crypto was originally a government pet project and the end game was always the digital dollar

Let's say you make money from a shitcoin, achieving a x100 or even x1000 return.

>What’s your plan, and how will you manage it to ensure you don’t lose it all when the market turns bearish again?
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Don't you know about the Sui coin? It's strange when everyone is talking about it.
never in my life im thinking of this shit
I will put 30% in BTC, put around 5% back into QAN and 5% into other altcoins
Once I get 100X on AUKI, I'm going to retire

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kaspa is terrorist financing
kas has a living israely man problem, you know this i know this
One of the wallets had a built in minting bot that fucked some people apparently which I don’t understand because I didn’t have an issue with it since I manually set low fees. Those noobs let the wallet set its own fees automatically which caused fees to spike to retarded levels because all of these retards were basically using a bot to RBF over each other until their wallets were drained by fees … LOL. Im up 20x on my mints
what wallet should be used for this?
store KAS and your meme coins.
ypu minted some NACHO, right????

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Not closing my short
Fuck you
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Thank you anon. When you close your short the market will crash and I need it to keep going up
OP here thanks for the liquidity bros
Let’s start the dump shall we?
I sold everything and bought bonds
Enjoy the crash niggas
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I'm trying to squeeze all I can out of dogs and my rocky before the bear remembers we exist and wants to bring everything down to 50k, again

I sold the bottom and lost 1/3 of my stacks. I need a 4x to break even
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Pepe is underperforming....
Leverage x2 your AVAX Bag which I know you have. Good on you for letting go of that sell pressure you had and I told you to sell a bit of your stack. You're gonna make it anon, stay strong. Uptober is coming.
I live in a country that bans leverage for crypto... i can never come back
Hmmm... fair enough. Just be patient and wait for february next year then. a x4 is very much possible then.
I sold half my pepe for avax and now pepe is pumping with avax is correcting.... Im so fucking stupid

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can't wait to buy the upcoming comfy dipperino
Damn, guess I’m one of the few looking at new stuff albeit old already worn out shit. Vesta has way more chance to have their first run then most of old gems have to repeat the old glory kek
I already did it 1 a month ago and I'm still waiting for the 70k, I even started taking alts, memecoins, and even now I have $rocky that I use just to pay rent, just speed up the market a little bit man
you're priced out, nigger

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I was slightly jovial before but now I cannot help but declare: Bitcoin under sixty thousand US dollars never again.

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Will it be 25 or 50 base point rate cut?

25 bps is priced in but 50 bps is catastrophic. Markets will tank and the economy is in deep trouble if Powell abruptly cuts rates by 50.
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That’s numberwang
I didn't know you stockfags had it so hard, I'm sorry.
where are you at, dogshit traders?
show yourselves you fucking animals
retarded fucking monkey
whoever did manage to gaslight retards into shorting a cut, well done
probably the move of the year

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This piece of shit OBSCENE piec eof ufkcing shit. Everything else gains at least 10% today and this obscene piece of shit just crab dumps to death what ht efuck i'm about to have an aneurysm.
In november of 2023, my biggest bags were graph, propy, and rose. first months of 2024 i went all in on rose and its worthless ecosystem, completely missed out on gains before april crash
the /biz/ whale will never let this pump
cry more rosechud

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Altcoins and Shitcoins what's even the difference
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Yea, that's what makes you a smart man and YGMI, because your father isn't a dev
No, I'll actually go farming some shitcoins in the moon with my gangs
Long term or not, the key’s getting in early, farming when needed, and taking profits. Jeets who bagged DOGE and PEPE ages ago are still holding it in gain. If you can’t HODL, you’re never gonna make it, anon.
Utility is king for long term, I'm still holding QAN because I know one day it will dominate the blockchain space with it quantum resistant feature
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I'm all in on AUKI already,I'm I too early

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I'm the type of coworker that never calls off. I hate waging. I just lack balls with this aspect since I always feel I'll get called out on it and I'm a horrible liar.

Anyways my sick days have capped for a few months now. I want to use 2 at once.
What if he asks me to go to the doctor to get a note? I don't want to do that
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you need to find the right kind of doctor. There are some that will just give you a sick note if you ask for it. then you can use your days
>What if he asks me to go to the doctor to get a note?
Ask him to lick your nutsack
>call phone doctors while comfy at home
>”diarrhea is killing me but no other symptoms and I have to miss work”
>a couple generic questions about my health and my medical history
>”ok anon, two days certificate”
>48 hour vydia marathon and I didnt have to leave the house or spend a dime.

Simple as anon. Simple as.
eat KFC for 2, 3 days and get diarrhea
no company is gonna ask for a doctor's note for using sick days
this isn't middle school

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I can't believe my entire network is under the balls of Buterin. Anyway, I'd rather worship someone that's alive and respect their invention than those dead ones such as Euclid, Newton and Einstein.
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I respect that they're fixing the issues and paying attention to the community on KYC
Looking forward to how they adjust and what’s next for the TGE.
Game econ or gameplay, doesn’t matter, can’t have one without the other. Both are key, bro.
Pulling over 1M bets weekly is insane
That's why you should diversify, I'm holding ETH. NEAR, QAN and ALGO
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DePIN and AI will take the lead though, AUKI and the likes are good buys

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