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I can't believe I invested in picrel the day before Coinbase announced listing!! I feel so lucky. Tell me your expectations for 2025. Can Coinbase and Binance send us to the Top 10? Proud 100k wallet here.
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You went in with 10k right from the get go?
Well Kaspa holders have been masochistically anticipating any kind of listing pump and any news they do receive doesn't make it go near the ATH of 0.2.
Will Kaspa reach a new tier of valuation? Who knows. I have 55k kaspa and I guess we will see together what will happen.
>You went in with 10k right from the get go?
Yes. I wanted to put big money on something safe within the top 100 and still out of the top tier exchanges so it has potential to rally. I saw Kaspa shilled here for a fraction of its current mcap, and didn't buy because "caspa" in my language means "dandruff". I could have been a millionaire right now :\
Coinbase listing's does absolutely nothing to the price nowadays, they list so many scam tokens that the price action just isn't there.
With binance it is worse as binance just dumps your coins value

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This ruined my life.
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it's all that needs to be said because its the truth.

the only people who dont like ETH are poorniggers who complain about gas and "omg the price :("

get better lol
>muh past performance
Eth is pretty much the worst performer in the top 100. Your sentimentality is costing you money. Now we are down the 9.
>worst performer in the top 100

yet its the second largest market cap kek.

keep coping lil bro
The mind of a bagholder is truly something. Is this marketcap making you money? Enjoy holding your number 2.
yeah it is actually, because i know how to trade it.

I could also care less about the short term. I know where ETH is going long term.

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piss snake is coming
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yeah the sneak always tried to drink the piss, sometimes it fails but it always tries.
>Coinglass piss map does not know if its long or short, it just knows its a new position opened
>Coinglass draws 2 lines. One below, one above. It does not know which is real, only that one of them can be
>Price moves one way, claims the piss
>Shrodingers cat. We dont know which piss is real
>The side that is left unclaimed, could be the fake or the real one
>You're left waiting for a fake piss line that never actually existed and bagholding on your position believing yellow line should be claimed because it usually does
The worst thing is, the piss magic usually works and as you get progressively more sure of the piss, at some point it just moves away and your progressively bigger position vanishes all because you believed in the idea of piss, which was never real to begin with
I believe in piss
Jewish parlor trick. simple as. don’t use it for anything else other than to position your stop losses and take profits and get a general idea where the price MIGHT move to. basically, it can go up or down

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When the fuck are we pumping
right after you sell (please sell)
I need it now.
Bruh, go and rub one out. It does help.

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tron season may be approaching soon
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I say nigga, it will pump.
Ok kinda cute negl
we all got rugged again lel
this might sound like cope but I don't think it's over, I'm in it for the long haul with this one. I don't believe it's just a short term pump n dump shitcoin, I think its a longer form type of investment
the coin been here since september in the range 90k to 4m+

so if we all cant hold strong coins we're fucked then

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be honest. how many of you have lost thousands and in debt because of crypto
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>renting your arse on the street.
a lot more profitable than bro LMAO
Nah, bruh, I bought Bitcoin. There have been temporary setbacks but overall I'm sitting in le catbird's seat now. I literally never would have been able to retire without it, instead I am quite comfy.
>I'm just here to point out that you're a moron.
Guess I am. Richer for sure, but a moron like you say.
you'll lie and say anything just to not admit your a jackass. I understand. cope.

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I'm guessing they know something...
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Looks like your buddy could use a straight jacket actually
based LPL chuddie kiddos how you doing based LPL chuddie kiddos pools fucking closed
oof this really upset them
wonder why? LOL
a lot of layers of juvenile crap to wade through to grasp what your position is here. do you desperately want me to sell my link or keep it?
ofc i'll follow any recommendations you have
my recommendation: K Y S

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I just opened up a $837,000,000 short on ETH at $2740 We are headed down to $2000 now you've been warned. People like me are winners. We never lose. I've been in this space since 2011 and have made more money than this entire board combined.

I got into bitcoin when the only time to obtain it was through mining on a laptop on bitcoin talk forums
I Invested into the ethereum ICO at $0.40
Myself and my team of whales i work with pumped all the 2017 coins We were also responsible for mooning link up in the bear market and alot of the defi 2020 summer. We also pumped all of the layer 1's this market cycle We literally control this entire market and make it go up and down which ever way we see fit. We harvested billions out of pleb retail newfags this market cycle and I am telling you right now that its all over.

I know the people who are behind the curtains and control this space. I and the people i know in this space create the tops and the bottoms. We run this market. Without guys like me you wouldn't have any pumps happen on any of your alts. So listen up faggots. Enter into a short like me with the big money and win. We are going to $2000 and maybe even down to $1400. You've been warned.
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Can someone explain what these words mean to a newfag
honestly i thought the same thing
im going to keep doing it
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I’m eating pussy tonight like impulsive you ever seen, get home looser
see the guys on there? they’re wearing shorts and get ready to be showered in whale cum. lurk more

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If ETH doesnt hit 5k wuthin the next 300 days I'll blow my fucking brain out
5k kek.
Sbf really fucked your mind isnt he?
keep coping fag ur ngmi
Why are you so angry? Did vitya touch your peepee?

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is this true?
I don't know.
>Rugging every 4 years...
Anon, I....

...think you should not accept fibancial advice from lego persons!
um, anon I…
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rugpulls are for quick one off scammers. what you want to do is to build a live service token sales company. pump out blog posts, hold conferences, make custom piggy bank websites for your customers. chainlink got inspired by star citizen and brought this model to crypto, it's working great for them

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What are some of the best side hustles out there
No shitcoin or any fucking bullshit
Just easy money / grifts
I know a guy who makes 700 a month (not insane but it’s extra money) just by having a patreon he posts AI anime porn on for example - legit free money cause people are horny
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Heard Youtubers make a lot of money and all they do is post videos for their millions of subscribers. They say you dont even have to have a real job. Check out the famous channels.
Ah ok I’ll just do this right
I think one is to buy a 3D printer, and look for trends and then print and sell overpriced keycaps based on memes. Eg. a "luigi" keycap. "deadCEO" keycap.

Obvious Trump keycap.

Kanye Keycap. Jujst watch what's popular/trending and sell the keycaps. You print them for like $0.10, and you can sell a good custom one for like $10 a pop.

Pretty easy to do, and as long as shit keeps happening in the world you can keep printing money.
Actually yeah desu cheap marketplace / Etsy shit like this is probably free money

eCommerce does seem like a good side gig. I know retarded women in my city who do it full time as their job and make bank.

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Amerifats are waking up and selling their bitcoin again.
Well not imagined till like 90 years ago
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MASSIVE bart forming on 1H/4H
Ether backtested THE LINE one last time.

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update to >>59814831
I’m taking her out for drinks tomorrow night IM SO IN
No sex. Tell her you’re waiting until marriage. Be extremely respectful.
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Just destroy her sexually and make her a slave of your cock like in my favorite animes.

cheese coin was made by deranged satanist pedophile dev
I honestly don't care, I understand you believe that if you spam this coin hard enough it'll somehow become relevant

But I promise you, people know about it already, they just genuinely don't give a fuck. You are free to believe any type of interaction and engagement is somehow bullish, but you can tell that to the thousands if baggies before you that believed as much, and some of which have been bagholding for half a decade
(See doguebat)
No, I WANT to kill this coin. Literally cancer that is killing this board. The dev is a pajeet scammer who took /biz/ as a hostage
It's already dead, the only thing remaining are coping baggies that think spamming a chatroom is all it takes to pump a coin.

You'll never be able to convince those
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>spamming a chatroom is all it takes to pump a coin.
Dunno man if you’re retarded enough it can work
If they were retarded enough they'd have been able to create something interesting instead of a beta to a beta play

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This is incredibly bearish news. I hope you have your shorts ready because crypto is about to take a nose dive.
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Are you asking for people to logically reason their points of discussion using clear writing? On /biz/?
>Trump media
literally who.... this is nothing.
It's the weekend

This is a top signal if I’ve ever seen one.
Holy fuck is this finally it, will my fucking DJTWW finally pump after being down 50% for half a decade?? Crypto fags don’t even know about his original DWAC scam kek

How do we trick normies to pump TRUMP? I want my money back
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Propagate ai generated news articles with good sounding titles

You were the Exit Liquidity. If you’re lucky, Trump will let you look at your money when he spends it.
tell them to short and say its free money
when you short you buy the coin, if a lot of people short price goes up
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youre the normie who got tricked, anon...
kek baggies

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>ends the war in Ukraine - the memecoin pumps like crazy
>unlocks some more coins - the memecoin pumps like crazy
>does something stupid at a global forum - the memecoin pumps like crazy
>announces the Bitcoin reserve - the memecoin pumps like crazy

I am 19 year old and I have never seen such an easy way to get rich in history. I lie my liberal friends that this is a rugpull and they should not invest in it and they agree with it cuz they hate Trump
>gets assinated - the memecoin goes to the moon
i bought the coin around bottom at 16usd and sold for 23$ on top, ez

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Every pullback is an opportunity

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I gotta de-link and ripple up
I'm tired
nothing happened to link, for 8 years. that's the problem
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Dig it, daddy-o—your far-out tune is a bebop bombshell, blasting those stinkin' linkies—those jaded, doughnut-dull squares and hackneyed hipster hacks—straight into the cosmic gutter of irrelevance! Far out, man!
>What heppen to link?
it turned out to be a meme
dieing? glad i moved to supra.

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