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Give it to me straight bros, is ETH done for? Been stacking this for 5 years waiting for 10k ETH. Every time I start to get hope a new L2 pops up and steals all the volume. What the fuck is the point anymore?
I dont know anymore anon, ive held eth since late 2016, eth/btc ratio is insanely low, lowest in many years if not ever.
If not for the tax consequences id probably have switched to btc by now...
tradfi doesn't seem very interested in eth judging by the etf flows, and i don't see that bitcoin etf money ever flowing into ethereum. i think bitcoin is going to leave eth behind now
You are supposed to pay taxes for converting cryptos?
eth has a big problem as blockspace will get cheaper and cheaper
evm will win, eth will lose
yes crypto to crypto is a taxable event
there are many bagholders in a tough position as if they sell their stack then they're paying 30% of the value in tax
sell your $250k worth of eth and have to pay $80k in taxes
so many just hope and pray their bag will move again
Eth may lose, but irregardless you will never lose, your virginity that is! Hahahahhahahahha FAGGOT
I'm just a retard op. but I wouldn't put any money into eth
Wtf .. its not a capital gain so why? Do the exchanges give you forms for this? This sounds like utter bs to me. Not saying youre lying but wtf... 30%?!
Short term capital gains are taxed as regular income my nigga
I think money will flow big into eth once btc is done pumping, eth grew up so it's competing with bitcoin now rather than just being seen as a shitcoin casino. Unfortunately this means it won't pump at the same time as bitcoin, which feels like shit if you're a bagholder.
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Exactly... you even got my numbers.
I guess at some point i just need to bite cock and do it.
Part of me still wants to believe eth will see a new ath...
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You will pay 15% (if you've been holding for a year) or 30% (short term) taxes for potential hundreds of percentage gains.
10k eth confirmed. Just got off the horn with my dad (he works there) he said wait til April ish give or take. Also don’t buy into the coordinate eth fud- these poor jeets they gotta make a couple bucks anti shilling

It doesn’t compete with BTC because while BTC is PoW ETH is PoS (Proof of Shit)
This. First is daddy bitcoin and memes and then stuff with actual use and value is flipped into by meme gains.

ETH died in 2022
You guys actually pay tax on your coins?
How come Nancy Pelosi and these fucks get 4 billion dollar mansions and I have to pay tax on my coins :(
whatever they can put me in jail, I ain't giving it to them so they can blow up russians and palestinians. If they come for my money, I'll just turn it all into btc and shove it up my ass

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