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Welcome to the /XMR/ Monero General, dedicated to the discussion of the world's most widely adopted privacy coin.

Monero payments are anonymous, low-fee by design and fully fungible, meaning users can send XMR globally without issue and receive XMR without having to worry about tainted coins. Battle-tested privacy tech (Ring Signatures, Stealth Addresses and RingCT) ensures that critical TX data cannot be gleaned from the Monero blockchain. Thus by default, the TX history of all Monero users is kept hidden from the prying eyes of adversaries, with TXs being optionally transparent via the aid of a view key.

Monero algorithmically ensures low TX fees by employing a dynamic (elastic) block size that can "stretch" to easily accommodate sudden TX spikes.

Monero's bespoke mining algorithm, RandomX, is optimized for devices using general-purpose CPUs e.g. desktops, laptops, smartphones, tablets, keeping the barrier to entry low and ASICs out of the equation.

Monero's tail emission - 0.6 XMR every block forever - financially incentives for-profit miners to keep mining, helping boost long-term network security. This constant linear inflation asymptotically trends to zero and is offset somewhat by a steady rate of coin loss.

Monero has thus far proven to be the only altcoin capable of overcoming BTC's network effect by driving it out of the darknet economy BTC dominated for over 10 years. Monero is now also starting to overtake BTC in clearnet commerce as well. See below.

If you still have questions, feel free to ask and a MoneroChad will be with you shortly.

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I've just set up a brand new Ledger Nano S Plus.

After installing the Monero app via Ledger Live, a Monero primary address appears to have been generated when I open the Monero app on my Ledger - this is without any prior interaction with the GUI wallet application.

Is this supposed to happen?

I thought that a primary address would only be created once a wallet is set-up via GUI wallet with the Ledger device.

Why the hell are you still using Ledger?
Can you answer my question or not?
These threads exist to shame you for not being based enough. If you want practical advice go to Reddit.

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let the shill fest commence
Gold. It's always been gold.

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>$1000 in ETH
>$99,000 in Bank of Nova Scotia Stock (BNS)
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Its supposed to be the other way around.
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wtf is this
get off my board
can't afford anything anymore

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Solana account model trumps the EVM.
EVM looks like it was stuck together by actual monkeys when compared to solana.
Like why would you force all storage reads to go through a particular program? Doesn't make any sense. People can already read storage with RPC calls, so why not messages too?
Also the space design in EVM chains is retarded. You have no way of knowing what is written where a priori. Want to figure out where the balance of your token account is written? It's sure to be in one of these 2^256 32-byte storage slots.
Traversing EVM storage is like traversing the library of babel. Completely retarded and impossible to index.
Meanwhile solana storage is bounded and all in one place, making it easy to read and account for.
The issue is that EVM is fundamentally awful. EIPs will not overturn these fundamental design flaws. The whole thing needs to be done away with. And solana provides a good alternative to it.
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Still not providing exit liquidity for jews who are up 400000%
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I thought I was the only one with this problem.
how the fuck can one get shadowbanned from posting? It's unreal
Well the diffference is eth was sold in a public presale while solana was sold to vcs
indian jeet

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> crypto go up
> yay lets go get lunch to celebrate
> splurge
> crypto goes down later that day
> damn guess im eating ramen for dinner again
>yoyo'ing emotions due to gambling
Many such cases.
>time to brush off the ol resume
>lol jks all good
>time to brush off the ol resume
>lol jks all good
>time to brush off the ol resume
>lol jks all good
>time to brush off the ol resume
>lol jks all good
>time to brush off the ol resume
>lol jks all good
>time to brush off the ol resume
>lol jks all good
I spend more money when my bags goes up but I've never taken profits

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>crypto is the first industry where you openly get mocked and ruined for attempting to invest in innovation
he's not wrong. bitcoin is like the catholic church of the tech era kek
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>10 block finalisation rule instead PoW
>normies being fudded still
this is bullish dummies
>you will own nothing and be happy
All crypto kiddies will rope eventually
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Ver sold 131,000 BTC for BCH in 2017, he’s down in fiat terms (kek) and down 90% in sats. You ruined yourself, roggie.
Didn't he have like 400,000 BTC? kek, fucking retard. Most used chain won.

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should I buy this?
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Kek made me look
Not real.
It's as 229 tho...
Its at 238 what currency you looking at
why did you leak tomorrow's dump?

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>everyone is bullish
we still have lower to go
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man the 1 hour TFs been calling it lately
Btw check crypto youtube I'm still seeing tons of bulls.
If it nukes, I’m loading up even harder. Govts are gobbling up U.S.-based chad projects like MOVE, and I’m right there with ‘em.
The market will not return until someone actually does it.
This is forbidden esoteric knowledge.
Any price below these will probably be in profit during the bear market. By then crypto loans will probably be way easier.

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sellers are pushing on string at these levels
something has to give
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yes I meant to say pushing on A string
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>playing Street Fighter 6, getting bodied by Juri mains
>frustrated, check charts mid-match
>NIBBLES up 5x since morning
>use profits to buy DLC skins
>still losing, but at least I look good doing it
I want juri to sit on my face
I want to suck her tits while she gives me a wank but with my net worth rapidly decreasing, i have to settle with a pacifier and my own hands
you had 2 years of line go up, it can and will retrace brutally eventually

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>cutting useless fed workers
i would but itll get me banned
will it be enough to spike unemployment rates in the US so that the Fed can start printing again?
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SIR retail owns all memecoins and xrp if they have to sell to pay bills then crypto will collapse

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Where are we now, /biz/bros?
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that's almost $6 trillion marketcap, not happening. the boomers are buying, normies on reddit foaming at the mouth thinking BTC is going to $1m soon, the exit liq is here brother.
how is my risk asset during a time of geopolitical uncertainty, when the driving force behind the recent pump immediately turns around and warns us things are going to hurt before they get better.
I think most of you anons can grok the vibe here based on the genuine replies and the maskers fudding their own bags - the bizraeli way. When the time comes, you'll know when to sell. Pullbacks we're currently experiencing should be reminding you of what it felt like to be up the extra percentages and what it feels like to be down right now wishing you sold. These are bandages. Remember what it felt like to see exorbitant numbers albeit lasting merely 48 hours. You may only get one more shot at it, so take profits on the next way up.
What you really should be doing is mentally preparing yourself for what it will take to continue to dca and strategically buy in the coming Mother Bear.
>You may only get one more shot at it, so take profits on the next way up.
This exactly. Someone said "its not 2024, there are no more do-overs." Thanks for the reminder.
Return to normal changing to fear.

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I feel like puking right now
my head is spinning
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Nigga, how?
You need a makeover bobo, start by seeing the orthodontist first.
Just rest in the knowledge you gave a 14 year old Indonesian schoolboy generational wealth.
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Rookie numbers, come back when you watch over six figures completely evaporate before your very eyes.
He bought a Acme anvil

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Who /VTSAXandChill/ here?
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VOO and chill, but I like scooping IPOs too
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VFV if your from maple land. I made the mistake of buying VTI with CAD and got raped by 2% exchange rate fees and another 2% when i sell.
vtsax in one account, vti in another. how much do you all have?
VOO in taxable, SWTSX Roth
VFV Chad here. I win if market goes up and if Canadian dollar crashes lmao

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Sports betting is the most profitable form of gambling there is because the lines are set based on normies perception. I bet /biz/ could make a lot more money than in crypto if a bunch of autists started analyzing everything as it would be easy to get a big edge over Joe six pack betting sportsball games. Then we can all make a lot of money.
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>its gambling, stop being stupid and calling it something else, gambling is not a smart strategy to make long-term money, its in fact, one of the very worst
its actually easier to quantify the probability in sports than in stocks. stocks are a form of gambling as well. you can still make money on it if you have positive EV
There's sports betting arbitrage but sadly the gurus made that oversaturated and the sites closed a lot of the loopholes on that.
Is there enough arbitrage available to make it worth creating AI Agents that do nothing but look for line discrepancy and place bets? There's specialized AI training software coming out that makes this discovery part easy.

Currently, if site A sets a line and site B sets a line offering an arbitrage, does existing software already find that and alert you? The AI Agents we build would find that and bet it for you immediately. But is that what sites like Unabated do? I don't sports bet but I do gamble for a living.
you dont understand the definition of gambling to say that. As someone who works in a casino, i define it by putting your money in scenarios where the odds are stacked against you to benefit the 'house'. You can still win sometimes, but its called "beating the odds" for a reason.

stocks are investments, because there are scenarios where pretty much everyone can win with a single publicly traded company.

whats the name of that crypto trading platform where you can invest "stocks" in the outcome of a binary scenario? they got alot of heat because the betting behaviour directly contradicted the lamestream media narratives on various subjects.
You literally get your account banned if you are too successful. The only people sports betting are losers who lie about winning and the sports betting own policies back this up.

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prev >>59773920

(some alter used the usual image rn)
Its a shame your threads don't get as much attention as that phony snail, because you got the true count.

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are market makers even needed? I know CEXs require them, but are CEXs needed? I would argue no.
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You know CEXes and market makers work together right? Bitcoin's most recent dump started with Binance and Coinbase sending godly amounts of BTC, ETH and SOL to Wintermute

Who are wintermute?

>Wintermute is a leading global algorithmic trading firm in digital assets. We create liquid and efficient markets on centralized and decentralized trading platforms
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how do we make money off this? surely we can front-run this in some way
you don't make money off that, you just lose. we all lose.
Without those niggerjews bitcoin would be at $200k now, but as another /biz/ anon often points out, that would require 100x longs to be paid out, and jews can't have that happening

They liquidate up and down all the time with the most advanced algos so you cant predict it

Personally I hope they get the death penalty because people have literally killed themselves over what wintermute and the cexes do

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>*wraps your btc as an erc-20 token on a pos chain*
got a problem, bitchuds?
That's cool and all, but...price?
Oh, and...ratio?
The same as BTC.
1:1, of course.
>on a piece-of-shit chain
I agree.
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Feel free to get rugged

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you can, right now, buy KDA for the unbeeliveable price of 0,48 dollar a token
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>forbidden fruit
whatever you do, don't go ever go to /gif/
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What threads on /gif/ should I definitely avoid?
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She cute!

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it wasn't supposed to be like this
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bro it's the same guy from all kaspa posts
how yo doin fella fudder, man, you're going to be a legend if you keep at it champ!
You have mental problems.
yeah yeah buddy, you're special and your comments matter a lot
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>been using the same trash PC since 2017
>stake UBC, let it print for a few months
>rewards pay for a new 4090 GPU
>now playing Starfield on max settings while AI pays for my upgrades
I staked $100k in ETH for the last 20 months and have made like $3000. How have you made enough to cash out a new gpu?

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Someone tell me why my lines are retarded
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Rejection of the 200, trying to find support at the 100 and maybe retesting the upper part of the meme triangle?

But also you can just open a long slightly above the upper line, and a short slightly below it and close the other position once the action gets confirmation to eitherside.
zoom out
Because you're retarded
I think the point is to tell you the best price to enter/exit if you want to buy or sell (or short), not necessarily whether you should decide to buy or decide to sell

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