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BTC has a market cap of 1.3 trillion, that's bigger than the entire entertainment industry combined (video games, movies, music, pornography) then doubled, with still enough left over throw in the GDP of a few smaller countries.
Anyone who thinks it's going to 4× again is completely retarded
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As someone in basically that position, I absolutely care about its price. Even given that I basically just DCA into Bitcoin week after week, I still DCA *out* during rallies because it helps me improve my position. So until I've "made it" (i.e., can ignore the retardation of fiat currency), I very much want BTC to go up relative to the USD.

I also see it as a sign that the USD is losing its stranglehold slowly but surely, so I care even putting aside my direct financial gain.
that's really nice you can do that but imho that puts you a standard deviation above what the average person is capable of.

Congrats and all the best
unironically true

the meme store of value is no longer a rhetoric in the community theyre losing faith

theyre also bipolar as shit with PA
>useless boomer rock that's used in every piece of electronics ever
Platinum is super undervalued right now imo
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This is the perfect time to buy—why complain that the market is dead? Be smart, anon, and take advantage of the dip.
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Something isn't right you know.
the cheaper alts get the more ill buy.
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Give me alpha.
This is from Pajeet.

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Which layer 1 crypto has more chance to moon? get vastly used? Is there any new or upcoming layer 1 crypto that could go big? Share thoughts
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Doesn't even have a working testnet. But please ranjeesh. Tell me more about this "major tech" they've "developed"
Every Dev will love this, no need to learn a new programming lang every time you want to interact with a new chain
Devs can always migrate to QAN
Buy the dip now before it pumps back up
Looks like a big deal because even Apple has adopted quantum resistant encryption

Please tell me you're loading up on TMF anon. Highly recommended you do, else you'll be left behind on Wednesday.

Link has a MC of 6B
When Link reaches 100, it'll only be a mere 60B
When Link reaches 1000, it'll only be a mere 600B
To reach Nvidias marketcap, Link will have to reach 5000

Do you understand just how fucking early you are?
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heh... yup.... so big...
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t-two more weeks..
Hah you mad. Kek fuddie. Looks like the pools still closed.
hey fuddster
I hold link. Link is awesome. I'm in the pool.
Hey. Hey. This is my board. Not yours. Fuck off.
kek baggie
keep holding for the next 7 years with sirgay dumping on your head while the price crabs and dumps

What is going to benefit me more?
>Go full Andrew Tate war room online business money maker
>Law School
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I'm in sales now and doing fairly well, I'm more looking for ways to expand into different businesses/get new skills. I figure a law degree might help I'm definitely entrepreneurial i guess I've just gotta find that calling and create a product or service i can sell. I tried wholesaling, only guy that actually wanted to sell his house answered the door in his underwear and the place looked crackhead as fuck. My local market in particular is pretty cut throat. I'm heavily in bitcoin so hoping that works out. It's a rough environment but I'll be alright.
Finishing my 3rd year of law school now. I've enjoyed it a lot, and I've accepted a very high paying firm job that's being held until after I graduate. If you have any interest I say do it.

yes its true, though I've managed to be on the high end despite coming into law school with no lawyers in my family and no connections. I'm also not at an elite school. So it's completely doable if you work hard and distinguish yourself through grades and your background.
It's similar to medfags- The high ranking positions are rigorously locked behind gatekeepers while most doctors end up as GPs and emergency floor wagies
Did you have to take out a loan?
godspeed. i dont even know what id do with 200k a year. i guess i'd just invest 90% of it

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Is this still a thing? Are there any low caps with huge potential here?
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Does staking still exist
I only sort for mining apps, not buying for now
Low cap under 10M yes, thats the target
Posemesh pinger is worth looking into, I heard blum is launching soon too

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I am officially starting my NEETdom.
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I worked in a Starbucks in London ten years ago.
Best work I ever had, I use to love riding my bike in the early morning in London in winter with fresh air in my face crossing Hyde park with no people around.
You should spend one summer in a steal factory with people that collapse in front of you and tell me how work for Starbucks is the worst feeling
Yeah, I would agree with this somewhat. I'm a wagie but still use the term "wageslave". It's not that I think I'm better than them, but I acknowledge that I want a better life than this. It keeps away complacency. If I can stay frugal and invest my money then at least retire at 45 rather than 65, that's so much of my life that I can live on my own terms.
If you retire you're not a NEET. NEETs are quite literally spastics. Unable to maintain a job because of extreme anxiety, morbid obesity etc. Retiring early is just chad tier. Don't put yourself in the same basketcase
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Literally the best meme
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based, here are some neet resources
>unicorn.meme to farm them airdrops (currently on maintenance)
>the guide to bot trading
>the guide to p2e earning

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>sin(x) - 0.05x
dey see me crabbin
dey hatin

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Should I join the cabal /biz/?
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>Do owning those NFTs get u into crash’s cabal?
Yeah his 100 telegram cabal chat. Just think if its worth 3-4k or he shares his shit for free
Its crash keys, the influencer who pumped brett. And a bunch of other shitcoins to hundreds of m
i might sweep that 1.4
wtf are we looking at and what is the context behind it?

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Ethereum is the Chainlink of this cycle.
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Vitalik's arms are even thinner.
It's Stretch Armstrong
>and cleavage
just a psyop you make you think its a female
you'd be surprised how smart trannies are gettin these days.
those are scrawny man arms if ive ever seen em
Where are you from? In my country >80% of adolescent males look like this. It's actively encouraged in schools.

There are still gamestop threads on /biz/
>gme $20
>link $10
kek cryptobaggies
reddit moment

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>Blood can be offered as a sacrifice or devotional, employed in spells to strengthen the energetic link to yourself or someone else, or used to create a bond between members of a coven.

>And a personal concern such as blood is incredibly powerful. Anytime we use a part of a person, of ourselves, in our spell work, we are turning it up to 11.

>Beyond that though, we can use blood in our work in all kinds of ways. Charge a sigil with blood.

>The logo or brand, like any sigil, is a condensation, a compressed, symbolic summoning up of the world of desire which the corporation intends to represent...

>Modern corporate logos like "the McDonald's Golden Arches, the Nike swoosh and the Virgin autograph" are a form of viral sigil

Those who know, know.
Bullish for Hedera.
>red ID
Meds needed

You should have listened to Peter and buy gold and silver but you didn't, now suffer the consequences.
3 words for ya
Peter Schiff has been telling people not to buy Bitcoin since $17.

Do you think anyone ever confronts him IRL and says hey, I listened to your shitty advice and lost out faggot
>I listened to your shitty advice and lost out faggot
Why would someone say that to him? Gold and silver have been pumping whilst Bitcoin is crashing hard, and not even mention shitcoins
that's cool kid
now compare that to buying btc at $17 like the post you fucking quoted said

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>Shady audits
>in bed with Blackrock (anti crypto globohomo org)
>bears everywhere doing damage control on their behalf
>paper BTC
>kyc for the goyim but not for us
>Chinese cex le bad Murican cex le good narrative
>In bed with the feds, never doubting in opening their legs to them
>had investigations for wash trading
>rumours of currently giga shorting and longing BTC thus preventing to hit ath again

Funds are not safu
get your shit out of there asap
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>Solana will be the next FTX 2.0
not really

its not run by a jew

sbf just got a degree in physics worked on jane street for a bit doing some "modeling" then allegedly did arb through korean markets on bithumb or whatever then sold his soul for ftx

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But generally it topped in 2021
Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency search trend
Inb4 people dont search over google anymore they go to crypto websites
Well new people search over google, this is how many new people are joining and it doesnt look good
Also alts had their top vs Bitcoin seemingly in 2021 that explain the poor performance
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post short, faggot
protip: he won't
>only went up cos inflation
in 15 years btc has risen from pennies to sixty thousands dollars. cba doing the maths but am pretty sure inflation hasn't been that high kek
>nothing, and I mean NOTHING goes up forever
that's why we have a bear market every 4 years
>BTC is bound to have a long winter at some point
yeah in 2026, it's not like it's some kind of mystery lol
I cashed out and bought a house months ago. Don't care anymore.
you guys are fucking stupid

higher volume = less volatility

this isnt the wild west like 2017 icos

EMH is pricing in your stupidity and the amount of leverage longs you are going to put on this heatmap bet

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This is what separates the alts from the shits
Relative strength
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>why are some poker hands winning while others are losing?
It's a good thing tho. Smart people getting richer
why are you worried about shitcoins, look at market leaders then find whats lagging then trade

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that your 20 years old shitcoin wont go up above 70k until the ETHBTC reverse, do you?
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eth is an irrelevant shit coin
I didn't know it was 2028
Cool story but there's no evidence.
the evidence is niggercoin crabbing for 7 months
>broke nda

thats fucking hilarious

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When a chart reverses on record volume?

Is this bearish?
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Same coin on a different exchange
Unless something big happened for that coin specifically, no. It's just following btc price
It usually signals the start of an exit pump.
what coin
i dont see any inverted hammer fists with a range forming on that shit dont touch it just buy usdt

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why are we all here after 7 years?
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This is my first day on 4 chan
I’m barely here. I’m here when my boring gf is over, when I’m taking a shit, or for like 5 minutes every so often when I’m procrastinating from one task to the next. If you’re here a lot, you need to re-evaluate how you spend your time and why you’re here as much as you are. Find something better to do.
make it your last

you probably dont know all the shit calls biz made i lost 34 eth in LIT and like 1 eth in reef the queefing coin
cause we didnt make it

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