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Reminder that the reason /biz/ is so slow now is because most of us have migrated to /bant/

Check out the catalogue and see for yourself. No emails required. I'm sacrificing myself to post this, so please be thankful.

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Any of you frens want to promote your scam on a known meme website?

60k users / 120k pageviews, monthly

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>meme stocks
>crypto crap
I've ditched all the garbage and I'm buying hard assets. Specifically, I bought shares in a race horse.

His name is Visceral, he's 3 years old, and he's preparing to race at Santa Anita this summer.

His dad is Violence and his mom is Blues Corner. Say hi to Visceral, everybody!

Do you have any alternative investments?

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So JRE accidentally just leaked that he's releasing a Tucker interview, and $TUCKER is at an all time low.

Seems like no one has caught on yet. Are we running this back? I still have $100 in tuck.

In case anons missed it, it 10x'ed last time there was a big interview with Tucker and Putin.
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no its not.
why are you on denial faggot?
stop spreading miss info
BNB is not gonna hit 10k

all other info is legit
10k is fud. 20k
i literally sold yesterday after holding through months and months of down only

you would not believe how often this happens

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I like the way nico smiles at link holders
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You're funny
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This is a pro-LINK board and it's disgusting.

Hey yo schizo LINK fuddie, I will buy you a 4chan pass if you come back hmu
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If that means you saw your peak and it's over for you, then you're right
Talking about Oracles, you have a better shot with new gen solutions like Pyth and Supra.

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Are IDO's still a good way to make money?
man, ive been trying to find some good shit at the ground floor, but it really feels like this space is over fucking saturated with dogshit. ICOs I think get fucked by the sec, and new launches on eth that show promising fundamentals are just VC PnDs, is there even a way to find fair launch shit? if you look at tokenomics maybe, but you never know if shit gets premined or if devs could lie and still have a private sale.

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Which base shitcoins are going to pump off the floor during the v shape recovery?
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I'm holding a little bag on this, but my main bags are on solid altcoins, including DMTR, VELO, and AAST.
>fake sounding post that mentions exactly three coins

I though this was the kind of stuff the email verification was supposed to filter out.
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>only green thing in my wallet today
thanks anons
I don't do shitcoins, I'd rather wait for Supra to have its TGE.

Kind of interesting how biz never talks about any of the top 20 meme coins
Last time I mentioned a coin here I got banned, yikes
Its either bitcoin maxis, link and avax cucks, or the sub 1M cap rugs that get shilled here, no inbetween in terms of R/R

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Not talking about the money, but the attitude. I know there's luck and inheritance involved, but that can't be the only reason, if it is, a lot of rich nepo kids would be billionaires.
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The average billionaire IQ is apparently 133, not very high.
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the point of crypto is to not depend on institutions or goverments, funny as it is superverse is quite the example of it, beside the companies and teams making the games the coins free to delve into the defi and crypto space ebbing and flowing to supply and demand.

so fuck those cyborgs, aliens and lizards.
is 133 not very high nowadays?
so reptilians?
why are we discussing conspiracies on biz?

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Day 1001 of snailposting every day until BTC is at 100k
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cute snail bro
onward full speed to 100k btc!
I laugh at the Nordic inspiration behind runes, maybe they trying to bring in vikings into crypto?
Ragnar rune anyone?
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as long as they are safe steps then I have no problem waiting at least 3 months, I spent more time with a lot of memecoins in dextools, so something like this is not that scary

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There is a house in New Orleans
They call the Rising Sun
And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy
And God, I know I'm one
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the prop tax ruins it, also the gun law is absurdly bad

when my boomer relatives I live with for free are gone I don't see how I can justify living here

also you can't get land here for a reasonable price
>also you can't get land here for a reasonable price
Buy your land in WI. Chicagoland is nice for urban/suburban living, but I would never buy land in this state
>but I would never buy land in this state
*meaning a large multi-acre plot of land; I own my house here
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the odds of getting killed or home invaded in gretna, LA is 1 and 28 lol. good luck with that. with that money i could buy a based RV and travel the country as i see fit
Is the redneck cope thread? Shouldn't you guy be doing meth

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We pumpin tomorrow or what? Previous years we dump at 4/20, how will this glorious day for doge and the world be different this time?
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its gonna crab
Bro, I have been holding this dog shit of a token for years lmao... I don't care what happens, I will just HODL it and see what happens.

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This board is dead
There is no money to be made
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Jannies delete any thread that ca help us make money. I am not even talking about coins being shilled and getting banned for advertising, I am talking about actual discussions that can help us make money. I tried making Rune threads multiple times and always would get banned for “advertising”. Runes is the new token standard that is coming out for btc that will enable defi. it’s too late now for biz though, 1,000x multiples have already been made and now people are selling their pre rune brc20 tokens hard
Its like 30 retards here. Biz was better in 2017
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since that happened it's been a while since I've had a talk about business, or houses, or shitcoins in dextools, or even people saying what they want to do when they make it
goodbye then
delete your thread and leave
Not dead, they just made so that you have to be smart and post without shilling. Subliminal messaging bro, just read between the lines and figure shit out.

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bitcoin hit ATH of ~74k on the 74th day of the year
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Last time we broke ATH of 20k in 2020 people went crazy

This time we broke ATH of 69k... nobody really gave a shit lol
I knew it! The Earth is flat and all the conspiracy theories are true
because it wasn't a surprise this time
btc is here to stay
that's because we smashed past ath in 2020(we literally blew the lid clean off) and it caused peak euphoria of retail
this time around we just sniffed around it and crashed immediately
if we were to have repeat of 2020 we should have gone straight to 100k at least but we didn't for some reason
My memory of the price action isn't there, once it hit 20k, it pumped straight to 30k or something right?

I dont remember looking at price, I just remember normies going wild that ATH was broken.

But yeah if it went from 20k to 30k straight away is 50%+ on ATH being breached, I guess thats like going from 69k to 103k. So Yeah i guess youre right perhaps it had to have pumped straight to 100k+ for there to have been normie excitement

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Whenever you join a new group and the people are all spamming "dev is cooking," you need to get out of there ASAP because you are being rugged. Change my mind? I think not. The halving is tomorrow and I love how people think their portfolio will magically double. The panic will be insane once people realize that tomorrow will be just another day and all their holdings will read "0" yes I am a bear and a truth teller.
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50k sounds about right, I imagine the real panic will start once people realize that this is not just another typical attack.
You will soon have your win, Bobo, but MooMoos will eventually come out victorious in this war.
Don't know what any of that means, but I'm guessing it means that you are bullish.
Nobody is buying your bullshit bobo.
As my favorite wife cheater said back in the day... ZEEROOOO

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How come every crypto I buy turns out to be absolute shit and I will only be at a loss?
What amount of money do you have for investment?
How old are you?
Unironically it's because of regulation:
>ban ICOS meaning retail can't get in early
>builders now have to raise from VCs
>VCs want guaranteed 10x so projects launch at a $1 billion market cap
>by the time retail are allowed in, the only way for the token to go is down
Represents 99% of people, you are not alone. Crypto is a scam. Stick to real business.

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is it time to panic?
its time to masturbate and release stress bro. I'm going crazy!
It is indeed time to panic and run for the hills. Closing all my positions and sitting back about to take a blunt to the face
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too late to do it, I have a clear mind and a goal to achieve, even if it means using all my VINU, I'm going to get that fucking car
ngl it actually works

$100k is like $10k back in 2009
yep houses were only $40k in 2009, now they're $400k. gas was only $0.40, now it's $4
My parents bought their McMansion 1985 for $74k. They haggled it down from $78k. It was a working class area, street was full of Ford cars.

Its worth $3.5 million now, it's a upper-middle class area now, street is full of BMW's and Mercedes.
I was making $7.25 (minimum wage) back then and now I'm making $77 per hour
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and buying a house seemed like a possible long term goal, even though I created a coin with pinksale I think I'm going to have to wait years before I can even afford an apartment, I'm tired guys
If at that time i had told my grandpa that i was making money with dogs like VINU he would have thought i was selling organs lmao.

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May I ask your opinion on this Romanian company, gentlemen?
I invested a market-moving amount recently, so I would like to have some unfiltered judgement on this one,
whether I should stay in or just take the gains from Stansberry recognizing it.

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what if Bitcoin never recovers and we become eternal bagholders like LINK and XRP baggies?
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As long as it's listed on Dexview, I will trust anons
I short XRP every day
I've been an AGRS bagholder since 2015, i can wait a couple more years until the pump
I'd sell it just to dump it all on MMON. It boasts of a new era of Memecoin on the horizon, with predictions of a 1000x price increase very soon.
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how'd you slip thru the cracks? we know who you are

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