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Inflation is getting out of hand
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>the pub
Americans don't have pubs. This bitch should be charged with being a disgusting fat American, and sentenced to nothing as the crime is also the punishment.
Fent Brûlée
Carl's Jr is very new to Australia, and is, for some reason, quite overpriced.
Thank you anon.
Carls Jr is mid tier fast food. The quality is just barely above McDonald’s. In the south here they call it Hardee’s but it’s still garbage on par with Sonic’s

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say it stinkies. say you made a mistake purchasing the chainlink investment. i want to hear you cope and squirm like a bitch
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Chainlink turned me into a flaming faggot. I just got back from the bathhouse where two older men topped me..
chainlink, kendu, and apu have been my best investments ever. probably similar for most people here. except i found kendu on r3ddit
Palestine will never exist and you'll never be a woman or look like that tranime pic
are you jewish?
I messed up with Chainlink, bought at ATH in 2021 without doing enough research. Should’ve been smarter about it, learned the hard way and became more cautious.
later, I DCA’d at around $8 and also picked up some Solana, Doge, and NAI at low prices to boost my gains.

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Can anyone explain to me what is this, is it a meme or not.? I would appreciate any reading materials, or links that help me understand this fenomenon.
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Theres a growing population of African Americans who are smart enough to get redpilled by all the woke bullshit. If you are black and actually do well in school and dont have a criminal record you are fast tracked to a cushy 6 fig white collar job, but even that is extremely hard for them
You don’t even have to do well, just pass your classes, then go to university on scholarship money and pass your classes there
How do purchases have power? This doesn't make sense. You might be looking at some AI generated article, OP
I believe op's image attempts to show the amount of money blacks have left over after they've payed for their fentanyl, nike's, child support...etc.
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Op here, I see /biz/ is as clueless as I am about this topic. I'm going to do my own research about it, if I find anything interesting I'll be sharing it with you guys.
Consider this thread closed.

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>btc pumps
>alts don’t
>btc dumps
>alts crash
So btc is gonna keep crabbing til alts are destroyed
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You are here

You are supposed to sell your alts for BTC when this indicator is over 70-75. As you can see, it can get worse before it gets better. But it will get better. Although, yeah, 95% of alts have bled sats since 2020. But if you experienced one of your shitcoins doing a 30x then you are forever addicted to alts and there is nothing you can do about it.
I’m enjoying the discounted prices and taking advantage of buying the dip. Now, I’m waiting for the Peaq listing. I’m bullish on their recent news about the new DePIN addition to their ecosystem.
sad truth
This makes no sense bc alts crashed when btc crashed
Looks like we're in for a rough ride. Gonna sit tight and wait for some clear signs before making any moves.
Probably safer to stack stables for now, while making banks with content writing with hydro online.

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>start e-commerce blog
>report criticisms of eBay
>get gangstalked
How am I supposed to make it if I can’t start blogs that piss off multinational companies? Or is the payoff in pushing it so far you catch them with a lawsuit?
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They probably paid the security firms more money to fly there and harass them
Imagine what they’ve done that hasn’t been caught yet.
One of the execs at fault now runs the boys and girls club
Probably being those same harassment techniques to keep kids quiet
It’s a common practice for lawyers and Fortune 500 companies who want something or someone to go away

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Kek, these faggots filed for a trademark with the EU as if they made the character themselves.
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unironic top signal
Based Apu Apustaja
Now it's almost at 300mc and you fags had the opportunity to buy at 5m-10m and even 50M but you kept crying about it and fudding
And you will keep fudding and one day it will be at 1B-2B and you will still complain that you missed out.
yeah and now apu is sponsering a football team and a motorbike racing team :)
Time for FUN to trademark Mike before someone steals him too
Literally no one outside APU is fudding APU. its APU fags false flagging.
Its always been apu holders fudding apu.

>do nothing
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to be fair, not even boeing is capable of making a plane landing on gravel these days.
those 737-200 were made during a time when engineers actually knew how to engineer and pilots had muscles in their arms.

today, because of women everything needs to be automated away so all errors will only be blamed on the computer.
its heckin fly-OVER.
ITT: chuds blame women and minorities for Jews cutting costs
They killed Boeing on purpose you idiots
its mostly the jews and the jews are pushing women and minorities everywhere and women and minorities are not self-conscious enough to tell the jews to fuck off so in reality its all one package.
most white men have also fallen into the jew trappings.

before everyone became retarded there was still time to pull up. now its too late and we are crashing straight into the mountain.
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They planned this years in advance. The A380 debacle was just a piece of that plan. They knew the A380 would fail. They set Boeing up, they let Boeing think they were winning with the 787 and the max, then they coerced that guy to start whistlblowing, then they killed him so even more attention was drawn to Boeing.

Absolutely genius.
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>Never interrupt your enemy while he's sub-contracting his entire operation to lazy <90 IQ browns

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Do people who "work 80 hours a week" actually work 80 hours a week? Smells like total bullshit.
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My manager works like 80 hours a week probably but somehow doesn't manage to get any actual work done. Guess he just hates his family or something idk
No. They just count everything they do as work. I knew a guy that did 80hr weeks and more then half the time he just got to sit in his car keeping an eye on something
You're owner or partial owner to be working like this, right? You're not just an employee, right?
This is usually the case among middle management types. They either identified too hard with their shitty careers and now they're 30-50 with no wife and nothing going on or they hate the family they do have and use work as an excuse to keep the peace because the type of person that gets roped into middle management over values security and doesn't want to divorce or move or change ever. Despicable types, in my experience.
Lower your tone.

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>1.5% of ALL BITCOIN THAT WILL EVER BE CREATED is now held by Blackrock
What are the implications of this
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>What are the implications of this
In 10 years people will be complaining that Blackrock owns all the Bitcoins while ignoring that we sold it to them for cheap.
They own even more of the stock market and yet you invest in it. Hmmm.. curious!
It's not like they own them, they hold it for a bunch of people and unlike stock ownership they can't force DEI upon bitcoin
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get fucked, normies
$5 wrench, nigga

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Welcome to the Monero General, dedicated to the discussion of the world's leading decentralized P2P privacy cryptocurrency!

Monero is secure, low-fee, and fungible, meaning users can send XMR around the globe despite corrupt governments or broken financial systems. Innovative privacy features such as Ring Signatures, Stealth Addresses, and Ring CT ensure that Monero's blockchain is obfuscated -- In other words, the financial history of all Monero users is encrypted from the prying eyes of adversaries on a public blockchain, with transactions being visible only by a user willingly providing a view key.

Monero has also improved upon the scaling downsides of current popular cryptocurrencies. To avoid high fees, dynamic block size ensures that the size of the blocks will increase as the amount of transactions increases. Further, the mining network algorithm RandomX establishes that anybody with a CPU can participate in mining, preventing the ASIC miner domination that creates a high barrier to entry. Lastly, the mining network will be preserved by Tail Emission -- instead of the block reward falling to zero like with Bitcoin, the block reward gradually approached 0.6 XMR in June 2022, where it will forever stay. This constant linear inflation means the inflation rate will asymptotically go to zero while continuing to provide an incentive to miners to maintain the network.

If you still have questions, feel free to ask and a MoneroChad will be with you shortly.

XMR Redpill: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=wq6w03E2DS4

XMR Stats: moneroj.net

USE Monero: https://cryptwerk.com/pay-with/xmr/

OFFICIAL WEBSITE - getmonero.org

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>druggies buy monero to feed their habit
>monero gets dumped for bitcoin
Thanks for pumping my bags degenerates
>druglord from some cartel gets busted
>monero experiences very high volatility downside then upside then again downside when this event happens
>Incoherent ramblings of a statist mind.
so shit quoted on monero (usually weed and stuff) got more expensive for a few hours, that was funny

What happened this time?
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yes very organic
i fucking hate this shit
Wdym? Like whole foods organic?
Someone needs to sort their shit out.
I want my fucking money banking bitches
The partnership involves the D2D running of both protocols; users of Filecoin will also be leveraging on Nuklai's data management features and vice versa. It's a complementary/synergistic partnership.

>*leaves boomers net worth intact while pricing multiple generations out of ever owning a home*
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The most hated generation of all time
It's OK, they get their share from the boomers when they die.
>flee into the woods to build cabins
That is illegal and unlike other things will be policed. The woods are owned and they don't want you there. Best you can do is start settler caravans and buy stretches of land with large groups and restart, except you lack the will, the skill and the shared religion/culture to make it work. So no Amish solution either, so you better gamble on some shitcoins and hope you get lucky.
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it's funny watching the same people who were bitching about how low rates caused inflation, now bitch about not having any purchasing power

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Can Ethereum BE any more shittier?

Anyone seen this fella before?
Just came across him.

Didnt even know he exsisted.

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Let's talk about it.
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It's Nuklai; just heard recently that the HelixVM testnet has even gone live on the HyperSDK infrastructure. Would be interesting to see future developments that arise from there.
I still see people believing ICP is the place for DePIN, but I think peaq network is the real home for DePINs due to its dedicated focus on this area.
Is their token live?
No one over 100 iq is buying this over ICP
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NAI TGE was in April and currently trading on MEXC, GateIO and Uniswap.
You can say it's on sales now cos it bottomed healthily and will probably be on its way back up shortly

My altcoins are recovering. I hope your portfolio is doing well too?
>Do you think BTC might reach a new ATH this month?
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>and only DePIN and AI project will make it.
These are like the most hyped tech frontiers rn, their potential to transform industries and society is mind-blowing, and Parasail is letting you re-stake some of those DePin tokens.
>push protocol
Its ability to operate across different blockchains empowers developers to reach a wider audience without limitations.
You should add peaq to your list. Wait for its listing, and it could improve your portfolio.
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Jokes on whoever does that cos I literally sold the top and loaded up enough at the bottom; prepared for a huge leg up as there are lots of bullish events happening lately like the Filecoin collaboration viz a viz Grayscale investment, DAO launch and a hackathon event upcoming(voting ongoing), more partnerships in the pipeline and HelixVM testnet is live
What's the ETA for listing?

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I need to raise £25,900 in the next 21 days or I'm going to debtors' prison. Any financial advice? NO kneepads, NO criminal activity, NO jeet coins.
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That's one hell of an amount to pay off that fast. If I knew how to help I would bro. Monitoring the thread
do you have the ability and knowledge to trade US style options contracts?
How much capital do you have to play with? Look at the top 10 sub 1b mcap companies that offer options (sorted by volume) on the NYSE. Do deep research and pick 2 to 3 that you think will pump like a motherfucker and buy calls at 3 to 5 % above the current traded price
Yeah, do what rich people do. Cover debt with debt.
So just borrow from someone else, preferably wealthy family.

Alternatively, do the Sam Hyde thing. Get a job, come in with you financials and say this is all i got, best i can do is installments over 2 years.
And if they still push the subject say you wil lgo to the media they pray on you

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Lets hope that the dump was frontrunned in 2022
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Lmao someone was holding cash this whole time
>Why is this bad? Soft landing achieved, no?
Imagine a plane hurtling towards the ground. You take a snapshot of the plane the exact picosecond it makes contact with the ground. It looks like a plane happily resting it's nose on the ground. Then you show it to an "economist" and they say "see? Soft-landing achieved."
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Too high bro its going to 4 cents
This. There isn't going to be a recession whilst the US government is running a 6.5% deficit.
I’m frontrunning the bull now, vesta is my ticket out of this hellhole they call 9 to 5

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rubles/rupees/pesos/lira/yen/aud/etc are not United States Dollars. Do not confuse random coinage with a strong, global reserve currency.
>buy a cheap rural house for around $100K
>NEET off of 4% of $900K = $36K
Early retirement general?
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I have $10k on $marv
I consider I'm fucking gazillionaire
it is for a business without much cost, or at least to live 4 years without working (if you know how to save), although you can always go back to holding shitcoins or things like $kendu if you want something with more adrenaline
I've got Canadian Pesos.

King of shitcoins
There are literally people on this board
i have no reason to believe that is true, and many reasons to believe the opposite
King of spammers

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