$4k ETH, $30 LINKThat was it. That was your alt season. You missed it.
>>59805198dont forget XRP fkin 6xing in 2 months
If that's truly the case then we live in a cruel world.
CheckTheChartMarketcap never went up the way you would expet it to in an alt season
>>59805295>anime poster>is a dumb niggernever fails
>>59805198god do i loathe stinkies
I've been living a double life for years. By day, I'm just another suit in the high towers of Wall Street, but by night, I navigate the shadowed corridors of global finance, where the real deals are made, the kind that never see the light of day. I've got contacts in every major bank, credit card company, you name it. I've seen the inner workings of how money moves, how it's manipulated. But nothing prepared me for what I uncovered about Bitcoin Satoshi Vision (BSV). I was at a secretive meeting in Zurich when I first heard whispers. BSV, they said, was the true heir to Bitcoin's legacy. It's fast, transactions cost next to nothing, and it scales like nothing else on the market. The economic laws are clear: BSV should be numero uno, not just in the crypto space but in global finance.But there's a catch, and it's a big one. The recent USAID scandal peeled back layers I never thought I'd see. It turns out, the deep state, in cahoots with Mossad, has been funneling billions into a propaganda machine designed to keep BSV's value artificially low. Why? Because BSV threatens their control over financial systems worldwide. The evidence was damning. Emails, secret meetings, all pointing to a coordinated effort to suppress BSV. But the truth can only be hidden for so long. The dam is breaking. Here’s the kicker: all the BSV supply has been scooped up. Remember when CoinMetrics delisted BSV data in 2023? That was the smoke signal. They knew the price was about to skyrocket, and they didn't want the data to show it. Now, I've got insiders telling me BSV is set to hit $10,000 before summer. It's not just speculation; it's a mathematical certainty with the supply dynamics. I've got to play this smart. If I'm right, this could be the financial coup of the century. But if I'm wrong, or if they catch wind of what I know, well, let's just say I might disappear into some financial Bermuda Triangle. For now, I watch, I wait, and I keep my cards close.
>>59805333Bitcoin Sanjeet's Vision
>>59805333>all the BSV supply has been scooped up.You're welcome to keep it, Craig. You'll need it to pay for cigarettes in prison.saged because fuck BSV and that scammy scumbag Craig "only person confirmed NOT to be Satoshi Nakamoto" Wright.
my net worth has not increased since february 2021
Is there any actual evidence of this rumor that Cynthia Lummis said XRP is a scam on a call last night?
>>59805058isn't this what [EVERYONE] said about bitcoin?
>>59805139yes and no. kinda irrelevant but regardless bitcoin proved itself long before getting etf, xrp hasn't done so yet imho. honestly they jumped the gun on eth afaiac
>>59805058i haven't seen evidence she said it but i find it realistic considering she is just a retarded btc maxi. genuinely cynthia lummis is one of the least intelligent people in congress today. I mean dumber than people like AOC, seriously.
They forgot the remove Etherscan comments on the XRP ledger scan website html code
Yes it’s true. I was there.
Do mutts need a new goyphone or whatever
>>59804152>We didn't sell all the assets we legally could, we just adjusted the treasury's accounting process.You are either retarded or baiting. They can't sell user funds, so it was never a question about SAFU. They sold the funds that the corporation owned.You can called selling a ton of assets whatever you want to call it, but you can see quite clearly in the financial report they dumped everything they legally could.
>>59803975The new iPhone doesn't come out until September, idiot.
>>59804153The accounting shift, my low IQ friend, was just simply switching their crypto assets to UDSC. Repeat: THE DID NOT SELL THEY ONLY SWAPPED TO USDC. So much misinformation.
>>59803975You faggot have the chance to buy the dip yet you are complaining keh. I'm taking my time to buy more MOVE
Frontrunned as I said since months. The good thing is the bear market should end this year
The cuckolds of crypto edition
>>59804377We'll see who's laughing in 9 months
>>59804521truly i hope it pumps to 4k so i finally can get rid of this shitcoin
Why use ETH anymore? SOL is cheaper, faster, and more decentralized.
>>59804662>cheaper, fasterIsn't when you account for bribe fees. Base is a gorrilion times cheaper.
>>59804521>9 monthsYes surely all the niggers will be out of the way by then.
One piece of hopium. Whatever Powell says the fact is we are heading towards deflation. Soon the FED will have no choice but to lower rates.
>>59805178and that'll be a disaster for america in the long termjust kicking the can down the road
>>59805178he is not going to pump your shitty alts, you shouldn't have bought a scam.there is no reason to think there will be a significant change anytime soon >>59805181yeah I like him
>>59805194Imagine being on this board, seeing it all, understanding how to profit from it, and then thinking that anything else wouldn't be kicking the can forever?
Deflation is looming. FED will always cut rates if that happens. It’s that fucking simple. Probably near end of year we have serious emergency cuts as inflation goes to nearly 0
ITT signs and proofs that ondo and securitize use chainlink features
>>59802743xerpies are getting better at memes, maybe I'll buy some. Weird how it took feeling threatened by Chainlink to bring out the best in you guys.
>>59803213>Weird how it took feeling threatened by Chainlink to bring out the best in you guys.but according to them, there is no threat...
If you had 100,000 XRP in 2018 and held, it would be worth $243,000 Today. Had you swapped it for Chainlink in mid August 2018 you'd have 100,000 LINK worth $1,885,000. Who's the retard?
ondo is a shitcoin who gives a fuck
>>59805021Worth saying that the XRP could have cost $392,000. Ripple hit its all time high in 2018.
Day 1298 of snailposting every day until BTC is at 1M
>>59803916>See TH eat snailsThierry Henry? I didn't know he enjoyed cuisine
>>59803988He's a certified Frenchman is he not?
>>59803414fraudyou counted for years only to 100,000 not 1M.
>>59804084Where is the spirit of free market libertarianism that Made Biz Great (Again)? If you don't like it you can always tripfag and make a new snail count yourself, fag
Not all coins will see another pump. Just so you know
>>59799221Yeah, most are just exit liquidity scams, but a few like Doge and Uafc that's integrated with Al have staying power.
>>59795859Agreed, but I know for a fact that MOVE and XRP will make it
>>59796074GUI, TRUMP and UAFC are making the list. Memecoins are fuckin back to winning ways.
>>59800787i wish it does a 2x from now. I will be out of crypto for years after i cash out, FUCK THIS SHIT
How do you enjoy this shit? Are you all just fucking stupid or suidical?
>>59804449caelid thread
>>59804547I thought it was aurora borealis?
Have you guys seen his Twitter lately? He has gone completely mental. I actually like him now.
>>59804966>Is that how Kanye writes shit?Not all the time, just during his bi-yearly schizo rants. But the last rant happened a couple days ago and is most certainly the inspiration for his tweets changing to all caps and insane rambling
Chrisdolf BarrettlerHeil ChainlinkDecentralize the gas chambers
>>59804997based schizo too bad he's a shit rapper
>>59804327>>59804047He’s a glowie
Who is this guy? He looks like that one who eats military rations but I'm pretty sure it's not him.
>>59804939Well we were saying this rally will fail like all the others and wouldn't you know
>>59804939bounce...its going to sub 50k isnt it?
Ah yes, the 'dead cat bounce' guy. I remember those memes from the dot-com bubble too. And the housing crash. And... well, you get the idea. Markets go up and down. That's how it works. But dismissing an entire technology because of short-term price fluctuations is just short-sighted. Enjoy your schadenfreude while it lasts.
just think 6 months ago bobos fudding bitcoin for being in the 90-110k range
I've been out of crypto, but the degen itch is back. Where do I find the next moonbags? No pump and dump trash, give me the real gems.
>>59804405There's 1,000,000,000+% but there's only -100%. Forget about all the braindead faggots crying their ass off here.
>>59801199Trump world liberty financial bought MOVE, if you are smart you will know that's the next huge deal
>>59804235Or you could speed up the process, find someone to rug and skip the waiting game.
>>59804488Memes only
Grayscale gunning for an ADA ETF huge if true. If it gets the green light, ADA might finally wake up. But let’s be real, will the SEC stop being a bunch of cucks?
>>59804366It has been getting more traction with institutions, especially in payments and supply chain stuff, not flashy like some other projects, but it’s building.
>>59803660THis guy has the biggest regrets I've ever seen.
>>59804134It's going to shake the web3 gaming scene that's all
>>59804402Yes anon. They can validate transactions, and secure it from malicious attacks
These motherfuckers keep draining all liquidity from the markets, especially Elon. But why now? Because these faggots KNOW something's up. The utter crash of BTC and all crypto is coming. Money is exiting all markets already. Every whale will be selling. So they are cashing out all money they can. Elon will eventually be charged and found guilty of markets manipulation but daddy Donald will pardon him. All is going according to keikaku. Expect BTC back to 4 digits and all altcoins anhililated by EOY. This is it, guys this is the last "bullrun" ever. I hope you cash out some profits , do a 360 and never come back. Don't become an eternal baggie
>>59805103>>59805075Thank you for your riveting insider info
They don't care about money. They only care about causing butthurt. Thats why they signed another EO today.
>>59805075>Trump is selling crypto to trick you>>59805103>Trump is also buying crypto to trick you
>>59805075In what way is Elon draining liquidity from the market?
>>59805075how is anything you said even remotely not retarded as fuck?it would honestly be a BLESSING if 4 digit bitcoin ever came back, you live in a fantasyland
Is it a good thing when a suffering German coin closes its parent company, starts a new one in Cayman, gets new management, rebrands and relaunches, gets new investors and VCs, and moves away from Polkadot and onto EVM?for example, KILT
Is KILT fucked? I put seven grand into this shit.
>>59805005>Is KILT fucked? I put seven grand into this shit.Sounds like it's about to become seriously unfucked.
>>59804989good luck shillerhausen ur gunna need it
>woke up at 9 am>turned on work laptop >sat in some pointless meetings and then played vidya>had a job interview for another job I'm not really sure I want>went for a lunchtime walk>play vidya>go through an online course I'm doing for no particular reason>finish reading a novel as workday ends>play vidya>plan to go to gym later but have run out of things to do for next 3 hoursI feel like my life consists of me putting lots of brainless activity between myself and what I really want so that I can procrastinate my real life. I feel like there's some intensity of living that I'm not quite able to make myself live.
>>59804303kek your boss was also jerking off
>>59804847What do you do?
>>59804168Fuck I am still trying to break 1400 blitz 5|0 been playing the Alekihne defense with black, so much fun.>feels good to be a phone shitposter chess player WFH chad
>>59804868Don't kill yourself. Money is nice but the real great things can't be bought. >>59804938Work as a financial analyst in TX. I could be paid more if I moved or applied to another firm, but working from home is too sweet
hehe I like it when these threads become a war between WFH vs people who cant WFH and they're very butthurt at each other and it makes WFH people very upset that they need to be going back to the office.
And to absolutely nobody's surprise, we dumped again.
>>59803212i dont care about price lol
>>59802845>baby dumpsKEK
>>59803951>i-i don't care about p-price ok?!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHPrice is literally the only metric you have and it keeps going down.
>>59803224Trump is literally rug pulling the market the hardest he can and BTC refuses to dump significantly. Cope.
>>59803951>i dont care about priceWHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE
Bitcoin is Money. Everything else is Credit.