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>lost another 10 billion today
He must be getting the fattest government contract in history for the shit he pulled to pay off
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Cool, go back

nigga i have to sit out the market for the next 4 years what do you expect me to do
Get a fucking job, move out of mommy's basement, get a gf, touch grass
The usual.
>leftist brain rot whinging
Poor Elon with his exploding rockets

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>check price
nigga stop over reacting

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>exchanges don’t want free money
>exchanges would rather pay over leveraged fags
Snake drinks piss. Simple as.
And this... Is... to go... even further beyond!
It would be in the public record if they did
Question: does this back and forth continue indefinitely? Are people not learning and really that retarded?
no, I was expecting a sell the news event, short is now closed

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this is powerful patern
All the best, Ramesh.
Very powerfl
All the best, Ramesh

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David Sacks

Just a few minutes ago, President Trump signed an Executive Order to establish a Strategic Bitcoin Reserve.

The Reserve will be capitalized with Bitcoin owned by the federal government that was forfeited as part of criminal or civil asset forfeiture proceedings. This means it will not cost taxpayers a dime.

It is estimated that the U.S. government owns about 200,000 bitcoin; however, there has never been a complete audit. The E.O. directs a full accounting of the federal government’s digital asset holdings.

The U.S. will not sell any bitcoin deposited into the Reserve. It will be kept as a store of value. The Reserve is like a digital Fort Knox for the cryptocurrency often called “digital gold.”

Premature sales of bitcoin have already cost U.S. taxpayers over $17 billion in lost value. Now the federal government will have a strategy to maximize the value of its holdings.

The Secretaries of Treasury and Commerce are authorized to develop budget-neutral strategies for acquiring additional bitcoin, provided that those strategies have no incremental costs on American taxpayers.

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>Mar 7, 12am
Good morning saaaars
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I'm honestly not upset by this. The WORST outcome would have been a reserve that spends taxpayer funds on altcoins. I'm not a maxi by any means (never owned BTC), but having the gov spend taxpayer money on altcoins when basically 99% of them are grifts (XRP, ADA) is just a terrible move. On top of that these reserves are supposed to be long-term commitments. Can anyone honestly say they'd be confident that fucking ADA would be around in 20 years? 30 years? I would only be confident in bitcoin on that timescale. But then that leaves the question of whether tax funds should go to purchase bitcoin, and there's a lot of discussion to be had there. There's both pros and cons, so I think simply committing the BTC the gov already has into a reserve is a fair compromise. BTC does not need "buy pressure" from the government to raise in value like some shitcoin, it will increase in value because it has a fixed supply while many other currencies are unfixed. The very concept that a portion of BTC will now be locked up in reserve is bullish, and other nations are likely to follow this example in the coming years.
Can’t believe I have to point this out to you retards

The reserve is the reserve, tomorrow is different. Why would trump intentionally crash the market with this signing if he has a big meeting tomorrow

Two alternatives
>he wants to say he kept his promise, but oh look crypto sucks I tried but it’s not a good idea
>slurpies because tomorrow is going to be gigapumped when he announces a separate order to purchase crypto
Don't you think that its retarded for the summit to simply be about pumping money into the crypto market for the sake of pumping it? Take a look around at the state of blockchains and smart contracts, the technology is now ready for adoption in traditional finance. It's inevitable. A wise government shouldn't be thinking about how to pump bitcoin to 200k or something. The wise move would be to ease the regulations that have stifled implementation of this technology as well as provide clarity on the governments position towards crypto going forward. Because blockchains and smart contracts are going to define the next era of finance across the world. The important thing is taking action that signals "The world of traditional finance will benefit from blockchain technology, and this tech will be built in the US. We want you to build it here. Let's do it." Because if it gets built in the US then they maintain their financial advantage for the next 40-60 years. Fluctuations this week or next week based on these announcements are irrelevant.

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Yeah, it's over. We're going to 0. Been a nice run, bros.
Just holding what they've already seized. No buying. Lead maxis on for months. The ultimate grift for a photo op. You love to see it.
well they were just selling it at government auctions before. this is a step in the right direction.
now when they seize everyone's bitcoin they have a framework to go on
Sell the newssss. Good thing I sold at while ago. I mean we could see one last spike, but the juice isn't worth the squeeze yada yada. This is the sell-off year in the cycle regardless. Trump's retardation made it tricky to predict though. See you fags at the 50k-40k range
The fact that “alts will be treated different” is now extremely bullish.

I think we’re going to see big things for American crypto and possibly chainlink tomorrow, it would explain why chainlink is so positive the last few days
This. I'm surprised people can't see the forest for the trees. The tides are turning, slower than people hoped though.

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And just like that, the markets are crashing again. Has there ever been a worse admin for crypto?
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Buy his Bible and cryptocurrency if you are a true MAGA
why though
The narwhal bacons at midnight, and OMG I hate crypto now too. Updooted kind stranger
The reserve is Bitcoin only for now, filled with Bitcoins seized from illegal businesses. Much better start than wasting taxpayer money buying up banker shitcoins like XRP.
its the same shit as always.

high expectations > loads of retail position themselves > rugpull
low expectations > few retail position themselves > market pumps > loads of retail come in > rugpull

when will retail understand they are being hunted no matter what they do?

What are your thoughts on Tron?
Tron more like Troon
do you think it would be smart to position myself on Troon rn because when the market picks back up again, then maybe i will make a lot of money
it seems like a decent enough chain and maybe it's being slept on? idk

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been aware of crypto since silkroad.
full time since ~2016 (dao hack).
Made some nice bags here from biz during the years, (thanks for: gns, milliontoken, statera, cheese, rubiq, link)
and damn what a ride it's been. I try to pay back to the karma gods. I'm almost out, will never leave fully ofc but with a larger stack that is now in "safe" investments.
I have successfully escaped the trenches.
But I got one more pick to pay tribute to you biz and the trench karmagods.

Not a memecoin, but a first mover revenue making platform.
A competitor to polymarket in a way. At $1.5m marketcap. Yeah..


Yes won't gatekeep the fking ticker like other oldfags.

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Good enough for me, the polymarket integration is good except what if polymarket starts to offer this? Still worth a few bucks. Thanks for the tip anon.
Yeah maybe they will which would be bad for clutch.
But they arn't right now, so unless it's in the pipeline it's at least 6(?) months out.
Fact is clitch has first mover advantage today, a huge plus for a 1.5m mc project
Bought a small bag earlier. Seems like a good project that could easily do a 10x this month. Or maybe more, if hype sets it. Thanks for the tip, anon.
im dumb, can someone explain this in more simple terms? Is this a stock, a crypto?

David Sacks has confirmed most of the people coming,

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dream on baggie
you'll be LUCKY to ever see a 25 billion MC
what are you now, like 9 billion? LMAO
There was an update
new ones to add to

btc only in the reserve:
tyler winklevoss
cameron winklevoss
brian armstrong

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link baggots are abused cuckolds. they are masochists. we keep insulting them and mocking them. link cucks are prisoners
Anyone from Ondo going?

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Thankfully Trump redpilled Larry Fink and Blackrock. Next up: Blackrock Greenland Corporate Labor Camps sponsored by Likud. They'll defeat the globalists.
This faggot knew his shit coin would rob us of alt season
He is right of course. A lot of money flowed into the US because of current global economic arrangements. He is trying to break them. So that money is repatriating.

Which is fine because the stock market was and is wildly overvalued and US has plenty of domestic capital for investments.

There is also the risk of capital controls coming. If there are tariffs there must be capital controls. So foreign investors are fearing some sort of coming tax or haircut or some other way that the government comes up with to lose money.

Watch the yen, that will tell you when the repatriation really begins.
globalist cosmopolitan rootless people jews
their only play is to fuck with the economy until the midterms and hope the dnc steals enough seats to cuck trump again and blockade him effectively.

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are there really retards still believing in this to keep a general alive, or is it all trolls?
I don't get why people are caring about if HBC is a bad actor or not when the money raised from them was used to pay off the ABL with JPM.
There are baggies that will die of old age before they accept that they are getting nothing.
>are caring about
Shut the fuck up you brown indian nigger

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Aka a chad that just uses them for easy sex

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They work hard for you.

30% is the LEAST you could do. You can afford it, that's why you're going out to eat in the first place. Don't be an asshole.
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>still saying “times” instead of “multiply” as an adult
What a retard
The word "multiply" is apparently rooted in white supremacism, so they got rid of it in Junior/High school curriculums
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honestly just picking up your own food is a lot less of a hassle. Doordashers usually take twice as long and it doubles the cost of the meal anyway
What if I derive my money's worth of pleasure in seeing a wagie suffer?

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Are you prepared for the crypto summit?

He's getting out of jail isn't he.
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No, he wants to stay and serve his full term now
Cobie should join him.
No it's true, europe is woke and democrat.
They're literally joe biden and Obama, therefore they're bad. Canada and Mexico are also democrat.

Russia is christian and love red state american factory workers. Russia and Argentina are traditional and republican. They don't deserve tariffs.

This is what americans believe.
They took all of his and FTX's assets to compensate the people that lost money, right? I would say getting out is a given. The question is will the government make everyone give him back "his" money and compensate him for the suffering he went through the last few years? A man that jewish must be due a big payday for everything he went through.
It's glowing magenta
This is a satanic glow

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"i've only seen one piece of diddy"
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>make the biggest cripto scam ever
>get to make a podcast FROM FUCKING PRISON
>muh bad democrats!
>will most likely get a pardon from trump

america is dead
>Sam Bankman-Fried on Life in Prison With Diddy, and How Democrats Stole His Money and Betrayed Him
Crazy fucking title, every part of it
I think left isn't a jew but a catholic.
imagine a solitary cock entering a hole in your cell and it just lays their flaccid, waiting to be gorged on by you. it just lays their, menacing, knowing it will eventuall by slobbered on because you're so bored out of your skull. that is what is going on his cell

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95k next stop?
Don't piss on my market and tell me it's raining.

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Wallah, my frens. Never below 86k again!

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