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>be Capital One
>create toxic PIP culture
>create toxic FAANG faggot self-promoting management structure
>get rid of American workers
>rely on muh precious hardworking H1B's
>get sued for cheating people out of $2 Billion in Interest
>saars redeem your code needfully and break all deposits
>people are calling for your head because they can't pay their bills/rent/car payments on time

Watching faggots like this suffer is one of the universe's moments of karma. Enjoy it, Anon.
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Not to worry, users on TeamBlind with verified Capital One employment are very sorry for your problems and are taking it seriously.
Saaaars.... Our response?
I literally just called these pajeet faggots for a replacement credit card and this idiotic woman said "saar your phone number i can't saar"
>things that didn't happen
It did happen, I spoke with a representative who told me that my phone number wasn't working and she didn't know why so I redpilled her on how badly CapOne is fucking up right now
It’s a race to the bottom due to modern corporate compensation structures.
Every manager throughout corporations are looking for ways to cut costs by any means necessary, because their performance-based bonus depends on it.

So managers from top to bottom keep implementing new measures which reduces costs (on paper) in the short term, but destroys the company in the long term. The world runs on incentives, and modern corporate leadership incentives makes them stop giving a shit about anything past the next quarterly earnings report or bonus payout
More proof that benevolent dictators are the ideal and bureaucracy is evil.
thats how they are taught in schools, that the company can be summed up as a balance sheet, everything can be analyzed on paper
>everything can be analyzed on paper
Management chasing their bonuses have a financial incentive to downplay or even hide the potential long term negative effects of their cost-cutting programs. The general mindset in corporate management is that the negative effects will start to become apparent 5-10 years down the line, at which point 90% of them will have moved on to work at another company and fixing it will be somebody elses problem
Also, most tech companies have don’t have this problem on the same scale as legacy industries, because the eggheads understand the conflict in incentives.

So they provide most employees, and all management roles, with generous stock options to make sure everyone has a strong incentive to ensure that the company succeeds in the long term

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