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>udinese calcio
is that the best team you jeets could afford lmao
Unironically basedo
The worse the team is the more fitting a choice this. Where my soccer managers at
Epic. Gonna buy a jersey when it's available.
Nobody cares. Musk and Bezos could announce they're buying Apu and it would still dump.
molto basato!
What the actual fuck?!
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still waiting for superverse to appear in any fucking mainstream video game, why tf projects take so long to do a simple partnership? it would literally explode the fucking coin
they're not gonna do those type of partnerships because its a fucking scam lmao open your eyes nigga
lol wut? Di Natalie's old team.. I thought this shit was a rug scam??
fucking kek
hes shillin the token you fucking retard
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Am I correct in reading this photograph from Wikipedia that udinese calcio was also sponsored by the PlayStation 2?
this is wild lol

The team and community won't stop until Apu Apustaja is a household name worldwide.
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apu frends are fucking wizards
Fuuuuuuckkkk you faggots I ignored this token for so long but I can't anymore. Is it a good price to buy in now? All in or DCA? Fucking Apu in he serie a. Unbelievable.
i bought it at 1 mil mcap and sold at 10 mil mcap. now all i want to do is rope after how hard i paper handed. i know your pain man!
Newfags at HuffPo Italy don't know the difference between Pepe and Apu kek

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what's next?
$jeoing737 sponsoring Biden?
Is this real? Some mario answer
Yeah it is, check out the clubs website or just google it and you'll see some news reports.

Absolutely wild lmao I'm a happy 95 million APU holder
Nvm it's real kek
Also- here's the club's tweet: https://x.com/Udinese_1896/status/1816398945414705574
I checked, incredibly based.
Based were going to $0.10
If apu is as well known as pepe it wouldve existed long ago and at the same mcap as pepe. The fact that people don't know the difference yet and starting to realize it now is exactly how and why WAGMI soon

Hello future millionaire
Fingers crossed, fren
Yeah I'm moving Shib to Apu
>7 billy Shib holder
Come join me in future millionaire status brother
lol how did they manage to get Udinese, they are still in Serie A right? apufags I kneel
Someone at Udinese must be a big holder.
Jesus fucking Christ it's real.


ItaliAnon here, this is clown word peak. lmao
Yeah, still Serie A. Last year they had a really bad season, they were so close to go to Serie B , but usually Udinese is a middle position team, with young talents.
I'm not even an Apu holder, but I love football, and I will buy their jersey just so I can have a football jersey with a pepe variant on it.
Soon all the sport news is going to talk about this. It's happening
There is no chance at least some players don’t buy.
I wonder what's going through the players' minds when they first see Apu's image on their sleeve. Surely this will generate interest in Italy when the season starts.
Wasn't Shadilay an Italian song? Klekver marketing.
We can't stop winning, frens. How much apu do you folks have anyway? I have 34million. Wish I had the cash for more but it would cost too much for me to get a meaningful amount at this point.
~25 000$ in apu is an insane amount, i have ony 4 million
25k is only 11k from my yearly wage...
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Sorry, Apu is a GME frog
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Frogchads are GMI
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Billions. With a B.
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But seriously, should I sell 1 milly Shib for more Apu? I'm scared. I'm sure it's gonna dump after and Shib will go up also.
Good for you, anon. I only have 6m. I wish I was dead.
Id sell at least half if not more desu. Shib doesn't have much more upside, it's already in the billions, whereas APU is at 250 million without the normie crypto hype and when/if that comes to APU, APU can easily compete with SHIB in the billions (and make you much more money).

I sold all my Shib for APU but granted it was much less (like a grand)- and that grand went up 6000x with APU thus far.
My first buy (St. Paddy's day) was 120 dollars for 10 million or so APU lmao
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>/biz/ is all of the sudden becoming moonboys over Apu
I don't know what to make of this, I'm feeling like a bobo with Apu for the first time. I do not like this.
Huge sell signal
this actually made me buy more
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lets go baby
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Remember frens. Even if you don't have a make it stack. You can spin what you have into something else to help you make it when you feel the time is right. Just remember to trade with your head, not your heart.
Another day, another partnership.
Wtf lmfao is happening
Schizowolf if you're out there I love u bro
35m sui stack but i'm really glad i'd still make it in this cycle
used to have 93 mil but got shaken out in the initial rug
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Based apu
I'm glad I bought it at 15mc back when you anons shilled it here
is 100M enough to make it frens?
I doubt this one fren, it'd need to reach a marketcap of 33B for that to happen.
I think 0.01 is more realistic as it's only 3B.
I gambled my whole stack away like a retard. gluck apu holders.
I sold some of my apu and I immediately regret it after it went up I just bought again and I'm still up
It's never too late.
That's a Champion's League game. UEFA have their own sponsors for that, which teams are forced to place around their stadiums on the hoardings.
Sorry to hear that, fren. But I am sure you will make it with another coin or investment!
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Fucking NPC response kek
Thanks for clarifying. I gotta get a jersey
where is ubelposter these days?
Roped or bought in..
Can’t wait for Vesta lads to become the new evergrande of China kek
I just held through the rug as I figured why not the moneys gone anyway and then a few days later witnessed the unthinkable. Feels good bro.
What's your stack?
I posted before, but 95 milly
95 fucking M!? lucky bastard, you must hold 100k in usd right there
how much was it when you first bought?
95 fucking M!? lucky bastard, you must hold 100k in usd right there
how much was it when you first bought?
Well I bought my first 10 milly for 120 bucks. Then I slowly accumulated- I have about 10k invested right now and I'm at about 70k
Damn bro 10milly for 120 bucks thats crazy..
I think I bought my first 13m for like $1.5k too
Here's the actual transaction- so it was 130 for 18 million. But yeah I mean I just got in early and haven't sold anything- day 2 or something.
Why did everyone change Helper's name to "Apu Apustaja"? His name is Helper
Absolutely based mate
>tfw i saw the first shill thread on biz giving away the CA but didn't buy it because there was a pair of rugging attempts before but had always thought the idea would unironically make it
well at least i got my 35 mil stack at 35 mil MC
thanks fren. Honestly wish I went harder into it (I had most of my money at the time wrapped up in LINU and was slow to let go of it).

Hey, 35 is still a solid stack no shame
apu's profession is a helper so it is not a wrong stamement to make that a helper is apu or vice versa frens
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I had to pay close to 14k to acquire 25m APU, reading these make me feel like shit.
you wont once that 25m is worth 150k lol
ok didn't know that fren
Based fellow early buyer.
I need my daily dose of Ubel fud.
Well done fren
I have 10 Millies and I live in Argentina and I think I'm going to sell it all when we reach 20~30B Market cap
Will I make it?
ofc dummy 10m at 20b is what? fucking 3million dollars lol
holy fucking shit

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