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>10 years of FUD for a nothingburger
It was fun while it lasted tho
your shit is gone
Oh yeah, well I got something new for you.

People are getting their coins and the price isn't dumping.
>People are getting their coins
the full amount?
Fudbros, what do we do now?
Don't be greedy.
ETH security FUD is tapped out as well. SAD
Reviving Tether FUD somehow might be an option. I've also heard of US holding large amounts of BTC, to be dumped at some point
What's your point? We've known it wont be the full amount since day one of the hack. They are getting a sizeable fiat amount thanks to the insane appreciation in the time period. The rest was stolen 10 years ago and is not relevant anymore.
i'm personally hoping for a rebirth of China ban fud
BTC wont be dumped if Trump wins, which he will. The government may even increase allocation to a percentage of gold holdings.
Based Mr. Kobayashi.

He HODL and gave customers their coins at 70K before the Great Golden Bull Run.
You act like all Gox coins are sold
It's really incredible. I think over 50% of Goxers would have sold at a loss. 10 years of forced diamond hands is quite something. Those who are still alive have experienced every emotion, and due to not being able to act on it many are now probably completely desensitized.
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Everyone who wanted to sell has sold. Besides that, most of the gox BTC is in the hands of entities who are holding long term or are in a position to sell OTC
>price still way lower than ATH
>>price still way lower than ATH
What year is it?
They're getting more than they would have had if it remained in their custody (99.999% of them would have jeeted before BTC hit $2k and the fact that they were forced to hodl this long is probably the best thing that will ever happen to them in their lives)
yeah we just totally stomped through the Germany fud and mt. gox fud.

Fun fact even with the germany fud the majority of the price depreciation was front ran. Germany sell the majority of it's coins after we hit the 54k low and it didn't effect price at all. fuds are all just narrative and don't really effect price past people panicking.
Mt gox creditor here. Checked kraken today, got my 4.5 btc

What should I do with it? It’s not that much money really.
Nope. Jeets sell red not green.
Wait until we see a dip back to 50k and maximum fear. We haven't been there yet.
rfk just said he's going to buy 4 million bitcoin, see what trump is going to announce tomorrow. Worst case wait till pi cycle top and sell in 2025. would be retarded to do anything else now.
It was distributed at the perfect time: after ETFs were launched, in the early stages of a bullrun, right after the halving, during a moment of mainstream uncertainty about the viability of the traditional financial system, during a moment mainstream awareness and fear of out-of-control public debt and the CEO of the largest asset managet in the world is on CNBC telling them that Bitcoin is a great hedge against these very scary things.

The timing could not have been any better to absorb the sell pressure
>The timing could not have been any better to absorb the sell pressure
At 15k would have been a pretty sweet time, but this works too.
Oh, forgot the China thing and some other things that makes the timing great.

>Leading US presidential candidate looking into using Bitcoin to deal with the out-of-control public debt, and promises to implement policies that are positive to the industry
>Largest bank in the world, in China, releases official report stating that Bitcoin is like gold, but much better due to the ease of storage and transacting
>American politicians embracing Bitcoin leads China to reconsider their ban, since it does not want the US to dominate the industry on its own
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Got 2 BTC back and decided to gamble on flip.gg
Now I have 3 BTC
did you guys know that tether is printing dollars out of thin air

Tether has a bad audit score. DAI is much better. USDC I'd say, but those faggots have been caught freezing assets before, so I don't trust them.
>Mt gox creditor here. Checked kraken today, got my 4.5 btc
withdraw it before a CEX loses your bitcoin again
i cant believe i sold.

i fucking hate biz and ct

when you realize these people were buying Bitcoin for $300.

so most likely, they've already made it. they probably don't need to sell.
Whats the math work out to? When disbursement was finally announced i remember that you came out around even for the usd value. Which is less with inflation, but funny nonetheless
What % are people getting? Mt gox died around 300 right? Maybe some idiots traded higher while withdrawals were frozen. But at 300, if you get 10% thats still 6700 per coin

Kek another bobo cucked, a story as old as /biz/
It wasn’t a nothing burger. I got all my 105 btc back and sold and am now a millionaire. Billions of dollars to be sold and btc go to 10k. Cope, seethe dial8 and mald harder
Oh sweet summer child. It's not over yet.
Trustee has yet to sell all the Bitcoin for those that wanted cash.
About 40k coins, comparable to germany selling.
Then a few years down the road another 40k coins for those that selected final payment.
That will be the final goxxing and depending on Bitcoin price that might even have a larger impact.
Would have been very funny if FTX had collapsed like a week after the Gox distribution and a lot of them had transfered their coins into FTX.

You waited 10 years? Oh well, you can wait 10 more. Nothin’ personnel kid
The last dump was largely because a lot of whales frontran germany. Towards the end of germany dumping 10k BTC a day the price actually went up. High likelihood that Gox was also frontran and has been largely priced in since everybody knows about it. Possible with a 3-5% dip when the trustee begins unloading, but nothing major will happen when everybody and their mother has already positioned for it
We had a few pretty good Gox threads where anons researched it and declared it to be largely a nothingburger

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