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/biz/ anon on the ground in Nashville reporting from the Bitcoin conference
I will be the eyes and ears for all things taking place here
Breaking news and developments, speakers etc
First time ever attending one of these
Never been to Nashville before, should be fun
If any anons have any tips or suggestions, feel free to include them
I will try to cover everything Bitcoin schedule
The conference is taking place Thursday to Saturday 25th -27th
Thursday is industry day
Friday and Saturday is when it opens up and have speakers
Trump speaks on Saturday
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Top signal
Internet is out and I live close to Nashville.

You fucks better not be the reason for the outage.

>If any anons have any tips or suggestions, feel free to include them

Drivers here are shit.
Are you going to try to make out with a crypto sister?
They messed up by hosting it here at the Music City Center
20,000 attendees plus for the Bitcoin conference
They won't have enough capacity to fit all of them in when Trump speaks
Only 8,000 people will get to see it it live
Others will have to see it small rooms surrounding the main conference room lmao
Across the street is the Bridgestone Arena that has a capacity of almost 20k lmao
There is an event on Saturday at the Bridgestone Arena but it is Hootie and the Blowfish and they perform at 7
Trump speaks at 2 on Saturday, make it make sense
>What were they thinking?
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How's Grindr looking at the conference?


There are no women here. It's a Bitcoin conference. Just men and men who pretend to be women, looking at you Lyn Alden

I wouldn't know but I bet it is lit and full of AIDS hehehe
>What were they thinking?

Easy money.
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The security for the conference is going to be crazy especially for the Trump speech on Saturday
I guess with the assassination attempt recently, the secret service has stepped up precaution
Not a fan desu
TSA level security ... bruh
So much for freedom and liberty promised by Bitcoin lmao
Lolberts and ancaps are going to be here and they can sperg out every now and then XD
This is the email I got for the new security measures
Good stuff my fren. All the real journalism happens here. Keep an eye out for any anomalies that counter the msm propaganda
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Does Nashville have hot country music chicks or is that a meme? What is the ladies situation there? Do they like crypto? Curious
Based thank you anon
>I will be the eyes and ears for all things taking place here
This is how you hivemind. Take notice redditors.
I just got here and have to explore more of the city. I have a few days
I have walked around some of the popular areas and cultural centers Museums, historic landmarks, parks, restaurants, bars, clubs, BBQ joints etc
A lot of the tourist traps
I would rate the bitches as mid overall.
I'm not a simp
I imagine that the country music/ country girl act is a persona and costume for many of them and not based in reality
Makes sense, women are notorious fakers, plastic and caked on makeup airheads
I would say they are younger for the most part and have a healthier BMI than the majority of the South
Small growing city and economic hub
They call Nashville the Athens of the South
There is a literal Parthenon replica down here
Vanderbilt is a pretty good school located in Nashville
Some other local colleges as well
Obesity is crazy. The airport was full of blobs
Some of these people only drink soda and eat fried chicken and processed food all day, sad, cico
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Interesting, mid but not fat. That is my kind of girl. I will flash my crypto wallet full of memecoins and they will come home with me. I will put them on a farm and teach them how to be a real country girl if you know what I mean sex sex hot sex
I have noticed that there are a lot of shitcoiners here promoting their projects and trying to connect it to Bitcoin
They have local meetup events at cafes, bars, and restaurants
Shitcoiners are everywhere
The streets of Nashville are full of shit. This is India and /biz/ all in one


I will be on the lookout for it

Appreciate it

Redditors have much to learn. Upvoted
When is the main event?
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can you gauge the IQ of the conference? does everyone seem dumb and greedy?
>shitcoiners here promoting
Huh DURR who else would pay money to go to a crypto conference? dont tell me you actually paid for it nigger.
"yeah I hold bitcoin everyone and I came here on my own dime. oh the price went down? heh no I'm not embarrassed to be here."
I’m ready to see my kas and fun moon after this conference
Saturday with Trump for sure
It was only a matter of time before the Bitcoin industry was going to start trying to curry favor with top politicians, afraid you have to play ball
Have to enter the arena and fight to win your freedom
Get regulators off back
Mixed feelings on it but it is a maturing industry, growing pains
Would love to be a cypherpunk idealist living under a rock but the rubber is beginning to hit the road
Bitcoin is at the top for new ETF inflows this year
Bitcoin is real digital gold
$10 trillion + asset class incoming
Stack sats anon, that's all I can say, still so early
Secure your economic freedom

Higher than the general average but not by much including yours truly lmao
In all honesty, you don't have to be a genius to understand the implications and power of Bitcoin
Even grugs like me or you can get it
This isn't a typical crypto conference full of shitcoiner shenanigans
The Bitcoin conference is different
Not a fan of all the nft runes ordinal spam included in it though
Matthew Kratter is on point here
There is a bit of hedonism and flash going on but is subdued in general

shitcoiners seething

>do not redeem sars
>2 days ago
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Must admit that the Bitcoin conference is doing something right with this one
Next conference should include none of them, just Lyn Alden /ourgirl/ (ourman)

Who is speaking today?
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I'm not a woman hater, but bitches like this are really starting to test my patience.
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Saylor, Snowden, RFK, and a few other literally who politicians
In a few hours from now
It is packed
Nashville is humid, feels like a swamp, balls sweating
Intermittent showers
Sup fellow Nashville bro, have fun.
are you already independely financially or is this a top signal?
>you don't have to be a genius to understand the implications and power of Bitcoin
very wrong here, you don't have to be a genius to understand number will go up but actually understanding the implications of bitcoin is far more extensive and I'd say comfortably sub .1% of bitcoiners get it, and those that do generally don't talk about it openly.

if you dont get how within 1-200 years we will have city state monarchies and corpo-states based on bitcoin ownership you don't get it...
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Cash out while you still can
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>bitcoins value is in its assets
>assets consisting of digitally produced fiat currency thats backed up by paper fiatcash deposits
Crypto is fiat but with unnecessary steps, literally triple fiat.
go on a weekend there will be bachlorette parties everywhere
sundresses are everywhere but
too many ugly genes in the city imo
based matt, mike, chris, alex, brian, Sum.
I thought Snowden was kill on sight from the US?
sup bro, same to you, take care

top signal for real lmao
Good point, grugs like number go up but might not understand the long term political and economic implications, multigenerational HODL and accumulation, low time preference sound and hard money

>dump et


The conference is today and tomorrow
Yeah, I have noticed a lot of bachelorette parties
Mostly mid
Some whales spotted and I'm not talking about Bitcoin whales
Not feeling like being a plapjack this weekend XD

Snowden is going to be here via live video conference from Russia
Heard rumor that Assange is going to be here as well
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Bitcoin to 4 cents.
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>real snowden releases nsa encryption backdoors, has to disappear
6.5 million years later
>video conference snowden loves bitcoin
>holographic snowden advocates bitcoin
>The airport was full of blobs
sounds like you are with your peers you cocksucking piece of fucking shit
What is it with all these high-production-value soulless memes you're posting, bro? It almost seems as though there is some kind of agenda behind trying to get people to buy into physical assets rather than crypto - what is it?
If Vesta makes an appearance can you let me know pronto?
>wef pushes for people to own nothing
>why are you memeing against this dude just stop
you have to own a brain to have an agenda, he doesn't. He's just literally retarded. You can laugh at him here
and here
in this last one he also started samefagging and quoting himself, with ids FvoQ/eOK and cxzxHJGh, thinking it wouldn't be obvious (writes the same things in the same style, posts the same pictures).
It's a little bit hilarious, a little bit sad
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Fucking kek these paid crypto advocates are following me around now, notice how they just spew insults. Reading through the thread again, I'm even more against crypto now due to the sheer number of shills that had swarmed in.
>oh no his ID changed over the span of time
Meanwhile youre posting from several devices to samefag yourself.
>snowden exposes backdoors
>experts and independent fact checkers claim otherwise
You are here on damage control because the truth is spreading pic related
didn't it already start? what's going on in there?
>oh no his ID changed over the span of time
hahah nope, because you came back to the old one later. Doesn't work like that
just look at this >>58786152
you are quoting yourself. Look at yourself man, that's not healthy
>snowden exposes backdoors
>experts and independent fact checkers claim otherwise
who claims otherwise? snowden exposed backdoors in a closed source implementation of an algorithm that's not used in btc in any way. BTC code is open source, so a backdoor would be in plain sight for everyone to see.
You may have brain damage, not even kidding
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picrel is literally fucking retarded

maximum cringe sitting here. watching crypto bro's touch side

>huge top signal
i'm out
saylor is peak midwit filter. only grugs and high iq people can understand him. bitcoin is a swam of digital hornets.
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are jew liegit retarded? i think u have it backwards bro, he is talking about keeping an asset for 10,000 years. duh durp muh mu-knee
I went a small Bitcoin conference a few years ago and the only woman I could tolerate was black from the HRF
The others were absolutely useless talking about how to spend advertising money on retarded shit.
>backdoors would totally not be hidden from the source code released to the public dude read a book n. You have brain damage for not buying the imaginary kool aid
>released to the public
you understand those 2 things can't be true at the same time, do you? the code you see in the public repository is the same that all the miners run - because you have to run that exact code to become a miner
if you run a different version of it, it doesn't work
there can't be hidden parts by definition
do you understand this concept or not?
>they promised there is no backdoor dude just accept their promises dude
No thanks
>they promised
no that's not necessary if the code is open source
you don't have to trust the publisher or their intentions if you can just read the code yourself because it's public
>just accept their promises dude
no one does, that's why people directly check the code
a open source code removes the necessity to trust the publisher, because you can just read the code yourself
do you understand this concept or not?
>people* checked it
>fact checkers
Do you think the nsa has your best inentions in mind when it comes to the nature of wealth confiscation?
>fact checkers
anyone can read the code, even you if you study enough
if you don't trust it you can just see it for yourself
moreover, cs people are obviously incentivized to find a vulnerability, because if they do they become rich by exploting it
it's pretty safe to assume that tons of hackers study the code very often, trying to find a vulnerability or any way to break it
a backdoor would be very easy and quick to spot, since the code is public and open source
do you understand this concept or not?
>Do you think the nsa has your best inentions
no one cares about the intentions of the publisher if the code is ok
if you talking about the nsa then you are talking about sha-256 and not btc in general, which makes it even more comical
if the nsa says 2+2=4 you stop believing that as well?
>the nsa said 2+2=4 guys so that means there are no backdoors, the nsa doesnt lie
Youve been btfo future resident of gitmo
>so that means there are no backdoors
if there is backdoor and the code is open source then anyone can spot it
btc code is surely constantly analyzed all the time, by people trying to break it since there's a lot of money involved
> the nsa doesnt lie
the nsa can lie all the time, but the code cannot. You can just read it for yourself, anyone can.
Do you understand this concept or not?
>cant point out lines of code that would be securing any of his e-wealth from the nsa
>wants me to trust there is no access to this from the developers of the encryption
>goes as far to say "anyone" can fact check the source code, waving a dictionary claiming the word published HAS to mean they release backdoor access data
>carefully omits the developer (NSA) from taking advantage of it
>schneier says its okay dude (fact checker)
Backdoors into encryptions are meant to be hidden.
Every singIe time
>Backdoors into encryptions are meant to be hidden.
yes and that's why you don't publish the code for everyone to see them lol
the moment you do, your code is not hidden anymore and your backdoor will be eventually spotted
>wants me to trust there is no access to this from the developers of the encryption
yeah that's impossible, otherwise it would be somewhere in the code and be visible
>cant point out lines of code that would be securing any of his e-wealth from the nsa
every of them? if the code had a backdoor it would look suspicious or senseless, as you read yourself in your article about snowden
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>btc is analyzed by "people" all the time to make sure there are no backdoors
>this surely means the nsa doesnt have one there
non software engineers talking about programming legit act like it's magic and mysterious what's occurring lol
This is the face of the person telling you that you're superstitious for believing the nsa has a backdoor because he thoroughly checked it, he promises and pinky swears
yeah in the end that's the issue. He thinks it's some sort of black magic that's impossible to understand just by literally reading the code
you are not superstitious, you are braindead
i tought we were getting something with the thing about the cakes and the recipe, but i in the end the reality is that you just need to do your reading comprehension exercises
for real tho
>im a programmer dude buy bitcoin you could be a millionaire
No thanks on the confiscatable wealth that will get resold to the next victims of the ponzi.
>dude its like a recipe when you get the code you remake the code dude
And you call me retarded
Crypto requires fallacies and trickery to have value, inherent of a pyramid scheme.
>dude you dont understand the encryptions bro im a cryptography expert though
>ignore the nsa backdoor ok youre just stupid
>please buy my bags now
The current state of paid crypto advocacy groups. At least theres a direct warning for dubious ownership of digital doofus tokens
lmao these senators are so fucking awkward
dude just be thankful that you learned what an algorithm was for the first time in your life
it's better if you stay away from any crypto because you sound exactly like the kind of boomer that clicks the links in spam mails
stick to rocks for your own safety
and remember to do your reading comprehension exercises
The nsa has backdoors to cryptocurrencies
>omg do reasing comprehension exercises dude take your meds already
Cope and seethe. The truth cannot be contained
>The nsa has backdoors to cryptocurrencies
no they don't kek, the code is open source
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>open source means it doesnt have backdoors because fact checkers looked
Kek trying to deny the truth wont make it go away
Pic related is telling us there is no backdoor access
>fact checkers
LUL, you mean the whole world since the code is public
if you literally don't trust any other person in the world just go and study yourself, find the backdoor
good luck
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>the whole world
Except for you and me and everyone else besides kocher and schneier and snopes
Crypto is a pyramid scheme where you buy in and they take the tokens from.cold wallets via backdoors to resell to new investors. Textbook ponzi scheme. These advocates are here attempting to downplay the facts.
To look at the future of crypto tokens, look at what happened to e-gold dot com. Someone should check up on them
are you familiar with the concept of falsifiability by karl popper?
basically it says this: if you are not able to imagine a scenario in which your theory is wrong, you are talking shit

i'll start!
if there is backdoor in BTC, several things will happen:
- a random neet nerd looking at btc code will eventually spot it, and either steal everything or publish an article about it that would make a great scandal
- the nsa one day uses the backdoor to do shady stuff, drain wallets, lock people out etc

so if anything like that happens, it's super easy to convince me!
now, your turn. Assume, just for the sake of the argument, there there ISN'T a backdoor in btc. How would anyone in the world could convince you of that? How would a proof of that look like to you?
You don't trust experts, you don't trust open source software, you don't trust the CS people all over the whole world. So what would a proof of that look like to you?
If you are not able to even IMAGINING a scenario in which you would admit you are wrong, you simply can't be convinced. You are talking shit, wasting people's time. In other words, you are a total fucking useless brainless idiot.
Can you see it? Can you answer the question?
Dogecoin to the moon!
>random anon
Kek theyre really trying to convince us that crypto is some magic secret concocted with by benevolant mystic anons when in reality, the NSA created it with the intention of confiscation.
>just imagine you're wrong bro dude this one guy says your talking shit if you cant
Kek in other words no u.
>imagine there are no backdoors
Keylogging still exists to extract seed phrases
Network vulnerabilities shutting you out
Forking wealth away into other shitcoin derivatives
Reliant on fragile electronics that are not durable
Now come back to reality and propose a situation where the nsa has the backdoor access to wealth what do?
Launder the federal reserve printed currency to promise the value, claim the scarcity when you can pull the bits right back put to the next investor.
Did you even eat breakfast today?
kek, your post literally declares that you are a total fucking useless brainless idiot. It's in plain sight.
If you can't even setup a scenario in which your theory is wrong, it's not a theory anymore, it's some sort of faith. If you can't even say what a proof of you being wrong would look like, it's the exact equivalent of saying that you would NEVER realize being wrong. It's impossible for you to understand you are wrong, because you can't even produce an hypothetical scenario in which you are. An undeniable proof simply can't exist for you, which means you wouldn't be able to recognize a total valid one.
If you don't understand how scientifically fucking stupid that is, no one can help you. Not even the reading comprehension exercises, sadly.
You are just a gigantic fucking stupid nigger faggot idiot. And you said it yourself.
>I have noticed that there are a lot of shitcoiners here promoting their projects
Why are you surprised by that? It's ran by Shitcoin Magazine whose CEO runs an ordinals company
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real and true
lmao rfk is just saying whatever because he won't win
>buy 4 million bitcoin for a treasury asset
>remove all taxes
would love it should give trump something to shoot for atleast
>rfk namedropping softwar
Bobros on suicide watch.

What he's saying isn't possible but I like it.
100s of trillions market cap
Bitcoin fort Knox
They killed his uncle because he liked silver

I love it
yeah I'm mainly interested in how it establishes a baseline for trump and sort of pushes the overton window.
The softwar shit to me was the weirdest thing RFK is full on a schizo maxi lol
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RFK just throwing the kitchen sink at the Bitcoin crowd
Telling them what they want to hear
They are eating it up, salivating
I wonder if the orange man will do the same tomorrow to win the orange pill voters
Yeah I agree it almost didn't seem real but it was a good speech
Genuine thank you anon
The orange man should be dispensing the orange pill. Colour-coding before anything else. Except maybe love. Yeah, love, then colour coding, then everything else.
Asks me to imagine a false scenario where back doors dont exist meanwhile he cannot fathom the notion of the nsa backdoor. You owned yourself on that one poo.
The great taking: convincing people to hand over wealth in return for digital tokens in a ponzi scheme.
it's easy for me to imagine a world in which i'm wrong. A very high number of things can happen that would INSTANTLY change my mind and make me admit i was totally wrong. I can easily picture several undeniable proofs that would convince me in half a second that there is a backdoor in BTC code (the NSA uses it, or the backdoor is found and published, or my cold wallet gets mysteriously drained etc etc etc, there are tons of them) and make me say that i was totally wrong. It's easy for me because i'm not an idiot and i don't have a blind faith in my theory: the very second something like those things happens i'd change my mind IMMEDIATELY and recognize my mistake.
Now your turn. IF (IF! IF! use your imagination) there ISN'T a backdoor, how would a proof of that look like to you? IF (IF! IF! use your imagination) you are wrong, how could someone prove it to you? SUPPOSING that you are wrong, what should someone do to convince you of that?
If you can't even accept the POSSIBILITY of being wrong, if you can't even IMAGINE what a proof of you being wrong would look like, then what are we really talking about? There's no way in the universe you'd realize it, you would never ever see it. You are basically blind, nothing in the world could open your eyes. An undeniable proof could be in front of your eyes even right now and you would still reject it, because NOT EVEN YOU know what it would look like. Do you understand the underlying concept? Can you understand what i'm trying to tell you?
Computer: simulate the truth, where the nsa is able to consiscate bitcoins via the backdoors
>jesse.exe errors out and tosses insults
Every single time
>inb4 if you did it you could be rich
Ok. Now replace you with the nsa, which you havent the entire thread
>if you could find the backdoor
While ignoring the NSA is the one with the entryway.
Crypto advocates btfo again
>if there were no backdoors crypto would be safe
Incorrect as thats one of various means of possible wealth confiscation
>if shown proof i would change my mind
Kek you say this as you double down on fallacies and false equivalencies tossed between pointless insults
>captcha govko
Theres a number you can call here when it happens to you (account review)
>While ignoring the NSA is the one with the entryway.
yeah this is cool in make-believe land but also practically impossible since the code is open source
>if there were no backdoors crypto would be safe
not what i asked. Answer the questions:
> IF (IF! IF! use your imagination) there ISN'T a backdoor, how would a proof of that look like to you? IF (IF! IF! use your imagination) you are wrong, how could someone prove it to you? SUPPOSING that you are wrong, what should someone do to convince you of that?

Assume for a second that there isn't any backdoor, how would an undeniable proof of that look like to you? What can someone do in order to show it to you that would make you say "well i was wrong, there isn't any backdoor"?
>we cant prove youre wrong so just please admit your wrong
>just imagine they cant take your imaginary tokens dude ill bet you cant.
Imagining it right now, but that doesnt suddenly make the reality nsa backdoors go away or even the notion that the government can easily confiscate your crypto without even sending agents to your house.
Cryptocurrency is not a store of value, especially considering updates can cause bitcoins to become corrupted due to not having updated encryptions from being left idle for so long.
>hold crypto for 10 years, waych it balloon
>cold wallets corrupted sorry no refunds
Who are you quoting?
still not what i asked tho!
for me, it's easy! There's an high number of pretty realistic events that would instantly make me say "well i was wrong, there IS a backdoor!". I've already mentioned several.
Now you, what would it take for you to say "well i was wrong, there isn't any backdoor"? What would be a proof strong enough to convince you?
What would you need to witness with your own eyes in order to say "well i was wrong, there isn't any backdoor"?
Can you answer this very simple question or is it literally impossible?
So where the fuck did OP go?

Where are all the pics of the event he's supposedly at?
>if there are no backdoors
If there were no backdoors and thats a big if, i still would not trust cryptocurrency because of the plethora of other ways that it can be easily confiscated by the bad actors. You really think if the truth about backdoors suddenly inverted that i would flip a switch and trust crypto kek
There are tons of other reasons to not trust digital tokens as a store of value.
>woops spilt water on my card illegible
>uhoh left the metal seedphrase tab at starbuks
>network denied, error 500
>device cracked in two, lack of durability
>keylogged while typing in on that random device
Its too easy to lose wealth wth crypto and im not even talking about its value yet.
>with just a seed phrase you can go anywhere
And get have your phrases captured in an instant.
Bitcoin barely even qualifies as credit, and it's definitely not money.
close, but still not what i asked!
i didn't ask you what you would do in that scenario! i asked what a proof of that would look to you

What would be a proof strong enough to convince you?
What would you need to witness with your own eyes in order to say "well i was wrong, there isn't any backdoor"?
>if there are no backdoors
If there were no backdoors and thats a big if, i still would not trust cryptocurrency because of the plethora of other ways that it can be easily confiscated by the bad actors. You really think if the truth about backdoors suddenly inverted that i would flip a switch and trust crypto kek
There are tons of other reasons to not trust digital tokens as a store of value.
>woops spilt water on my card illegible
>uhoh left the metal seedphrase tab at starbuks
>network denied, error 500
>device cracked in two, lack of durability
>keylogged while typing in on that random device
Its too easy to lose wealth wth crypto and im not even talking about its value yet.
>with just a seed phrase you can go anywhere
And get have your phrases captured in an instant.
Bitcoin barely even qualifies as credit, and it's definitely not money.
>captcha lockout
>you must wait before doing this again
>an error occured check if your browser supports cookies and try again
Fucking kek even more reason to not trust the computerjudes with wealth.
>mistyped the captcha (it expired)
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what did he say?
He mentioned software, talked about bitcoin as power projection and said he would make jason lowery the head of national security. He's a full on maxi schizo.
but (SUPPOSING THAT'S THE CASE) what would be a proof strong enough to convince you that there aren't any backdoors?
What would you need to see in order to say "well i was wrong, there isn't any backdoor"?
Are you able to answer this question?
Proof of seizure via hacking into cold wallets
They get seized more often than you think. All they have to do is accuse you of wrongthink and by the time the warrant arrives in the mail, theyve already repossessed the private keys.
There are lawyers than can try to get your wealth back
Crypto is like the dui industry: push for alcohol culture, then pull them over, lawyers get their pay in the charade as well.
If there were no seizures of cold wallets there would be no law firms trying to get them back.
Kek pic related error 502 censorship
>ouyvrey shut down that site immediately or the goym will find out
but (imagining for a second a world in which this is true) what would be a proof strong enough to convince you, right now, that there aren't any backdoors?
What would you need to see in order to say "well i was wrong, there isn't any backdoor"?
Are you able to answer this question?
If shown undeniable proof id say i was wrong just like you stated.
However there is undeniable proof showing that i am correct in stating the fact that the nsa has access to cold wallets via backdoors. The mere existence law firms that exist to try and retrieve bitcoins confiscated from offline wallets should be one of the many red flags about it.
Too many red flags go off when it comes to parking any wealth in crypto, its function is to be astroturfed like tulips.
>imb4 but you have to imagine a scenario not just say youre wrong kek
not what i asked tho! you keep answering me with what you would do, which i don't give a fuck about! That was not the question!
Exactly what event should happen? Can you describe it?
For me it's easy! The NSA could drain my wallet right now and BAAM, i'll instantly admit there was a backdoor. Easy! It could happen any moment!
Do you have any evidence of these seizures occurring without first having the suspect(s) in custody?
I would imagine that they were forced to give up their keys under duress and/or for a reduced sentence.
The law firm thing feels the same as when people are forced to give a confession against their will and then after it's all over, they go back to fight and overturn what was done.
Fucking kek the amount of pilpul. With all of your desperation you're essentially saying its impossible to prove me wrong.
I've witnessed several of my peers lose access to crypto whether thriugh confiscation of assets because the previous bitcoin owner broke the law, account lockouts, outright denial of service, passwords being wrong despite having worked moments before. It's too easy to have your wealth disappear. What you call my bias is me having seen it firsthand several times, the untrustworthyness of bitcoins.
If backdoors didnt exist then they wouldnt exist. Big whoop wealth still not safe, if anything it would skip a day of arguing but thats it kek.
Also drink water right now dude. Take a sip
Please stop asking him.
This is almost like you two arguing about there being a God and you take the side of there being no God, but that you can imagine yourself immediately flipping your position and believing in God once he appears before you/does some miracle that you deem worthy as proof. Whereas to prove that God does not exist is essentially impossible because such a being could exist outside of our system; it would be like NPCs inside a video game trying to prove that human beings outside of their digital world do not exist.
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Crypto is godless troon tokens
Silver is God's money
Simple as
I just explained how it happens without backdoors:
>(a) FBI/NSA/Whoever forces you to give up your keys
>(b) They confiscate your physical shit and you had your keys written down/stored in memory like a dingus
>(c) They reach out to the central exchange with whom you have an account and they take control of your account that way.
Backdoors are not necessary for this to happen.
If someone put a backdoor in a hardware wallet, they would fuck the whole system and would be put away for life. That said, I have no proof that there are no backdoors in hardware wallets and I admit that it is possible that they may exist. However, as I first stated, their existence would undermine the system and fuck everything up -- therefore, I think their existence is highly unlikely.
There are protocols when dealing with confiscated private keys, they are nice enough to split it in 3, nobody even needs to see your handwriting or punchcard when extracting it. The moment you type in the seed pnrase for the first time its logged by the nsa through various channels including but not limited to keyloggers embedded in hardware or backdoors in the encryptions. Its a string of digits not a tangible item there is no need for physical confiscation in the digital realm, its done with buttons. The push for digitization of wealth is to make it easier to confiscate.
How much does a bitcoin weigh, can you draw an accurate depiction of one?
>With all of your desperation you're essentially saying its impossible to prove me wrong.
nope, i'm saying that if even YOU can't imagine something that happens that proves you wrong, that simply means that you will never admit it! And that even IF there was such a proof, you would simply still reject it no matter what! Because you are a fucking idiot!
but that's exactly the point! he's talking about a religious faith, not science.
If you can't even produce a scenario in which you are wrong, then it's impossible to convince you. It means that NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, you'll NEVER admit you are wrong, so it's an impossible task. We are in the realm of faith, there's nothing anyone in the world can do to convince him that there isn't a backdoor. So what are we arguing about? There isn't a single possible way in which he'll change his mind no matter what. We can produce aaany kind of evidence in the world, and it still wouldn't be enough because he himself can't imagine what a proof would look like. So it's just useless, he wouldn't be able to see the truth because he simply won't recognize it as such.
Flat earthers kind of retardation
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>if im wrong then i admit i am wrong
Kek why is this so hard for you tu understand if not for trying to pilpul lies
Backdoors are not even the only vulnerability to crypto. Its one of many, which is why i lack trust in the nsa encryptions. You gotta trust that the nsa wont take your coins and i dont trust the nsa, even if they go on tv and say 1×1=1
Crypto has artificial demand
Silver has artificial supply
Only one of these lands you with something real, the other relies on imagining its safe.
Your scenario
>backdoors exist i was wrong
My scenario
>Ok i admit i was wrong
>nooooo you have to imagine it harder
Kek pilpul exposed.
Crypto bros btfo once again by the silverchad.
>blue screen of death
>but that's exactly the point! he's talking about a religious faith, not science.
I agree with what you're saying, but I don't think his belief is the flat earther's kind of retardation since there is a real possibility of having a backdoor built into hardware wallets or online accounts. However, there is no backdoor in Bitcoin itself. If one were to manually generate a private key, then they are safe unless they fuck up and record it and get it stolen/type it into a machine that has keyloggers/etc.
not what i asked. Just read this again: >>58787428
you are saying "yeah i'll admit i was wrong if something impossible happens", which translates to "i'll never admit i was wrong no matter what".
Is this not what i'm saying? Ok then, describe to me the event or events that would lead to you to admitting you are wrong.
>However, there is no backdoor in Bitcoin itself.
Really? But SHA-256 was published by the NSA, and we know the NSA puts backdoors in their algorithm. So, prove to me that there's no backdoor in BTC. Suppose i don't know jack shit about crypto and coding in general. How would you do it?
Get some bbq ribs
Crypto bros must really believe that the earth is not a globe kek
The earth is round
Crypto is fake and gay
Silver is money
God exists
wrong, not the same and not what i asked.
my scenario (or to be precise, one of them) was:
>the NSA drains my wallet using the backdoor
what's yours? very simple question. What are the events that would lead you to that conclusion ("there's no backdoor")? I'm not asking about the second part, i'm asking about the first.
See this post again for lulz it seemed to cause you to short circuit
Theres proof crypto is confiscated and it leads to a logical assumption of the truth that there are nsa backdoors into nsa encryptions. Otherwise there wouldnt be confiscated coins, like the "inention" of crypto
but they already answered it >>58787460
Did you even eat breakfast today?
>Suppose i don't know jack shit about crypto and coding in general.
Have the person learn; if they aren't intelligent enough to understand, fuck 'em
>The earth is round
>Crypto is fake and gay
>Silver is money
>God exists
These are all true.
*Bitcoin isn't "crypto"
yeah i've told him multiple times that he could study and just review the code himself
sadly, he won't even start with his reading comprehension exercises, which he would desperately need
So how much does a bitcoin weigh again and can you accurately depict what it looks like
I think they look like this, but weigh nothing, which is why its not a proper store of value, at best its merely credits that get cancelled through constant updates. I would not trust holding any bitcoins because you cannot hold 1's and 0's however they can be copied over and through brute force of that, spending is locked out, no refunds.
>transfer cancelled
>wealth transfered to sam bankman or mark karpeles
>red screen of death
>coins given back a years later and worth less
>captcha yyyya
>So how much does a bitcoin weigh again
how much does facebook weight
how much does google.com weight
how much does 4chan weight
how much does the ability to speak 15 languages weight
so they are all worthless? you really can't understand how software (or even a service) can have value in 2024?
how much does the internet weight and can you accurately depict what it looks like?
yeah, must be worthless then. And still, how much are you paying for it every single month to shitpost here?
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>how many faceberks for that
>how much is it worth to speak 15 languages
this is a sears & roebucks, im just trying to buy some drill bits do you speak 15 languages congrats but youre trying to conflate the intangible with the tangible.
An idea is not divisible like coinage or even cash, which is why things like art or bitcoins are not money, barely credits or money laundering schemes as its been noted earlier; the demand is entirely artificial and you neglect the fact that to even spend crypto requires physical networks and specialized hardware, otherwise its portability aspect is canceled and wasteful. Its worse than a credit card because its less reliable and takes longer to spend than visa mastercard, all with the same lack of security
>inb4 muh cold storage
Red screen of death, neglecting the need for internet for use, network outage, low battery.
>but dude let me charge my my device i swear it has value in there its too dark to use my 2'3' solar panel
To be fair the things you listed besides speaking 15 languages are worthless ljelj
>software piracy is wrong just dont do it
>service required just to access your wealth
>service to spend it
Well ill tell you hwhat, lets both put down our monthly internet bill amount and whoever has the cheaper one, ill start using that one
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>the internet is money dude because it's just an idea for just like money is
Your pilpul led to this, thats it, Im posting the chart of the definition of money: currency olympics
>software piracy is wrong just dont do it
go ahead, pirate facebook
let me know how it goes
you still want i tho. Why? It doesn't even weight anything and you can't depict it. I tought those 2 properties were super important for value!
Why are you paying for something you can't even touch? Are you stupid or something?
it's even secure. Try to google what does the "s" after "http" mean (but not freak out!)
i meant *it's NOT even secure
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Well said. Poojeet brownoid ID can't comprehend you.
>56 women
kek that is way too high wtf
bitcoin is the fed, silver ends the fed.
is "lel" your answer to this?
>Why are you paying for something you can't even touch?
why is the internet valuable even if it has no mass? try to think about it
>how many internets for that steak
In all the push for bitcoin is to remove the physicality of wealth. If you go to a reataurant and pay in silver coinage, you can skip the merchantfees on the credit card, no gas fees or wait times. Bitcoin is a money laundering pyramid scheme for the federal reserve. Digitally minted dollars back the value of bitcoin. Cash deposits of fiat in banks are what backs the digital bank dollars backing the value of bitcoin. For every fiat dollar, there exists 2000 digital doofus dollars
dump or pump during the speech? what'll BlackRock and friends do on Monday?
found the fattie, hehehe
become >>>/fit/and unburdened by what you have been

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