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I'm looking for someone to review my new mobile application.

It is called "Bitcoin Hunts" and It tries to find private keys of abandoned bitcoin wallets randomly. You can find bitcoin inside the wallet in a low chance. There will be no fee and I'm doing this just for fun.

But I want to release this in Google Playstore but it said I need testers to publish this app. Please help me out. If you are interested, contact me in insaneutils@gmail.com with your email(I need to register your email as a tester.)

Thank you
wtf it stole my wallet
No it isn't
Your wallet will be safe :)
thanks for playing
Your little help will really helpful :)
so you are making a game.. a kind of gambling game i am guessing?
people do something to pretend they are opening 'abandoned' btc wallets. you put in some RNG that they find between 0.00001- 0.0001 btc or something. 10 searches a day then watch x advertisements watched for more searches.
This project is more like a treasure hunt on the internet than gambling. The difference between gambling and this project is that the participants do not have to bet or lose money, there is always a winning percentage, and the administrator (in the case of gambling, it is the casino, in the case of this project, it is me) does not take a fee and there is no middleman. The ultimate goal of this project is to find the numerous 50BTC created by Satoshi Nakamoto and make the blockchain fluid again. This project will be open sourced, so you can improve the performance yourself or check if the app is a scam or not. I will release a GitHub repository along with the release. Thank you for your interest :)
and what is the point of the application? are you planning on using the combined pool of peoples phones as a power source to 'hack' into wallets?
what happens if you someone somehow 'finds' the 50btc? who claims it?
also, how do you even define an abandoned wallet.
Nope there will be only individuals. This project follows the guidelines of abandoned Bitcoin wallet from blockchian.com. You can unlock this by editing my code that will be open sourced, but I don't recommend that as that can be a problem. As there are no middleman or pool, someone who finds it claims all the bitcoins inside the wallet. If you want more information about this, I suggest you to read similar project; cryptoguru. This project uses pool to brute force BTC wallet, but I think it will be helpful :)
can i use proton? as an email
Invitation mail will includes link to Google playstore. I'm not sure if proton mail would work, but I recommend you to create new google account and use it temporary.
Sounds illegal.
It isn't :)
Please read
keys.lol and privatekeys.pw already exists.
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Oldest trick in the book

If this actually worked there would be 0 reason for OP to share this with anyone else. No you can't have my Bitcoin OP
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Pajeet hands typed this.
Nice try scamming Dhavindaranamesh.
The goal of this project is not to make money, but to find Satoshi Nakamoto's bitcoins and prove the robustness of the hash algorithm. In theory, brute force techniques should work, but it is a different matter to prove it by doing it. The proof is that I'm releasing the code as open source and do not take any profits from the bitcoins that people find. I want to find better security techniques or hash decay algorithms through this project. Isn't finding Satoshi Nakamoto's bitcoins exciting in itself?
>Conveniently ignores my post that has sites that have existed for years that do the same thing without downloading a shitty phone app
Fun idea that as someone else said, is also being done by a couple other open websites.

I personally won't join the test as it's bad opsec. Maybe try shilling a bit on x or plebbit.
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it's literally impossible to randomly find wallets with btc on them
Retard doesn’t know just how big the set of all possible addresses is. Your could have millions of computers generating seed phrases all day every day for centuries and never generate an address used by anyone else, never mind targeting a specific address. The supporting evidence for this is as follows: no one has fucking done it, because the key space is literally that big
so keys.lol but on a gay app for...some reason?
This. Good on you for making a fun hobby project OP.
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Lmao even
>gay app for...some reason?
Retarded and poor Filipino kids have android phones, that's why. To make it profitable OP needs to put ads on it or a possibility for the users to input their own seeds (making it a wallet recovery "app" where OP can steal any found wallets). Computation can't be done on phones because a brute force script needs a list of all used Bitcoin wallets, which is some 10-20 GBs of data and no one will download that. Also phones are way too slow and people will realize this. Better to not have any scripts actually running because it will use too much phone battery (or electricity on OPs servers), the chances of guessing a correct seed are infinitesimally small like every midwit ITT has pointed out. Just have great visuals where an increasing number on the app goes up, something like "17,578,184 Bitcoin wallets scanned" with a smooth loading animation. Poor retards will be hooked, thinking they have a chance to find millions while they get shown 20 ads every hour lol.
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Why limit it to lost wallets? Btw they already use cold waIlets as coIlateral for loans for cash as dark pools for slush funds. Backdoors and keylogging allow thrm direct access so you buy the coin, then they resell it.
Idle wallet comminginling into decentralized assets aka hedge funds.
>idle wealth is just sitting there and well, we feel a bit obligated to ensure its value so its commingled into index funds that generate a return
Oh wow nice so does the wallet see any interest?
>what do you mean you dont want to donate toisrael?
Entirely legal due to rehypothecation laws, they are obligated.
>guys they cant break the encryptions hehe
Meanwhile over a decade ago, edward snowden leaked out that the nsa encryptions have backdoor generated keys to access offline wallets and even lock the depositor out
>edward snowden leaked out that the nsa encryptions have backdoor
yes, thank god no cryptocurrency uses any of those algorithms! also thank god that BTC code is fully open source, so a backdoor would quickly be seen by anyone looking at it
>generated keys to access offline wallets
this never ever happened. Please post any sources that says the NSA successfully used a backdoor to get BTC from a cold wallet
so you're saying there's a chance
Paid crypto advocates are seething.
super cool! and do you also know what "published" means?
Paid crypto advocates are seething
>ouyvrey dont you know what this word means, ignore the other word before it ouyvrey
The nsa designed and published the encryptions used by cryptocurrencies. Edward snowden exposed the backdoors while everyrabbin was promising there wasnt such a means.
>holographic snowden avatar
that super nice! but what does "published" mean in your opinion?
The nsa Designed and published the encryptions used by cryptocurrencies. I do not trust the nsa. Simple as. No amount of pilpul will detract from the fact that they are bad faith actors.
that's incredible! your mind is like a volcano! there's just a little thing i don't understand, when you say
>The nsa [...] published
what do you mean with that word, "published"? What does it mean for an algorithm to be published?
Note their desperation at this point. When shown the truth, they flip out into damage control mode.
Note how they dont want you focusing on how the nsa both designed and published.
Hes trying to use the definition of a word to somehow prove that the nsa released all the tricks up their sleeve because published means released to the public. Why would they announce they have backdoors to access wallets? Edward snowden literally leaked the info about this because that info wasnt openly available. Lmao shills want you to get caught up in their word play.
Imagine thinking the nsa is trustworthy.
Crypto nerd btfo, all they have is pilpul to convince people to buy into intangible tokens.
>b-b-ut published means they are totally transparent nowww please buy my bags
Its almost as if the definition that the shill wants you to look up completely takes the nsa off the hook
>waves his dictionary
>see see the word means they're scott free of any wrongdoings
woah, almost there!!
imagine that a chef publishes the recipe of their best cake! it's delicious! if you just follow the recipe, you can make one yourself!!
but now, right at the end, the recipes says this
>and then, add 50ml of human blood
that doesn't sound very cool!!!!
how much time do you think it would take to other professional chefs (or even yourself! the recipe is public, anyone can see it!) to see that there's something wrong?
hmm, maybe it's written in a very small font? but that sounds soo strange!! other chefs, which are not the original one, couldn't just take the recipe but remove the human blood part??? do you think that's possible??
or do you think the other chefs literally take the recipe to the letter and "implement" it no question asked? this sounds realistic for you? not a problem! you can look at the code and see it for yourself because that's how open source works!! pretty neat, isnt' it??
this stuff really makes you think! i understand it's a lot, take all the time you need!
>Why would they announce they have backdoors
that's the cool part!!
just like the chef doesn't need to "announce" there is blood in his cake, if the recipe is public, anyone in the world can read it for themselves!!!
isn't that incredibly cool?? what a fantastic world we live in! :)
False equivalency, crypto is not confectionary
>adding to it
>not subtracting
Nice try with your well poisoning.
Heres a real counter to your bullshit though
>chef skims off top
>doesn't give it back
Not trusting the imaginary made up values, using NSA encryptions and backed by the feds digital currency printing. Triple fiat.
wooo slow down, champion!! nothing of what you wrote makes sense!! :)
when something is public, anyone in the world can look at it and see if there's something wrong! You don't even need to be a chef or strictly a programmer, you just need a CS degree to understand SHA-256! That's super cool if you think about! Open source really is a blessing!
>chef skims off top
wooooah that would be a cool analogy if the chef gave you the cake directly!! but that's NOT what happening, don't you agree? the chef doesn't give you the assembled (closed source) cake in this example, it just gives you the recipe!!!! so even you can see if there are mistakes of fishy stuff! THAT REALLY IS AWESOME!!! :)
Also your example is retarded and falls apart because peple eating your bullshit wouldnt know it got them sick until later on, recipes can be easily altered and edited for the bakers liking. Crypto relies on pilpul and fallacy as a means of tricking naive investors i to trusting the institutions that are actively going against their interests.
Cryptonerds think the federal reserve and larry fink are the good guys fucking kek
At least pic related is a good enough warning for those actually aware.
>Also your example is retarded and falls apart because peple eating your bullshit wouldnt know it got them sick until later on
And that's why no one trusts closed source software written by the nsa!! That would be the equivalent of getting the cake, already done and assembled by the chef!!
But if you just have the RECIPE, then you can analyze it yourself BEFORE making the cake!!! Isn't that super cool?? :)
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>guys the nsa encryptions are like a recipe and you bake your own code with it
10/10 pilpul
Cryptocurrency was designed to distract people from tangible wealth. You get digits, they cash out and buy real assets. Literally the tulips of today
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you are as retarded as you are schizophrenic, kid.
I'm not going to help you search for a grain of sand in the desert.
your idea is stupid. try another one.
EXACTLY!!! That's PRECISELY how algorithms work!!!
Did you know that algorithms are literally just recipes? They don't even need code!!!!! You can write an algorithm using natural language!!!!
Isn't that super nice, the very definition of what an algorithm is??? A sequence of instructions!! Just like the recipe of a cake!!! :)
How much stuff we learn on 4chan everyday!!!! :)
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Funny how they truly believe the desert analogy when its values on a screen borrowed away the moment cash goes in.
Borrowing from cold wallets is entirely legal and encouraged by the SEC.
>Borrowing from cold wallets is entirely legal
super cool!! but that's impossibile!!!! :)))
If you want to know the actual scale of what they’re trying to do, it goes even beyond finding a grain of sand in the desert. consider if every grain of sand on earth was in fact an exact replica of earth, with all 7.5 billion human inhabitants. The bitcoin address space is large enough that each of these 7.5 billion humans on every single 7.5x10^18, in other words, 7500000000000000000, or 7.5 quintillion, earths could have several billion bitcoin addresses with not one being reused. Enough bitcoin addresses such that if every person on these 7.5 quintillion earths lived to be 100, they would have 110 bitcoin addresses for every second they have lived.
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>guys the thieves that made the E-vault surely wont take your crypto from your cold wallet, they promised its impossibIe!
Cope and seethe cohen, not buying imaginary wealth.
>they promised its impossibIe!
that's the neat part!!! if the recipe is public, you don't have to trust the chef anymore, you can just read the recipe directly!!!!!
if something looks wrong in the recipe, the chef can just decide to not implement it!!! It's super neat! :)
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yes I understand the true magnitude but thought a grain of sand in the desert might be something our retarded OP could wrap his developing adolescent brain around
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The paid crypto advocate is trying to pilpul enceyptions to be equivalent to some recipe that you can glance over, meanwhile theres code piled upon code
>but im an expert i didnt see it
Kek biggest top signal
>they totally released it to the public
>ignore master hacker edward snowdens exposing of the faults, just ignore that thinl about sugary bread instead!!!
Even further top signal.
Then the other one in here
>guys number topology is totally a desert
Lmao eben
>ignore master hacker edward snowdens
but didn't you post an article yesterday that said that anyone who looked at the code was SUSPICIUS and it DIDN'T MAKE ANY SENSE, spotting the backdoor quickly?????? :)
>theres code piled upon code
NO THERE'S NOT! :)))))))) you can look a the sha algorithm yourself!!!! because the algorithm has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE CODE just like a recipe has nothing to do with a baked cake!!! They are two different things!!!! :))))
Open source allows anyone to analyze the code!!! Let's imagine how many CS people looked at the BTC code to find any vulnerability so they could get rich!!! They really must be a lot, right???? Because if any vulnerability is found in the code, that would make that CS person immensively rich!!!!! So they must be reeeeeeeeeeeally incentivized to look at aaaaaaaaaaaaall the code and spot backdoors and whatnot!!! This is how open source works!! :)
Hmm, is it as good as fizen? Wanna be able to use my crypto gains to pay for my shit now, like I use fun through this one
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it looks like it says that CS people that look at code IMMEDIATELY becomes suspicious if something is not right!!!!
It really sounds like a good idea to have the BTC code analyed by different people ALL OVER THE WORLD so something like that can immediately be discovered!!!! THANK GOD THIS IS HOW IT WORKS ALREADY!!! :)
The maths behind SHA256 have been extensively studied by mathematicians and cryptographers for many years and no particularly effective attacks have been demonstrated. It has been formally verified, and implemented independently many times by people completely unrelated to the NSA and is not particularly hard to implement yourself (I have done it). There is no secret sauce that the NSA could have to help with pre image or collision attacks. We’re not about encryption or poisoning the PRNG (which the NSA have done, they are not to be trusted)
you are using words that are waaaaaay too big for him
good luck tho, i had some fun yesterday
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Post related. This is who they claim is
looking into it. Thats when you got btfo yesterday kek the threads still up, you tried pulling the same pilpul here too but it didnt work either time.
Also the other means of cryptocurrency theft comes from the usage of ledgers as collateral, cold wallets generate multiple tributes of cash flow, its literally bought then borrowed and resold to the next investor.
>trust the nsa and buy my bags
Kek no thanks, silver and gold are real money.
>ignore what Snowden released
>trust these "experts" though
Kek plain and simple what you're trying to derail.
>>trust the nsa
you don't have to if the code is open source
who posted it originally literally doesn't mean shit, because you can just take it, read it and implement it for yourself
>the threads still up
yeah and i'm sorry for you, you really made gold look terrible
>This is who they claim is
open source code is open to anyone in the world. BTC code is analyzed constantly simply because the first to find a vulnerability becomes rich, so you can believe it is.
And of course about the sha algorithm you still haven't understand what that is. You keep blabbering about things you don't know anything about instead of doing the reading comprehension exercises like i told you. That's a bad look for you man, you should take care of yourself
you still don't understand that snowden and the experts quoted in the red parts are on the same team. The experts are saying that the code was clearly suspicious and it didn't make any sense outside of putting a backdoor in it. Do you understand the english words i'm writing?
This is lack of reading comprehension, simple as that. Go do your exercises
>comparing a traceable network history of "wallets" to a grains of sand in the desert
Lol you guys got btfo and its laughable that you're still trying to derail from the fact that edward snowden exposed the backdoors. Doesn't matter how strong an encryption is if theres a back door which was guaranteed to be hidden from the public until a dude became fed up with it and decided to expose it.
>but im a proogramer doode trust me
>these indie fact checkers said its trustworthy
>these indie fact checkers said its trustworthy
you don't trust them? study and look at the code by yourself. That's the beauty of open source. Anyone can read it. You don't even have to be a coder or a mathematician to understand sha-256, it really is pretty simple, like the other anon said.
And if you find a backdoor or a way to break it, well done, you are rich. Sounds like a pretty good incentive for those indie developers, no?
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>irs offers 630k to break some shitcoin encryptions
Kek very rewarding why not just pay them with the crypto fucking extremely top signal kek
Bitcoin to 4.3 cents, but dont worry due to turbo deflation that wont be nothing.
>edward snowden exposed the backdoors
boeing was exposed, so you don't fly anymore? flying as a whole isn't safe anymore?
show me the backdoors in BTC code
>is if theres a back door
it gets spotted very quickly if the code is public
>which was guaranteed to be hidden from the public
for this to happen, the code must not be public. Pretty simple really. Can you tell me how to hide code from the public while i'm literally publishing all the code? that would be neat actually, if you have any idea please tell me
do you know what an oxymoron is? it's something like "hidden public code". Impossible, contradictory. Go do your exercises, you need them for real
>irs offers 630k to break some shitcoin encryptions
wut? i'm not referring to that. I mean that if someone finds a vulnerability in BTC code, they'll likely become the richest person on earth, or close. By using that vulnerability for themselves, not with some prize lmao
>haha wut i was only pretending to be retarded
Fucking kek btfo again, now i wonder where all those guys with funny hatts got all that cash. How many devices are you posting from there bud9?
i wrote
>And if you find a backdoor or a way to break it, well done, you are rich. Sounds like a pretty good incentive for those indie developers, no?
and you replied with
>irs offers 630k to break some shitcoin encryptions
this makes no sense. If you find a vulnerability in btc code (or sha-256 for all that matters) you can become way more rich by exploiting that vulnerability for yoursefl than with any prize (that i wasn't aware of).
You are 100% brainless. Go do your exercises
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Kek'ing at how much this meme makes paid crypto advocates seethe
>but you'd be so weaIthy if you did it
Just because you or me can't find the backdoor doesn't mean its not there.
>go exercise
Is the new
>take meds
Ill tellya hwhat
Get a life fbi
Not today NSA
Thats enough jidf
Slow your roll interpol
Your tricks dont work on me kgb
I know your a fraud and a pilpul mossad
Decent attempt at obscurity homeland security.
>much this meme
i don't think anyone on this board is opening your pictures man, not me for sure
>Just because you or me can't find the backdoor doesn't mean its not there.
yes, thank god it's not just me and you and the code is open source for all the world to see. Including a lot of CS people that would like, you know, to become incredibly rich, so they have all the interest in doing it
>go exercise
>Is the new
>take meds
oh, so you mean other people already tried to help you. That should tell you something at this point.
Go do your exercises
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Crypto nerds btfo again
dude, no one reads or even opens your pictures.
Go do your reading comprehension exercises
>mentions his insult 3x before
>forgets he did itt
Paid crypto advocates btfo
what did i forget? you can see it's the same IP, that's me. I'm not forgetting anything, i'm repeating it: go do your reading comprehension exercises. It's for your own good. Then, take your meds
>Oh no he quoted himself a day later
Yeah? And my if my id didnt change id still be quoting how my post made you go nuts, you claim to be going in circles around me but youre just spinning yourself like a top.
There are vulnerabilities that have been taken advantage of for digitally printed currency via the federal reserve. Edward snowden exposed a means to an end and you are sitting here whining about how its impossible because you are the damage control lmao eben
Following me from thread to thread fucking kek
Double eben
crypto encryptions have backdoors
>omg take your meds you need more mental fortitude
The state of paid crypto advocates
Self check
>crypto encryptions have backdoors
a backdoor in a closed source implementation of an algorithm doens't mean that all the algorithms in the world have backdoors anon. That becomes practically impossible if the code is open source.
can you tell me what's hard to understand in this concept?
if you find a spoiled apple you stop eating all the fruits?
>if theres poo in the milk do you cut off that supplier
Double /thread.
but the supplier in this case is not giving you the milk with poo, it only gave you the recipe to that
you (and also the rest of the world) can look at the recipe before actually doing it, and if there's something wrong, you just use something else
can you tell me what's hard to understand in this concept?
Crypto bros truly believe that nsa grade encryptions were designed with their brst intentions in mind. Dont be suspicious though
but you don't have to trust the publisher or their intentions if you can just read the code yourself because it's public
once something is published is not hidden anymore, anyone with a CS degree all over the world can spot a backdoor
it the nsa says "2+2=4" you stop believing that as well?
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Windows Defender detected malware
No womder you were so focused on the word definition, to put it in peoples mind that somehow the definition forces the nsa to reveal the encryption's backdoor right off the bat
>well the fact checkers said so
Kek silly paid crypto advocate
which fact checkers? you mean cs people all over the world? also you don't have to trust them, just study and read the code yourself
that's the beauty of open source
>forces the nsa to reveal the encryption's backdoor right off the bat
if you public the code the backdoor will be there
if it's not there, then it's not in the code
they don't have to ""reveal"" anything if the code is literally just there, anyone can check it for themselves
that's the beauty of open source
do you understand this concept or not?
>backdoors would be easy to find for anyone that studies dude so you just need to study harder and buy my bags too
if the code is open source then yes, they are pretty easy to find
in your own article it said very clearly: the code was suspicious from the start and didn't make any sense if there weren't a backdoor
btc code is so important that it's surely under constant scrutiny by people all over the world, for obvious reasons
>scheier and kocher are the independent fact checkers
Yeah your whole imaginary house of cards just fell apart. Crypto advocates exposed once again
I will repeat this for the retards with double digit IQs. Sha-256 is a hashing algorithm, NOT an encryption algorithm. It is extremely well understood
>scheier and kocher are the independent fact checkers
WHO?? the code is open source, everyone can look at it and analyze it, not just your "fact checker" lul
and you can be pretty sure that's what happens all the time, because the first to spot a vulnerability can exploit it to become immensenly rich
so it's safe to assume it's under constant scrutiny by the whole world
You actually may have a chance if people used really bad seeds, like generated from a RNG seeded with the time, you could brute force it using all the milliseconds from 2009+ or something, basically like dictionary brute forcing passwords. Problem is anyone with large amounts of bitcoin in wallets after early 2010s is probably is probably using good software that properly generates seeds, and those who didn't probably already got their bitcoin hacked. So its still really unlikely but not entirely impossible. Probably a waste of time.
Holding crypto long term is asking for it to get confiscated via outdated codes.
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>cryptos gone
>no refunds
Wallets now are much more likely to be safe vs back in early 2010s. People put a lot more effort into getting good entropy now too, vs back when bitcoin was worthless you may have just used any RNG, and then not realized it wasn't safe. I would be only be an issue for very old wallets.

Like I said tho, all the unsafe wallets have probably already been hacked, but there is a slight chance you could find one.
android phones have web browsers. itd be easier (and work on more phones) to just try and reskin keys lol with a twist and put your ads there
Bitcoin is a pyramid scheme money laundering program for the federal reserve, produced by the nsa.
Why not just actually mine btc? You'd be trillions and trillions more likely to randomly find the next block than to stumble on someone else's wallet.
How can you tell the difference between an abandoned wallet and a wallet someone is just holding long term?
If it actually worked Bitcoin would lose it's value.
If someone can just take your bitcoin, why is it worth anything?
you just need a password and an OTP code to login in your bank account
much much easier than stealing btc

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