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Financially speaking, this was the best decision I ever made.

I work remote in the US and was a poorfag but then decided to move to Argentina without telling them, topkek. For Argentina with my salary I am a richfag. I invest my extra money that I save into frog coins, so once the bull market is in full force I'll make it and can also live like a richfag for way cheaper than I could live like a poorfag in the US. I also escaped having to deal with disgusting US women and got a QT white Argie GF who loves me and cooks for me all the time and wants to give me lots of babies. Once we get married, I will also get Argie and Eurofag citizenship, so I'll basically be able to do whatever I want.

So, why are you suffering in the US pussy prison and not geomaxxing anons?
>disgusting Us women
Southerner problem
If you didn’t tell anyone you moved then how did you explain the adress change? Also aren’t they still deducting state taxes from your paycheck?
Cope. Even in NYC where there are women who look good they have the most disgusting attitudes imaginable and have all taken 30 miles of BBC.

Argentina if you have a US passport you can basically just go there as a tourist indefinitely and either leave for a day and come back every three months or you just pay like a $20 fine for overstaying and they don't really do anything topkek. I have my address in the US listed as a family member's house in a no income tax state that I lived in before I left, so I don't even have to pay state capital gains taxes. Since I've got a solid girl now I want to start a life with, I'm looking into actually getting residency here. You really just need to sign some stuff and pay like $14 a month in taxes on your rent and show them your bank account that you have a certain amount of cash I think. I would just keep my US residence the same and pay US taxes normally like I do now.
Also yes, they do unfortunately take state income taxes out of my check, but my residence is in separate state as my job. They knew this before I left the country, so there is no real danger of them asking me to drive into the office for some Christmas party or anything because they know I need to take a flight to get to where my job is anyway.
hablo espanol? i'd like to do this but don't speak a lick
Now that I've been here a while I speak a little. I'm actively learning it. I know enough to get around and stuff, but I'm not fluent. I knew a lot less when I first came here though. A lot people here speak English very well, Argies speak way better English than any other Spanish speaking country.
What salary in Usd makes you rich
Donde te quedas, anon? B.A?

Im doing the same shit lmao. Do you have a vpn setup back home?
If you didn't lock down a woman already you basically lost. If you're under 23 this might not apply but the clock is ticking.
yo, tell me about argentina. im thinking of relocated when it is winter in northern hemisphere. any nice suburbs outside beunos aires? is the quality of meat and produce nice? is it third world tier in ways i wont find out about until getting there? I heard Brazil doesnt even have the ability to flush tp so they throw poopy paper in the washroom bin. i cant handle stuff like that.
> I also escaped having to deal with disgusting US women and got a QT white Argie GF

youre posting sam hyde in the year 2024 so youre probably really disgusting yourself
No flushing tp is all of latam, anon.

It’s the third world, but probably the most developed/bang for your buck.

You will miss creature comforts like dishwashers/dryers, but life seems to go by slower there. Just don’t be a retard and go into the villa with all your fancy tech out and you should be fine. Argies are based- if you watched the simpsons/dbz/spongebob youll have common ground
are you telling me wealthy argentines dont have dishwashers and dryers? literally the all that is left is australia or NZ for livable southern hemisphere countries ????
>doesnt even have the ability to flush tp so they throw poopy paper in the washroom bin. i cant handle stuff like that.
Because you're supposed to wash your ass like a proper person try it some time disgusting fuck.
It depends on where you live, you may not be rich rich but can live right in the city in a cool neighborhood and eat out every day and still save money. I may less that $80k, true poorfag for US standards.

Yeah, I'm in BA. Honestly it's probably my favorite city to live in. The longer people stay here the more they always like it.

I got one here anon. I would rope if I had to date in the US.

There are nice suburbs outside, also shitty ones. But it's much better to live in the city. You have no idea how much BA mogs US cities. It has a Euro kind of feel to it. As for flushing, not only can you flush TP, but a bidet comes standard in basically any place you will stay. I feel like I'm living in a cave now when I visit family in the US and don't have it. Truly a superior pooping experience.

They do in houses a lot of the time, but they aren't quite as standard as in the US. It's relatively cheap to pay someone to wash, dry, and fold all your clothes though.
he doesnt know whats coming, kek
geomaxxing is a pain in the ass:
>no permanent visa
>weird foreign language
>third world bullshit
But yes, it saves you money and maybe gets you laid
Frogmaxxers are GMI, doubly so if they relocate t South America
whats the quality of life in Argentina? if another scamdemic happens you are going to be forced to take whatever bullshit they force. Burger land suck but you have some rights

I love old Sam Hyde. Now he wants to make money by appealing to zoomers with reality tv.
This is why I don't do it. You need to leave basically every country, every 3 months. They make it very annoying. And usually to start a business it's not exactly cheap and there are often strings attached like renting office space for no reason. I'd almost consider moving to Japan. Not to save money but just to be around a civilized culture. It's like 30k for a business visa, but you need office space and must hire 1 person. Currently that's a bit out of reach for me. If I ever really get financial freedom I'll probably just find a tourist visa or maybe a language learning visa if it exists and then just contract out work.
I don’t work remote I’m too stupid
I make 1700 a month.
Keep it real with me anon, can I make it in Argentina?
wealthy people dont have to do any of that stuff
Lol what? If anything South America is rather more flexible with vaxxing than the US.
nigga i dont believe this one bit.
you do if want to pick up medication or food from your local grocery store. Having money doesnt completely insulate you.
You're based, anon. Don't take shit from anyone here. God bless you and your successes in life.

If you are for real white and not Argentina white you need to stay out of parks and get off the street before dark. No phones out or jewelery. There is a bunch of Amerindian and Hatian human garbage around harrassing people. The women are almost white passing and have no future. They will be happy to put you in the baby cage.
i learned this lesson the hard way and havent looked back since. cant believe i used to walk around with a dirty bum.
is it true that all Argie girls do anal?
What’s your plan if you get laid off and have to get a poor people 3rd world wagie job
You mean the furthest country away from any potential nukes?

Just marry a fat cunt bro.

Based and frogpilled.

Anon the best part about South America is that whenever the government passes authoritarian laws, you can get away with no obeying them because it's South America. That is unironically the best place you can be for this reason.

Argentina in particular is very easy to stay on a tourist visa forever.

If you live like in a modest area maybe you can do it.

Thanks fren.

I almost never see any blacks at all here.

My GF won't, but most hookers will. They will bitch and moan and not let you if you have a big dick though.

I would just get another burger job, even if for less money. I have very good job security though.
>. That is unironically the best place you can be for this reason.
i dont not believe this. I dont understand how you can think this. Care to elaborate further? how are the woman, not looking for a super model just young and will stay with me till i die and not fuck me over
Essentially, in South America, you can actually get away with not following laws. In the US the government is very powerful and can very easily destroy you if you don't follow every law to a T. Argentina for example has for many years had two separate exchange rates. One official government rate and a black market "blue dollar" rate that is illegal. Even though it is illegal this is what everyone uses and is the rate that even credit cards give now. In other parts of LatAm, Colombia for example, they were partying during lockdowns and daring cops to stop them, topkek. If you are from the US, I don't think you can comprehend the level of freedom that you have in South America.
whats gun ownership like?
Currently very few people have guns, but I think you are allowed to get a shotgun with paperwork. Houses are built like castles with bars on windows though so it isn't like living in a paper house in the US. That said the new president is a lobert and has said he wants to make it easier to own guns.
Do argies care about age gaps? Can I get an 18 year old gf at 33 over there?
>under 23
You need to lockdown a wife by the time she is 18. You can be much older but if she’s over 20 then it’s too late
They care more than other latin countries but less than any angloid country. You could maybe pull it off. If you want a girl that's 18 I guess Colombia would maybe be better, but you better speak fluent Spanish.
nigga 18 would be shit. id be happy with mid to lat twenties. would have to be a religious repressed country though
oddly enough i just met a guy who spent over a year in arg during the pandemic. not in BA but a smaller city. he said it great. surprised me too.
1) Don't have a job that can be 100% WFH
2) The countries that are on or near my time zone are in Africa (Not getting up at 2am for a meeting).
3) I don't want AIDS
>They care more than other latin countries but less than any angloid country
why do they care more? what if you're rich
based, i moved to uruguay which is like argentina but the people are more chill and the economy isnt going to shit every single month, all i do every day is playing panda roll, getting hookers, going to bars to meet girls, i feel like im in my twenties again
I thought Uraguay was pretty expensive? Even comparable to USA standards? Hard to geomaxx if the dollar doesnt buy a better life here. Am I mistaken? How are the women here, I have heard they look like ugly italians haha.
>why do they care more
They are more white, with the problems that come with that. I think the poorer the girl the less she would care you are old, but the worse her English would be.

Based, I did this in Argentina. There is so much more freedom in this part of the world burgers have no idea.

That's what I've heard too. Uruguay is basically just a tiny expensive Argentina. As for the women, I imagine they look like Argentinians. I haven't been to Italy so can't really compare, but I do think they look Italian. The women aren't as drop dead pretty as a place like a Poland or Ukraine or something, but the average girl is pretty cute, there is no shortage of decent looking girls, very few fatties like the US. Definitely much better than anywhere in North America.
Any anons in Thailand?
>They are more white, with the problems that come with that.
Europeans are white and don't care at all about age gaps. are argies heavily americanized?
i geo maxxed too.

i can live like a king dor 24,000 usd a year in colombia
They won't let me work remote. They demand I come in 1 day a week. Also my mom is a fucking retard and loaded up on credit card debt and her social security isn't enough to pay the bills so I have to live with her or else she'll lose everything. 35 year old virgin btw. I fantasize about blowing my brains out 8 times a day minimum. I went to college. I got the degree. I got the good job. All so I can be a cuck living at home paying my retarded mom's amazon credit card bills.
lol im 35 and its great to go out with 19 20 year olds. , they actually really want a green card so they are on their absolute best behavior its amazing.

obviously i convince them that amerca is collapsing and colombia will be the next world superpower lol . i impregnated 2 girls already and they will be taken care of. they will have the babies in colombia, im going to love my colombian family.

your results may vary. i speak fluent spanish and i have been dating women since 2008 and meeting women off the internet and i do very well with women in america.. in america i used to do alot of online dating,.. so i kill it in colombia... pic related, just cute girls drama free and no they are not prostitutes. i meet their families, i get to know them on a deep deep level, i live in colombia long term so it all develops naturally.

sure sometimes these girls meet foreigners off tinder, but the foreiengers got no game.
save money bro, learn spanish, take a 3 month trip to colombia. peru. thailand. whereever. you wont regret it.

meet locals. have them share what they love with you, have them take you to their neighborhoods. have them show you around, take one to a trip to the coast. she will take care of you as long as you just pay. she can handle all the interactions if you dont speak any spanish.

out of all the girls i met, about 50 in three months all girls wanted to take care of me. all wanted to please me, all complimented me, all want to keep seeing me. all girls took me to differnet parts of colombia.

the nature is amazing i would feel like i was in the video game farcry with all the ray tracing.
literal bot
bro im 35 and when i go to the house to meet the parents of some of this 19 year old they dont even care.

i met this girls dad and not once did he act hostile, i was really cool, tho, also im kinda attractive so that helps in people treating you better. the daughter straight up told him"dad this is the guy that i stayed the night with on saturday" LMAOOOO

maybe they like that i have an american accent but speak fluent spanish,

he was so nice, his wife cooked us salmon, and we talked about his hikes and our love for drinking raw cow blood and nature. the sun. we are going to go hiking together. he was the friend of pablo escobar, so he had his house given to him by pablo. and i think a shit load of money because he has cars, quads, motocross, and he doesnt work, he literally hikes all day for fun. life is so good here.
u jelly?

bro go explore.

>He doesn't know about Columbia Women. Don't tell him lads.
I'm not jelly you told me to take a 3 month trip when I literally just told you I have a job. You're like retarded or something. You write like you're gooning to some weird incel fantasy.
bro, save money quit the job. i used to feel exactly like you, got the job, supported my mom ,since my dad killed himself. i felt like a cuck. bro, but i was 25. your 35. and guess what your mom knows your a little cuck but she aint gonna say nothing. deep down inside she probably pity's your boring life.she loves you anon, and she will love you more and your mom will respect you when you leave of a 3 month long trip. and come back a new man. with new perspectives. on life, its really a mind fcuk traveling and seeing new places anon, its not a meme.

i know them better than anyone here lad. bottom line factor all women are the same all over the world. female nature is universal.
To be honest, I doubt they would care all that much. I think you can get away with dating younger girls easily. It's nothing like the US.
This is the way, do waste your life. Just tell your mom to get more debt and to just not pay it.
I like how anons on here cope and feel the need to brag yet they have the misfortune of being with US roasties. LMAO
>go there as a tourist indefinitely and either leave for a day and come back every three months or you just pay like a $20 fine for overstaying and they don't really do anything
have you actually attempted this yet? most countries ban you for a few years if you overstay and since covid they only let you do one or two border visa runs before they get suspicious and may deny entry
also if you become a tax resident you have to pay tax for both countries
how is condom usage down in argentina? do girls let you creampie them on the first date?
>but most hookers will. They will bitch and moan and not let you if you have a big dick though.
damn I thought argentina was going to be an anal cooming paradise for me
I guess I need to go to brazil instead
yeah the girls here all let me creampie them but it's hard to find anything above 7/10 and most don't do anal
>Nig id
checks out
>tfw post world peace era sam is now considered old sam hyde
i feel dizzy
>anal cooming paradise
have you ever found such a place before?
fucking an anus is gay. it is the purest form of being a faggot even if its attached to a women
I've been living here for almost a year now doing this. Every time I ask my GF if I will run into issues she confidently says no, I think it is just a very different culture. Basically if you have a US passport they won't really mess with you, they like that you bring money into their economy.
Argentina is much whiter than the US, and even more non-black. There are almost no blacks in Argentina, and it seems to even have been spared of the jeet menace. Everyone is either white or mestizo basically. There are also some asisans here and there, but not too many.
Alright anon, I like Javier Milei , Argentina has some beautiful scenery. As a 37yr old, never married, no kids, passive income is around 1k. I got 50k USD cash in the bank. Can I go here live well? Find a nice young attractive Argentina girl under 25, who wants some kids? Preferably White girl, blue eyes.
I know Argentina is attempting to dollarise this probably hurts the geomaxx in the long run, but if you get in soon it might be ok.
Yes, you can live on that for a while, not in extreme luxury with that income but you can. I would consider getting a second source of income. You could get the girl you describe for sure.
>fucking a mouth is gay. it is the purest form of being a faggot even if its attached to a women

fuck off cuck
Need to know this as well. Don't get me wrong I like pussies but all I secretly want is to assfuck hot girls all day.
Was his name Andrew?
a womans mouth is designed to arouse a man. you are copeing about being gay. get off the internet you will fix your brain
How's safety? Argentina actually sounds pretty nice, mostly white, legal homeschooling, away from the world's chaos, cheap, and low population density. I need a backup plan if Europe keeps getting filled with browns. That being said, is it safe? The crime stats don't look too good, but maybe that's just petty crime. How is it anon?
It's safer than the US desu, there are no blacks or drug zombies like the US. Just people who will ask you for money and annoy the fuck out of you, but you'll be fine if you walk away. If you're a eurofag from a super safe country like Poland or something maybe it will feel sketchy though. I'm a burger and used to seeing junkies and niggas glaring at me for being a whiteboi, so take that into consideration kek.
Well you use jewish nigger slang so we don't expect a lot from you anyway.
i hate this retard so much
is he supposed to be funny?
is he supposed to be "based"?
why do people follow this bartolo looking mong
What is the drug scene like in Argentina? I know that Uruguay is on par with Canada in terms of not giving a fuck about casual users. Is Javier Milei working towards legalising cannabis and decriminalizing most drugs?
It's great. There aren't really a ton of zombies like in the states, I don't think they have fent here yet. They have good molly and techno clubs. Also have good shrooms. Weed is good too, I think it's technically illegal but people smoke it in front of cops and nobody gives a shit.
Do you just bum it off of airbnb?
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Murder is lower than the us, but like most of latam, petty theft is in their blood.
Perfect. That's exactly what I'm looking for. A place where people can still have fun without the added hassle of junkies rotting in the streets.
Used to live on Republica Árabe Siria across the street from the botanical garden back in ‘01. Was in jr high back then so didn’t get to fully enjoy. Ur plan is based and I hope u love it as much as I did. U should check out Tigre river and the amusement park over there. Not to mention all of the delicious Italian food. El noble repulgue hands down best empanadas in the city. Have you checked out recoleta mall yet? Do you love alfajores? Quilmes is argentine bud light. Go for River not Boca. Badder bitches forsure. What discotekas have you been to so far? Bife de chorizo medium. Jealous but proud of you for taking the porteño plunge. Checkout WandaPotts and introduce yourself. Que bárbaro. Che! Macanudo.
the defining moment of when they become worthless is when they move out of their father's house without marrying. whether the dad is a deadbeat and leaves when she's 12, or she goes off to college at 19, or rents her own place and gets a wagie job, that's when they start hoeing around and getting an attitude
Why do you believe living in Argentina would qualify you for any Euro passport? You're in for a rude awakening.

I think the reality is that most White countries are far better places to live at this point and Argentina is just where you landed first. It's a culture shock for Americans to eat real food, not be around niggers constantly, hear White music out in public, be able to live in an organic community instead of some 1950s centrally-planned zoning suburb.
It is incredibly easy to attain Italian citizenship via descent, you only need to have an ancestor born in Italy after it was founded in 1861. Many Argentinians can acquire citizenship via descent this way. If anon's wife is an Italian Argentinian and he has a kid with her, that would open up a pathway for him to acquire citizenship as well (although unlikely).
it takes two years to get an appointment with the console in the states.
t. pasta eater trying to get a euro passport right now
its good, i had no problem finding good weed and there is plenty of nose beers and the like to go around if you're into that.
Based boomer.
My GF can get Italian citizenship by descent retard. I can get it through her. Also Argentina is much whiter than the US and much whiter than Europe. Only Eastern Europe is more white than Argentina. Argentina also has been spared the jeet menace for now.
This. Also Argies can get Spanish citizenship quickly as well.
Is it that bad? I can get an Argie passport eventually for sure at least. I'm nervous having only a burger passport because I feel like the US is going to go full iron curtain and prevent citizens from being allowed outside the country.
>Is it that bad?
yes its that bad. its worse in other parts of the states. you can go to italy and cut the time down but you need to live in italy for that whole time. worth it for me when i get there.
i feel the same way. Having a united states passport when traveling is going to be very bad an or dangerous. looking to get different ones for the same reason. hell i dont think have an EU passport would be much better, considering the shit going on with russia
Yeah, she was going to go be in Italy with her mom to get it. I could probably get a visa to stay there for that I think. The Argie passport is good and you can go to Russia, I'll definitely be able to get that. Also when I have my kids I'll probably go to Brazil to have them, since it's very easy to get an anchor baby there and get a Brazilian passport.
What do you estimate your monthly costs are right now, in USD?

If you had a live in GF or wife+babies, how much more would I need? Appreciate the info Anon, srsly looking to Geomaxx. Was looking at Brazil before Lula took office, and this was before Javier won. I am still interested in Brazil but Argentina seems like another option. Main concerns are cashflow, a real estate business(renting to people), and obviously women(non prostitutes) who are white blue eyed preferably. Thats why I focused on Brazil. How do you think Argentina would compare?
Not same legs, 8/10 kidnap bait.
How much for a guy, $10,000?
I think Argentina is a lot cheaper than Brazil as long as you have outside income, since Brazil's currency is much less of a shitcoin. I overpay like $700 total on Airbnb for a studio but in the nightlife wealthy part of town(Palermo), I am currently looking into other areas and into renting. I could get something in a different (still nice, more local) area that isn't Airbnb for the same prices with three bedrooms that is much bigger. You can get a meal at moderate restaurant for like $10 pretty easy. A bottle of wine is like $4.

As far as women go, I initially came to Argentina to fuck inexpensive hookers and coom, but then met a genuinely nice girl(not a hooker) and fell in love like a faggot. The women aren't as all super hot as Eastern Europe, there are some ugly girls, but in general the women here look pretty good. There are very few fatties, there are a lot hotties imo. The women seem to age pretty well and not get fat. I would say blue eyes are less common but they exist. There are tons of white girls, but they're Italian/Spanish white. Argentinian women seem to have a bad reputation for feminism, but in my experience their attitude seems to be much better in reality than the reputation. The girls are very chill and nice, lots of slutty girls that are the chill fun kind, and are hot and will actually fuck you. There are also a decent bit of genuinely sweet girls who live with family and want a stable man and to have a family. My GF had several friends who didn't lose their virginity until their early 20's which as a burger I found surprising. I met a girl who will be a great loving wife and mother, so my experience was obviously good.
Where in Argentina are you? I want to visit next year and get myself a white Argentinean woman if possible.
I thought of this a couple years ago, and specifically argentina. i dont have a remote job though, but it would be really cool since i'd like to learn another language as well. do you rent an apartment? how's that work with a visa?
joke's on you, i was born in argentina, been doing this the whole time
this place is hell
thats just a girl that took my phone.
pic reltaed the girl that was taking the pics of her legs with my phone.

she took me to lots of cool places. all for the price of a meal at olive garden in america.
i impregnated a girl in colombia.

she is more than happy with only 153 USD a month.

she lives with her parents and they are all happy that she will have the kid of an american.

i am not with her and they are all taking care of her.

i dont have to be around her throwing up every morning lol

lifes fcking great. cant wait to go back in march and see my kid.

i really dont give a ef about the girl. the family all loves me and i have a kid for only 153 usd a month,

also the girls family are well off. her mom retired gets bank, her father retired gets bank.

the baby will have a good life with lots of love

and i will make more of those in other countries. i already told the mother of my child my plans and she is fine with it.
yes, you are correct thankfully my granpda is italian.

in less then 4 years i will have 3 passports


my dream passpost is to have a singapore one. but that might be the last one i ever get.

couple this with having kids in lots of countries.

my life and my childrens life will be interesting

to any anons that are rich and interested there is a cool channel called "nomad capitalist on youtube"

i really dont know why i just got into collecting passports.

i know other anons are going to start hopping on this trend.

i reccomend all start the process now before it only gets harder and more expensive in the future.
Isnt Colombia being flood with nigger passport bros? I seem to see alot of anti american shit going on there. I wouldnt mind getting a Colombian girl, and I know the dollar is much stronger in Colombia than Argentina. As a long term geomaxx option is Colombia really a better choice? I dont have knowledge of laws allow/prohibiting expats to own or start business/real estate. If your girl wasnt wealthy how much would a normal colombian girl want.

I also follow Nomad Capitalist, he has some interesting information.
colombians went from loving foreigners in 2019 to becoming xenophobic and disdainful now
many of the hot women have left the country and have been replaced by ugly goblinas. they have become a lot more entitled too
you can still have a good time there but it's not even close to how good it was before covid
>Why aren't you geomaxxing anon?
I'm brazilian anon, how the fuck do I even get a job in the US while staying in my country to geomax? It just feels like my fate is to be doomed and poor
bro i was gonna go on a date with a girl in america,

she litereal told me" you invitng me to the park for a first date is wild . get your money up. i only go to nice retatuarnts for a first date" she was cute too.


girls else where would be so happy for a walk in the park with an american or a cafe...
the black guys only stay in parque lleras.

they are not getting an authentic experience of colombia.

and the girls only look at the black guys as dummys that will part with thier money eaiser. the sex workers that is. black americans are bottom of the barrel in colombia. seen only as an easy target to manipulate.

no. there is no anti american attitude once there. i tried so hard to get people to admit to me that they hate me and none did... NONE. you wil not experience anti american nothing...maybe they will hate you behind your back... MAYBE.. but no you wont get no hate.. not once did i get hated on in three months there.

they will actually really like you if you are humble and dont talk about cocaine. pablo escobar and hookers.

maybe youre talking about medellin

when i was in baranquilla i was treated really well. like so well that when i would do to cafes or retaurants the girl workers would give me extra things for free.. when i went to juan valdes i would order a cofee and when i paid with my debit card the girl at the register would start to flirt with me when it was asking me to pay with USD or COP. when i went to pick up my coffee she added a pastry with a note and her phone number...

yea its like that ....

once again yourre results may vary. im failry attractive, i did well with women in america. and i speak sluent spanish since my parents are beaners....
Race-mixing is zoophilia. Seek help.
I'll just wait until I make it then move to Portugal or something.
>I invest my extra money that I save into frog coins, so once the bull market is in full force I'll make it
Biz retardation at its finest. You should be staking EOS.
Buenos Aires.
You would rope if you had to date US women, believe me. They are the peso of women.
Being poor is shit. BUT most Americans are poor but with debt and access only to evil fat women to date. You at least can get hot concha de la selva.
The women situation in the US has gotten so bad I think we are at the point where things will simply stop working very soon. Eurofags and LatAm anons complain about being broke but have no idea how bad it is.
>and the girls only look at the black guys as dummys that will part with thier money eaiser.
There is some truth here. Blacks really talk a lot of shit about Timmy and say he's a pussy and everything, but Timmy is way better at not getting robbed than Tyrone in actually dangerous countries. I think a lot of black Americans are used to the entire society and all women simping for them constantly and the law not applying to them, and they get a rude awakening outside the US.
Enjoy your fat feminist whore you makes you miserable anon.
Imagine doing muh staking in a coin from like 2018 that takes it's self seriously. Anyone with half a brain knows utility is always bearish, and the more useless and retarded a coin is the more bullish.
We don't have shit like affirmative action here in argentina so all nignogs (you won't ever see a black person walking down the streets) you see here at best are selling shades or trinkets in the streets. I maybe have seen one black woman here in Argentina in my whole life not counting a cuban prostitue I visited once
>t. incel can't get western women
>can't touch a woman ass because men have asses!
kek kys fag
admit that you're a faggot. you dont have to do mental gymnastics
>fucking a hand is gay. it is the purest form of being a faggot even if its attached to a women
fuck off cuck
Based selva coomer.
Why would I want them? They are unbearable.
I've fantasized about leaving the US and becoming a passport bro for a while now, especially since I "made it" and am I'm now retired. But I question whether or not it would be worth it. The only real reason I'd want to leave the comfort of the US is for women, but I know I'm not good looking and never have been, and thus have had low success with women in my life. Plus, I'm now an old fuck at 43 and age hasn't helped me any in the looks department. Looks are all that really matter when it comes to attraction, and women are the same everywhere on Earth, so if American women don't find me attractive, it's hard to imagine women in another country would either. I feel like things would just end up the same there as they are here.

I know I could travel to another country and bang cheap prostitutes, but I've banged plenty of prostitutes in my time and it just does nothing for me anymore. Doesn't seem worth going halfway around the world when i could just do that here if I wanted to. I'd want to find someone I could actually love, possibly even start a family with. But I know at my age and with my looks the chances of that happening in the US are close to zero. So I gotta wonder is it really worth going abroad for a broad? Would things really be different in another country if you're a well off white American? Or is that a meme, and if you're not good looking you're not gonna have any luck no matter where you go? Because that's what my brain is telling me. Any thoughts on this subject from experienced geomaxxers?
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You don't realize you are too exotic and valuable for third world women's eyes. Women like to brag among themselves what kind of men they can get so they feel superior among their peers. Even if you're not that good looking and old, I'm sure you could download tinder once you're vacationing in a foreign country and get you some 8/10 and above dates pretty easily (provided you lie a little about your age/job status), but I doubt you'll get the long term relationships/marriage you're looking for. And if not, well, at least you got some nice vacations with barely any risks involved; imagine you try online dating first and some indian/chinese is trying to scam you kek. Anyways, good luck
t. 40 yo , depressed turbo autistic fag who banged hundred of prostitutes and gave up on love
Hopefully vesta brings me this kind of liberty, them becoming my bored ape would be huge for me doing the same shit anonfag
you're defending being a faggot and calling me a cuck.
It could be tough desu, but you can try blogging, you could make some bucks with hydro online. It’s a way to geomax and improve your situation without feeling doomed and poor.
>Any thoughts on this subject from experienced geomaxxers?
why not do a bit of travel and remain open to the experience. specifically of thailand, the women are but the cherry on top; and frankly its not as good of a value any longer, europe would be a better option strictly speaking.
>Because that's what my brain is telling me
also, you dead wrong fren...
This idea that you cant get a cute girl is a symptom of living in the US, it is clown world and it really is different outside of the US.
>American women don't find me attractive, it's hard to imagine women in another country would either.
You can get an average women even younger than you easily, the issue is in America the average women is 170lbs. The point of geomaxxxing is you get average women in the rest of the world where they are still attractive and feminine
This, American women are so fat and cunty comparatively, it's unreal.
If any of this were true you wouldn't be posting here.
I've been travelling to colombia since 2016, back then it was absolutely wild how good things were. women approaching me and offering (free) sex was common

it's still better than the west now but everything has dropped off. every hot girl i knew has fled the country and passport bros are simping for the 6/10 goblins that replaced them. colombian coomer forums are full of locals complaining that none of the high quality escorts they used to get are available anymore because they all went overseas or only do webcam now. escort prices have basically tripled in the last 5 years too

as a european I had multiple colombians ranting about how much they hate americans. in the colombian subreddit half the posts are just hating foreigners and blaming them for causing inflation

most of this is concentrated in medellin of course and the smaller cities are better. but it feels like the future trajectory of colombia is not great
prices in Thailand are highly variable depending on the customer. I've heard average bar girls are asking old customers for 5k to 10k THB now lol
but an attractive guy looking for freelancers on dating apps will have young girls turning up at your hotel for 1000 THB creampie

it's worthwhile if you are physically attractive but too socially awkward for western women
>Offering free sex

Yeah if you followed through you’d have been robbed and possibly murdered
nope I had sex multiple times with no repercussions besides clingy girls wanting me to marry them and take care of their kids
as a old, fat, ugly autistic neckbeard, I can say with confidence this is not true. I still creampie average bar girls for 1k baht no problem.

The "good looking guys" I've seen are the ones who end up over paying most of the time. The worst is when the girl scams a dude into becoming her "boyfriend"

Well, let me tell you, the girl in my pic is dating a chad aussie dude and he comes and visits her 3 times a year in samui and sends her money every month so she don't have to work in "bar". Meanwhile, she is letting ugly old autistic neckbeards creampie her raw for 1k baht.
I want to live like you. Tell me how, please
>without telling them
Telling who exactly?
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first, you need some sort of online income or remote work. I work 100% in crypto doing shilling and graphics, no trading though.

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