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How would one theoretically create and run a website for a crypto scam without getting caught? How do these people get away with it or does law not really below a certain threshold? what would that amount be?
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Your id glows
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>Use a paid VPN
>Pay for everything using Bitcoin
>When divulging personal info, use the name/address of the guy who lives down the street from you instead of your own name
If you do this then you will be 100% untraceable and anonymous. Good luck OP
In all seriousness, even if you had shitty opsec like this, glowniggers aren't going to get involved unless you ripped off some of their elites. They won't get involved just because you scammed some retail retards. Your opsec doesn't have to be good enough to stop glow niggers. It only needs to be good enough to keep random people from the internet from being able to doxx you
if you have to ask.....
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James Zhong found a glitch on Silk Road and took over 50,000 BTC from there. He apparently used some sort of mixer with KYC rules in 2019 with the "contaminated" BTC and the CIA or NSA or whoever noticed. They didn't actually raid his house until two years later where they found the 50,000+ BTC stashed on a Raspberry Pi hidden inside a metal popcorn bucket inside a linen cupboard. He didn't actually get caught for several years though, just one simple fuck-up was all it took for them to keep an eye on him.
>He apparently used some sort of mixer with KYC rules in 2019 with the "contaminated" BTC
What a dumbass. He should have atomic swapped or used tradeogre to convert everything to monero. Seriously though, why were glowies so concerned with busting this guy for stealing from a drug dealer? The feds literally just wanted that money for themselves and there's no other reason behind them going after him
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I guess he though he already got away with it since he had stopped stealing the BTC five years earlier and still hadn't been busted. He got away with it for nearly 10 years. The BTC was worth $3.36 billion when he forfeited it.
The most bizarre thing about this to me is that none of the banks, exchanges, IRS etc. ever questioned how this guy suddenly became a multimillionaire overnight. With stories of how Coinbase will harass people for depositing $100k that can't be accounted for, how the hell did this guy manage to withdraw millions of dollars and live such a flashy lifestyle without anyone being suspicious? It was only after he tied his BTC to his real identity that anyone started asking questions. Weird case all around.
Try and frame your thinking around this.
The letter agents are the largest digital currency holders.
The letter agents are the largest consumers and distributors of the service.
Regardless of OPsec these agents will create a fall guy as there’s no recourse for associating.

The reason Zhang and Ulbricht seemingly just rolled over and had such simple opsec mistakes leading to the official story means I think they made a deal.

What would you willingly plead guilty to even if it was corrupt?
What would you be guilty of that you would willingly plead to this instead of the original charges.

Both of these guys seem to be illegal image enthusiasts. Both of these guys unknowingly acted as money mules for letter agents. Thinking they were running their own shop. Useful idiots by definition. Also probably highly gay.
Here's an interesting documentary about Jimmy, they even include body-cam footage when they are in his house figuring out if he's their guy: https://www.cnbc.com/video/2023/10/17/the-secret-life-of-jimmy-zhong-who-stole-and-lost-more-than-3-billion.html
The BTC he stole was apparently only worth $600 grand USD at the time. Must have felt completely surreal to watch $600 grand turn into $1 billion dollars only a few years later.
Their 3rd world countries don't care. In the US your ass is going to prison if you do a crypto scam.

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