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why does government debt matter? why doesn't the federal reserve just set the interest rate to zero and we never pay it back?
Exactly they can just give all of us a billion dollars and then we'll all be rich.
why does "no free lunch" and the very basic understanding of cause and effect go out the window whenever people start talking about printing money
We're America we are a super power every single American citizen should have 1 billion dollars. If other countries/economies have a problem with it, then we can just kill them all. And they have no choice but to accept it because the dollar can never be replaced. It's impossible it would simply be too difficult.
You cannot find a single flaw with this argument.
You are extremely autistic and also retarded
imagine a friend of your asks for $100 from you and you give it to him.
A couple of weeks later, you go to him to have them back and he just says "NO LOL".
Then, another couple of weeks later, the same friend comes to you again and asks for another $100. What would you say to him this time?
Now imagine that, instead of just you, when he says "NO LOL" eeeveryone else in the world also hears that. How many people do you think will lend him money after that?
Yes but in this example, the friend has undefeatable weapons such as the Hellfire missile, the Javelin, and the F-35 fighter jet, and if you don't give him the $100, he will kill you. Now your analogy is more complete to the actual situation.
and then aaaaall the rest of the world, which also has a lot of weapons when summed together, just kills the guy and take all the money!
>set the interest rate to zero
If interest rates were set to zero now inflation would quickly go up to 10% and above persistently. People would lose confidence in the currency which isn't compatible with a functional economy.
>People would lose confidence in the currency which isn't compatible with a functional economy.
They have no choice, they have to use the dollar because it would be too complicated to use anything else. Confidence implies they have a choice about what they can use. They don't.
You are literally retarded and are probably and SMG cuckold
You just have no idea what you're talking about.
>Russian/Chinese shills
fucking antisemites. 6 billions holocasted jews werent enough for you nazis?
*gets nuked into oblivion by russia
This is sort of what they do except the part with giving the plebs any money.
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Smooth-brains can't into large numbers
who cares about that shit anon, go buy $SUPER before it's too late. Then you can start worrying about nonsense like government.
because money doesn't actually mean anything, its just a token
op is a tard
interest rate of zero means inflation goes 99% every day
>bascis op do you read them

Why does owing 34 trillion dollars to other people matter? Kek.
Why is this concerning when the number of dollars is not limited?

cause you're gonna get taxed to death paying the interest, my mistake, you children are. you're already paying for generations before you were born.
>we made it up
>we said
more like "they"...start looking into it and it always comes down to Jews

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