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Big round edition.

>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://www.luciteria.com/(Other rare metals)
more at:https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

>Numismatic search

>News and graphs




>Nitric acid, magnets, and ping test

Previous Thread: >>58763632
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>Big round edition
Nice collection! I have 4 of those Horus rounds somewhere, the proof finish behind the head is what sold me on them.
Call me an idiot if you want i dk. but i'm sad.
I was collecting the Perth Mint mother/baby next generation coins for my kids but they are a unique piedfort strike for which no capsule fits exactly. So i used the capsule size suggested by APMEX and bought airtites for them in that size (I think 39mm but i'd have to double check).
2 years later and now all of them have tarnished whilst inside the capsule. Everything else I've encapsulated is fine but these are all ruined : (
Kek no just clean them up
LOL ok
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Kek.baggies this is your punishment for leaving bant. Silver won't reach another ath within our lifetimes.
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>literally bought the top again
The Saeculum is about to end and you think silver will remain unaffected? Are you retarded?
The top was 44 years ago. Silver is a shitcoin that rugged before most of you were born.
It's like buying skibidi toilet coin in 2070
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Dumb questions: are 1 oz coins supposed to be troy ounces or avoirdupois ounces? Are there troy grams also?
>Saeculum is about to end
Boomers have 10 more years, right? Or do you mean something else?
It's 31.1g per Troy ounce, 480 grains in a Troy ounce and 12 Troy ounces make up a Troy pound. When we say "1oz coin/round" we mean 1 Troy ounce here.
Troy oz. Grams are grams.
No, you're correct. 10 years is a small window for the societal changes that will occur as they lose power.
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I bought two weeks ago. I'm going to buy again this week. It averages out.
My ten peace dollars from the deal the other day just shipped. Paid with eCheck.
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literally what in the FUCK is happening??
hope i don't regret this one
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keep on stacking my friends
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i thought i was buying the dip at $28.28 kek
precious metals are done in troy ounces.
common metals like copper are done in avoirdupois ounces.
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Well... you *can* clean them up using the baking soda/boiling water/aluminum method. This process will reverse the tarnish process with no loss of silver.
It won't be perfect - may end up a bit duller than mirror proof.
I'd get the next larger size capsule - 40.6mm - and some anti tarnish paper.
Then cut strips as wide as the interior of the capsule is high. Put the coin in the capsule and feed the paper around the coin - pic related.
No, they are a cool historic coin but they arent worth nearly what they have as far as silver content. I filled a tube up before I realized how dumb it was. Oh well now I have a bunch of swastika coin
>Coin shop about 30 miles away has my favorite silver rounds for +3 over spot
>Ebay has them for +11 over but free shipping
>I drive a Diesel and its going to cost me 50 bucks to get the one semi-local

what do
that's true but the point is when/if you sell them you can command a massive premium. they are both based and historical, somebody will pay.
Apmex currently has 5 ounce bars at spot. Max of one probably.
>Max of one probably
We've been in need of a pullback for a few months.
Summer doldrums, buddy boy
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i don't see the harm in it if you aren't being a total idiot and doing something like just stacking those
Also true, I mainly started collecting them because of lol, swastika and the genuine history. Im happy I have as many as I do but I dont plan on buying anymore again unless I get them for stupid cheap
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thx man, just bought one. can't say no to a silver spot deal right after a big dump
Order from GEC.
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My Brittania has a scratch on the queens face
How badly does this effect the resell value
Its still 1oz so can i still sell it for close to spot price?
bullion is bullion. nobody cares as long as the weight is right
I wish that was true, my LCS's all have great prices but holy shit they are awful to sell too. Ive never sold because they all want like 4 or 5 under spot
i really have to stop touching my coin but i never had something so pretty in my life
Atleast once a day i take the coin out of its pack just to get a better look at it thats probably how it got that scratch
Any anons have the same problem with this?
How did you stop this habit?
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>taking a nice fondler out to fondle
>drops it again
if they have great prices of course they'll be bad to sell too. where do you think their profit comes from
try selling to an LCS that's bad to buy from
If you think patina makes coins "ruined" then collecting coins isn't for you.
i used to be the same way. it'll naturally fade as a habit the more PMs you buy
they do have capusles for these: https://onfireguy.com/products/air-tite-high-relief-40mm-coin-holders-for-2oz-elemetal-coins?_pos=1&_sid=aeb32d9d9&_ss=r
this. patinas are based
Stop teaching people how to ruin coins, dork. You never clean coins. Period. It's always better to have patina than surface damage from polishing. What next? Are you going to recommend lamination for banknotes?
speaking of should i buy more right now?
Gold is at a dip right now even though i assumed it would spike considering all that has happened in the last month
I have about 15k in PM and 6k on my Bank account so i don't know if i should wait for Gold to dip some more or buy maybe 3-4k and leave the rest
The only major investment i will be doing this year is maybe my first car if I get my driver's license but even that is not a certainty since i don't really need a car right now where i live
You don't buy pms because they're good investments. It's more like collecting. That's why so many post pictures of fancy coins in here. There's better places to park your money if you want growth. Most people in this thread will literally die without selling.
I like natural tarnish
Bronze patina is literally shit though
The whole point for Bronze statues was that it looked enough like gold to be shinny and impressive without being as expensive as gold
This is just green vomit
I buy them as an investment against inflation which i will guarantee you will get worse in 10 - 20 and by that point the 10 to 20 extra dollars spend missing tge dip wont have really mattered but I would still like to squeeze out every little bit i can
fuck off, stock/crypto fag. PMs are a great investment. Been buyin since $12 an ounce.
copper's green patina has its own charm. the statue of liberty looks nice
>damage from polishing
You've read more into what I wrote than what I wrote.
Also... not old coins.
Removing tarnish electronically should not be damaging. Unless you're a klutz.
You yap like a panicked megalomaniacal chihuahua.
I just got my first ounce of gold :)
1 American Gold Eagle, 2017. Paid $85 over spot for it yesterday.
Got a picture of this gold?
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I have this blurry photo I took right after I got it. When I get home i'll take a better one with it outside of its sleeve.
thats just like your opinion man
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based, my first 1oz gold was an AGE too. an excellent start
yep i love it
I had some smaller pieces of gold before getting it, the biggest being a 20 swiss franc coin. Probably overall have 1 and 1/3rd ounces.
Now i need to get my silver stack bigger, I want 100 ounces by the end of the year.
Awesome dude was that 1979, 2006, or 2020?
It's a fucking shitcoin.
Yeah bro I just bought silver at $12 this shit gonna track inflation fr fr bussin
>biggest being a 20 swiss franc coin
Based Swiss Franc enjoyer. They're my favorite gold coin.
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Finally got around to taking a pic of my Swiss 2 Francs. I have a few more 2s in my unsorted box, I own over 100 at this point.
those are sick anon, where do you buy them? I want some silver francs to go with my gold
Ebay, and before you ask yes I paid a premium... worth it for the amount I have but I want more gold next.
cool stack
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For me it's Una and the Lion. Good luck ever buying one though.
Thank you. It's something like 26toz in the pic.
One I set aside from separately and not even included in my unsorted box is picrel. The purple and blue toning stood out to me, it's special.
very nice
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Coin stacker tiers
is gary still at king stacker tier?
Who's Gary?
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dare I
do it
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The ratio of gold to silver is 1:10
Also crypto nerds are perpetually seething at the sight of silver.
i'm not sure but i thought we were mad at him
wtf does error 500 mean in this meme? like the http error code 500? i dont get it
>he doesn't know the ise number
I know http status code 500 means internal server error but i dont know what it has to do with bitcoin or with the meme.
Bitcoin doesn't use http
i would assume he is referencing picrel
that's what I was thinking it meant, it just doesn't make sense to me. should've used an error code that a bitcoin node would return not something a web server would return
i don't think it has anything to do with that. maybe tell him to go 305 himself
error 418
When Vesta 1000x anon?
I had a dream that 15 years from now a 40% Kennedy bought me a cafe and vegetable store (dream logic OK?) and paid for its staff for some time too. Someone said I have clairvoyance which I don't know if I believe in, but if you want to hear a strange story about a dream I had regarding hiding a beer when I was underage let me know. It feels like more than a coincidence.
Crypto nerds are seething at the superiority of precious metals
Posting the cat stacker tiers
i like how the amounts have been made pet-sized :)
funny. never got a 500 internal server error when transacting with precious metals, i tell ya what
Not even a bitcoin bug, has not led to any loss and has been fixed almost a year ago: https://github.com/btcpayserver/btcpayserver/issues/5326
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Crypto errors are part and parcel, which is why I tend towards the tangible: silver and gold, no errors there.
next bug won't be so easy to fix
>Are you going to recommend lamination for banknotes
Whats wrong with this?
How do you remove the laminate layer without damaging the note?
Look mommy I posted them again.
You're better off picking a bug from here: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues
>even more reasons to avoid cryptocurrencies
Fuckin based out of 10
Anon is jelly of the big wunderbar silver
thems a lot of issues
>silver and gold, no errors there.
The only error is that I don't own enough.
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I am once again writing to let you know that we have received the updated Pirate sample
>Presales will last until the end of the month, and then production will be given the go-ahead. Reminder all rounds will now be given a serial number
>Apurand will be the next round, I don't think there will be a gold plate version.
Thanks again for everyone's continued support through all these years. Quite the catalog we're beginning to develop
If I owned ALL the silver, it'd be too much because then my bros would have none.
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Still waiting to hear back regarding the markings that have haunted us from the beginning. Hopefully we'll be able to pay extra to get a higher level of smoothness/polish and match professional grade coins
I wouldn't want to own all of it either, but I wouldn't mind adding a whole zero at the end to the total amount I have. Same w/ gold.
my dream has always been to own a solid gold war hammer. i mean a really big 2 handed one. it'd weight a shit ton so you'd have to be pretty buff to use it.
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>that's him
>it's John Warhammer
Your chart is fucking wron8swrg. Picrel is not.
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Stay mad.
I think >>58783511 may be adjusted for inflation.
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Congrats on the production! Hit me up; We can collaborate for quicker production of catalogs. I believe my crew could produce the quality AND detail everyone will enjoy.
lol your coin was a fail, todd
I like it
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According to who? I was at the F.U.N. Convention where it was a hit! Apologize if you were the one person who didn't want to pay for shipping and thus never received one. You can still get it on the secondary market OR purchase wholesale

Thank you!
>some behind the scenes of how the industry prices production
I think it's kinda silly. However, at the end of the day Todd followed his dreams and made a coin he thought others would like, and some did. He made some people happy.
You did good. Not trying to be a dick, I wouldn't buy it though, just being honest here. If I want more coins w/ titties I'll purchase more Libertads.
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l appreciate the honesty; I have learned a lot from this year so far and have made lots of acquaintances. Until commissioned, My next design is going to be something along the lines of pic related
most of the people who bought it were disappointed at the terrible craftsmanship
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I find it hysterical how much you assert how many rounds I sold and attempting to say that the quality and craftmanship is nothing less than stellar. How about you come back at me when you produce at least ONE high quality round with a matte face and proof finish.
>most people said it was impossible to get covid if you got the vax
Luckily I am in the business where people vote with their wallets; and I have sold out with profit on both my productions. I have the third round coming out within the next 3-4 months.
>pic related is the "bad quality" I produce
im just spitting facts dude
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That coin looks like bob
>Bob stacker tiers
fuckin hate bob
So it's been months since I've been able to actually do any amount of shit posting. What happened to CMMG? I'm glad the few miners I have are pumping and I'm at least 20% green on them despite physical either crabbing in gold, or straight dumping since reaching 33 for a brief moment.
Please stop with this nonsense.
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i just got paid and was finna buy 2 sovs but price is like 150 gbp higher than when i last bought do i sell all my gold when i go ther eisntead and buy back later or just only buy 1 and assume price wont dump at some point
when people collect they want a BU. look at the difference between what a coin shop will give you for a BU ASE vs a damaged one
i'm probably not buying more meme coins just because my budget doesn't include it any more. but i'm glad i bought a few boomer rocks
you should at least get apurand
Sell? Why would you sell?
you keep using this word. i don't think it means what you think it means
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paid 40% over spot but i don't care i love him
>40% over spot
I've paid upward of 3x spot for a piece before. I wouldn't sweat it.
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i'm kinda retarded, but a topo from the 1980s indicates a mine present that historically had shit tons of copper. azurite, malachite, crisicola (sp?). at what price point for copper should i start taking a car load of material on the weekends? i have a crv.
That’s a lot of gas and time wasted on literal pennies. Don’t you have a family, a real job and a real hobby?
if i had to quantify the amount of rocks i have rescued from BLM land, i would estimate i have roughly ~30 CRV loads of various rocks with various mineral compositions. basically, all i'm considering is changing my focus when copper becomes "worth it".

i disregard your concerns. i think a better question to ask me would be
>if you went rockhounding to the east instead of the west, would the status quo change, besides the specific minerals i recover and bring home?
>30 CRV loads of various rocks with various mineral compositions
Sounds like hoarding on steroids. Do you have a strategy for actually selling any of it?

>I disregard your concerns
I just asked if you didn’t have a family or a job that wouldn’t be more worth your time. It’s your (sad) life.
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Nice rat bro
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young head vicky bros
to buy back after price drops a little but im not sure it will so got more instead
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Could you even imagine bros?
i just got paid today
what should I buy
Precious metals.
thanks anon
to be more specific, what silver coins should I buy?
Well, round ones of course fren!
For real though, can't go wrong with LMUs, 1/4tozs or Sovs. Or a tube of silver as close to spot as possible.
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>Do you have a strategy for actually selling any of it?
yeah, i call it "improve my property to the point passers-by stop and stare in confusion as to what exactly they are looking at". they generally know they're looking at a normal suburban SFR, but there's something off about my property. it's like...bilbo baggins retired inna mojave desert.

again, i appreciate the concern. save for my personal collection, all my rocks are planted on my property. i just need to know when to focus on copper. coppah.
rather than just sit on a bunch of rocks you should buy a furnace and learn how to refine the copper
what does /pmg/ think of platinum? palladium?
I think platinum is exciting given how teeny-tiny the market is and that much of it comes from South Africa and Russia. It's nice to have an ounce or two but I still like silver given the price point.
Not a single memecoin or high premium ASE. How will he ever afford chicken eggs in SHTF?
Trade for fractionals. Or they're stored somewhere else.
Barter theory time:
Silver moons to $1000/toz
Say you have a whole 1 kilo silver bar. You're in need of smaller sized pieces. Would you be willing to trade it (32.15toz) for just 32, 1toz rounds w/ the .15toz in favor of the other party? Call it a "silver change premium" if you will (I'm sure some could come up w/ a better name).
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This, over the years I've come to truly appreciate the troy ounce as a unit of measurement. Big boy bars are fun of course but divisibility is key to my stack. Easier to verify, easier to haggle. 10 ouncers and up are for major purchases later on, i.e. I'll gladly part with those before large amounts of smaller weights.
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Fun to have Platinum, but as an investment it's speculative. I've got an ounce of Pd just for the novelty.
what is that castle one? i really like that.
A furnace for melting precious metals is on its way
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Thanks - I thought it made one of the best photos, too.
any autistic anon able to figure out if we can use lenses and the sun to bake some precious metal cupcakes? can any size lens or mirror achieve temperatures to melt silver? i know those sodium-solar electricity things get pretty hot.
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some of my treasure
has anyone picked up the new una and lion bars?
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Probably not practically. Why not just use gas?
it's theoretically possible. magnified sunlight is no joke
If I really needed it sure, thankfully most of my silver stack is US junk
that is a great pic
listen, if youre gonna poke holes in my ideas, at least go deeper. instead of
>why not just use gas?
you should have asked me
>why not just buy PMs from any reputable dealer?
that's one cursed vicky
Weird medieval throwback style with anti-masturbation eye, and they made the marks as simple as possible because Rajesh can't process roman letters.
>>why not just buy PMs from any reputable dealer?
because making your own shit is cool and I want to do it too
best i can find is some solar concentrators that can kinda melt aluminum. this guy went a bit beyond the normal and seems to use a fresnel lens design to melt zinc. no idea if this is able to be replicated without experience with calipers.
pretty good deal
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ask them if it is truly random, and then request the paper they use as the basis for establishing Random. then threaten to sue them for false advertising unless they give you a secret code for free shipping, which you will then share with us.
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Wait, you guys don't laminate your bank notes?
I appreciate the offer Todd but I'll decline for now! One man show is all I need to try and manage
I'm a fan of this, but I wonder if the left apu vibes with the aesthetic / context on the right
well I just want to make my own shit anon I don't feel the need to do it in a goofy way
how are taking the right side?

does anyone have other ideas for the right?
>I'm a fan of this, but I wonder if the left apu vibes with the aesthetic / context on the right
yeah, idk. someone back a few threads suggested it. I just cleaned it up since the first time i posted it and added back the snowball thrower.

i will try and figure something, or can just have a simpler 'generic' 4chin/pmg back
I do like the comfy apocalypse theme
>melts shit with sunlight
Here's another guy doing it. His whole channel is fun engineering and science stuff. He makes fake gold with aluminum and copper I think and then melts ants hills and shit.
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>40% over spot
>upward of 3x spot for a piece
lol. try around 25x that for a piece.
>1998 tad
very nice
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i just sold all my crypto and ordered 2 ounces of gold and a bunch of old american silver coins
it's not much but i had almost double this a month ago and i lost it all on retarded leverage gambling and now i'm done
that looks great
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Your days of seething are over.
based looper
don't be obtuse

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