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File: hello.gif (58 KB, 220x220)
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excuse me how do I turn 250k into 8 million?
If you don't mind waiting, put it in BTC and hold for 20 years.

If you want it as fast as possible, gamble on a meme coin like Gondola (ETH) or Apu (ETH) and see how it goes, both of those are projected to increase over the coming months considerably.
VTI for three decades.
$Jasmy hold for a year
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Imagine buying in at 65k and not getting 2X till 130k.

When random shit under $10 will 2X+ every morning on the stock market.
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You don't.

Other people, though.. My god, like you wouldn't believe. All the time. Like animals.
Just pay me 2000$ and I'll let you know.

Covered calls.
Qan is literally your answer pajeet

Do two 20x leverage trades with the 250k, if done right you will be at 8 million
>Just put a quarter of a million into a shitcoin bro

I wish there was a way to rid this place of these types
Multiply by 32.
Put it all in this
Sell at 5K mcap

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