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>What is Tabletop Sim
TTS is a physics sandbox game meant to be used to play board games online, you can find almost any board game for free in the Steam Workshop, or even create your own!

Hosting is as easy as just opening a lobby and getting the game's workshop item. Post your favorite board games, discuss and play with other anons. Find games in the Workshop (https://steamcommunity.com/app/286160/workshop/) and discuss/host your favorite games!

Of course, if you prefer to play board games through other platforms, like Tabletop Playground, Board Game Arena, or game's digital editions, feel free to talk about and find other players here.

Previous thread: >>1424970
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>How do I play?
Controls are mostly straightforward and intuitive, but there's always little tips and tricks to learn, more info can be found at https://kb.tabletopsimulator.com/

>How do I join?
That's easy, you click on "Join" in the main menu, search for the lobby name and password that's been posted, and done!

>How do I host?
Click on "Create", and that's basically it. You can find free games in the workshop here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/286160/workshop/
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Games hosted/played so far
Is any anon cool with teaching me War of the ring? We don't need to finish the game.

Also would be down to play Voidfall or Pax ren
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Late Night Games
Pass; titties
Game: I dunno, probably Fromage or something, also still got some learn-and-plays
Ping: 999s

Will keep it up for as much of this episode of Mythbusters I've got left
You reminded me I also want to learn WotR.
I can teach you Pax Ren but only at around 9pm ET if during weekdays.
if there's anything I know about WotR, its that the rulebook is awful and you should watch how to plays/learn on dized
Were you thinking of playing it 2v2 or date night?
I can teach WotR, just say what time
Are you free today? I can play in like an hour if you want.

I don't expect to complete a game though just because its going to take literal hours if that's cool
Works for me
I'll link my steam.

Cool comment section
What can I say? I have a great history with Tekken and Dota
Ever tried Guards of Atlantis II?
I have crowdfunded it but it's been like 2 years and they haven't shipped it yet.
If you want to play, you may want to just host instead of waiting for a friend request.
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HDR glow just for you anon
Yeah sorry, thing dragged on. I'm not adding you on steam, but I can open up the lobby for WotR
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Won by the absolute skin of my teeth, literally 1 action dice away from winning. The Free Peoples of Middle Earth endured...

>won with 11 corruption on crack of doom
from losing*
I can't type
How was it?
I liked it and I usually don't like ameritrash that much
>t. host
That being said Fellowship managed to stack 8 movement before I finally managed to roll a successful hunt, moving almost straight into Mordor from his starting position and that's just one example of bad luck. You're at the mercy of RNG far more than in something like Twilight Struggle or at least it feels that way after first game
I was the Free Peoples player, and it was extremely fun.

Learning from anything else other than the rulebook makes the game much easier.

But as >>1479118 said, there is still dice rolling. You can mitigate it with cards and other shit, but the difference between some dice rolls can make or break an entire fight, snowballing into the end of the game.

If he didn't roll 4's in one siege that nuked an entire army he had, he would've won the game.
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>spend 1 card to play
>spend 1 card to activate ability
>draw 2 cards
>terrible stat lineup
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Wasn't expecting another root expansion to drop out of nowhere
>The skunks are 3 vagabonds.
Lmao. That's perfectly cursed.
I've never looked at it before, but the lobby browser is some pretty interesting insight into what people are playing. Large amounts of 40k, EDH, and Smegmar, but also a lot of TCG games I didn't think had traction, like Sorcery gets a surprising number of players often.
My insert might as well be worthless now.
I wouldn't say out of nowhere since they announced it and shared the pnp boards as they updated the factions months ago but yes it is pretty cool.

My tuckbox method will probably be enough to keep all the content spread alongside the base + 1 expansion box if I put the hirelings away. But I'll probably make or order a custom big box to keep it all in one place.
What's the issue? You can just carve another one out of wood.
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From reviews online and what I've heard talking with people at meetups, it's one of those games you don't really focus on winning, but rather to create alternate outcomes for a grandiose and tense retelling of the books.
Aside from a couple guys hellbent on calling it a masterpiece of tactical wargaming, most told me that it's a game where you simply enjoy the ride (but that shouldn't be played with 4 people, i don't know why exactly).
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I'd be remiss to host right now, as I feel tired enough that I can't guarantee playing too much, but I'd be down.
I got an idea as to what we can play,
room open

/vm/ board games
I can play in like an hour, but i have a meeting soon.
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Playing Harmonies with 3/4
Thanks for the game, was fun
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Game done, Blue won with 116 vs 93 vs 84
we laid down tiles and animals on them

I'll leave the lobby open and idle for now, in case anyone's interested in some more board games >>1479768
is it closed now?
Reopen it
Yes master

/vm/ board games
2 in, playing harmonies in a bit
Room closed, we did a quick game of harmonies
>he is going to keep spamming harmonies
I have created a monster
just kidding, keep going
harmonies is the new clover, get ready
but nah, everyone's stricken with a cloud of malaise, and harmonies is light and short, with just a little bit of spice in it.
When was the last time Clover was played anyway? I remember it been played at least once a day for a time.
Understandable, me too
And it's a better option than clover anyways
It still gets plays from time to time though with less players, the hype died down a little
It's still seen on the occasion. It's kinda "solved", people generally have a notion of how to connect 2 words to one clue, so a lot of the funny nonsense that clover incited is gone.
But it was great while the honeymoon period lasted.
Anyone here play too many bones on TTS?
Haven't, but I would be up for it
Do you know the game?
I could learn it for tomorrow, in case you plan to host it.
Sure we could try to set up some time tomorrow for it. I don't know how well the TTS mod is for it though
There's a fuckton of them, some of them with scripts so there's ought to be a good one.
If only they weren't all discord-gatelocked
What does this even mean
most friend groups use a chat platform like discord, and put a password on their TTS games to lock it so that only the friends in the friend group can join, and they share the password on discord where the friend group is
or so it seems, i don't use the platform named after an absolute breakdown of communications
How can you complain about people using passwords to play within their own group when that's the entire purpose of this general
For some reason he used a friend group example instead of a "public" discord.
i'm not the anon complaining i'm just the anon explaining
i'm perfectly fine with private lobbies, what i want to complain about is the lack of public lobbies due to lack of TTS Global Chat
true there are public LFG groups like TTSClub that mandate the same server name and password but other than that say "go ham" but even in their case you can understand the password restriction to ward off the people from outside the discord, because discord has voice chat integrated into it and it works better than default TTS VC so people using TTSClub and similar discord servers prefer to only play with other discordites, and that is their equivalent of "within their own [friend] group"
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Do you know if the new factions are imported already?
Not that I know of
Some of those badgers caught jaundice
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tfw no Undergound and onwards swimsuit meeples
How can I get these haha, just for a laugh of course haha
>I'm not going to fuck with that
Your loss
Got anything in mind?
sure i can host, give me like 10 minutes
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It's up

/vm/ games
nobody joined, seems the rest of you are still at work
closed, maybe there'll be hosts later
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Let's try again

Lobby: /v/oard games
Password: rage

You, don't be shy.
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We schboopin

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