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World of Tanks have hit its 14th anniversary today!

Tech tree discounts will start later in the event for 3 days, from August 12th to August 15th.

Consumable discounts will also start later and also last for 3 days, from August 15th to August 18th.

The anniversary event will have both permanent missions that award one token that unlocks on a day by day basis and a limited, harder mission that refreshes daily for 5 tokens. 30 tokens will get you a piece of improved bond equipment.

The 14th anni event will last from August 8th to August 18th.

Article: https://worldoftanks.com/en/wot-14-anniversary-august-2024/
Event discounts and (shitty) premium tanks on sale: https://worldoftanks.com/en/news/specials/wot-anniversary-bundles-august-2024/

>Previous thread:
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This game is euro-trash, abuse simulator slop played by the most braindead mouthbreathers in existence. Everyone who likes it is a cuck with stockholm syndrome who should be forcefully uninstalled from life.
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It's definitely sunk cost simulator. Even with how trashy the game is becoming over the years, I haven't found a good large arena alternative that have a large dedicated population like world of tanks (15k~ players on NA servers) or else I'd hop to that in a heartbeat
How come while the west makes hero shooter slop they can't copy WoT, a successful game, and just make it more generous/better? Gachas literally copy games all the time, but just make them more generous and print money. But no one applies this shit to niche games with jaded player bases?
F2P PC games are on a decline, mobile game games have mostly taken over
I assume copying the all the server calcuation shit from either WOT or War Thunder is too complex, so copycats don't bother with this niche
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Finally got my laptop back, got my first Radley in years
Don't use food or premium ammo
How do I call a shit player a nigger without directly saying nigger?
I call them antisemites and hope they retaliate with something, then report them for antisemitism to WG support and have them permabanned
>I call them antisemites and hope they retaliate with something
retaliate with "thank you"?
Nah, most people take the opportunity and start calling me a zog faggot or whatever, but to be honest even if you just said thank you WG would permaban you anyway for affirming you're an antisemite.
>You played really well in the back of the map with your heavy tank.
>Thanks, I have down syndrome
So what, did this retard just own me or something? Am I not allowed to think your shit and do I have to second-guess whether you have a mental disability too? Does this make me a worse person for thinkin a good percentage of my teammates might be mentally handicapped?
i assume everyone is retarded so that way when i call them retards im just stating the truth and its not an insult so they cant ban me
the only tank with correctly modelled torsion bar arms is the mkpz 68p, the arms actually rotate and not warp as with the other models, you can see that with any KV tank
>report a player for acting like a complete and total nigger (actively blocking me because he drove in front of me like a retard and got bumped a little tiny bit)
>get chat banned for calling him a "retard"
you're supposed to sit there and take it like a cuck when sending in replays to customer support under physics abuse, in-game reporting does nothing
if you kept your mouth shut and sent in a replay report, you could've banned that guy for around 3 days and block him from the entire consumable sale
>you're supposed to sit there and take it like a cuck
How dare I have self respect. You'd think they'd at least ban the other guy too for provoking me and behaving much worse, but no. I saw just now on tomato.gg that he's logged in within the past hour.
Are the names displayed on the replies next to CS tickets actual names of support staff or just placeholders?
you didn't say if you actually sent in a replay, and as already mentioned in-game reporting does nothing
forgot to mention that you have to timestamp when it happened in the game timer, support won't bother watching the entire replay waiting for the abuse to happen and will equally chuck out your physics ticket otherwise
if you do any retaliatory physics action towards the pusher when sending in the ticket, you both get banned which is why you have to take it like a cuck
I did send in a replay. Should I make a new ticket since I didn't include timestamps? The offense happened immediately, so it's not like they'd have to watch much of it anyway. He started shooting me and parked in front of me and I kept driving as if he wasn't there because I was in a superheavy tank. Him being in my way was only slowing me down, and it's overwhelmingly retarded if that counts as "retaliatory" especially since I clearly tried to drive around him multiple times only for him to reposition himself right in front of me. I did say "Okay, retard" in chat because he was throwing a bitch fit over nothing.
>I clearly tried to drive around him multiple times only for him to reposition himself right in front of me
normally i would say that's enough evidence and not retaliatory if you didn't push him into enemy fire, the problem is the retard message
you got hit with an automated chat ban via reports (was the troll in a platoon?) and if you sent that in for manual review it may get extended, at this point not worth it since you can't grief him back from accessing consumable sales
i've called people idiots, braindead, stupid and fuckers myself and haven't caught one in 9+ years, but one of my in-game friends that got chat banned before seems to have stricter tolerance applied to him and will get randomly chat banned out of the blue for using the same language as i do
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Man, I wish WG did more historically inspired skins like the D-Day ones and this one
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I've made a mistake
how is it?
I used to play the shit out of the old panzer 4
I miss it as much as the old hellcat
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Nostalgic, but absolutely ass experience as an glorified tier 5 tank uptiering against modern tier 7 and 8s
Needs the 'survival improvement suite' equipment to improve the low base HP and stop having modules knocked out all the time
With hardening euipment, the 100% crew update and the hp buff from 2019, the days of perma-tracking are waaay gone and the TTK is too long for a single shot peashooter. Even when I did get the chance to unload on someone, I got beamed by laser-accurate SPGs for sitting still
Was running vents, experimental hardening and gun rammer, but I feel like gun rammer is a mistake since I can barely unload 2 or 3 shots in a row without receiving massive damage back now. Probably gonna swap out gun rammer for more accuracy via IA, or lean more into vision game with optics or LNE instead
>the pz4 change was back in 2012
fuck I feel old
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>enter frontline
>enemy team is a doomstack of botrats, projetto 46, T56 and BZs
very cool, nice game
I haven't played this shit game in over a year, I witnessed the anniversary come and go and didn't even bother logging in for the free tank. Just not worth my time. Wargaming are niggers, and I don't like their evil tricks. If I wanna play, I'll log in, but fuck this FOMO shit bait. I was busy with other games at the time and jumping through a hoop is still a hoop that I don't care for and the reward was another faggot ass low tier tank I'd never even play so I didn't care.

My only question is how is the current state of the game?
I've finished playthroughs of some games I was busy with so will have more free time to consider playing tanks in the next few months unless I get into other stuff but is it even worth playing these days?
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I wonder which team will win?
Depends on why you left last year
Games are still swingy with the playerbase going more into the extremes of either sweaty tryhards or passive boomers that just happy to be there, and game content output has really stalled ever since the WG and Lesta company split happened

If you’re interested in frontlines, the 7v7 onslaught mode or clan wars (lol), then it’s a decent time to get warmed up. Otherwise just join the growing horde of seasonal WOT players that wait for november - december to roll around for the yearly itch
I got tired of the 15:3 and pay to win tanks all over, plus I didn't like frontlines at all despite it being lucrative. I don't enjoy the mode at all. Too full of nonsense like the air strikes and stuff.
I usually play most around thanksgiving/christmas but last year I skipped it.

My biggest problem is the game doesn't respect your time at all and trying to grind through a battlepass is ridiculous when you can be cucked and earn zero due to RNG ruining your shots while some bot ammo racks a maus and gets a load of XP securing him a spot in the BP earner group.
The game simply isn't worth a few hours a week because it doesn't reward you. The only way to really get anywhere is to poopsock this game and that's my main deterrent.
Are you even playing the same game as the rest of us? You get a flat rate of points win, lose or draw. Doesn't matter if you did 0 damage or carried the team.

I finish off 1 of the battlepasses just by playing for like a week or two in a month and doing the dailies each time I decide to log on. That's just from playing a single tank.
>Are you even playing the same game as the rest of us?
Last I played (PC WoT, I don't do console, for clarification) you had to be in the top 3 by XP earned or the top 10 or you earned zero. Doesn't matter if you got a bunch of shots in or finished people off, if you didn't earn top 10 base XP you got fuck all for your time.

Are you saying that's changed? Everyone gets a little credit now? How do you deal with bullshit daily missions like kill 4 enemies in a battle or being top damage? None of these things are skill based and depend entirely on situations made available to you, which in my case I'll kill 5 people in a game for like 3 battles in a row before I get the "bonus" mission where it requires 4 kills in one battle and then I can't get the damn final kill. Shit is ridiculous, and dropping down to bot tier and playing with LATAM NPCs just to cheat through it for BP points makes me cringe.
I thought it was always like that but I could be wrong. I must have misread the page too when I went to look it up.

>The number of Points you receive after each battle will depend on your rank in the team results by XP earned
Seems to indicate you could be correct. But I rarely do so badly I get no points despite having some stinkers occasionally. I will go see what's up and lose a match real quick, I believe I'm updated. I had always assumed you at least gained a few points, but it wouldn't make much sense to hand out free bp points.
Quite literally being in the top 10 (out of 15) means being in the top 2/3. That means 1/3 people will get zero per game, if it indeed works the way it used to.

A game where 1/3 of players get absolutely zero progress despite their best efforts is just toxic game design. This means anyone in a stock tank, grinding, or simply in a defensive tank in a 15:3 stomp won't really get the chance to participate in a way that allows them to earn points. It's easy to just call the 11th on XP some kind of shitter bot or whatever but more often than not that's actually not the case. Those people in 11th could survive and have 2 kills but the kills could be finishing off low HP tanks for example and considering how much of this game relies on RNG (pen, damage, modules, and accuracy) there's plenty of situations where competent players will be in the bottom 1/3 despite playing the game correctly.
People should be rewarded for good performances but earning literally zero progress is just dumb any way you put it IMO.
When I used to care about filling out battlepasses, I only cared about the first three daily missions and ignored the bonus missions, not worth the hoops of going through them
I already had my fair share of anger from completing campaign missions
Didn't realize it was so horrendously low, that is quite obnoxious. I guess they gotta find a way to avoid having bots farm battlepass completes.
Yeah, if the top 10 exp requirement wasn’t there we would return to the old times where bots was on both teams
You guys shouldn’t be grinding out all three BP paths in the first place, going that far is no lifer territory
Smacking out dailies is the sane way to go, though there were some bonus dailies I didn’t bother with like the 4 kills and win battles since completing those takes like 40 minutes out of my day and I can’t be assed for that
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Trade-ins premium tank event is active for an entire week, from August 26th to Sept 2nd.

I'm personally gonna go for the AltProto AMX 30 for its massive buffs coming soon or KV-122 for shits and giggles myself.
I just started over on EU recently, don't have anything to trade.
IS-2M would be better IMHO.
>game design
This game has evolved into a whale farm, you're pissing into the ocean.
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New crew coming next patch, these look pretty good. Time to drop camo and maybe BiA for all my heavies.

Improved radio set seems like not a meme now with jamming skill from radio operator
NA, EU or ASIA and how free to play friendly is it?
NA is ded, wherever you get lowest lag
After low tiers got fixed, the game is actually tolerable there, it's hard to lose money if you play smart
You can grind battle passes with T4 and T5 tanks, but not a lot, but you get quite a lot of free things with regular gameplay
Isn't Asia as dead as NA?
I don't know, I don't like chinamen
NA or EU. From what I heard from other people and unicum streamers, ASIA is very camp-heavy and games often last longer than 8+ minutes
Need a money maker, which of the tier 8 bond is good?
KV-5 or IS-6, both have limited MM, and fire cheap high damage shells
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Will IS-5 be worth getting now?
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retarded unbalanced moneygrab game for 50-yo boomers

>take literally 5 years to make minor armor value changes to five tanks out of 700 and call it a day - on to publishing next premium tank
>map sizes are still to this day limited to such small restrictions as if its still 2009 and all that has been done is they moved a few bushes around
>players are retarded as fuck and i like it but when +-2 tier matchmaking puts them as top tier you've automatically lost, or god forbid they play a crucial role like LT/HT and you witness enemy 279e drive through your team in the first 30 seconds of the game
>wheeled LT's zoom around at 100km/h making them unable to be killed because of outdated netcode and again drunk boomer aim
>i dont mind arty niggers but these faggots straight up bot tens of thousands of games on T5-9 SPG's without punishment
>average game length of 15vs15 game is 3 minutes because every tank is now an autoloader so the receiving redshitters lifespan is shorter than of a housefly
>lootbox fomo tanks up the vagina imba as fuck
>keep touching the boundaries of how far can we fuck you with new MTX without putting valuable effort into game development other than gay ass rotating gamemodes and battlepasses

i tried so many times getting back into this game but alas
shame war thunder ground forces still look like pre-alpha textures and physics are literally worse than GTA 3
fuck you wargaming, and dont even get me started about WoWS
I'm playing with wotspeak
Object 252u defender have a huge credit modifier almost on par with lowe
IS-5 is getting gun handling buffs very soon but from playing against it the overmatchable roof is very easy to abuse
Really, you can't go wrong with most bond tier 8 heavies there for credit farming except for KV-5, IS-6B, CHRYSLER GF and KV-4 KRESL
The first three have shitty standard penetration that makes shooting premium shells a soft requirement, and the KV-4 KRESL despite having good standard shells, they are too expensive in cost for the damage it does
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IS-5 is pretty decent now, can actually hit shit even at medium to long range and don't take forever t o aim. I like it.
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If only they would implement this to every tanks.
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This tanks is great, shame it's locked behind paid subscription.
Just in case anyone want to try it, WoT Plus has free 30 days trial.
>mfw all my heavy tanks got giga buffed with new crew skill update because they can drop firefighting / camoflauge as a dump skill now
>stacking an extra -10% stun duration with commander sound detection and getting free 5% boosts evertyime i get chip damage from enemy arty
I was a little excited about the US med buffs but idk why I trusted the word of the Russians.
The easy 8 pen buff is really nice, for high tiers M60 is still better
That and the alpha bump on the Pershing are the only real remarkable things. I guess the M48 getting kinda sorta turbo baked in is neat, M46 getting a somewhat decent aim circle buff was nice too. T20 having no changes, aside from awful stock grind if you don't get the M6 first, was quite disappointing.
Is the new BP already live on 9/3? I could've sworn it was supposed to go live on 9/4, which already seemed early.
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very cool, nice team
wasn't live yesterday
Remember when the Bulldog had 10 shots autoloader?
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The new czech lights are interesting. They're like anti-lights akin to the T49 running derp gun where anything paper gets shredded by fat 800~ damage unloads.
I've seen some straight up kill EVEN 90s and wheelies from like 90% hp to 0% hp with HE clips, this might be a new pub favorite tank with how YOLO heavy it can go like EBR but simpler in mechanics and kind of near guaranteed pen for chip damage.
Their ammo choices is interesting for me >>1419122
>still no buff
I never got on the fad, I was too busy playing the Pershing when it had an indestructible turret
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I regret not grinding this tank, even if it shit.
TL-1 LPC and 59-Patton are nearly identical if you still want that kind of shit tank hull playstyle
Gaming is on the decline, both mobile and pc. And yes this game was made by russian old software developer nerds so it's out of the reach for most baseddevs to copy. This is one of the few games that hack doesn't exist.
fuck no, it will be a direct buff to super heavies. They will need to add weak spots to a bunch of tanks which is too much work, also their goal was to simplify the game.
>They will need to add weak spots to a bunch of tanks
They should
>which is too much work
It's their job
>their goal was to simplify the game
They shouldn't
NA 100% or else EU. NA is not dead. It number on par with ASIA.
Easy fix is to add damage models to driver viewports and turret ring as weakspots again, they got very lazy with adding frontal weakspots after the old armor penetrator color indictator got updated to calculate angles
They tried it before on supertest and everyone hates it.
Holy fuck
Oh shit I read about this cheat a while back, people multi-box accounts to flood MM with arty bots and get enemy location information on their main if one of their arty bots land on the other team.
Seeing it in action, that's fucking wild. Hopefully that shit doesn't become widespread in NA. or fucking delete arty in general...
>everyone hates it.
because they removed the fucking weakspots from all tanks, this can only work if not every fucking heavy tank is immune from a 45 degree frontal arc
That would suck but it’s obvious when someone is has a map awareness hack like that plus I imagine it’s pretty shit since it probably just gives you a minimap with locations and doesn’t draw the tanks themselves. On top of all that it’s only useful on a handful of maps in a handful of situations. If I was getting blind fired like that or saw someone getting blind fired I’d fall back and find a safer angle that would force him to fight in view range. None of this is defending WoT or Wargaming, it’s just one of the few games where hacks aren’t that helpful.
Forgot to mention also that only real cheat that gives him an advantage is the fact it’s 14 versus 15 since my team has a retarded bot on it.
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It draws a box of unspotted enemies and is color coded for lights + meds as green, and heavies + TDs as red so you just blind fire the green boxes of squishy tank classes, no detailed rendering really needed since lights + meds are not armored enough most of the time.
The minimap renders tank direction and deployment so it's really easy to peek people when the map tells you they aren't looking at your angle. It's insane for early game to know where to push weakly defended flanks and late game when it's broken for cleaning up when you know where the enemies are and what they are doing.
>If I was getting blind fired like that or saw someone getting blind fired I’d fall back and find a safer angle that would force him to fight in view range
He's not gonna bother digging you out if you're that deep in cover, he's just gonna reposition to keep shooting more unaware people out of the view range distance or push a weak flank himself while he knows you will be sitting there behind hard cover for 2+ mins.
It's not that much of an advantage. Sure you see where everyone goes but for instance on mountain pass and in the instance of that video where the "hacker" was a nomad outside of a couple of early game shots there isn't much of an advantage. The game is won and lost in the J line where a nomad on either side would never have a shot map awareness or not. Knowing how many tanks went east is useless if your team lost in the west. I get the advantage but in pub matches it's pretty useless in most maps and matches.
You are retarded and prolly the cheater.
I only use tundra, out of draw range markers and the one that lets you know when stuff is destroyed.
>I only cheat MY way, that other type of cheating is different
You're a literal subhuman if you can't do well in tanks without cheating lmao, this game is easy as fuck
>Get uptiered to a tier 6/7 game when I'm in a tier 4/5
>Back to Garage
I love armour being irrelevant! I love heavy tanks just being totally pointless!
>I love armour being irrelevant! I love heavy tanks just being totally pointless!
you sound like a faggot that puts premium ammo on slot 1
>I love armour being irrelevant! I love heavy tanks just being totally pointless!
Isn't that exactly the problem with premium ammo?
I don't even stock gold on my tanks retard
>fuck no, it will be a direct buff to super heavies.
God forbid bush camping mediums have to actually use their mobility
>They will need to add weak spots to a bunch of tanks which is too much work
Shitty game, shitty devs, lazy dogs
>simplify the game.
Good to see the Wargaming defence force is in full swing here
Not with impenetrable hulldown tanks.
>God forbid bush camping mediums have to actually use their mobility
Most maps are city maps, good luck flanking anything retard. You loser HTs lover was crying that maps are too open and glass canon tank too OP.
This is another reason why I keep not being interested in this game.
Perks are bullshit and they already just changed them, why change them again?
Imagine constantly fucking with the state of the game for no reason.
Who asked? Nobody.
What's the movite? Microtransactions.

It never ends.
They should just monetize cosmetics more, this constant pay to win milking is disgusting.
Learn to play the game properly noob. Tier 1-7 is babby tier. Tier 4 used to get one shot from tier 6 and unicum can still get top damage.
They haven't changed anything about crew since forever. The game needs it to spice up the meta, it was fucking stale i didn't even bother to log on.
Don't care, didn't ask, going to keep doing it
>What's the movite? Microtransactions.
There is 30 days crew reset currently, what money?
How's Bat Chat after the buff? I was thinking about buying it.
It's fucking good now. The gun is god like and it has enough ammo to carry. The problem is the reload time but it's fair or else tank would become OP.
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Today's 416 session was 10 battles, 2 victories, 500 average damage
God, this tank is so useless
How? Are u stock?
yea stock
I had a battle where I did 3k damage but the enemy T56 decided it was immune to RNG and roflstomped the last 4 remaining friendlies
Fully upgraded isn't bad.
I'm tempted to rebuy the 416 back, playing it as a spotter
Have you seen the gameplay of K-91? The reload is nutty but after 2 shots people usually hide unless you get permanent tracking on them
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>>1426132 (me)
416 is hella fun as a min-maxed tank
I don't get to spot often but when I can, man you can really fuck with some people
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I remember when the T26E5 was considered very strong.
It was never strong. Overhyped by content creator.
For like a few months before defender came out
man, the gun really turned the tank around, I can't believe it
I love how a bunch of the new Czech LTs have a Shilka-style sight, but their guns elevate to like 25 degrees
I hate having autism
Are they fun?
They are. But very weak under most circumstances. It's a light armored tank killer, not much of a LT. They counter ebr too.
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I think after 30k games I have finally figured out how to play this game.
You are not playing a position, you are playing the map and its 1 vs 29 and use gold unless you don't need it.
You need the right mentality to move past 50%. Mastering camo, learning where to shoot, just wont get you far.
It is still strong but you can get a literal upgrade with the T-832. Or play the Super Perishing which is very similar but medium and gets better matchmaking.
Its still a great credit printer.
Fuck a buff. Just make it premium.
Yea but most will downplay it to luck and MM. If you know what you're doing then getting 50+% is nothing.
I thought the same thing but this is the first time I have ever managed to get myself into that mental state.
In that game I had plenty of opportunities to do my usual things and die without any reward. At the start I could have gone to the heavy line, which had no help. I could have shot normal rounds at the start to save money. Midgame I could have kept pushing the south and died to TDs. I didn't do any of my usual things nieve shitter plays and that made the difference.
I will find and strangle every single lefh faggot out there
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Should I?
Favorite tank class? I like versatile medium tanks, or any tanks that perform similar.
Glass cannon assassin. Borat 1400+ battles 67%+ wr
anything that w keys it in like centurions / top tier russian heavies
i don't mind attempting to break hulldown positions, but i don't have the patience to sit hulldown myself
How's Czech LTs? Autocannons look fun.
It's bottom tier in term of competitiveness but top tier in fun parameter.
Glass cannon assassin. They are so easy to pen.
My last few games have been great. I had one game with the Super that I was lost and confused in but still managed a 3rd class badge for spotting. Those three tenants should be added to the OP.
czech lights is a line where the tier 7 and 8 are the best tanks
kind of hard to play effectively as an anti-light killer, since you need to know general LT gameplay and where people often go on maps
Will the 122 TM ever get a skin thats not a Christmas Joke?
Will the Super Pershing ever get a 3D skin?
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Should I if I already have Char?
Buy it, the char is nothing like the bc. After the buff the tank is very comfy to play.
will they ever balance tier 8-10... gold spam fest. I only play tier 5 for now.
I only play tier 5-7 and sometimes tier 9. Tier 10 is a money sink and tier 8 is full with broken premium.
Tier 8 is broken beyond repair
Just get the cheeto sp and have fun
BZ is fine. Most of them don't know how to play for shit.
Anything but artillery and turretless TDs. If I had a favorite it would be heaviems. 122TM, SuperPershing, E5. Tanks that fall in that sweet spot of mobility and firepower.
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You just know they're going to add this as a Russian autocannon premium tank.
In NA, tiers 5 to 7 are also gold slinging spamfest from clubber tanks like M6 and chito-sp too, there’s no escaping it. At least in tiers 7-9 the arty get exponentially less annoying, despite their massive buffs from their new crew skills
It's too slow to be playable. Unless it has high pen and good armor.
>It's too slow to be playable.
A lot of tanks in this game have made up stats, not an argument
It's the new German light going to be good or another failure? WG needs to complete revamp the entire light class. There are about 3 light tanks in the game that are playable.
It's trash, it's will be hard to beat the elc in term of scouting. They will have to be a strong LT/Med hybrid with 300+ alpha and auto loader to be competitive. Plus it doesn't have any armor and will be clipped by Czech LT.
nearly same profile as lt-432, short but longer on the tank side means that 'lkpz' will have to play bushes defensively instead of being able to push up like ELC EVEN 90 and LHMTVs can with their tiny size
I don't see a reason to play this if you already have a KPZ 07 RH
>Gold Ammo for Super Pershing costs 4.5k
>Gold Ammo for Skota T56 costs 4.5k
>Super does half the damage
Such a ripoff.
lt-432 has 3900mm of turret armor
it's op as hell and too powerful of a scout
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Why do I always get the impossible missions.
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LT-432 gun plays like fucking garbage and is a ammorack / burning simulator once any shell penetrates you, and the long side means you get spotted at weird fuck angles against CVS mediums
There is a reason why most players opt for the ELC EVEN 90 instead
Yup i bought one and it's collecting dust in my garage.
>burning simulator
Don't use food?
Pubs are not made of minmaxing youtube warriors
Retard, LT is mixmaxxing or dead. Good luck spotting elc with bond exhaust, optics and cvs with 6 skills crew and food.
Stfu war blunder is fucking trash, 1000% times worse than WOT and played by troons.
>Play Skota
>Shoot only gold
>Make a decent profit
>Play Super Pershing
>Shoot only gold
>Lose 80k
Such bullshit.
How do I get good with it? I know it has high damage potential because it has a good autoreloader gun, but it's hard to play due to having virtually no armor and mediocre camo.
Just don't get shot.
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you need to know maps well to play glass cannon tanks, shoot gold for faster shell velocity and
watch Iyouxin channel, his thought process is well explained during the video. Equipment wise use turbo on mobility spot, bond vstab and bond vend.
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it finally happened
the RNG deflector shields AND working crit hits got activated, got 5 kills and of course the bonus mission was the "get 4 kills" one
Yea there are battles that you win no matter what.
T-832 is kinda busted. This tank bounces way more shots than it should. Not just the turret either. It's the only tier 8 that I play that seems to keep tier 9s and 10s nervous enough they stay behind their rocks.
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>waffle mode becomes unavailable after 2 AM
nyo... my key...
this but onslaught
fv4005 is so fun to play in that mode
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got my first moe for the object 416, tank gets a lot more fun once field mods are activated
How do I win in waffentrager mode if the enemy teams aren't retard? I just died at 0:00 in the last game.
In pvp sometimes you don't win.
I've played as Engineer for 5 time, all lost in the last 30 seconds.
waffle mode has skill based mm based off the waffle player, averaged across harrier players
if you are like 7000+ personal rating it's really hard to win as waffle because the harrier team will always have 3-4 competent players and they're often platooned

text from the previous waffle event:
>A Fair Experience: In this event, players will meet with equal peers in terms of skill to offer equal chances for everyone to complete the Progression and to protect new players from bad experiences.
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ruh roh, raggy... RIGGERS
Riggers will get caught simply because of high blindshot hit rate, moving the reticle on hidden enemies and how they move themselves around the map.
I hate rhiggers, Rhaggy!
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this mode sucks ass
nearly every team is like this +-2 of the TVPs
Maybe WG should nerf the TVP or buff the other shit tanks in the roster?
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How do we fix tier 8? Is it even fixable?
I find that unless you play exceptionally strong or borderline OP tanks like Borat or BZ you're pretty much food. And if the enemy team has more strong premium tanks you're almost always lose.
remove the skill based matchmaking, there's no place for it in wot
in these battles all the foudres keep running away, stacking up their damage boosts and clipped the fuck out of every spawn and EOS 1

not really, too many premiums are like tier 8.5 and the only tech trees that stand up decently well to them are the T32, Type 57, german heavies, LHMTV, most TDs except for the ferdiand/su-101/AT15/WZ-111-1g ft and for the mediums the 416, pantera, t69 and udes 14 alt 5
I disagree. Other than the BZ being better than it's tier 10 equivalent and some tanks just being trash, tier 8 is comphy. I slaughtered a Skota and 703 in my Super Pershing just yesterday. The best part was the 703 tried to save the Skota.
>Ohh ohh he's saving his friend
>But who's going to save you!
I can't enter the game mode, it's like 0 WTs and 700 harriers
damn :(
They put way too much trash in the boxes.
>Super Pershing
Are tier 8 premiums with pref MM still worth getting?
I mean, I don't like tier 8 but I still need some of them to grind credit and BP.
Not sure about the rest of them but the Super Pershing is one of the best tanks in the game since the new physics engine buffed its mobility or maybe when WG buffed its pen.
not really? for NA I often get into all tier 8 matches frequently enough that I don't feel like taking out my type 59 or super pershing
>my team ELC: 45% WR
>enemy team ELC: 60% WR
Fucking rigged.
I get tier 10 6 out of 18 game today with tier 8 tanks.
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>harrier mission
>cap at least 1 base in 3 battles
>5 minute queue to get in battle with harrier
>disconnected on 3rd battle
very cool
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Wow, this tank is great. Its camo and spotting capability rival that of Borat. The only downside is expensive AP.
No, the problem with that tank is the journey to get to it.
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K-91 is also pretty gud but you need to know how to play the game, and IMO have at least a 4-5 skill crew
Tier 10 is also very unforgiving in gameplay too compared to object 416
Wtf retard, reset the skill on commander for 100% of the last bonus skill. 1s second sooner of sixth sense could be the difference between life and death.
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Signal interception works well at lower percentages compared to the other radio skills
I use communications expert for my spotter build to push my VR up to 480m after a while, since I do not use coated optics with it
Do you even have it? Show your loadout and crew
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this is what most sniper tanks should use. That 2.5% is worthless compared to the chance of burning.
>>>>>>chance of burning.
Firefighting is a wasted slot, you really don't burn in this game unless you play russians or chinese tanks, and even then level 1 experimental hardening fixes it for tanks that do have that problem like obejct 430u and the 5a or a shitbox like the udes 15/16 which I'm assuming you're using
You clearly don't play K-91 because all the crew efficiency perks do add up and get boosted with vents, I can bump my 5.11 second reload time on my spotter build to 4.5~ seconds in endgame situations when I damage race against allies or when another retard yolos me and i have to pump DPM asap
Your """sniper build""" is missing some shit too, why are you using ammo tuning?
why are you using deadeye when you're sniping?
where's your concentration gunner perk? concentration is a free IAU bonus if you're sitting still
Because i the chance me sitting for 3s is so low because i have to keep fucking relocate for damage and most of the shot is at close to mid range anyway
>experimental hardening
One wasted slot of equipment is much worse than 1 skill retard, CVS and optics or stabs is already a must then rammer.
Having 2,7s of keeping enemy spotted and being able to check module damage is 100% worth it retard, and you rarely have the chance to shoot more than once when sniping unless u playing autoloader before they retreat after taking 1 hit. Getting swarmed by enemies is a skill issue most of the time and i can say with 100% certainty you don't even have 3 on any meta tanks, lmao.
>ammo tuning
Having predictable alpha damage is good for making decision retard. I would rather having more dmg in the mid range than low roll is critical moment and lose the game. The pros on not low rolling outweigh the chance of high roll and the skill mostly reduce low rolling.
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Concentration is useful when you are shooting far distances, where you will be sitting for 3 seconds most of the time
Experimental hardening is not a wasted slot, you have two loadouts you can use for a reason
Deadeye 2.7 second of keeping enemy lit only applies when you spotted the guy yourself, if you are out of render range and relying on other people spotting you won't get that bonus, and is a waste
I don't have the patience to grind out 3s because no one gives a fuck about them outside of flexing to clan activities, but I'm not a fucking shitter like the average player
K-91 is not a sniper tank, you have to constantly rock back and forth and switch between 450m shooting to closing the distance and DPMing people

Normally that is sound logic, but you're going from -25% minrolls to about -22% minrolls with ammo tuning if boosted by vents
For example, on a 390 damage gun, you go from 292 minroll to 280 minroll with ammo tuning... How many times are you gonna miss out on a kill by 12 damage, assuming you even roll the ABSOLUTE minimum amount?
Compared to intuition, perfect charge or adrenaline rush, ammo tuning is noob trap
Read the armorer skill on your gunner. It's another ammo tunning. In total with bond vent and food u have almost -10% low roll.
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I don't give a flying fuck about the damage ranges on the armorer perk, I care about the 2% gun dispersion accuracy buffs instead because K-91 gun fucking troll too much at medium ranges even when aimed in
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>not even reading skill description
And yea now it's -10% low roll, that's substantial especially on high alpha gun.
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Eh... I could see it as a sixth skill for heavies, but for all the other tank classes loader is too crowded with perks because of bia/camo/repair taking up three slots
A lot of the times, from my experience and from watching streamers, people don't care about low rolling unless it's on a killing shot, or playing meme high damage vehicles like deathstars and Jagdpanzer E100
I don't mind niche skills, because I did take communications expert to slightly better my odds against LNE scouts and minor DPM boost at times - but caring about damage consistency to this extent is falling into unicum territory and rarely noticeable
I'd rather go for the economy of intuition, shooting comfort from perfect charge or adrenaline rush for dueling than an extremely niche benefit in rolling killing shots - a lot of times for finishing someone off, the problem is reloading in time or getting the shot in, not the damage itself really
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>4.5s in endgame situations
You're not some sort of loser who can't afford bond equips, are you anon? K91 current patch gets 4.1 without needing any skill gimmicks, down below 4 if close combat or adrenaline rush.
4.5 seconds on a spotting build without rammer is still pretty good
I used to try the K-91 without repairs, but it's too easy to get cucked by arty splash tracking after using repair kit in tier 10
Did you actually find use for close combat? It's not often you get close to someone within 50m
Close combat is useful when you get shoved onto city maps, or get yolo'd. K91 is a pretty competent brawler if it has to be. You can abuse the fully rotating turret to sit hulldown in reverse, you trade 2-3 shells for 1 against nearly everything without having to stick the long front hull around corners.
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>You can abuse the fully rotating turret to sit hulldown in reverse
I've been doing that, the -9 gun depression is nutty, I bounce most shells off the K-91 ass somehow, and because I get shot in the ass instead of the front the K-91 doesn't get lit on fire or take ammorack damage
I've been really liking the camo build over DPM build, that which I only take on city maps. Being able to roam around in the open, not requiring double bushing to stay unseen and being able to disengage and ambush people in different spots rakes in easy 5k-6k combined games, assuming I don't fuck up in the first minute getting spotted going to my scouting position
I typically run my leopard like that on maps where scouting is worth it. I'll have to set up my secondary on the k91 for a spotting loadout to give that a try. Just been enjoying being a DPM machine since patch, 4700 is hilarious when you catch out a heavy/TD dumb enough to not have repairs fully trained and can just permatrack them to death.

Unrelated but new LTs are way fun too with all these WTE100s driving around, makes for huge chunks of free damage.
Yeah, I’ve been farming assists off some pretty bad WTE100 and FV4005s lately.
If you ever commit to camo build, try out the shell speed increase from perfect charge skill. There were times where people yolo tilt charge towards my bush while being farmed to low hp, and I’ve been taking them out within 150m~ distance firing behind a bush and still remaining unspotted due to 1950~ m/s on the APCR with vents boost’s sheer speed killing them before their client registers me at that distance
They aren’t driving blind vehicles either - usually its other meds like leo 1, batchats and other K-91s
I do have 53% camo with field mods and am normally an LT main in the past before all the maps got fucked up, so the experience might be different
how do multiple voiced crew interact?
Only commander’s voice will be used, though the warhammer guy doesn’t have special voicelines
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I just want my first victory and not just be roflstomped by botrat platoons, abandoned on hilly flanks and have 2 fucking battles in mines
I hate the rng missions.
>mission: win 1 game
That should be eas-
>4 games later
You know the story.
Finally won in the 10th game!
>thunderbolt is worst harrier tank
>carry my team on my back every time I play it
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I don't think the MM will forgive me
Thunderbolt is good if you play in a yolo way and actually save your turbo charge for enemy tanks
Every life you can deal 1000 damage rams to EOS 1 and get her out if the game significantly faster, making it easier for generator plays
Heard the NA is dead, what about EU and Asia?
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>WT event
>WT 1000 HP remaining
>3 in cap
>2 in other cap
>10 seconds remain on 3 cap
>hyperion on 3 cap
>6 seconds remain
>WT engaging 2 cap
>3 cap players flee
>WT wins
Is it worth starting over on EU?
The penis on the tip of the upcoming Czech TD ruins it for me. Design is great otherwise. Why, wg?
>upcoming Czech TD
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>buy 5 boxes
>got this
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Anyone has the Ka-Ri? How's it compare to the Jagdtiger?
>20s base reload for 770
>.34 base accuracy
>no armor
>mediocre pen for tier X TD
This is just going to be 114sp2 but even worse if they release it like that
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Is it just me or Grom looks pretty meh?
I will forever hate myself for not getting the shitpack and kpz, but got the 56TP
why did they just lift the entire roof from the su-122-54?
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I'm a shitter and I still managed 2800+ dpg and a 59% wr in the tier 9, the 8 has the same gun, similar reload and similar mobility, with, at least on paper, thicker armor over the upper hull. Seems like the grom will be a fun enough credit grinder
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I'd rather play the kilana, grom have the shitty side plates at the front that makes it easy pen against gold while kilana's cube shape makes the pen 50/50 at least, and improves even more with elevation
Pic is tested with Skoda T56's 248 pen AP gold round, one of the stronger ones at tier 8
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Who should I pick?
Mouzakorbat's streams are German, seams like he would be nice to watch otherwise. Dakillzor is a great player but a complete manchild. The only real option is Skill.
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This is pretty good. The different between it and the Jagdtiger 88 is like heaven and hell.
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Steel wall for a massive 90 damage blocked, these lights are hilarious
If you like that you'd probably like Ka Ri. Trades away some armor and hp for better mobility and very slightly better alpha/reload
>playing waffle
>~10 s left on timer, enemies cap in 8 s
>cast hyperion on capping enemies (6 s to cast)
>enemies somehow cap and I die
Nice game, cuckgaming.
>$79 for Grom
That's double the cost of normal tier 8 TD. You need to get at least 50% discount to bring it to normal tier 8 prem cost.
Pretty Jewish tactic.
>paying for downgraded kilana
The polish TDs aren’t fun to play in either, can’t imagine credit grinding in those
>1.4k credit for whooping 200 damage at 500m range
>just get closer, bro
Nah, I'll stick with my Jagdtiger Prototype.
I forgot how sweaty high tiers are during marathons, holy hell
Time to downgrade to mid tiers for a while
Skill is fucking unbearable. Worse English than a Brazilian and too loud and obnoxious
Monkey. If you’re on NA chances are they’re actually Brazilian
Tell me about it. This is worse than holiday ops teams. Only problem is sand river and el halluf are in the rotation and I’m trying to mark my churchills
Either NA or EU. Whichever you get better ping on. Just be aware on NA the highs are higher and the lows are much lower. You either get some legit great players or 8/10 times it’s fucking South American goatfuckers or ancient boomer teammates who have the shakiest aim and fucking negative wn8. NA it’s not uncommon to see 42% players not bots. Be prepared to be yolod all the time and fucking death stared by absolute fossils
ASIA is just a glorified rigging server now
Lamo getting -2 in a tier 6 or 7 is a fucking death sentence as a heavy you retard
The only accurate part of this is the super heavy buff. Weak spots should have been on tanks and the API is absolute aids for removing those
The fucked up part is, due to the nature of the game, on a small scale it’s party true. Soo many new players get sucked into the idea that the entire game is rigged instead of realizing it’s a combination mainly their own fuck ups and possibly when and what they play. As the saying goes half truths are more damaging than complete fabrication
Umm... Just learn the basic game mechanics. It's so incredibly OP even complete tomatoes dominate with it.
Total skill issue.
This was true on the first few years after release when single shooter tanks were still common and there was no hardening to stop perma tracks
Now tanks have their own autoloaders and will fuck bad progettos plays heavily when they could get away with them in the past
Yeah, but hes not a faggot.
Still unwatchable. Try MaxGamingFPS even though he’s a Br*t
>Would rather watch faggots as long as they more closely match his race
Really makes you wonder why most skinheads are actual homos.
I watch max because he’s chill. Not because he’s white. Skill is just an annoying manbaby who screams in broken English and make le funny noises
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>team completely abandons effort to control the hill
>die trying to contest the hill with 2 shots
>top 3 in damage
>retard drowns their tank instead of trying to shoot a few more enemies before dying
why is it always the latinx doing this on NA? I understand that there is an inbuilt mental deficiency that comes with their race but they must still at least understand that shooting red team is the goal if they get near tier 10. They already refuse to use their containment server, does EU have to deal with subhumans like this? Is it worth hopping servers to avoid brazilians and other assorted retards?
EU does have to deal with russian cheaters, multiple languages and genuine racism. Why do NA complainers keep thinking EU is the promised land when you see the absolute state of affairs that is going on over there that somehow wont bleed into gaming, and their cheating culture?
Just holding out some sort of misplaced hope of a place to play dumb tank videogame without subhumans, I'll have to stick to clan play for that
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So which do I choose? I already have a tier 8 premium so I only care about fun factor.
VK 45.03 has one of the highest credit multiplier at tier 7, on par with the lower end tier 8 premiums so you can spam food in it. Somewhat fast heavy with -8 gun depression, but it has the pre-buff tiger gun with 240 damage and bad armor so it can feel lackluster at times
Tier 6 tanks are stinkers because you play with arty sealclubbers, and SU-122-44 kinda not attractive when tier 7 tech tree TDs are cracked as they are meaning you will match up against them often
NA is a fucking cesspit of retarded lead paint eating boomers and South American apes, but at least most of them are too dumb to hack and speak English to an extent
T-34/85M, no contest
Either su or t34-85. Just don’t play su like regular triangle
Everyone in NBA clan needs to be permanently banned and DrNix should be crucified
SU has hilarious DPM for a t7 TD if you can work around the lack of pen. Of the ones listed there, it's the one I have the most fun with on the few occasions I dip below t8
Retard, just protect the beach and the hill can't do shit. Have someone proxy spot down the hill too.
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I swear to God, autocannon LTs got put to inflate Steel Walls for WG to go "my job here is done" and declare that the armor/ammo system is not forever fucked
Even better is getting a steel wall IN an autocannon LT because you won the duel with the red team's autocannon. I've had the 10 for maybe 30 battles and I've got 3 or 4 of them already
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Hated onslut, only did 3/6 weeks.
raise your dongers
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So I took out the Kilana again after shilling it recently, and I think I overrated the armor a bit. It's well armored against normal rounds, but it still crumples to gold rounds the same as Grom does, even while hulldown. There were times where I wish I had the Grom's mobility for jousting and ridge peeking, as even with all this turning equipment and field mods the Kilana is too clunky for corner peeking.
Probably end up swiping for Grom eventually, it plays like a Object 263 which is nuts.
The gonk is an absolute monster, totally worth getting and keeping. The totally flat front means you can angle it in ways the 10 can't, and when you're top tier you can usually easily facehug your way to 6k+ dmg games
also nice hitlerdigits
I'm probably gonna stick to tier 8s for this line. At higher tiers the damage isn't as meme worthy and people also hit you back harder making it more annoying to brute force trades.
It's flithy as hell to do 650~ damage trades against peashooters like T26E5, and one shotting some paper tier 7s with HE over 450m.
I got the playstyle down, so polish TDs aren't a fliter for me anymore.
Bad news
Sad news for Chieftain MK.6 and WTE100 fans, cause getting all those tanks will be fuck expensive
I can't wait to pay more for less tanks. 75 boxes for a guaranteed drop up from 50 is bullshit. Who cares what the CN server thinks. They have what 1000 players?
Do you think there will be server transfer offer in the future?
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When the hell are they going to buff this? Lasta's already buff it.
Not just this tank too, there are so many underpowered premium tanks that should have been buff. What are they waiting for?
That thing is already good if you're not shit. High dpm 280 alpha gun with good accuracy firing shells that cost almost nothing on a t8 prem, literally what else do you want?
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Just moved from gonk to the 10, you should really reconsider. That bigger gun you get at 9-10 is insanely worth. Played 8 matches in the blysk so far, and despite the completely shit teams of the NA server, had a great time with it.
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Panther 8.8 kneels to the shovel
Our current version of M48A2 Raumpanzer still mogs Lesta version of the buffed 8.8 on account of having trolly, usable hull armor
WG should add an option to add shovels in front of all our tanks to fuck with HEAT spammers

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Return as tier 8 premium when?
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I'm never going to win with the object ever again, aren't I
no autocannon tanks involved
seems like a stupid easy choice, especially since they have the model
Just play the WZ td premium. It's literally it but better.
>been playing on NA for over a decade
>want to move to EU because NA is pretty much dead
>WG won't allowed account transfer
What do?
Spend $200 on holiday op boxes to jumpstart your EU account. Why do you feel like moving over, NA queue times pop relatively fast outside of tiers 1 to 5 or midnight hours.
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Overlord change.
just make every map a 3 corridor heavyslop, why does anything matter anymore?
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This complaint makes no sense, because they removed a corridor that interacted with nothing since the beach is on low ground...
The beach actually used to be a fun place to brawl in heavies several years ago without having to worry about TD camping and SPGs, but recently TDs will camp the low cliff corners and SPGs actually go out of their way to drive to the beach to shoot heavies, so it's boring trash as a flank these days.
In return for removing the beach, they widen the open nature area so every other class doesn't have to hump the bowl anymore and light tanks can actually do their jobs now which makes your complaint even more confusing btw
I didn't look at the pictures, legitimately though it would go through the same process as Airfield
beachbots btfo
finally, even the retards will be forced to actually play the game instead of just throwing the match in the first 30s
Any anons have the grom? Got a steep discount on it already but just trying to figure out if it's actually worth buying
It's good but very hard to play. Imagine clapping enemy for 800+
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Ended up getting it, thing's not really that hard to play and absolutely prints silver. made over 100k silver/match over the 6 matches I played before hopping off the game.
The first 50 battles are blessed by RNG. Wait until you meet tier 9-10. Then you have to actually use brain instead of trading hp.
They were all uptier, anon. Shooting 10s is a great way to make silver. Having the chance of getting to delete 6s with the tier X's alpha is pretty funny though.
dead board, dead general
Real, sad thing is it doesn't have to be this way but original autists abandoned the general and we have to start over after 7 years on a dead board with little traction.
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Worth grinding?
The obsidian is pretty good, I will grind it
That's not the obsidian.
I'm DONE with Halloween event. Absolutely no teamwork at all, some people don't even know how to play. Can't even beat hard mode.
What is the best regular T8 tank for last stand?
Ammo is free in Last stand, so not shooting gold is a detriment, tried the Obsidian, T8 track mechanic american and Type 57, all beat wave 3 by camping the top left position where you can only be attacked from 2 sides, around c2/c3
Just join the official discord and make a team there.
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I looked at this year's halloween event, it looks like too much of a chore compared to last years.
Nightmare mode is 4 phases, with double bosses if it's like hard mode.
Out of the 16 stages, I'll probably aim for stage 11 or 12 and call it a day there.
How alive is NA server?
10k player on a good day. It's decent. Or you could play EU 150k players.
>another GuP collab
We're winning bros
just beat hard first try with randos, just don't be angry
>just beat hard first try with randos
Interesting. Which server?
I won my first 5th last stand waive with my Type 57, it only took 4 OP T8 tanks to carry me to victory
The key is DPM
I felt ripped off.
>they nerfed last stand key rewards because people were beating them too easily
the rental T32 is a beast in Last Stand
yea, what the fuck
just did nightmare as well
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I noticed you can actually choose the stage you want to unlock, you don't have to do them in order.
Thinking about getting the last stage for the universal manual, bonds and then leave. I don't need components as much since I have them at T2 now and nightmare teams have been absolutely ass on NA, combined with last stand rewards being nerfed and teammates being ass to the point where I am getting at least two 4k WTR rating teammates that do nothing...
I wish I knew that sooner, I would have stacked the premium time at the end and unlocked the t55
Is nightmare better to spam then? I noticed that one time when we made it to the middle of wave 4 and wiped no one got keys. Others maybe 1-3, kinda weird.
I legitimately can't tell the time to reward difference in last stand vs nightmare, but you get a daily mission on each tank to do 3k damage to get 2 additional keys per battle
Yeah I do that first of course. People kinda suck in both modes but that was the case as well last year on the first weekend, failing the first phase because fucks can't pick an enemy spawn that isn't right next to the immortal is happening again. Hopefully things improve next week, 13-16 need an insane amount of keys.
A bit late but most of the farmers are doing normal and the good people stopped doing nightmare after their first clear.
Nightmare and Last stand are full of tomatoes now, not as good anymore
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godbless i kinda regret not getting any guppies from last collab
Is Asia server dead like NA?
If 10-15k is dead then yea, the problem with ASIA server isn't the player numbers but the population itself. Bunch of retard camper mixed with tryhard cunt. There's nothing in between so most games are either 5 mins or almost draw.
Is that a good number?
You will never have problem finding matches. Remember that a lot of game would kill to have that many players.
If you get to the boss on nightmare, you get 8 keys, while if you get to wave 5 and die, you get 6
I tried playing on Asia and mostly found bot matches and camper games, stopped playing lmao
You're either on newshitter protected MM or protect MM for returner retard. Newshitter won't meet vets until they're tier 7 and returner will have a few matches with bots.
So fucking sick of latinx subhumans in mirny mode. Just want to find a decent team of 5 to clear nightmare once
NA? I was thinking about making a new account on EU.
yeah the event is a total shitshow on NA unless you can arrange a not-braindead stack of five somewhere outside the game
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Should I?
Nah it's trash. Save your money for something else. Preferably grom, skoda, borat,
I think everything is trash compare to skoda and borat so that's not fair.
Then save for xmas, like 2 months left.
What are some tier 8 premium MTs with decent mobility, decent gun and with some armor?
I have 49 keys left to collect to get the nergal, the T49 is such an abysmal tank to play in the game mode
Cs 52 Lis
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I'm still kind of disappointed they add Marder II H instead of M
I miss the good old days when the Marder II had max view range and you could kill a KV from full HP before it could spot you
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finally got it, you get a 3 skill crew, pretty cool
Nice. I'm too lazy to grind.
>started a new account on EU
>have to grind from the start again
It's so horrible. I don't know how did I do it back in the day.
Anyone got higher than usual ping on EU?
Everything was fine on my end these past 2 days
How do I permanently quit WoT?
You don't, there isn't something like it and there won't be.
Seriously, why don't WG allow account transfer?
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I remember when Asia used to peak at around 20k
How's NA?
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Oh hey, it's the same set of crew from the first Mirny event.
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New British HT line.
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How's it even possible to be this bad?
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I just correctly guessed my old EU account password and decided to grind a referral tank.
Which one of this should I get?
T26E5 or STA 2, I would save bond for Defender in bond store if you're a poorfag.
VK 168.01 p is decent, the only superheavy with a turret up front that allows normal gameplay
I would not take any of the mediums or lights with the current state of the game
The K-91 is a blast, it instantly rendered my 140 obsolete
the VK is also the only heavy tank with an MG weakspot, turret face is also easy pickings for every tank from T8 and up
It does not matter as much, poke out a corner frontally, trade 1 for 1 shots and you get an easy 2k damage game with +80k credits
Good players will pen your tank always, but for the VK 168.01 the presence of a easy cupola ironically makes the bad people more willing to shoot regular ammo at (you)
Because it is not DPM reliant and have 400m VR, you can even drop foods and get an extra +20k credits
Is the Halloween event fun?
If you have a good team yea, the rewards are pretty neat too
Normal and Last Stand are. Normal gives free refills every stage so you can spam abilities like previous years, and Last Stand is fun to do gold spamming without having to pay credits
42/80. I didn't grind hard this year but at the same time last year I was spamming nightmare. Maybe back then it would have been better to spam normal too, but that was a year ago so eh. As long as I don't job and end up bottom 2 that's just 4 more runs. Maybe I'll just run 2 tomorrow and wed to spread it out a bit.
Good luck anon, remember to take a break to prevent burn out for xmas.
>free oarai style
I’ll take it.
BT-42 is very unique and got a big glowup from crew 2.0, but it requires a 4 skill crew and bond equipment
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>bonus mission
>be top damage on your team
>bottom tier all games
>T10 battle
>T8 tank
>barely do 1200 damage
>win mission
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>here is your team, bro
Just unlocked the Nergal, is there a way I can mod the skin to just make it look like the Crusher? I tried replacing the files in the _skins subfolder with their respective files from the main folder but it didn't seem to work for some reason, at the very least is there any guides out there on how to mod reskins
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I unlocked the nergal today, it's pretty stupid.
You statcheck lower tiers even harder than BZ-176, and is a british M6A2E1 mutant but extremely improved in performance.
I got 1200 base exp with 4200 damage, and it's only 2nd class. 2ND CLASS.
Very good for aggressive play.
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It's so tiresome.
Got 46 tokens, already have the Char Futur and AE, I don't think I will enjoy the Cobra, are any of the other tanks in the token store worth it?
Still get cobra for campaign missions.
All of the other ones like the Projekt 07 HK, TS-60, BZ-58-2 and TT-130M I literally never see in matchmaking, if that is a testament to how boring they are to play.
That's because you haven't met me on the enemy team.
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the GuP commanders come only with BiA
0 skill BIA?
Because they're free.
Should I put Erika in Jagdtiger or Panther?
I watched that one, it didn't go into detail regarding re-skinned variants
BP/holiday ops commanders are also free, but they have 3 skills
Then I'm out of idea, maybe if you know russian you can search for it somewhere.
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i nearly lost the whole game on this whiffed shot btw
Bad aim
I like how every T10 TD has ~300 pen with standard ammo (bar minotauro which is a HT wearing a TD hat), except the Foch B which not only has like 250, but also colossal front weakspots and dogshit aim time
Well yea it has to lose something for that autoloader.
on you for aiming poorly and firing on the move, that's a guaranteed kill if you just sat there and let him back into your gun
There's a good analysis of crew 2.0 skills on reddit.
The skills worth the read:
>Designated Target
>Reliable Placement
>Ammo Tuning
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the chinaman cartoon skin looks good on the chinaman tank
the new game mode does not have a lot of faggot clickers in it
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>3.5 aiming time
>.42 dispersion
>snap shots you while on the move from 300 meter away
A GuP commander and a GuP camo or 3 GuP camo but no commander? I don't have enough tokens.
Commander + camo
Commander + Camo
Get the oarai style, you can adjust the camo colors on it
I got bored playing the modern meta premiums (bourra, bz-176, ambt, ka-ri) and started playing the boomer premiums like lorrarine 40t, type 59 and m4a1 revalorise.
There's something fun about playing tanks with clear flaws, though a lot of the old premiums have really shitty pen so intuition is required.
Damage per game is going down, but working out that damage is more entertaining than W keying it in and brainlesssly unload 800+ damage via autoloader or 500+ damage single shot trading
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Or you could 3 marks them instead if you care about using brain.
what are some good bond tanks, already got the M60 and M10RTFT
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the new game mode just made me have my best game in the TVP, amazing
Don’t care for 3 marks, no one gives af about them outside of clanshit.
Now if there was another personal mission branch, I would be banging my head over it…
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bros, I can't afford these things rn, when are they gonna come back after poofing on the 7th?
also please dont say never
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I just came back to this game like literally 6-7? years after last playing it, is "warmup" against bots or?
oh yeah nvm read..
If u need premium then get defender or else don't bother with anything.
how is it? i also haven't touched this in 6-7 years.
do you mean wot in general? It seems kinda dead if im bein honest, but largely unchanged since I stopped too, I'm sad that premium ammo is still a thing in this game
i went and asked youtube and it told me since then there are now lootbox tanks and i lmao'd
i think that's enough wot for another year
It goes poof for who knows how long
This rerun took 6 months, while the one before that took 2 years.

Inactive and new accounts get special matchmaking with bots for a few matches. Most of the playerbase play at tiers 8+ now and queue times take 10 seconds to a minute at most during USA prime time
cool thanks for the info, so any new player is gonna basically play either against bots or smurfs in low tiers? That's a bit grim
I think the protected mm lasts for 20 battles across all tiers, but I believe you can end it early if you platoon and queue up with someone else.
Tier 4 and below are a wasteland, because wargaming significantly increased exp grind speed.
IDK when you last played, but tiers 5 to 7 haven't changed too much. Tier 8 and above is an insane shitshow for anyone who hasn't played even just 2 years ago, the metagaming and powercreep is unreal and even the bad players have optimized loadouts now.
>WoT gets a girls und panzer cosmetic while on tis last legs
honestly grim, war thunder is kinda thriving in comparison rn
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As much as I shit on the game, WOT has captured the heart of old boomers and twitch zoomers so it's not going anywhere anytime soon
I do wish we got GuP cosmetics faster when there were still a bunch of anime fans around
Lmao why you WTroons are so disingenuous, if we count RU server we have x5 times your population on peak.
those player numbers aren't that bad at all actually ig
the gup pz 4 for example if I buy it is like tier 4-5 right? Will i be playing in a wasteland if I use that
>those player numbers aren't that bad at all actually ig
I accept your concession, i would take retard over chink cheater lmao.
Depends on what server you are playing on, and what time you often play at. For NA server, once the time gets close to 9 PM PT, low and mid tiers (tiers 1 to 7) queue times slow down pretty fast
Tiers 8 to 10 still get fast queue times up until midnight.
The Holiday rush is here soon, so a lot of seasonal WOT players will jump back in December soon.
>the gup pz 4 for example if I buy it is like tier 4-5 right? Will i be playing in a wasteland if I use that
You will get your ass handled by seal clubbers once your returnee status is revoked.
idk I haven't played WT for like 2-3 years and WoT for way way longer, tryinna figure out which one I wanna get back into, but the new WT cinematic is what made me wanna play some tanks its super good, I installed WoT first cause of the GuP pack though, I used GuP mods in like 2018
WoT is superior game, WT require literally almost no ingame mechanics or tactics because it has respawn. WoT made the game really easy to grind and you cab get the Defender premium in bond shop which is you can get using the bond from annual well deserved rewards. It's frustrating but so is WT and you get fucked by gayjoob. I have played WT before and it's shit. It's not a tank game when you get bombed by plane and heli.
If you do decide to return to WOT, there's a few mods on the official WG mod site you can use.
I don't think the unofficial GuP tank reskin mods work currently, hasn't been updated in a while
>GuP User Interface
>GuP crew subtitle mod (requires the actual crew from the GuP tanks)
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nice thanks for the suggestion, sadly I can't afford the pack rn, made some awful financial choices this month it'd be irresponsible to spend on that lmao, but I'll wait for the rerun I guess
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Centurion Mk. IA has been announced to be in testing so the collab will rerun eventually, might take a while though
Do you not have a credit card?
The king tiger took fucking 2 or 3 years from the leak till release...
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I have a debit and I have some money on it but I just can't afford that shit rn couz other expenses, at least not the full pack, could only get the pz iv

btw whats the benefit of using the left ammo over the right one? The right one is premium ammo thats more expensive but better in every way right?
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I've been in that situation before, don't feel pressured to buy if you're in that tight of a financial situation. This is nearly guaranteed to rerun again (though it might take forever, like >>1493256 said). There is always coping by rewatching anime, playing the tech tree version or downloading fanart.
>The right one is premium ammo thats more expensive but better in every way right
Yes, but at tier 5 there isn't that many situations where you need it, outside of shooting tier 7 enemy tanks.
Ap has better normalization when hitting sloped armor. Apcr has less normalization but has better shell velocity. Good god, learn the game before you play before you cry rigged game.
Watch high level commentary and maps in playlist
Game mechanics
This is one of the few games where you must start from theory first.
its nice that they're making official vids like that now i'll check em out

I see thanks, wdyt about the su 122 44? I have that prem from ages ago idk if its still good or rare or what
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su-122-44 used to be top dog, but with the maps being more corridor-like, HP buffs to low tier tanks, rather low HP pool for a TD and increasing armor making the 175 pen AP a bit weak against tier 8+ tanks, it's a bit lacking.
The go-to tier 7 TD is now the Chi-To SP, tier 7 japanese tech tree tank. Vastly better platform and gun.
interesting, yeah I had some premium funds and I remember the 122 44 being shilled, and it was really expensive
whats a good premium 7-8 heavy thats the go to these days if u want a cheap (for a prem) and good tank to grind with? Any recommendations from germany/USSR/US trees? Ones that don't get hard crept by the other new vehicles?
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Tier 7 is interesting in that it's the only tier where the premiums suck ass and tech tree rules their meta. For Tier 7 prem heavy I would go with either tiger 2 kuro (collab tank) or VK 45.03 for the one of the highest credit modifiers for tier 7.
Tier 8, there are a ton of good and bad heavy tanks that I need more info.
Are you willing to pay money? If no, stick to getting the Object 252u or IS-5 from bond shop.
If yes, do you have a budget, and do you like lootbox gambling at times?
>Any recommendations from germany/USSR/US trees?
I am assuming you're asking about entire tech tree HT lines, from 1 to 10.
USA: T110E5 and T57 Heavy have been buffed, and are all good for their tiers.
Germany: E100 line has been buffed a while back and still the go-to german HT line to grind.
Maus line is cheesed by the amount of people willing to fire premium ammo now.
USSR: Absolute dogwater grind, their good tanks are at tier 10 only and going through the grind to get there is aids with current meta, their lines has not been buffed in ages. USSR bias has long since disappeared and been replaced with French/Brit bias
>italian tank
>viking theme
I see interesting, I'm just looking for smth like 30$-40$? max thats still good in the current meta that'd let me grind my fav nations, if I went france/brits/japs would have to grind from 0, but ig thats fine
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With a budget like that, premium tier 8 heavies and most tier 8 TD are out of your budget. With that budget, you are better off getting a meta MT or one of the cheaper TDs.
This picture is the best meta tanks that you can normally buy straight up ordered left to right, from cheapest to most expensive. WG rotates 2 or 3 tanks every week.
Right now, one of the most broken tier 8 mediums, the bourrasque (tier 8 french medium) is on sale which a lot of people have been waiting for.
30$ Borat, currently in the shop. Best assassin medium tank currently. But you need equipment and skill to get the best out of it
The tank is fictional.
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There are also premium tanks you can buy with the in-game currency 'bonds', normally obtained from account yearly giveaway / events.
Things circled in green circle are worth buying, from a profitability standpoint. Orange triangle (+ the lorraine 40t) can turn out a profit, but requires advanced knowledge of weakspots to get the most out of them.
Every other tier 8 and below tanks in the bond shop is a hard no.
With premium times and 50-100% order you can grind a whole line in 1-2 days if you are good player and tryhard. Otherwise it take a week playing casually
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>continued part 2
You can still credit grind with tech tree tier 8s too, but it's heavily restricted to the few viable ones left, that have a high amount of penetration on their regular ammo which narrows it down to a select few tanks.
These are the only tech tree tanks that can stand up to the premium powercreep, missing one or two extra I can't recall off the top of my mind.
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>felice has 4 crew
>BP gives 3
gj WG
cool thanks bwos, its kinda random that the french are now full meta
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Mutz is fine too. Requires you to tryhard a bit to work, though.
I'd add Progetto 54 to the list. As good a heavium as F2P gets.
I have the black mutz and I will not subject anyone to that monstrosity. The handling and accuracy feels weirdly garbage for a 250 alpha peashooter, and to fix that is to give up on much needed stats to compete with other mediums.
The credit income wasn’t notable enough to make a difference, and is simpler to blast someone with a higher damage alpha medium instead.
If you do like mutz firepower, the M41 90 mm does all that but better on a light tank platform.

I tried out progetto 54 recently when I was bored, the gun handling and reload speed is too rough even with bounty vents and vstabs + foods + 5 skill crew. IS-2-II is a better pocket medium ‘heavy’, in addition for double barrels being fun to use and nearly an overall improvement over auto-reloaders due to burst option.
>he doesn't have few dozen 0-skill BIA sitting in barrack
>33vs 2
Sound accurate whenever I'm platoon with my fren
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I dug out the IS-3a from my recovery tab that i haven't played since equipment 2.0, and it's surprisingly comfortable?
Loadout is bounty vents, bounty IAU and bounty vstabs, with armorer as accuracy perk (did not take field mods for accuracy).
When IS-3a fully aims in, it's more accurate than nearly my entire garage with an accuracy stat of 0.35, I don't understand...
This was my favorite moment from my session yesterday.
Is-3a is good. It just has shitty soft-stats, with the arrival of equipment 2.0 you can negate it and it become a very comfy tank.
I don't, I got all BP and campaign crews and all are assigned to their tanks
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Your new FOMO sale event on November 11th lasting for 5 days, get a free 'elite' ticket per day to reveal an offer, in a bootleg black market style. Can use gold to buy up to 8 more tickets per day.
When they say rare vehicles, there better be the EBR FL 10, Panzer 5/4, awful panther or Char mle 75 in there...
>he actually wants char 75 when you can get selma for free from tech tree
>he didn't grind ebr in marathon
Char mle 75 deals a shit ton of crit damage, and is more compact than selma.
WG knew they fucked up releasing the mle 75 because of the improperly tuned module damage causing ammoracks and fires, which is why they haven't sold it again to day like the BZ.

The only marathon tank I actually grinded out for was renegade...
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I love the Char Futur, the hyperscouting build with bond vents, CVS and bond optics does wonders
>bond vent
Replace it with exhaust retard
Any tips to make grinding tech tree tanks more bearable?
>wait for xmas as new player
>do x2 daily for stock tank then play premium tank to lvling crew and farming credit to afford gold ammo
>gitgud and platoon to win more
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Premium days, you get five x5 exp boosts per day, and a good game with boosters enabled can net you about 8k+ exp.
You can get some for free right now if you play the recon mode (WG new map idea testing mode, tiers 8 to 10)
What lines are you going down?
Exhaust doesn't help me with the gun handling
Then it's not a mega scout build. You still get spotted by enemy LT
>czech independence day offer
>play any tank, even german, lmao
>polish independence day offer
>uganda play polish tanks ONLY
Czech was a part of Prussia
and poland was not?
>What lines are you going down?
Every lines. It's my new account so I have to start grinding them from the beginning again.
Is Asia server deadlier than NA?
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There is no notification anywhere, but every nation tech tree are on sale atm.
I wish I could put more than 3 decals and 2 flags, coz I got 27 polish flag decals and 20 polish flag flags, I could drape my retarded CS-53 and lose even harder
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>3 days of WOT premium for a mere 250000 credits
Kek good deal anon
There's 5 daily offers that are the same to every account, so everyone gets access to this since it doesn't use elite tickets.
Man the nerf to HE shells sucks, I miss derping people with the 25pounder on the AT2
Retard can deal damage to you by aiming at center mass is good
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it sucks that the only way to have fun with HE shells is to play lights or the 183 guns now.
This is one of those games that is so taxing to play at higher level. I'm literally overheating and having fever after 10 matches and have to take a break.
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300 components for 388k credits, kind of good.

My problem is the current state of players more than the meta itself.
Due to Felice extra BP section, recon mode mentally training people to yolo and CW Maneuvers concurrently going on (pros are playing together in pubs to warm up for their matches), the skill disparity is even worse than usual and it's turbo fast, OR half players on each team are 7k+ WTR and it becomes a 11 minute campfest once the noobs die off like Cliffs...
Nah I'm not talking about MM being bad or shit players ruin my game. It's just the game is very mentally demanding to play for me. I'm an unicum so i have to keeping track of many things at once.
480th post for Tioga60
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worst thing to see
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Fore real? VK168? Are you not trying to trick me?
Just take any heavy from the referral my guy.
T26E5 and VK 168 are both good credit earners that don't require food. I like the VK 168 because it fits the trade shot meta a little more and playing a super heavy is more interesting than driving a 240 damage peashooter (and you can always get another T26E5 in bond store via 8k bonds)
Don't listen to him he's noob. VK is hot trash, your best bet is get the STA or the T26E5 then save bond for Defender.
There is no way you are unironically shitting on VK 168 but then recommend the STA-2 in the same breath
I already explained why VK 168 is decent, it is up to him to decide. If he’s so risk adverse, just take the T26E5. I just think it’s a waste when the T26E5 is available in the bond shop, while VK 168 is unique, good at trading and if it doesn’t mesh well with him, very good trade-in tank at 10300 gold value.
STA has good pen and nice HEAT ammo and it can snipe, requires that he is not a shitter it works 10x better than the slow pos VK is. Most HT now spam full gold so they can pen even when you are angled and that huge tumor is just asking to be shot at.
And yep it's good for trading, the guy could pick it then spend some gold to trade for elc
>spam premium to make this outdated medium tank work
Lol lmao
There is a literal tech tree clone, the STA-1 that outperforms it in every stat outside of top speed and credit earning (that you are nuking with premium spam so what’s the point in getting it)
>requires that he is not a shitter
Bro you must realize nearly all referral questions come from weak players, you can’t be recommending them LT and underpowered mediums.
Heavies are intuitive to play - follow other heavies, aim enemy weakspot, click. MT and LT require a lot more map positioning and view range knowledge, which newbies and shitters will not get for a while
t.goldspam nigger
Um sweety your stats is red
Ok ESL, haven't you got a trench to die in right now?
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>Muh ESL
I accept your concession, perhaps someone should gitgud so he can spend more credit on ammo.
Nah I think I'm just going to throw games for my team rather than load gold
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Play tanks with good standard rounds and there's no problem
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Any anons in thread actually clanfags from relevant enough clans to get tanks? ST-62 v2 looks like it's going to be a lot of fun
I used to be in top clan but as i grew older i just can't handle the stress from maneuver anymore. But judging from the stats and how other people play it, it's a good tank: reverse-autoloader, accurate gun, quite trollish small profile with good camo and decent turret armor. Basically a better 907.
I was watching some streamers and it is like a hybrid between TVP and 907 gameplay. Very good module damage, it was setting people on fire and ammorack often.
I am an auction shitter but it didn't seem fun enough for me to bother with maneuvers (have VKK and chief)
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Look out!! FV behind corner
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I play medium tanks so much that I don't know any heavy positions or how to play high tier heavy tanks
I don't know if I'd call it better than the 907, the DPM diff is too much to overcome for competitive play at any level that matters (ST62 has 1000 less with similar equip setups), plus it's slightly slower.
For beating up on yellows/greens in pubs, the reverse autoreloader is definitely going to make it comfier than a 907 though.
Watch daki or hohol iyouxin
The thing is, even 907 is rare on CW now and got replaced by the CS63. So being better than 907 in pub is already a good thing because it's better to get something comfy to use than something that will rust in the garage because it's outclassed by ne most newer tanks with higher alpha or clip dmg.
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>WZ-111 for 10 mil credits
JK, when is the m48 shovelpanzer gonna show up
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Toot for you to get better deal
Anyone also play World of Warships?
Ship is like watching paint dry. It's too slow
Yeah it's more slower pace than tanks but not that bad when the action starts.
To add to that, K-91 has pretty much replaced 907 in clubbing randoms with pure DPM.
Object 907 is the boomer outdated pick, just like nearly the rest of the russian tier 10s

I tried but being perma spotted while not seeing them back is AIDs
I think that's back when stealth fire was still a thing.
Here's how it work now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgRUSmzcw2s
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>aim for the corner >300 meters away where the borat/bz/t56 is about to come
>shot goes into ground/autobounce/track no damage
>enemy fires on the move
>instantly snaps weakspot
>high roll
>kills crew/tracked/fire
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>Never mentioned the time he did the same to enemies
Felice worth?
Coz that never happens to me, retard
I have given up on firing on the move in this game
Fuck no, it's trash. Tier 9 premium tanks aren't worth it yet.
>you miss every shot you don't take
Big skill issue.
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What tanks have you anons been playing recently?
These are my current ones, the M4A1 Revalorise, Blackdog and Type 59 are surprisingly comfortable for how garbage their standard pen is in modern WOT.
>i have played over 2000 battles on the borat and it's still going up
Yea i only like autoloader meds. Not even the skoda T56 is fun for me. Also fuck you, i regretted not spending money on boxes for BZ
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BZ-176 is the only tank I have credit grinding in without food consumable due to the 160mm AP shell.
It is fun shooting at overmatchable spots, and being able to punish people that assume I'm HESH spam like wiggling their side armor is great. On days that I have premium, I can grind up about 80k-140k a match.
I tried it again recently, and it went back to the recovery tab for me. The gun accuracy is somehow worse than the AMBT without the auto-reloader benefit. Being able to play as a psuedo light is nice, but I would rather play actual light tanks and have fun with their HE shells + better acceleration instead, like RHM PZW and Blackdog.
>I tried it again recently, and it went back to the recovery tab for me
IRM, VSTAB, VENT for city map. VSTAB, CVS AND OPTICS for open map, need to be bond equipment except IRM. No LT can hit for 720 dmg in 2s. Even 1 hit from your gun almost 2 shots worth of dmg from LT.
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Borat is not bad, it's really stong and flexible. I just don't have fun in it compared to other tanks I have. I could probably push to two mark it, but it's simply too sweaty to play it, from the playstyle to the full gold setup.
Even that revalorise turd is more fun than borat because of how comfortable the gun is on snap shotting and fully aimed accuracy. And beating people over with a underpowered tank is fun.
Yeah, and it's the one type of vehicular combat that Wargayming does better than War Thunder.
>upgraded battle pass 60% off
hmmm, is it worth it? how much gold do you get? Like 900 or something like that? I don't really want the premium time, I was going to take a break after finishing the battle pass
Save for xmas boxes. BP is only for richfag
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It's even more fun than I thought it'd be. Absolutely wrecks pubs.
Told u. A tank with reverse autoloader and good gun + decent platform can't be bad.
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Did 5 battles before having to step away, expect to see shit players whining about these on the forums before the weekend hits.
i love how Russian tanks have the best version of autoreloader mechanic and not the Italian.
After re-discovering the reverse autoreloader mechanic via IS-3a, it's way more broken for pubs.
No one keeps count, and can get away with doing a lot of shit because people naturally assume you're fully reloaded. Get a cheeky shot in, they'll just take it and hide in their hard cover. To do that in a Skoda T56 or single shot like defender, people are willing to repush you back and trade, even yolo at times. At least on NA servers.

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