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Does anyone play? I tried out Ravendawn but it just lacks something i can't put my finger on and i just defaulted back to Tibia. Would be fun to link up with some people from here
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Just got back into it with a friend, lvl 96 RP on Monza. Got any chars there anon?
Sadly not, just Secura and Refugia
I've been curious what are pvp worlds like these days? I started on Hiberna way back and it was hectic then, cant imagine what its like now
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Monza is optional pvp which is what I mostly play, only thing you have to be careful with is dominando guild rules unless you wanna be hunted lmao.

I don't play any pvp rn but I'm offline training a knight and a pally on antica rn because a friend mains there and been considering trying out openpvp. Tell me if you wanna try we could start from scratch together on antica lol

Fair warning though desu I'm relearning this game I've been hooked on fire emblem, pokemon and RuneScape last few years and remember very little so I still suck
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I'm stricken by a sudden sickness but i set up a paladin on Antica too to train skills on, double xp weekend should be nice to get started. It is nice to see very populated cities but im skeptical about the high levels just clicking one SD on me. Add Dilts and message me whenever you see me on Antica
Will do!
There i was all prepped up to hunt crocodiles, little did i know i was walking into a trap just few squares off the boat
First death in a long while, and it happened few minutes before server save so there was nobody to ask for help
On the up side i managed to find armor upgrades on the floor in PH
And on the walk back i found something rather amusing
In another turn of events i was in a horrible shipwerck and ended up on a stranded island. To escape the island i had to wait until nightfall to be able to navigate and came ashore on Fibula island. To make the most of the situation i decided to explore a little but forgot the most important lesson from Rookgaard - always bring your rope. To my demise i was stuck in a latrine hole with three rats with no other way out than to strip out of my new armour to be able to take damage from the rats and die yet again. This meant i had to make a return trip to Fibula with a rope which nearly bankrupt me, i only have 3 gold pieces to my name now. Arriving back to Thais i saw multiple fresh corpses on the street and as i exclaimed "there has been a murder" a stray arrow hit me for 43 damage. Luckily the perp instantly ran off and the local authorities questioned me of his name and currently i am looking at the corpse of the person who skulled on me.

I shall continue collecting empty vials for the remainder of the evening
Damn I missed you, timezones not matching probably lol, mostly been on Monza today grinding some pirate quest points and going from lvl 96 to 95 and then back to 96 again lol. Some good profit hunting at yalahar cultists tho. I checked if you were on Antica a few times but no luck.
GMT +2 here, most days I work 9-6
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Its been a pleasure witnessing Antica, i dont know whether its the population or PvP which makes it an amusing cesspit of cold blooded murderers and gamblers with a hint of humbling interractions like a guy changing his appearance to an empty vial and drinking beer so he can no longer walk straight
Some good progress on double XP weekends first day and almost done with the points needed to proceed in a pirates quest. Don't know if ill have time to play any tomorrow but ill pull lvl 100 on sunday
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I took on the task of getting full knights addons and set my goal on getting level 100 on Secura too, currently level 82.
Go get em tiger

How's the population on secura btw?
Secura is the most populated PvE server i think, so second most popular server overall
I'm struggling to find what to kill solo without turning a major negative balance
Any ideas for 80+ EK?
Yalahar cultists are pretty comfy good profit hunt. Pretty much anything you can kill that drops imbuement items is good cash.

I've hit lvl100 today, dropped to 99 again, then back up to 100 and got gay married. Overall I'd say a great success
Fullboxed and died during the 25year quest, friends tried to save me but didn't arrive in time as i ran out of potions lol
Thats literally what happened to me last night, befriended some polish dude who uses google translate to speak. Went on a team hunt with him and an ED, monsters surrounded me and changed aggro very so they were spazzing around and stopped dpsing and died. I managed to loot one of the guys stuff (they both were free accounts without blessings at level 90 kek) and he somehow had a 500k worth staff. I returned his stuff out of pity. The guy wanted to go back instantly but i went to sleep instead, these free accs have it rough when it comes to hunting lmao
Bump. Still playing on secura, after all those years. Finally caught my 1st midnight panther. Having much fun hunting for rare bosses.
Yeah lol especially with the locked spells, i can't even imagine going back to f2p
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Its great they let you access your characters in the original free world, thats what i did before pulling the trigger on premium, explored places like mintwallin. hellgate and draconia. But yeah i would never XP without premium
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I suppose I'm the only brazilian here.

I am a lone wolf on Ombra. Hit level 100 for the first time in my life playing this game and completed the summoner outfit to fulfill my 2 childhood tibian dreams. After that I took a break to take care of some real life matters but I plan to return to Tibia soon.
Ayyy big grats thats huge
holy shit
anon please disable light effects and enjoy the light of day at all times
it sucks to play like that
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but its comfy this way
i'm brbr huehuehue too but i don't play official tibia anymore just play a little on otservs

that's psychotic anon why would you nerf yourself like that
>Boats are now free
>Yalahar is now free
>Cryptomarkets integration with Tibia coins
What a week
Thin will get pretty interesting
Surprising news. Didn't expect it'd ever happen.
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Its nice to see them improving new player experience but what the fuck is this crypto bullshit all about?

Oh right Cip's current game portfolio is an unfinished zombie shooter MMORPG and a litecoin blockchain game
>what the fuck is this crypto bullshit all about?
Cip being smart. People used to sell money on third party websites so cip created tibia coins as a way for people to pay cip itself and use it to buy in game money. People used to sell high level characters so cip made the char bazaar and sold characters with tibia coins while getting a coin fee for itself so people will keep on buying more coins.
But because of that people started buying/selling coins on third party websites. Cip then decided to create a crypto that is connected with the coins, now instead of buying/selling coins on other marketplaces people will use the crypto since it might be safer and trustworthy using the crypto and guess who will be getting a fee from every transaction? Cipsoft.

I only feel bad for everyone from the past who got banned for RMT.
Other games have introduced their own currency for membership/gold. Private servers have had character markets too. Tying game currency directly with crypto is a shady move devs did during covid's monkey picture boom. This only benefits third worlders whose irl currency is weaker than game currency - so yeah in a way its smart for their south american audience i guess but it looks stupid for everyone else
In game currency is already tied with real money because you can buy it with tibia coins which have an already set price. It's such a prevalent behavior that most videos talking about how to equip your character and best items for each level will give the cost in kk's, tc and real money values.
What cip did was make sure she is part of the buying and reselling of tibia coins and get a fee for it while before they only made money on the very first purchase.
The only new benefit for third worlders that already lived from reselling is that now they can avoid taxes by hiding all their money on crypto and it doesn't change much for everything else because they can still buy tibia coins normally and spend it as usual or farm in game money and buy the market coins that way.
Came back and am playing on a chill otserv. Up to date with global stuff, but with increased rates. I see 300 players online max. No griefers or retards so far.

Been enjoying it a lot. Sparked my vidya fire again. Having tons of fun doing bestiary and hunting fiendish.
glad you're enjoying it mate
i played the shit out of ots for like 10 years straight at one point i just cant get into them anymore after seeing so many rise and fall to resets/corruption or just having outright retarded cash shops designed to entice thirdies
What server? I might join you
CalmeraOT. It's a BR server though
Shop doesn't have p2w stuff
Server has been going for 3+ years.
Sucks that most quest are already completed (for access) and some others don't work. But other than that it's pretty much like global.
I'm br so it's alright. I thought you were playing rubinot since that's the only one I have heard of with lots of players.
I can't play until the weekend so I'll come back to post my character's name on friday.
What voc did you go for?
I don't like Baiak servers
Went RP
Mostly play on weekend too
Hit me up when you join. Name is Baloeiro.
For some reason I thought Rubinot was Baiaklike. My mistake. Didn't know about it
Looking at it now it seems the most complete and played OT. And it's launching a new server this week.
Anyone played it? Is it that good?
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Feels weird to find a thread for Tibia. I played this game through most of my childhood and I rarely see people talk about it considering how popular it was.

I still play ots from time to time, especially 7.4/8.0 when it was actually good.
Haven't played it so I don't know how good it is but I got a lot of ads for it on instagram. I'll be able to join you on calmeraot this weekend

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