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https://bigamarrianraveparty.ytmnd.com/ eog
Bad, low effort thread to suit bad, low effort CCP development.
>Discord bot going absolutely ham from retards who decided to krab despite all this server fuckery going on

Game is fucking dying tho
I really hope none of you give any money to CCP in current year
>haven't played since 2016
How is this game still going
Addicted boomers with disposable income whose only social contact is their eve communities.
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>download OST to my phone for sleep ambience
>listen to mix of it in bed
>shuffle mode on
>some of is just combat music
>alright just skip that
>some random rock/punk songs for some reason
>uh okay
>Space jam
>Yes THAT space jam

why is that of all things in the EVE soundtrack
It's literally the only mmo in its niche. There's no other developer with the balls to take the risks CCP took in the early years, including current year CCP. If you pitched something like Wormhole space to a real publisher, they would fire you on the spot.
Alright bros. Eve newfag here with a little more than a week under my belt.
Right now I've been doing a lot of exploring and that's brought it good money, far more than the pittance that L2 security missions are paying.
As a solo player, should I try abyssal runs or ratting for good isk/fun combat? Abyssal sounds like far less risk, although exploration has taught me decent map/dscan awareness.
Or should I try to link up with a noobie corp to get a better flavor for the more social/community/fleet/pvp aspects of the game?
Play another game and not waste time on 15$/month abandonware.
>Alright bros. Eve newfag here with a little more than a week under my belt.
Get out while you still can
Sunk cost will get you quick
Idk. I'm just trying it out and will reserve judgement about whether it's a game I want to play for a while after I put more hours in/experience more facets of the game, which is why I asked my initial question
do what you think is fun, it's different for everyone
what are the odds the russian guy i have seemingly befriended in a wormhole system doing something to fuck me over somehow?
Abyssals are good for learning the more advanced combat mechanics like how to deal with Ewar, but you WILL die as you move up to tier 2. its not less risk, it's far more risk. Do some low tiers in shit ships you can afford to lose but don't fixate on abyss as a money maker, it's actually pretty shit relative to the required investment.
Start looking for a corp. Eve is fundamentally a numbers game, you aren't meant to do everything alone.
Maybe I'll join a noob corp like Eve Uni for a bit. I rounded up some friends to join me, but I'm not sure what some good 2 to 3 man activities are. I guess faction war? The exploration that I've been doing is pretty solo
You can day trip into wh and do group stuff there. Spectre fleet/NPSI groups are fun too, I settled into the game just doing that for PVP
What are some examples of group stuff in wormholes viable for low levels? We could definitely do exploration together and ratting (maybe too high of level?), but I'm not sure what else there is, as I'm still learning what there is to do
>deathless pirate fax destroyer and bc that use an entirely new weapon type and have covops cloak
oh boy
i know this post is a jest but the randomize button is easily the best qol the skin studio could have gotten so i'm happy
this big time, unless you're going to invest billions into an abyssal ship, and be super autistic about it, you'll make more money with less effort doing just about anything else
i am too afraid to haul anything during crimson harvest
just grab your astero and go hack stuff, for me at least it's an enjoyable departure from the usual grind.
getting a bit antsy and paranoid at gates is just part of the fun. unless you're like that anyways
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>despite all this server fuckery going on
i dunno what the literal fuck you yuropoors are talking about
>than the pittance that L2 security missions are paying
have you actually been redeeming your loyalty points?
people forget that each 1LP is about 800~1500isk depending on what corp you're running.
also you get more LP the lower the sec, missions in a 0.5 pays like an extra 80% something LP than running them in a 1.0
admittedly lv2s dont pay much but by lv3s its not bad for a newbro

at the least, cash it out for some implants or skillbooks or something you might need
I've been having weird issues the past few days
Nah, I've been doing Amarr family and just hoarding them. Exploration seems like the money maker. I'm hitting a lot of fucking cash
The eve has had unscheduled downtime and multiple crashes in multiple timezones the last week, along with retarded bug like CCP accidentally making stargates non interactable.
Its the crimson event. Exploration is worth 10x what it is normally because everywhere in null and low sec is overflowing with t3 data sites. Even high sec has alot, though your basically fighting a million other high sec faggots for scraps.

Seriously null and parts of low are so empty you will run 40 sites in a row before bumping into another soul.
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I got some Atavum, I'm fockin space rich bros
new ships coming in november update
Shit. Maybe I'll skill dump into hacking V then so I stop blowing up one out of every three event data banks and can get the most out of the event.
Also, where the fuck do I sell my Tetrimonic Warclone Blanks and Overseer Sabik Vials? I think an NPC buys them both for 1 million isk a piece? Market prices aren't bad, but are slightly less
>Tetrimonic Warclone Blanks
You can sell this and the hypercatabolic thingamajing at Blood Raider NPC stations in NPC Delve. Some are camped so be careful.

No idea about Sabik Vials. Maybe at the same place? I haven't checked.
Per reddit below. Sounds like I should just sell the warclone banks and then find concord/ded, although I'll have to look where that is because I have no idea what ded is. Maybe it's just easier to sell those and lose small profit
Tetrimonic Warclone Blanks: Blood raiders in nullsec. -> Easier to sell in Jita

Overseer Sabik Vials: Concord/DED -> Think where you would sell overseer effects from DED sites. Same stations.

Hypercatatonic Clone Tissue: If you're lucky enough to get these high-value tokens, you can sell them to Blood Raiders and SoCT. Deathless may eventually buy them too. Don't know if anyone's looking for them in Jita yet.
kys op
>Hypercatatonic Clone Tissue
I was wondering about this shit since I have 4 of them and dont trust buy orders in jita without sell orders.

Sabik vials are sold at any concord for 1 mil a pop. Finding somewhere to sell is quite easy.

Warclone blanks, on the other hand, are only bought in delve in blood raider stations for the same 1 mil a pop. Goons are on high alert, just raping everything that tries to get to a station. Forget about using gates, they all have bubbles or camps and you will get blapped. I opened an unguarded wormhole to a raider system with a station by chance and managed to sell about a bil in clones, but had to filament out because they had the hole camped by the time i got back.
space jam? wtf song is that?
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>I've been doing Amarr family and just hoarding them
nice, worst case just cash em out as some faction crystals or something later on.
>Exploration seems like the money maker
yeah its great for brand new characters. just like other anon said, keep in mind that its particularly good this month because of the event. same with December and May when there's other events on.
use this next 3 weeks to save up some bank and use the accelerators to speed up your training, or sell for dank isk.
free skins is always nice on a new char too. usually not worth selling unless you get some semi-rare skin for a popular ship.
if you want really low risk pve with decent pay aim for hisec combat anoms (hideaway, refuge) in guristas space for 4/10 DED escalations. You'll prob need to train into a cruiser with decent tank or that can kite at range for the DED and you can make like 300mil off one escalation if you're lucky. Maybe make some money with explo and use that to buy a caracal navy, osprey navy or something like that and move to an orthus if it's something you want to keep dabbling in. I'd prefer that mindlessness to the gay mechanics of abyss. if you want something funner or more social join a corp though.
caldari space is way more crowded but spawns more anoms, the escalations pay better and generally people will fuck off if you are in an anom first other than the occasional botfag
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>Doing the combat event sites in HS with a minimum spec fit Vargur
>I leave sites with a player in them because I'm not an asshole
>Locals in Kronos and Paladins keep coming into my sites well after I've cleared the first 2 rooms to contest the boss
>They have lost every time
Earn your slop, bozos
Gila fags need their sites stolen, loot taken and show it to their face if something good drops.
last time I did an escalation I got only a few hundred thousand from deadspace modules because RNG hated my guts that day
If you're looking for a relaxed low risk isk printer to fund your more irresponsible decisions, you can join Eve Rookies incursion fleets. They're laid back and decent fun to hang out with. Barrier to entry is pretty low, 250m deposit for a loaner ship or bring your own. Alpha friendly.
I forgot about the Frontier playtest and there's no gameplay footage outside secret discords I'm not a part of...
>fixing solo PVP
>Drifters kino
Sisters...they patch is going to be FIRE NO CAP
>fixing solo pvp
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>Ferox + Tornado
>Svipul + ???
>Covert Ops BC
>But range is blaster tier.
>>I leave sites with a player in them because I'm not an asshole
>>Locals in Kronos and Paladins keep coming into my sites well after I've cleared the first 2 rooms to contest the boss
this shits me too.
i try to be a Good Guy Greg and leave if someone else is already in a site, then 10min later some chinaboy will warp in with his Gila and try to outdps my 1600dps RHML typhoon.
the destroyer has bits that remind me of the breacher
considering the minmatar + caldari origins of the two pirate factions allied with the deathless, it’s likely that the destroyer is also based off the jackdaw, which like the breacher is a missile boat
what information is there on the new ships
The Destroyer is a Svipul with a Jackdaw bolted to the front. you can see the cockpit area of the Svipul in the image, then the part of the Svipul that moves when you change modes has been replaces with parts of a Jackdaw.
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A fleet every other day keeps the burnout at bay.
i fleet with my alts. even they betray me sometimes
>f1 arty claws
>not prime burnout cause
>f1 arty claws
are retards bringing this back? it's nice getting all those free kills
>f1 arty claws
>The Deathless has unveiled powerful new instruments of war – the Tholos destroyer and Cenotaph battlecruiser. Designed for bold, close-range combat, these ships will be the first to employ unique SCARAB breacher pods for sustained damage over time. This new technology will allow capsuleers to damage and disrupt enemy vessels from within, adding powerful new stratagems to warfare in New Eden.
>These Minmatar-Caldari hybrid ships are perfect for pilots who relish high-risk, high-reward gameplay, whether in solo operations or fleet warfare. Armed with covert ops cloaking devices and a bonus to stasis webifier resistance, they can slip into enemy ranks undetected and unleash devastating damage, rewarding skilled capsuleers who make the most of their hit-and-run capabilities. Designed for brawling, they are powerful weapons that will provide a tactical edge in the ongoing war.
cloak, get close, unleash hell, and gtfo once you start taking fire
sounds fun

and inb4 these ships are kiting ships again like trig faggotry
>instead of fixing blasters we will make new missiles that fill role of blasters
amazing design, very nice ccp
I see what they're going for, they've already made trig guns just better pulse lasers, now it's blasters turn. We'll soon get autocannon replacements with guns that have no optimal range but 100km of falloff.
Heavy assault missiles are a meme, they'll be free kills.
brawling when
when you press q + f1
>breaching pods
>ship has no interior because its capsule driven
i see ccp once again is at the top of things
Capsuleer ships do have an interior, and they also have a crew albeit a minimal one. That's been part of the lore since the very beginning.
Even if the ships are controlled from the pod, which isn't really true in the lore anyways it's still quite possible to disrupt the ship if you gain physical access, weather it's true destruction or sabotage.
>boarding action is back.
Guristas should have this kind of ability. They are a literal pirate after all
boarding doesn't mean pirates faggot
No navy worth their salt use boarding action. Most just use in line tactic and obliterate them side way.
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no u
The Romans were famous for it, the chief reason being that they were bad at boating so they tried to turn the boat war into a land war.
I don't remember how well it worked.
Also piracy has always been a bunch of dudes in tiny fast boats going after big freighters.
Even now, it's Somali turboniggers and Iranian weirdos getting into a bunch of little inflatables and swarming the freighter or tanker, .
Pirates have always and will always board for the simple reason that you need to go on board of the other guys ship to get their stuff. Sinking your profits is bad for business.
>Sinking your profits is bad for business.
Not if what you are after isn't their stuff but their souls.

t. soul pirate
It’s probably automated killbots
or warclones that don’t actually care about coming back alive since they’ll just be cloned
gone but not forgotten
Should I train Small or Medium turrets to V first? And which of the laser types is the best to train up? I know one is higher dps but closer range, and the other is farther range but lower dps
>high iq

>low iq
>Small or Medium first
What do you want to fly? Do smalls if you're flying frigates and destroyers, do mediums if you're in cruisers and battlecruisers.

>Type of lasers
Both types need the turret skill at V, which is the majority of the train. You do need a specialization skill after training turret V, but you can leave it at 3 or 4 where it doesn't take much time to complete.

Pulse is shorter range but higher damage and slightly easier to fit. Beams is longer range and lower DPS. What kind of turret you fit depends on what you want to do with it and what your engagement range is, if you're trying to fight within scram range, you'll want pulse, and if you're in a cruiser or above, pulse has enough range to work with disruptors if you have T2 guns. If you don't, you can use beams at the cost of worse tracking and lower damage if something gets right up on you.
Depends on goals.
Small turrets will be faster, and T3 destroyers are pretty useful ships for doing lower end content fast and effectively. They are great for c2 wormhole sites and 3/4 ded sites you find in hs.

Medium turrets are more general purpose and you will use them for alot more higher end content, but they take considerably longer to train and the ships they fit to are more skill intensive, and expensive. If your flying with corp mates that might be the better choice.

Also, the difference between t2 pulse and beam is 15 minutes training, so they are basically a package deal. Beam still have a place as high range, high dps damage, usually the best in the game in most scenarios but pulse have been superceded by entropic disruptors in most situations. Still they hit hard out to medium range so its not like they are useless.
>What do you want to fly?
I'll probably mostly be flying frigates and destroyers, especially in small scale pvp/FW for now, because I can't afford to lose multiple cruisers right now.
Sounds like I should go small and pulses for the time being and then train up mediums as I progress.
I don't want to be a metaslave, but how should I find solid ship fittings for pve and pvp?
Zkillboard. Just look up some active fw corps and look at the fits when they do lose a ship occasionally. Usually copying that makes for a decent fit.
If you want to start small, start with some of the fittings in the Frigate Yearbook, which explains how they work in a 1v1 context in faction warfare. Play around with them and experience them firsthand. Once you know how and why they work, you can make your own fittings. Do a google search for EVE Frigate Yearbook, it should be a pdf file.

For PvE, you're welcome to experiment as much as you want because most PvE is easy, the only difference is how long it takes you to clear a site.
Ty bros. I've mostly spent my first weeks exploring, because I'm making an ass load of cash
Beams aren't necessarily lower dps, its the most sustained damaging long range weapon. The thing is if you fit any close range weapon you're forced to go face to face with the rats, and force you to tank up to 1k dps in some situations. With beams barely have to fit a tank, or just fit a small repairer for that artifcial missile damage. Beams are a fun turkey shoot to snipe with, and you never have to reload.
They're lower DPS in the sense that you don't have a close range option to switch to when you need to punch up. Scorch and beam multifrequency are similar ranges and multifrequency has slightly more DPS, but if you're trying to fight something larger than you where you want to get close to evade their fire and hit harder to work through their higher EHP, pulse has an option while beams don't.

It's still a tossup though depending on the situation. If you were solo or small gang, pulse is almost always better unless your group is specifically fit for high speed kiting (And even then, pulse can still be better if you have to stay within warp disrupt range). If it were a bigger fleet where you need to make sure the enemy is in range more often because movement is limited, then beams are the way to go.
This might be a retarded question, but should I sell immediate sell everything that is above the regional average when I'm in a trade hub like Amarr?
Nevermind. Maybe this is good at Jita, but Amarr prices on some items are far below and I wouldn't get an indication of that on regional, only when looking up the other market prices
If you really care about getting the best price, look it up on a market site. I use https://www.adam4eve.eu/ but it's slow.
I do care about the price rn, because I'm just starting out and have about $300 million in my wallet, but I have another roughly $700 million items from data sites to sell. What's the best way to haul that from Amarr to Jita without getting ganked? Buy a hauler and manual high sec gate jump?

>Pay PushX/Redfrog to move them for you. It'll cost about 60-180m ISK to take 1b ISK of goods from Amarr to Jita.
>Sell it in Amarr because you'll make more selling it there than moving it to Jita.
>Put the items up as sell orders instead of just doing an immediate sale to buy orders. Takes more time to get your ISK, but you'll usually get more for your money unless the price is on the decline. Not worth doing as an alpha because you're limited in how many orders you can make, plus you pay a bigger broker fee.
>Move it yourself for free, but without insurance and at the cost of time.

If you move it yourself, pick the right tool for the job.

>Covert Ops/Astero for very low volume, high value items. Cloak after each gate jump.
>Sunesis with a sub 2s align for moderate volume. Alpha friendly, still hard to catch.
>"Fast" hauler like a Badger or Wreathe if your cargo is bulkier but not super valuable, 200m ISK at most. Fit for tank if you're at the high end of that, fit for align and warp speed otherwise. You can get up to like 65k EHP in a Badger, so it's not a completely free kill like bulk haulers (Tayra, Bestower).
>Blockade runner if you can fly one. Still not much cargo, but aligns and warps fast and cloaks.
>Deep Space Transport for large, valuable cargo, possibly with an escort/scout. It's tough but not invulnerable.

Honestly if you have to go up to freighter and don't intend to haul as a profession, just pay someone else to move it. It's not worth your time unless you do it often.
Appreciate the write up, brudda. Very helpful
I'll probably end up selling most of it at Amarr and check market prices for the real expensive shit that I'll cart to Jita
I came back after a long hiatus and the ganking has gone retarded. If you have more than 30 mil in your hold dont auto pilot, dont trust t1 haulers they will get fucked. If your hull is worth more than 100 mil theres a good chance you get ganked for the lulz if your afk. Dont even trust warp to 0/dock, sometimes you land 2k away and thats enough time to get lit up by tornados. You need docking bookmarks to be guranteed a insta dock landing.

Bottom line is, gankers lose so little ganking its fun/profitable to do it whenever the opportunity arises - and they will.

I just throw courier contracts worth around 3 mil a jump out with collateral at 1.5 x market for what i want shipped and they get snapped up by space trucker larpers fast. Just dont put shit with funky market worth in that could throw the insurance calc off. Move that yourself with cov ops.
It's got nothing to do with ganking being profitable. Goons subsidize it, they literally pay the ganking corps like Safety. To keep ganking.
Ganking is subsidized now, so no one who does it loses anything. Sometimes people just kill shuttles for shits and giggles because their bosses replace their losses for them. https://zkillboard.com/kill/121521333/

This means that ISK balance has very little to do with a gank. People will gank empty freighters for a net loss, they'll pop autopiloting shuttles with smartbomb mallers on the offchance they'll kill someone with implants, if they can spend 1b to make you lose 200m, they'll take it because that 1b doesn't mean anything to them. It's also why Safety targets unaffiliated targets and newbies first over established corporations, new players can't afford to replace their 60m ISK barge loss while killing someone in a corp just nets them SRP most of the time.

And it's not just goons that are in on the action, though they're the most prolific. Panfam has gotten into it as well, and usually small corporations like Rogue Consortium or Something Really Pretentious have unknown benefactors who pay for high sec kills.

The good news is that at least two of the CSM are pushing to curtail or slow down high sec ganking after the latest goon stunt with incursions, so CCP might actually address the issue in the future. The big roadblock are null aligned CSM that protest against changes to highsec ganking on the grounds of it making high sec too safe relative to the value of things to do there.
Changing the gate network so that two halves of HS are only connected by a single 0.5 system was a mistake. Changing the cost of ganking is pointless since it's paid off externally. The only issue with ganking is that it requires almost no skill, strategy, or coordination (in a fucking MMO) to achieve at any scale, the only difference is how many accounts you can manage. I believe in the foundation that there is no such thing as 100% safety in Eve, but stuff like ganking needs to be earned. How to achieve it is a genuinely good question, because ultimately it all comes back to "ganking does not cost anything for the attacker in the end of things". But I think having 3 viable HS routes between Amarr and Jita would at least make it so you have to be more active in your ganking and gauge when it's a better time to camp a different bottleneck.

Highsec and the activities available there are fine. If CCP want there to be a significant difference between it and NS, then NS needs to be made more lucrative so that the answer to making enough isk to curtail scarcity isn't multiboxing 10 marauders in Poch.
I'm not sure we can ever balance ganking where there's a cost that gankers aren't willing to meet. The incentive is always there, gank to drive people to leave high sec or quit the game, so as long as ganking is possible, it will be done. Furthermore, you don't have to gank every single target that comes through a system; killing one empty freighter for no good reason has a chilling effect on the rest that pass through and make them less likely to travel in the future.

I think EVE and video games in general have changed so much since the game's inception that the old deterrents are no longer effective. It would've been unthinkable for someone to control 30+ accounts to "solo" gank a freighter in the past, but now it's completely commonplace. Additional barriers can be put in place, but in general as long as the barriers are surmountable, they will be overcome.

I would not be opposed to completely shutting off high sec ganking at this point just because I feel like it doesn't add anything anymore. Sure, some people are going to fly around in their officer fit AT ships because of that, but that's countered simply by reducing the profit of some activities in high sec, namely incursions and homefronts. If someone wants to hang around Jita in a Tiamat to show off, who cares, they'll have to bring it somewhere it can be ganked to do anything with it.
>I'm not sure we can ever balance ganking
balance improvements are worthwhile even if you don't manage to completely balance something
Ganking is already balanced by concord and real ganking has plenty of skill in it. You can't balance player insanity of ganking at a loss, at best you can nerf null if null is funding loss leading ganking operations
Nerfing null leads to more ganking, not less. Null is an economy at scale, the wealth produced in null requires large numbers of people grindong small amounts of isk each, because the wealth is generated through mostly bounties. On an individual level, ratting payouts are fucking trash, and null blocs are taking a % of that trash.
Nerf null more, and null needs more people to make up the deficit, therefore they put more effort into pushing people out of high sec.
Just nerf them more, they will run out of money at some point
>Highsec and the activities available there are fine.
Homefronts would like to have a word with you.
>you gank someone in high sec your security rating goes negative
>your security rating is account wide
There, fucking fixed.
>kill all highsec niggers
problem solved
>Make new account
>Make new character
>Take 1m free SP, inject into Catalyst
Whew, that was hard.
>Ganking is already balanced by concord
You can't aggro on alpha anymore, so you will have to brick several plexed accounts to pop some shitty hauler, even with bottomless money of nullfags it will not be sustainable to keep up the current scale of it.
Of course that is in game spirit solution, if ccp want to be more blunt they can just make npc corps not attackable by players in high sec and call it a day. Protects new players and gives a reason to stay in them despite the tax.
>waaa muh new players
Concord will kill the gankers which imposes financial limits on ganking and fairly interesting gameplay for haulers. This is good gameplay and working as intended.
Just make it so you are unable to lock people in highsec. just like Eve Echoes
The financial limits are no longer strong enough to deter ganks against less well off players. Wealth inequality ensures that players with the backing of some of the largest alliances in the game can continually throw their weight around against less well off players. In effect, it deters these players from even playing the game due to insurmountable odds stacked against them.

If a wealthy player uses their wealth to continually gank an individual who suffers a relatively higher loss compared to their net worth, it's considered an offense against the EULA. Doing the same thing to multiple players however is exempt from it, even though it has the same effect (To a greater number of people, even). If the first one isn't fair play, why is the second?
Which is why I said that insane players can't be constrained by game mechanics. Do you have reading comprehension problems by a chance?
They can and easily, punishment just isn't punishing enough anymore, which can be fixed in number of ways if ccp so desire. Problem is not only they are too lazy and have no balls, they also have csm retardation to deal with which will forever be the worst kind of lobby that only exist to push their own interests regardless of how it affects the rest of the game.
it doesn't matter, fuck off
it does matter, fuck off
use https://janice.e-351.com/ or evetycoon to compare prices in tradehubs

adam4eve is better used for other stuff

alternatively you can contract it to me and I'll pay you 95% jita buy. make contract out to "winter croft" for 0 isk and put buyback in the description. I will pay out within 10 minutes of accepting the contract.

>best way to haul from amarr to jita
pushx/red frog like the other guy said, but also consider public courier contracts. join haulers channel in game.
often works out cheaper than pushx and redfrog at the cost of waiting a little longer for your stuff to be delivered.
for a 1b dst-size contract from amarr to jita I pay 40 million isk.
stuff from data sites is quite small, if its less than 10k m3 you can pay even less and someone will take it in a BR.

> 3 mil a jump
you're overpaying
There's a 90% loot drop event going on right now, every single hauler is gonna get suicide ganked because it's impossible not to profit unless you're empty
>t.faggot ganker
Its cancer and ive watched several players flame out of eve altogether because their 500 mil in account assets gets blown up being flown to market.
If you want more players, high sec needs to be safe. New players need to feel like there is somewhere they can dip their toes in without losing 3 weeks of lv 2 mission running loot.

We veterans know its actually the other way around - null sec is very safe, while hi sec is dangerous as fuck because of war decs and gankers. Your chances of getting ganked in null are 0. Maybe ccp should start players in null before throwing them into the deep end?
yeah maybe they should add concord to nullsec to make it more dangerous
>ive watched several players flame out of eve altogether because their 500 mil in account assets gets blown up being flown to market.
unironically a good thing
they ignored the golden rule: don't undock something you cant afford to lose.
just sell that stuff in Amarr. It is NOT worth the hassle of hauling it to Jita
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Here's a referral code to help you fine gentlemen out with your multiboxing.


For what it's worth, Kshal on the CSM (And maybe Mike) specifically want to drastically reduce high sec ganking. The problem is they're immediately drowned out by the nullsec candidates complaining how that's ruining the game.
what's the point when you can just refer to your main
If you ever get ganked you are genuinely retarded.
is this skibidi toilet from ohio
>Live in HS
>Get ganked
>Live in NS
>Get BLOPsed
>Live in LS
>Get BLOPsed
>Live in WH
>Get evicted
It's a different coats of paint on the same suicide booth
Go live in Thera, you can't get evicted or blopsed. If I wasn't already living in a wormhole I would've based out of Thera and took breaks whenever I felt like it.
how do people even get ganked
i routinely move 5-10b in dst and ive only been shot at once
i didnt even die
once i got bumped undocking from jita in BR and nado'd but i survived
I was empty anyway iirc

feel like im missing out desu
as i was writing this i was sat decloaked on a gate 1j from jita with 2b in hold and a nado on grid
granted you'd need more than 1 nado for a dst but still should be profitable
why arent they shooting me
It's fairly uncommon to get ganked, it's mostly just that the possibility exists. I've been playing for 15 years and have never had a successful gank attempt against me, usually the worst it gets is a few Catalysts sitting in a belt waiting for me to come back.

The total amount of people ganked vs ships moving through space is low, but the fact that it could occur at any given time is enough to deter people from hauling. Attempts also only really happen when the kill is certain, like people hauling 2b ISK in a Tayra or someone autopiloting a DST/freighter. Basically stuff you should never do anyway.
It's heavily timezone dependent. If you're not in the timezone the gankers are active you don't get ganked. That more than anything proves that suicide ganking isn't organic. Random people don't just suicide gank because they see an opportunity for profit, 99% of it is people who have an incentive to suicide gank consistently, and basically nobody else bothers even when they could.
>because their 500 mil in account assets gets blown up being flown to market
their fault for being too retarded to have a friend scout for them, or to break it up into multiple trips.
>how do people even get ganked
retards go afk autopilot in untanked T1 haulers through Uedama.
also people forget that Caldari space, chokepoints and one of the 3 SOE lv4 hubs exist. go literally anywhere else and you'll go real life years without seeing a ganker
Your not getting what im saying. The sec status in high sec is a lie, like a ground floor window or a bike lock. It should be a strong deterrent, but in reality its just an illusion. There are no warnings or instructions besides the vague "its eve its SAVAGE lol". No hint that hauling is actually dangerous in major hubs and .5, or auto piloting is suicide in anything of value. New players see a major trade hub in .8 and assume that they wont be ganked cause pvp is "off" in highsec, or they will get some warning or they just aren't worth it. Then bam, their first 3 weeks is blown up because lol and the asshole that did it is docked in station right next to them having suffered a .1 sec status hit and the loss of a throwaway tornado (or less).

If they had no problem selling and feeling "safe" for a few more months at least its likely eve would actually grow organically instead of with whales multiboxing their own fleets.
I still say the real problem with ganking in high sec, especially against new players, is that it doesn't contribute anything to the game. No one's experience is being enhanced by someone opportunistically waiting for passerby that happens to be an easy target, not for the person who spends hours waiting for a mark or the guy who losses a hundred million ISK and the time spent hauling it.

It's not like chasing down a Venture mining in lowsec, where they're risking little and have tools to escape a gank after they're pointed, nor is it combat scanning someone down in a wormhole and jumping them while they're killing sleepers, where they're armed and can fight back to some degree. Someone hauling in high sec either has to know a bunch of small specifics and scout to stay safe, haul small stuff in a blockade runner, or just cross their fingers some bored ganker doesn't put them on their list of shit to fuck up. Ganking a hauling ship is a pure mathematical equation that's won or lost in the fitting window. You don't pilot your ship better to survive it, you instead send a scout ahead of you to find threats, then dock up and wait until they pass.

Making ganking situational, like having to flag yourself as a suspect to do higher end content in high sec, would be a better alternative to just CONCORD enforced safety, where now if someone wants to engage in high end missioning, abyss, incursions, or whatever else, they have to open themselves to retaliation. Leave all the lesser content safe from reprisal.
getting people out of highsec would be a better use of time
>why don't you join MY slave farm?
fuck off nullfag
You have no choice homeboy. You WILL be assimilated and you WILL like it. It's just a matter of time before CCP announces an establishment of a permanent K-space to J-space connection and then the filthy wormholers will be brought into line as well.
the real gameplay in eve was always supposed to be in nullsec, retard. people who hold this opinion aren't automatically reddit line members. I spend all my time in eve killing these niggers. yeah null is in a terrible place, but that doesn't mean you as a highsec faggot aren't pathetic
Is it bad that I'm seriously worried about this with next year's update? I keep thinking CCP is going to add nullsov mechanics to j-space, and we're going to see sov upgrades that make new static connections and connections that last longer with higher mass.

At that point, people are going to be making capital ship connections to C1-C4 space and just dumpstering anyone inside, ruining the last bastion of space safe from the nullsec menace.
there is nothing good about wormhole space, so it doesn't matter if they "ruin" it
>uining the last bastion of space safe from the nullsec menace
I, for one, welcome our nullsec overlords.
>be retard in a PVP game
>get PVPed
Nothing CCP does can fix stupid.
I guess I made the noob mistake of going through Ahbazon. I knew it would be risky so I took a shit ship with no loot, but I didn't expect some faggot to be waiting there, which I got away from. But then he had smart bombs waiting at the exit gate (or a long the path?), which instantly blew me up.
Is it possible to travel through Ahbazon without getting killed? I'm guessing I have to bookmark some weird path in the system/at the gates?
Also, why doesn't some corp just defend the bridge system between Amarr and Jita? I guess it would be thankless work
>Is it possible to travel through Ahbazon without getting killed
yes, very easily
That clears it up. Thanks!
Sure, but at the same time dozens of people die there every day.
>Also, why doesn't some corp just defend the bridge system between Amarr and Jita?
The people who killed you are defending it, it pays out quite well.
>I'm guessing I have to bookmark some weird path in the system/at the gates?

Tactical bookmarks on gates 150km +, preferably several from different angles. Use uedamascout on twitch and EVE Gatecamp Check to check if the gates are camped. If you are going from Amarr to Jita you can also use Lor gate instead of Shera, it's 1 extra jump but the gate is not nearly as often camped as Shera. The only guys who bother smartbombing that I've noticed are EF and his 10 alts, usually in Machariels, Lizzon - usually in a single praxis, and all the Inferno alts, usually in 3+ praxis. Chinks sometimes camp it too in their timezone.
>The people who killed you are defending it, it pays out quite well.
I didn't think of that. So rather than just shitters doing it for loot, they're just preemptively killing everyone so that their corp can use the system without worry?
wtf do you expect from such an obvious chokepoint
of course people are gonna camp and hunt idiots
oh i completely agree, but its like jumping into any open world PVP game and acting surprised that people can kill you.
friend of mine punched a hole in the wall when he died once in DayZ cuz he spent 12 hours roaming the map looting without seeing anyone before getting sniped cuz he went afk in an open field to make food.
My favorite part of DayZ was being a freshie, finding other freshies and doing stupid shit until we died
My least favorite part of DayZ was playing seriously as a solo and spending hours on getting kitted only to be domed from a bush camper
They kill themselves too. They just do it for fun and content. Best thing to do is join one of there public gate camp fleet so you can see the future schedule when they're camping and then use that to judge if it's safe or not to pass through.
They do fight back if someone comes to kick them over, they'll yolo dreads and shit, bob knows they can afford to. Spectre Fleet camp the Hykkoda gate fair often. They have a gentleman's agreement that if AP are on Shera, and SF stick to Hykkoda. Sometimes they'll fuck with each other for the lols. EF likes to multibox tornadoes and try to blap expensive ships at the SF camps if its a slow day.
>being a freshie, finding other freshies and doing stupid shit until we died
yeah still is the best.
buddy and i tonight spawned, immediately killed and ate 3 people, got shotguns then suicide charged into 4 dudes cooking up steaks in a house.
Satori come back
The omega discounts are here finally.
>giving money to CCP in current year
Protip: play Foxhole. It's like the best parts of small gang eve with a lot better intel system. Next to zero grind required (unless you really want to play the supercap equivalents) as some backline autist will grind all the stuff you need for free.
i think i got autobanned by some algorithm or something, 3 day ban for macro use, they didn't take any isk/assets, or send a mail or anything
>Is it possible to travel through Ahbazon without getting killed?
1 sec align ship if no smarts
>fly sub-2 align ship
>"lolol see ya later, squares"
>get killed by smartbombs
Never fly directly to the gates in Ahba
[Dramiel, 0651]
Inertial Stabilizers II
Inertial Stabilizers II
Inertial Stabilizers II

Republic Fleet Medium Shield Extender
Pithum C-Type EM Shield Amplifier
Dread Guristas Thermal Shield Amplifier
Republic Fleet Medium Shield Extender

Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II
Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II
Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II
Hornet EC-300 x4

This one can handle 2 smartbombing battleships, but if there's a third you're dead.
Also 2 ticks to align, which means it's theoretically possible someone locks you, but I've never actually seen that happen in 10 years of playing this gay game.
If you have some skillpoints in Navigation unlike the character using this autism chariot, you might be able to use a damage control or something instead of one of the inertial stabilizers.
People should be flying thoraxes more often but they are not.
why did you do it?
>CCP making a 4x now
excitement, maybe they finally learned something
>it's f2p
what are they planning to fail at this time?
I'd fly a thorax if it wasn't shit
CCP will do anything to avoid working on EO.
>Campaign for CSM
>One asshat on the official forums keeps shitting my thread, asking the same questions over and over
>Answer him legitimately the first time, doesn't get the answer he wants, so keeps asking
>Roughly 1/4 of my CSM thread is this guy asking the same question in different ways and now complaining when I redirect him to my first answer

>CCP finally mutes him for throwing a tantrum
>He makes a new account and starts posting again

It's really like I'm on fucking 4chan.
Hi on fucking 4chan, I’m dad!
now you know why politicians, cops and fast food workers feel superior to the average person.
Can we have our eve character as a hero unit?
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>Campaign for CSM
jealousy ill becomes you salty eve anon
There is 1 MMO that is trying to mimic it.
Albion is a meme
I think he meant EVE Frontier.
eve and autism are like wine and cheese, or pancakes and maple syrup, or americans and school shootings
He hasn't been able to do that since 1996, then he got cucked and died of depression(drugs).
A bit of a foreshadowing of the future, that man.
Beams are so OP on the mechwarrior why can't they be like that here?
How would you even balance lasers compared to the other weapon types? The massive cap usage makes them a burden, but it doesn't justify making them outright superior from that alone.
>massive cap usage makes them a burden, but it doesn't justify making them outright superior from that alone.
Considering cap basically determine the life and death of a ship and cannon exist, yes.
I don't think he meant the naughty no-no words scam game
I don't know, I saw for Android and iPhone and immediately closed the tab faster than a shadman thread.
I would like to make an announcement

Over the last week I have come to the conclusion that doing evictions is fucking aids regardless of how much isk you make in the process, especially when the evictees have their timers in a shit timezone.
Thank you for you listening to this public service announcement.
yes wormholes are fucking retarded, everyone knows
Bros, I've been making hand over fist doing exploration during this event. I started playing earlier this month and am networthed at a little over $2 billion (!!)
What are some other good solo money makers that I can turn to when the event month is over, as I'm guessing the runs will be less profitable.
I tried some t0 and t1 abyssal runs and those were fine, but not good enough returns to stop exploring
Now that I'm T2 in small turrets and V in frigates, maybe I'll try some FW.
Also, do security missions ever get profitable past T2? Or is ratting the money maker?
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how the hell do i set my structure to allow another corp to dock in my structure? can't figure it out for the life of me
you need to make an access list, they're under social in the menu
Is it that shit that was revealed years ago at FF that was basically a random scifi fanfic with EVE graphic assets slapped onto a 4x?
Mission money is in burners.
yeah the event sites are pretty nuts with payouts, i've raked in a good 10b running the combat sites with a polarized kronos
making 3-400m an hour and it's basically zero risk
God damn. Can I run those sites in a t1 battle cruiser with t1 guns?
I know the Christmas ones I was doing in a Navy Harbinger, but I had great skills and it was still a close fight. I think the Halloween ones are worse, so I'd say do them in a T3C, HAC, or Marauder. An overtanked, cap stable T1 battleship should be the minimum and probably only alpha friendly way to do them.
if you can it would be so slow it wouldn't be worth your time
the kronos has 4000 DPS that's the key
>Navy Harbinger
The combat sites are worse than the explo ones unless you're using Marauders. Their drops just aren't great this year.
>game has been dying since the day it released
You're not wrong but you don't know how dumb you sound.
Just avoid Oedama
The problem is the drops were scaled around using marauders, and in CCP's infinite wisdom, instead of simply forcing players to use lower tier ships, they made the sites pay worse. They do this shit all the time and it's really not surprising anymore.
Exploration remains profitable for a solo account, but you have to do it in c1-3 wh and specific areas of null.
FW is okay but mileage will vary - and its plagued by awoxxing faggots.
Abyss requires massive investment for modest returns.
Missions and ded sites in high sec are fairly worthless... but missions (specfically "burner" missions for assault frigs) in null npc are excellent income for solo. Null deadsites lead to valuable escalations, but you would need a way to get around safely to do them thats not very feasable solo.
You could clesr c2/c3 wh combat sites with a good battlecruiser.
Theres also trading, hauling, gas sniffing and PI but its far more limited on one account. Still may be worth it tho.
gas huffing is nice.
ships/fits you use are dirt cheap and each load of 'bad' gas is still a good 20-30mil.
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well-fit brawling battleship with tech2 modules that can resist neut pressure can yeah.

seconding a lot of this.
C2/C3 sites you can run with some good navy cruisers or BCs until you get the skills to fly HACs, Combat Recons and T3Cs.
HS Ice is fucking through the roof right now, I was making close to 80m ISK/hr in a Hulk on a single character. It might even approach 100m ISK/hr if it continues at the rate it's going.

PI is pretty much always worth doing if you're willing to work with it 5 minutes a day. With 500k SP, you can get a set of basic PI skills and still make about 15m ISK/day per character in HS, and that's after taxes and HS buyback factored in. With max skills and in a wormhole (Something like Wormlife works well since they have a station you can work from), you can more than double that. That's about 1.5b per month if you do it in HS on all three characters on your account, or half that if you reset extraction once a week.
How do I get missions (security ones?) in nullsec? Or what factions do I get them from, rather. I do most of my work for Amarr Family, and it looks like they're only in High and Low Secs.
I don't really go to nullsec, largely only high and wormhole space, so forgive my ignorance
HS niggers fuck off.
I've only been playing for less than a month, faggot. I don't know half of the shit in this game
there's big swathes of NPC nullsec

Hmm. Kinda what I feared: that they're mostly pirate factions that I've been fucking with for Amarr/Gallente security missions. Do their missions usually come at the cost of negative empire rep?
a lot of them don't, you can refuse the ones that do
i forgot to mention, if you do the pirate faction epic arcs you can raise your reputation with them a shitload
Ty. Looks like Angel Cartel or Thukker Tribe might be my best bet as far as closeness to Domain. Can I still get Lvl 1 missions even if I'm under 0 rep but not -1?
>Thukker Tribe
They are snowflake missions. Don't do those unless you know what you are doing.
Level 1 are always available. Doing the epic arc would be a good start. Alot of npc space is occupied by null alliances, but depending on time of day its basically ghost town. Do Not use gates to try and get out to null they are always camped. Noise filaments work to get past the camps, wormholes/pochven filaments to get back.

Stain is close to amarr and has alot of russians, but its so large its easy to do missions unmolested. Venal is full of frat chinks but is 98% ishtar bots at the right time of day so again, is very easy to work in.
Most others are similar. Just avoid delve...
Thanks brudda. I'll look into how to use noise filaments, as I have a stash from exploring.
Speaking of Delve, I've heard that's where the blood raiders are/where I sell my tetrimon warclone banks and, most importantly, some DNA item I found that's worth $300M? I'm guessing it's a major gank zone and probably better to sell at Jita?
Still trying to figure out where I sell the Sabik vials or whatever (also from the monthly event) but it sounds like any Concord station will buy them?
Yea unless you get a stupendously lucky wormhole getting to a station in delve is extremely dangerous right now. I think buy orders are at 95% npc in jita right now, so just sell there.

The hypermetabolic clone dna sells to the deathless and a couple other npc for 300 mil, but getting to zarzach is less problematic. I have 3 of them im holding on to while i decide if i should take the hit at jita or try to get there myself. For only 1 it may not be worth the risk, then again as a newbro you might want yo visit zarzach anyway
ghost town for sure, i did the gurista/angel epic arcs in a fucking enyo and didn't see a single soul
Yea huge swathes of null space is completely empty. Its the largest indicator that something is wrong with sov mechanics. Noone wants to own space in null cause fuck dealing with alliances. Ive spent days in impasse without bumping into another soul, and theres dozens of unclaimed systems.

Most recently i was in outer ring. Counted maybe 8 other people in the npc stations.
Those two are both not great for null missions for different reasons. A lot of Angel Cartel's LP store is available through faction warfare instead, so the prices are lower than elsewhere (Guristas has this too). Thukker Tribe has stations in high sec, so that keeps the price down on things you'd get from them.

For doing nullsec missions, you'd want either Syndicate, Sansha, Mordu's Legion, Serpentis, or Blood Raiders. Morud's, Serpentis, and Blood Raiders' missions are confined to a small pocket of nullsec that's heavily camped and next to impossible to do if you're not affiliated with the people who hold sov, so those are out. Syndicate and Stain (the region Sanshas are in) are huge though and have tons of mission agents, plus the space is otherwise not super valuable so there's less people in those areas camping the hubs. For example, Sansha have 47 L4 mission agents in their region while the Serpentis only have like 5.

In my opinion, either do Syndicate is you want a slightly easier time but less value from LP or do Sansha if you want to make bank but constantly get chased around. Sansha ships are selling for massive amounts right now and the holdup is Sansha NET resonators ever since CCP fucked over pirate ships even harder than they were.
i just went into a tetrimon combat site a guy was doing (i have a very high dps ship so i can steal them from most people but occasionally i get stolen from too)
the guy was so mad i got the kill he shot the commander's wreck and got concord'd, dude lost a praxis and the astero in his escape bay, and i got to loot his wreck
i tried starting a convo with him to ask why the fuck he did that and he wouldn't accept
retards gonna retard
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rate my new crokite themed skins
Just subbed 6months just for that Maller skin
Would fly. Pretty commited to rosada dawn fleets however.
loki would have been dateable if it wasn’t for being a fucking yaoifag
it’s always the fucking insane types that are into that shit
the fuck am i looking at
pretty cool
even though i’ll never use them because I only fly warships; mining’s for plebians
I don't know why people say this when mining and industry is the only thing worth doing in EVE. Literally any other space game has better gameplay for combat, but EVE is the only place you can get your industrial and market fix against other players.
>Literally any other space game has better gameplay for combat
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>3 bil plex
>all activities still pay same shit
would fly
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>Hack a hard can
>Oops ALL suppressor nodes lol
>Straight path to the end node with no barriers
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Hope ccp doesn't flag me as cheating. im sweating
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hehe xd
How long will NPC buy orders for the event stuff stay up you think?
in less than 6 hours, i will have completed the skilling for every frigate, destroyer, and cruiser level V. except for gallente
Bros... I just got my first fucking kill. My frigate took down a destroyer
I haven't dove deep into industrial and market shit in eve, but it seems like X4 is a much better game for that. Although, like you said, that doesn't involve other players
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There is more to it in EvE than X4, primarily because they've been adding more and more shit for the last two decades.
The station building used to be more modular and customizable (it technically still is, if you want to use a POS), but modern player stations are way more straightforward than X4.
That's the real kicker, EVE being a living universe that's influenced by everyone playing is what really elevates the industry/logistic/market side of the game.

There's always a huge amount of push and pull over it though because the playerbase on EVE has been so thoroughly diversified that everyone plays for different reasons. Half the game wants to throw out the industry side in favor of cheap ships so they can pew pew without any interruption, the other half wants to throw out the combat so they can play co-op simcity in peace. The answer always lies somewhere in the middle, but getting rid of either side would hurt the other.
Syndicate's actually pretty good for this, lots of dead-end pockets that are fairly quiet, mostly only occupied by autistic german miners.
You can put a scout cloaked on one gate and give yourself a good 2-3 jumps warning of any incoming stuff.
A bunch of ppl run burner missions down there making 50mil per mission in LP plus faction loot drops.

Curse used to be good for this too until Insurgency fucking ruined it, bringing in 100s of tourists and chinese.
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its cuz
>blyats cant pay for their sub by card so they have to use plex
>goons move-op
>bad economy in RL means 3rdies and bads would unironically rather grind for 30 hours to plex their account than whatever shitty $2/month job they work in RL
in short, blame 3rdies.
>this cope again
plex will have dropped by the time it comes for me to rebuy omega r-right
I hope it drops quicker, I bought two 24 month omegas in game but I still have two accounts with shorter timers. IMO it's only going to get worse though, the people who buy PLEX and sell it on the market will stop doing so if the price drops too much, after they've got accustomed to 3m/PLEX they won't want to go back down to anything too much less.
Updated EO roadmap for 2024.
i'd buy 5 bils worth of plex now and itll be worth 10bil by the time Apr 2026 comes around
rookie help recommending oversized AB on all fits again because "MWDs are pointless cuz of sig bloom"

which side are you on /eog/?
the people giving that advice are faggots and only fly meme ships
I'd call them cum eating niggers but CCP, the cum eating niggers, would ban me for it.
It depends on the fit.
what is it you are trying to do
Oversized ABs are extremely based when you're doing shit in hostile space because cloaky cyno alts simply can never get close to you. They're also extremely good for small gang PvP where you don't have a great deal of anti-tackle.
An oversized AB for solo roaming is almost mandatory unless you're flying something turbo gay like an Orthrus, 100mn Sleipnirs are super fun solo.
>unless you're flying something turbo gay
they only go on turbo gay fits retard
Avanto? More like Evicto'd lmao
They seem pointless to me. A good afterburner of correct size gets you 70% of a oversized burners speed without completely fucking acceleration/align. Then again i have only used the oversize ab fits a couple times and did not enjoy it.

Maybe im not flying the right ship for idk.
>$1,740 worth of Plex down the drain for a temper tantrum
i dont understand:
A. How having a tantrum got him killed
B. How he had plex (and in that excessive amount) tangibly in their cargo
C. Did anyone loot the wreck

Also his pod was filled with armor rep implants so lol.
1) his temper tantrum led to him nuking his ship on purpose in abyssal
2) good question. I didn't even think of that
3) unclear, but I think he did it in abyssal space so nobody could
He liquidated all his assets into ISK, bought plex with ISK and then put it all in the cargo hold, went to abyss and died. The PLEX was lost to the void and plex market gets further fucked.

What this man did is absolutely based.
Looks like the trolly shit that happens when someone gets hacked, not seppiku. On the other hand, theres alot to be mad about with eve and autism knows no bounds. He also may just want the highest loss mail or something.
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>tfw no sugar mommy in eve
>blyats cant pay for their sub by card so they have to use plex
We can, baka seether.
It's also what people who are addicted do to quit, set themselves back enough that they don't dare to try again
how to into reactions?
He could just be a big fucking pussy. I say good riddance.
>Doing random combat site for the daily goals
>In the space of 3 minutes I had 2 jackdaws, 3 Gilas and an Orthus warp in
Caldari space really is a shithole.
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Dog-eat-dog universe. At some point you will treat all other neutrals as NPC characters. Especially if you farm 4/10 in high sec.
It's hisec space, did you expect to be left alone?
No, I just can't fathom wasting your time competing with bots running anoms in Caldari space of all places.
Neither can I, friend.
>Verification not required.
That's why Amarr space is the GOAT
have access to lowsec rafinery (friendly)
have a way to get shit in and out
Real chads manufacture shit in enemy refineries.
i made over 10b profit from reacting shit in the jan scam tatara before they revoked docking permission
still didnt lose anything :^)
hardest part is honestly just finding a safe place to do it
This but unironically.
Caldari space is way overpacked and nearly everyone there is a ganker or bot.
Go to quiet backwater parts of Amarr or Gallente HS instead, Caldari space is ass.
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One of those days.
CCP is probably thrilled, that's $1,740 they don't have to pay out in game time. A drop in the bucket, but nice to see retards giving them free money.

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