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>What is this?
Korean anime-styled battle royale with moba controls/skills. Currently 8 squads of 3 for a total of 24 players per game but they may bring back solos and duos in the future. Game has been in early access for a few years and version 1.0 has officially launched on July 20th, 2023. Ranked season 5 started Sep 2024.

>Steam Link


>Eternal Return 1.0 Animation Intro (Full Ver.)

>Dr. Nadja's Beginner Guide

>Match History, Character Lookups, etc.

>Interactive Map

>Items/Tac Skills/Augments





>/erbsg/ friends

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>Eternal Return Season 5 Preview

>Season 5 Lucky Preview - Eternal Return

>[New Character] Garnet - Eternal Return
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Yamato nakadashi
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Best cadet skin since Jackie's
I want to bully her so much.
>Potato rank queue is dead as fuck as NA
Am I going to have to play with 200 ping in KR until I climb up to silver
play xiukai
it should pop within an hour
iron can queue into gold so its really not that impossible
Give it an hour
>Skins available in store and boxes again
Arcana of Fate Adina
Underworld Org Haze
Steampunk Martina

>Skins not avaialable in store and boxes
Crimson Devil Echion
Magical Girl Rio
Lovely Magical Girl Rio
Beachside Nicky
Exterminator Adriana
Test-taker Hyejin
Masquerade Daniel
Demon Hunter Johann
Burning Maid Adriana
Morning Coffee Sua
When's micro bikini Leni skin
After micro bikini Garnet gets released
When's reverse bunny suit Sissela skin
Wasn't there supposed to be a version with glasses? I feel robbed.
Sadly no, otherwise I'd be using it.
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There's not a soul out there, no one to hear my prayer?
Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight
Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away?
Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight
Take me through the darkness to the break of the day
Binky inject the noja particles directly into my veins
>Be me
>Tank main
>Teammate picks Nadine
>Roll the lobby
Every time. Pick a character that can actually do damage, and I'll do my job I promise. It's that simple.
what is the games biggest issue now? for me it is just performance
Average dpshitter with a severe case of peak delusion thinking they're the second coming of jesus christ when in reality it's nothing but a chesse nigger exploding in thousand pieces once hit.
Bring back solo mode.
Bring back duo mode.
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Play and love, LOVE, Chiara!
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Chiara Love!!!
Premade stacks matching against non stacks.
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Damn it Emma, stop getting Chiara to put on silly costumes so she can appear on the main screen as part of the battle pass, you know she's impressionable like that!
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Emma would never lie
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>should've disciplined myself and just kept studying instead of getting on to sneak in a few games because they're all tilters and I'm just tilt queuing now
you will win with doulinko
is it matchmaking's fault or the players fault for not being a high enough rank for some of these high rank games?
Twao fans ww@?
You were not wrong at all hmm
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Dead in the ditch when they see the match history
I want to e in so much with Vanya but I'm holding myself back I want to int so hard
wdym? all regions deliberately segregate for
>higher quality matches
idk if the games are truly quality or not but kr has high mith and low mith lobbies so it probably works for them. eu has dia-immo lobbies. na has meteor+ only lobbies. it's intended so if you want to play there be talented or grind like our resident anon.
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Very true, but there was last minute chances and instead they wanted Scottish scythe autist on the cover instead, leaving a disappointed Chiara to trudge back to her cell for the afternoon to mull over if God would strike her down if she dipped into the cookie jar a second time in one day.
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>Chiara the public cumdumpster of lumia island and ditched by NN for a improved untainted version AKA Charlotte
>Criticizing others
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>Le meme cat
Chiara slander will NOT be tolerated.
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know your place whore
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Sit dog
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All female test subjects owe me sex
Leni need new skin
Starting in 20 mins.
wow I woke up on sorta time this time! Cause I passed out!
Is there any place to read additional lore for the characters other than the tiny amount that's in their ingame profile?
read the achievements, dig around youtube for the black survival chapters, check the OP
there are hint lines while loading too
I meant more the ER originals that don't have research journals, like if they had any additional material when revealed like Yumin's letter from his grandfather
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Some of them are pretty funny.
I think they only started doing that recently
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Fucking useless brat
They've already recorded all the character interaction voice lines, but for some reason they haven't released them yet.
Entry cost scaling should not exist
Useless rat players lose single digit rp while I lose double digits for not winning every 1v3 for them.
We should go back to how s1-s2 used to be for ranked, elo is too inflated now.
Emmas ruining everything
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Stupid, sexy vampire.
this is a big reason for the headaches in higher ranked lobbies. until this patch, top rank in NA could queue into diamonds, which sucks because the ranked system funnels everyone into diamond. there are people in diamond with 5% wr, who would really be gold if the ranked system was real, but they are diamond because you dont need to get an average placement to climb. if the ranking system was better, ranks would be a lot more accurate, and elo inflation would not be as bad
Winrate doesn't equal average placement. It's a BR someone with a 0% winrate who gets 2nd every single game deserves to be at their mmr. The goal isn't to win it's to gain RP. That being said, I actually have respect for diamonds, and even some plats are okay. Plat is legitimately where most players get stuck.
S1 was fake as fuck dude. You could 3-stack to hit Mythril and even if you didn't 3-stack, even a first-time beginner who threw themselves at Ranked enough would eventually hit Diamond.
Can't comment on S2 because I completely did not play Ranked in S2 (Isol rewards lol)
itty bitty titties too far apart
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well guess i have to get a new pc to play game.... rip
s2 was the same as s1 but with a bit more rp inflation. it wasnt until s3 that they removed stacking in diamond
what happened bwo
bro you can throw yourself at ranked enough and hit mith any season...
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>Jackie isn't actually crazy, that's the thing.
>She's just incredibly manipulative and sadistic and sees people as little more than toys for her amusement - lives for her to control and take away as she pleases, when she pleases.
Yeah, like those moments she enjoy annoy disturbs Hyunwoo with telling him the many occasions they killed each other in every past experiment despite he don't remember a shit about it or pointing they're forever trapped in Lumia every time he's thinking in new ways to escape.
>nero ults 1 whole screen away from his team and expects them to follow up on his dailin ult
>starts tilting the kr player with his spam typing and shit play
>lenore makes mistake from being tilted by seamonkey spammer
>makes nero decide to trade kills 1v3 day 5
>enemy tema can rez, his team can't
>blames lenore for that game
>despite him forcing them to chase lumi or play 2v3 for the rest of the game
this guy's kind of a fat dog with a massive ego. he changed didn't he? he used to not ego play and blame everyone but I stopped watching back then.
yes he has changed. if you want to watch a seanig, watch mirai instead
pc doesn't have requirements to play the game. been play the game with accer for 4 years and terrorizing squad rank since release. squad getting boring.
mirai hasn't changed right? he's not streaming so not checking right now.
I don't know what it is about seaniggers that makes them have such intolerable personalities
Don't visit gacha threads or >reddit ever. They make company revenue and game popularity their whole personality. They do it for free. Maybe it's because it's a region where the most people have are phones or a windows 98 PC
Both he and Rhinne are insufferable, though Rhinne is more on the mentally ill side. Are there even any English-speaking ER streamers who aren't toxic or egotistical?
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What was he thinking?
That he kills Katja, gets the reset and follows it up with your death but unfortunately for him bodies have damage reduction
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>Forgive me father, for I have sinned
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>Sorry daddy, I've been a bad girl
I have the feeling that the one doing these shitposts is a Chiarafag
mirai is still chill. he is not great, but at least he is having fun
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>Meanwhile in lumia island, alley
Happy marriage with Chiara and our twelve children
>Then anon woke up from the dream
This but Eleven and our eleven children (minimum)
think he's changed ever since he got taught by some kr. That's when he started pushing rank hard
yeah but rhinne is playing on 150 ping and surpassing nero already so rhinne's got skill with his mental illness. nero has ___?
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>New skin soon
>another binky skin
I'm gonna starve and die before Chloe gets anything
Doomed to never get anything good or coom because Nina lol
Why does she put herself in jail?
I don't even want anything coom, I want Nina to look cool and rad as fuck.
Think it's just a lack of players overall for every region except KR
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I wake up from the dream to see my lovely wife sleeping at my side with a smile on her face
Chiara Love!!!
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20 bat daily should be illegal
should be reduced now that they took away so many bats from the map
>watch scrims vod
>no twao
Does drops box in the mail expire?
yeah 7 days after claiming them
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Why would I be there I'm not a pro
bwo the entire lobby yesterday was fraudulent except for maybe one team
it's organized solo queue, you can get in there too
get a win for /erbsg/ and remember us when you get invited to ERM
bros tried supervive and it's the same genre as er. same whole day 1, night 1, day 2, night 2, etc. one problem however. map's way too fucking big for how little players there are. it's 40 players but 4 players per team. the map is 4x bigger and lots of wide open areas. teams barely meet until the storm is fucking tiny. everyone can go to their corner and farm objectives without a fight until endgame zone.
last but not least the colour palette choice and zoom out is disgusting for any precision during combat. don't think this game's living long.
I tried it for a game too; you forgot to say that there's level caps for each day/night cycle. Like day 1 can't be higher than level 4, night 1/day 2/night 2 you can't be higher than level 6. Anti-snowball is cringe. The saturation mess doesn't help though yeah. It's easily the least appealing part.
>colour palette choice
Aside from Kingpin, the silhouettes of the hunters are really hard to recognize right away.
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also you forgot the most important thing
the character designs are ugly
not anime
I don't want this
it's er for people who hate anime. yet that art is better than the models while you wait in the lobby ingame kek.
I play this god forsaken game cause anime
if you want nose ring blue hair go away
So purple.
yeah I'm just saying it's better than supervive ingame 'HD' models for the lobby kek. ingame colours are rainbow puke.
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The artstyle reminds me a lot of Realm Royale.
Why do normalfag Americans and Europeans even like this westshit style over just regular anime style in the first place
Why do they love giving women manfaces
If you want a real answer, they relate anything anime to pedophilia.
Honestly I think it depends on the cartoons you grow up with.
I grew up loving both westshit like Scooby Doo Johnny Bravo CatDog etc. and anime like G Gundam Yugioh Cardcaptor Sakura etc.
I find the modern westshit style appalling.
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3x year old grandpa, younger normalfags grew up with shit cartoons and no toonami or saturday morning anime on WB
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Goddamn zoomies
bro younger people grow up on bluey and hazbin. look it up. at least it's not calarts but it's not really generational cartoons like older stuff from what I've heard.
>there are kids growing up on the shit that is hazbin
I shudder in horror.
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Man, coming back from school and looking forward to watching CCS was the tightest thing ever as a wee kid, especially without really understanding the concept of anime. I don't think I really learned what Japan is couple years down the line. Weird!
Magical girl, that isn't unavailable Rio skin, in ER when?
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>queue ranked
>pick tank
>get 2 dpshitter doing less damage than me and spam ping like niggers
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Release this cutie
that's a man
It can't be, she has pig tails and a nice chest...
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what chest?
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When's the homo coming out? This week?
always the dpshitter with main character syndrome
>pick Markus
>deal more damage than a Sissela and a pistol Aya
oct 24
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I'm gonna buttfuck Nicky
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She definitely likes anal
taiwan carrying ER twitch viewership
Jackie a shit, Leni a shit.
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Please delete this, it hurts my soul
Reminder to marry Adina and make her happy.
I want a pet adina
Can she fry rice?
won't marry a dog
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A dog is fine too
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The Adina bullying must stop.
The Adina bullying must continue.
cute dogina
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supervive has to be quite possibly one of the most immediately offputting games i've ever seen that isn't directly made out of spite to an existing fanbase
it's just so needlessly complicated and hits you in the face with 50 different mechanics and systems and then it has the fatal flaw of character matchups in a battle royale anyway
it's a game that's aimed only at moba veterans and no one else is going to spend more than two hours on it
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>it's just so needlessly complicated and hits you in the face with 50 different mechanics
ER before 1.0
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Dailin sexo
Holy shoujo.
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I am Sua's property
>guy is tilted so he starts playing his 0% winrate characters that he has very little clue how to play
>so tilted that he does really dumb mistakes
I don't want to be a part of it
>more and more people in the meteorite and up lobbies using vanya
See bros it's not that weak!!
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>killing everyone in the lobby
>13 kills terminating teams early and winning bz
>early kills don't matter for shit
>don't get rng on monsters
>on 2-3 items vs rng seeded full build adc team with 3 tk from luckshitting whatever bears and wolves
>rest of that team has 3-4 items
wheres my rng you gay faggots? still positive but niggers playing pve shouldn't get that many items.
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well are they right? are normal games the worst way to play eternal return?
What if... nobody 3stacked
Split normals into stack and nonstack queues. Nonstack queue is unlocked at level 30 like ranked. There, fixed for you. But NN don't care since it's not issue in their main market so less populated servers just have to deal with this shit.
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I definitely see that sentiment in the lower player count servers. Even in here where majority are in EU/NA
On a side note that may or may not be related to this NN today updated the ranking rewards criteria for high ranks fucking over the gook grinders that jump to the smaller servers to climb
As of right now, yes. But if they stopped 3 stacking it would stop being that terrible very quickly. There's tons of high elo players that actually play solo normal games and some very special others completely refuse and only touch normals to 3 stack and you can make a correlation that these are the same ones who actively dodge every lobby in ranked when they have a sub 51% chance of winning (aka let me dodge every lobby until I get a triple immortal team and claim "it's just not fun to play" and "I don't care about my RP I just wanna have fun" otherwise) which is a rather embarrassing excuse to make and is very obvious it's bullshit to the point NA high elo streamers called it out. But as things are, NN won't touch dodge RP costs and for normal games, unless they collectively decide to stop being retarded, only an influx of newer players and more aggressive, better tutorials will help the normal games situation.
In NA? Yeah. I don't think its that bad when I played in the Asia1 servers though.
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>"It's like looking at an animal?"
Impressive ermm animation, animations.
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Fuck Irem like an animal.
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Garnet impregnation
Her bust size increases every time she successfully executes someone.
wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble
but people wont ever stop 3 stacking
and if they prohibit queueing with friends to prevent 3 stacking, nobody wants to play without their friends, especially in norms.
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>Your time is cum
Post full
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It's pretty bad yeah, can't even relax with a nice game of norm when you don't wanna ranked if you end up with newbies and it's not really their fault for being new. But the game itself still isn't that good about teaching new players... every friend (three of them) I've talked into the game I had to teach them just about all of the basics because the tutorials don't teach you much.
Hell, they don't even tell you that you can build items quickly by hitting Z
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>Another dpshitter doing less damage than the tank
How to regain confidence and stop being a shitter? Haha just wondering
play nyorms
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>Love and...peace!
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ow man
sweet you can access the events from in-game now
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Hart gets gangbanged by her groupies
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She says "Everything I do is for Peace and Love..." according to her voicelines
I forgot but there is an image about hart marching band skin and said it's for pit, boobs and thighs fags at the same time
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Two semen demons in one pic
>new event asking you to doxx yourself
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>Implying NN gives a shit about it
>Was Myth in S3
>Hard stuck Plat 2 now
Bros.... The arthritis has finally kicked in
Welcome home, fellow 30+ NNigga.
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It surprises me Beachside Nicky didn't return to make extra money in this season, missed chance for NN.
>You get sent to Lumia Island when you shit talk NN online
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Delete this.
Marlene alone is cuter and sexier than any of these 3.
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I want to be the boytoy for ALL three of those hags
dem maniac tits
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Still funny Cathy is one of the most degenerate sluts of this franchise and NN don't to go full coom with her yet.
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What's her problem?
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On the topic of Tazia, i thought that her Q felt pretty hard to hit when not moving in a straight line, so i watched one of the top ranked Tazia mains and he missed like half of the sideways Qs.
I guess you're supposed to play her like that huh.
Play Tazia actually requires skill unlike auto-pilot niggers like Luke who just spam Q or Garnet with a press-to-win in R
Both weak characters, cope bronzie
t. dpshitter doing less than average and dying once jan's dick entered his sorry ass
Stats don't care about your feelings chudcel
Stay mad :)
Stats don't mean shit if you can't stand by yourself, dpshitter
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>queue ranked yesterday
>rioshitter doing less damage than us despite she took almost all the loot, got 0 kills and died 7 times in a row
cool fiction
post clip
post match history with date
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>Rioshitters dying like bots is a lie! >:(
>queue ranked yesterday
Trust me bro.
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Feels nice to get a res off at the last second of night4 and winning the game
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>Should we dive in a dream?
Go back to grinding ranked you need to be top 10
good fucking lord
They look like they fuck Isol
>open stream
>no twao
>close stream
>open eu stream
>no eu erbs
>close stream

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How about I dive in your womb?
Yes, and my dream is having sex with you
Why do we all cheer for Twao but no one cheers for /ourguy/ j7ang?
whose guy?
not mine
I've been watching Twao since the beginning!
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because I see myself in TWAO
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I don't care for ecelebniggers.
Daejeon's esports bundle looks great..... That fucking Katja profile icon.....
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*mogs you*
na scrimmers
my goat isn't there...
I cheer for j7ang. He's a cool guy
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It's over
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erm hyunwoo bros?
>Implying Hyunwoo cares for someone romantically
who wants 2 play na norms with me +1
I can do a few before I pass out.
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>getting chain CC by Yumin
I just finished a game, am free whenever you are on, assuming you're not the anon who just got in a game
I just got in a game, I'll job real fast.
It's over, over.
It's really over. I don't know what to do. Doing decent/most damage in like, 70% of these matches and it doesn't matter. Should I just be running from every fight instead? These games feel like dogshit
Oh well back to playing the wizardry game
That gacha game with perma-death mechanics?
Ye its fun, good ole dungeon crawlers. needed my fix after Etrian Odyssey
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Based and blobberpilled
Yeah. But apparently it's pretty overblown and you have to be extremely gigaretarded to get your characters permakilled.
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You know I was wondering why our engage was so squishy. Unless this is the build now??
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Bro that's literally the KlayThompson guy you hate and says ints your games
Probably did not want you and Yoon winning that game or was throwing for his boy Bobaboy
NA is a shitshow
Now this is a shitpost
Got him again gotta dodge wahoo. Had forgotten desu cause I thought people forget and move on
idk what you did to him but he's making it his life's goal to make sure you never win a game with him on your team
Played with him bad once while in dia? Don't think that's enough to be on a shit list but people have been petty for less
have none of your other teammates called this nigger out for inting
Nyo antisocial game nobody types. Or maybe they're doing it in a sekret discord
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new chapter, sluts and dpshitters
How many times has this happened to Magnus now?
New emote code
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Yamato nakadashi
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>Another emote for Charlotte while Chiara dies in a cum dicth
>literally getting gangbanged by 2 teams night 1
>teammates tp on top of me to get a quick 8th instead of tping to wolves
People hate me or something so they're griefing LOL. Almost as bad as cooking food in the middle of a fight while they're in our face for a fast 7th. Oh wait
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>do the same most retarded braindead play
I forgive and forget the previous players. Nothing went through my brain as I just turbo inted like a retard. I'm so mad at myself now. Have not done a play this fucking stupid in a while
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memes and porn never rest
>hyejin decides she prefers chinese men
she wants to dual cultivate to get stronger
That was fast wtf
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I need to bully Aya with my dick, holy shit
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>Uh, I'm only wearing this because I have to! Don't get used to it!
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I'll definitely get used to it
Still think her summer costume is better
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Give your force cores to Debi & Marlene? [Y/N]
No, I want my Holy Orders.
Only to Marlene.
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Chiara bullying will not be tolerated in this thread
I got my immortal friends to smurf, and they got me an easy +300rp in 2 games. I feel kinda dirty. We did however, send a different smurf to lobby fast 7th so....
>immortal friends
we don't have any here
that play actually did catch us off guard, i think none of us were expecting the blast cone but thankfully you were isolated and we were able to burst u after u tried sleep stasis GGS
Bro it's bad when my team also got caught off guard. I think if I had communicated anything it 'could've' went better. Big ? on that though. Gg
Debi sucking me off while Marlene licks my asshole
Why do they think I have a Force Core to give? I gave my Meteor to Bianca, but if they want a Tree of Life I can spot them.
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Which specific animated emote really irritates you?
the ... cat face both on enemy team and ally
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Irem is ugly
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>Maintenance Oct 24th
Bianca needs my cum all over her face
Earlier this week I played on my smurf and won a game with teammates that had 3% and 6% win rates respectively. They thanked me for carrying them even though I feel like I didn't do any carrying besides doing damage as an assassin and leading macro to obvious objectives or away from dangerous third party situations. One of my teammates was even a former mythril so it felt weird because I thought most mythril players had egos regardless of win rate. Wonder if he thought I was another mythril smurf.

Thanks for reading my blog
>former mythril
how back are we talking? because maybe he got boosted there
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Yea bro I'm kind of a big deal in the sekret discords.
what's with the motion? they want us to aim at their cheek?
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Holy fuck Tazia is old.
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Tazia's personality and lore fits with her age more than Haze or Tsubame who looks like 25 around but barely have 20 though.
Why are all Aya players such terrible garbage?
Much like Sua players, they're unable to perform when playing one handed
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Play and love, LOVE, Chiara!
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Dumb fucking cat.
Only if Marlene will have sex with me while looking at me like i'm garbage
I love johann
>Tsubame is younger than Rio
Man I love Japanese high school girls
(You) are sent to Lumia Island
What is your backstory?
What are your abilities and voicelines?
they are the best
Shut the fuck up Binky
Is kira streaming or something. Only way to explain how were getting chased 24/7 by day 1 is griefing (which I don't think is happening but it could) or stream sniping. Because getting jumped by teams who know where we are every time even when we're not next to an objective making no noise is weird.
Weirdest game I've played
Unless he stopped, then no he's not streaming atm
That game we got fuckin' 4p'd and 3p'd repeatedly it was wild. Maybe just case of really unlucky and other teams also just wanted to farm and ignore objectives
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>I wonder who will come tonight to my shop
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Just checked the early game in replay real quick and everyone just really liked that part of the map on Day 1 for some reason
>Faggot meetup
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>Meanwhile in south korea
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Cat ... staring emoji. I'm sure we could've done something more if my man Felix stopped standing still all game crying about how unplayable it is
eklipsebros it's so fucking over...
Jast's fangirl just jumped us and made us lose instead of Eklispe... but I thought it was his fangirl??? Why would she suicide into us?? LMAO
what did that nigga complain about now?
Was basically malding the entire game that his team was either not taking fights or that they were positioned terribly where they would be pincered between two teams if they ever tried to fight. Unable to take any fights they couldn't compete for any objectives and they just started falling behind the whole lobby. At some point in the game his team was at level 15 with 13 WM while the other teams were level 17-18 with 17-19 WM. At that point he kind of just gave up on trying to fight since if he went in at any point he would just die while Twao was still trying to make an effort of sorts at least.
Above all he really hated playing with the Markus because he never went in when Eklipse wanted him to during the fights they could take without getting pincered and he blames that Markus for the reason why they started anti-snowballing in the first place. In his words, it was the worst ER game he played in his life.
Worst for me too cause I'd rather someone try than just sit still and look like they're refusing to play the game. Also if you want to shotcall for the team that badly ping and type. The only ping I ever got was the tilt spam one that was just terrible and got me killed
>One-trick nigger exploding once can't use gimmick
No surprises lol
some streamers can lead and others expect everyone to play to their wavelength. the latter just end up being permanently angry at everyone.
>try to watch his stream
>seething and mic peaking with a low quality mic
Bro I'd rather go watch Delinko...
hahhaha what are you a retard just read their mind and the mood hahahahha
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Chiara Love!!!
The blue edge highlights are a neat effect.
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>You need to master every role you play to be called a top actor.
>weak to anal
>top actor
we are liv
also what happened to the anon trying to groom luci
did he succeed?
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>open stream
>no Twao
>close stream
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Anon would give up 3 boxes for Twao...
I've cum to disappoint again
>teammates jobbed
>mad ping me for going back in
We just died day 3 start. Instantly -500 creds because people don't know how to play around Vanya R and just instantly woke up the ranged carry and tank that I slept. Said ranged carry that I can burst 80% health with qw while they're asleep. Don't ping man
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Ready for a summer adventure?
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Sexy chink
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>What memories can we make today?
hags be gone
17 btw
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>dpshitter spam ping me for help to tank the enemy
>dies first because never moved in the fight and did less damage than me
cease your schizo babbles
t. dpshitter
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The memory of me glazing your back and ass cheeks with my semen
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Climbing from plat to dia on kr is miserable
Every 4th or 5th game has a leaver, griefer, or obviously boosted player. And I am not good enough to carry the few games I get with normal players.
I need a break after this season
She looks like she fucks Jan
16 btw
out of 10!
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Played cat for the first time in a while, got a nice game and win. Thanks cat.
kinda curious because you use KSSN but it wouldn't be because of pc bang limits right
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>Day 4
Poor guy never loaded in until then. By some miracle someone only stumbled upon his comatose body once.
hell isnt that most of er players? most of them are egotistical and maybe toxic?
The JP streamers are probably the most chillest.
Marlene is the best
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for anyone who actually managed to queue up as a 3 man team in diamond rip
good who wanted that garbage aside from the boosted? only dyrus wanted that and he quit anyways because he hit his ceiling and started griefing teammates.
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Useless tank.
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Binkanca sex
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>Next skin is Spirit Hunter Jackie that looks mid compared to Scarlet Corsage and Cadet
Only good part of this skin is her ponytail.
Why do they call her Binky anyway? Shouldn't it be Biancy?
Yeah, the hair style is cool but the rest feels unfinished
You all are homos, that skin is peak sex. I wish Jackie wasn't so dogshit to play as.
The skin looks bad compared to previous jackie skins, cope and seethe
>Spirit Hunter
>Looking better than Cadet or Scarlet Corsage
lmao even
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I'll wait for Lenore skin instead.
I can't answer since I'm not korean.
Usually it's someone having a shitfit and then intentionally getting themselves killed
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Another chiara game, another loss because they survive R2 with 30hp
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If NN want to copy League so badly they should put the same marker that Evelynn has for her R for Chiara R2
it's been like fourteen or fifteen seasons now but i'm sure they'll figure out matchmaking eventually
Hey where do you see this it's not on the main discord wtfrick
its from the eternal return competitive hub why stuff like this is not posted on the official discord is beyond ne
>it's been like fourteen or fifteen seasons
This one is 15th since we had 5 seasons before 1.0
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Time for you to become a Leni player.
I've gotten that skin 4 times.
I love crazy women
I was going to then I saw twitchnerotv the goat play her like a subhuman and decided not to! his 2 teammates are on the same page with wick buff and can delete anyone? better play like shit and blame them by saying that they rushed in. in reality, he baits with pings and then starts walking backwards as the fight starts. to activate zone cams. lol.
gimme my boxes and fuck off.
3 times for me.
I just open whichever Chinese streamer is on the top before I go to class lmao

Chiara's R in a nutshell.
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Nah that's illegal rng drops. 3TK fags have 2 reds and almost full build no everyone? 1 meteor and tree per wolf??
they probably farmed a lot of credits too or something
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>If you're here for a thrill, you've come to the right place.
yumin skills
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Yoo he actually looks like a pretty cool close range mage. R is the least impressive looking thing but probably the most useful

Side-note finally found someone I actually despise in this game. Rat always keeps his mouth shut when hes doing bad and getting carried but the second he's doing any good he'll start whining like a little bitch if someone else is having an off game. I've seen him be the king of never pressing R2 on Chiara and just be a complete deadweight but he clearly doesn't remember those times... Despite this week dropping off a cliff harder than even my jobber ass.
Don't mind good players telling me I'm dog and maybe how to improve but this guy is just as ass as me since EA s1 but types like he's a top player lmao reiqi look in a mirror once in your life you're fat dog like me. You didn't lose 500 rp from le bad teammates every game delusional boy that's not how it works
Wow, he actually looks fun to play compared to Garnet.
reiqi has always been a shitter don't take anything he says to heart
Luke won.
LukeGAWDS always win.
/fgg/ pls go
I'm so sick of all this e-celeb shilling in here
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As punishment for your sins, I shall make you have to perform one further scroll of the mouse wheel for you to hope to see cropped porn of Bianca or whatever other sinful content you are hoping to gaze upon in this thread.
Drops ends early today bois
Don't care if people are shitters unless they do it on purpose to troll desu
But that man expects people to play perfect while he himself barely ever plays perfect either. With a big mouth to boot. Ego a bit too big
What kind of thrills would Celine show me if we were alone?
She is going to blow up your penis.
She'll hand you a bomb and a pair of wire cutters.
I think that'd make the casino lose money
That sounds cool
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I will not scroll so I can see more of my beloved Chiara
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The current NA boogeyman is Loathing though?
I don't know if that guy's serious or not. He does it so consistently over so many games that he might actually believe his way is good. At least he doesn't type up a storm ingame.
On the other hand said person I have experience with will with every word in the dictionary to call me shit and a mid roll (I am, so is he) when I played bad (I did, rewatched and I saw I hesitated on ping calls which ended in overchase and death).
But then, right after in the next game he does the most ass call that makes us go from potential win to guaranteed 3rd-4th by forcing ourselves into a situation where we can get 3p'd in the final zone. We got 3p'd. Not a single word. Probably thinks he did nothing wrong. Quick to flame others but not so quick to check his replays and admit fault. Don't really like people like that

Riofags your response?
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That's no fun.
That last change is fucking massive
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So this is what Estelle "fans" really want, huh
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Estelle was very irrelevant with almost 0 fanart until the release of her epic skin, and 90% of current content dedicated to her is only Bestelle.
still member wen anon was still learning the game and now hes gotten good enough to call other mythril players dog they grow up so fast bwos...
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burgerbros eating good
Now we need our stone-heated meat.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHhkUTauPXA Lumia Island is surprisingly detailed and atmospheric when you view it in first-person.
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what's the dumpire doing
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Did Eleven cook a bunch of them and stuff them into Lumi?
the legendary play dead technique
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oh no chinks have invaded my game
Wow Yumin shits out damage.
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Isn't this dumpire being a bit too greedy?
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The extra 6% max hp dmg added to her combo is purely coincidental
Yumin feels like a male vanya
I'll be the next twao.
ill be watching 4 u
Royalty is always greedy
LARPing royalty especially so
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No, we need the fujos fan base.
Fujos can suck my dick and balls.
I agree he has a fun playstyle. Should've been a girl like Vanya
my wife celine
Flooding her womb
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>See content
Worst coupon ever, holy shit
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>inb4 Some one-trick nigger says is good
Nah, Aya and previous cadets got better stuff
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Man, trying to find a SFW pic of Sua that properly conveys how it feels to play as her is really hard.
Did you succeed yet?
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I believe in you
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I'll try but I can't promise anything
You don't need that. You just need to convey boobs
Just use a cropped image that's only boobs.
anything in here will do
tfw can't properly link the r18 page due to the 18 sign
It's crazy how much ER porn the gooks make every day.
Gooks REALLY love Sua, huh
How do I get to the r18 page? Nothing is showing up for me
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if that link doesn't directly take you there, you need to make an account i assume
That did it, thanks
How in the FUCK do I even get an account in arcalive.
Upper right and there should be an area to sign in or sign up when you click on the person silhouette
I've been there, put an email and everything, then it says "alright, now go back" and then nothing happens, I don't get a new mail on the contact I've been or anything. Literally nothing else happens.
Oh yeah that happened to me, just do the sign up again and it should send you a confirmation email
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uh oh MELTY. another crying and longtweet arc?
Why would people even want to watch him?
clearly nobody since that chat is empty
for those who can't type gook
After browsing arca and dcinside, I can confidently say gooks are even hornier and more degenerate than we are.
>Implying anyone other than coomers play this game
my rl friend only plays big guys like alonso and markus
That doesn't disprove what I said
I'm going to coom to Markus' pecs brb.
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>No Chiara pictures that I haven't already saved
I'm going to have to commission art at this rate
don't be another penguin larper
we already had one
he has been around for years
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But I love Chiara
ERM live for drop boxes
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I'm not LARP'ing
I can fix you
Jackie a shit, Leni a shit.
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what even is the counterplay here?
How do you live like this
Counterplay to the fight or counterplay against her massive tits?
This is a man behind the avatar isn't it
I haven't played since like the end of season 1. It was fun but work and other responsibilities kept me away and I just stopped playing. What's the game like now, is it still fun? Is sissela still good?

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