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here there be dragons
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This is a Thighmane thread
why did they make her so fucking chunky
she doesnt even look "thicc" she just looks rotund
She's built to bind life.
Those are life binding thighs.
>almost 10 years
>STILL no button that moves and interacts at once, but WITHOUT attacking
How many more times do I have to die by targeting a random minion in the back when trying to retreat before they implement that?
there is a straggering amount of cabrons in this game
who have no idea how to play
but are extremely critical of how everyone else plays
even if everyone else is playing perfectly fine

you wouldnt get it
I will play deathwing and bully the fuck out of any alex i see! (Read:none)
this but unironically
>Alex places her W
>allies begin to gather
>lay down fire breath as Deathwing
>they will either A. run the fuck away and waste her heal
>B. sit in it and cook themselves for more than it heals
>or if you specifically built for Molten Flame, C. ALL WILL BURN BENEATH THE SHADOW OF MY WINGS
Alex w build is such garbage since it's just feeding your team to half the roster.
Alex should be built for breeding not fighting.
She's OP once her progeny is grown, you just have to invest plaps early.
there's a binding to stop all action. you just have to press that then be careful where you're right clicking to retreat. best you're gonna get

t. was forced to put this binding on S so I'd stop getting shredded by genji deflect when playing tracer
Thats literally her best build
and it sucks
yeah it's kind of mandatory to have on Tracer and D.Va
Man I love playing Garrosh but half the time my teams are genuinely too retarded to follow-up on any throws I make.
>"What's this? The enemy Morales got thrown into the middle of my team? Hmm... I had better blow all my abilities on minions so I can get those Voodoo stacks!"
Also every time I use the ally throw to save someone from a dumbass mistake they made, I feel like I'm actively subverting natural selection and encouraging retards to be more retarded since I'm now viewed as their retard safety helmet and effectively telling them that bashing their head against the wall is okay.
>bashing their head against the wall is okay.
Yes...? It's to be expected that people will play more risky when they have an additional escape option.
Just ping the ally throw's cooldown state every now and then, if you want people to have more awareness.
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Walking into the enemy team is not 'risky'; it's incomprehensibly retarded.
If anything I should be throwing these players deeper into the enemy team since they want to play all suicidal.
well its because you played with a lvl 500 nazeebo nigger
god I hate them so fucking much, every fucking match there is one and its always on my fucking team
dont know why but this character attracts the biggest retards on this planet
>see hammer on my team in qm queue
>restart game and requeue
I don't mind hammer in small doses but holy shit when it's some 8k game autist you know you're in for a bad time. Win or lose you just aren't having fun.
Hammer is a lot like Samuro, you either have an answer and she's irrelevant or you don't and the game is unwinnable if they are above 30 iq.
>sits in lane stacking
>over 9001 gajillion siege damage
>zero hero damage
>only picks Gargantuan
>has never been to a single objective in their entire life
Fucking 99% of Nazeebo players. The sad thing is this sometimes fucking works. Had a game literally yesterday where my team was being retarded so I just started int'ing forts. I cleared every goddamn lane down to the core and won it with the final coin turn-in. Some heroes just reward morons and create a feedback loop where they can justify their retardation.
Case in point >>1370928
If at any point you're worried your team is too shit to win, go to a lane and push it until an enemy shows up, then run away and do it in a different lane. It's not the sexy dopamine releasing rush of team fighting but you'll win like 80% of the time.
Basically. If you end up building for Corpse Spiders (which I almost always do) you can usually duel or sometimes even 1v2 any gankers trying to take you out, potentially securing a bonus kill in the process.
Spiders is his only good build since they shoahed the specialist role and got rid of building ammo. rip classic tftd.
anyone who plays valla should have their head bashed against the curb until they stop moving
>being so bad valla is your boogeyman
Bro just hit her with a hammer.
queen of half-baked builds, limp combos, kerrigan-tier t-rex arm range, and mana guzzling
>play aram
>play meme builds
>its actually fun
Pro tip every time you reach around lvl 50-80 and your team mates get to drop down in quality just make a new acc. And abuse the shit mm system. (only work if your not a shitter) otherwise there is no point doing it.
the Hungering Arrow turboautist Valla's are the worst
i can respect Valla's who take the gambit and go for autoattacks but the arrow retards who sperg out rolling and pissing all over the floor like we're in a million dollar tourney are irritating

you're kind of right on these points but she has those limitations because she'd be fucking busted otherwise
Whitemane is one of my favorite healers and heroes overall - and that's because she absolutely slaps
No healer will ever be as awesome as Week 1 Whitemane; stealing boss 1v5 as healer was a magical experience.
I started playing Samuro and I don't understand him. The only thing he seems to be good at is not dying.
His damage seems very low for a melee assassin.
He's supposed to be good at taking camps but I can't solo bruiser camps until midgame.
I like Illidan. Samuro seems to have lower damage and worse camp clear than Illidan.
I'm using the popular talent build with all the wind walk skills.
Please explain Samuro.
Go clones next time.
>when enemy comes to you, run
>when they go away, splitpush again
>repeat until victory
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is orphea still viable these days? i wanted to cosplay her so bad when she came out..
I think she's great, but I'm no expert at high skill level. Generally I do very well with her in QM, she can deal lots of damage whilst still having good survivability despite being low-range.
On a personal note, two of the biggest issues I commonly see and I feel compelled to address it:
>people trying to solo Bruiser Camp
Unless you have big dick AoE damage or 1-2 teammates helping you out, this ends up being a huge waste of your time and presence on the field. It just takes way too fucking long and you could be doing better things to help your team.
>instantly rushing every camp on the map at the start of the match or in the early game
Camps should be used in concert with objective timings. You want that camp to hit the enemy minion wave the very moment objective is up for contesting. Too early, someone clears before objective and it goes wasted. Too late, your ass will be alone across the map while the rest of your team who was on time to objective wipes 4v5.

Now I don't play Samuro and I'm fucking terrible at him. But every great Samuro player I've encountered does some combination of these three things.
Someone has low health? Gank them. Someone solo pushing and overextended? Gank them. Hero with no mobility/escape options? Gank them. One of his biggest advantages is being able to trade efficiently through illusion mindgames, dodging, and the regen off Wind Walk. Even if you don't get a kill, the damage you deal will force them to sippy or Hearthstone.
If you're in a teamfight, your job is channel your inner pitbull and find the squishiest, most delicious, unattended toddlers on the enemy team and fucking gobble them. Literally just find anyone who's out of position and bite their ass. If things go tits up, you pop an escape tool and reset.
>Waveclear (via Bladestorm)
Press R, clear wave, simple as. Pretty good hero for ratting lanes if your team can slow roll on their own. Virtually uncatchable against certain comps.
*Not saying you have to take Bladestorm.
he is one of the best characters to split push and soak
enemy team will have to do something against you and you can outlast almost anyone with him
dont bother team fighting just soak and push and its usually enough to break up the qm tards and completely split up their team so easy pickings for your own guys
She's okay. Can 1v5 in the right circumstances but she's going to get ate up by the top tier assassins.
>decide to queue up for a few rounds
>don't want to sweat but still want to play Whitemane
>say fuck it and ready up fully expecting a team of grognards
>they're actually a bunch of gigachads
>we're reliably taking fights when outnumbered and coming out with zero casualties
>aren't afraid to go deep and pressure hard
>it's like we're on autopilot and just going through the motions
>one of the most relaxed, peaceful, but also absolute stomping of a game
>play next match
>more gigachads
>feel my brain tapping into the noosphere and melding all our subconscious into one
>the level of awareness and mindfulness has been nothing short of paranormal
>can physically feel where enemies are or when an ally is in danger and respond before anyone knows what's happening
>another complete beatdown of a game
>go for a third match
>ascending to literal nirvana
>i look to the stars as my divine soul leaves this corporeal body
>my hands and fingers move but they are not mine
>they are Ours
>we are a single mind, a single body
>and this unholy buttpounding we are dishing out together is our gift to the world
>could probably count the number of teamwide deaths across all three games on one hand
i will never experience something like this ever again and im going to get nothing but shitters on my team for the next month to offset the karma the universe charged me today
Should have sent friend requests out. Even just 1 or 2 guys you can count on in a match makes a huge difference.
I figured Samuro out after watching a youtube video on him and playing a couple more games with him.
Nailed it. That's pretty much what I learned. One of the big things for me was realizing that bladestorm is primarily for PvE.
I've started getting a lot of QM MVPs on Samuro now. I just clear every lane, take every camp, and try to get picks in teamfights. Samuro isn't good at fighting directly but he can easily run down out of position targets, escape for free with stealth, and sometimes re-engage as stealth is ending (especially with storm talent for shorter stealth CD).
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it was good while it lasted
>>1351927 here, I've decided to upload the mod to https://archive.org/details/escape-from-braxis as well. Never let things rot away on Discord.
do you think tychus would post on 4chan
the best way to play samuro is to stuff your hairy legs into the coder socks and tell yourself you don't look hideous when you look in the mirror then dose yourself once with 9mm to the temple
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I think shes actually one of the best QM heroes overall, since she can fill almost any gap in your team pretty well
>great waveclear, can easily double-soak(also becomes passable camp-clear later on)
>good sustained hero damage(if you can land slaps, later becomes more reliable with CDR talents for W/E at 7)
>some very good burst damage(all AoE, so theres nothing stopping it from killing all 5 enemies if they all screw up at once)
>good in-combat mobility
>isnt reliant on a healer to stay in the fight
She can hit most heroes with decent reliability without needing others to CC first, but can be really punishing if you do miss a Q at a crucial moment
Watch out for small, mobile heroes, mainly tracer, genji, valla, illi, and the like, they can be really hard to hit, and can fuck you up bad if you dont have a team to help you with them
>can be really punishing if you do miss a Q at a crucial moment
Learning to sidestep her Q is a game changer. Every Orphea player goes around like they have a big dick - until they whiff their Q. There's a special kind of evil joy in watching their ego instantly deflate and you start conking them over the head with no way to escape.
I don't feel bad. Fuck Orphea players.
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>hammer player spends the entire game bitching about some shit and calling our team trash
for the record, the scoreboard is inaccurate, she didnt get 0 takedowns
she got 0.5 because she ejected D.Va from her mech once at 13 minutes
he goes to all of the RTS and GSG threads and mass replies "sure thing armchair general" as soon as his bans wear off
Who won though?
my team
I love playing Chen
Big Murky is fun but holy shit is he mediocre.
I thought they shut down this game?
Fat Illidan is great vs a team of squishies and vs people who don't know how to play vs him
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>There's a special kind of evil joy in watching their ego instantly deflate and you start conking them over the head with no way to escape.
and then it's the fat ugly bastard's time to shine
Flying Kick > Barrel is one of the most annoying combos that can be used on you.

>Big Murky
Dibbles with the Lurkablo skin? Big Tuna Kahuna Murky? Or do you actually mean Chen?
Chen, what he brings is essentially the same thing as Murky. The more time you spend trying to deal with them the further you're going to get behind. Instakill him or ignore him, anything else is a losing move.

patch is live mephisto is shoahed
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>Jim Laner gaped
>Mephisto raped in ARAM (all I play)
>Qhira buffs
>Genji and Brightwing nerfs
>Zarya fucking buffed (???)
Decent all around; didn't read through the fixes though, so not sure if anything in there was significant.
Just glad to see someone is doing something to the game still.
>finally start playing samuro and enjoy him
>win most games because soaking is OP in QM
>they nerf him
fuck me
Greymane caught a nerf, worgen damage is no longer multiplicative.
>having an otherwise normal match
>get an early kill against a thirsty enemy Orphea
>tone completely shifts
>suddenly the dude decides he REALLY does not fucking like me
>actively going out of his way to hunt me down and harass me however he can
>no fucking clue what his beef with me is but i deal
>my team ends up winning after an absolute slog of a match
>get this love letter at the lobby scoreboard screen
well alright then
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>start playing the most broken hero in the game
>win because he's fucking broken
>they nerf him
Being afraid to actually just say faggot is the icing on the cake
orphea players always are full of hot gas
Which hero would you say has the most 1v5 potential?
probably valla since she can just poke everyone to death at 20
li ming or genji could also work because of the resets and deflect
dmg leoric could outlive 5 people blasting him at 20 while slowly killing everyone
but you should never be in a 1v5 and those examples only work against absolute bots
if I want to carry games I take valla because she is just very strong in fights
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I'm getting close to the point where I just play like shit if my team is bad.
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I know, it's amazing.
There is no reality Alex crushes Lili 1v1, let alone 2v1. Alex is one of the least dangerous characters in game.
Level 20 with flame buffet build she's actually pretty hard to put down; constantly dragon and heals 10% every like 2 seconds while you're slow as shit. It'll take her forever to kill anything, but I don't think Lili has the DPS to kill her.
blinds prevent her from healing herself; dragon ult and mistweaver give lili more self sustain and damage, alex push won't keep lili out of range since fast feet. Lili is one of the better duelists in the game and you're really only beating her as Tyrande, Khara, and maybe stukov.
That reminds me, Darnassian Archery is one of the most fun talents in the game
>blinds prevent her from healing herself
uh, no? You literally don't know how the character works
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>trait doesn't even heal herself
lmao no way she can beat any healer 1v1
tfw no ana mommy to inject nanos straight into my mings ass
aba = peak tranny character
The only aba player I knew was a sexually abused woman (female)
I had literally never seen such a battered specimen before though, I couldn't give a single real opinion she had if my life depended on it
never played Tyrande and holy smoke is she fun
should've battered her some more
As long as your team isn't retards she's incredible. However this is a moba.
You faggots just lap it up
Abby is fun to play but annoying as fuck to play against. There's a special joy in tunneling behind enemy lines to send out a swarm of locusts that run down the lane and destroy the enemy forts.
So many ARAM only accounts that I'm assuming are just burner accounts talking complete shit. A new account shouldn't be allowed to just do ARAM until they've played a bunch of regular matches
Just call them gay.
What's an ARAM only account?
I only play ARAM but used to play ranked and casual a lot, would you count me?
>unironically playing gayram
>unironically taking it this seriously
Nice idea
An account at a low level e.g. sub-50, all the games are ARAM, yet they clearly play the game with a bit more knowledge than a genuine new player at that level
Sometimes I really can't decide what sort of character I want to play, so ARAM either helps me decide by the choices I'm given, or just passes the time whilst I figure it out
ARAM is, for better or worse, the fastest way to farm levels and gold. The problem would solve itself if rewards from ARAM were reduced by even 25%.
Samuro bros, what do we make of the nerfs?
I've been running this build post-nerf:
I think Deflection is a much better level 4 talent than One With The Wind after the nerf. You get more armor and you get it while attacking instead of while using your escape.
Otherwise, the wind build plays the same as before but with less healing.
Medivh before portal cd nerf, spam in and out of portal, soak damage with w --> blow up their team, q spam, then you get polyd and cry. Everyone expects the Kerri 1v5 but there isn't enough skilled medivhs who consistently land their q and know when to shield for many to be able to deal
>Nova with 2,351 siege damage in a 31 minute game
I hate these people
pics or it didnt happen
>but I'm a Nova, it's not my job to do siege damage
>also shit damage and kills
D.Va's W (Defense Matrix) seems like a terrible ability.
>reduce enemy damage by 50%
>reduce your own damage by 100% because you can't attack while channeling
Sure, you can use it in a teamfight to cuck an ult, combo, or all-in, but it's useless in any other situation. It seems ridiculous for an offlaner to have an ability that's useless outside of teamfights.
I think D.Va should be able to auto while channeling her W. If that makes her too strong, nerf her in a different area.
Yea I almost never use her w
>reduce enemy damage by 50%
>terrible ability
lol okay timmy
>reduce your own pretty shit mech damage
>insta cast teamwide 50% damage reduction as a basic ability
if you think it's bad you're not using it right.
Wood-tier post
>pretty much all you can cover is the tank
>if you expand the range of it you get the tank and rehgar
Meanwhile you still get chewed to shit by all the relevant dps types.
It can be used to peel against ganks and even during offlane duels you can pop it against a strong cooldown, then cancel it immediately after.
>aiming the damage reduction ability
>at the non-DPS heroes
yes, i understand why D.Va is bad now
Would do both.
But yes, thicker IS better. Period.
>aim it at dps
>they just shoot you from outside of it
Almonds... activating...
i guess it's over then
you just gotta alt+f4 and take the L
he won and theres nothing you can do about it
Matrix is objectively only ability that justifies playing as dva. If you not building her through matrix you might as well uninstall because it's over for you.
blizzard has reached menopause as a company and now it's seeping into their games
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>Quick match
>Enemy team gets 5 teamfight heros
>My team gets 3+ PvE heroes
>Lose the unwinable match horribly
This happens so often.
>my team has awful comp
>enemy team has great comp
>we win because they're awful

>my team is full of little bitches
>they piss and cry because we've been losing for 15+ minutes due to each of their indivual retardation
>another 15 minutes goes by
>we win through the enemy teams errors and indomitable human spirit
sometimes its okay
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Stop bullying alex players
Yes, for the Wind/Bladstorm build, that's solid. Either Mirage or Deflection, with Deflection being the priority. I prefer doing a damage lvl 1 and going Blademaster's Pursuit at 20 these days, though.
There are a couple of staple heroes that I most often see in matches: Aba, Samuro, Artanis and Naz immediately come to mind but there are plenty of others.
But who are the heroes you least frequently see? I think I rarely see a Kerrigan or Greymane
>Aba, Samuro, Artanis and Naz immediately come to mind but there are plenty of others.
add Azmo to that list
Most played:
>Anduin, Abby, BW, Valla, Naz, Tracer, Zerry, Genji, Samuro/Raynor pre-patch...? Fenix and Hanzo on occasion?
Least played:
>Rexxar, Zarya, ...Garry maybe??
usually a lot of pub stompy Assassins, hard carries, and solo pick heroes with big kill potential
a lot of what QM is comes down to deleting the enemy team as quickly and efficiently as possible, or catching people out of position since a lot of players are mega retarded and will take risky paths to other lanes/objectives
I never see a dehaka unless I play him myself
For QM it's shifted over the years the general QM shitter cast has been KT, ming, nova, murky, naz ,azmo, butcher, aba, Sonya, gaz , etc, Jo, tyrande & uther I think. Anything cheap, low skilled and that could bronze push would be played.

Least played would be probious, greymane, meph, lunara cass, rexxar, Chen kinda weird spot was played when Q was buffed, malth, yrel, tyreal, mal g, blaze, garry, cho to a lesser extent, arfus, kerri, Ana, ariuel, thighmane, tlv and medivh also felt like a weird spot
It's so weird to read that but it really is true these days. There was a time when he was in literally every game and the best ranged hero by far.
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He's still incredible is the funny thing. Good wave clear, great camper, great in fights, above average engage and decent escape. His only weakness is reacting to an engage and I guess blinds.
his kit isnt that great for teamfighting
more often than not you'll get yourself killed by hard engaging with Worgen Form, which leaves you in Human Form to poke and chip away at enemy heroes before finally diving in when the fight is already won
so then you have to ask yourself why you're bringing this "if you're winning, win more" hero when you could bring a consistently better ranged carry
If I was to take a guess why it's because greymane cannot be easily scrubbed. He is a hero that requires good positioning and timing when to go worgen, also he doesn't come with much defensive tools, only gains armour when going into worgen + stealth and block at 4 as he has no way to heal other than regen or healing fountain. His kit is actually fair that rewards good play eg proper cocktail throws for aoe, or movement + attack speed for upkeep inner beast. He is one of the only few characters that has no form of crowd control.
Unfortunately he works best when being supported by a healer + tank which you just won't find in pub QM. Even though the playerbase is still bad skillgap wise they still will punish you if you just run into the middle of them in worgen. Where as when the game was more popular you could pull of all kinds of stupid shit and not be punished.
I forgot to mention why he also may not as popular as he hasn't received much attention over the years only some slight tweaks where as some of the other range AA assassins had reworks raynor + valla or had buffs that significantly made them easier to play ZJ with recklessness doubling stacks. Which also brings of the topic of power creep, graymane isn't underpowered but valla is just a monster. Another thing that hurts greymane is that his mobility is conditional meanwhile valla has a vault any direction or raynors inspire ability gain movespeed.
What pro games I've watched in the last few years don't seem to have any problems applying GM to devastating effect. Obviously any assassin who catches 2/3 CC in a row is going to die, but GM jumping on a mage after ten is usually a kill.
im not knocking his kill potential; his ability to deal damage and burst targets is actually yuge
im saying if you want to fully capitalize on all of his damage, you have to fully accept that you're probably going to die every fight and every engagement is likely going to be a suicide run
this is not a great mentality to have as a hard carry - because **you are the carry**, you need to live to kill targets otherwise youre useless as a carry
Yeah, this sounds reasonable. Thinking back to that period when he was uber strong, there were a couple of big factors in his favour that don't really exist now. His strongest build was his cocktail build, which gave him really good and pretty easy to apply poke in a time where healing was a bit more restricted (both cooldown and manawise).
Also, there weren't that many other great ranged carries. Raynor was a ranged creep, stuff like Cassia/Hanzo/Fenix didn't exist yet. Valla was solid but very fragile. Falstad was also fragile and lacked the sustained dps to solo carry. The other ranged carries being fragile further plays into Greymane's favour.

All that said I feel like he's still really good. He's just not de facto king anymore, and I guess there are easier ranged choices to cheese people with.
>in the last few years
He got a massive damage nerf* recently though; like a month ago maybe?
*Listed as a bugfix, some of his damage was unintentionally being multiplied.
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The other night I had the closest aram game I've ever had before. Had to watch the replay to see exactly how it all played out because there was so much going on in the last 20 seconds.

>Our team slowly gets wiped trying to end at enemy core
>We get it to 1%
>Remaining two enemy team members try to rush our core which is at 4%
>It's Diablo and Hogger and they're coming down the side lanes as our teams Alarak heads straight to their core
>Me as Alexstraza scout bottom side-lane and find Diablo, and E the shit out of him to keep him from getting to our core
>Our whitemane takes the top side-lane but can't keep Hogger from getting past
>Hogger makes it to our core and facerolls qwer then starts auto attacking it
>Our Alarak is closing on their core
>Hogger has our cores tied at 1% to 1% and his last two auto attacks should give them the win
>she closes in and W's Hogger just before his game ending auto attack
>she talented the 50% less damage talent at level 13
>It's just enough damage reduction to keep our core alive(I checked the core HP and Hoggers attack damage)
>Alarak gets his E off before Hoggers next auto attack
>We win
Oh yea I recall something about that. Rip greymoney.
post pics or it didn't happen
that sounds like a great way to get your heartrate to 200
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It happened!
Are you sure? I can't tell with all that whitespace...
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I specialized all my points into being a pro hots player and unfortunately had none left for microsoft paint
Most fun healer for people who hate playing healer?
Uther, Tyrande, perhaps Kharazim. I hate playing healer unless I'm playing with friends (lmao not in years) where we can communicate when I'm healing.
someone explain the skeleton mage ult on xul to me. seems really useless.
It's Uther, no doubt There's nothing better than preventing someone to play a game by stunlocking them for 6+ seconds
i want to crush orpheas skull with a cinder block
>18 hp enemy core
>585 hp friendly core
holy fuck, I kneel
not only did it happen, it super-happened
just dash to the side lol
i want to crush orpheas skull with a cinder block after dashing to the side
I want to crush Orphea's womb with my cock
Why are all heroes not unlocked like in dota, I'm not grinding for like two weeks just to unlock a single character?
zoning tool, a bit like gargantuan or laser drill
But it's way easier to kill the mages and they barely do any damage. Why would I take glorified gazlowe q when I can zone an area with 60% hp dot damage aoe?
Because it slows, blocks shots, and can be cast at a range. Poison Nova is good but so is Mages
Explain Mephisto's ring ability.
I was shocked when I realized it only hits enemies on the edge of the ring and not those inside it.
Am I supposed to have really good micro to keep enemies on the edge of the ring?
Ring is at his max autoattack range
Frost storm helps
Yeah you need good micro. He's God tier but dependant on you being able to micro that ring. Pretty sure the meta build now is to take the exploding skull missile talent and shoot it in such a way it rides the edge of the ring and explodes multiple times per cast.
I desire to fill this dragon
Uther. Or Kharazim, but your team will hate you for going damage.

>Bene + HoJ
>HoJ #2
>Divine Storm the entire enemy team on follow-up
>HoJ #3 if you took the talent at level 1
>spam Hearth and 'Nice try!' voice line
you dont get to play
you get to watch
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Maybe I should give it another try.
Lok'tar ogar!
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Soon Gul'Dan will be mine....
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I can lend you some gold if you need bud
Keep it going young blood.
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Explain Nova to me, this shit doesn't even seem remotely balanced?
She's hard countered by having an IQ above 80
Consistently one of the worst heroes in the game regardless of gametype. I don't think I've ever seen her have a winrate even close to 50%.
shes fun to play as a solo player but shit team-wise,you will have fun while your team wont
Does getting mvp and getting voted on actually do anything?
Who are your most hated heroes?
Off the top of my head:
>Li Ming
I don't like losing half my health to one non-ultimate ability. She has huge damage from long range and good mobility. Overall hard to deal with.
Objectively broken. Solid damage and CC from long range and extreme safety in his landmine and ult.
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Don't pick triple retard - can be intercepted by other players/buildings, 100s cooldown, gives target enough time to react, but most importantly it locks you in 1 place for enemies to delete you, or at least stun you. It's only good against low IQ or a team of high mobility anorexia.
Like all of the Overwatch heroes
Mei and D.Va are okay I guess
Stukov, I hate playing him since I never feel like I'm making the right decision on which of my buttons I'm using at any moment, I hate fighting against him because the silence is fucking cancer, I hate having him on my team since he's going to just sit around silencing and not healing and will always save enemies with his ult.
Despite what others are saying, she's solid. But you have to build right and play smart. It's very easy to punish overconfident Nova's - so if you play like a retard, expect to die like a retard. A lot.
Objectively, Nova is garbage. Her winrates are terrible across the board.
Whitemane, because I've had far too many ARAM matches where I have the team's sole healer pick and it's her.
Why do chests give so many skins but rarely heroes?
Unironic skill issue.
I agree with this. The issue isn't Nova per se. She's a little weak but not dumpster tier. It's how she's played. Her biggest strength is she can't be seen on the map and can be slippery to nail down. So what do they do? Sit in a bush the whole match only to finally try and gank that 80% health Blaze rotating and losing the trade. Woo you did fucking nothing.
The rates seem to be only based on rarity of an item, not its type – meaning, you are equally likely to drop e.g. Valla (playable character) and Carbot Valla (spray) from a chest.
Find me the Nova player that's good (high rank) and has a positive winrate, and I'll believe it.
>muh winrate
Medivh and Genji both have lower winrates than Nova.
>but nobody plays her at a high level
You can say that about 75% of the heroes in this game, what's your point. I know she isn't meta and that's because she isn't broken. But she's hardly absolute trash in an objective sense and is viable in some situations and when played properly
I mean Medivh is the worst hero in the game and Genji is also trash.
Nova's just down there with them; I wouldn't consider them to ever be acceptable picks, because they're trash tier heroes.
She is absolute trash because there are no situations in which you'd rather have a Nova than someone else. There are other heroes who offer everything she has, but better.
>has opinions about heroes viability at high ranks
>thinks that the two most broken heroes at the GM level are trash
Nah you're just a fucking retard. Uninstall immediately before you end up on my team
How tf do you get gold in this game???
When I win I get like 50 g.... and I need 10k for deathwing...
Challenges, plus every character level that's a multiple of 5 nets you 500 gold. That and the fact that the first ~10 levels are the fastest to get on characters means that you could play many characters just a little bit to quickly get gold.
but I want to play abathur and twin blade varian
Why are there two egyptian maps? Why didn't they make one of them just Ahn'Qiraj? In fact there's seems to be only a single warcraft map while you have like 3 starcraft and diablo ones...
Redpill me on Varian. I hear that Taunt (tank) build is the best and Twin Blades (auto attack) build is the worst, but Twin Blades looks like the most fun.
Twin blade is the most fun, Smash is the worst one. Taunt is the best since you still deal stupid damage but you have one of the best cc's in game.
I don't understand Maiev.
She does no damage unless enemies stand on top of each other and let you spam Q (Fan of Knives) for free.
The best I can do with her is poke with Q and E for fuckall damage and not die. She doesn't have the damage or sustain to hard dive.
Someone please explain this hero.
Uhhhh big pulls
Taunt is 'best' because not having a tank in QM is suicidal. Also you can play him as an off-tank with a main tank to support plays. Strong early gank potential as well.
Crush is big dick burst damage. Requires a bit of attention since you need to maximize usage of your traits bonus damage whenever you Crush. A lot of players sleep on this spec.
Twin Blades are your sustained AA damage and applying on-hit effects like reduced healing and shield shredding. Your level 7 talent is huge for surviving fights, dueling, and taking boss camps. It's very micro intensive, which not many players can handle, so it gets a bad rep. Also something like an Artanis blind makes you fucking useless.

I'm by no means a great Maiev player. But a workable combo is to walk into the fight, throw your shade backwards, W to chain several targets, teleport back, and get free Q resets. You can pop your cuck cage for bonus lockdown too.
Basically you want to hit enemies with W and either force them to walk towards you as a group for Q resets, or to hit max range and snag them back towards you in a pile for resets. It takes a bit getting used to.
Would porting this game to console save it?
Consoles have MOBAs?
Smite and pokémon have console versions. I don't know how they'd make macro abilities work well though.
>TLV on controller
Taunt is best but Smash is the most fun if you like huge autos
Do not let Blizzard get their dirty hands on our game. HotS is doing fine enough, the second it gets Blizzshart's attention it's getting OW2'd, WoW'd or Reforged.
Could work on the Switch's touch screen.
Honestly wouldn't mind. I'm closing in on 100k gold, basically own all the heroes, have an excess of gems and shards to get whatever I want. Also sitting on dozens of chests that I was saving so I could reroll them with gold if they sucked but... at this point it kind of doesn't matter.
It's not like they can just trash all the previous content and ruin what we already have. Worst case is it gets very gay and very woke but that might be a fair price to pay for bringing the game back into development.
>It's not like they can just trash all the previous content and ruin what we already have.
You'd be surprised. Have a quick summary of how they massacred Warcraft III with the switch to Reforged:
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>It's not like they can just trash all the previous content and ruin what we already have
They can
They will
Bruisers are so fucking broken in this game until like super late game. Shit like imperius and etc can just 1v3
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qm is literally just rng roll of who gets the better team comp
>wowzers looks like I forgot to give your team frontline her hehe, mandatory loss!
Nigga try moving away from them. Getting fucking 1v3d by etc, nigga you suck.
As an ARAM main; no.
There are some games that are won because one team is way better, there are a lot more games won because one guy refused to pick the character his team needed, but there are definitely a lot of (most) games won by skill comparison between the two teams. One is at a disadvantage normally, but that difference is much less than the skill difference and variation in most games.
>As an ARAM main
I had a 7 loss streak with Gazlowe, one of those game I literally landed a 4 man ult into E, into E again and we still lost.
Are you surprised? This is normal in HotS.
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Yeah this game is dogshit, just like every other moba. The devs didn't actually fix any problems lol or dota had, games that came before it. Playing alone is still miserable but you can argue that any game can be fun with friends. Unbalance crap where half the roster just don't make sense, why do assassins have the most broken defensive cooldows? Why is every mage balanced around the fact they need to reach lvl20? Why is D.va gimmick that she stars the game with a 4k shield you're forced to take down but she can just use it for zoning and gets it back immediately after killing it so you have to go trough effectively 9k hp on a carry? How do you balance healers like brightwing and Moralis when mana isn't an actual thing in this game? Why does deathwing exist? Why isn't shit like murky and abathur banned from non ranked games? Why do heroes have what feels like 3 lines each and you hear every other hero much more when you're not playing them? Why are most of the spell effects extremely underwhelming? It's just a shit game, doesn't even feel like a 'smash' clone or whatever blizzard intended it to be. It literally feels like dumb downed moba for people who hate playing mobas. The game is trash and I'm glad the dev team that made it got fired, hopefully the entirety of blizzard sinks, bunch of faggots.
damn it must suck to be this fucking stupid
15+ years on this website and I've never seen a post so monumentally retarded on every way. Good work.
Blaze nerfs, Valla nerfs, Hanzo nerf, Mephisto nerf
Chen buffs, Cassia buffs, Thrall buffs
invis targeting fix
ASAM has healing spawn
I haven't played them yet but I reckon the Chen and Thrall buffs are huge
Does anyone play anything else than Aram? and if so, why wtf is wrong with you.
>play game where one of the biggest changes and perks compared to other Mobas is all the different maps and mechanics
>just plays aram
Reddit is right the fuck over there faggot.
I can't play Cho'Gall in aram buddy.
Trash statement, while cool innovations they are also a part why the game failed.

This is a good point, a lot of characters to play that are not in Aram
Aram barely existed when the game was at it's peak and was only added as permanent mode after they killed development because it was simpler and cheaper than the various brawl modes.
>Trash statement, while cool innovations they are also a part why the game failed.
? The game "failed" because it was too late to the MOBA craze. That's it.
And "failed" meaning "didn't become a MOBA as big as DotA/LoL", mind you. In a vacuum the game was always doing at least okay.
I don't play ARAM because I'm actually good at the game.
I'm decent and I only play ARAM because otherwise I get upset at myself for not playing as well as I could
Did AA blaze really need a nerf? This feels like blizzard doing their typical "oh fuck people are actually using the joke talents and winning" move
I'm not sure it was "too late". Early Hots was filled with godawful decisions (locking talent choices to level) and going with a league roster unlock speed when dota 2 was kicking off with everyone available. The only reason I even got into hots after bouncing off the fucking awful beta was their 20 free hero special packs.
The game failed because the average gamer wants to carry the team by themselves. They want that dopamine high of snowballing so hard that they reach godmode where it's virtually impossible to kill them and they can 1v5 for sick Reddit updoots. You can't really do that in HotS.

It's only the passive attack speed, not the active. If I had to guess, he was clearing camps too fast/efficiently judging from the other nerfs he got.
it failed because kotick wanted to turn it into a competitive moba, even though the most appealing thing about the game is how casual it is. literally the same thing happened with overwatch and starcraft, all had massive and extremely mismanaged leagues and its literally a miracle that competitive starcraft was actually profitable
Blaze was really strong at high levels, so he needed some kind of nerf, was it too much? Idk I'm a silver shitter.
I like the nerfs to off-laning Blaze. The least populated AND least popular role (aside from the oddballs that Supports are) having effectively -1 member because he's never getting picked to serve the role of a team's actual tank sucks.
I've noticed this game has a lot of melee heroes that are anti-melee:
These heroes perform poorly against ranged heroes so I don't think they're very good except as counter picks in draft. Odd that there are so many heroes that fall into such a small niche.
Are there any other melee heroes that are anti-melee?
Malthael is pure dogshit
Maiev is an assassin
Arthas is the only one i consider "touch me and you get slowed to death" hero
I desire to fuck her dragon form
What counters ranged heroes? It seems like they have a lot less counters than melee heroes.
Deathball comps or your own ranged heroes
>Malthael is pure dogshit
...against ranged characters and against CC. Which makes him dogshit against 95% of team comps but the other 5% of the time he's very strong. You need to play him against teams with 3+ melee heroes and low CC.
>Maiev is an assassin
Yes, a melee assassin.
What exactly does deathball mean?
5 guys who dive hard, ranged heroes cant do shit if you kill them
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Its gonna be one of THOSE days
>5 guys who dive hard
That is a dive comp. A deathball would be a team that pushed and fights together, ideally with a team that will out fight the other side.
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Murky is fun
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Avatar is such a useless fucking Heroic.

God it makes me so fucking mad when I watch some dipshit Muradin pop it and waddle around like a useless fucking retard.
It's even better when half the enemy team has %damage
The haymaker is worse
The haymaker is better
Got a 3 day and 1 day boost from two consecutive chests, it's looking like a hots weekend lads
>install game
>have to win 4 games in low prio q
>start playing
>bots everywhere
>uninstall game
>leaver penalty
your first mistake was expecting sympathy
Just go play shitter queue aram, more often than not those guys will actually try to win regardless of picks. It's ironically a more competitive environment than regular aram.
If taunt varian is so good,why does every fuckwad go memeblades/scream man build? dont they want to win?
No, they want to have fun
Same reason Nazeebo has such a high playrate--it's not because he's good (he is though), but rather because the average retard likes hearing the 'ding' from his quest throughout the whole game
Damage dealers are more popular than tanks in most video games.
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I can't find the Naz-Pop Team Epic meme so have this one instead
Many players either don't know what good talent picks are or don't care. Take a look at everyone's talents post-game and you'll see a handful of *at best* questionable choices. (For some reason lately I've been seeing a ton of Butcher players pick every Charge talent and spend the entire game dying.) A lot of players also have 'carry mentality' in that they want to solo the game like some over-fed League of Legends champ. Most people like watching health bars go down too, so tanking can be a bit joyless.
Taunt Varian is probably my favorite of the three, with Smash second and TB third.

Naz is such a nightmare. I had a match where an enemy Naz started trolling and intentionally suiciding down one lane. Just run in, drop Garg, spam his abilities, and die. The thing is - we almost fucking lost. You blink for a second and suddenly the lane and all your structures are fucking gone. He's one of the few heroes that rewards playing like shit or spending the whole game PvE'ing a lane. As long as brain get dopamine ding -- GOOD. As long as fort go bye bye -- GOOD. Teamfight? NO. Help on objective? NO NO NO.
Butcher is kind of the same way where you can feed a retard tons of meat and the rest of the match is you trying to wrangle your pet pitbull at a daycare.
>don't care
Yep that's me. I WILL pick March of the Murlocs + its lvl 20 upgrade every time, because overwhelming the core with infinite Murlocs is the dream.
Twin blades in communication with a tank is the single scariest bruiser in the game. My buddy is a TB main and we start to 2v5 after 13. Lucio or Brightwing with Wind 20 can counter it but it's very good at shredding.
The enemy team could wipe for a full minute and I don't think it'd be enough time to core them.
Level 20 March is kind of a trap.
What a plap-hog
>Enemy naz:completely nukes us with damage out of the ass
>Our Naz:mentally retarded
Same with abathur,i see them every fucking game and it gets on my nerves
>Another solo Q game
>Enemy has abathur+Illidan
>We have no fucking CC
Why there is no surrender option?
>Why there is no surrender option?
Because the game's comeback potential is high enough to let just one or two teamwipes at level 20 get the surviving team enough momentum to turn the tides and win.
That being said, matches do get cancelled if you convince everyone from your team to leave.
>Level 20
Sometimes games end in 10 minutes if the comps are lopsided enough
>they have 5 melee assassin divers
>we have 5 ranged squishies
god I hate the matchmaking in this game so fucking much
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stop playing QM
enjoy having +1 player that instalocks whatever he wants to play atm no matter what in ranked
How is that worse than the same thing happening 4 fold with no ability to try and fix it via drafting?
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roll for 20d8 piercing damage
no, I did not make any mistakes
>we have 5 ranged squishies
but really if you're going to main the most played role in QM you shouldn't be surprised when you get pooled with the rest of them
at least bring a hero that packs some CC or crazy burst
alex1 is 100x hotter than the one that cant put her fork down. also
>no tits
she has Ds on a sub 130 frame, youre the guy that says he doesnt like something because he couldnt have any
the face is the part that really hit hardest tho, they malefaced her
nigga just play with your friends and make a normal comp every game its not that hard
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Why are you running!
Does Dragonstraza's basic not reach from there?
No her range is pretty short in dragon form, it's like the E cone
Based on the positioning though she will be able to chase down and kill him
Imagine the hatesex
Patch is live
why are most of Tyrael talents SO ASS
Tyrael is kind of a shitty tank all-in-all. He has no hard CC pre-10, his 'tanking ability' operates entirely within mitigation and evasion, and he isn't enough of a threat to enemy players to draw attention away from teammates to himself. At later levels he gets a decent point target stun and area denial buuuuuuut... he isn't great. His greatest strengths are being able to AoE shield and occasionally nut Invulnerability to allies. That's basically it. His trait is a weird reverse-Murky, in that dying is kind of great for him due to the burst damage and respawn timer reduction - but also NOT, due to being the allied teams tank.

As a side note, a lot of talents try to empower him as an auto attack carry, which is fucking weird and just plain doesn't work because ** HE'S THE TANK **. You see this often in the case of heroes like Dehaka, Leoric, even Blaze to a certain extent, though it works far better in their hands and with their respective toolkits than it does with Tyrael.
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Diablo Heroes > Nexus Heroes > Overwatch Heroes > Warcraft Heroes > Starcraft Heroes
Overwatch and Hots heroes should be at the bottom, everything else is fine
I just wasted 10k gold on mecha tyrael, fuck
I think Tyreal is best served as an off tank. If you had a strong solo lane assassin (Qhira for example can shine against certain solo laners) or a very deadly bruiser (like varian) you could probably stack a Tyreal into the 4 man in addition to a main tank and do well.
The problem is lack of crowd control, which is quintessential for any tank/bruiser. Even most bruisers can prove themselves a serviceable tank in absence of a real one. Tyrael has barely anything to offer in that department. At best I'd consider him an extremely bad Melee Assassin or Support with weak mitigation. Level 10 and beyond is when he shines but still isn't great. You're committing your team to play catch up and he doesn't scale hard into late game outside of picking Sanctification at 10.

Diablo heroes are mostly solid.
Nexus heroes are pretty trash.
Overwatch heroes are omega trash if you have a team with above room temp IQ.
Warcraft heroes are so numerous and such a spread that I wouldn't even bother trying to equate them.
Starcraft heroes have a number of outliers but some are pretty well balanced.
you should've seen his old talents, hoo boy

I do miss his retarded DIE MOVE talents though
another victim of icy veins builds, go into illusions and learn how to micro
hero is NOT for niggers, despite what the brainless playerbase makes you believe
>hotsbabs call moving 1 unit around micro
>controlling at the micro scale is not micro
>him as an auto attack carry,
No, it's to turn him into a bruiser that's impossible to get off the backline and who can then teleport back to his own team safely. You'll never get anywhere treating him like another tank, you need to be a large enough threat to the enemy team's squishies that they need to focus or run away from you or else you kill them with 250 damage smacks. This falls apart if your own team is vulnerable to getting dived so he functions better as an off tank or with self-sufficient carries.
>just got hatemail from someone claiming to be GM but only with 20 games on the account
good to see that some people don't take the lesson from being banned
Aside from what's listed here: https://nexuscompendium.com/universes/overwatch what are all the cosmetics that reference Overwatch? I mean ones like:
>Tychus's free recolours with Tracer and Widowmaker prints on his armours
>MEKA Queen Kerrigan
>Merciful Lt. Morales
>Biohazard Raider Rexxar with a D.Va print on Misha's armour
>MEKA Ghost Speeder
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HoTS 2.0 and the Blowerwatch heroes were so atrocious that it killed the game
genji is more fair than zeratul
as much as I hate all the overwatch characters I still wonder how they would have pulled off reinhard, mcree or pharah
the more i think about it, they more i see them ripping off of League champions or other HotS heroes
Reinhard(t) is like big hammer Yrel, with a Braum shield, a Blaze charge, a Varian shockwave line thingy, and a Deathwing/Garrosh stun but huge
McCree would undoubtedly have some type of reload gimmick like Graves and a bunch of typical hero shooter/ranged DPS abilities
Pharah i could see them spicing things up with some untargetable 'fly above the battlefield' moves that would potentially make her super cool for handling Murky and Abathur players

there are some Dehaka skins, though i believe only one is a direct reference to D.Va and Overwatch
>pick gambit raynor
>Get camped right off the bat and lose all my bonuses
Depending on the map/teams it can be worth taking even if you're going to die a lot
mirror mirror on the wall, which hero is the niggest of them all and why is it nazeebo
If you take a gambit, I'm going to hunt you. It's objectively correct to take away your bullshit.
I admit i was trying something else,i usually go mercs/hyperion/execute orders to push nonstop like a chimp and avoid team-fights (I am bad at those)
fuck you
>Already received 3 ragewhispers by playing raynor/malthael
funny how they also instantly block me instead of waiting for a response,insecure much
You pick a talent that can be mitigated by the enemy doing what they want to do (killing a hero), it is objectively correct to gank you, whenever available. Particularly Jimmies gambit since it's so absurd upfront, and drops very quickly.
>Kaelthas hit 20 with Q talent for a measly 100 damage increase
that sounds like shit or does it actually scale with level?
>tfw take gambit at level one
>tfw your team is full of passive pussies that can't into teamwork
>tfw you don't know this until they let you die
>tfw you took gambit at level one

i preemptively block anyone who i think will flame me after the match
on the off chance someone is THAT buttmad to go out of their way to shit talk me, they're going to be met with an error message telling them to fuck off and then they'll be EVEN MORE buttmad
its as shit as it sound, the lvl 1 infinite globe quest gives you more mana AND a fucking shield that will save you
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200 total, chud. It doesn't scale, but it's still a considerable boost even at late game.
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Hey Cass is pretty fun
>2 naz on each team in qm
>4 naz in aram
>naz 1st pick in ranked
>unranked lole
starting to get a bit tired of seeing this ackee muncher in every game I play
If that was the case then people would play artanis and muradin more,they get pings every auto attack
Real schizo hours?
What do you mean
>enemy team has two tanks
>we have.... gazlow?
how the fuck is this balanced?
QM matchmaking has limited categorisation of hero capabilities. It does avoid putting more than 1 stealth assassin on the same team, same with more than 1 macro hero (Vikings, Abathur etc.), but there is no such categorisation of how good each Bruiser is at tanking. Only the rule of "either both teams will have a Tank hero (incl. Varian) or neither will".
just picked this back up
BLALAP is one of the sound effects he makes IDK what you're talking about it was a compete non-sequitur
Ah kek I thought you were talking about constantly getting pings from the baseline quest
The other guy isn't quite right--neither team has a tank in that photo, they're all bruisers; but QM does try to match more than just tanks (healers for example are matched).
The issue is that a number of characters are very poorly categorized, such as Chen and Dehaka. Ragnaros and Chen are the same category, so even though the game heavily prefers matching that, it doesn't distinguish between how tanky the bruisers are, and you can easily end up in shit games like that one in QM.
>SSS khara
>grav bomb into multitarget LttS
Dead game
Dead franchises
Dead company walking
Hi, /lolg/!
i'm very surprised this thread is still going and aram games take <10 seconds to load
thought nobody played this since blizz abandoned it
Yes, and that's a good thing
Game is still fun though
>thought nobody played this since blizz abandoned it
Pfft, StarCraft II has tournaments going still and its last content update was much earlier than HotS's. For better or worse, Blizzard games are never simply forgotten.
starcraft 2 is the legendary king of its genre with no competition except brood war.
this is a copy of league and dota with no market share.
>this is a copy of league and dota
Made by Blizzard with Blizzard characters. In case of Overwatch and WoW heroes, HotS is the only good Blizzard game where they are playable.
>thought nobody played this since blizz abandoned it
you got it wrong, thats the exact reason people ARE playing it
dont even want to imagine how modern blizzard would ruin hots
they did enough damage with the overwatch characters already
Not only does SC2 still have tourneys; fucking BW still does.
ASL had a prize pool of ₩78,000,000 KRW (≃ $56,600 USD) this year. Viewership is really hard to calculate because a lot of it is done on player's streams (they give commentary) on Afreeca but the English alone was above 100k I think if you include VOD, so easily 250k+.
Broodwar is twenty six years old.
Blizz games are essentially forever, for better or worse. Warcraft 3, even with the absolutely botched remake, has more than 5k viewers on Twitch right now.
HotS is not going anywhere, even if it never gets touched again.
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Normally I wouldn't care but this match was so fucking bad, such a goddamn fiesta and my teammates were so fucking bad, that I feel obligated to name and shame.
>straight out of the gate our Gul'dan dies to his own retarded mistakes
>ragequits for the rest of the game
>enemy team is kinda retarded and lacks enough peel so we're actually winning
>then it all crumbles
>our 44 death Murky spends 90% of the match dicking around in top lane while calling our team trash
>our Dibbles is a dog without a leash roaming alone and ape'ing out every fight to chase the Garry and get melted by Tychus
>our Valla is seething, tilting, malding, shidding, farding, and every other kind of -ing over the Gul'dan AFKing
>our Gul'dan eventually returns after getting booted to PvE farm and feed in lane for Blizzard karma good boy points or something
The hilarious part is we had them on the ropes so many times but lost to our solo Andy's repeatedly getting caught out.
>censored your own battle tag only
Man up, censor everyone or go screw yourself.
the last thing i need is schizos like (You) sending me terabytes of dolphin porn
>t. schizo
Because of this stupid ass red haired CEO blizz does not have the money for a team of 12 devs to keep making content.
Blizz wouldn't keep producing content for this game even if they had 70% of the world gdp
tyrande is a sheboon and anyone who plays her is an insufferable faggot
tyrande is a chadette and anyone who plays her is an admirable hero
i will fuck the enemy tyrande with my unstoppable CC
I will fuck Tyrande
>enemy Abathur
>allied Tyrande
>gives xim the HAWK TUAH on cooldown until xe dies or cucks ximself out of laning
you love to see it
fuck abathur players
It took me like three tries to parse this shitpost I fucking hate zoomies so much it's unreal
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I fucking hate retard valla players they are so shit its not even funny
>dw game
>have a nova and xul
>the former just roams around larping as agent 007 while the other starts dying minute 1 in
>lanes already pushed
>leave game
New Chen focused on autos feels like Jax in LoL
what did Jax in autocorrect from?
caved in and got back into hots
and fuck me im having fun, not that i only play alex auriel and whitemane
but deathwing looks kinda fun and im tempted to try him at some point
>im having fun
>playing exclusively unfun characters
nta but all four of those are favorites of mine
maybe you're just a poophead
are you a healslut?
No autocorrect, I mean the character Jax from the game League of Legends (LoL).
Both have a targeted jump on Q, both have empowered autos every 3rd attack, both gain some sort of damage mitigation, and they play in a similar fashion due to that similarity
>Alex: boring as hell waddling around dropping a quarter of a lifebar worth of healing with either button, can use dragon mode to give the enemy the chance to kill one team member every 120 seconds
>WM/Auri: Teammates two busy mouth breathing to help you heal them, proceed to get flamed because the team doesn't know how these characters work
Nah none of these are fun.
>Alex: producing regen globes with an ability, dumping all cooldowns then entering Dragon to have them back and pressing R to become an air striker
>Auri: super satisfying whip that can bind the enemy to walls, crazy healing starting from 16 and nice, cheap waveclear
>WM: legs
Yes all of these are fun.
Man medivh is fun but playing him is so frustrating when your teammates refuse to make use of the portals
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>Abathur being a rat and trying to backdoor
>escapes the first time
>but i'm smarter than that
>instead of blowing up his mines i proceed to lay a most devious trap
>for i too know the call of the cheese
>one taste is not enough to sate that darkest of hungers
>and like Icarus who flew too close to the sun
>this Abathur will perish at xheir own hubris
we can't expect god to do all the work
New ptr
>that medivh change
Looks like the intern has finally learned how to code new stuff into the game
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GODius... I kneel.
>PTR with reworks
>New splash screen
>exclusive mounts in store
Rise brothers it's happening
for the love of fucking god can retards stop picking the literal worst talents?
You're sylvanas in a manfight game with unfurling shadows there's an objective correct answer and it's not fucking lost souls
>arthas gets an interrupt
I don't know what situations this is for but fuck it we ball
It's the help ping that gets me
people still play unfurling shadows? might of the banshee queen gives you 25% more dmg on all skills from lvl 1
Can someone remind me again why valeera has a bruiser healthpool and survivability? I forgot
the splash art makes me realize we've never gotten a true shapeshifting druid hero
swapping between Bear, Cat, and maybe Moonkin and Tree would be so cool for a flexible hero in the same vein as Varian

any team with an ounce of awareness can predict/spot her from a mile away
if it was the old days where stealth was actually stealth, then you could possibly argue that
So why doesn't zeratul also has a bruiser healthpool? He's melee too and you see him coming from a mile away
because he has far better initiation/escape options
>the old days where stealth was actually stealth
*on high graphic settings only
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Anyone know someone that could convince them to release this on Steam?
So that people can repeat "dead game lol xd" ad nauseam because it's not within the top 10 at all times? No thank you, it would hurt more than help.
I can't imagine anyone would actually bother to swap clients; they'd just gain a few more but the optics probably aren't worth it because of negative review memes
I would, blizzard client sucks and the only reason have it installed is hots, I'd rather uninstall it and play hots through steam if it was possible
>probius is always the last one to get to obj
What compels someone to play a setplay hero and then refuse to do their setplay?
Curious as to why you think that. I find the Bnet client significantly better than Steam, which is quite dated in terms of functionality.
Steam is a storefront first and foremost, whereas Bnet is a launcher first. They both fill the same roles, but I think Bnet is much cleaner and the friend functionality is significantly better.
Give it time. I expect Microsoft will put all old and new blizz games on steam eventually.
>2 days ago it kept restarting itself every time I closed it for 10 minutes like some sort of malware
>Around 5 months ago it stopped updating anything and I had to reinstall the launcher, but it refused to install for 2 months until I found some corrupt files lying around and deleted them
And that's just the 2 things I remember from this year, this launcher has given me problem after problem since I first installed it, whereas steam just works and rarely breaks for me
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Sombra has a very similar skin in OW
You can play HotS by launching its .exe directly. Battle.net is only needed to download updates.
Nazeebo Syndrome.
Wrong, launching the .exe just runs the launcher unless you already had it running beforehand, and it doesn't even launch the game afterwards you have to give the order again. I know this because I don't have the launcher starting on system boot
Reason #106 why I hate blizzard launcher
Odd, they must have changed that at some point. My bad.
Are you using Heroesswitcher64.exe in the game files folder?
That's a valid reason I suppose, but certainly a user error and not a software one. Functionality-wise I'm almost certain Bnet meets or exceeds Steam in every category.
Is there a /vm/ channel? I'm on /vg/ but it's almost always dead on eu
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Choose one and only one for your next match.
Thighmane is best (although I like playing Mommy too)
Her on demand throughput is crazy, and the debuff build on her W is great too. Just too much survivability to pass up, with no real downside.
Tyrande and Alex are both good at times but require particulars to get their healing off efficiently, and the banshee is just kind of meh. She's not bad but I'd rather have other DPS unless she's a god with MCs.
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Stop being a slave to your lust anon. Don't look at those wenches, look at me.
We have living to freeze.
It's easy to say "no" to temptations of the flesh, when you have no flesh yourself Kel.
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stop looking at the hoes and soak top you mong
Flesh issue
>tfw you body block the KT spike and laugh as he all-ins nothing
holy fuck they ruined alexstraza lol. left is 400x better, especially the face. right is manfaced bad
i like how every art of alex i see uses the original face
Kel needs ice block
>might of the banshee queen gives you 25% more dmg on all skills from lvl 1
Assuming you can hit all 5 shots, something not reliable in the least with zags and nazeebos running around
better to go for dings and outscale it by not being stupid and using festering wounds
Is this game still around? I was just thinking it's been a while since I last played HotS, might be nice to get back into it.
holy christ literal faggots in this thread actually prefer left over right, buncha fucking beta males
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It still gets updates once every several months. Take it as you will.
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>the starter pack codes from 2015 still work
Omega based.
betamales are the ones who prefer thicc
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Was it kino?
good morning saar
hots newbie here
how the fuck do you make the scoreboard hold tab like every multiplayer game in existence instead of toggle? this is throwing me off, i press tab a lot as part of my muscle memory
The default button is F1 (F2 for talents and F3 for death recap), you can rebind it to Tab if you want.
thanks brother
God I loved this game. What does the player count look like these days? I played so much of it until a little bit before that first nexus character got released. The mage girl or whatever she is. Ophelia? Something like that. Is abathur still a meme or is he allowed to be played.
It's still got a dedicated playerbase and will for a while yet
Orphea, I just checked she was released just over six years ago. How time flies!
Abathur is fine but niche, actually rather popular in QM
>Abathur (...), actually rather popular in QM
Understatement of the century. Dumb Slug is in every other match.
No idea what the playercount is but my queues are under a minute.
Why is this game in maintenance mode again?
Wasn't making gazillions for blizzard
>acc still has 4 leaver games
>every time i attempt to get rid of 1 of them i just altf4 because it's filled with russian and chink bots
Region? Admittedly I've only ever played two leaver queue matches, but in EU the lobbies had regular players.
Because the esports didn't overtake LoL
Stupid niggers. The game was selling decently. It didn't have to "beat" LoL. Fucking Kotick.
It's better this way. The culture would've gone the way of modern WoW if it was still developed. We already got Qhira.
>We already got Qhira.
She's fun to play and also cute
The actual reason is the cost of the developers wasn't being recouped by mtx.
She is, but the next one wouldn't have been.
She's fun, but not cute. Mostly >>1523723 though.
Name one (1) better feeling than getting a Legendary hero from a loot chest. You can't.
I have all the heroes, so a legendary skin or mount or something would be nicer
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>Sgt. Hammer on team
>does something retarded
>dies as a consequence of their own retardation
every time

getting a box like this
Or Illidan, Genji, GM, Valla, Ming, or any other assassin that isn't the terminally gangweed nazebo who forgot he's died by the time he respawns and as such continues to die the same way all game long.
>Illidan, Genji, GM
half the time they're secret pros, the other half they're retards who bite off more than they can chew
>Valla, Ming
absolute spastics who fucking faceroll their entire keyboard the second an enemy player is on-screen
>gangweed nazebo
the entry fee for playing naz is to be AT LEAST mildly retarded and spend half the match killing minions/structures
>The mount and skins even have skynergy

I kneel
Do we have any info on who the next character would have been?
>not cute
I don't think so, but someone might have the never ever image floating around somewhere still
A former blizzard employee confirmed on Reddit the next hero was going to be Selendis.
>Arthas nerfs
wtf man
>Fixed an issue that caused Cho and Gall to become separated if Cho enters a Vehicle the moment the Vehicle expires.
This sounds like it would've been kino
I doon't use arthas but is the rework to the 13 talent that bad? I thought it was pretty good giving him access to an interrup, and the 16 talent got a straight buff.
The changes represent a significant nerf to the Frostmourne build (which is really not a great one but I like it).
The silence isn't really important since you just don't give a fuck, but losing the 20% CDR on your main ability is pretty brutal. The silence also requires that you hold Death Coil for it and use it offensively instead of for self-heals off CD. The other change is more of a wash, since the CD starting right away is nice but losing the second strike after 4 seconds can suck. It only applying after hitting a hero is a downgrade, since you're now more punished for grabbing mana off a minion although that's also minor. It's overall a minor nerf IMO, particularly against a CC heavy team where you're more likely to lose the second strike.
The build I normally use is 2322333, but 2222323 is a valid alternative if you need to be a bit stickier for your team.
it just feels awkward and overcomplicated to use
you have to get into melee, smack them with your trait, and THEN use your RANGED ability in MELEE - like, what? ...why??? they should've just make Death Coil silence on-hit
i also can't even think of anything worthwhile to interrupt that isn't already accomplished by just locking them down with damage, roots, slows, or less convoluted interrupts provided by your teammates at range
>i also can't even think of anything worthwhile to interrupt that isn't already accomplished by just locking them down with damage, roots, slows, or less convoluted interrupts provided by your teammates at range
This is literally just an anti-Holy Word talent.
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>mfw ally calls me trash
>mfw they're 0/8
>mfw this has happened several times in a single day
i swear there must have been a jewtuber who covered this game recently because there is a disproportionate number of players named 'HolaChupoPelotas' who want to bash me for being bad but also yeet themselves into the enemy team 1v5 and spam ping everyone
They'd get tons more players if they took the effort to port it to Steam. I don't want to download launchers.
Also, they need to remove the monkey they added.
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Medivh polymorph buff is actually fucking cracked
it really is though and i've been having tons of fun playing him
baseline Poly Bomb kinda sucks and doesn't always work well, but once you hit level 20 holy moly
i've singlehandedly turned teamfights by chaining 2-3 Poly Bomb casts one after the other from all the cooldown reduction using Temporal Flux
What other MOBAs have effects similar to bribe talents here?
>>1537105 (Me)
None, I take it?
I'm unaware of another MOBA that has mercs even
Should I stop playing supportive heros to climb? I keep getting paired with subhumans who won't get shit done no matter how much I heal/shield/buff them and cc the enemy
Play someone like Kharazim, Tyrande or Stukov.
I do, but there's only so much I can do considering I'm the highest focus of the enemy team
there's your mistake
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>10 game lose streak on my smurf account

guys I think I'm getting dumber
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Merry christmas /hotsg/
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I will NEVER look like this
play brightwing and go emerald wind to carry
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i just afk when i see stuff like this
only complete shitters take the game this seriously
that doesnt sound like a serious flame war to me tho
>medivh on my team
>of course he ends up being useless and we lose
>medivh on enemy team next game
really dumb people idk why they pick it, cant be fun
it's not about flame wars, it's about training these dogs to keep their fucking mouths shut and stupid opinions to themselves
lesson learned or not, the resulting rage is funny

he's good but requires skill, which is asking a lot for many players
Peoples biggest complaint about Arthas is that he doesn't have any form of interrupt. Now he has one
>have to hold trait
>have to enter melee range
>have to swing
>have to hold Death Coil
>have to cast Death Coil
you can barely consider that an interrupt with all those steps
and considering another hero on your team or a different pick can offer you that hard CC without requiring talents or a fucking checklist to accomplish
You're not wrong, but doesn't change what I said. I've already cucked a Zeratul or two using it. Maybe be better?
if you cucked a Zeratul, he misplayed big time
wearing that as a badge of honor is as good as pinning a turd to your jacket
Oooh big man over here. Post Arthas winrate faggor
How have you kept one thread alive for half a year
The same way we've kept the game alive 4 years after its murder. Autism and copium
HotS is one of my favorite games and i check the thread here at least once a day
as long as there's a single server and another anon to shitpost, neither will die
very VERY carefully
Please use some of either to get more porn made with its models then
What a fucking retarded thing to say. Never reply to me again redditor.
What a fucking retarded thing to say. Never reply to me again redditor.
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Happy New Year /hotsg/, I hope 2025 holds great things for you all
>brand new year
>first match is losing two forts so the team can sit and second obj on foundry
>trying to stop both loses at the same time
>get told I'm not a team player for not being at the obj
>team still loses obj despite being 4v3
Fuck sometimes I want them to just shut the servers down to save my from myself for still playing this shit
Have you tried taking the ARAM or vs. AI pill?
>Aram and AI
>QM and Ranked
They're same picture
for the first time in months i played ARAM
literally the second game in i got flamed by two spergs unsatisfied with my performance

you have to accept that some people are retarded and it isn't worth your time and energy trying to reason with them
This place is depressing

The thread has been up for longer than 5 months, and its just been nonstop bitching about the games current state. Zero attempts at forming groups, no creative posts, no guides, no videos, no creative outlets

Its just bitching about a dead game that we cannot let go of.
>dead game
Enough with the zoomer speech. It gets minor updates, has an okay playerbase and matches can be found quickly. It's not "dead" at all.
Who is a bigger cunt, the guy who complains, or the guy who comes in to complain about the complainers? If you want higher quality posts then fucking make one, otherwise fuck off and kill yourself.
it's less complaining and more "i want to share my experience at the zoo with you guys"
I've come to the conclusion that people who think Ragnaros is bad or obsolete are just too stupid to play him right.
>people who think Ragnaros is bad or obsolete
So absolutely nobody?
It appears you never get into meta discussions with anyone really.
>It appears you [FANFIC]
Well don't you seem like a massive faggot lol. Something tells me you're the cunt whining about how this place is just depressing too
>Well don't you seem like a [HEADCANON] lol. Something tells me you're [MORE HEADCANON]
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Henllo! I like Dragons
Will I like thiss game?
IS itt hard???
>Dragons Will
You can play as
>evil dragon
>silly dragon
>healslut that transforms into dragon sometimes
note: silly dragon is also evil
Chromie's a dragon too!
She is always in gnome form in this game so I don't count her
Boys, we are quite literally back.
Oh damn that's actually very exciting
>NEW: Brawl Mode added! Brawls will rotate on the 1st and 15th of every month.
Is this gonna be like stiches pool party and stuff?

super early man this thread can live at bump limit for a week or more

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