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here there be dragons
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This is a Thighmane thread
why did they make her so fucking chunky
she doesnt even look "thicc" she just looks rotund
She's built to bind life.
Those are life binding thighs.
>almost 10 years
>STILL no button that moves and interacts at once, but WITHOUT attacking
How many more times do I have to die by targeting a random minion in the back when trying to retreat before they implement that?
there is a straggering amount of cabrons in this game
who have no idea how to play
but are extremely critical of how everyone else plays
even if everyone else is playing perfectly fine

you wouldnt get it
I will play deathwing and bully the fuck out of any alex i see! (Read:none)
this but unironically
>Alex places her W
>allies begin to gather
>lay down fire breath as Deathwing
>they will either A. run the fuck away and waste her heal
>B. sit in it and cook themselves for more than it heals
>or if you specifically built for Molten Flame, C. ALL WILL BURN BENEATH THE SHADOW OF MY WINGS
Alex w build is such garbage since it's just feeding your team to half the roster.
Alex should be built for breeding not fighting.
She's OP once her progeny is grown, you just have to invest plaps early.
there's a binding to stop all action. you just have to press that then be careful where you're right clicking to retreat. best you're gonna get

t. was forced to put this binding on S so I'd stop getting shredded by genji deflect when playing tracer
Thats literally her best build
and it sucks
yeah it's kind of mandatory to have on Tracer and D.Va
Man I love playing Garrosh but half the time my teams are genuinely too retarded to follow-up on any throws I make.
>"What's this? The enemy Morales got thrown into the middle of my team? Hmm... I had better blow all my abilities on minions so I can get those Voodoo stacks!"
Also every time I use the ally throw to save someone from a dumbass mistake they made, I feel like I'm actively subverting natural selection and encouraging retards to be more retarded since I'm now viewed as their retard safety helmet and effectively telling them that bashing their head against the wall is okay.
>bashing their head against the wall is okay.
Yes...? It's to be expected that people will play more risky when they have an additional escape option.
Just ping the ally throw's cooldown state every now and then, if you want people to have more awareness.
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Walking into the enemy team is not 'risky'; it's incomprehensibly retarded.
If anything I should be throwing these players deeper into the enemy team since they want to play all suicidal.
well its because you played with a lvl 500 nazeebo nigger
god I hate them so fucking much, every fucking match there is one and its always on my fucking team
dont know why but this character attracts the biggest retards on this planet
>see hammer on my team in qm queue
>restart game and requeue
I don't mind hammer in small doses but holy shit when it's some 8k game autist you know you're in for a bad time. Win or lose you just aren't having fun.
Hammer is a lot like Samuro, you either have an answer and she's irrelevant or you don't and the game is unwinnable if they are above 30 iq.
>sits in lane stacking
>over 9001 gajillion siege damage
>zero hero damage
>only picks Gargantuan
>has never been to a single objective in their entire life
Fucking 99% of Nazeebo players. The sad thing is this sometimes fucking works. Had a game literally yesterday where my team was being retarded so I just started int'ing forts. I cleared every goddamn lane down to the core and won it with the final coin turn-in. Some heroes just reward morons and create a feedback loop where they can justify their retardation.
Case in point >>1370928
If at any point you're worried your team is too shit to win, go to a lane and push it until an enemy shows up, then run away and do it in a different lane. It's not the sexy dopamine releasing rush of team fighting but you'll win like 80% of the time.
Basically. If you end up building for Corpse Spiders (which I almost always do) you can usually duel or sometimes even 1v2 any gankers trying to take you out, potentially securing a bonus kill in the process.
Spiders is his only good build since they shoahed the specialist role and got rid of building ammo. rip classic tftd.
anyone who plays valla should have their head bashed against the curb until they stop moving
>being so bad valla is your boogeyman
Bro just hit her with a hammer.
queen of half-baked builds, limp combos, kerrigan-tier t-rex arm range, and mana guzzling
>play aram
>play meme builds
>its actually fun
Pro tip every time you reach around lvl 50-80 and your team mates get to drop down in quality just make a new acc. And abuse the shit mm system. (only work if your not a shitter) otherwise there is no point doing it.
the Hungering Arrow turboautist Valla's are the worst
i can respect Valla's who take the gambit and go for autoattacks but the arrow retards who sperg out rolling and pissing all over the floor like we're in a million dollar tourney are irritating

you're kind of right on these points but she has those limitations because she'd be fucking busted otherwise
Whitemane is one of my favorite healers and heroes overall - and that's because she absolutely slaps
No healer will ever be as awesome as Week 1 Whitemane; stealing boss 1v5 as healer was a magical experience.
I started playing Samuro and I don't understand him. The only thing he seems to be good at is not dying.
His damage seems very low for a melee assassin.
He's supposed to be good at taking camps but I can't solo bruiser camps until midgame.
I like Illidan. Samuro seems to have lower damage and worse camp clear than Illidan.
I'm using the popular talent build with all the wind walk skills.
Please explain Samuro.
Go clones next time.
>when enemy comes to you, run
>when they go away, splitpush again
>repeat until victory
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is orphea still viable these days? i wanted to cosplay her so bad when she came out..
I think she's great, but I'm no expert at high skill level. Generally I do very well with her in QM, she can deal lots of damage whilst still having good survivability despite being low-range.
On a personal note, two of the biggest issues I commonly see and I feel compelled to address it:
>people trying to solo Bruiser Camp
Unless you have big dick AoE damage or 1-2 teammates helping you out, this ends up being a huge waste of your time and presence on the field. It just takes way too fucking long and you could be doing better things to help your team.
>instantly rushing every camp on the map at the start of the match or in the early game
Camps should be used in concert with objective timings. You want that camp to hit the enemy minion wave the very moment objective is up for contesting. Too early, someone clears before objective and it goes wasted. Too late, your ass will be alone across the map while the rest of your team who was on time to objective wipes 4v5.

Now I don't play Samuro and I'm fucking terrible at him. But every great Samuro player I've encountered does some combination of these three things.
Someone has low health? Gank them. Someone solo pushing and overextended? Gank them. Hero with no mobility/escape options? Gank them. One of his biggest advantages is being able to trade efficiently through illusion mindgames, dodging, and the regen off Wind Walk. Even if you don't get a kill, the damage you deal will force them to sippy or Hearthstone.
If you're in a teamfight, your job is channel your inner pitbull and find the squishiest, most delicious, unattended toddlers on the enemy team and fucking gobble them. Literally just find anyone who's out of position and bite their ass. If things go tits up, you pop an escape tool and reset.
>Waveclear (via Bladestorm)
Press R, clear wave, simple as. Pretty good hero for ratting lanes if your team can slow roll on their own. Virtually uncatchable against certain comps.
*Not saying you have to take Bladestorm.
he is one of the best characters to split push and soak
enemy team will have to do something against you and you can outlast almost anyone with him
dont bother team fighting just soak and push and its usually enough to break up the qm tards and completely split up their team so easy pickings for your own guys
She's okay. Can 1v5 in the right circumstances but she's going to get ate up by the top tier assassins.
>decide to queue up for a few rounds
>don't want to sweat but still want to play Whitemane
>say fuck it and ready up fully expecting a team of grognards
>they're actually a bunch of gigachads
>we're reliably taking fights when outnumbered and coming out with zero casualties
>aren't afraid to go deep and pressure hard
>it's like we're on autopilot and just going through the motions
>one of the most relaxed, peaceful, but also absolute stomping of a game
>play next match
>more gigachads
>feel my brain tapping into the noosphere and melding all our subconscious into one
>the level of awareness and mindfulness has been nothing short of paranormal
>can physically feel where enemies are or when an ally is in danger and respond before anyone knows what's happening
>another complete beatdown of a game
>go for a third match
>ascending to literal nirvana
>i look to the stars as my divine soul leaves this corporeal body
>my hands and fingers move but they are not mine
>they are Ours
>we are a single mind, a single body
>and this unholy buttpounding we are dishing out together is our gift to the world
>could probably count the number of teamwide deaths across all three games on one hand
i will never experience something like this ever again and im going to get nothing but shitters on my team for the next month to offset the karma the universe charged me today
Should have sent friend requests out. Even just 1 or 2 guys you can count on in a match makes a huge difference.
I figured Samuro out after watching a youtube video on him and playing a couple more games with him.
Nailed it. That's pretty much what I learned. One of the big things for me was realizing that bladestorm is primarily for PvE.
I've started getting a lot of QM MVPs on Samuro now. I just clear every lane, take every camp, and try to get picks in teamfights. Samuro isn't good at fighting directly but he can easily run down out of position targets, escape for free with stealth, and sometimes re-engage as stealth is ending (especially with storm talent for shorter stealth CD).
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it was good while it lasted
>>1351927 here, I've decided to upload the mod to https://archive.org/details/escape-from-braxis as well. Never let things rot away on Discord.
do you think tychus would post on 4chan
the best way to play samuro is to stuff your hairy legs into the coder socks and tell yourself you don't look hideous when you look in the mirror then dose yourself once with 9mm to the temple
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I think shes actually one of the best QM heroes overall, since she can fill almost any gap in your team pretty well
>great waveclear, can easily double-soak(also becomes passable camp-clear later on)
>good sustained hero damage(if you can land slaps, later becomes more reliable with CDR talents for W/E at 7)
>some very good burst damage(all AoE, so theres nothing stopping it from killing all 5 enemies if they all screw up at once)
>good in-combat mobility
>isnt reliant on a healer to stay in the fight
She can hit most heroes with decent reliability without needing others to CC first, but can be really punishing if you do miss a Q at a crucial moment
Watch out for small, mobile heroes, mainly tracer, genji, valla, illi, and the like, they can be really hard to hit, and can fuck you up bad if you dont have a team to help you with them
>can be really punishing if you do miss a Q at a crucial moment
Learning to sidestep her Q is a game changer. Every Orphea player goes around like they have a big dick - until they whiff their Q. There's a special kind of evil joy in watching their ego instantly deflate and you start conking them over the head with no way to escape.
I don't feel bad. Fuck Orphea players.
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>hammer player spends the entire game bitching about some shit and calling our team trash
for the record, the scoreboard is inaccurate, she didnt get 0 takedowns
she got 0.5 because she ejected D.Va from her mech once at 13 minutes
he goes to all of the RTS and GSG threads and mass replies "sure thing armchair general" as soon as his bans wear off
Who won though?
my team
I love playing Chen
Big Murky is fun but holy shit is he mediocre.
I thought they shut down this game?
Fat Illidan is great vs a team of squishies and vs people who don't know how to play vs him
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>There's a special kind of evil joy in watching their ego instantly deflate and you start conking them over the head with no way to escape.
and then it's the fat ugly bastard's time to shine
Flying Kick > Barrel is one of the most annoying combos that can be used on you.

>Big Murky
Dibbles with the Lurkablo skin? Big Tuna Kahuna Murky? Or do you actually mean Chen?
Chen, what he brings is essentially the same thing as Murky. The more time you spend trying to deal with them the further you're going to get behind. Instakill him or ignore him, anything else is a losing move.

patch is live mephisto is shoahed
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>Jim Laner gaped
>Mephisto raped in ARAM (all I play)
>Qhira buffs
>Genji and Brightwing nerfs
>Zarya fucking buffed (???)
Decent all around; didn't read through the fixes though, so not sure if anything in there was significant.
Just glad to see someone is doing something to the game still.
>finally start playing samuro and enjoy him
>win most games because soaking is OP in QM
>they nerf him
fuck me
Greymane caught a nerf, worgen damage is no longer multiplicative.
>having an otherwise normal match
>get an early kill against a thirsty enemy Orphea
>tone completely shifts
>suddenly the dude decides he REALLY does not fucking like me
>actively going out of his way to hunt me down and harass me however he can
>no fucking clue what his beef with me is but i deal
>my team ends up winning after an absolute slog of a match
>get this love letter at the lobby scoreboard screen
well alright then
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>start playing the most broken hero in the game
>win because he's fucking broken
>they nerf him
Being afraid to actually just say faggot is the icing on the cake
orphea players always are full of hot gas
Which hero would you say has the most 1v5 potential?
probably valla since she can just poke everyone to death at 20
li ming or genji could also work because of the resets and deflect
dmg leoric could outlive 5 people blasting him at 20 while slowly killing everyone
but you should never be in a 1v5 and those examples only work against absolute bots
if I want to carry games I take valla because she is just very strong in fights
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I'm getting close to the point where I just play like shit if my team is bad.
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I know, it's amazing.
There is no reality Alex crushes Lili 1v1, let alone 2v1. Alex is one of the least dangerous characters in game.
Level 20 with flame buffet build she's actually pretty hard to put down; constantly dragon and heals 10% every like 2 seconds while you're slow as shit. It'll take her forever to kill anything, but I don't think Lili has the DPS to kill her.
blinds prevent her from healing herself; dragon ult and mistweaver give lili more self sustain and damage, alex push won't keep lili out of range since fast feet. Lili is one of the better duelists in the game and you're really only beating her as Tyrande, Khara, and maybe stukov.
That reminds me, Darnassian Archery is one of the most fun talents in the game
>blinds prevent her from healing herself
uh, no? You literally don't know how the character works
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>trait doesn't even heal herself
lmao no way she can beat any healer 1v1
tfw no ana mommy to inject nanos straight into my mings ass
aba = peak tranny character
The only aba player I knew was a sexually abused woman (female)
I had literally never seen such a battered specimen before though, I couldn't give a single real opinion she had if my life depended on it
never played Tyrande and holy smoke is she fun
should've battered her some more
As long as your team isn't retards she's incredible. However this is a moba.
You faggots just lap it up
Abby is fun to play but annoying as fuck to play against. There's a special joy in tunneling behind enemy lines to send out a swarm of locusts that run down the lane and destroy the enemy forts.
So many ARAM only accounts that I'm assuming are just burner accounts talking complete shit. A new account shouldn't be allowed to just do ARAM until they've played a bunch of regular matches
Just call them gay.
What's an ARAM only account?
I only play ARAM but used to play ranked and casual a lot, would you count me?
>unironically playing gayram
>unironically taking it this seriously
Nice idea
An account at a low level e.g. sub-50, all the games are ARAM, yet they clearly play the game with a bit more knowledge than a genuine new player at that level
Sometimes I really can't decide what sort of character I want to play, so ARAM either helps me decide by the choices I'm given, or just passes the time whilst I figure it out
ARAM is, for better or worse, the fastest way to farm levels and gold. The problem would solve itself if rewards from ARAM were reduced by even 25%.
Samuro bros, what do we make of the nerfs?
I've been running this build post-nerf:
I think Deflection is a much better level 4 talent than One With The Wind after the nerf. You get more armor and you get it while attacking instead of while using your escape.
Otherwise, the wind build plays the same as before but with less healing.
Medivh before portal cd nerf, spam in and out of portal, soak damage with w --> blow up their team, q spam, then you get polyd and cry. Everyone expects the Kerri 1v5 but there isn't enough skilled medivhs who consistently land their q and know when to shield for many to be able to deal
>Nova with 2,351 siege damage in a 31 minute game
I hate these people
pics or it didnt happen
>but I'm a Nova, it's not my job to do siege damage
>also shit damage and kills
D.Va's W (Defense Matrix) seems like a terrible ability.
>reduce enemy damage by 50%
>reduce your own damage by 100% because you can't attack while channeling
Sure, you can use it in a teamfight to cuck an ult, combo, or all-in, but it's useless in any other situation. It seems ridiculous for an offlaner to have an ability that's useless outside of teamfights.
I think D.Va should be able to auto while channeling her W. If that makes her too strong, nerf her in a different area.
Yea I almost never use her w
>reduce enemy damage by 50%
>terrible ability
lol okay timmy
>reduce your own pretty shit mech damage
>insta cast teamwide 50% damage reduction as a basic ability
if you think it's bad you're not using it right.
Wood-tier post
>pretty much all you can cover is the tank
>if you expand the range of it you get the tank and rehgar
Meanwhile you still get chewed to shit by all the relevant dps types.
It can be used to peel against ganks and even during offlane duels you can pop it against a strong cooldown, then cancel it immediately after.
>aiming the damage reduction ability
>at the non-DPS heroes
yes, i understand why D.Va is bad now
Would do both.
But yes, thicker IS better. Period.
>aim it at dps
>they just shoot you from outside of it
Almonds... activating...
i guess it's over then
you just gotta alt+f4 and take the L
he won and theres nothing you can do about it
Matrix is objectively only ability that justifies playing as dva. If you not building her through matrix you might as well uninstall because it's over for you.
blizzard has reached menopause as a company and now it's seeping into their games
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>Quick match
>Enemy team gets 5 teamfight heros
>My team gets 3+ PvE heroes
>Lose the unwinable match horribly
This happens so often.
>my team has awful comp
>enemy team has great comp
>we win because they're awful

>my team is full of little bitches
>they piss and cry because we've been losing for 15+ minutes due to each of their indivual retardation
>another 15 minutes goes by
>we win through the enemy teams errors and indomitable human spirit
sometimes its okay
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Stop bullying alex players
Yes, for the Wind/Bladstorm build, that's solid. Either Mirage or Deflection, with Deflection being the priority. I prefer doing a damage lvl 1 and going Blademaster's Pursuit at 20 these days, though.
There are a couple of staple heroes that I most often see in matches: Aba, Samuro, Artanis and Naz immediately come to mind but there are plenty of others.
But who are the heroes you least frequently see? I think I rarely see a Kerrigan or Greymane
>Aba, Samuro, Artanis and Naz immediately come to mind but there are plenty of others.
add Azmo to that list
Most played:
>Anduin, Abby, BW, Valla, Naz, Tracer, Zerry, Genji, Samuro/Raynor pre-patch...? Fenix and Hanzo on occasion?
Least played:
>Rexxar, Zarya, ...Garry maybe??
usually a lot of pub stompy Assassins, hard carries, and solo pick heroes with big kill potential
a lot of what QM is comes down to deleting the enemy team as quickly and efficiently as possible, or catching people out of position since a lot of players are mega retarded and will take risky paths to other lanes/objectives
I never see a dehaka unless I play him myself
For QM it's shifted over the years the general QM shitter cast has been KT, ming, nova, murky, naz ,azmo, butcher, aba, Sonya, gaz , etc, Jo, tyrande & uther I think. Anything cheap, low skilled and that could bronze push would be played.

Least played would be probious, greymane, meph, lunara cass, rexxar, Chen kinda weird spot was played when Q was buffed, malth, yrel, tyreal, mal g, blaze, garry, cho to a lesser extent, arfus, kerri, Ana, ariuel, thighmane, tlv and medivh also felt like a weird spot
It's so weird to read that but it really is true these days. There was a time when he was in literally every game and the best ranged hero by far.
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He's still incredible is the funny thing. Good wave clear, great camper, great in fights, above average engage and decent escape. His only weakness is reacting to an engage and I guess blinds.
his kit isnt that great for teamfighting
more often than not you'll get yourself killed by hard engaging with Worgen Form, which leaves you in Human Form to poke and chip away at enemy heroes before finally diving in when the fight is already won
so then you have to ask yourself why you're bringing this "if you're winning, win more" hero when you could bring a consistently better ranged carry
If I was to take a guess why it's because greymane cannot be easily scrubbed. He is a hero that requires good positioning and timing when to go worgen, also he doesn't come with much defensive tools, only gains armour when going into worgen + stealth and block at 4 as he has no way to heal other than regen or healing fountain. His kit is actually fair that rewards good play eg proper cocktail throws for aoe, or movement + attack speed for upkeep inner beast. He is one of the only few characters that has no form of crowd control.
Unfortunately he works best when being supported by a healer + tank which you just won't find in pub QM. Even though the playerbase is still bad skillgap wise they still will punish you if you just run into the middle of them in worgen. Where as when the game was more popular you could pull of all kinds of stupid shit and not be punished.
I forgot to mention why he also may not as popular as he hasn't received much attention over the years only some slight tweaks where as some of the other range AA assassins had reworks raynor + valla or had buffs that significantly made them easier to play ZJ with recklessness doubling stacks. Which also brings of the topic of power creep, graymane isn't underpowered but valla is just a monster. Another thing that hurts greymane is that his mobility is conditional meanwhile valla has a vault any direction or raynors inspire ability gain movespeed.
What pro games I've watched in the last few years don't seem to have any problems applying GM to devastating effect. Obviously any assassin who catches 2/3 CC in a row is going to die, but GM jumping on a mage after ten is usually a kill.
im not knocking his kill potential; his ability to deal damage and burst targets is actually yuge
im saying if you want to fully capitalize on all of his damage, you have to fully accept that you're probably going to die every fight and every engagement is likely going to be a suicide run
this is not a great mentality to have as a hard carry - because **you are the carry**, you need to live to kill targets otherwise youre useless as a carry
Yeah, this sounds reasonable. Thinking back to that period when he was uber strong, there were a couple of big factors in his favour that don't really exist now. His strongest build was his cocktail build, which gave him really good and pretty easy to apply poke in a time where healing was a bit more restricted (both cooldown and manawise).
Also, there weren't that many other great ranged carries. Raynor was a ranged creep, stuff like Cassia/Hanzo/Fenix didn't exist yet. Valla was solid but very fragile. Falstad was also fragile and lacked the sustained dps to solo carry. The other ranged carries being fragile further plays into Greymane's favour.

All that said I feel like he's still really good. He's just not de facto king anymore, and I guess there are easier ranged choices to cheese people with.
>in the last few years
He got a massive damage nerf* recently though; like a month ago maybe?
*Listed as a bugfix, some of his damage was unintentionally being multiplied.
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The other night I had the closest aram game I've ever had before. Had to watch the replay to see exactly how it all played out because there was so much going on in the last 20 seconds.

>Our team slowly gets wiped trying to end at enemy core
>We get it to 1%
>Remaining two enemy team members try to rush our core which is at 4%
>It's Diablo and Hogger and they're coming down the side lanes as our teams Alarak heads straight to their core
>Me as Alexstraza scout bottom side-lane and find Diablo, and E the shit out of him to keep him from getting to our core
>Our whitemane takes the top side-lane but can't keep Hogger from getting past
>Hogger makes it to our core and facerolls qwer then starts auto attacking it
>Our Alarak is closing on their core
>Hogger has our cores tied at 1% to 1% and his last two auto attacks should give them the win
>she closes in and W's Hogger just before his game ending auto attack
>she talented the 50% less damage talent at level 13
>It's just enough damage reduction to keep our core alive(I checked the core HP and Hoggers attack damage)
>Alarak gets his E off before Hoggers next auto attack
>We win
Oh yea I recall something about that. Rip greymoney.
post pics or it didn't happen
that sounds like a great way to get your heartrate to 200

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