>>1566976Shit I might play again
>>1566976Smoke em if you got em, 3.0 Soon.
>want to install a HotS theme for my homebrewed 3DS>nobody has made even one such theme>am too much of a talentless, tasteless hack to create a good theme myself
>>1566976qrd on brawl, whats different from aram?
>>1567853It's a series of events with actual themes or gimmicks. There was quite a few and they rotated pretty often, with ARAM just being one of them until it became its own mode. issue is that brawl coming back could actually be a bad sign. One of the reasons it was shitcanned was that it was too hard to constantly update and balance the brawls for the ever changing hero pool and metas and shit, but with the game being dead it seems that's less of a concern. But that also means it seems even less likely there'll be any major changes in the future.
>2025>STILL no Master Chief hero
>>1568333That's a Master Chief villain
I wish to have primal sex with Alexstrasza for the purpose of procreation
>>1571293Anal sex with a condom on, after sneaking birth control into the lovely 3 course meal I made her earlier, and I pull out before cumming.
i'm gassed up on weapons-grade hopium and copium that we might just actually be. FUCKING. BACK.
You are now aware that HotS is one of the only Blizzard games not to have its Chinese servers restored.
>dude tells me to kill myself because two healers in aram (second one was guy AFK at select)>wait was this my ally we won why is he crying>it was the enemy team Alarak>try to tell him about this>The player is ignoring you>whatever, queue up for another round of aram>he's on MY team now>he sees my name and just instantly alt F4's>enemy team has double mephisto and double chromie>i do worse than the bot, worst game of my life
>>1583701Two healers in ARAM is legit depending on the comp. Also some bots are cracked. Stiches in particular is better as a bot than a human unless you're like masters. It cheats through the fog of war and just rapes with hooks.
>>1583716two heal requires a good assassin, two days ago I had to pull a godly orphea performance out of my ass to win because we just had to have lucio and auriel.
>>1583701>ARAM>guy on team immediately tries to tell me what hero to pick>ignore him and pretend i'm AFK>timer runs out and i get autopicked>[audible groans] as everyone collectively bitches how i'm "trolling"> the heckin hypercompetitive ZASEDmilk partymode>chatbox lights up like Christmas (happy holidays)>one guy shitting his pants in full sperg mode>another guy behaving like a pompous Gold hard-stuck who thinks he's Jesus >third guy outright says he doesn't want to play and threatens to quit out>know exactly how this will go, so i keep my mouth shut >match begins>we roll into lane>as expected, they all fucking suck and int the enemy team>it's a goddamn bloodbath left right and center>people are dropping like flies, NOT because we're losing or anything, but because they're APES>literally 30+ minutes of non-stop bitching, dragging my nuts over fields of broken glass, and dodging all the turds these fucking GORILLAS are tossing everywhere>we steadily push into the enemy base one structure at a time and eventually blow their core>that's right - we WON>WE FUCKING WON...>...and these niggers are STILL bitching>we got the fucking W they so desperately wanted and they're still on the floor, rolling, pissing, shidding, and farding in despair>one guy lets slip that i'm a godgamer and immediately walks it back>(being nice and/or actually good at the game is cringe ig??)>the other two are malding about picks or something, idk and idc, you've lost my respect as a human being>say nothing>exit scorecard
>>1584199and then everyone started clapping just like in my favorite show evangelion and I lost my virginity too